Clone ID Accession LC Assigned Name 11.11.1999
682632   Unknown
682634 AA207085 UnknownUG Hs.145088ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
682638   btk=Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase
682640 AA207088 TNF alpha=tumor necrosis factor alpha
682641 AA206839 UnknownUG Hs.204323ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS D WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
682642 AA207089 FA-A=DNA crosslinking repair protein=Mutated in Fanconi's anemia A
682643 AA206840 UnknownUG Hs.8653Human PDGF associated protein mRNA, complete cds
682647 AA204664 Similar to human homologue of SMC1=mitosis-specific chromosome segregation protein
682652 AA204640 UnknownUG Hs.193830ESTs, Highly similar to KIAA0554 protein [H.sapiens]
682661 AA204681 BCL-7B
682667 AA207018 UnknownUG Hs.226946ESTs
682672 AA207014 Unknown
682677 AA207065 UnknownUG Hs.190002ESTs
682678 AA204678 Cyclin D1=BCL1=PRAD1=Translocated in mantle cell leukemia
682686 AA207068 Unknown
682688   Unknown
682696 AA207072 Unknown
682706 AA204652 Unknown
682708 AA204654 UnknownUG Hs.165249ESTs
682709   Unknown
682710 AA207074 Unknown
682711 AA207163 UnknownUG Hs.9877ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
682715 AA207167 adenosine deaminase
682719 AA207169 KIAA0217
682721 AA207170 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
682732 AA210684 UnknownUG Hs.86399ESTs
682735   Unknown
682737 AA210695 Similar to polyprotein-encoding gene 1 [Porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus] and RNA-directed RNA polymerases [coronavirus]
682739 AA210817 Relaxin H1=peptide hormone that remodels the mammalian reproductive tract
682743 AA210697 Unknown
682747 AA210698 Similar to KIAA0217
682749 AA210699 UnknownUG Hs.46542ESTs
682751 AA210700 UnknownUG Hs.86405Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564P056 (from clone DKFZp564P056)
682752 AA210701 UnknownUG Hs.190007ESTs
682757 AA210869 UnknownUG Hs.97128ESTs
682759 AA210712 KIAA0084
682760 AA210703 UnknownUG Hs.105061Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1111 protein, partial cds
682762 AA210704 UnknownUG Hs.190465ESTs
682763 AA210872 UnknownUG Hs.50133ESTs
682768 AA210707 UnknownUG Hs.193417ESTs
682770 AA210708 STAT2=IFN alpha/beta-responsive transcription factor ISGF3 alpha subunit (p113)
682773 AA210716 CD10=CALLA=Neprilysin=enkepalinase
682774 AA210710 UnknownUG Hs.182051ESTs
682777 AA210728 CENP-E=putative kinetochore motor that accumulates just before mitosis
682778 AA210718 UnknownUG Hs.104157ESTs, Weakly similar to KIAA0694 protein [H.sapiens]
682782 AA210719 Similar to novel transcript; similar to transcription factors activation domains; linked at 5' end to AT hook motif of HMGI-C
682788 AA210722 UnknownUG Hs.104158ESTs
682794 AA210725 Unknown
682797 AA210736 RB = retinoblastoma susceptibility gene
682807   Unknown
682815 AA214615 UnknownUG Hs.194348ESTs
682816   Unknown
682828 AA214386 UnknownUG Hs.222280ESTs
682832 AA211793 UnknownUG Hs.127838ESTs
682834 AA214388 Unknown
682850 AA214524 histone H2A.X
682852 AA211803 UnknownUG Hs.178662Human Chromosome 16 BAC clone CIT987SK-A-589H1
682854 AA214525 UnknownUG Hs.137319ESTs
682857 AA214581 MyD88=myeloid differentiation primary response protein=death domain-containing protein
682858 AA214527 lamin B1
682864 AA214576 UnknownUG Hs.86624ESTs
682866 AA214577 UnknownUG Hs.104182ESTs
682867 AA214583 MLL=HRX=ALL-1
682868 AA214578 Unknown
682870   Unknown
682873   Unknown
682875   Unknown
682878 AA214595 UnknownUG Hs.173671ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
682880 AA214596 Pig8=p53 inducible gene=etoposide-induced mRNA=Similar to E124 = p53 responsive (Mus musculus)
682884   Unknown
682887   Unknown
682891   Unknown
682892 AA211818 UnknownUG Hs.35086ubiquitin-specific protease 1
682893   Unknown
682895 AA211765 UnknownUG Hs.87684Human gene from PAC 434O14, chromosome 1
682899 AA214631 Unknown
682900 AA214622 UnknownUG Hs.111219ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
682909   BRCA2 region EST-3
682912 AA214626 C6.1A protein=translocated in pro-lymphocytic T cell leukemia
682913 AA214634 Unknown
682916 AA214628 Unknown
682919   Unknown
682922 AA210748 UnknownUG Hs.118047ESTs
682930 AA211711 UnknownUG Hs.120999ESTs
682935 AA211835 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
682939 AA211837 E2A=E12/E47 HLH transcription factors
682941 AA211882 YY1=GLI-Krupple related zinc finger transcription factor
682944 AA210760 DNA primase (subunit p48)
682948 AA211885 UnknownUG Hs.222903ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
682953 AA211903 UnknownUG Hs.47986Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586H051 (from clone DKFZp586H051)
682960 AA211890 UnknownUG Hs.220694ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical L1 protein [H.sapiens]
682964 AA211899 UnknownUG Hs.86429ESTs
682967 AA211848 STAT6
682974 AA211850 Unknown
682977 AA211895 UnknownUG Hs.118831EST
682978 AA211852 Unknown
682980 AA211853 Unknown
682983   Unknown
682985 AA211897 NK-tumor recognition protein=cyclophilin-related protein
682989 AA211898 ADE2H1 encoding SAICAR synthetase and AIR carboxylase of the purine pathway (EC, EC
682992 AA210888 UnknownUG Hs.190008ESTs
682995 AA210906 Unknown
682996   Unknown
682997 AA210907 hPMS1=DNA mismatch repair protein=mutL homologue
683003 AA210912 EST-2 from DMA, DMB, HLA-Z1, IPP2, LMP2, TAP1, LMP7, TAP2, DOB, DQB2 and RING8, 9, 13 and 14 locus
683007 AA210916 UnknownUG Hs.220907ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
683008 AA210898 UnknownUG Hs.9398Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1001 protein, complete cds
683011   Unknown
683013 AA210929 CTLA-4=Ig super family cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein
683014 AA210902 CTLA-4=Ig super family cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein
683016 AA213774 UnknownUG Hs.203396ESTs
683019 AA213791 UnknownUG Hs.188808ESTs
683021 AA213792 Unknown
683025 AA213794 LPAP=lymphoid-restricted phosphoprotein=CD45 phosphatase binding protein and putative substrate
683028 AA213787 UnknownUG Hs.86562EST
683031 AA213796 Unknown
683037 AA213798 Unknown
683038   Unknown
683039 AA213799 UnknownUG Hs.81716ESTs
683047 AA213766 Unknown
683052 AA213803 UnknownUG Hs.118653ESTs
683060 AA213762 PKA-R1 alpha=cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha-catalytic regulatory chain
683061 AA213817 Unknown
683064 AA213819 Germinal center kinase=BL44=B lymphocyte serine/threonine protein kinase
683067 AA213830 UnknownUG Hs.170434ESTs
683068 AA213820 Unknown
683069 AA213626 UnknownUG Hs.136204EST
683070 AA213821 BCL-7A
683076 AA213824 UnknownUG Hs.86574ESTs
683078 AA213825 HPK1=hematopoietic progenitor kinase
683080 AA213826 UnknownUG Hs.142138EST
683083 AA213631 Cyclin T2a
683085 AA213632 UnknownUG Hs.212414Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566M0524 (from clone DKFZp566M0524)
683087   Unknown
683089 AA213404 Unknown
683091 AA213406 X-CGD gene involved in chronic granulomatous disease locat ed on chromosome X=Cytochrome B-245 light chain component of microbicidal
oxidase system in phagocytes
683092 AA213370 UnknownUG Hs.193424ESTs
683093 AA213408 UnknownUG Hs.178379ESTs
683100 AA213394 Cyclin A
683106   Unknown
683107 AA213437 UnknownUG Hs.192249ESTs
683108 AA213400 UnknownUG Hs.7120ESTs
683112 AA213507 fvt1=Follicular lymphoma variant translocation 1=putatively secreted protein translocated in t(2;18)(p11;q21) follicular lymphoma and CLL
683117 AA214537 UnknownUG Hs.202594ESTs
683122 AA214530 UnknownUG Hs.104176EST
683126   Unknown
683127 AA214541 p300
683128 AA214531 Unknown
683129 AA214542 UnknownUG Hs.104177EST
683131 AA214543 Similar to KIAA0608
683133 AA214544 UnknownUG Hs.86538ESTs
683139   Unknown
683140 AA214546 MDA-7=melanoma differentiation-associated 7=anti-proliferative
683146 AA214549 Bloom's syndrome protein (BLM)
683154 AA214552 Cyclin A
683156 AA214553 UnknownUG Hs.86540EST
683159 AA214561 UnknownUG Hs.177641ESTs
683162 AA214562 Similar to KIAA0609
683168 AA214564 Unknown
683171 AA214572 UnknownUG Hs.86538ESTs
683172   Unknown
683174 AA214565 Unknown
683178 AA214566 UnknownUG Hs.182236tumor necrosis factor alpha-inducible cellular protein containing leucine zipper domains
683182   Unknown
683183   Unknown
683186   MCM2=DNA replication licensing factor
683188 AA213441 Unknown
683190 AA213442 Unknown
683191 AA213452 adenosine deaminase
683193 AA213453 UnknownUG Hs.222968ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
683197 AA213840 UnknownUG Hs.182449ESTs
683199 AA213841 UnknownUG Hs.35696ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 5360105) [H.sapiens]
683200 AA213445 UnknownUG Hs.86525EST
683202 AA213446 Unknown
683206 AA213448 spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
683210 AA213564 40S ribosomal protein S21
683211 AA213738 UnknownUG Hs.173043metastasis-associated 1-like 1
683212 AA213565 UnknownUG Hs.188473ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
683217 AA213572 CASPASE-8=Mch5=FLICE=MACH-alpha-1
683218 AA213567 CD38
683219 AA213617 synaptojanin 2=inositol phosphate 5'-phosphatase 2=KIAA0348
683223 AA213744 UnknownUG Hs.35696ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 5360105) [H.sapiens]
683232 AA213622 NFkB1 = NF-kappaB p105=p50
683233 AA213649 Unknown
683238 AA213625 ABR=guanine nucleotide regulatory protein
683239 AA213651 Unknown
683245 AA213562 UnknownUG Hs.174805ESTs
683251 AA213656 MMP-11=Matrix metalloproteinase 11=Stromelysin-3
683257 AA213670 EST from selenoprotein P promoter region
683263 AA213671 UnknownUG Hs.221360ESTs
683265 AA213672 UnknownUG Hs.221570ESTs
683268 AA213664 UnknownUG Hs.131890ESTs
683271 AA213674 UnknownUG Hs.225695small inducible cytokine A5 (RANTES)
683272 AA213666 Unknown
683277 AA213676 Unknown
683280 AA213845 CDC2=Cell division control protein 2 homolog=P34 protein kinase
683282   Unknown
683288 AA213857 Similar to (U88315) weak similarity to Plasmodium vivax reticulocyte-binding protein 2
683299   ERC-55=calcium binding EF-hand protein in endoplasmic reticulum
683305 AA214504 FAF-X=Probable ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase
683306 AA214455 UnknownUG Hs.16704ESTs, Moderately similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
683309   Similar to (U32305) B0336.3 gene product
683311   Similar to myosin X
683314 AA215289 UnknownUG Hs.163879ESTs
683316 AA215290 Similar to (Z93393) Y48E1B.2
683317   Unknown
683322 AA215293 UnknownUG Hs.156004ESTs
683330 AA214509 UnknownUG Hs.86613EST
683331 AA214306 Unknown
683332   Unknown
683334 AA214304 Proteasome-like subunit (MECL-1)
683341 AA214310 Unknown
683345 AA214311 UnknownUG Hs.206654ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
683346 AA215316 UnknownUG Hs.171857ESTs
683350   Unknown
683351 AA214491 UnknownUG Hs.127327ESTs
683352 AA215304 UnknownUG Hs.107325alpha-1-antichymotrypsin
683357 AA214499 KIAA0013
683360 AA215308 Similar to Bach protein 2
683367 AA214513 ZF5=POZ domain zinc finger protein
683368   Similar to DNA damage response protein kinase DUN1 and multiple other kinases
683369 AA214514 Unknown
683371   Unknown
683377 AA215407 Similar to Na/D-glucose cotransporter regulatory-subunit
683383   Unknown
683384 AA215487 UnknownUG Hs.155987KIAA0645 gene product
683385   KIAA0136
683389 AA215461 UnknownUG Hs.177644ESTs
683390 AA215493 UnknownUG Hs.192120ESTs
683394 AA215403 CA150=putative transcription factor
683397 AA215466 UnknownUG Hs.118848EST
683400 AA215561 UnknownUG Hs.138717ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [M.musculus]
683404 AA215426 Unknown
683405   SA3=nuclear protein
683406   Unknown
683419   Similar to possible gustatory receptor type B (PPR1 protein)=G-protein coupled receptor type B
683420   Unknown
683421   Unknown
683423   Unknown
683426   Unknown
683428   Unknown
683429 AA215435 Unknown
683430   Unknown
683433   Unknown
683436 AA215595 UnknownUG Hs.105379ESTs
683442 AA215607 CB2 (peripheral) cannabinoid receptor
683449   Unknown
683452 AA215617 UnknownUG Hs.24284Homo sapiens mRNA for poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-2
683455 AA215624 UnknownUG Hs.210048ESTs
683461 AA215439 Unknown
683469 AA215601 UnknownUG Hs.146106ESTs
683477 AA215504 UnknownUG Hs.86662ESTs
683478 AA215498 itk=tsk=emt=lyk=T cell-specific tyrosine kinase
683479 AA215413 GLUT5=glucose transporter protein-5
683480 AA215499 STAT5A/5B
683481 AA215414 UnknownUG Hs.86663ESTs
683486 AA215500 UnknownUG Hs.198971ESTs, Weakly similar to LINE-1 REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE HOMOLOG [H.sapiens]
683487 AA215416 Unknown
683502   Unknown
683503 AA215666 CD11A=Integrin, alpha L=LFA-1 alpha chain
683505 AA215667 UnknownUG Hs.127327ESTs
683506 AA215661 ATR=FRP1=Ser/Thr kinase=DNA damage signaling protein
683508 AA215724 DNA primase (subunit p48)
683509 AA215668 UnknownUG Hs.86624ESTs
683511 AA215763 UnknownUG Hs.210785ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
683517 AA215579 UnknownUG Hs.129923ESTs
683519 AA215580 IkB alpha
683521 AA215653 MEK2=MAP kinase kinase 2
683523 AA215654 Unknown
683525 AA215655 Unknown
683533 AA215658 Unknown
683543 AA215660 KIAA0310
683548   Unknown
683562 AA215781 Similar to spermatid perinuclear RNA-binding protein Spnr
683575 AA215400 Unknown
683580 AA215357 UnknownUG Hs.222280ESTs
683586   Unknown
683587   Unknown
683592 AA215441 Unknown
683593 AA215368 LPAP=lymphoid-restricted phosphoprotein=CD45 phosphatase binding protein and putative substrate
683595 AA215369 Tandem repeat region 3' of Ig constant regions
683600 AA215445 UnknownUG Hs.86643ESTs
683602 AA215518 UnknownUG Hs.88009ESTs
683604 AA215447 Unknown
683607 AA215372 UnknownUG Hs.191650ESTs
683611 AA215374 UnknownUG Hs.190009ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
683612 AA215366 UnknownUG Hs.177723ESTs
683613   Unknown
683614 AA215367 Diacylglycerol kinase zeta
683617   Unknown
683619 AA215383 UnknownUG Hs.37251ESTs
683620   Unknown
683621 AA215450 PKN kinase=lipid-activated protein kinase PRK1
683624   Unknown
683628 AA215379 UnknownUG Hs.50418ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
683630 AA215380 HNPP=nuclear phosphoprotein
683632 AA215381 UnknownUG Hs.86650ESTs
683634 AA215382 GS2 protein (DXS1283E)=Anonymous X chromosome gene
683635 AA215455 UnknownUG Hs.193435ESTs
683641   Unknown
683646   Unknown
683647 AA215475 UnknownUG Hs.145973ESTs
683650 AA215458 KIAA0257
683654 AA215469 UnknownUG Hs.26593ESTs, Weakly similar to Similar to cuticular collagen [C.elegans]
683655 AA215477 UnknownUG Hs.44976ESTs
683659   AIM2=interferon-inducible protein=associated with chromosome 6-mediated suppression of melanoma tumorgenicity
683661 AA215559 UnknownUG Hs.17731ESTs
683664 AA215677 LPTPase=inducible lymphoid-specific, protein tyrosine phosphatase
683665 AA215688 JkR1 mRNA downregulated upon T-cell activation
683666 AA215679 Similar to Na+/H+ exchanger 6
683667 AA215690 UnknownUG Hs.187618ESTs
683670 AA215683 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
683672 AA215685 UnknownUG Hs.111219ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
683677 AA215708 Cyclin I
683678 AA215699 RNA helicase (Myc-regulated dead box protein)
683687 AA215735 Unknown
683690 AA215754 UnknownUG Hs.135156ESTs
683692 AA215755 UnknownUG Hs.98069ESTs
683693 AA215636 Unknown
683695 AA215637 UnknownUG Hs.16063ESTs
683701 AA215640 Unknown
683702   IL-4 receptor alpha chain
683703   Unknown
683710 AA215634 UnknownUG Hs.184487ESTs
683712   Unknown
683724   Unknown
683726 AA215628 UnknownUG Hs.171857ESTs
683730 AA215791 UnknownUG Hs.128653Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564F013 (from clone DKFZp564F013)
683739 AA215820 BRCA2=Mutated in breast and ovarian cancer
683741 AA215649 Unknown
683743 AA215650 Unknown
683745 AA215651 Trio=LAR transmembrane tyrosine phosphatase binding protein with a kinase domain and separate rac-specific and rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor domains
683752 AA215648 DAD1=defender against death 1
683759   Unknown
683761 AA215740 spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
683763 AA215741 Syntaxin 11
683764 AA215737 Unknown
683767 AA215743 UnknownUG Hs.118653ESTs
683769 AA215744 Unknown
683770 AA215739 UnknownUG Hs.191675ESTs
683771 AA227635 UnknownUG Hs.202588ESTs
683772   Unknown
683773 AA215746 UnknownUG Hs.231984ESTs
683775 AA215747 CD20
683776   Unknown
683784 AA236903 Unknown
683785 AA236907 UnknownUG Hs.177688ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 5002330) [M.musculus]
683789 AA236732 UnknownUG Hs.14456ESTs
683790 AA236906 deoxycytidine kinase
683792 AA237004 Similar to bin1=myc interacting protein=amphiphysin II=localized to actin cytomatrix
683793   Unknown
683794 AA237005 UnknownUG Hs.104298ESTs
683796   Unknown
683803 AA237079 UnknownUG Hs.139207ESTs
683811 AA236914 ATM=Ser/Thr kinase mutated in ataxia telangiectasia=DNA damage signaling protein
683820 AA237010 UnknownUG Hs.41502ESTs
683827   Similar to polybromo 1
683834 AA236918 BUB3=ligand for BUB1 mitotic checkpoint kinase
683835 AA236922 Similar to ESG2=transducin-like enhancer protein (TLE2)=enhancer of split homologue
683843 AA255863 UnknownUG Hs.146263ESTs, Weakly similar to Ydr372cp [S.cerevisiae]
683845 AA236824 Unknown
683847 AA236825 Unknown
683852 AA236772 UnknownUG Hs.151905ESTs
683859 AA236927 UnknownUG Hs.14456ESTs
683861 AA236928 UnknownUG Hs.225695small inducible cytokine A5 (RANTES)
683863 AA236745 hBAPB=B cell receptor associated protein=similar to prohibitin
683866 AA236827 UnknownUG Hs.62529ESTs
683867 AA236989 UnknownUG Hs.104300ESTs
683869 AA236990 Similar to mariner2 transposable element, complete consensus sequence
683870 AA236829 UnknownUG Hs.87578ESTs
683871 AA236991 UnknownUG Hs.220907ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
683874 AA236963 UnknownUG Hs.185771ESTs
683875 AA236966 UnknownUG Hs.190034ESTs
683878 AA236964 UnknownUG Hs.144945ESTs
683881 AA236850 UnknownUG Hs.179817Homo sapiens clone 23930 mRNA sequence
683885 AA236852 p300
683899 AA236995 KIAA0346
683901 AA236996 myb-related gene A=A-myb
683905 AA236857 UnknownUG Hs.39429ESTs
683908 AA236855 UnknownUG Hs.128771ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4262637) [C.elegans]
683913 AA236938 interferon-gamma receptor alpha chain
683914 AA237084 UnknownUG Hs.11135ESTs
683924 AA237018 UnknownUG Hs.94869ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS F WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
683925 AA237021 UnknownUG Hs.87586ESTs
683926 AA237019 KIAA0335
683934 AA236863 Similar to APXL=apical-like membrane protein
683935 AA236867 Unknown
683943 AA236683 UnknownUG Hs.192021ESTs
683952 AA236868 UnknownUG Hs.87564ESTs
683959 AA236873 eIF-3=translation initiation factor
683961 AA236686 UnknownUG Hs.199493ESTs
683963 AA236886 Lst-1=IC7=interferon-gamma-inducible gene present in lymphoid tissues, T cells, macrophages, and histiocyte cell lines encoding a transmembrane protein
683970 AA237039 UnknownUG Hs.192036ESTs
683973 AA237044 Similar to YBDF_YEAST HYPOTHETICAL PROTEIN IN BDF1 5'REGION (ORF1) and CD69 (identical) (Double Hit)
683976 AA251116 UnknownUG Hs.87798EST
683979 AA251119 UnknownUG Hs.225061ESTs
683982   Similar to dynein light intermediate chain 2 (LIC2)
683985 AA251018 UnknownUG Hs.225061ESTs
683988 AA251144 Unknown
683995 AA251255 KIAA0346
683999 AA251257 Unknown
684021 AA251264 Unknown
684027 AA251124 Unknown
684028   Unknown
684029   Unknown
684040 AA251266 Unknown
684043 AA251271 Unknown
684044 AA251268 UnknownUG Hs.111341ESTs
684049   Unknown
684059 AA251016 UnknownUG Hs.87808EST
684062 AA251014 UnknownUG Hs.12210ESTs
684066 AA251274 UnknownUG Hs.192036ESTs
684071 AA251280 Similar to PCTAIRE-2=SER/THR-protein kinase
684084 AA251105 UnknownUG Hs.87794ESTs
684119 AA251133 Unknown
684121 AA251221 Adenosine kinase
684131 AA251107 Unknown
684141 AA251135 MIF=macrophage migration inhibitory factor
684145   Unknown
684146   Unknown
684147 AA251292 Unknown
684155 AA251113 Similar to Bach protein 2
684158 AA251112 Ikaros=LyF-1=hIk-1
684166 AA251139 Unknown
684167 AA251141 Unknown
684169 AA251095 erk3=extracellular signal-regulated kinase 3
684173 AA251097 UnknownUG Hs.189119ESTs
684175 AA251098 Unknown
684176 AA251281 UnknownUG Hs.87836ESTs
684183 AA251702 UnknownUG Hs.118056ESTs
684188 AA251295 Similar to semaphorin VIa
684196   Unknown
684197   Unknown
684199 AA251145 UnknownUG Hs.186644ESTs
684205 AA251085 HPK1=hematopoietic progenitor kinase
684216 AA251146 Similar to (Z69661)-2=F48F7.1 and Argonaute=Arabidopsis gene controlling leaf development
684218 AA251147 Unknown
684219   Unknown
684222 AA251149 UnknownUG Hs.43913PIBF1 gene product
684223 AA251151 UnknownUG Hs.161724ESTs
684227 AA251233 UnknownUG Hs.87retinoblastoma-like 1 (p107)
684230 AA251514 UnknownUG Hs.192853ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 (homologous to yeast UBC7)
684232 AA251322 Unknown
684238 AA251325 MCM2=DNA replication licensing factor
684239   Unknown
684241 AA251392 UnknownUG Hs.161725ESTs
684242 AA251153 Centrosomal Nek2-associated protein 1 (C-NAP1)=cep250 centrosome associated protein
684244 AA251365 Centrosomal Nek2-associated protein 1 (C-NAP1)=cep250 centrosome associated protein
684245 AA251175 Unknown
684246 AA251366 UnknownUG Hs.168887ESTs
684250 AA251235 Similar to KIAA0007
684257 AA251331 ELF-1=ets family transcription factor
684258 AA251329 Unknown
684261 AA251333 UnknownUG Hs.142219ESTs
684265 AA236011 UnknownUG Hs.104292EST
684268 AA236003 UnknownUG Hs.91958ESTs
684270   Similar to POZ domains (multiple)-2
684274 AA236005 UnknownUG Hs.221303ESTs
684275 AA236014 Unknown
684276 AA236006 UnknownUG Hs.173308Human gene from PAC 262D12, chromosome 1
684281 AA236017 EXML1=gene on Xp11.2-p11.4 that escapes X-inactivation
684284 AA236010 UnknownUG Hs.111310ESTs
684285 AA236019 UnknownUG Hs.188803ESTs
684286   Unknown
684290   Unknown
684291 AA235818 Unknown
684294   Unknown
684295 AA236102 spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
684296 AA236023 Unknown
684299 AA235821 UnknownUG Hs.153121KIAA0685 gene product
684304 AA235815 Unknown
684305 AA235972 TANK=I-TRAF=TRAF family member-associated NF-kB activator
684306 AA235816 UnknownUG Hs.133542ESTs
684309 AA235973 UnknownUG Hs.215658ESTs
684311 AA235974 UnknownUG Hs.87517ESTs
684312 AA235975 UnknownUG Hs.177685EST
684314 AA235891 LIMK1=LIM-kinase1
684315 AA236113 UnknownUG Hs.231997ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
684316 AA235892 acid finger protein
684325 AA236135 UnknownUG Hs.130002ESTs
684326 AA235979 UnknownUG Hs.220696Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586A061 (from clone DKFZp586A061)
684330 AA235963 Similar to myb-related gene A-myb 5'-region
684332 AA235964 Unknown
684333 AA236046 Hrs=SNAP-25 interacting protein
684339 AA236127 Unknown
684346 AA236175 Smad5=JV5-1=Dwarfin-C=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)
684351 AA236590 Unknown
684352   Unknown
684353 AA236592 UnknownUG Hs.118888ESTs
684355 AA236594 CDC2-related kinase (PITALRE)=clone C-2k=serine/threonine protein kinase
684357 AA236614 UnknownUG Hs.193271ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
684358 AA236043 HnRNPK=Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K=tunp=transformation upregulated nuclear protein
684366 AA250811 UnknownUG Hs.87752ESTs
684373 AA250824 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-2
684374 AA250815 UnknownUG Hs.226360ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4263743) [H.sapiens]
684375 AA250825 CD11A=Integrin, alpha L=LFA-1 alpha chain
684385 AA250838 Unknown
684386 AA250830 UnknownUG Hs.217519ESTs
684387 AA250839 MLL=HRX=ALL-1
684388 AA250831 EST encoded in small nuclear ribonuclear protein associated polypeptide N (SNRPN) gene and Prader-willi syndrome locus
684390 AA250832 Unknown
684392 AA250833 UnknownUG Hs.190037ESTs
684393 AA250900 UnknownUG Hs.108994ESTs
684396 AA250834 WASP=Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein
684399 AA250843 IRF-5=interferon regulatory factor-5
684400 AA250835 CD10=CALLA=Neprilysin=enkepalinase
684403 AA250845 UnknownUG Hs.87762ESTs
684404 AA250836 Unknown
684407 AA250847 UnknownUG Hs.229665EST
684415 AA253460 Unknown
684417 AA253461 UnknownUG Hs.87767ESTs
684420 AA253455 Similar to 40S ribosomal protein S20
684425 AA250801 UnknownUG Hs.210221Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434G182 (from clone DKFZp434G182)
684439 AA250868 UnknownUG Hs.87787ESTs
684441   Unknown
684442 AA250987 UnknownUG Hs.87783ESTs
684444 AA250989 Unknown
684449   Unknown
684450 AA250995 UnknownUG Hs.87784ESTs
684451 AA250947 UnknownUG Hs.104339ESTs
684455 AA250950 UnknownUG Hs.154334ESTs
684461 AA251044 UnknownUG Hs.112589ESTs
684463 AA251045 UnknownUG Hs.25703ESTs
684490 AA250926 UnknownUG Hs.22059ESTs
684491 AA250954 UnknownUG Hs.168188ESTs
684493 AA250935 UnknownUG Hs.188723ESTs
684496 AA251061 UnknownUG Hs.40140ESTs
684499 AA250958 Unknown
684501   Unknown
684506 AA250961 KIAA0691
684509   Unknown
684510 AA250963 AML2=acute myeloid leukemia 2=PEBP2aC1
684515 AA250879 UnknownUG Hs.105104ESTs
684521 AA251072 Similar to BOX DNA for regulatory element and promoter region related to EC cell differentiation
684524 AA250969 UnknownUG Hs.127196ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS F WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
684529   Unknown
684530 AA250952 Unknown
684532 AA250998 UnknownUG Hs.180668ESTs
684534   Unknown
684536 AA250999 Unknown
684537 AA251007 p55CDC
684544 AA251569 RAB-30=GTP-binding protein
684545 AA251028 UnknownUG Hs.220940ESTs
684550   Unknown
684558 AA251336 Unknown
684560 AA251337 UnknownUG Hs.224839EST
684561 AA251347 UnknownUG Hs.104349ESTs
684563 AA251348 Unknown
684564 AA251339 UnknownUG Hs.87856ESTs
684569 AA251463 KIAA0128=Similar to septin
684572 AA251341 Unknown
684573 AA251351 Similar to hematopoietic cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase 70Z-PEP
684584 AA251469 UnknownUG Hs.5184ESTs, Weakly similar to TH1 protein [D.melanogaster]
684590   Unknown
684591 AA251190 UnknownUG Hs.104350ESTs
684592 AA251473 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
684595 AA251192 UnknownUG Hs.177708ESTs
684597 AA251485 UnknownUG Hs.163295Human Line-1 repeat mRNA with 2 open reading frames
684603 AA251443 UnknownUG Hs.146162ESTs
684610 AA251306 UnknownUG Hs.222968ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
684611 AA251314 Similar to RNA polymerase I largest subunit
684614 AA251308 UnknownUG Hs.118914ESTs
684621 AA251362 UnknownUG Hs.190008ESTs
684622 AA251311 Unknown
684623 AA251363 UnknownUG Hs.177711ESTs
684625   Unknown
684631 AA251607 Unknown
684632 AA251526 pim-1 kinase
684639 AA251613 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
684642 AA251579 UnknownUG Hs.187628ESTs
684646 AA251583 UnknownUG Hs.87894EST
684648 AA251665 Unknown
684650 AA251666 UnknownUG Hs.190052ESTs
684651 AA251925 UnknownUG Hs.120219ESTs
684658 AA251919 MAP kinase activated protein kinase 2
684666 AA251767 Unknown
684668 AA251924 Toll-like receptor 1=KIAA0012
684671 AA251803 UnknownUG Hs.177711ESTs
684672 AA251804 Unknown
684676 AA251806 UnknownUG Hs.177712ESTs
684684 AA251807 Unknown
684685 AA251836 LAF-4=lymphoid nuclear protein
684686 AA251808 rasGAP=GTPase-activating protein for ras p21
684688 AA251827 Similar to titin
684689 AA251812 CAP18=FALL-39=peptide antibiotic precursor=LPS-binding protein
684698   Unknown
684703 AA251952 RIT=ras-like GTPase related to RIC
684710 AA251845 UnknownUG Hs.34455ESTs
684713 AA251852 UnknownUG Hs.35300ESTs
684716 AA251751 UnknownUG Hs.233466ESTs
684717 AA251853 Unknown
684719 AA251854 Unknown
684728 AA251409 UnknownUG Hs.104353ESTs
684731 AA251224 KIAA0373
684733 AA251226 Unknown
684735 AA251228 AIM1=non-lens beta gamma-crystallin like protein=associated with chromosome 6-mediated suppression of melanoma tumorgenicity
684736 AA251416 Unknown
684738 AA251418 UnknownUG Hs.87787ESTs
684740 AA251420 UnknownUG Hs.172069Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434C212 (from clone DKFZp434C212)
684742 AA251422 adenosine deaminase
684749 AA251302 UnknownUG Hs.182558ESTs, Weakly similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
684753 AA251304 Unknown
684754 AA251376 Unknown
684757 AA251505 UnknownUG Hs.130861ESTs
684763 AA251508 UnknownUG Hs.174134ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
684765 AA251509 UnknownUG Hs.188270ESTs
684768 AA251511 Unknown
684774 AA251532 UnknownUG Hs.190043ESTs
684775 AA251542 Unknown
684776 AA251533 interferon-gamma IEF SSP 5111=Interferon gamma upregulated protein
684777 AA251543 CD11C=leukocyte adhesion protein p150,95 alpha subunit=integrin alpha-X
684779   Unknown
684785 AA251544 Ly-9
684786 AA251537 Unknown
684788 AA251649 UnknownUG Hs.16184RAD17 (S. pombe) homolog
684792 AA251601 UnknownUG Hs.11500ESTs
684794 AA251547 UnknownUG Hs.104358EST
684796 AA251603 UnknownUG Hs.182186ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
684798 AA251548 UnknownUG Hs.87886EST
684802 AA251549 UnknownUG Hs.87887ESTs
684806 AA251551 Unknown
684809   Unknown
684814 AA251554 UnknownUG Hs.193499ESTs
684823 AA251674 UnknownUG Hs.123586ESTs
684824 AA251864 Lymphotoxin-Beta=Tumor necrosis factor C
684827 AA251818 UnknownUG Hs.177511ESTs
684828 AA251868 KIAA0096=Similar to SNF1-related kinase
684838 AA251669 UnknownUG Hs.104472ESTs
684843 AA251760 Unknown
684846 AA251754 Unknown
684849 AA251735 UnknownUG Hs.118920ESTs
684850 AA251964 CAD=dihydroorotase and aspartate transcarbamylase
684852 AA251756 UnknownUG Hs.31922ESTs
684856 AA251757 JNK2=Stress-activated protein kinase
684862   Unknown
684863 AA251740 UnknownUG Hs.87902ESTs
684869 AA251779 UnknownUG Hs.46907ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4589248) [H.sapiens]
684873 AA251781 histone H2A.X
684877 AA251783 Unknown
684878 AA251774 Unknown
684879 AA251784 alpha-galactosidase A
684884 AA251777 UnknownUG Hs.190150ESTs
684885   Unknown
684888 AA251786 UnknownUG Hs.190142ESTs
684892   Unknown
684893 AA251797 Unknown
684898 AA251790 KIAA0309
684899 AA251661 Unknown
684906 AA251793 LPAP=lymphoid-restricted phosphoprotein=CD45 phosphatase binding protein and putative substrate
684908 AA251794 gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR)
684909 AA251979 UnknownUG Hs.189075ESTs
684910 AA251795 KIAA0425=contains Cys-rich domain
684911 AA251664 UnknownUG Hs.87912ESTs
684912 AA251878 grancalcin=EF-hand calcium-binding protein abundant in neutrophils and monocytes
684914 AA251879 Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-subunit gene=G-s-alpha
684918   Similar to TFEB=transcription factor
684919 AA251910 Unknown
684924 AA251882 UnknownUG Hs.87929ESTs
684928 AA251903 UnknownUG Hs.191907ESTs
684931 AA252449 CHLR1=CHL1-related helicase=similar to yeast chromosome transmission fidelity gene, CHL1
684937 AA252386 ckshs2=homolog of Cks1=p34Cdc28/Cdc2-associated protein
684939 AA252116 UnknownUG Hs.118923ESTs
684944 AA252331 UnknownUG Hs.151924ESTs
684945 AA252301 Unknown
684948 AA252333 UnknownUG Hs.151604heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1
684950 AA252111 UnknownUG Hs.15200ESTs
684951 AA252304 Human clone C4E 1.63 (CAC)n/(GTG)n repeat-containing mRNA
684954 AA252113 UnknownUG Hs.118990ESTs
684957 AA252307 UnknownUG Hs.87960ESTs
684959 AA252308 Unknown
684964 AA252320 Unknown
684969 AA252348 UnknownUG Hs.163201ESTs
684970 AA252323 UnknownUG Hs.52792Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586I1823 (from clone DKFZp586I1823)
684975   Unknown
684978 AA252326 UnknownUG Hs.132959ESTs
684979 AA252352 UnknownUG Hs.161727EST
684982 AA252328 EST-2 from DMA, DMB, HLA-Z1, IPP2, LMP2, TAP1, LMP7, TAP2, DOB, DQB2 and RING8, 9, 13 and 14 locus
684989 AA252366 UnknownUG Hs.133544ESTs
684992 AA252357 UnknownUG Hs.87794ESTs
684996 AA252358 B-raf Ser/Thr protein kinase
684997 AA252369 UnknownUG Hs.220913ESTs
684998 AA252359 UnknownUG Hs.173957ESTs
685000 AA252360 UnknownUG Hs.87968EST
685004 AA252407 UnknownUG Hs.146066ESTs
685006 AA252363 spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
685008   Similar to MLL SET domain
685013 AA252403 UnknownUG Hs.14756ESTs
685014 AA252458 Similar to KIAA0609
685017 AA252468 Similar to probable protein disulfide-isomerase ER-60 precursor
685019 AA252470 UnknownUG Hs.50418ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
685021 AA252471 UnknownUG Hs.87976ESTs
685022 AA252464 Diacylglycerol kinase epsilon
685023 AA252473 UnknownUG Hs.192031ESTs
685027 AA252495 UnknownUG Hs.192040ESTs
685030 AA252397 EST-2 from DMA, DMB, HLA-Z1, IPP2, LMP2, TAP1, LMP7, TAP2, DOB, DQB2 and RING8, 9, 13 and 14 locus
685033 AA252508 IRF-1=interferon regulatory factor-1
685047   Unknown
685048 AA252505 UnknownUG Hs.57494ESTs
685052   Unknown
685056 AA252483 Similar to spectrin beta chain=beta-fodrin
685060 AA252517 UnknownUG Hs.87636ESTs
685061   Unknown
685065   Unknown
685067 AA252527 Unknown
685077   Unknown
685085 AA252538 UnknownUG Hs.128773ESTs
685086 AA252579 UnknownUG Hs.93097ESTs, Weakly similar to KIAA0681 protein [H.sapiens]
685088 AA252532 Unknown
685089 AA252539 Unknown
685092 AA252582 UnknownUG Hs.97413ret finger protein-like 3 antisense
685094 AA252534 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
685097 AA252413 E2F-1=pRB-binding transcription factor
685102 AA252586 branched chain aminotransferase precursor (BCATm)
685105 AA243137 CD69=early activation antigen
685113 AA243145 UnknownUG Hs.143681ESTs
685114 AA243328 Unknown
685119 AA243334 UnknownUG Hs.177688ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 5002330) [M.musculus]
685121 AA243335 LYSP100=SP140
685124 AA243283 UnknownUG Hs.118899EST
685126 AA243285 UnknownUG Hs.180728ESTs
685128   Unknown
685131 AA252605 DP-2=E2F interacting transcription factor
685141 AA252610 c-IAP2=MIHC=IAP homolog C=TNFR2-TRAF signalling complex protein
685145 AA252485 UnknownUG Hs.87636ESTs
685155 AA252615 UnknownUG Hs.125860ESTs
685158 AA252489 Similar to (U41543) Similar to Rat trg gene product-1
685160 AA252490 Similar to putative zinc finger protein
685161 AA252618 Unknown
685162 AA252491 UnknownUG Hs.193671ESTs
685167 AA252620 UnknownUG Hs.222621ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
685173 AA252623 UnknownUG Hs.87643ESTs
685177 AA252649 PTP-1B=phosphotyrosyl-protein phosphatase
685187   Unknown
685188 AA243214 UnknownUG Hs.17872ESTs
685190   Unknown
685193 AA252652 UnknownUG Hs.228648EST
685194 AA243358 PKC beta =Protein kinase C, beta
685195   Unknown
685199 AA252653 UnknownUG Hs.225678ESTs
685201   Unknown
685210   Unknown
685212 AA243542 UnknownUG Hs.78110ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
685215 AA243369 Chromosome-associated polypeptide C=Similar to XCAP-C=Chromosome assembly protein
685217 AA243370 UnknownUG Hs.96450EST
685219 AA243371 UnknownUG Hs.165662KIAA0675 gene product
685226 AA243415 UnknownUG Hs.226046Human LTR mRNA, 3' end of coding region and 3' flank
685230 AA243481 UnknownUG Hs.127320ESTs, Moderately similar to KIAA0346 [H.sapiens]
685240 AA243420 bone morphogenetic protein receptor type IA=ALK-3
685257 AA243517 ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 related protein
685260 AA243427 UnknownUG Hs.104311ESTs
685268 AA243492 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
685270   Unknown
685272 AA243521 UnknownUG Hs.5599EGF-like-domain, multiple 5
685274 AA243464 pbx-3AND PML-1 (Double Hit)
685288 AA243466 UnknownUG Hs.87654ESTs
685292 AA243468 Similar to clathrin light-chain B
685299 AA243510 UnknownUG Hs.192249ESTs
685300 AA243349 UnknownUG Hs.167579ESTs
685305 AA243560 Similar to TSH receptor suppressor element-binding protein-1=Y-box protein
685308   Unknown
685309 AA243564 UnknownUG Hs.221281ESTs
685312 AA243356 UnknownUG Hs.88102ESTs
685313 AA243568 FA-A=DNA crosslinking repair protein=Mutated in Fanconi's anemia A
685315 AA243588 UnknownUG Hs.190035ESTs
685317 AA243590 KIAA0241
685319 AA243592 CD22
685320 AA243593 Unknown
685326 AA243596 UnknownUG Hs.163295Human Line-1 repeat mRNA with 2 open reading frames
685328 AA243597 UnknownUG Hs.177697EST
685334   Unknown
685338 AA243601 UnknownUG Hs.177698ESTs
685344 AA243613 Tec tyrosine kinase
685345 AA243621 CENP-E=putative kinetochore motor that accumulates just before mitosis
685347 AA243622 Unknown
685350 AA262630 UnknownUG Hs.160181ESTs
685351 AA243624 K-ras
685353 AA243625 Unknown
685354 AA262631 p84=RB binding nuclear matrix protein that localizes to subnuclear regions associated with RNA processing
685355 AA243626 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
685357 AA243627 Similar to nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha-9 chain precursor
685359 AA243628 UnknownUG Hs.50446ESTs
685361 AA243629 Unknown
685371 AA243439 MEN1=Multiple endocrine neoplasia I
685372 AA243431 Transducin (beta) like 1 protein
685381 AA243581 UnknownUG Hs.94869ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS F WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
685385 AA243583 KIAA0084
685386 AA243436 UnknownUG Hs.18759KIAA0539 gene product
685390 AA243437 Unknown
685395 AA262456 Unknown
685396 AA262419 Unknown
685397   Unknown
685398 AA262439 APR=immediate-early-response gene=ATL-derived PMA-responsivepeptide
685401   Unknown
685402 AA262443 Unknown
685404 AA262445 UnknownUG Hs.190465ESTs
685405 AA262462 UnknownUG Hs.19782ESTs
685407 AA262464 UnknownUG Hs.120101ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
685410 AA262450 UnknownUG Hs.223569ESTs
685411 AA262467 UnknownUG Hs.88383ESTs
685412 AA262452 Unknown
685413 AA262469 UnknownUG Hs.22635ESTs
685420 AA262494 UnknownUG Hs.182627ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
685434 AA261865 UnknownUG Hs.118954ESTs
685435 AA261873 Similar to mouse ALY=context-dependent coactivator of LEF-1 and AML-1, is required for TCRalpha enhancer function
685437 AA261892 UnknownUG Hs.87960ESTs
685438 AA261866 Unknown
685441 AA261905 UnknownUG Hs.191662ESTs, Weakly similar to ASH1 [D.melanogaster]
685444 AA261896 UnknownUG Hs.88373ESTs
685453 AA261910 Similar to mariner2 transposable element, complete consensus sequence
685454 AA261901 Unknown
685456 AA261902 TTG-2=Rhombotin-2=translocated in t(11;14)(p13;q11) T cell acute lymphocytic leukemia=cysteine rich protein with LIM motif
685460 AA261903 UnknownUG Hs.198214ESTs
685467 AA261883 UnknownUG Hs.156902ESTs
685471 AA261885 SMRT=silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone action=corepressor
685475   Unknown
685476 AA261919 UnknownUG Hs.189023ESTs
685477 AA261888 UnknownUG Hs.136233EST
685478 AA261920 Similar to U1 small nuclear RNP-specific C protein
685485   Similar to K-Cl cotransporter
685487   Beta adrenergic receptor kinase 2
685494 AA262473 UnknownUG Hs.136232ESTs
685496 AA262474 Unknown
685500 AA262476 Unknown
685510 AA262480 Beta adrenergic receptor kinase 2
685519 AA291128 UnknownUG Hs.142206ESTs
685525 AA291129 UnknownUG Hs.125103ESTs
685527 AA291130 Unknown
685528 AA291124 69 kDa 2'5' oligoadenylate synthetase (P69 2-5A synthetase)
685533 AA261962 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
685535 AA291212 MEF2B=XMEF2=MADS/MEF2-family transcription factor=myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2B
685543 AA291270 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
685545 AA291271 UnknownUG Hs.10886ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
685548 AA291218 UnknownUG Hs.188949ESTs
685554 AA262037 Macrophage stimulating 1 (hepatocyte growth factor-like)
685561 AA291302 UnknownUG Hs.96545ESTs
685565 AA291303 UnknownUG Hs.177732ESTs
685567 AA291304 Pyrin (MEFV)=Marenostrin=Zinc finger protein mutated in familial mediterranean fever
685576 AA291299 UnknownUG Hs.127623ESTs
685581 AA291309 UnknownUG Hs.118959ESTs
685597   Unknown
685599   Unknown
685602   Unknown
685603 AA262410 Unknown
685614 AA255875 Similar to myosin-binding protein C slow-type muscle
685615 AA261933 CENP-F kinetochore protein=mitosin=cell-cycle-dependent 350K nuclear protein=AH antigen
685623 AA262793 KSR1=kinase suppressor of ras-1
685624 AA262803 UnknownUG Hs.145010ESTs
685629 AA262743 DRADA2a=dsRNA adenosine deaminase DRADA2a=RNA editing enzyme
685631 AA262744 TIAR=nucleolysin=cytotoxic granule-associated RNA-binding protein inducer of DNA fragmentation
685636 AA255879 Unknown
685638 AA255880 UnknownUG Hs.9208Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586M2022 (from clone DKFZp586M2022)
685643 AA262104 UnknownUG Hs.111377ESTs
685646 AA262796 Ro ribonucleoprotein autoantigen (Ro/SS-A)=autoantigen calreticulin
685649 AA262746 UnknownUG Hs.157277ESTs
685650 AA262745 UnknownUG Hs.210269ESTs
685656 AA255884 Unknown
685659 AA255887 UnknownUG Hs.220553ESTs
685665   Unknown
685667 AA262110 UnknownUG Hs.88431ESTs
685677 AA262153 UnknownUG Hs.179747Neuroblastoma stage 4S gene
685678 AA262751 UnknownUG Hs.209684ESTs
685680 AA255889 UnknownUG Hs.130881ESTs
685683 AA255893 Unknown
685684 AA255891 UnknownUG Hs.119421ESTs
685686   Unknown
685692 AA262140 MEK1=MAP kinase kinase 1
685694 AA262141 UnknownUG Hs.230155EST
685695 AA262734 CD83=B-G antigen IgV domain homolog=B-cell activation protein=HB15
685700 AA262155 UnknownUG Hs.62675ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 5199316) [H.sapiens]
685701 AA262159 UnknownUG Hs.67614ESTs
685702 AA262156 UnknownUG Hs.155849ESTs
685703 AA291333 FAN=WD-repeat protein coupling p55 TNF-receptor to neutral sphingomyelinase
685708   Unknown
685710 AA261941 UnknownUG Hs.33054ESTs
685711 AA261967 glycogenin-2 like mRNA
685716   Similar to DIFF6
685723 AA261972 golgi alpha-mannosidaseII
685724 AA261965 UnknownUG Hs.144027ESTs
685726 AA261966 UnknownUG Hs.120605ESTs
685729   Cyclin H
685731   Unknown
685735 AA261983 Similar to (Z37139) C14B1.4
685741   Unknown
685746   Unknown
685747 AA261988 A6 tyrosine kinase
685753 AA262436 Similar to (Z98849) hypothetical protein
685757   Unknown
685758 AA261808 Similar to Ins P4-binding protein and GAPIII GTPase activating protein
685759 AA262005 UnknownUG Hs.231742ESTs, Weakly similar to X-linked retinopathy protein [H.sapiens]
685761   Unknown
685765 AA262486 5'-terminal region of UMK
685766 AA262431 Unknown
685770 AA262433 MEK2=MAP kinase kinase 2
685775 AA262491 UnknownUG Hs.186572ESTs
685782 AA291144 VRK2 kinase
685783 AA291323 NBK=BIK=BCL-2 interacting killer=apoptotic inducer protein
685785 AA291325 BAP135=Bruton's tyrosine kinase-associated protein-135
685789 AA291337 Unknown
685796   Unknown
685797 AA291344 max=myc interacting HLH protein
685800 AA262071 Unknown
685803 AA262081 UnknownUG Hs.229150EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
685805 AA262082 Unknown
685806   Unknown
685808 AA262074 Lst-1=IC7=interferon-gamma-inducible gene present in lymphoid tissues, T cells, macrophages, and histiocyte cell lines encoding a transmembrane protein
685814 AA262077 Unknown
685823 AA262660 UnknownUG Hs.149587Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564E1616 (from clone DKFZp564E1616)
685826 AA262662 Unknown
685834 AA262666 Unknown
685836 AA262667 Unknown
685841   Unknown
685842 AA262029 UnknownUG Hs.88218ESTs
685844 AA255742 UnknownUG Hs.181368pre-B-cell colony-enhancing factor
685847 AA262034 Pyrin (MEFV)=Marenostrin=Zinc finger protein mutated in familial mediterranean fever
685848 AA262035 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-1
685850 AA262036 UnknownUG Hs.229666EST
685852 AA262084 UnknownUG Hs.191534ESTs
685859 AA262092 UnknownUG Hs.220914ESTs
685866 AA262085 KIAA0245
685877 AA262677 UnknownUG Hs.189903ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
685881 AA262679 protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit alpha-isotype (alpha-PR6 5)
685883 AA255731 UnknownUG Hs.5301ESTs
685885 AA262680 Unknown
685892 AA262656 Unknown
685893 AA262684 Unknown
685901   Unknown
685903 AA262509 nuclear cap binding protein
685906 AA262502 UnknownUG Hs.190045ESTs
685909 AA255666 Ndr protein kinase
685911 AA262555 L-plastin=actin-binding protein
685915 AA262557 UnknownUG Hs.220509ESTs
685916 AA262506 Unknown
685917 AA262558 Unknown
685919   Unknown
685927   Unknown
685930 AA262563 Unknown
685931 AA262589 fatty acid binding protein FABP
685933 AA262590 Unknown
685934 AA262581 UnknownUG Hs.108131caspase 2, apoptosis-related cysteine protease (neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 2)
685937 AA262592 UnknownUG Hs.118938EST
685945 AA262567 UnknownUG Hs.221163ESTs
685950 AA262597 UnknownUG Hs.164107ESTs
685953 AA262570 UnknownUG Hs.185058ESTs
685961 AA262609 UnknownUG Hs.88397EST
685962 AA262565 UnknownUG Hs.142191EST
685965 AA262611 Similar to TSH receptor suppressor element-binding protein-1=Y-box protein
685966 AA256763 UnknownUG Hs.182571ESTs
685970 AA262686 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-2
685972 AA255647 bark1=beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1
685973 AA262697 KIAA0217
685975 AA262698 Similar to (S69670) hypothetical protein YDR386w - yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
685979 AA262699 UnknownUG Hs.231678ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
685984 AA262691 Unknown
685990 AA262694 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
685992 AA262613 Similar to CDK5=cell division protein kinase 5 (kinase PSSALRE)
685994   Unknown
685995 AA262125 invariant chain=Ia-associated invariant gamma-chain
686000 AA262615 KIAA0257
686003 AA262619 Similar to clathrin light-chain A
686009   Similar to Human endogenous retrovirus-1
686010 AA262616 UnknownUG Hs.12705ESTs, Moderately similar to transformation-related protein [H.sapiens]
686013   Similar to DIFF6
686015   Similar to DIFF6
686019 AA262145 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
686021 AA262146 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase=5-lipoxygenase=5-LO
686027 AA262148 cAMP-dependent 3',5'-cyclic phophodiesterase 2, rolipram-sensitive
686028 AA262622 Similar to beta transducin domains (multiple)
686030 AA262098 ETR101=transcription factor
686032 AA262623 UnknownUG Hs.225666ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686033 AA262151 Syntaxin 11
686034 AA262624 UnknownUG Hs.88401ESTs
686035   Similar to SIK (Src-related intestinal kinase) similar protein
686038 AA262625 ack=p21cdc42Hs kinase
686044   Unknown
686049 AA262606 UnknownUG Hs.58412ESTs
686055 AA262672 UnknownUG Hs.109694Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp547E2210 (from clone DKFZp547E2210)
686056 AA262601 Unknown
686057 AA262673 lamin B1
686059 AA262608 KIAA0528=Similar to (AF026214) contains similarity to C2 domains AND synaptotagmin I
686064 AA262705 Unknown
686065 AA262712 UnknownUG Hs.122549ESTs
686070   Unknown
686073 AA262716 Unknown
686075 AA262193 Net=ELK3=ets family transcription factor
686080 AA262708 UnknownUG Hs.197289ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 3608356) [H.sapiens]
686081 AA262719 LPTPase=inducible lymphoid-specific, protein tyrosine phosphatase
686083 AA262720 Unknown
686094 AA262725 Similar to Bach protein 2
686095 AA262813 UnknownUG Hs.159354ESTs
686108 AA262730 UnknownUG Hs.96547ESTs
686109 AA262752 UnknownUG Hs.142208ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686113 AA262760 R29381_1=Chr 19 hypothetical protein=Similar to (Z50741) F55G7.2
686116 AA262755 UnknownUG Hs.194264ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686117   Unknown
686118 AA262832 UnknownUG Hs.178509ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686123 AA262764 Unknown
686124 AA262757 UnknownUG Hs.88417ESTs
686134 AA262759 Unknown
686140 AA262770 complement component C5
686141 AA262778 Unknown
686142 AA262771 Unknown
686149 AA262781 UnknownUG Hs.194613ESTs
686150 AA262773 UnknownUG Hs.221250ESTs
686153 AA262783 UnknownUG Hs.22057ESTs
686154 AA262775 Similar to YY1=GLI-Krupple related zinc finger transcription factor
686155 AA262784 B-raf Ser/Thr protein kinase
686156   Unknown
686157 AA262785 Similar to POZ domains (multiple)-1
686158 AA262776 UnknownUG Hs.221542ESTs, Weakly similar to p40 [H.sapiens]
686162 AA262203 UnknownUG Hs.111805ESTs
686163   Unknown
686167 AA262224 UnknownUG Hs.88442ESTs
686169 AA262225 Unknown
686174 AA262214 UnknownUG Hs.193514ESTs
686175 AA262818 KIAA0041
686178 AA262216 Unknown
686180 AA262218 CD6 ligand=ALCAM
686185 AA262177 Similar to SP100=Nuclear body protein
686186 AA262824 Similar to Gsh-2=dispersed homeobox gene
686187   Unknown
686199 AA262297 KIAA0053
686200 AA262174 PKC beta =Protein kinase C, beta
686204 AA262176 Similar to integrin beta-2=CD18 antigen
686205 AA262228 UnknownUG Hs.88447ESTs
686209 AA262256 UnknownUG Hs.96549ESTs
686211 AA262257 CD21=B-lymphocyte CR2-receptor (for complement factor C3d and Epstein-Barr virus)
686214 AA262231 UnknownUG Hs.88448ESTs
686215   Unknown
686216   Similar to apolipoprotein L
686217   Unknown
686226 AA262235 Unknown
686229 AA262260 UnknownUG Hs.88450ESTs
686234 AA262262 Similar to oocyte-specific protein P100
686235 AA262271 UnknownUG Hs.193414ESTs
686240 AA262264 UnknownUG Hs.125860ESTs
686244 AA262266 Ki67 (long type)
686248 AA262268 BL34=RGS1=regulator of G-protein signaling which inhibits SDF-1 directed B cell migration
686253 AA262280 UnknownUG Hs.88454EST
686256   Similar to (Z98531) hypothetical protein
686259 AA252671 UnknownUG Hs.152925ESTs, Moderately similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
686265 AA252675 Unknown
686273 AA252677 Unknown
686274 AA252667 CyP-60=nuclear cyclophilin-like protein
686278 AA252668 UnknownUG Hs.190057ESTs
686279   Unknown
686280   Unknown
686285 AA262881 UnknownUG Hs.16029ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
686287 AA262882 UnknownUG Hs.227342KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 3
686288 AA262913 Similar to Importin beta-2 subunit
686290   Unknown
686291 AA262884 homologue of yeast sec7 expressed in cytolytic NK/T cells
686295 AA262885 BDP1=protein-tyrosine-phosphatase
686301 AA262886 Unknown
686303 AA262887 Similar to (Z49913) ZK938.4
686306 AA262888 JAW1=lymphoid-restricted membrane protein
686308   Similar to RasGAP-related protein
686309 AA262933 Unknown
686310 AA262926 UnknownUG Hs.205745ESTs
686311   Unknown
686315   Unknown
686317 AA262934 Unknown
686319 AA262935 Similar to KIAA0254
686321   Unknown
686328 AA262240 UnknownUG Hs.118930ESTs
686331 AA262918 DCHT=Similar to rat pancreatic serine threonine kinase
686334 AA262243 UnknownUG Hs.104369ESTs
686335 AA262919 Unknown
686337 AA262920 Similar to KIAA0351 and cell division control protein 25 and aimless RasGEF
686343 AA262922 Unknown
686352 AA262951 syk=protein-tyrosine kinase
686356 AA262364 R-PTP-alpha=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha
686358 AA262310 UnknownUG Hs.191656ESTs
686368 AA262370 KIAA0013
686369 AA262317 CD21=B-lymphocyte CR2-receptor (for complement factor C3d and Epstein-Barr virus)
686371 AA262383 UnknownUG Hs.4283ESTs
686374 AA262313 Unknown
686379 AA252797 UnknownUG Hs.88012Homo sapiens SIT protein
686383 AA252799 UnknownUG Hs.88013ESTs
686387 AA252801 UnknownUG Hs.186837ESTs
686390 AA252792 Casein kinase I delta
686394 AA252794 UnknownUG Hs.88009ESTs
686399 AA252806 UnknownUG Hs.182562ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686401 AA252763 UnknownUG Hs.231677ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686404 AA252809 UnknownUG Hs.194088ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686407 AA252766 UnknownUG Hs.192178ESTs
686409 AA252702 Unknown
686410 AA252758 UnknownUG Hs.88018EST
686415   Unknown
686420 AA252761 Unknown
686427 AA252850 RP105
686429 AA252816 RP105 AND chromatin assembly factor-I p150 subunit (Double Hit)
686432 AA252842 UnknownUG Hs.193501ESTs
686434 AA252711 Unknown
686439 AA252855 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain AND 51C protein (Double Hit)
686441 AA252822 UnknownUG Hs.75339inositol polyphosphate phosphatase-like 1
686442 AA252814 Unknown
686444 AA252815 UnknownUG Hs.88025ESTs
686446 AA252848 UnknownUG Hs.65980ESTs
686451 AA255964 UnknownUG Hs.2969v-ski avian sarcoma viral oncogene homolog
686452 AA255921 UnknownUG Hs.88095ESTs
686453 AA255851 UnknownUG Hs.122518ESTs
686454 AA255923 UnknownUG Hs.190043ESTs
686455 AA255853 UnknownUG Hs.139512ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686457 AA255854 HMG-2=high mobility group 2 protein
686462 AA255957 manic fringe
686464 AA255959 Unknown
686466 AA255960 UnknownUG Hs.194688Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosome region 9
686467 AA255948 KIAA0217
686469 AA255949 T lymphocyte specific adaptor protein
686471 AA255951 Unknown
686473 AA255776 UnknownUG Hs.14373ESTs
686487 AA255780 hBAPB=B cell receptor associated protein=similar to prohibitin
686492 AA255848 Unknown
686494 AA255849 Unknown
686497 AA257111 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
686503 AA257113 UnknownUG Hs.88088ESTs
686504 AA257105 UnknownUG Hs.194565ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
686508 AA257107 UnknownUG Hs.194331ESTs
686516 AA257109 UnknownUG Hs.88087ESTs
686523 AA255936 Unknown
686525 AA255937 KCNN3=SKCA3=AAD14=calcium-activated potassium channel
686532 AA255931 UnknownUG Hs.186704ESTs
686537 AA256035 KIAA0084
686541 AA255915 Unknown
686542 AA255934 UnknownUG Hs.11500ESTs
686549 AA255968 UnknownUG Hs.123106ESTs
686554 AA255955 UnknownUG Hs.185058ESTs
686555 AA255971 Similar to lyn=tyrosine kinase
686556 AA255965 UnknownUG Hs.186853ESTs
686557 AA255972 Unknown
686560   Unknown
686568 AA255939 UnknownUG Hs.223399ESTs
686571 AA255944 Unknown
686573   Similar to 52-kD SS-A/Ro autoantigen and other zinc finger proteins
686574   Unknown
686577 AA255946 UnknownUG Hs.115195EST
686579 AA255894 allograft-inflammatory factor-1=interferon gamma induced macrophage protein=Iba1=ionized calcium binding adapter molecule 1
686580   Unknown
686581 AA255895 CD59=LY-6-like protein regulating complement membrane attack
686583 AA256094 UnknownUG Hs.161969ESTs
686584 AA256086 UnknownUG Hs.82380menage a trois 1 (CAK assembly factor)
686588 AA255943 UnknownUG Hs.222808ESTs
686589 AA255897 Unknown
686593 AA256108 HS1= hematopoietic lineage cell specific protein = homologue of mouse lckbp-1 (lck binding protein)
686594 AA255900 Similar to Ndr protein kinase
686603 AA255975 Similar to (U97196) weak similarity to ATPases
686604 AA256037 UnknownUG Hs.88111ESTs
686605 AA255976 IRF-2=interferon regulatory factor-2
686607   Unknown
686608 AA256038 Similar to fem-1=sex-determining protein and KIAA0396
686611   Unknown
686615   Unknown
686618 AA256066 Unknown
686624   Unknown
686628 AA256069 Unknown
686632 AA256071 UnknownUG Hs.79881ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical protein [H.sapiens]
686671 AA259163 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
686682 AA259121 KIAA0054
686684 AA259122 JAK2 tyrosine kinase
686686   Unknown
686687   Unknown
686688 AA259130 Similar to MCM2 = DNA replication licensing factor
686690 AA259131 UnknownUG Hs.88349ESTs
686693 AA259136 Similar to zinc finger protein PLAG1
686696 AA259133 UnknownUG Hs.189448ESTs
686697 AA259137 UnknownUG Hs.185774ESTs, Weakly similar to ubiquitous TPR motif, Y isoform [H.sapiens]
686698 AA258038 hCAP1a=HCE=mRNA capping enzyme
686703 AA259138 LYSP100=SP140
686706 AA259134 mosaic protein LR11=hybrid receptor gp250 precursor
686718 AA259142 Unknown
686722   Unknown
686723 AA259148 UnknownUG Hs.60798ESTs
686725 AA259149 Unknown
686729 AA259150 UnknownUG Hs.222182ESTs
686732 AA259146 Unknown
686736 AA258093 HKR-T1=Lymphoid-restricted kruppel-like zinc finger protein
686744 AA258094 UnknownUG Hs.162395proline synthetase co-transcribed (bacterial homolog)
686746 AA258095 UnknownUG Hs.18672ESTs
686748 AA258096 KIAA0286
686755 AA259066 UnknownUG Hs.192708ESTs, Highly similar to A-myb N-terminal region )2341 is 2nd base in codon) [H.sapiens]
686758   Unknown
686762 AA255597 UnknownUG Hs.101514ESTs
686763 AA255601 UnknownUG Hs.161730ESTs
686770 AA255615 UnknownUG Hs.141259ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686771 AA255618 tubulin-gamma
686776   Unknown
686795   Unknown
686799 AA256735 csk=C-SRC-kinase
686800   Unknown
686802   Unknown
686804   Unknown
686806   Unknown
686822 AA255625 Unknown
686825   karyopherin alpha 3=SRP1-like protein
686827   Unknown
686828 AA255514 Similar to (U23517) similar to ubiquitin conjugating enzyme-1
686829   Unknown
686831 AA255515 UnknownUG Hs.190002ESTs
686833 AA255612 UnknownUG Hs.188966ESTs
686836 AA255611 UnknownUG Hs.189677ESTs
686847   Unknown
686854 AA256742 KIAA0135=related to pim-1 kinase
686855 AA255518 UnknownUG Hs.88189ESTs
686863 AA258786 Unknown
686865 AA258787 Similar to (Z75712) K04G2.2
686866 AA258761 UnknownUG Hs.118944ESTs
686871 AA258789 UnknownUG Hs.88268ESTs
686876 AA258764 UnknownUG Hs.194827ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS B WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686877 AA258790 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
686879 AA258791 Ki67 (long type)
686882 AA258792 UnknownUG Hs.14555ESTs
686884 AA258793 G protein-linked receptor (clone GPCR W)
686885 AA258803 FBP2=FUSE binding protein2=KSRP=KH type splicing regulatory protein
686886 AA258794 UnknownUG Hs.186647ESTs
686888 AA258795 Unknown
686889 AA258849 Lactate dehydrogenase A
686890 AA258796 UnknownUG Hs.142200EST, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
686891 AA258805 KIAA0217
686892 AA258797 Unknown
686895 AA258852 UnknownUG Hs.210822ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686898 AA258799 CDC37 homolog=subunit of Hsp90
686903 AA258810 CASPASE-10=Mch4=FLICE2
686905 AA258931 UnknownUG Hs.123126ESTs
686906 AA258811 Unknown
686916 AA258814 cAMP phosphodiesterase
686917 AA258821 UnknownUG Hs.132797ESTs, Weakly similar to ORF YGL050w [S.cerevisiae]
686922 AA258816 UnknownUG Hs.112227ESTs
686923 AA258823 Similar to MEI1_CAEEL meiotic spindle formation protein MEI-1
686927 AA258825 SH3P18=SH3 domain-containing protein
686929 AA258141 Unknown
686932 AA258133 Calnexin=integral membrane protein
686935 AA258144 UnknownUG Hs.221576ESTs
686937 AA258145 UnknownUG Hs.191652ESTs
686939 AA258146 UnknownUG Hs.191534ESTs
686945 AA258147 Unknown
686946 AA258138 UnknownUG Hs.88297ESTs
686948 AA258139 Unknown
686966 AA259014 UnknownUG Hs.155987KIAA0645 gene product
686973 AA258222 EST encoded in small nuclear ribonuclear protein associated polypeptide N (SNRPN) gene and Prader-willi syndrome locus
686974 AA258214 Unknown
686976 AA258224 UnknownUG Hs.177723ESTs
686985 AA258237 UnknownUG Hs.194331ESTs
686986 AA258227 CD11C=leukocyte adhesion protein p150,95 alpha subunit=integrin alpha-X
686987 AA258238 EST from ccr2b (ccr2), ccr2a (ccr2), ccr5 (ccr5) and ccr6 (ccr6) and lactoferrin locus-1
686989 AA258239 Similar to immune suppressor factor TJ6
686990 AA258229 CDC2=Cell division control protein 2 homolog=P34 protein kinase
686992 AA258230 UnknownUG Hs.189119ESTs
687000 AA258243 UnknownUG Hs.15276ESTs
687001   Unknown
687002 AA259089 UnknownUG Hs.194688Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosome region 9
687006 AA258245 UnknownUG Hs.127573ESTs
687007 AA258116 UnknownUG Hs.191533ESTs, Weakly similar to plakophilin 2b [H.sapiens]
687010 AA258247 UnknownUG Hs.22030ESTs
687012 AA258248 MLL=HRX=ALL-1
687013 AA258118 CAK=cdk7=NRTALRE=sdk=CDK activating kinase
687014 AA258249 E2F-4=pRB-binding transcription factor
687019 AA258120 UnknownUG Hs.46919ESTs
687026 AA258829 Unknown
687029 AA258832 UnknownUG Hs.225099ESTs
687031 AA258834 UnknownUG Hs.225680ESTs
687036 AA258638 UnknownUG Hs.88280EST
687040 AA258779 UnknownUG Hs.142199EST
687044 AA258783 Cyclin-D binding Myb-like protein
687050 AA257999 Unknown
687051 AA258006 UnknownUG Hs.115965ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
687054 AA258001 relB = I-Rel
687057 AA258008 ETR101=transcription factor
687059 AA258009 UnknownUG Hs.210502ESTs
687074 AA258015 titin
687079 AA259053 UnknownUG Hs.194530ESTs
687082 AA258019 Unknown
687085 AA259056 X-CGD gene involved in chronic granulomatous disease locat ed on chromosome X=Cytochrome B-245 light chain component of microbicidal
oxidase system in phagocytes
687086 AA258021 UnknownUG Hs.197257ESTs
687091 AA259058 UnknownUG Hs.43616ESTs
687092 AA258970 TTG-2=Rhombotin-2=translocated in t(11;14)(p13;q11) T cell acute lymphocytic leukemia=cysteine rich protein with LIM motif
687093 AA257970 UnknownUG Hs.188728ESTs, Weakly similar to putative RNA binding protein 1 [R.norvegicus]
687099   Unknown
687109 AA258109 UnknownUG Hs.188818ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
687110   Unknown
687117 AA258024 Similar to (U40029) coded for by C. elegans cDNA yk27d2.3
687119   Unknown
687120 AA258859 Unknown
687128   Similar to PKN=lipid-activated protein kinase PRK1
687129 AA258869 UnknownUG Hs.11500ESTs
687134 AA258864 UnknownUG Hs.192372ESTs
687137 AA258872 UnknownUG Hs.191532ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
687144 AA258148 Unknown
687146   Unknown
687151 AA258160 Tis11d=ERF-2=growth factor early response gene
687153 AA258161 blk=B lymphocyte tyrosine kinase
687156 AA258153 PBEF=pre-B cell enhancing factor
687161 AA258984 UnknownUG Hs.90998Human mRNA for KIAA0128 gene, partial cds
687170 AA258168 UnknownUG Hs.199094ESTs
687177 AA258840 LAF-4=lymphoid nuclear protein
687188 AA258174 UnknownUG Hs.196716ESTs
687194 AA259026 BCMA=B-Cell maturation protein=fused to the interleukin 2 gene by a t(4;16)(q26;p13) translocation in a malignant T cell lymphoma
687196   Similar to CW17
687202 AA258124 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
687205 AA258180 Unknown
687214 AA258128 UnknownUG Hs.111377ESTs
687221 AA257983 KIAA0220=Similar to kidney-specific protein=SA protein =polymorphysm of this gene is associated with susceptibility to essential hypertension
687224 AA258205 DNA polymerase zeta catalytic subunit (REV3)
687225 AA257987 UnknownUG Hs.157214ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS F WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
687226 AA258207 HnRNPK=Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K=tunp=transformation upregulated nuclear protein
687227 AA257989 Unknown
687229 AA257991 UnknownUG Hs.137427EST
687232 AA257957 Similar to myelin gene expression factor (MEF-2)
687233 AA257995 UnknownUG Hs.24024ESTs
687234 AA257959 Casein kinase I epsilon
687235 AA257997 Unknown
700297 AA290913 replication factor C
700304 AA283694 Similar to Notch-1
700308   Unknown
700315 AA283705 Mast cell function associated antigen=type II integral membrane glycoprotein; similar to C-type animal lectins
700320 AA283707 p78=Putative SER/THR-protein kinase
700333 AA290877 AML2=acute myeloid leukemia 2=PEBP2aC1
700335 AA283719 UnknownUG Hs.190521ESTs
700336 AA290869 UnknownUG Hs.231911ESTs
700340   Unknown
700345 AA283735 UnknownUG Hs.119419ESTs
700346 AA283725 KIAA0370
700347 AA283736 UnknownUG Hs.192425ESTs
700349 AA285063 UnknownUG Hs.191539ESTs
700351 AA285064 UnknownUG Hs.104485EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS E WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
700352 AA283728 UnknownUG Hs.89200ESTs
700353 AA285065 RAIDD=CRADD=death domain containing protein
700355 AA285066 UnknownUG Hs.229667EST
700357 AA285067 Unknown
700359 AA285068 Similar to Toll-like receptor 1=extracellular domain composed of leucine-rich repeats and intracellular segmentsimilar to signaling domains of IL-1-type receptors
700360 AA283732 hepatoma-derived growth factor
700361 AA285069 MHC Class II=DP beta
700368 AA283797 UnknownUG Hs.173343ESTs
700369 AA283803 Unknown
700370 AA291093 UnknownUG Hs.18123ESTs
700381 AA283806 Unknown
700383 AA283677 Similar to MHC Class I region proline rich protein
700385 AA283678 UnknownUG Hs.222160ESTs
700386 AA283801 UnknownUG Hs.190141ESTs
700390   Unknown
700394 AA290563 UnknownUG Hs.193917ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
700401   Unknown
700404 AA290567 UnknownUG Hs.188808ESTs
700406 AA290568 UnknownUG Hs.220934ESTs
700407 AA290595 Unknown
700409 AA290596 UnknownUG Hs.205657ESTs
700412   Unknown
700413 AA290597 Unknown
700421 AA290609 mosaic protein LR11=hybrid receptor gp250 precursor
700423   LPP=translocated to high mobility group protein gene HMGIC in lipoma=LIM domain protein
700425 AA290610 UnknownUG Hs.211866ESTs
700426 AA290603 Unknown
700431 AA290611 UnknownUG Hs.190272ESTs
700432 AA290605 UnknownUG Hs.190002ESTs
700436 AA290607 CD81=TAPA1
700445 AA290625 UnknownUG Hs.130879ESTs
700448   Unknown
700449 AA290627 UnknownUG Hs.178398ESTs
700455   Unknown
700456 AA290620 Unknown
700458 AA290621 PMS4=DNA mismatch repair protein
700461 AA290631 UnknownUG Hs.99701ESTs
700465 AA291015 Cdc7-related kinase
700466 AA291112 2-5A-dependent RNase
700469 AA291018 Similar to (Z70683) F13B12.1
700472 AA291118 KIAA0039
700479 AA290656 UnknownUG Hs.220934ESTs
700482   Unknown
700484 AA291012 Similar to myr4=myosin I heavy chain
700485 AA290660 UnknownUG Hs.196671ESTs
700486 AA291013 Unknown
700490 AA291064 Similar to Moesin (membrane organizing extension spike protein)
700494 AA291066 UnknownUG Hs.105099ESTs
700498 AA291068 Unknown
700501 AA291136 Unknown
700502 AA291070 UnknownUG Hs.188570ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
700503 AA291137 UnknownUG Hs.183299ESTs
700507 AA291138 UnknownUG Hs.231484ESTs
700512 AA291140 Unknown
700538 AA291169 UnknownUG Hs.99706EST
700547 AA291180 UnknownUG Hs.135412ESTs, Moderately similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
700551   Unknown
700557 AA291183 UnknownUG Hs.222552ESTs, Weakly similar to 54K arginine-rich nuclear protein [H.sapiens]
700558 AA291175 UnknownUG Hs.88017ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
700560 AA285146 UnknownUG Hs.38613ESTs
700563 AA283947 UnknownUG Hs.198559Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566H033 (from clone DKFZp566H033)
700564 AA285147 ribosomal protein L5 pseudogene
700565 AA283948 UnknownUG Hs.118923ESTs
700566 AA285148 UnknownUG Hs.115234EST
700568 AA285149 UnknownUG Hs.111392ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
700570 AA285150 Unknown
700574 AA283942 UnknownUG Hs.89257ESTs
700583 AA283952 APS=adaptor molecule containing PH and SH2 domains that is tyrosine phosphorylated upon B-cell receptor stimulation
700587 AA291076 UnknownUG Hs.84063ESTs
700588 AA284105 PAC-1=protein tyrosine phosphatase
700590 AA284106 SRPK1=serine kinase
700594 AA284126 UnknownUG Hs.194348ESTs
700598 AA284127 KIAA0277=Similar to a C.elegans guanine nucleotide releasing factor homolog (S4 2368)
700601 AA284136 Unknown
700605 AA284137 UnknownUG Hs.190145ESTs
700606 AA284129 UnknownUG Hs.192708ESTs, Highly similar to A-myb N-terminal region )2341 is 2nd base in codon) [H.sapiens]
700607 AA284138 UnknownUG Hs.174074ESTs
700608 AA284139 UnknownUG Hs.89295EST
700609 AA284146 Unknown
700610   Unknown
700613 AA284148 UnknownUG Hs.4779ESTs
700619 AA291229 BNIP3=NIP3=E1B 19K/Bcl-2-interacting protein=pro-apoptotic mitochondrial protein
700623 AA284152 Unknown
700624   Similar to FSA-1
700627 AA284154 UnknownUG Hs.95835ESTs
700628 AA291223 LAF-4=lymphoid nuclear protein
700632   Unknown
700634 AA284157 UnknownUG Hs.87762ESTs
700635 AA284037 Unknown
700640 AA284159 UnknownUG Hs.135107ESTs
700646 AA284031 UnknownUG Hs.89303ESTs
700649 AA284119 UnknownUG Hs.220573ESTs
700650 AA284033 RP105
700651 AA284120 UnknownUG Hs.188736ESTs
700655 AA291256 KIAA0010
700658 AA283832 UnknownUG Hs.86619ESTs
700659 AA283914 Unknown
700660   Unknown
700664 AA283881 UnknownUG Hs.193414ESTs
700666 AA283883 RAS guanyl releasing protein 1 (calcium and DAG-regulated)
700668 AA283885 Glycine receptor alpha 3
700671 AA283926 UnknownUG Hs.210506ESTs
700673 AA283928 UnknownUG Hs.188735Homo sapiens mRNA for MALT1, complete cds
700674 AA283908 EXT2.1=candidate gene for multiple exostoses type II
700676 AA283910 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-2
700679 AA283934 UnknownUG Hs.22030ESTs
700682 AA283871 UnknownUG Hs.190049ESTs
700686 AA283873 UnknownUG Hs.142247ESTs
700691 AA283760 UnknownUG Hs.193014ESTs
700692 AA283876 PDCD2=programmed cell death-2/Rp8 homolog
700693 AA283761 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
700695 AA283762 Unknown
700699 AA285073 putative cell surface ligand for T1/ST2 receptor (related to IL-1 receptors)
700700 AA283754 Similar to A kinase anchor protein (AKAP-KL)
700701 AA285074 UnknownUG Hs.184430ESTs
700703   Unknown
700706 AA285076 Unknown
700710 AA285078 KCNN3=SKCA3=AAD14=calcium-activated potassium channel
700716 AA285080 UnknownUG Hs.165249ESTs
700718 AA284009 UnknownUG Hs.202588ESTs
700722 AA285127 UnknownUG Hs.194088ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
700723 AA285156 beta-galactoside alpha-2 3-sialyltransferase (SIAT4A)
700724 AA285128 UnknownUG Hs.87928ESTs
700725 AA285157 UnknownUG Hs.125112ESTs
700727 AA285158 UnknownUG Hs.189369ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
700730 AA283966 TRAP-1=tumor necrosis factor type 1 receptor associated protein
700731 AA285168 UnknownUG Hs.151956ESTs
700732   Unknown
700737 AA285171 UnknownUG Hs.193986ESTs
700739 AA285172 Unknown
700742   Unknown
700745 AA285175 Unknown
700748 AA285166 UnknownUG Hs.190060ESTs
700753 AA283892 UnknownUG Hs.100501ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 3628757) [H.sapiens]
700756 AA283936 UnknownUG Hs.89250EST
700762 AA283939 HPH2=polyhomeotic 2 homolog
700768 AA283888 Thioredoxin reductase
700772 AA283890 Smad2=Madr2=JV18-1=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)=Activated by TGF beta
700778 AA284067 Na,K-ATPase alpha-subunit gene
700783 AA284077 Unknown
700785 AA284078 UnknownUG Hs.44408ESTs, Moderately similar to (defline not available 3986769) [M.musculus]
700787 AA284079 UnknownUG Hs.89271ESTs
700788 AA284164 KIAA0336
700789 AA284080 Unknown
700792 AA284072 CIP2=Cdi1=KAP1 phosphatase=G1/S cell cycle gene
700796 AA284073 UnknownUG Hs.170528ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
700799   Unknown
700805 AA283900 Unknown
700808 AA284087 Unknown
700809 AA283902 NRD convertase
700810 AA284088 UnknownUG Hs.193986ESTs
700813 AA283904 UnknownUG Hs.190253ESTs
700815 AA283905 UnknownUG Hs.46645ESTs
700822 AA283898 Unknown
700825 AA284228 UnknownUG Hs.206832ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
700826 AA283817 Similar to (U97193) C06A5.1 gene product
700834 AA283821 UnknownUG Hs.123693ESTs
700841 AA284099 Unknown
700842 AA283825 Unknown
700843 AA284100 UnknownUG Hs.191966ESTs
700844 AA284090 Unknown
700848 AA287256 UnknownUG Hs.144495ESTs
700850 AA287257 MEF2B=XMEF2=MADS/MEF2-family transcription factor=myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2B
700852 AA287259 Unknown
700853 AA287298 CD18=Integrin, beta 2=leukocyte adhesion protein (LFA-1/Mac-1/p150,95 family) beta subunit
700854 AA287261 CD30 ligand
700857 AA287300 Galactosyltransferase associated protein kinase P58/GTA=CDC-like kinase 1=PITSLRE alpha 1
700858 AA287282 Unknown
700862 AA287286 UnknownUG Hs.99657ESTs
700867 AA287266 UnknownUG Hs.190141ESTs
700876   Unknown
700880 AA287331 Unknown
700884   Unknown
700885 AA287478 UnknownUG Hs.87865ESTs, Moderately similar to (defline not available 4249733) [M.musculus]
700886 AA287333 UnknownUG Hs.191650ESTs
700887 AA287369 UnknownUG Hs.186704ESTs
700892 AA287362 UnknownUG Hs.173986ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
700896   Unknown
700897 AA287384 Casein kinase II beta chain
700898 AA287374 KIAA0077
700899 AA287385 UnknownUG Hs.192138ESTs
700903 AA286678 Unknown
700908 AA287379 UnknownUG Hs.87865ESTs, Moderately similar to (defline not available 4249733) [M.musculus]
700910 AA287380 Unknown
700911 AA286681 UnknownUG Hs.75887coatomer protein complex, subunit alpha
700917   Unknown
700920 AA286684 Unknown
700921 AA287360 KIAA0619=Similar to ROCK-2=Rho-associatedcoiled-coil forming protein kinase p160=Rho-associated kinase
700925 AA287387 UnknownUG Hs.184300ESTs
700931 AA287390 Unknown
700932 AA287356 NFkB-p65
700933 AA287391 CENP-E=putative kinetochore motor that accumulates just before mitosis
700939 AA287394 UnknownUG Hs.88447ESTs
700941 AA287395 KIAA0041
700944 AA287811 UnknownUG Hs.190038ESTs
700958   Unknown
700959 AA287823 UnknownUG Hs.231132ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
700969 AA287555 RAD52=Recombination/repair strand exchange and annealing protein
700973 AA286761 RAD52=Recombination/repair strand exchange and annealing protein
700975 AA287557 DNA helicase Q1
700977 AA287558 UnknownUG Hs.87654ESTs
700981   Unknown
700982   Unknown
700989 AA287599 alpha-galactosidase A
700993 AA287629 Unknown
700997 AA287631 UnknownUG Hs.184245Novel human gene mapping to chomosome 1
701001 AA286766 UnknownUG Hs.184245Novel human gene mapping to chomosome 1
701014   Unknown
701018   DP-2=E2F interacting transcription factor
701020 AA286794 PKNOX1=PREP-1=homeobox-containing protein=Similar to myeloid ecotropic viral integration site-1 [Mus musculus]=Meis2=Pbx-related homeobox gene
701031 AA287651 lysophospholipase homolog (HU-K5)
701032 AA287641 ZIP-kinase=serine/threonine kinase which mediates apoptosis
701035 AA286804 UnknownUG Hs.170285nucleoporin 214kD (CAIN)
701044 AA287831 X-CGD gene involved in chronic granulomatous disease locat ed on chromosome X=Cytochrome B-245 light chain component of microbicidal
oxidase system in phagocytes
701045 AA287536 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
701046 AA287832 Similar to Sushi1 domain of interleukin-2 receptor alpha chain
701047 AA287872 UnknownUG Hs.154340ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB1 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
701048 AA287833 UnknownUG Hs.99668ESTs
701049 AA287538 UnknownUG Hs.191131ESTs, Highly similar to protein associated with Myc [H.sapiens]
701056 AA287532 spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
701058 AA287533 UnknownUG Hs.3454ESTs, Weakly similar to KIAA0665 protein [H.sapiens]
701059 AA287877 ZFM1=signal transduction and activator of RNA (STAR) transcription factor=splicing factor SF1
701065 AA287273 Similar to (U41543) Similar to Rat trg gene product-2
701068   Unknown
701069 AA287275 Unknown
701070 AA287269 UnknownUG Hs.15681ESTs
701074 AA287271 Unknown
701076 AA287419 SH3P18=SH3 domain-containing protein
701077 AA287279 SH3P18=SH3 domain-containing protein
701078   Unknown
701079   Similar to interleukin enhancer binding factor 3
701083 AA286669 Unknown
701089 AA287316 histone H4
701091   Unknown
701092 AA286673 UnknownUG Hs.193846ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 3820909) [D.melanogaster]
701094 AA286674 UnknownUG Hs.193846ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 3820909) [D.melanogaster]
701100 AA286677 X-CGD gene involved in chronic granulomatous disease locat ed on chromosome X=Cytochrome B-245 light chain component of microbicidal
oxidase system in phagocytes
701101 AA287317 protein kinase inhibitor p58
701105 AA287319 KIAA0064
701106 AA287313 dek=translocated in t(6;9) acute myeloid leukemia
701107 AA287320 UnknownUG Hs.191649ESTs, Weakly similar to B7 [M.musculus]
701111 AA287322 UnknownUG Hs.43948ESTs
701112 AA287323 XP-C repair complementing protein (p125)
701116 AA287337 UnknownUG Hs.123285ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase related protein [H.sapiens]
701117   LIMK1=LIM-kinase1
701122 AA287326 UnknownUG Hs.119410Homo sapiens cytokine receptor related protein 4 (CYTOR4) mRNA, complete cds
701123 AA287350 Similar to CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylase
701126   Unknown
701131 AA287352 UnknownUG Hs.188676ESTs
701135 AA287329 UnknownUG Hs.97413ret finger protein-like 3 antisense
701142 AA287568 UnknownUG Hs.173957ESTs
701144 AA287570 UnknownUG Hs.139512ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
701145 AA287588 UnknownUG Hs.188803ESTs
701146 AA287572 Unknown
701151 AA287594 UnknownUG Hs.67614ESTs
701152 AA287576 histone H2A.X
701153 AA287596 Unknown
701157 AA287452 Unknown
701158 AA287581 Similar to probable membrane protein YPL103c=Lpg6p
701159 AA287454 Unknown
701161 AA287661 Unknown
701163 AA287861 UnknownUG Hs.47044ESTs
701165 AA287662 UnknownUG Hs.50495ESTs
701166 AA287654 Unknown
701167 AA287663 lyn=tyrosine kinase
701169 AA287864 JAK1 tyrosine kinase
701172 AA287656 UnknownUG Hs.115616EST
701176 AA287658 Similar to (Z82096) ZK909.3
701184 AA287485 Similar to immune suppressor factor TJ6
701190 AA287488 UnknownUG Hs.178346ESTs
701192 AA287489 CD20
701198 AA287491 UnknownUG Hs.155481cartilage-associated protein
701199 AA287621 Unknown
701202 AA287616 UnknownUG Hs.99674ESTs
701207 AA287608 FBP2=FUSE binding protein2=KSRP=KH type splicing regulatory protein
701208   Unknown
701209 AA286745 MADD=DENN=MAP kinase-activating death domain protein
701210 AA287609 Unknown
701212 AA286736 51C protein=Similar to signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase SIP-110
701213   Unknown
701216 AA287612 Similar to titin
701217   Unknown
701223 AA287682 EST from ccr2b (ccr2), ccr2a (ccr2), ccr5 (ccr5) and ccr6 (ccr6) and lactoferrin locus-1
701228 AA287679 protein phosphatase 6=Dual specificity protein phophatase
701230 AA287680 UnknownUG Hs.99676EST
701231 AA287695 CRF-BP=corticotropin-releasing factor binding protein
701238 AA287701 MCL1=myeloid cell differentiation protein
701241 AA287719 UnknownUG Hs.215188ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS F WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
701242 AA287704 UnknownUG Hs.110613Human mRNA for KIAA0220 gene, partial cds
701243 AA287721 OCP2=RNA polymerase II elongation factor-like protein=cyclin A/CDK2-associated p19 (Skp1)
701247 AA287723 Similar to SPOP=speckle-type POZ protein
701257 AA286817 UnknownUG Hs.108146ESTs
701258 AA287742 UnknownUG Hs.14347ESTs
701264 AA286810 UnknownUG Hs.155864ESTs
701267 AA286821 UnknownUG Hs.133179ESTs
701272 AA286814 UnknownUG Hs.99680ESTs
701276 AA286815 UnknownUG Hs.191652ESTs
701278 AA286816 Unknown
701281 AA287795 BMI-1
701282 AA286828 UnknownUG Hs.104859ESTs
701283 AA286836 Unknown
701285   Unknown
701290 AA287788 C-C chemokine receptor 5=CC CK5
701291 AA286705 UnknownUG Hs.19215ESTs
701300   Unknown
701301 AA286709 UnknownUG Hs.130878ESTs
701306 AA287805 UnknownUG Hs.6657ESTs
701311 AA287859 UnknownUG Hs.99681ESTs
701312 AA286713 UnknownUG Hs.96557ESTs
701313 AA287860 UnknownUG Hs.99681ESTs
701318 AA287853 SCA-2=ataxin-2=trinucleotide expansion target in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2
701319   Unknown
701320 AA287671 UnknownUG Hs.30174small nuclear RNA activating complex, polypeptide 5, 19kD
701323 AA287881 Unknown
701325   Unknown
701329 AA287546 UnknownUG Hs.99677ESTs
701330 AA287731 Unknown
701332 AA287732 IFI16=interferon-gamma-inducible myeloid differentiation transcriptional activator
701338 AA287734 UnknownUG Hs.190142ESTs
701343 AA287738 UnknownUG Hs.104572ESTs
701345 AA287739 Unknown
701351   Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-4
701352 AA287882 Unknown
701353 AA287910 UnknownUG Hs.186706ESTs
701360   Unknown
701361 AA287913 Similar to FXI-T1=FX-induced thymoma transcript
701365 AA287915 Trio=LAR transmembrane tyrosine phosphatase binding protein with a kinase domain and separate rac-specific and rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor domains
701366 AA287887 UnknownUG Hs.44436ESTs
701378 AA287920 UnknownUG Hs.190143ESTs
701383 AA287927 K-ras
701385 AA287928 Unknown
701388 AA287922 UnknownUG Hs.119976ESTs
701389 AA287930 CLK-2=cdc2/CDC28-like protein kinase-2
701393 AA287931 UnknownUG Hs.105093ESTs
701399 AA287934 UnknownUG Hs.191026ESTs
701403 AA288012 FGFR1=Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
701405 AA287946 Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase
701406 AA287938 TTP=tristetraproline=GOS24=zinc finger transcriptional regulator
701408 AA287939 UnknownUG Hs.99687ESTs
701410 AA287940 UnknownUG Hs.100595ESTs
701411 AA287949 Unknown
701413 AA287950 Unknown
701414 AA288006 UnknownUG Hs.155074ESTs
701416 AA288007 Similar to Sodium glucose cotransporter 3
701421 AA286776 Unknown
701422 AA287945 IL-7
701423 AA286777 UnknownUG Hs.188805ESTs
701427 AA286884 UnknownUG Hs.26750ESTs
701438 AA286875 Unknown
701441 AA286897 UnknownUG Hs.210604postmeiotic segregation increased 2-like 3
701443 AA286899 Unknown
701447 AA286901 UnknownUG Hs.99691ESTs
701453 AA287962 Calcineurin A2
701454 AA286903 CD62L=L-selectin=LAM-1=leukocyte adhesion molecule-1
701464 AA286907 UnknownUG Hs.99692ESTs
701469 AA287967 Similar to KIAA0516=sperm specific protein
701473 AA286871 BCMA=B-Cell maturation protein=fused to the interleukin 2 gene by a t(4;16)(q26;p13) translocation in a malignant T cell lymphoma
701474 AA286865 SER/THR protein phosphatase PP-X=protein phosphatase X
701475   Unknown
701480 AA286867 UnknownUG Hs.99693ESTs
701481 AA286908 MxB=interferon-induced cellular resistance mediator protein
701483 AA286909 UnknownUG Hs.88653ESTs
701486 AA286971 UnknownUG Hs.105656ESTs
701489 AA286911 CD22
701491 AA286912 CD22
701492 AA286869 E2F-5=pRB-binding transcription factor
701496 AA286914 UnknownUG Hs.183299ESTs
701497 AA286939 UnknownUG Hs.105096EST
701500 AA286925 Similar to translocation elongation factor
701504 AA286934 IL-16=Lymphocyte chemoattractant factor (LCF)
701505 AA286942 UnknownUG Hs.161898EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
701506 AA286935 UnknownUG Hs.188806ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4079809) [H.sapiens]
701511 AA286944 UnknownUG Hs.233496ESTs
701513 AA286945 Similar to ATF-1=TREB=cAMP-dependent transcription factor
701514 AA286931 UnknownUG Hs.46765ESTs
701515 AA286946 MTCP-1=c6.1B=Translocated in T-CLL
701517 AA286982 UnknownUG Hs.136753ESTs
701521 AA284348 Unknown
701523 AA284350 CDC16Hs
701526 AA284332 UnknownUG Hs.110347ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4468913) [H.sapiens]
701528 AA284334 Unknown
701530 AA284336 UnknownUG Hs.89375ESTs
701532 AA284338 UnknownUG Hs.165249ESTs
701533 AA284360 UnknownUG Hs.187639ESTs
701534 AA284340 Unknown
701536 AA284342 MEF2B=XMEF2=MADS/MEF2-family transcription factor=myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2B
701543 AA284369 UnknownUG Hs.136649ESTs
701544 AA286983 UnknownUG Hs.87578ESTs
701545 AA287008 UnknownUG Hs.171693ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
701547 AA287009 Unknown
701551 AA287011 Unknown
701553 AA287012 KIAA0128=Similar to septin
701557 AA287014 Unknown
701560 AA287006 Diacylglycerol kinase epsilon
701567 AA287018 Similar to KIAA0681
701570 AA284452 UnknownUG Hs.82085plasminogen activator inhibitor, type I
701572 AA287021 Similar to retinol dehydrogenase type I (RODH I)
701574 AA287022 Thymidine kinase 1, soluble
701577 AA287031 UnknownUG Hs.163681ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
701578 AA287024 CD39
701579 AA287032 Unknown
701582 AA287026 UnknownUG Hs.126052ESTs
701585 AA287035 UnknownUG Hs.184606ESTs, Weakly similar to B cell growth factor [H.sapiens]
701592 AA287038 Unknown
701593 AA287047 UnknownUG Hs.220918ESTs
701594 AA284470 CLK-1=CDC-like kinase 1=PITSLRE alpha 1=galactosyltransferase associated protein kinase P58/GTA
701597 AA284482 UnknownUG Hs.136240ESTs
701601 AA287049 UnknownUG Hs.155512ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
701602 AA287041 UnknownUG Hs.96617ESTs
701606 AA287043 CD10=CALLA=Neprilysin=enkepalinase
701608 AA287044 UnknownUG Hs.96618ESTs
701621 AA284170 Unknown
701623 AA284171 Unknown
701624 AA284250 T-cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase=Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 2
701625 AA284172 NPAT=E14=gene in ATM locus
701626 AA284251 UnknownUG Hs.89380ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [M.musculus]
701627 AA284173 Trio=LAR transmembrane tyrosine phosphatase binding protein with a kinase domain and separate rac-specific and rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor domains
701631 AA284175 Unknown
701633 AA284176 UnknownUG Hs.230171ESTs
701635 AA284177 YY1=GLI-Krupple related zinc finger transcription factor
701637 AA284178 Similar to Hox1.8=Hox-A10
701640   Unknown
701643 AA286859 UnknownUG Hs.193014ESTs
701646 AA286921 UnknownUG Hs.205071ESTs
701650 AA286922 Unknown
701657 AA287050 KIAA0259
701670 AA287054 UnknownUG Hs.99696EST
701683   Unknown
701688 AA287089 UnknownUG Hs.233512ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
701689 AA287188 putative tumor suppressor (LUCA15)
701694 AA287091 C10=predicted protein adjacent to SHP-1 on 12p13
701696   Unknown
701697 AA287101 UnknownUG Hs.111452ESTs
701698 AA287092 UnknownUG Hs.125889ESTs
701700 AA287093 Unknown
701703 AA287103 Similar to Fif=FT1=novel gene related to ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes deleted in the Fused toes mouse mutation
701704 AA287094 Hrad17=human homologue of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad17+ checkpoint gene
701706 AA287095 Unknown
701716 AA292635 PMI=putative G-protein coupled receptor
701717   Unknown
701727 AA292621 KIAA0309
701728 AA292478 Unknown
701734 AA292481 UnknownUG Hs.139515ESTs
701735 AA292624 UnknownUG Hs.203196ESTs
701736 AA284374 UnknownUG Hs.88102ESTs
701737 AA292530 Unknown
701741 AA292532 A28-RGS14p=G protein signaling regulator
701744 AA292699 UnknownUG Hs.91216ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
701746 AA292700 UnknownUG Hs.229678EST, Weakly similar to REGULATOR OF MITOTIC SPINDLE ASSEMBLY 1 [H.sapiens]
701747 AA292534 UnknownUG Hs.135806ESTs
701750 AA284380 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
701756 AA292702 KIAA0083
701759 AA292652 UnknownUG Hs.50601ESTs
701760   Unknown
701762 AA292653 UnknownUG Hs.169936Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586N1918 (from clone DKFZp586N1918)
701766 AA292655 UnknownUG Hs.96557ESTs
701767 AA292706 KIAA0251=Similar to a C.elegans protein in cosmid C14H10
701768 AA284417 SLAP=src-like adapter protein
701771 AA292708 Cyclin G1
701778 AA292659 UnknownUG Hs.93667ESTs, Highly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
701782 AA284423 itk=tsk=emt=lyk=T cell-specific tyrosine kinase
701785 AA292722 UnknownUG Hs.137440EST
701789 AA284314 UnknownUG Hs.14756ESTs
701790 AA292714 KIAA0251=Similar to a C.elegans protein in cosmid C14H10
701792 AA292715 UnknownUG Hs.187639ESTs
701796 AA292716 IL-4 receptor alpha chain
701802 AA292719 Unknown
701803 AA292726 Similar to rho-related GTP-binding protein rhoD=rhoHP1
701806 AA292721 Similar to DEME-6=differentially expressed in an estrogen receptor-positive breast carcinoma cell line=Similar to (U23511) C32D5.6
701811 AA287079 Unknown
701815 AA287083 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
701817 AA287084 Similar to polypyrimidine tract-binding protein PTB-1
701820 AA287119 UnknownUG Hs.185821ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
701821 AA287124 FA-C=DNA crosslinking repair protein=Mutated in Fanconi's anemia C
701824 AA286989 Similar to Xenopus laevis mitotic phosphoprotein 43
701829 AA287128 CD20
703369 AA258051 Unknown
703371 AA278517 UnknownUG Hs.192708ESTs, Highly similar to A-myb N-terminal region )2341 is 2nd base in codon) [H.sapiens]
703372 AA258026 UnknownUG Hs.46645ESTs
703374 AA258027 Similar to Mitochondrial stress-70 protein precursor
703378   Unknown
703379 AA258055 Unknown
703382 AA258029 Unknown
703383 AA258057 UnknownUG Hs.175511ESTs
703386 AA258031 UnknownUG Hs.125104ESTs
703393   Unknown
703397 AA278556 HS1= hematopoietic lineage cell specific protein = homologue of mouse lckbp-1 (lck binding protein)
703402 AA258060 Similar to Human endogenous retrovirus-2
703407 AA258067 MEK4=MKK4=MAP kinase kinase 4=sek1=JNK activating kinase 1
703410 AA278552 UnknownUG Hs.3196surfeit 1
703418   Unknown
703423 AA278577 UnknownUG Hs.106148ESTs
703430 AA278572 IRF-7=interferon regulatory factor-7
703431 AA258073 UnknownUG Hs.105061Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1111 protein, partial cds
703433 AA278581 Similar to FGF receptor activating protein FRAG1
703446   Unknown
703447 AA278715 lamin B1
703448 AA278464 BRCA2 region EST-1
703454 AA278469 differentiation 6=KIAA0158=Nedd5 homologue=DIFF6- or CDC3,10,11,12-like protein with GTPase-motif
703461 AA278741 UnknownUG Hs.15368ESTs, Moderately similar to (defline not available 4567070) [H.sapiens]
703462 AA278711 Unknown
703463 AA278743 Unknown
703464 AA278667 Unknown
703466 AA278668 Similar to napsin B aspartic protease and kidney-derived aspartic protease-like protein (Mouse)
703473 AA278695 SP100=Nuclear body protein
703475 AA278696 UnknownUG Hs.182591RAS guanyl releasing protein 1 (calcium and DAG-regulated)
703489 AA278674 Unknown
703490 AA278703 Unknown
703493 AA278256 glutamate transporter
703494 AA278705 UnknownUG Hs.151604heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1
703496 AA278706 UnknownUG Hs.87280ESTs
703497   Unknown
703500 AA278707 Unknown
703512 AA278679 UnknownUG Hs.189510ESTs
703513 AA278725 UnknownUG Hs.142212EST
703516 AA278689 Neutral sphingomyelinase
703521 AA278727 Unknown
703523 AA278728 UnknownUG Hs.129929ESTs
703527 AA278264 Similar to integral membrane glycoprotein GP210 precursor
703530 AA278723 UnknownUG Hs.193859ESTs
703536 AA278846 UnknownUG Hs.187634ESTs
703540 AA278587 UnknownUG Hs.86405Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564P056 (from clone DKFZp564P056)
703542 AA278848 UnknownUG Hs.191537ESTs
703544 AA278849 UnknownUG Hs.191537ESTs
703546 AA278850 UnknownUG Hs.28891ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
703548 AA278851 UnknownUG Hs.12186ESTs
703558 AA278423 UnknownUG Hs.172051ESTs
703559 AA278865 UnknownUG Hs.88523ESTs
703569 AA278755 Unknown
703571   Unknown
703579 AA278758 HMG-2=high mobility group 2 protein
703589 AA278815 Unknown
703595   Unknown
703607 AA278818 UnknownUG Hs.163237ESTs
703616   Unknown
703622 AA278821 UnknownUG Hs.184469ESTs, Weakly similar to ORF2: function unknown [H.sapiens]
703624 AA278822 Unknown
703631 AA278831 UnknownUG Hs.204090ESTs
703634   Similar to ATP synthetase beta-subunit
703637 AA278633 UnknownUG Hs.182591RAS guanyl releasing protein 1 (calcium and DAG-regulated)
703642 AA278618 Unknown
703645 AA278639 P120=proliferating-cell nucleolar protein
703647 AA278641 UnknownUG Hs.175029ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
703652 AA278626 Similar to CD26=dipeptidylpeptidase IV
703656   Unknown
703659   Unknown
703660 AA278647 Unknown
703661   Similar to (Z66512) F52H3.2
703671 AA278797 STAM=signal transducing adaptor molecule
703674 AA278789 UnknownUG Hs.99480ESTs
703676   Unknown
703680 AA278605 Unknown
703690 AA278609 KIAA0041
703691 AA278614 UnknownUG Hs.189087ESTs
703692 AA278806 KIAA0041
703694 AA278610 Unknown
703696   Unknown
703702   Unknown
703710 AA278528 Unknown
703712   Unknown
703716 AA278529 UnknownUG Hs.172052ESTs, Highly similar to serine/threonine protein kinase [H.sapiens]
703717 AA278218 HPK1=hematopoietic progenitor kinase
703722 AA278531 eIF-2 alpha=translation initiation factor
703723 AA278221 UnknownUG Hs.173344ESTs
703725 AA278666 CDC2-related kinase (PITALRE)=clone C-2k=serine/threonine protein kinase
703726 AA278532 Similar to Na+/H+ exchanger 6 AND 9G8 splicing factor (exact) (Double hit)
703729   Unknown
703731 AA278746 UnknownUG Hs.15936ESTs
703732 AA278764 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-7
703734 AA278765 pbx-2 = pre-B cell leukemia transcription factor-2
703735 AA278881 UnknownUG Hs.28355ESTs
703736 AA278766 UnknownUG Hs.88495ESTs
703738 AA278767 MHC Class II=DP alpha
703739 AA278749 nuclear cap binding protein
703741 AA278750 KIAA0084
703743   Unknown
703744 AA278770 UnknownUG Hs.187635ESTs
703746 AA278875 UnknownUG Hs.156823ESTs
703747 AA278752 UnknownUG Hs.204683ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
703761 AA278300 UnknownUG Hs.182980ESTs
703763 AA278301 lyn=tyrosine kinase
703764 AA278280 Replication factor C 38kD subunit
703765   Unknown
703773 AA278898 Similar to ras-related protein RAP-2A-1
703774 AA278296 Similar to KIAA0516=sperm specific protein
703776 AA278304 UnknownUG Hs.210221Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434G182 (from clone DKFZp434G182)
703777   Unknown
703778   Unknown
703779   Unknown
703780 AA278305 UnknownUG Hs.186579ESTs
703781   Unknown
703782 AA278306 UnknownUG Hs.96558EST
703784 AA278307 UnknownUG Hs.88504ESTs
703786 AA278966 Calcineurin A2
703793 AA278315 UnknownUG Hs.155086ESTs
703795 AA278316 UnknownUG Hs.190046ESTs
703797 AA278317 Unknown
703798 AA278313 UnknownUG Hs.59115ESTs
703807 AA278330 UnknownUG Hs.198559Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566H033 (from clone DKFZp566H033)
703813 AA278333 UnknownUG Hs.198559Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566H033 (from clone DKFZp566H033)
703822 AA278327 UnknownUG Hs.136237ESTs
703823   Unknown
703824 AA279047 CD44=Pgp-1=extracellular matrix receptor-III=Hyaluronate receptor
703825 AA278841 UnknownUG Hs.104418ESTs
703836 AA278277 UnknownUG Hs.194212ESTs
703839 AA278884 Unknown
703842 AA278838 UnknownUG Hs.112160ESTs
703844 AA278839 UnknownUG Hs.50216ESTs
703847 AA278887 UnknownUG Hs.194530ESTs
703849 AA278953 Damage-specific DNA binding protein 2 (48 kD)
703856 AA279012 UnknownUG Hs.3454ESTs, Weakly similar to KIAA0665 protein [H.sapiens]
703858 AA279013 UnknownUG Hs.223064EST, Moderately similar to hypothetical protein [H.sapiens]
703859 AA278958 Unknown
703861 AA278959 Similar to (U23515) weak similarity to lupus LA proteins
703864 AA279015 UnknownUG Hs.88528ESTs
703867 AA278962 Diacylglycerol kinase epsilon
703868 AA278428 UnknownUG Hs.21205interferon, alpha-inducible protein (clone IFI-6-16)
703869 AA278901 Similar to brain ryanodine receptor
703870 AA279017 Unknown
703872 AA278902 UnknownUG Hs.88537ESTs
703875 AA279028 UnknownUG Hs.86643ESTs
703879 AA279030 Unknown
703881 AA279031 UnknownUG Hs.137430EST
703892 AA278908 Unknown
703893   Unknown
703894   EST from ccr2b (ccr2), ccr2a (ccr2), ccr5 (ccr5) and ccr6 (ccr6) and lactoferrin locus-1
703895 AA278441 UnknownUG Hs.142217ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
703900 AA279055 SATB1=MAR/SAR DNA binding protein
703908 AA278505 Striatin=calmodulin-binding protein belonging to the WD repeat family
703910 AA278506 UnknownUG Hs.121028ESTs, Weakly similar to calmodulin-binding protein SHA1 [M.musculus]
703911 AA278459 UnknownUG Hs.151940ESTs
703914 AA278443 spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
703915 AA278447 blk=B lymphocyte tyrosine kinase
703919 AA279065 UnknownUG Hs.137429EST
703920 AA278460 Cyclin D3
703931 AA279141 GalNAc-T3
703932 AA279134 Similar to rab-related GTP-binding protein-1
703937 AA279143 Similar to (P34413) DP19_CAEEL DPY-19 protein
703938 AA279137 UnknownUG Hs.191538ESTs
703947 AA279073 Unknown
703952   Unknown
703956 AA279069 UnknownUG Hs.190048ESTs
703967 AA279078 Unknown
703969 AA279089 Similar to rab-related GTP-binding protein-1
703970 AA279080 UnknownUG Hs.104419ESTs
703973 AA279091 UnknownUG Hs.104420ESTs
703975 AA279092 UnknownUG Hs.220554ESTs
703977 AA279093 KIAA0265
703985 AA279094 Unknown
703986 AA279087 Similar to Chromatin assembly factor-I p150
703989 AA279095 CD47 antigen=Rh-related antigen= integrin-associated signal transducer
703990 AA279088 CD62L=L-selectin=LAM-1=leukocyte adhesion molecule-1
703994 AA279097 UnknownUG Hs.60088ESTs
704001 AA278979 UnknownUG Hs.190048ESTs
704002 AA279099 UnknownUG Hs.177730EST, Moderately similar to LINE-1 REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE HOMOLOG [H.sapiens]
704003 AA278980 MLL=HRX=ALL-1
704010 AA278974 UnknownUG Hs.189407ESTs
704022 AA279148 Unknown
704023 AA279158 UnknownUG Hs.96561ESTs
704029 AA279160 UnknownUG Hs.111407ESTs
704032 AA279152 tre-2=Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase
704034 AA279153 UnknownUG Hs.190049ESTs
704036 AA279154 UnknownUG Hs.220555ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
704040 AA279167 UnknownUG Hs.18368Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564B0769 (from clone DKFZp564B0769)
704041 AA279021 UnknownUG Hs.144836ESTs
704047 AA279024 UnknownUG Hs.194437ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
704048 AA279169 UnknownUG Hs.189298ESTs
704051 AA279026 UnknownUG Hs.192561ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
704053 AA279118 UnknownUG Hs.111407ESTs
704055 AA279119 UnknownUG Hs.195159ESTs
704058 AA279019 UnknownUG Hs.221039ESTs
704072 AA279125 Unknown
704073 AA279177 DEC-205=putative antigen uptake receptor on dendritic cells
704077 AA279179 UnknownUG Hs.208905ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
704084 AA279173 UnknownUG Hs.125554ESTs
704085 AA279201 GLUT5=glucose transporter protein-5
704087 AA279202 UnknownUG Hs.115228ESTs
704092   Unknown
704095 AA279214 KIAA0528=Similar to (AF026214) contains similarity to C2 domains AND synaptotagmin I
704106 AA279211 Similar to platelet activating factor acetylhydrolasebrain isoform 45 kDa subunit (LIS1) gene
704112   Unknown
704130 AA279280 Glutaredoxin=catalyzes GSH (reduced glutathione)-dependent disulfide reduction
704138 AA279265 UnknownUG Hs.97128ESTs
704142   Unknown
704153   Unknown
704154 AA279319 LAK-4p=enhanced expression with T/LAK-cell-activation
704162   MHC Class II=DR beta
704170   Unknown
704177   Unknown
704179 AA279312 MeCP-2=methyl CpG binding protein 2 AND KIAA0838=Similar to glutaminase (Double Hit)
704185   Unknown
704190 AA279316 Unknown
704192 AA279317 BC269730_1=predicted protein from chr 11=Similar to (U79010) delta 6 desaturase
704201 AA279117 CLPP=ATP-dependent Clp proteinase
704203 AA279263 Unknown
704210 AA279444 UnknownUG Hs.137432ESTs
704212 AA279446 EST in intronic region ofretinoblastoma susceptibility gene
704216 AA279450 Germinal center kinase=BL44=B lymphocyte serine/threonine protein kinase
704221 AA279259 UnknownUG Hs.88617ESTs
704222 AA279454 UnknownUG Hs.179594ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
704227 AA279410 UnknownUG Hs.87783ESTs
704229 AA279412 UnknownUG Hs.130864ESTs
704231 AA279413 UnknownUG Hs.220698ESTs
704239 AA279338 UnknownUG Hs.88602ESTs
704245 AA279339 UnknownUG Hs.191708ESTs
704246 AA279184 X-like 1 protein=homologue to DmX from Drosophila melanogaster
704250 AA279186 UnknownUG Hs.88599ESTs
704252 AA279187 Unknown
704253 AA279342 protocadherin 43 for abbreviated PC43
704265 AA279398 UnknownUG Hs.88607ESTs
704266 AA279390 APEX=apurinic endonuclease=DNA alkylation repair protein
704268 AA279391 UnknownUG Hs.104425ESTs
704274 AA279393 Unknown
704279 AA279423 Unknown
704280 AA279424 Unknown
704282 AA279425 UnknownUG Hs.220694ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical L1 protein [H.sapiens]
704295 AA279438 Unknown
704300 AA279431 UnknownUG Hs.87586ESTs
704305 AA279470 csk=C-SRC-kinase
704308 AA279416 UnknownUG Hs.13021ESTs
704309 AA279490 Calmegin=putative testis-specific chaperon
704311 AA279491 UnknownUG Hs.126044ESTs
704312 AA279464 UnknownUG Hs.92909SON DNA binding protein
704316 AA279465 UnknownUG Hs.158135Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0981 protein, partial cds
704317 AA279494 UnknownUG Hs.88626ESTs
704326 AA279469 UnknownUG Hs.134197ESTs, Moderately similar to FAM [M.musculus]
704327 AA279496 UnknownUG Hs.163773ESTs
704328   Similar to DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase
704330 AA279487 UnknownUG Hs.86405Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564P056 (from clone DKFZp564P056)
704331   Unknown
704337 AA279545 R29381_1=Chr 19 hypothetical protein=Similar to (Z50741) F55G7.2
704338   Similar to early B-cell factor
704339 AA279546 UnknownUG Hs.104429ESTs
704341   Unknown
704348   Unknown
704350 AA279477 Similar to Na+/H+ exchanger 6
704352   Unknown
704354 AA279553 KIAA0128=Similar to septin
704356   Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-5
704362   Unknown
704365 AA279577 spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
704367 AA279578 UnknownUG Hs.99969fusion, derived from t(12;16) malignant liposarcoma
704368 AA279569 UnknownUG Hs.139142ESTs
704370   Unknown
704373 AA279581 UnknownUG Hs.94109ESTs
704375   Unknown
704378   Unknown
704383 AA279594 UnknownUG Hs.205135ESTs
704390 AA279588 KIAA0128=Similar to septin
704393 AA279598 CREM=cAMP-responsive element modulator type1 alpha protein
704396   Unknown
704407 AA279628 CD20
704410 AA279658 UnknownUG Hs.23595Homo sapiens mRNA for deoxyribonuclease III (drn3 gene)
704412 AA279660 UnknownUG Hs.122937ESTs
704413 AA279630 Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), regulatory subunit B (PR 52), alpha isoform
704416 AA279664 Cell division cycle 10 (homologous to CDC10 of S. cerevisiae)
704418 AA279665 UnknownUG Hs.202597ESTs
704419 AA279634 Similar to ER1=developmentally-regulated frog immediate early gene activated by fibroblast growth factor and encoding a nuclear protein
704420 AA279667 NK-tumor recognition protein=cyclophilin-related protein
704422 AA279668 UnknownUG Hs.169831ESTs
704435 AA279670 Similar to nuclear dual-specificity phosphatase
704437 AA279865 ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 related protein
704442   Unknown
704445 AA279831 Ror1=protein tyrosine kinase
704446 AA279649 UnknownUG Hs.177533Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586N0318 (from clone DKFZp586N0318)
704451 AA279751 Unknown
704457 AA279754 UnknownUG Hs.161734ESTs
704458 AA279677 UnknownUG Hs.193169ESTs
704459 AA279755 CD69=early activation antigen
704461 AA279756 CD69=early activation antigen
704463 AA279885 UnknownUG Hs.99745ESTs
704478 AA279779 UnknownUG Hs.86671ESTs
704480   Unknown
704482 AA279780 UnknownUG Hs.88629ESTs
704485 AA279868 Vitamin D (1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor
704487 AA279791 UnknownUG Hs.48984ESTs
704488 AA279783 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-3 (has KRAB domain)
704501 AA279520 Unknown
704502 AA279500 UnknownUG Hs.86671ESTs
704503 AA279522 UnknownUG Hs.186918ESTs
704504 AA279502 APS=adaptor molecule containing PH and SH2 domains that is tyrosine phosphorylated upon B-cell receptor stimulation
704505 AA279523 Similar to Tbc1=hematopoietic nuclear protein homologous to tre-2, Bub1 and cdc16
704506 AA279504 UnknownUG Hs.88629ESTs
704512 AA279510 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-3 (has KRAB domain)
704517 AA279531 CD18=Integrin, beta 2=leukocyte adhesion protein (LFA-1/Mac-1/p150,95 family) beta subunit
704521   Similar to PEPT 2=H+/peptide cotransporter
704529 AA279913 UnknownUG Hs.31922ESTs
704531 AA279914 Unknown
704537 AA279403 SKD1 homologue=member of the NSF/CDC48p/Pas1p/TBP-1 family of ATPases
704540 AA279765 Unknown
704541 AA279916 UnknownUG Hs.185774ESTs, Weakly similar to ubiquitous TPR motif, Y isoform [H.sapiens]
704546   Unknown
704548 AA279919 c-rel=NF-kB family member frequently amplified in diffuse large cell lymphoma
704553 AA279974 KIAA0217
704556 AA279967 Unknown
704557 AA279994 UnknownUG Hs.88683EST
704558 AA279968 UnknownUG Hs.88679ESTs
704560 AA279969 KIAA0245
704562 AA279970 UnknownUG Hs.88681ESTs
704564 AA279971 Unknown
704569   Unknown
704573 AA280007 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
704574 AA280002 UnknownUG Hs.30057Homo sapiens clone 24749 and 24750 mRNA sequences
704576 AA280003 KIAA0192=contains an N-terminal transmembrane domain,cag repeat region similar to mouse mopa box protein, and dna topoisomerase ii motif; expressed ubiquitously
704580 AA280005 UnknownUG Hs.88686ESTs
704583 AA280010 UnknownUG Hs.13751ESTs
704585 AA280011 XE7=B-lymphocyte surface protein
704587 AA280012 Human chromosome 3p21.1 gene sequence, complete cds
704590   Unknown
704591 AA280013 UnknownUG Hs.206861EST
704593 AA279333 Unknown
704596 AA279328 UnknownUG Hs.177732ESTs
704597 AA279335 Unknown
704598   Unknown
704604 AA279896 UnknownUG Hs.169476tubulin, alpha, ubiquitous
704605 AA279482 KIAA0128=Similar to septin
704609 AA279484 UnknownUG Hs.182598ESTs
704613 AA279485 UnknownUG Hs.118968ESTs
704617 AA282048 UnknownUG Hs.191525ESTs
704621 AA282013 UnknownUG Hs.47196ESTs
704625 AA282188 UnknownUG Hs.62113Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0717 protein, partial cds
704627 AA282015 Similar to 40S ribosomal protein S2 (S4) (LLREP3 protein)
704631 AA282190 BRCA2 region EST-2
704635 AA282017 Unknown
704636 AA282046 UnknownUG Hs.87280ESTs
704637 AA282193 UnknownUG Hs.5354ESTs
704638 AA282047 Unknown
704641 AA282054 UnknownUG Hs.184487ESTs
704643 AA282055 UnknownUG Hs.118981Human DNA sequence from clone 483K16 on chromosome 6p12.1-21.1. Contains (parts of) two novel genes, 40S Ribosomal protein S16 and 60S Ribosomal protein L31 pseudogenes, ESTs, STSs, GSSs and a putative CpG island
704647 AA282056 UnknownUG Hs.118985EST
704651   Unknown
704661 AA281948 Unknown
704668 AA282425 UnknownUG Hs.4779ESTs
704671 AA280610 UnknownUG Hs.128637ESTs
704684 AA281955 UnknownUG Hs.180644ESTs
704689 AA282251 Unknown
704690 AA282196 Dyrk6=Ser/Thr protein kinase
704695   Unknown
704696 AA282199 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
704698 AA282200 UnknownUG Hs.89003EST
704700   Unknown
704701 AA282255 UnknownUG Hs.118990ESTs
704705 AA282257 Unknown
704707 AA282258 Unknown
704712 AA282504 NFAT4=NFATc3=NFATx
704715 AA282517 actin=cytoskeletal gamma-actin
704716 AA282506 UnknownUG Hs.153468sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3E
704717   Unknown
704727   Unknown
704728 AA282609 Similar to (Z70269) ZK1086.1
704730 AA282513 Unknown
704731 AA282519 KIAA0250
704735 AA282474 UnknownUG Hs.118989EST
704737 AA282482 ILK=integrin-linked kinase
704740 AA282477 Unknown
704741 AA282530 Unknown
704742 AA282478 UnknownUG Hs.185997ESTs
704749 AA282533 Unknown
704752   Unknown
704756 AA282614 UnknownUG Hs.154366ESTs
704759 AA282536 Unknown
704760 AA282537 MEF2B=XMEF2=MADS/MEF2-family transcription factor=myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2B
704765 AA282522 PKD1=autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease protein=integral membrane protein involved in cell-cell/matrix interactions
704769 AA282524 Smad1=JV4-1=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)
704774 AA282624 UnknownUG Hs.157138ESTs
704783 AA282664 SHP-1=mutated in motheaten mouse=Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 6=PTP1C=protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1C=HCP=hematopoietic cell phophatase
704787 AA282748 UnknownUG Hs.169938ESTs
704790   Unknown
704797 AA282561 KIAA0096=Similar to SNF1-related kinase
704798   Unknown
704802   Unknown
704812 AA282756 UnknownUG Hs.109302ESTs
704814   Unknown
704815 AA282782 Id2=Id2H=Inhibitor of DNA binding 2, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
704820 AA282757 pre-pro-orphanin FQ=prepronociceptin
704823 AA282785 Unknown
704828 AA282760 Unknown
704830 AA282761 UnknownUG Hs.159260ESTs
704831 AA282789 Unknown
704833 AA282797 BUB3=ligand for BUB1 mitotic checkpoint kinase
704848 AA282841 UnknownUG Hs.121599ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4680675) [H.sapiens]
704849 AA282803 KIAA0083
704854 AA282843 BUB3=ligand for BUB1 mitotic checkpoint kinase
704855 AA282682 PCAF associated factor 65 beta
704860 AA282684 UnknownUG Hs.22059ESTs
704862 AA282807 HD3=histone deacetylase 3
704870 AA282810 UnknownUG Hs.130866ESTs
704878 AA282773 MCL1=myeloid cell differentiation protein
704883 AA283055 Unknown
704884 AA282888 UnknownUG Hs.190058ESTs
704885 AA283065 UnknownUG Hs.188181ESTs
704890 AA283050 UnknownUG Hs.135162ESTs
704891 AA283069 alpha-L-iduronidase (IDUA)
704905 AA279804 Krev-1=RAP-1A
704908 AA279796 UnknownUG Hs.39777ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS F WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
704914 AA279799 UnknownUG Hs.58895ESTs
704915 AA279809 TAP1=peptide transporter
704916 AA279800 UnknownUG Hs.88653ESTs
704918 AA279801 Unknown
704928 AA279813 UnknownUG Hs.15936ESTs
704935 AA279691 UnknownUG Hs.202365ESTs
704936 AA279712 UnknownUG Hs.140945Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586L141 (from clone DKFZp586L141)
704942 AA279818 Deoxythymidylate kinase
704945 AA279694 UnknownUG Hs.191540ESTs
704946 AA279687 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-24 (homology in novel N-terminal domain)
704948 AA279688 BAP135=Bruton's tyrosine kinase-associated protein-135
704949 AA279766 UnknownUG Hs.211153ESTs
704950 AA279689 UnknownUG Hs.142219ESTs
704951 AA279767 UnknownUG Hs.188676ESTs
704952 AA279768 UnknownUG Hs.88663ESTs
704954 AA279769 PP5=serine-threonine phosphatase
704956 AA279770 UnknownUG Hs.104432ESTs
704960 AA279771 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-27
704962 AA279772 X-CGD gene involved in chronic granulomatous disease locat ed on chromosome X=Cytochrome B-245 light chain component of microbicidal
oxidase system in phagocytes
704963 AA279826 Similar to napsin B aspartic protease and kidney-derived aspartic protease-like protein (Mouse)
704968 AA279774 UnknownUG Hs.227041ESTs
704969 AA279828 Unknown
704972 AA279820 Ki67 (long type)
704982 AA279933 UnknownUG Hs.191817ESTs
704983 AA279954 UnknownUG Hs.41502ESTs
704985 AA279956 UnknownUG Hs.88672ESTs
704987 AA279958 UnknownUG Hs.191539ESTs
704990 AA279939 UnknownUG Hs.192036ESTs
704991 AA279961 UnknownUG Hs.177736ESTs
704992 AA279941 zinc finger protein 42 MZF-1
704998 AA279947 Peroxisome assembly factor-2 (PAF-2)
705002 AA280015 UnknownUG Hs.222275ESTs
705009 AA280026 UnknownUG Hs.88689ESTs
705012 AA280020 Similar to (D85881) YGHL2 AND c-raf-1 kinase (identical) (Double Hit)
705014 AA280092 homologue of yeast sec7 expressed in cytolytic NK/T cells
705019 AA280029 Ikaros=LyF-1=hIk-1
705033 AA279842 Unknown
705035 AA279906 MNB=homologue of Drosophila minibrain=serine/threonine kinase
705036 AA280036 UnknownUG Hs.145374ESTs, Weakly similar to W01A6.c [C.elegans]
705042 AA280038 protein phosphatase 2A epsilon isoform of 61kDa regulatory subunit
705045 AA279843 Unknown
705046 AA279838 PML=promyelocytic leukemia protein=nuclear body protein=translocated to retinoic receptor alpha in acute promyelocytic leukemia
705047 AA279844 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-1
705051 AA280040 UnknownUG Hs.198980ESTs
705053 AA280041 OCP2=RNA polymerase II elongation factor-like protein=cyclin A/CDK2-associated p19 (Skp1)
705056 AA279987 butyrophilin=membrane glycoprotein expressed on mammary epithelium
705059 AA280057 UnknownUG Hs.105280ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4586405) [M.musculus]
705061   Unknown
705064 AA279990 JkR1 mRNA downregulated upon T-cell activation
705068 AA279991 UnknownUG Hs.124691ESTs
705074 AA281315 HS1= hematopoietic lineage cell specific protein = homologue of mouse lckbp-1 (lck binding protein)
705080 AA281317 UnknownUG Hs.171332ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
705086   Chromatin assembly factor-I p150
705090 AA281321 Unknown
705097 AA281156 CD53
705099 AA281157 UnknownUG Hs.190548ESTs
705102 AA281004 UnknownUG Hs.145024ESTs
705104 AA281005 UnknownUG Hs.220555ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
705106 AA281006 Similar to G-protein couple receptor homologue U51 and peptidyl-dipeptidase A
705110 AA281152 CASPASE-9=Mch6=Icelap 6
705114 AA281154 UnknownUG Hs.86399ESTs
705120 AA281211 UnknownUG Hs.125867ESTs
705127 AA281242 Similar to hematopoietic cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase 70Z-PEP
705132 AA281234 UnknownUG Hs.4876ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4585229) [H.sapiens]
705135 AA281246 UnknownUG Hs.192008ESTs
705136 AA281236 UnknownUG Hs.191542ESTs
705146 AA281250 UnknownUG Hs.177744ESTs
705152 AA281253 UnknownUG Hs.104450ESTs
705153 AA281261 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase=5-lipoxygenase=5-LO
705158 AA281255 Unknown
705159 AA281263 UnknownUG Hs.204091ESTs
705174 AA281340 Unknown
705184 AA281344 UnknownUG Hs.111436ESTs
705185 AA281299 Unknown
705191   Unknown
705195 AA281352 Unknown
705196 AA281390 CENP-F kinetochore protein=mitosin=cell-cycle-dependent 350K nuclear protein=AH antigen
705197 AA281353 GSTZ1=Glutathione transferase Zeta 1=maleylacetoacetate isomerase
705200 AA281303 UnknownUG Hs.189065ESTs
705201 AA281402 KIAA0084
705203 AA281355 KIAA0084
705213   Unknown
705215 AA281408 UnknownUG Hs.157426Homo sapiens Chromosome 16 BAC clone CIT987SK-44M2
705216   Unknown
705218 AA281358 Unknown
705221 AA281422 UnknownUG Hs.7972Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0871 protein, complete cds
705222   Unknown
705224 AA281412 vinculin
705227 AA281381 Similar to electron transfer flavoprotein beta-subunit (beta-ETF)
705228   Unknown
705230 AA281379 Similar to (U50193) weak similarity to SP:YAD5_CLOAB (P33746) hypothetical protein and to PIR:C48583 stress-inducible protein STI1
705236   Similar to endothelin converting enzyme-2
705238   Unknown
705240 AA281220 UnknownUG Hs.119415ESTs
705241   Unknown
705246 AA281223 UnknownUG Hs.56066fibroblast growth factor 2 (basic)
705247 AA281375 BDP1=protein-tyrosine-phosphatase
705248 AA281386 UnknownUG Hs.115217ESTs
705249   Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 genomeribC-pykF region
705252   Unknown
705265 AA280677 Similar to KIAA0425=contains Cys-rich domain
705266 AA280689 UnknownUG Hs.128824oligophrenin 1
705272 AA280690 UnknownUG Hs.143722ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
705273 AA280684 UnknownUG Hs.194128ESTs
705274 AA280692 Diacylglycerol kinase delta
705278   Unknown
705281 AA280697 KIAA0235=pumilio homologue and Similar to KIAA0099 (double hit)
705282   Unknown
705283 AA280698 UnknownUG Hs.124078ESTs
705285 AA280700 UnknownUG Hs.222932ESTs
705286 AA280675 UnknownUG Hs.190440ESTs
705287   Unknown
711437 AA281433 Unknown
711440 AA281362 Tapasin=NGS-17=Associated with transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP)
711443 AA281436 UnknownUG Hs.221970ESTs
711445 AA281437 UnknownUG Hs.88838ESTs
711450 AA281366 p84=RB binding nuclear matrix protein that localizes to subnuclear regions associated with RNA processing
711452 AA280749 UnknownUG Hs.173945ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS A WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
711462   Unknown
711463 AA281460 UnknownUG Hs.88842EST
711465 AA281424 NERF=ets family transcription factor
711466 AA281442 UnknownUG Hs.88839ESTs
711468 AA280763 CDC2-related kinase (PITALRE)=clone C-2k=serine/threonine protein kinase
711470 AA281452 UnknownUG Hs.88840EST
711473 AA281426 Nramp=natural resistance-associated macrophage protein=possible transporter protein mediating resistance to infection with intracellular parasites
711477 AA281427 UnknownUG Hs.88843ESTs
711489 AA281479 LYL-1=helix-loop-helix transcription factor
711491   Unknown
711497 AA281444 UnknownUG Hs.186878ESTs
711500 AA281476 Unknown
711505 AA280730 A28-RGS14p=G protein signaling regulator
711506 AA280703 Unknown
711516 AA280725 Unknown
711525 AA280738 UnknownUG Hs.128679ESTs
711537 AA280918 KIAA0386
711542 AA280671 Unknown
711546 AA280789 Similar to IAP family
711547 AA280844 KIAA0053
711554 AA280847 Similar to T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 gamma chain precursor
711561 AA280877 UnknownUG Hs.191541ESTs
711562 AA280850 homolog of Drosophila splicing regulator suppressor-of-white-apricot
711563 AA280878 Similar to T lymphocyte specific adaptor protein with SH2 domain
711576 AA280884 APS=adaptor molecule containing PH and SH2 domains that is tyrosine phosphorylated upon B-cell receptor stimulation
711579   Unknown
711580 AA280886 UnknownUG Hs.231121ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
711583 AA280979 UnknownUG Hs.15725ESTs
711584 AA280888 UnknownUG Hs.161737ESTs
711587 AA280898 Unknown
711595 AA280902 Unknown
711625 AA281073 UnknownUG Hs.126376ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown protein [R.norvegicus]
711628 AA281100 UnknownUG Hs.87897ESTs
711633 AA281075 FLICE-like inhibitory protein long form=I-FLICE=FLAME-1=Casper=MRIT=CASH=cFLIP=CLARP
711635 AA281076 UnknownUG Hs.109221ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS F WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
711642 AA281106 Unknown
711643 AA281079 UnknownUG Hs.188075ESTs
711647 AA281116 CHK1=Ser/Thr kinase=DNA damage checkpoint protein which blocks mitotic entry
711656 AA281120 PBEF=pre-B cell enhancing factor
711657 AA281085 Tandem repeat region 3' of Ig constant regions
711658 AA281121 UnknownUG Hs.44954ESTs
711661 AA281086 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
711663 AA281087 Unknown
711664 AA281124 Unknown
711666 AA281081 aspartyl-tRNA synthetase alpha-2 subunit
711674 AA280929 UnknownUG Hs.47135ESTs
711680 AA280931 Ikaros=LyF-1=hIk-1
711688 AA280934 UnknownUG Hs.170134ESTs
711689 AA281130 Unknown
711695 AA281133 UnknownUG Hs.88808ESTs
711696 AA280904 UnknownUG Hs.210505ESTs
711697   Lymphotoxin-Beta=Tumor necrosis factor C
711698 AA280905 BRCA2=Mutated in breast and ovarian cancer
711702 AA280907 UnknownUG Hs.21137ESTs
711708   Unknown
711710 AA280910 protein phosphatase 2A epsilon isoform of 61kDa regulatory subunit
711712   Unknown
711714 AA280912 titin
711718 AA280914 STP1=phenol-preferring phenol sulfotransferase1
711721   Immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer region
711731 AA280937 flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO1)
711733 AA280938 KIAA0562=Similar to glycine-glutamate-thienylcyclohexylpiperidine-binding protein
711734 AA280803 UnknownUG Hs.28355ESTs
711738 AA280805 UnknownUG Hs.191540ESTs
711739   Similar to mutant sterol regulatory element binding protein-2 and LIM-domain SF3 protein
711746   Similar to beta transducin domains (multiple)-3
711747 AA280824 UnknownUG Hs.190035ESTs
711749 AA280825 UnknownUG Hs.87897ESTs
711750 AA280815 snoI=immediate early serum response homologue of ski oncogene
711751 AA280826 IK=IFN-gamma antagonist cytokine
711754   Similar to (U39993) coded for by C. elegans cDNA yk54h9.5 similar to matrin F/G
711763 AA280830 UnknownUG Hs.88189ESTs
711766 AA280822 Unknown
711788 AA280837 NERF=ets family transcription factor
711821 AA280863 Unknown
711824 AA281056 Unknown
711832 AA281059 Unknown
711841 AA281014 UnknownUG Hs.32491ESTs
711853 AA281063 Unknown
711860 AA281012 UnknownUG Hs.151949ESTs
711861 AA281065 Unknown
711870 AA281068 MCL1=myeloid cell differentiation protein
711875 AA281095 UnknownUG Hs.43948ESTs
711878 AA281197 Similar to probable membrane protein YDR126w
711879   Unknown
711914 AA282132 UnknownUG Hs.191545ESTs
711936 AA282166 Unknown
711939 AA282174 Unknown
711942 AA282169 Unknown
711946 AA282171 UnknownUG Hs.134740ESTs
711949 AA282059 lck=lymphoid-restricted tyrosine kinase
711952 AA282172 Unknown
711953 AA282060 UnknownUG Hs.115221EST
711955 AA282061 UnknownUG Hs.109257ESTs
711968 AA282067 UnknownUG Hs.88972ESTs
711969 AA282095 ubiquitin-homology domain protein PIC1
711976 AA282089 UnknownUG Hs.88599ESTs
711979 AA282099 UnknownUG Hs.148006ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
711985 AA281494 UnknownUG Hs.88854ESTs
711988 AA281448 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
711992 AA281450 UnknownUG Hs.12064Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1063 protein, partial cds
711993 AA281497 interferon-gamma receptor alpha chain
711996 AA281489 Unknown
711997 AA281289 Unknown
712003 AA281291 Guanine nucleotide binding protein G(Z), aopha subunit
712006 AA281493 UnknownUG Hs.203263ESTs
712008 AA281604 UnknownUG Hs.137433ESTs
712011   Unknown
712012 AA281596 63 kDa protein=UV radiation resistance associated gene
712016   Unknown
712017 AA281613 TIAR=nucleolysin=cytotoxic granule-associated RNA-binding protein inducer of DNA fragmentation
712018 AA281607 UnknownUG Hs.186651ESTs
712019 AA281614 KIAA0128=Similar to septin
712023 AA281616 alpha-fetoprotein enhancer binding protein
712029 AA281619 Unknown
712031 AA281620 thymosin beta-4
712036 AA281621 c-IAP1=MIHB=IAP homolog B
712049 AA281635 MDA-7=melanoma differentiation-associated 7=anti-proliferative
712051 AA281636 UnknownUG Hs.194466ESTs
712054 AA281627 UnknownUG Hs.189309ESTs
712062 AA281641 UnknownUG Hs.142230ESTs
712065 AA281488 UnknownUG Hs.88886EST
712066 AA281705 Lymphotoxin-Beta=Tumor necrosis factor C
712070 AA281480 fyn=syn=slk=Tyrosine protein kinase
712076 AA281483 UnknownUG Hs.205657ESTs
712081 AA282118 UnknownUG Hs.19215ESTs
712083 AA282120 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
712084 AA282104 UnknownUG Hs.65450neuroendocrine-specific protein C like (foocen)
712092 AA282107 X-CGD gene involved in chronic granulomatous disease locat ed on chromosome X=Cytochrome B-245 light chain component of microbicidal
oxidase system in phagocytes
712093 AA282129 KIAA0050
712104 AA281555 UnknownUG Hs.144320EST
712106 AA281556 Glutathione peroxidase 1
712107   Unknown
712112 AA280181 KL04P=gene from human dendritic cell=Similar to hADA2=transcriptional adaptor
712113 AA281565 Similar to CCA3=mRNA level of which transiently decreases before initiation of DNA synthesis in regenerating rat liver cells
712116   Unknown
712117 AA281566 Similar to Bach protein 2
712119 AA281567 ELF-1=ets family transcription factor
712122 AA281562 Unknown
712123   Unknown
712131 AA281468 UnknownUG Hs.26593ESTs, Weakly similar to Similar to cuticular collagen [C.elegans]
712135 AA281470 UnknownUG Hs.87329ESTs
712138 AA281464 UnknownUG Hs.130865ESTs
712140 AA281465 Similar to Sodium independent organic aniontransporting polypeptide
712144   Unknown
712147 AA280239 UnknownUG Hs.172426katanin p60 (ATPase-containing) subunit A 1
712148 AA280228 UnknownUG Hs.104438ESTs
712149 AA281538 UnknownUG Hs.22208ESTs
712152   Unknown
712160 AA281542 CCAAT-binding protein (Hap2)
712163 AA280258 UnknownUG Hs.227782Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586M1019 (from clone DKFZp586M1019)
712171 AA280262 UnknownUG Hs.47122ESTs
712172 AA281574 UnknownUG Hs.136819ESTs
712173   Unknown
712174 AA281575 Similar to Ubiquitin activating enzyme E1
712181 AA280391 CASPASE-3=CPP32 isoform alpha=yama=cysteine protease
712183 AA280392 Similar to androgen-regulated epididymal protein precursor and metalloproteinase
712184 AA282079 UnknownUG Hs.108106ESTs
712186 AA282080 UnknownUG Hs.187634ESTs
712198 AA282086 PKA-R1 alpha=cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha-catalytic regulatory chain
712199 AA282182 Unknown
712205 AA280372 Unknown
712208   Unknown
712214 AA280287 KIAA0135=related to pim-1 kinase
712216 AA280288 UnknownUG Hs.88746EST
712218   Unknown
712219 AA280377 Unknown
712224 AA280379 UnknownUG Hs.87912ESTs
712226 AA280380 UnknownUG Hs.13812ESTs
712228   Unknown
712229 AA280413 spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
712232 AA280204 NIP2=E1B 19K/Bcl-2-interacting protein
712234 AA280205 UnknownUG Hs.128578ESTs
712237   Unknown
712246 AA280411 UnknownUG Hs.165270ESTs
712247   JAK1 tyrosine kinase
712248   Similar to catechol O-methyltransferase
712249 AA280365 UnknownUG Hs.182606ESTs
712250 AA280416 TAB1=activator of TAK1 MAPKKK (TGF beta-activated kinase)
712253 AA280367 UnknownUG Hs.130729ESTs
712255   Similar to ras-related protein RAP-2A-1
712257 AA280426 UnknownUG Hs.88754EST
712258 AA280341 UnknownUG Hs.146018Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566E0124 (from clone DKFZp566E0124)
712262 AA280420 Unknown
712278 AA280404 c-fos
712279   Unknown
712280 AA280406 L-plastin=actin-binding protein
712281 AA280385 UnknownUG Hs.190052ESTs
712283 AA280387 Similar to spliceosome associated protein 145
712295 AA280106 BAD=bbc6=proapoptotic Bcl-2 homolog
712296   Unknown
712297 AA404969 LYSP100=SP140
712302 AA405670 UnknownUG Hs.96580EST
712304 AA405671 UnknownUG Hs.189090ESTs
712305 AA404971 Similar to YY1=GLI-Krupple related zinc finger transcription factor
712308 AA405673 UnknownUG Hs.191654EST
712316 AA404968 UnknownUG Hs.163295Human Line-1 repeat mRNA with 2 open reading frames
712318   Unknown
712321 AA404993 UnknownUG Hs.137435ESTs
712324 AA404986 Unknown
712327 AA404994 UnknownUG Hs.86405Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564P056 (from clone DKFZp564P056)
712329 AA404995 UnknownUG Hs.192480ESTs
712331 AA404996 UnknownUG Hs.209224ESTs
712335 AA404997 UnknownUG Hs.152717nucleoside diphosphate kinase type 6 (inhibitor of p53-induced apoptosis-alpha)
712338 AA404991 UnknownUG Hs.209148ESTs
712343 AA405001 UnknownUG Hs.184316ESTs
712344 AA405002 Unknown
712350 AA405005 UnknownUG Hs.195719ESTs
712353 AA405243 PPP1CB=Protein phosphatase 1, catalytic subunit, beta isoform
712354 AA405006 Unknown
712356 AA405007 UnknownUG Hs.37251ESTs
712360 AA405008 UnknownUG Hs.96607ESTs
712364 AA405238 Unknown
712366 AA405239 UnknownUG Hs.194128ESTs
712368 AA281660 A20=TNF alpha inducible, TRAF1,2 binding inhibitor of NF-kB activation
712370 AA281662 Unknown
712374 AA281665 Unknown
712378 AA281667 Protein kinase inhibitor
712386 AA281717 UnknownUG Hs.38992ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
712387 AA281749 UnknownUG Hs.8118Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0650 protein, partial cds
712388 AA281719 Similar to SP100=Nuclear body protein
712392 AA281771 Unknown
712393 AA281780 Similar to SPOP=speckle-type POZ protein
712395 AA281781 BCL-6
712398 AA281853 UnknownUG Hs.121740ESTs
712404 AA281775 Unknown
712406 AA281776 UnknownUG Hs.204112ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
712410 AA281778 Unknown
712411 AA281788 UnknownUG Hs.114173ESTs
712414 AA281779 Cyclin G2
712415 AA281579 UnknownUG Hs.104457ESTs
712416 AA281580 Unknown
712417 AA281735 MIR-7=monocyte/macrophage Ig-related receptor=HM43 monocyte inhibitory receptor (overlaps with lysozyme)
712423   Unknown
712425 AA281738 Ste20-like kinase 3 (mst-3)
712430 AA281585 Unknown
712431 AA281740 Unknown
712434 AA281587 UnknownUG Hs.193522ESTs
712437 AA281723 UnknownUG Hs.117330ESTs
712439 AA281724 UnknownUG Hs.10161ESTs
712442   Unknown
712449 AA281802 Unknown
712450 AA281728 Similar to CG1
712452 AA281907 IK=IFN-gamma antagonist cytokine
712459 AA281804 UnknownUG Hs.221216ESTs
712460 AA281731 cathepsin B
712463 AA281805 c-jun
712468 AA281754 UnknownUG Hs.213632nucleolar autoantigen (55kD) similar to rat synaptonemal complex protein
712469 AA281764 UnknownUG Hs.190054ESTs
712471 AA281765 UnknownUG Hs.193689ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
712477 AA280122 UnknownUG Hs.202588ESTs
712478 AA281758 Unknown
712480 AA281759 UnknownUG Hs.231680ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
712484 AA281761 UnknownUG Hs.193383ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
712492 AA278369 Protein phosphatase 2A, regulatory subunit B' alpha-1
712497 AA278381 UnknownUG Hs.213541ESTs
712498 AA278371 UnknownUG Hs.155276ESTs, Highly similar to RNA polymerase II termination factor [H.sapiens]
712501   Unknown
712504 AA278374 Unknown
712505 AA278384 CDC2=Cell division control protein 2 homolog=P34 protein kinase
712512 AA278387 UnknownUG Hs.221543ESTs
712515 AA278396 UnknownUG Hs.88689ESTs
712521 AA278399 UnknownUG Hs.20596ESTs
712531 AA278404 UnknownUG Hs.180662ESTs
712533 AA278405 UnknownUG Hs.21205interferon, alpha-inducible protein (clone IFI-6-16)
712536 AA279976 Unknown
712538 AA279977 UnknownUG Hs.221545ESTs
712540 AA279978 BTG1=B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative
712543 AA278356 Unknown
712548 AA279982 UnknownUG Hs.111418ESTs
712551 AA278359 Unknown
712552   Similar to Human endogenous retrovirus-3
712554 AA279983 Unknown
712555 AA278133 UnknownUG Hs.118971ESTs
712556 AA279984 UnknownUG Hs.185775ESTs
712557   Unknown
712558 AA278352 Unknown
712562 AA281296 Telomerase catalytic subunit=EST2
712563 AA281510 A-raf=c-raf-1 kinase
712564 AA281499 D123= responsible for temperature-sensitive G1-phase arrest in a mutant of rat fibroblast line 3Y1
712571 AA281543 Unknown
712572 AA281524 R-PTP-mu=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase mu
712578 AA281530 Unknown
712580 AA281532 UnknownUG Hs.186650ESTs
712590 AA281925 UnknownUG Hs.230156EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS B WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
712591 AA281936 UnknownUG Hs.88914ESTs
712592 AA281926 UnknownUG Hs.87530ESTs
712594 AA281927 Unknown
712598 AA281929 UnknownUG Hs.143974ESTs
712599 AA281937 Unknown
712600 AA281930 UnknownUG Hs.110099Homo sapiens mRNA for MTG8-related protein MTG16b, complete cds
712602 AA281931 Unknown
712607 AA281792 UnknownUG Hs.201375ESTs
712610 AA281793 UnknownUG Hs.88917ESTs
712611 AA281886 UnknownUG Hs.88923ESTs
712612 AA281794 Unknown
712617 AA281888 Unknown
712626 AA281883 UnknownUG Hs.132109ESTs
712627 AA281890 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-2
712628 AA281884 UnknownUG Hs.115219EST
712631 AA281892 KIAA0084
712640 AA280509 UnknownUG Hs.231702ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
712641 AA280514 nuclear pore complex-associated protein TPR (tpr)
712646 AA280512 Unknown
712647 AA280515 Similar to cytokeratin 18
712648 AA280513 UnknownUG Hs.86508ESTs
712649 AA280516 Similar to (Z92770) hypothetical protein Rv0133 [Mycobacterium tuberculosis]
712662 AA280132 Unknown
712663 AA280151 Unknown
712664 AA280134 UnknownUG Hs.178354ESTs
712666   Unknown
712669 AA280155 Unknown
712672 AA280140 ZF5=POZ domain zinc finger protein
712673   Unknown
712674   Similar to KIAA0157
712678 AA280144 UnknownUG Hs.193945ESTs
712683 AA280214 nck=cytoplasmic protein with src homology
712689 AA280551 MEF2B=XMEF2=MADS/MEF2-family transcription factor=myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2B
712690 AA280169 UnknownUG Hs.104439ESTs
712694 AA280170 UnknownUG Hs.191648ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical protein [H.sapiens]
712699   Unknown
712701 AA280218 UnknownUG Hs.191541ESTs
712708 AA280265 Unknown
712709 AA280293 Unknown
712711 AA280294 UnknownUG Hs.105104ESTs
712712 AA280267 Similar to SON protein (SON3)
712713 AA280295 FEZ1-T=homologue of C. elegans unc-76 gene required for axonal bundling and elongation within axon bundles
712714 AA280268 Unknown
712724 AA280271 UnknownUG Hs.187681ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
712727 AA280299 UnknownUG Hs.180398LIM domain-containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma
712728 AA280300 UnknownUG Hs.191346ESTs
712731 AA280556 UnknownUG Hs.42640ESTs
712735 AA280314 UnknownUG Hs.199882ESTs
712739 AA280316 KIAA0597=TEB4=Similar to Ssm4p (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
712744 AA280308 UnknownUG Hs.220575ESTs
712747 AA280317 T cell receptor alpha/delta locus (non-coding region)
712748 AA280310 UnknownUG Hs.193367ESTs
712756 AA291940 Unknown
712757 AA291949 Unknown
712759 AA291950 STAT6
712768 AA291945 UnknownUG Hs.99918carboxyl ester lipase (bile salt-stimulated lipase)
712776 AA280583 UnknownUG Hs.163237ESTs
712778 AA280584 Unknown
712783 AA280594 UnknownUG Hs.130393ESTs
712787 AA280595 UnknownUG Hs.141884ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
712788 AA280587 Unknown
712794 AA280590 Unknown
712799 AA280619 UnknownUG Hs.177750ESTs, Moderately similar to reverse transcriptase [M.musculus]
712801 AA280629 APR=immediate-early-response gene=ATL-derived PMA-responsivepeptide
712802 AA280620 Unknown
712811 AA280634 Similar to interferon-gamma receptor alpha chain
712812 AA280604 DHFR=Dihydrofolate reductase
712813 AA281962 UnknownUG Hs.105341ESTs
712815 AA280635 Unknown
712818 AA280626 hnup153=nuclear pore complex protein
712824 AA280639 UnknownUG Hs.190055ESTs
712829 AA280651 TTG-2=Rhombotin-2=translocated in t(11;14)(p13;q11) T cell acute lymphocytic leukemia=cysteine rich protein with LIM motif
712840 AA280647 STAT5A/5B
712844 AA280649 CD21=B-lymphocyte CR2-receptor (for complement factor C3d and Epstein-Barr virus)
712845 AA280529 UnknownUG Hs.137436EST
712848 AA281945 MADD=DENN=MAP kinase-activating death domain protein
712849 AA281973 PARP = poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase
712851 AA281974 Unknown
712853 AA281975 Unknown
712857 AA282457 Similar to MLD=putative fatty acid desaturase
712860 AA281967 UnknownUG Hs.221168ESTs
712870 AA281972 STP1=phenol-preferring phenol sulfotransferase1
712874 AA282184 ACP1=red cell-type low molecular weight acid phosphatase
712891 AA282218 UnknownUG Hs.89200ESTs
712893 AA282282 UnknownUG Hs.22059ESTs
712894 AA282210 Unknown
712899 AA282233 OP-1=osteogenic protein in the TGF-beta family
712900 AA282222 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
712902 AA282223 IRF-2=interferon regulatory factor-2
712903 AA282353 UnknownUG Hs.163776ESTs
712905 AA282235 UnknownUG Hs.53996ESTs
712910 AA282227 Unknown
712915 AA282239 UnknownUG Hs.61399ESTs
712918 AA282231 UnknownUG Hs.221245ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
712920 AA282242 UnknownUG Hs.185776ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
712924 AA282243 UnknownUG Hs.137438EST
712927   Unknown
712928 AA282244 UnknownUG Hs.142238EST
712931 AA282073 Similar to neuropathy target esterase
712937 AA282075 hPMS1=DNA mismatch repair protein=mutL homologue
712939 AA282076 CRM1=putative soluble nuclear transport factor that interacts with the nclear pore complex=homologue of yeast chromosome region maintenance protein 1
712944 AA282267 UnknownUG Hs.88650ESTs
712945 AA282466 btk=Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase
712947 AA282468 UnknownUG Hs.121004ESTs
712951   Unknown
712952 AA282275 Unknown
712953 AA282473 KIAA0083
712957 AA282495 UnknownUG Hs.89014ESTs
712965 AA282502 Unknown
712966 AA282465 Unknown
712970   EST-2 from DMA, DMB, HLA-Z1, IPP2, LMP2, TAP1, LMP7, TAP2, DOB, DQB2 and RING8, 9, 13 and 14 locus
712971 AA282566 Unknown
712974 AA282540 Similar to (Z70269) ZK1086.1
712976 AA282541 UnknownUG Hs.89029ESTs
712981 AA282680 Similar to KIN17
712983 AA282569 BUB3=ligand for BUB1 mitotic checkpoint kinase
712984 AA282545 Unknown
712990 AA282547 Unknown
712996 AA282573 Unknown
712997 AA282581 UnknownUG Hs.193520ESTs
712998 AA282574 Similar to (Z70269) ZK1086.1
713005 AA282646 Zinc finger protein (ZnF20)
713007 AA282583 UnknownUG Hs.88617ESTs
713011 AA282648 UnknownUG Hs.138629H.sapiens mRNA for subtelomeric repeat sequence
713019 AA282594 EXML1=gene on Xp11.2-p11.4 that escapes X-inactivation
713023 AA282596 UnknownUG Hs.146264ESTs
713025 AA282710 UnknownUG Hs.219255ESTs
713026 AA282554 Unknown
713032   Unknown
713035   Unknown
713036 AA282556 Unknown
713037 AA282715 UnknownUG Hs.24024ESTs
713049 AA282303 Unknown
713050 AA282285 Unknown
713053 AA282307 UnknownUG Hs.184245Novel human gene mapping to chomosome 1
713057 AA282311 Unknown
713058 AA282292 UnknownUG Hs.82771vaccinia related kinase 2
713064 AA283057 Similar to (Z73102) B0035.14
713065 AA282847 Unknown
713070 AA282969 Unknown
713080 AA282845 CLK-2=cdc2/CDC28-like protein kinase-2
713081   APR=immediate-early-response gene=ATL-derived PMA-responsivepeptide
713084   Unknown
713093 AA282914 Similar to KIAA0132 gene product is related to Drosophila ring canal protein
713103 AA282918 Unknown
713104 AA282909 KIAA0015=protein with phosphatase 2C motif
713106 AA282910 MLL=HRX=ALL-1
713108 AA282911 Similar to (Z68296) C46C2.1 AND KIAA0344 (identity) (Double Hit)
713114 AA282985 UnknownUG Hs.89081ESTs
713115 AA283003 UnknownUG Hs.111452ESTs
713118   Similar to unknown rat gene D78303
713122 AA282988 FAST
713128 AA283000 Similar to CTD-binding SR-like protein rA4
713129 AA283007 Granzyme A=HuHF=Hanukah factor serine protease
713133 AA283008 UnknownUG Hs.7980ESTs
713135 AA283009 UnknownUG Hs.24083Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0997 protein, complete cds
713136 AA283076 UnknownUG Hs.191547ESTs
713137 AA282903 Similar to (Z73102) B0035.14
713145 AA283090 CD44=Pgp-1=extracellular matrix receptor-III=Hyaluronate receptor
713146 AA283081 UnknownUG Hs.4815nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 3
713149   Similar to DnaJ homolog 2
713151 AA283092 UnknownUG Hs.125740ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical protein [H.sapiens]
713157 AA283095 DNA-binding protein (CROC-1A) and PAX-3 (Double hit)
713158 AA283087 UnknownUG Hs.89104ESTs
713161 AA285046 Unknown
713164 AA285036 titin
713173 AA285051 UnknownUG Hs.188734ESTs
713176 AA285042 UnknownUG Hs.175882ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
713184 AA284922 Unknown
713185 AA284630 Unknown
713186 AA284923 Unknown
713187 AA284631 Unknown
713189 AA284632 Unknown
713192 AA282769 UnknownUG Hs.87643ESTs
713193 AA284634 JAK1 tyrosine kinase
713197 AA284636 UnknownUG Hs.188734ESTs
713207 AA283600 tubulin-beta
713210 AA283601 Unknown
713211 AA283630 Unknown
713219 AA283634 tyk2=non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase
713221 AA283635 UnknownUG Hs.188734ESTs
713222 AA282831 IRF-7=interferon regulatory factor-7
713228 AA282832 UnknownUG Hs.18793ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
713241 AA282958 Unknown
713248 AA282946 UnknownUG Hs.14691ESTs
713250 AA282947 UnknownUG Hs.158149ESTs
713251 AA282965 UnknownUG Hs.89068EST
713252 AA282948 UnknownUG Hs.202647ESTs, Highly similar to KIAA0322 [H.sapiens]
713256 AA283010 UnknownUG Hs.210615ESTs
713263 AA283020 pre-pro-orphanin FQ=prepronociceptin
713266 AA283013 Unknown
713268 AA283014 Unknown
713272   Unknown
713274 AA283015 KIAA0409
713279 AA283025 UnknownUG Hs.118993ESTs
713282 AA283027 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase
713286 AA283029 UnknownUG Hs.55533ESTs
713287 AA283038 UnknownUG Hs.41470ESTs
713294 AA283033 Unknown
713298 AA283034 STAT induced STAT inhibitor-1=JAB=SOCS-1
713305 AA282880 Unknown
713307 AA282881 UnknownUG Hs.190057ESTs
713323 AA282884 UnknownUG Hs.119960ESTs
713328 AA283641 UnknownUG Hs.139240Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564F1422 (from clone DKFZp564F1422)
713330 AA283643 UnknownUG Hs.193980ESTs
713332 AA283645 Ki67 (long type)
713340 AA283652 UnknownUG Hs.89184EST
713341 AA283667 Restin (Reed-Steinberg cell-expressed intermediate filament-associated protein)
713342   Unknown
713347 AA283609 UnknownUG Hs.182980ESTs
745995 AA482002 UnknownUG Hs.192708ESTs, Highly similar to A-myb N-terminal region )2341 is 2nd base in codon) [H.sapiens]
745996 AA482000 Similar to ASH1
746002   NUP358=cytoplasmically exposed nucleoporin=Ran binding protein 2 (RanBP2alpha)=sperm membrane protein BS-63
746003 AA482005 Similar to Pro-Pol-dUTPase polyprotein [Murine endogenous retrovirus]
746009 AA482587 UnknownUG Hs.233552ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
746010 AA482585 UnknownUG Hs.17384ESTs
746013 AA482588 MHC Class II=DR beta
746014 AA482586 R-PTP-beta=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase beta
746019 AA482013 UnknownUG Hs.192708ESTs, Highly similar to A-myb N-terminal region )2341 is 2nd base in codon) [H.sapiens]
746020 AA482009 UnknownUG Hs.105104ESTs
746029   Unknown
746039 AA419365 Staf50=Stimulated Trans-Acting Factor of 50 kDa=alpha/beta interferon induced ring finger protein=putative transcriptional repressor
746046 AA482019 UnknownUG Hs.161904ESTs
746050 AA482021 Unknown
746060 AA482592 Unknown
746063 AA419426 cleavage stimulation factor 77kDa subunit=polyadenylation factor subunit=homologue of the Drosophila suppressor of forked protein
746066   Unknown
746070 AA482030 UnknownUG Hs.105130EST
746073   ATRX=RAD54L=Recombination and DNA crosslinking repair DNA ATPase and helicase
746079 AA482039 UnknownUG Hs.205553ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
746089 AA419403 UnknownUG Hs.179322ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
746093 AA419404 Similar to (Z66563) F46C3.1
746094   Unknown
746109   Unknown
746110 AA419402 UnknownUG Hs.105105EST
746113 AA419458 UnknownUG Hs.192477ESTs
746115 AA419560 NPAT=E14=gene in ATM locus
746124 AA419456 UnknownUG Hs.212631ESTs
746125   Unknown
746127 AA419462 Similar to (P34413) DP19_CAEEL DPY-19 protein
746133 AA419480 Casein kinase II alpha chain
746135 AA419596 ckshs2=homolog of Cks1=p34Cdc28/Cdc2-associated protein
746142   Unknown
746144 AA419483 DPH2L=Similar to diphthamide biosynthesis gene DPH2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
746146 AA419611 FGFR1=Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
746151 AA419434 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
746156 AA419427 UnknownUG Hs.222805ESTs
746157 AA419488 UnknownUG Hs.177744ESTs
746161 AA417616 BCL-7A
746167   Unknown
746179 AA417637 UnknownUG Hs.125867ESTs
746184 AA417708 Similar to CD26=dipeptidylpeptidase IV
746186 AA417709 CD98=4F2 heavy chain
746196 AA417696 UnknownUG Hs.203404ESTs
746202 AA417698 UnknownUG Hs.186996ESTs
746203 AA417721 Unknown
746211 AA417854 UnknownUG Hs.123126ESTs
746212 AA417726 Unknown
746217 AA417744 UnknownUG Hs.119424ESTs
746218 AA417728 Myt1 kinase
746219 AA417745 Timeless circadian clock protein homologue
746224 AA417740 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
746227 AA417746 Unknown
746233 AA417758 TCL-1=Translocated in T-CLL
746236 AA417715 UnknownUG Hs.108146ESTs
746238 AA417716 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase
746243   Unknown
746248 AA417719 UnknownUG Hs.190571ESTs
746250 AA417869 UnknownUG Hs.124792ESTs
746252 AA417756 Unknown
746254 AA417757 Similar to KRAB/C2H2 zinc finger protein
746255 AA417763 Unknown
746262 AA419388 Unknown
746268 AA419436 UnknownUG Hs.178354ESTs
746273 AA419463 BAD=bbc6=proapoptotic Bcl-2 homolog
746294   Unknown
746296 AA481387 UnknownUG Hs.178662Human Chromosome 16 BAC clone CIT987SK-A-589H1
746298 AA481388 UnknownUG Hs.178662Human Chromosome 16 BAC clone CIT987SK-A-589H1
746300 AA481389 UnknownUG Hs.136345ESTs
746301 AA481391 SLAP-130=SLP-76 associated protein=FYN binding protein=hematopoietic-restricted phosphoprotein target of T cell receptor associated tyrosine kinases
746303 AA481392 UnknownUG Hs.105166ESTs
746313   PCM-1=autoantigen pericentriol material 1
746324 AA481630 UnknownUG Hs.210822ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
746326 AA481396 Unknown
746328   Similar to nuclear dual-specificity phosphatase
746332   Unknown
746345 AA481405 UnknownUG Hs.110347ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4468913) [H.sapiens]
746347 AA481406 Similar to homolog of the Aspergillus nidulans sudD=extragenic suppressor of bimD6 mutant with high rate of chromosome loss and defects in spindle microtubule attachment
746358   Unknown
746368 AA481408 UnknownUG Hs.191661ESTs
746370   Unknown
746375 AA481413 Unknown
813965 AA455632 Human chromosome 3p21.1 gene sequence, complete cds
813968 AA455624 UnknownUG Hs.193859ESTs
813970 AA455625 Unknown
813975 AA455637 UnknownUG Hs.233565ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
813980 AA455628 UnknownUG Hs.187700ESTs
813981 AA455639 Unknown
813982 AA455629 Unknown
813985 AA455647 Similar to BTG1=B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative
813994 AA455696 UnknownUG Hs.48902ESTs
814001 AA455654 UnknownUG Hs.86412ESTs
814005   Unknown
814011 AA455722 UnknownUG Hs.152925ESTs, Moderately similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
814017 AA455668 Unknown
814018 AA455659 UnknownUG Hs.221698ESTs
814021 AA455669 UnknownUG Hs.154897ESTs
814023 AA455670 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
814027 AA455671 UnknownUG Hs.183424ESTs
814028   Unknown
814029 AA455672 Unknown
814033   Similar to integrin alpha 1 subunit
814034 AA465465 Unknown
814036   Unknown
814039 AA465484 UnknownUG Hs.136956ESTs
814040 AA465469 Unknown
814041 AA465486 Unknown
814042 AA465471 Unknown
814048 AA465475 Similar to smooth muscle mysosin heavy chain
814055 AA465497 UnknownUG Hs.185775ESTs
814057 AA465345 UnknownUG Hs.128654ESTs
814058 AA465337 UnknownUG Hs.121027ESTs
814067   Similar to retinol dehydrogenase type I (RODH I)
814068 AA465341 Gap1m=brain ras GTPase-activating protein
814074 AA465412 UnknownUG Hs.48902ESTs
814075   Unknown
814079   Unknown
814080 AA465353 RPD3L1=homologue of yeast RPD3 transcription factor
814091   Similar to nucleoporin p54
814099 AA465368 UnknownUG Hs.99641ESTs
814101 AA465369 DP-2=E2F interacting transcription factor
814102 AA465362 UnknownUG Hs.183475ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
814111 AA465383 UnknownUG Hs.111065H.sapiens mRNA for tre oncogene (clone 210)
814113 AA465384 HU-PP-1=protein-tyrosine phosphatase
814116 AA465375 UnknownUG Hs.183287ESTs
814118 AA465449 UnknownUG Hs.165941ESTs
814119 AA465387 RNA helicase (HRH1)
814122 AA465377 UnknownUG Hs.99642EST
814124 AA465378 Immunoglobulin D heavy chain constant region
814128 AA465391 KIAA0554
814131 AA465397 UnknownUG Hs.99645EST
814138 AA465501 DRES9=homologue of Drosphila retinal degeneration B gene=CNS-restricted phosphatidylinositol-transfer protein
814139 AA465510 Tax interaction protein 40
814141 AA465400 UnknownUG Hs.99634ESTs
814143 AA465401 UnknownUG Hs.22057ESTs
814146 AA465394 UnknownUG Hs.188798ESTs
814151 AA465516 UnknownUG Hs.213082ESTs
814153   Unknown
814154 AA496252 UnknownUG Hs.105069ESTs
814156   Unknown
814157   Unknown
814162 AA496254 Unknown
814163 AA496256 UnknownUG Hs.122726ESTs
814164   Unknown
814165   Unknown
814175   Unknown
814176   Unknown
814177   Unknown
814180   Unknown
814182 AA465317 MBP-2=MHC binding protein 2=HIV-EP2
814184 AA465318 blk=B lymphocyte tyrosine kinase
814187 AA465329 UnknownUG Hs.88442ESTs
814196   Unknown
814203 AA465219 UnknownUG Hs.194513ESTs, Weakly similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
814205 AA465220 Unknown
814212 AA465215 Unknown
814215 AA465225 Unknown
814218 AA465217 UnknownUG Hs.188798ESTs
814221   ATP5A=mitochondrial ATPase coupling factor 6 subunit
814223   Unknown
814227 AA465239 UnknownUG Hs.88602ESTs
814228 AA465230 Unknown
814236 AA465234 UnknownUG Hs.99638EST
814238 AA465235 Similar to DIFF6
814249 AA458995 UnknownUG Hs.194115ESTs
814251 AA458996 SLAM=signaling lymphocytic activation molecule
814252 AA458989 Unknown
814257 AA458997 UnknownUG Hs.185822ESTs
814260 AA458992 fvt1=Follicular lymphoma variant translocation 1=putatively secreted protein translocated in t(2;18)(p11;q21) follicular lymphoma and CLL
814265 AA459001 UnknownUG Hs.87752ESTs
814266 AA458993 PKC zeta=Protein kinase C, zeta
814268 AA459212 myosin phosphatase target subunit 1 (MYPT1)
814270 AA458994 Cyclin A
814272 AA459003 myb-related gene A=A-myb
814273 AA459010 UnknownUG Hs.125779ESTs
814281   Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
814286 AA459007 ZF5=POZ domain zinc finger protein
814287 AA459013 XRCC3=DNA recombination and DNA crosslinking repair RAD51-related protein
814290   Unknown
814293   Unknown
814295 AA459014 Similar to (U70848) C43G2.1 gene product
814300 AA459099 UnknownUG Hs.99743ESTs
814315 AA459330 UnknownUG Hs.93581Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586E171 (from clone DKFZp586E171)
814320 AA459110 UnknownUG Hs.86636ESTs
814322   Unknown
814326 AA459111 UnknownUG Hs.139518ESTs
814338   Similar to myb-related gene A-myb 5'-region
814340 AA459114 Similar to myb-related gene A-myb 5'-region
814347 AA458836 UnknownUG Hs.192154ESTs
814348 AA458826 Unknown
814351   Unknown
814353 AA458838 APR=immediate-early-response gene=ATL-derived PMA-responsivepeptide
814354 AA458828 Unknown
814355 AA458839 UnknownUG Hs.97437centriole associated protein
814358 AA458830 U3 small nuclear RNA
814360 AA458831 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
814362 AA458832 A6 tyrosine kinase
814376 AA458848 UnknownUG Hs.99687ESTs
814380 AA458850 Unknown
814381 AA458861 DAP-1=putative mediator of the gamma interferon-induced cell death
814382 AA458851 UnknownUG Hs.153468sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3E
814390 AA458855 UnknownUG Hs.18368Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564B0769 (from clone DKFZp564B0769)
814393 AA458915 E2A=E12/E47 HLH transcription factors
814399 AA458917 YY1=GLI-Krupple related zinc finger transcription factor
814401 AA458918 Unknown
814404 AA458910 UnknownUG Hs.125770ESTs
814410 AA458912 AIM2=interferon-inducible protein=associated with chromosome 6-mediated suppression of melanoma tumorgenicity
814421 AA458940 glucocorticoid receptor repression factor 1 (GRF-1)
814426 AA458931 UnknownUG Hs.210801ESTs
814427 AA458943 UnknownUG Hs.99739EST
814431 AA458945 Unknown
814435 AA458947 Similar to (AF038618) contains similarity to the HESA/MOEB/THIF family including molybdopterin biosynthesis MoeB protein
814439 AA458949 UnknownUG Hs.212414Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566M0524 (from clone DKFZp566M0524)
814442 AA459243 UnknownUG Hs.88836ESTs
814446   Unknown
814447 AA459251 UnknownUG Hs.184430ESTs
814451 AA459253 UnknownUG Hs.122552DJ1163J1.3 (novel protein similar to mouse B99)
814454 AA459470 UnknownUG Hs.99657ESTs
814464 AA459259 Similar to MCM2 = DNA replication licensing factor
814472 AA459260 Unknown
814477 AA459271 UnknownUG Hs.202642ESTs
814478 AA459263 A1=Bfl-1=GRs=Bcl-2 related protein
814483 AA459274 CAS=chromosome segregation gene homolog
814485 AA459275 UnknownUG Hs.185771ESTs
814486 AA459494 UnknownUG Hs.184109ribosomal protein L37a
814492 AA459345 UnknownUG Hs.185823ESTs
814493 AA459576 UnknownUG Hs.184596ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
814495 AA459356 Unknown
814496   Unknown
814500 AA459347 UnknownUG Hs.105119ESTs
814501 AA459358 UnknownUG Hs.99749EST
814502 AA459348 Unknown
814510 AA459352 UnknownUG Hs.171235ESTs
814513 AA459367 Similar to (AF003384) weak similarity to the peptidase family A2
814523 AA459372 Unknown
814529 AA459374 Unknown
814531 AA459375 Unknown
814533 AA459376 GRP78=78 KD glucose regulated protein precursor=BiP
814542 AA480857 Unknown
814545 AA480869 Unknown
814547 AA480870 UnknownUG Hs.47660ESTs
814550   Similar to XLCL2
814556 AA480863 IMP (inosine monophosphate) dehydrogenase 2
814557 AA480873 UnknownUG Hs.105147ESTs
814559 AA480874 Unknown
814573 AA480889 UnknownUG Hs.20001ESTs
814579   Unknown
814580 AA480882 UnknownUG Hs.177644ESTs
814581 AA480892 Similar to BNIP3=NIP3=E1B 19K/Bcl-2-interacting protein=pro-apoptotic mitochondrial protein
814585 AA480902 UnknownUG Hs.105148ESTs
814586 AA480895 Similar to plectin and spectrin beta chain
814590 AA480896 Unknown
814592 AA480897 Similar to IB3/5-polypeptide
814601 AA480908 UnknownUG Hs.161905EST
814604 AA480901 UnknownUG Hs.4779ESTs
814605   histone H2A.X
814610 AA480977 UnknownUG Hs.121029ESTs
814611 AA480991 Similar to FXI-T1=FX-induced thymoma transcript
814618 AA480982 UnknownUG Hs.48306ESTs
814622 AA480985 UnknownUG Hs.49614ESTs
814634 AA481025 Unknown
814639 AA481035 Unknown
814644 AA481029 UnknownUG Hs.102248ESTs
814646 AA481030 Similar to CTD-binding SR-like protein rA4
814650 AA481032 UnknownUG Hs.142584ESTs
814651 AA481039 checkpoint suppressor 1
814652 AA481084 UnknownUG Hs.169905ESTs
814653 AA481040 UnknownUG Hs.189406ESTs
814655 AA481041 Similar to retinol dehydrogenase type I (RODH I)
814660 AA481044 UnknownUG Hs.130880ESTs
814670 AA481049 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-6
814681 AA481127 IL-16=Lymphocyte chemoattractant factor (LCF)
814688 AA481063 Unknown
814689   Unknown
814691 AA481130 1D-myo-inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B isoenzyme
814694 AA481066 UnknownUG Hs.105153ESTs
814701 AA481076 mitotic feedback control protein Madp2 homolog
814732 AA454920 Similar to (U97193) C06A5.1 gene product
814734 AA454921 DHFR=Dihydrofolate reductase
814739 AA454928 PHKB=phosphorylase kinase beta subunit
814742   Unknown
814756 AA454933 UnknownUG Hs.34160ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
814759 AA454944 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
814760 AA454935 UnknownUG Hs.180069nuclear respiratory factor 1
814762 AA454936 UnknownUG Hs.173381dihydropyrimidinase-like 2
814765 AA454947 kinase A anchor protein
814766   Unknown
814768 AA454938 UnknownUG Hs.193857ESTs
814771   Unknown
814777 AA455236 UnknownUG Hs.127639ESTs
814780 AA455227 calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV
814781 AA455238 40 kDa protein kinase related to rat ERK2
814787 AA455240 UnknownUG Hs.222067ESTs
814788 AA455231 UnknownUG Hs.43948ESTs
814790 AA465610 UnknownUG Hs.229950KIAA0415 gene product
814794   Similar to B subunit of propionyl-CoA carboxylase [Mycobacterium tuberculosis]
814799 AA455246 UnknownUG Hs.123664ESTs
814800 AA455247 Unknown
814802 AA455248 UnknownUG Hs.193834ESTs
814803 AA455255 Similar to KIAA0309 and DNA helicase type protein (yeast)=Snf2p ATPase family of proteins
814805 AA465637 UnknownUG Hs.165387ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
814806   BENE=similar to T-cell-specific proteolipid protein
814811 AA455259 UnknownUG Hs.156110H.sapiens gene encoding kappa light chain constant region
814814 AA455252 UnknownUG Hs.139327ESTs, Highly similar to C21orf4 [H.sapiens]
814816 AA455253 Similar to E1B-55kDa-associated protein
814820   Similar to GTPase Rab8b
814824 AA465647 Id2=Id2H=Inhibitor of DNA binding 2, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
814825 AA465657 UnknownUG Hs.29205alpha integrin binding protein 63
814837   Unknown
814841 AA465663 Low-affinity IgG Fc receptor II-B and C isoforms (multiple orthologous genes)
814842 AA465655 Unknown
814844 AA465656 placental leucine aminopeptidase
814845 AA465665 UnknownUG Hs.162123ESTs, Weakly similar to ORF2 contains a reverse transcriptase domain [H.sapiens]
814846 AA459431 Similar to ras-related protein RAP-2A-2
814847 AA465666 Unknown
814848 AA465667 UnknownUG Hs.231816ESTs
814851   Unknown
814852 AA465669 Transducin (beta) like 1 protein
814854   Unknown
814856 AA465670 BTG1=B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative
814858 AA465671 LOK=lymphocyte oriented kinase=STE20-like protein kinase that is expressed predominantly in lymphocytes
814864 AA465673 Unknown
814870 AA465675 Mononcyte/neutrophil elastase inhibitor
814871   Similar to filamin=ABP-280=actin-binding protein
814877 AA465682 Similar to myb-related gene A-myb 5'-region
814889 AA465685 UnknownUG Hs.206867ESTs
814891 AA465686 UnknownUG Hs.190038ESTs
814896 AA465689 UnknownUG Hs.211952ESTs
814900 AA465691 cam kinase I
814903 AA465699 UnknownUG Hs.164002ESTs
814910 AA465694 C17orf1=Similar to lymphocyte specific formin related gene and KIAA0381
814911 AA465702 UnknownUG Hs.105074ESTs
814915 AA465704 UnknownUG Hs.99653ESTs
814917 AA465705 CD21=B-lymphocyte CR2-receptor (for complement factor C3d and Epstein-Barr virus)
814934 AA465518 UnknownUG Hs.99648EST
814947 AA465531 Unknown
814949 AA465532 UnknownUG Hs.157177ESTs
814950 AA465526 Similar to KIAA0425=contains Cys-rich domain
814965 AA465537 UnknownUG Hs.172156ESTs
814971 AA465716 UnknownUG Hs.99626ESTs
814978 AA465709 Unknown
814979 AA465718 RP105
814984 AA465712 UnknownUG Hs.193559ESTs
814985 AA465721 UnknownUG Hs.210801ESTs
814987 AA465722 UnknownUG Hs.221999ESTs
814991 AA465724 Unknown
814992 AA465725 UnknownUG Hs.178331ESTs
814998 AA465727 UnknownUG Hs.124084ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
815000 AA465728 Similar to 40S ribosomal protein S20
815001 AA465135 UnknownUG Hs.226398ESTs
815010 AA465088 UnknownUG Hs.208330ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
815012   Unknown
815019 AA465151 UnknownUG Hs.38455ESTs
815020 AA465140 UnknownUG Hs.192738ESTs
815021 AA465152 Unknown
815023   Similar to MLL SET domain
815024 AA465142 KIAA0554
815025   Unknown
815026 AA465143 cleavage stimulation factor 77kDa subunit=polyadenylation factor subunit=homologue of the Drosophila suppressor of forked protein
815028 AA465144 Unknown
815029 AA465153 UnknownUG Hs.190135ESTs
815031 AA465154 UnknownUG Hs.222802ESTs
815032 AA465146 RB = retinoblastoma susceptibility gene
815033 AA465265 UnknownUG Hs.137078ESTs
815037 AA465267 Similar to DNA Pol E2=DNA polymerase epsilon small subunit
815042 AA465157 Unknown
815046 AA465158 UnknownUG Hs.204254EST
815048 AA465159 RhoA=GTP-binding protein
815052 AA465161 UnknownUG Hs.194427ESTs, Moderately similar to KIAA0377 [H.sapiens]
815053 AA465169 Unknown
815056   Similar to RDC-1, Oct-1 and Brn-3a POU domain factors
815058 AA465163 CASPASE-3=CPP32 isoform alpha=yama=cysteine protease
815065 AA465545 blk=B lymphocyte tyrosine kinase
815071 AA465189 UnknownUG Hs.99634ESTs
815075 AA465190 Similar to KIAA0677
815082 AA465184 UnknownUG Hs.112165ESTs
815087 AA465193 UnknownUG Hs.171857ESTs
815091 AA465205 hnup153=nuclear pore complex protein
815093 AA465206 Unknown
815098 AA465197 Similar to Vacuolar ATP synthase subunit AC45 precursor
815100 AA465198 Unknown
815103 AA465208 UnknownUG Hs.127638ESTs
815106 AA465201 Unknown
815116 AA481487 Similar to Phosphatidylinositol3-kinase, HsC2-PI3K
815117 AA481498 Unknown
815122 AA481490 Similar to MCM2 = DNA replication licensing factor
815123 AA481501 UnknownUG Hs.105176ESTs
815124 AA481491 UnknownUG Hs.105176ESTs
815130 AA481493 UnknownUG Hs.88537ESTs
815131 AA481190 UnknownUG Hs.48591ESTs
815134 AA481495 UnknownUG Hs.180662ESTs
815135 AA481505 UnknownUG Hs.13797ESTs
815144 AA481508 UnknownUG Hs.143964ESTs
815145 AA481517 dek=translocated in t(6;9) acute myeloid leukemia
815148 AA481510 UnknownUG Hs.105093ESTs
815152 AA481512 UnknownUG Hs.88607ESTs
815155 AA481520 UnknownUG Hs.208931ESTs
815164 AA481135 UnknownUG Hs.163203ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
815166 AA481136 UnknownUG Hs.172458iduronate 2-sulfatase (Hunter syndrome)
815168   Unknown
815170 AA481137 UnknownUG Hs.194427ESTs, Moderately similar to KIAA0377 [H.sapiens]
815171   Unknown
815173 AA481148 UnknownUG Hs.178378ESTs
815174 AA481138 HNRPD=heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D
815175 AA481149 Unknown
815177 AA481150 UnknownUG Hs.136343ESTs
815179 AA481228 UnknownUG Hs.136343ESTs
815185 AA481238 FAK=focal adhesion kinase
815194 AA481157 Similar to MCM2 = DNA replication licensing factor
815196 AA481158 Acid phosphatase 1, soluble
815197 AA481166 Similar to CCR8=chemokine receptor-like protein TER1
815201 AA481167 UnknownUG Hs.178380EST
815207 AA481247 PCTAIRE 1 serine/threonine protein kinase
815209 AA481257 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
815210 AA481563 UnknownUG Hs.122404ESTs
815214 AA481250 chitinase precursor
815220 AA481566 importin beta subunit=nuclear localization signal binding protein subunit
815229 AA481265 UnknownUG Hs.2331E2F transcription factor 5, p130-binding
815242 AA481269 UnknownUG Hs.178381ESTs
815248 AA481271 UnknownUG Hs.193945ESTs
815253 AA481282 UnknownUG Hs.190149ESTs
815254 AA481274 UnknownUG Hs.126766ESTs
815256 AA481523 UnknownUG Hs.130096ESTs
815257 AA481599 UnknownUG Hs.161904ESTs
815258 AA481524 Similar to IgH locus downstream of immunoglobulin gamma 3 heavy chain constant region
815259 AA481534 UnknownUG Hs.189022ESTs
815263 AA481536 UnknownUG Hs.105180EST, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
815273 AA481537 UnknownUG Hs.222808ESTs
815275 AA481538 Unknown
815277 AA481539 Unknown
815283 AA481553 UnknownUG Hs.221698ESTs
815294 AA481547 LPAP=lymphoid-restricted phosphoprotein=CD45 phosphatase binding protein and putative substrate
815299   cAMP phosphodiesterase
815303 AA481562 aspartyl-tRNA synthetase alpha-2 subunit
815502   Similar to MEK kinase 2
815504 AA457018 UnknownUG Hs.178358ESTs
815506 AA457019 UnknownUG Hs.14898ESTs, Weakly similar to ubiquitous TPR motif, Y isoform [H.sapiens]
815514 AA457023 UnknownUG Hs.164038ESTs
815523 AA457044 Similar to PAX-8=paired box protein
815526 AA457034 myb-related gene B=B-myb
815529 AA457047 KIAA0084
815532 AA457037 Unknown
815536 AA457039 UnknownUG Hs.99734ESTs
815539 AA457051 JAW1=lymphoid-restricted membrane protein
815541   Similar to tetraspan NET-4-1
815542 AA457042 MxA=interferon-induced cellular resistance mediator protein
815548 AA456817 Unknown
815555 AA456830 Diacylglycerol kinase alpha (80kD)
815557 AA456901 MEK4=MKK4=MAP kinase kinase 4=sek1=JNK activating kinase 1
815566 AA456825 Unknown
815570 AA456836 UnknownUG Hs.159300ESTs
815573 AA456849 Unknown
815582 AA456842 UnknownUG Hs.99730EST
815587   Unknown
815590 AA456846 Similar to Bach protein 2
815591 AA456855 UnknownUG Hs.193861ESTs
815610   Unknown
815612   Unknown
815615   Unknown
815617 AA484998 UnknownUG Hs.226236ESTs
815623 AA485001 CD20
815626 AA484993 KIAA0193
815629 AA485004 UnknownUG Hs.193941ESTs
815630   Unknown
815633   Unknown
815646   Unknown
815650   Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-2
815652 AA485009 UnknownUG Hs.170379ESTs
815653   Similar to CB2=(peripheral) cannabinoid receptor
815659   Unknown
815662   Similar to KIAA0708
815665 AA485117 UnknownUG Hs.105653ESTs
815666 AA485098 Unknown
815673 AA485123 X-CGD gene involved in chronic granulomatous disease locat ed on chromosome X=Cytochrome B-245 light chain component of microbicidal
oxidase system in phagocytes
815675 AA485125 UnknownUG Hs.124013ESTs
815677 AA485127 Unknown
815678 AA485107 Similar to ring zinc-finger protein (ZNF127-Xp)
815679 AA485129 UnknownUG Hs.188830ESTs
815680 AA485109 Unknown
815684 AA485113 UnknownUG Hs.190185ESTs
815690 AA485061 UnknownUG Hs.105652EST
815691 AA485068 Similar to integrin alpha 1 subunit
815695 AA485165 UnknownUG Hs.5637ESTs
815697 AA485070 UnknownUG Hs.126901Homo sapiens mRNA full length insert cDNA clone EUROIMAGE 375854
815700   Unknown
815704 AA485064 UnknownUG Hs.154963ESTs
815707 AA485171 HRC1=putative DNA-binding protein with helix-loop-helix motif adjacent to a leucine zipper
815708 AA485066 UnknownUG Hs.190185ESTs
815709 AA485172 UnknownUG Hs.11135ESTs
815716 AA485071 Unknown
815720   Unknown
815724 AA485074 SNF2L2=SNF2 global transcription activator homologous sequence-2=SNF2-alpha
815727   Unknown
815729 AA485077 24607 mRNA=Similar to interleukin 14 (IL-14)
815732 AA485180 mosaic protein LR11=hybrid receptor gp250 precursor
815740 AA485080 UnknownUG Hs.86429ESTs
815743 AA485090 UnknownUG Hs.99807ESTs
815749 AA485092 KIAA0526
815751 AA485093 Unknown
815752 AA485085 Unknown
815754 AA485086 Similar to Gsh-2=dispersed homeobox gene
815762 AA485019 Similar to tetraspan NET-4-2
815763 AA485144 Cyclin T2a
815769   Unknown
815774 AA485141 SLAP=src-like adapter protein
815775 AA485148 Unknown
815779 AA485150 Unknown
815780   Unknown
815782 AA485143 Similar to napsin B aspartic protease and kidney-derived aspartic protease-like protein (Mouse)
815784 AA485211 UnknownUG Hs.190046ESTs
815787 AA485220 Unknown
815798 AA484941 BRCA1=Mutated in breast and ovarian cancer
815806 AA485218 Unknown
815807 AA485224 Unknown
815811 AA484955 Similar to (U70854) similar to Enterococcus faecalis TRAB (GI:388268)
815814   Unknown
815820 AA485227 Unknown
815824 AA485228 Unknown
815825 AA484958 UnknownUG Hs.183487interferon stimulated gene (20kD)
815826 AA485229 UnknownUG Hs.105649ESTs
815827 AA485237 manic fringe
815832 AA484961 UnknownUG Hs.8039ESTs
815834 AA485239 Similar to YBC4_YEAST HYPOTHETICAL 77.9 KD PROTEIN IN RRN10-MCM2 INTERGENIC REGION and Rat 3-oxo-5-alpha-steroid 4-dehydrogenase 1
815836 AA485240 Similar to DNA ligase I
815840 AA485242 UnknownUG Hs.105656ESTs
815841 AA485251 UnknownUG Hs.221565ESTs
815843 AA485252 Unknown
815846 AA485244 UnknownUG Hs.181474ESTs
815848 AA485245 UnknownUG Hs.222012ESTs
815850 AA485246 Unknown
815854 AA485248 Unknown
815857   Unknown
815858 AA485041 Similar to (U41543) Similar to Rat trg gene product-1
815859 AA485050 Similar to (U41543) Similar to Rat trg gene product-1
815860 AA485042 UnknownUG Hs.221236ESTs
815863 AA485053 UnknownUG Hs.165694ESTs
815866 AA485045 Unknown
815868 AA485046 Unknown
815873 AA485056 UnknownUG Hs.173692ESTs
815874 AA485047 UnknownUG Hs.28081eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit 4 (delta, 44kD)
823946   Unknown
823947 AA490848 UnknownUG Hs.164675ESTs
823949   Unknown
823950 AA490841 Unknown
823951 AA491020 Similar to translation initiation factor eIF2C
823957   Unknown
823958 AA491012 UnknownUG Hs.115275ESTs
823959 AA490851 LYL-1=helix-loop-helix transcription factor
823960 AA490844 UnknownUG Hs.108790ESTs
823962 AA490845 myosin-IXb
823963   Unknown
823966   Unknown
823967 AA491026 UnknownUG Hs.15896pericentrin
823968   Unknown
823979 AA490856 Similar to DnaJ homolog 2
823981 AA491037 KIAA0646=Similar to ring finger domains (multiple)
823982 AA490855 acid finger protein
823984   Unknown
823987   Unknown
823992 AA490929 UnknownUG Hs.105274ESTs
823997 AA490934 Similar to ferritin H chain
824000 AA490931 Unknown
824002   Unknown
824003 AA490936 Unknown
824008 AA491117 UnknownUG Hs.161941EST
824012   EST from intron of low-affinity Fc-gamma-receptor IIB gene
824014 AA491119 CDK-Activating kinase assembly factor MAT1=Menage a trois=p35, cyclin-like CAK1-associated protein
824020   Unknown
824022 AA491123 Toso=a cell surface regulator of Fas-induced apoptosis in T cells
824028 AA490940 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
824032 AA490942 Similar to U4C small nuclear RNA
824034 AA490943 Similar to myosin IC heavy chain
824036 AA490944 Unknown
824040 AA490712 hPAK65=SER/THR-protein kinase PAK-gamma =P21-activated kinase 3
824042 AA491205 CD83=B-G antigen IgV domain homolog=B-cell activation protein=HB15
824045 AA491215 Unknown
824047 AA490724 UnknownUG Hs.139239ESTs
824051 AA491217 CD71=Transferrin receptor
824054 AA491209 UnknownUG Hs.105265ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [M.musculus]
824056 AA491210 UnknownUG Hs.105266EST
824060 AA490719 Cyclin B1
824062 AA491212 UnknownUG Hs.193689ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
824067 AA491232 UnknownUG Hs.124158ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
824069 AA490746 Similar to APC=adenomatous polyposis coli protein
824072 AA491226 UnknownUG Hs.105280ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4586405) [M.musculus]
824076 AA491228 UnknownUG Hs.105267ESTs
824079   EF-1 alpha=Elongation factor 1-alpha
824081 AA491238 KCNN3=SKCA3=AAD14=calcium-activated potassium channel
824082 AA491230 Similar to (U23517) similar to ubiquitin conjugating enzyme-2
824083 AA491239 UnknownUG Hs.119453ESTs
824088 AA490586 UnknownUG Hs.105261EST
824092   Unknown
824095 AA490598 UnknownUG Hs.198140ESTs
824101 AA490601 UnknownUG Hs.190154ESTs
824105 AA490603 UnknownUG Hs.86178Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434J034 (from clone DKFZp434J034)
824107 AA490604 UnknownUG Hs.128630ESTs
824110 AA490595 Unknown
824114 AA490608 UnknownUG Hs.17617ESTs
824117 AA490617 VRK2 kinase
824119 AA490618 Unknown
824121 AA490619 UnknownUG Hs.105264EST
824127 AA490621 Unknown
824129 AA490622 UnknownUG Hs.193451ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
824135 AA490624 Similar to aldose reductase
824139 AA490866 UnknownUG Hs.39429ESTs
824144 AA491044 UnknownUG Hs.47196ESTs
824148 AA490862 UnknownUG Hs.55901ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 3786408) [C.elegans]
824149 AA490870 UnknownUG Hs.178925ESTs
824155 AA491057 KIAA0071
824163 AA490883 UnknownUG Hs.178406ESTs
824164 AA490876 UnknownUG Hs.86574ESTs
824165 AA491071 UnknownUG Hs.139239ESTs
824166 AA490877 UnknownUG Hs.188814ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
824171 AA491074 UnknownUG Hs.902805-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase/IMP cyclohydrolase
824173 AA490886 UnknownUG Hs.104403ESTs
824176 AA490881 Similar to ABC transporter [Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum]
824177 AA491075 Similar to KIAA0295
824183 AA490888 Unknown
824189 AA491149 UnknownUG Hs.189096ESTs
824195 AA490960 Unknown
824197   Unknown
824198 AA490954 FBP1=FUSE binding protein1=myc transcription factor
824200 AA490955 Similar to ABC transporter [Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum]
824213 AA490976 UnknownUG Hs.190834ESTs
824216 AA490969 Similar to Ubiquitin activating enzyme E1
824217 AA491171 VASP=Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein=focal adhesion and microfilament-associated protein
824233 AA491247 UnknownUG Hs.105282ESTs
824235 AA491248 UnknownUG Hs.168374EST
824242 AA491243 Similar to RSD1_YEAST recessive suppressor of secretory defect
824248 AA491245 Unknown
824263 AA491263 Similar to PMS4=yeast mismatch repair gene PMS1 homologue
824264 AA491258 UnknownUG Hs.139544EST
824265 AA491264 UnknownUG Hs.213755ESTs
824266 AA491259 MIF=macrophage migration inhibitory factor
824267 AA491265 UnknownUG Hs.105285ESTs
824277 AA491267 Unknown
824280 AA490810 PDCD2=programmed cell death-2/Rp8 homolog
824281 AA490816 Unknown
824288 AA490812 UnknownUG Hs.105268EST
824296 AA490815 UnknownUG Hs.208351ESTs
824297 AA490822 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110 catalytic subunit, delta isoform=leukocyte-restricted isoform
824305 AA490832 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
824314 AA490829 cAMP phosphodiesterase
824317 AA490835 Similar to (Z75712) K04G2.2
824319 AA490836 Similar to (Z75712) K04G2.2
824323 AA490838 UnknownUG Hs.186658ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
824325 AA490839 Unknown
824333 AA489672 Unknown
824339 AA489674 NF1=Neurofibromin
824340 AA489666 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
824348 AA489669 Unknown
824352 AA489678 HHR23B=XPC p58 subunit
824353 AA489689 UnknownUG Hs.182627ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
824355 AA489690 Unknown
824358 AA489681 Unknown
824360 AA489682 Unknown
824365 AA489693 KIAA0108=Similar to Golgi 4-transmembrane spanning transporter MTP=Nucleoside Transporter
824387 AA489711 Unknown
824392 AA489703 UnknownUG Hs.125799ESTs, Highly similar to Unknown gene product [H.sapiens]
824406 AA490225 UnknownUG Hs.105251ESTs
824408 AA490226 Similar to TXK=tyrosine kinase
824420 AA490230 Unknown
824422 AA490231 Similar to CLPP=ATP-dependent Clp proteinase
824427 AA490308 1D-myo-inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B isoenzyme
824428 AA490301 tubulin-alpha
824429 AA490404 UnknownUG Hs.48832ESTs
824436 AA490304 titin
824439 AA490311 Unknown
824442 AA490399 UnknownUG Hs.204855ESTs, Moderately similar to FRG1 gene product [H.sapiens]
824443 AA490313 Similar to (Z37139) C14B1.4
824446 AA490401 UnknownUG Hs.101340ESTs
824447 AA490315 UnknownUG Hs.104157ESTs, Weakly similar to KIAA0694 protein [H.sapiens]
824452 AA490316 C6.1A protein=translocated in pro-lymphocytic T cell leukemia
824456 AA490317 UnknownUG Hs.126767ESTs
824471 AA490328 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-5
824473 AA490335 Hpast=Similar to PAST-1 (Drosophila)
824475 AA490445 XRCC1=Nucleotide excision repair and DNA alkylation repair protein=Stimulates DNA ligase III
824476 AA490435 Spi-B transcription factor
824481 AA490339 UnknownUG Hs.35300ESTs
824482 AA490331 Unknown
824485 AA490340 UnknownUG Hs.163879ESTs
824491 AA490452 UnknownUG Hs.166363ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
824493 AA490453 HMG-17=non-histone chromosomal protein
824494   Unknown
824497   Unknown
824503 AA490534 UnknownUG Hs.105230ESTs
824508 AA490520 Unknown
824509 AA490536 UnknownUG Hs.180804ESTs
824511 AA490538 ZF5=POZ domain zinc finger protein
824515 AA490540 Unknown
824519 AA490543 Unknown
824520 AA490889 UnknownUG Hs.105273ESTs
824522 AA490890 UnknownUG Hs.105273ESTs
824526 AA490892 UnknownUG Hs.88017ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
824531 AA490903 NK/T cell leucine zipper transcription factor
824536 AA490897 Unknown
824537 AA490906 UnknownUG Hs.17820Rho-associated, coiled-coil containing protein kinase 1
824545 AA490919 UnknownUG Hs.220714ESTs
824547 AA490920 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
824548   Similar to CD148=DEP-1=density enhanced phosphatase-1=Memory B cell marker and T cell activation and costimulatory molecule
824554 AA490912 UnknownUG Hs.191673ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
824555 AA490923 Similar to ZNF74-1=zinc finger protein
824557 AA490924 UnknownUG Hs.153121KIAA0685 gene product
824558 AA490914 CASPASE-4=ICErel-II=TX protease=Ich-2 cysteine protease
824560 AA490915 Unknown
824562 AA490916 Unknown
824563 AA490926 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase
824564 AA490917 UnknownUG Hs.97437centriole associated protein
824565 AA490927 UnknownUG Hs.210502ESTs
824567 AA490928 UnknownUG Hs.181552ESTs
824569   DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase
824573 AA490987 Unknown
824574 AA490983 UnknownUG Hs.131765ESTs
824576   Unknown
824579 AA490988 UnknownUG Hs.183357ESTs
824581 AA490989 PKC mu=Protein kinase C, mu
824583 AA490990 Unknown
824593 AA491197 UnknownUG Hs.33922H.sapiens novel gene from PAC 117P20, chromosome 1
824596 AA490993 UnknownUG Hs.160796ESTs
824602 AA490996 IFI16=interferon-gamma-inducible myeloid differentiation transcriptional activator
824605 AA491004 Unknown
824606   Unknown
824610 AA490999 UnknownUG Hs.172156ESTs
824620 AA491270 UnknownUG Hs.187946ESTs
824629 AA491280 UnknownUG Hs.105134EST
824630 AA491274 UnknownUG Hs.105286ESTs, Moderately similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
824631 AA491281 UnknownUG Hs.172103ESTs
824642 AA491286 UnknownUG Hs.128792ESTs
824646 AA491288 Similar to MCM2 = DNA replication licensing factor
824648 AA491289 Unknown
824649 AA491298 UnknownUG Hs.200413ESTs
824652   Unknown
824655 AA491301 Unknown
824661   Unknown
824664 AA482272 UnknownUG Hs.210816ESTs
824667   Unknown
824668 AA482174 UnknownUG Hs.87280ESTs
824669 AA482279 Similar to myb-related gene A-myb 5'-region
824672 AA482273 UnknownUG Hs.228092ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS A WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
824673 AA482184 KIAA0217
824675 AA482280 UnknownUG Hs.191656ESTs
824678 AA482275 adenosine deaminase
824681 AA482282 UnknownUG Hs.105136ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
824693   Unknown
824695 AA482292 CD21=B-lymphocyte CR2-receptor (for complement factor C3d and Epstein-Barr virus)
824702 AA482289 UnknownUG Hs.135109ESTs
824705 AA482295 Unknown
824706   Unknown
824708   Similar to mannose-6 phosphate isomerase
824709 AA482297 Cyclin A
824710 AA482291 Similar to UBPF_YEAST putative ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase YFR010W
824711 AA482298 Unknown
824712   Similar to Tbc1=hematopoietic nuclear protein homologous to tre-2, Bub1 and cdc16
824714 AA488974 Unknown
824716 AA488975 Unknown
824718   Unknown
824724 AA488977 Similar to cysteine-rich domain in ALR=MLL-related protein
824729 AA488988 Unknown
824731   Unknown
824733 AA488989 UnknownUG Hs.180804ESTs
824743 AA489002 UnknownUG Hs.182712ESTs
824746   Unknown
824749 AA489005 Unknown
824751 AA489006 homologue of yeast sec7 expressed in cytolytic NK/T cells
824752 AA488995 Unknown
824754 AA488996 UnknownUG Hs.145058ESTs
824767 AA488810 UnknownUG Hs.193514ESTs
824768 AA488799 protein phosphatase 2A 74 kDa regulatory subunit (delta or B" subunit)
824772 AA489053 clk3 kinase
824773 AA488813 UnknownUG Hs.108258Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0465 protein, partial cds
824774 AA489054 UnknownUG Hs.161936ESTs
824778 AA488804 Glycine receptor alpha 3
824781 AA489064 UnknownUG Hs.14155Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0653 protein, partial cds
824783 AA489065 KIAA0744
824785   Unknown
824786 AA489066 UnknownUG Hs.183337ESTs
824787 AA489076 Unknown
824789 AA489077 UnknownUG Hs.44095ESTs
824794 AA489069 UnknownUG Hs.105224EST
824797 AA488833 UnknownUG Hs.126711ESTs, Weakly similar to transposon LRE2 reverse transcriptase homolog [H.sapiens]
824798 AA489071 UnknownUG Hs.1708chaperonin containing TCP1, subunit 3 (gamma)
824800 AA489072 UnknownUG Hs.18166Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0870 protein, complete cds
824808 AA488837 UnknownUG Hs.161934EST
824809 AA488846 UnknownUG Hs.168851ESTs
824811 AA488917 UnknownUG Hs.50418ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
824813 AA488847 UnknownUG Hs.188728ESTs, Weakly similar to putative RNA binding protein 1 [R.norvegicus]
824825 AA488852 UnknownUG Hs.137531ESTs
824827 AA488853 UnknownUG Hs.91958ESTs
824829 AA488926 Collagen, type IX, alpha 2
824831 AA488855 Unknown
824833 AA488861 UnknownUG Hs.191668ESTs
824834 AA488929 UnknownUG Hs.17872ESTs
824837 AA488863 UnknownUG Hs.105216ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
824842 AA488931 UnknownUG Hs.99445ESTs
824847 AA488866 UnknownUG Hs.105217ESTs
824849 AA488867 Similar to calretinin
824852 AA488859 UnknownUG Hs.139535ESTs
824853 AA488869 Similar to napsin B aspartic protease and kidney-derived aspartic protease-like protein (Mouse)
824856 AA488871 UnknownUG Hs.178398ESTs
824867 AA488881 UnknownUG Hs.105218EST
824869 AA488882 Unknown
824871 AA488883 UnknownUG Hs.190150ESTs
824878 AA488877 Similar to YZ34_MYCTU HYPOTHETICAL 40.6 KD PROTEIN CY31.34 PRECURSOR
824882 AA488887 UnknownUG Hs.190466ESTs
824885 AA488896 UnknownUG Hs.193861ESTs
824892 AA488891 Similar to gag polyprotein - human endogenous virus S71
824893   Par-4=prostate apoptosis response protein
824899 AA488902 Unknown
824904 AA489010 UnknownUG Hs.178400ESTs
824907 AA489021 Unknown
824909   Unknown
824910 AA489013 bark1=beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1
824913 AA489023 UnknownUG Hs.99807ESTs
824915 AA489024 UnknownUG Hs.112218ESTs
824920 AA489016 UnknownUG Hs.91216ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
824924 AA489018 Unknown
824927 AA489030 UnknownUG Hs.105223ESTs
824928 AA489031 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
824935 AA489041 UnknownUG Hs.15140ESTs
824938 AA489034 UnknownUG Hs.187906ESTs
824939 AA489043 manic fringe
824948 AA489134 ataxin-7=SCA7=CAG triplet expansion in spinocerebellar ataxia
824949 AA489048 NUP358=cytoplasmically exposed nucleoporin=Ran binding protein 2 (RanBP2alpha)=sperm membrane protein BS-63
824950 AA489037 UnknownUG Hs.194554ESTs
824951   Unknown
824952 AA489084 UnknownUG Hs.221563ESTs
824956 AA489149 UnknownUG Hs.34487ESTs
824961 AA489088 CD21=B-lymphocyte CR2-receptor (for complement factor C3d and Epstein-Barr virus)
824967   Similar to kelch=ring canal protein
824968 AA489153 KIAA0052
824969   Unknown
824970   Unknown
824976   Unknown
824977 AA489094 PKU-alpha kinase
824980   Unknown
824982   Unknown
824983 AA489095 UnknownUG Hs.71323ESTs
824984 AA489089 UnknownUG Hs.121109ESTs
824986 AA489090 UnknownUG Hs.184300ESTs
824987 AA489181 KIAA0386
824988   TGF beta-1
824991 AA489098 Cell division cycle 27
824992 AA489174 UnknownUG Hs.192152ESTs
824993 AA489099 Unknown
824995 AA489100 UnknownUG Hs.184430ESTs
825001 AA489198 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
825003 AA504218 UnknownUG Hs.128610ESTs
825006 AA489191 UnknownUG Hs.230171ESTs
825008 AA489192 UnknownUG Hs.161937EST
825010 AA489193 Unknown
825011 AA489200 UnknownUG Hs.100595ESTs
825020 AA489196 UnknownUG Hs.190152ESTs
825030 AA489205 PTB-4=polypirimidine tract binding protein
825038 AA489208 IkB alpha
825040 AA489209 Unknown
825045 AA489212 UnknownUG Hs.105228EST
825048   Unknown
825056 AA504283 UnknownUG Hs.47274Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564B176 (from clone DKFZp564B176)
825057   Unknown
825059 AA489226 UnknownUG Hs.192353ESTs
825063 AA489228 UnknownUG Hs.136956ESTs
825068   Unknown
825070 AA489223 KIAA0526
825071   Unknown
825072   Unknown
825080 AA489234 PRK=putative serine/threonine protein kinase
825084 AA504306 UnknownUG Hs.105230ESTs
825089 AA489247 UnknownUG Hs.105234ESTs
825092 AA489240 Cystathionase (cystathionine gamma-lyase)
825101   Unknown
825104   Unknown
825110   Unknown
825114   Unknown
825117 AA505194 UnknownUG Hs.28465ESTs
825127   Unknown
825132   Unknown
825136 AA504080 Similar to Fc-gamma-1/gamma-2 receptor
825143   Unknown
825148 AA504092 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
825149   Unknown
825150   Unknown
825154   Unknown
825157   Unknown
825160 AA504096 c-IAP1=MIHB=IAP homolog B
825162   Unknown
825178 AA504166 UnknownUG Hs.109058ribosomal protein S6 kinase, 90kD, polypeptide 5
825179 AA504183 UnknownUG Hs.86708ESTs
825183 AA504187 Unknown
825187 AA504190 Similar to myr4=myosin I heavy chain
825195 AA504115 UnknownUG Hs.168762Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434G043 (from clone DKFZp434G043)
825199 AA504117 Unknown
825202   Unknown
825204   Peptidase homolog
825205 AA504119 UnknownUG Hs.181666ESTs
825207 AA504120 UnknownUG Hs.99743ESTs
825209 AA504121 Unknown
825212 AA504112 UnknownUG Hs.193157ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
825213 AA504122 HMG-2=high mobility group 2 protein
825216 AA504124 UnknownUG Hs.103351ESTs
825217 AA504135 UnknownUG Hs.169565ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
825218 AA504125 UnknownUG Hs.109154ESTs
825219 AA504136 Unknown
825222 AA504127 Unknown
825226 AA504129 Similar to translin
825230   Unknown
825231 AA504140 UnknownUG Hs.137547EST
825238 AA504394 UnknownUG Hs.133556ESTs
825239 AA504143 Unknown
825243 AA504151 X-CGD gene involved in chronic granulomatous disease locat ed on chromosome X=Cytochrome B-245 light chain component of microbicidal
oxidase system in phagocytes
825248 AA504411 UnknownUG Hs.202620ESTs
825255 AA504155 Akt1 kinase=protein kinase B=rac protein kinase alpha
825260 AA504149 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110 catalytic subunit, delta isoform=leukocyte-restricted isoform
825268 AA504196 Unknown
825272 AA504198 UnknownUG Hs.204309ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
825277 AA504209 UnknownUG Hs.153629ESTs
825280 AA504436 UnknownUG Hs.90998Human mRNA for KIAA0128 gene, partial cds
825281   Unknown
825287 AA504211 TRANCE=RANKL=Osteoprotegerin ligand=TNF-related ligand
825297 AA504462 UnknownUG Hs.105730ESTs
825312 AA504465 ATP5A=mitochondrial ATPase coupling factor 6 subunit
825314   Unknown
825317 AA504474 UnknownUG Hs.229176EST
825326 AA504470 Unknown
825337 AA504494 Unknown
825342 AA504486 Similar to (U70845) weak similarity to S. cerevisiae DNA damage-response protien ALK1
825345   Unknown
825352 AA504490 UnknownUG Hs.116753KIAA0744 gene product
825353   Unknown
825360 AA504503 Unknown
825362   Unknown
825366 AA504505 Similar to Bach protein 2
825370 AA504506 UnknownUG Hs.87929ESTs
825375 AA504518 Unknown
825378 AA504593 UnknownUG Hs.116470ESTs
825380 AA504510 UnknownUG Hs.105656ESTs
825382 AA504511 UnknownUG Hs.111418ESTs
825383 AA504521 PKU-beta=KIAA0137=protein kinase
825384 AA504245 UnknownUG Hs.109378ESTs
825389 AA504255 ATR=FRP1=Ser/Thr kinase=DNA damage signaling protein
825391 AA504256 UnknownUG Hs.194426ESTs
825406 AA504254 Unknown
825407 AA504261 UnknownUG Hs.136387ESTs
825413 AA504273 UnknownUG Hs.105727ESTs
825421 AA504276 UnknownUG Hs.104311ESTs
825423 AA504277 UnknownUG Hs.136388EST
825424 AA504269 UnknownUG Hs.133032ESTs
825430 AA504271 Unknown
825434 AA504323 UnknownUG Hs.105728ESTs
825437 AA504335 myb-related gene A=A-myb
825439 AA504336 UnknownUG Hs.186735ESTs
825442 AA504327 HU-PP-1=protein-tyrosine phosphatase
825443 AA504338 UnknownUG Hs.230171ESTs
825452 AA504331 Unknown
825471 AA504359 UnknownUG Hs.110067ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
825473 AA504360 UnknownUG Hs.76925ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4581083) [H.sapiens]
825476 AA504350 myb-related gene A=A-myb
825576 AA504606 Unknown
825578 AA504607 Unknown
825580 AA504608 UnknownUG Hs.46645ESTs
825584 AA504610 UnknownUG Hs.138841ESTs
825591 AA504620 UnknownUG Hs.101514ESTs
825592 AA504613 (AF000657) hypothetical protein
825596 AA504614 UnknownUG Hs.88607ESTs
825604 AA504624 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
825608 AA504626 UnknownUG Hs.105735ESTs
825616 AA504723 UnknownUG Hs.194373ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
825620 AA504628 UnknownUG Hs.222014ESTs
825622 AA504629 UnknownUG Hs.105728ESTs
825623 AA504638 UnknownUG Hs.220716ESTs
825627 AA504647 UnknownUG Hs.115773ESTs
825631 AA504649 UnknownUG Hs.181384ESTs
825644 AA504646 UnknownUG Hs.136389ESTs
825645 AA504653 UnknownUG Hs.149342ESTs
825648 AA505045 Immunoglobulin heavy chain V(H)5 pseudogene L2-9 transcript
825650 AA505047 Similar to cell surface glycoprotein GP42 precursor
825651 AA505068 UnknownUG Hs.2490caspase 1, apoptosis-related cysteine protease (interleukin 1, beta, convertase)
825658 AA505054 CD97
825661 AA505076 PPP1CB=Protein phosphatase 1, catalytic subunit, beta isoform
825679 AA504810 UnknownUG Hs.139649EST
825686 AA504804 UnknownUG Hs.188017ESTs
825687 AA504812 Similar to early B-cell factor
825688 AA504805 HEM45=gpISG20=interferon-inducible PML nuclear bodies-associated protein
825703 AA504828 Unknown
825705 AA504829 UnknownUG Hs.115775ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [M.musculus]
825709 AA504830 UnknownUG Hs.172103ESTs
825714 AA504822 UnknownUG Hs.193154ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
825719 AA504834 UnknownUG Hs.165404ESTs
825722 AA504836 Unknown
825723   Unknown
825725 AA504847 UnknownUG Hs.115776ESTs
825726 AA504838 hPMS1=DNA mismatch repair protein=mutL homologue
825728 AA504839 UnknownUG Hs.220938ESTs
825733 AA504850 DNA polymerase epsilon catalytic subunit
825745 AA504761 UnknownUG Hs.151464ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
825746 AA505086 UnknownUG Hs.184050v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog
825763 AA504769 UnknownUG Hs.210221Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434G182 (from clone DKFZp434G182)
825786 AA505109 Unknown
825792 AA505120 Unknown
825793 AA505128 Unknown
825810 AA505126 Unknown
825814 AA505127 Unknown
825816 AA505138 Unknown
825817 AA505144 Unknown
825828 AA505142 Unknown
825829 AA505149 Unknown
825835 AA505151 Unknown
825841   Similar to nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha 4 subunit
825849   Unknown
825850 AA491389 UnknownUG Hs.86987ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 5059425) [H.sapiens]
825851 AA504781 UnknownUG Hs.105741ESTs
825854 AA491391 UnknownUG Hs.86987ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 5059425) [H.sapiens]
825859 AA504784 UnknownUG Hs.178604ESTs
825884 AA789082 UnknownUG Hs.119458ESTs
825889 AA789105 UnknownUG Hs.122381ESTs
825898 AA789100 UnknownUG Hs.122379ESTs
825905 AA789110 Similar to peptide/histidine transporter
825920 AA789116 Unknown
825921 AA789125 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-13
825923 AA789126 Unknown
825932 AA789120 Unknown
825947 AA789146 Unknown
825954 AA789140 UnknownUG Hs.122383EST
825958 AA789142 Unknown
825962 AA780376 UnknownUG Hs.163168EST
825968 AA780378 Unknown
825976 AA780381 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3
825977 AA780385 UnknownUG Hs.187885ESTs
825979 AA780386 UnknownUG Hs.154443minichromosome maintenance deficient (S. cerevisiae) 4
825984 AA780388 Unknown
825988 AA780389 Similar to kynurenine 3-monooxygenase
825992 AA780391 UnknownUG Hs.131254ESTs
826005 AA780401 UnknownUG Hs.122165ESTs
826014 AA683111 UnknownUG Hs.172998ESTs
826038 AA683133 Unknown
826043 AA683144 Unknown
826045 AA683145 Similar to YAC6_SCHPO hypothetical 105.6 KD protein C16C9.06C in chromosome I
826051 AA683147 Unknown
826053 AA683148 UnknownUG Hs.136846ESTs
826063 AA521397 Unknown
826073 AA521400 UnknownUG Hs.128660ESTs
826084 AA521404 UnknownUG Hs.141534ESTs
826085 AA521410 UnknownUG Hs.41371ESTs
826090 AA521405 UnknownUG Hs.104182ESTs
826096 AA521406 UnknownUG Hs.112284ESTs
826102 AA521409 UnknownUG Hs.193209ESTs
826109 AA521327 UnknownUG Hs.41371ESTs
826120 AA521324 UnknownUG Hs.112284ESTs
826123 AA521331 Similar to myotrophin (V-1 protein)
826129 AA521343 Unknown
826131 AA521344 Immunoglobulin gamma 3 heavy chain constant region
826136 AA521336 UnknownUG Hs.187946ESTs
826153 AA521426 Unknown
826154 AA521418 UnknownUG Hs.187727ESTs
826155 AA521427 Similar to supervillin=membrane-associated, F-actin-binding protein in the villin/gelsolin superfamily
826165 AA521429 Unknown
826172 AA521424 UnknownUG Hs.87280ESTs
826178 AA521433 UnknownUG Hs.188831ESTs
826179 AA521443 UnknownUG Hs.187763ESTs
826197 AA521450 UnknownUG Hs.105530EST
826202 AA521452 UnknownUG Hs.115737ESTs
826203 AA521462 Unknown
826205 AA521463 UnknownUG Hs.183424ESTs
826206 AA521454 UnknownUG Hs.15972ESTs
826216 AA521458 UnknownUG Hs.192738ESTs
826218 AA521459 UnknownUG Hs.112290ESTs
826220 AA521460 RP105
826222 AA521461 Unknown
826229 AA521479 Unknown
826230 AA521473 hSec10p=brain secretory protein=homologue of yeast Sec10p
826233 AA521480 UnknownUG Hs.187018ESTs
826241 AA521481 UnknownUG Hs.178695mitogen-activated protein kinase 13
826258 AA520980 UnknownUG Hs.102480ESTs
826259 AA520987 Unknown
826266 AA520982 UnknownUG Hs.193514ESTs
826280 AA520994 UnknownUG Hs.200910ESTs
826298 AA521007 UnknownUG Hs.97437centriole associated protein
826305 AA521017 UnknownUG Hs.105488EST
826309 AA521018 UnknownUG Hs.104419ESTs
826311 AA521019 glycogenin-2 like mRNA
826313 AA521020 UnknownUG Hs.105490EST
826315 AA521021 Unknown
826324 AA521103 UnknownUG Hs.8688ESTs
826325 AA521107 UnknownUG Hs.104888ESTs
826335 AA521108 glycogenin-2 like mRNA
826337 AA521109 UnknownUG Hs.136376EST
826338 AA521105 UnknownUG Hs.191843ESTs
826342 AA521106 UnknownUG Hs.136375ESTs
826347 AA521032 UnknownUG Hs.162053EST
826351 AA521034 UnknownUG Hs.70834ESTs
826359 AA521037 BNIP3=NIP3=E1B 19K/Bcl-2-interacting protein=pro-apoptotic mitochondrial protein
826366 AA521030 Unknown
826367 AA521040 UnknownUG Hs.32491ESTs
826368 AA521041 UnknownUG Hs.222961ESTs
826372 AA521043 UnknownUG Hs.185832ESTs
826377 AA521050 Unknown
826384 AA521048 Unknown
826392 AA521053 UnknownUG Hs.222961ESTs
826394 AA521054 Unknown
826397 AA521065 Unknown
826412 AA521061 Unknown
826416 AA521112 Unknown
826430 AA521117 UnknownUG Hs.125780ESTs
826432 AA521118 UnknownUG Hs.221722ESTs
826446 AA521072 Unknown
826447 AA521079 UnknownUG Hs.173679ESTs
826451 AA521080 UnknownUG Hs.46765ESTs
826452 AA521074 Immunoglobulin gamma 3 heavy chain constant region
826453 AA521081 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
826458 AA521076 Unknown
826459 AA521083 protein phosphatase 6=Dual specificity protein phophatase
826471 AA521092 UnknownUG Hs.161737ESTs
826472 AA521086 UnknownUG Hs.193671ESTs
826475 AA521094 Unknown
826478 AA521089 UnknownUG Hs.207738ESTs
826479 AA521095 vinculin
826483 AA521096 Unknown
826490 AA521098 Similar to NAD+-isocitrate dehydrogenase
826492 AA521099 Unknown
826540 AA521136 UnknownUG Hs.190176ESTs
826541 AA521143 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase=5-lipoxygenase=5-LO
826552 AA521139 UnknownUG Hs.202682Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564E193 (from clone DKFZp564E193)
826558 AA521141 UnknownUG Hs.105498EST
826559 AA521149 UnknownUG Hs.105499ESTs
826567 AA521161 UnknownUG Hs.99635ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 3882281) [H.sapiens]
826572 AA521154 UnknownUG Hs.105500ESTs
826587 AA521176 UnknownUG Hs.221231ESTs
826589 AA521177 UnknownUG Hs.162409ESTs
826592 AA521170 UnknownUG Hs.44954ESTs
826594 AA521171 replication factor C
826595 AA521179 UnknownUG Hs.129152ESTs
826600 AA521173 Similar to putative ATP-dependent RNA helicase
826601 AA521182 Similar to MOB2_YEAST MOB2 PROTEIN (MPS1 BINDER 2)
826612 AA521485 KIAA0310
826613 AA521495 UnknownUG Hs.149041ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
826614 AA521486 UnknownUG Hs.125761ESTs
826619 AA521498 UnknownUG Hs.105533EST
826623 AA521500 UnknownUG Hs.136380ESTs
826625 AA521501 Similar to MOB2_YEAST MOB2 PROTEIN (MPS1 BINDER 2)
826632 AA521183 UnknownUG Hs.186856ESTs
826634 AA521184 UnknownUG Hs.105504ESTs
826638 AA521185 Unknown
826642 AA521186 UnknownUG Hs.94217ESTs
826651 AA521193 Unknown
826655 AA521194 UnknownUG Hs.105505ESTs
826659 AA521203 Unknown
826661 AA521204 UnknownUG Hs.105507ESTs
826662 AA521196 UnknownUG Hs.105506EST
826669 AA521206 Unknown
826671 AA521207 Unknown
826685 AA521220 Zinc transporter 4 (ZNT4)
826693 AA521223 UnknownUG Hs.190177ESTs
826696 AA521217 UnknownUG Hs.18800ESTs, Weakly similar to KIAA0579 protein [H.sapiens]
826697 AA521225 UnknownUG Hs.190008ESTs
826717 AA521509 UnknownUG Hs.190177ESTs
826721 AA521510 UnknownUG Hs.126784ESTs
826781 AA521267 KIAA0346
826786 AA521260 Cyclin I
826799 AA521274 UnknownUG Hs.105516EST
826804 AA521275 UnknownUG Hs.105517ESTs
826805 AA521282 KIAA0346
826806 AA521276 Unknown
826822 AA521281 UnknownUG Hs.188830ESTs
826985 AA521370 UnknownUG Hs.191708ESTs
827001 AA521386 UnknownUG Hs.53929ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
827003 AA521387 UnknownUG Hs.177698ESTs
827010 AA521381 UnknownUG Hs.187726ESTs
827012 AA521382 UnknownUG Hs.192534ESTs
827013 AA521389 53BP1=p53-binding protein
827133 AA521240 UnknownUG Hs.105510ESTs
827138 AA521241 Unknown
827144 AA521243 KIAA0104
827147 AA521254 UnknownUG Hs.190178ESTs
827154 AA521248 UnknownUG Hs.105513EST
827161 AA521296 UnknownUG Hs.144973ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
827177 AA521302 UnknownUG Hs.136378EST
827184 AA521305 UnknownUG Hs.115735ESTs
827195 AA521315 UnknownUG Hs.194424ESTs
827196 AA521307 UnknownUG Hs.186651ESTs
827200 AA521309 UnknownUG Hs.136379ESTs
827203 AA521318 UnknownUG Hs.105216ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
827207 AA521319 Unknown
827208 AA668760 UnknownUG Hs.116645ESTs
827214 AA668763 Unknown
827216 AA668764 Unknown
827218 AA668765 UnknownUG Hs.192741ESTs
827220 AA668766 Unknown
827226 AA668768 UnknownUG Hs.128680ESTs
827227 AA668776 UnknownUG Hs.136608EST
827229 AA668777 UnknownUG Hs.114176ESTs
827238 AA668781 UnknownUG Hs.182585ESTs
827243 AA668792 UnknownUG Hs.179872ESTs
827250 AA668786 Novel gene from PAC 117P20, chromosome 1=similar to K01A11.2 (c. elegans)
827257 AA668866 UnknownUG Hs.116648ESTs
827260 AA668857 UnknownUG Hs.116649ESTs
827262 AA668858 Unknown
827263 AA668869 UnknownUG Hs.60548ESTs
827272 AA668863 Unknown
827273 AA668874 Unknown
827274 AA668864 UnknownUG Hs.116647EST
827279 AA668876 UnknownUG Hs.213893ESTs
827280 AA668877 UnknownUG Hs.188949ESTs
827283 AA668887 Similar to KIAA0309 and DNA helicase type protein (yeast)=Snf2p ATPase family of proteins
827284 AA668879 UnknownUG Hs.116649ESTs
827299 AA668891 Unknown
827300 AA668884 UnknownUG Hs.19155ESTs
827304 AA668968 UnknownUG Hs.179879ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase related protein [H.sapiens]
827308 AA668970 UnknownUG Hs.142273ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
827314 AA668973 Unknown
827320 AA668975 Unknown
827325 AA668984 UnknownUG Hs.186789ESTs
827326 AA668977 UnknownUG Hs.186789ESTs
827328 AA668986 UnknownUG Hs.179879ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase related protein [H.sapiens]
827338 AA668990 hnRNP H mRNA
827350 AA668994 UnknownUG Hs.186853ESTs
827351 AA669004 CD68
827352 AA669085 UnknownUG Hs.192942ESTs, Weakly similar to B cell growth factor [H.sapiens]
827353 AA669096 UnknownUG Hs.192942ESTs, Weakly similar to B cell growth factor [H.sapiens]
827361 AA669098 Unknown
827369 AA669099 UnknownUG Hs.116664EST
827370 AA669093 UnknownUG Hs.136609EST
827375 AA669102 Unknown
827377 AA669113 Unknown
827378 AA669104 UnknownUG Hs.134648ESTs, Highly similar to Unknown gene product [H.sapiens]
827379 AA669114 UnknownUG Hs.116665ESTs
827381 AA669115 Unknown
827384 AA669106 UnknownUG Hs.108106ESTs
827388 AA669108 UnknownUG Hs.32448ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
827394 AA669110 UnknownUG Hs.194624ESTs
1183761   Unknown
1183769   Unknown
1183776 AA687413 UnknownUG Hs.6705Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1042 protein, complete cds
1183778 AA689394 UnknownUG Hs.195853ESTs
1183787   Unknown
1183789 AA689409 UnknownUG Hs.33063ESTs, Weakly similar to gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase [M.musculus]
1183792 AA689400 Glutathione S-transferase theta 1
1183833 AA687469 UnknownUG Hs.190578ESTs
1183835 AA687470 RCC1=regulator of chromosome condensation
1183843 AA687472 KIAA0277=Similar to a C.elegans guanine nucleotide releasing factor homolog (S4 2368)
1183864 AA689426 UnknownUG Hs.126901Homo sapiens mRNA full length insert cDNA clone EUROIMAGE 375854
1183885 AA689448 Unknown
1183889 AA689449 Unknown
1183915   Unknown
1183926   Similar to TCL1 and MTCP1 oncogenes
1183933 AA689465 FMR1=Fragile X mental retardation 1
1183934   Unknown
1183936 AA689461 Similar to zinc finger protein ZNF135 and multiple others
1183939   MHC Class I region proline rich protein
1183943   Unknown
1183946   Unknown
1183948 AA641876 UnknownUG Hs.191840ESTs
1183951   Unknown
1183983   Unknown
1183985 AA641905 Unknown
1183989 AA641906 BAP135=Bruton's tyrosine kinase-associated protein-135
1183990 AA641899 Glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta
1184000 AA641912 UnknownUG Hs.121158ESTs
1184010 AA641914 Unknown
1184011   Similar to KIAA0351
1184012   Unknown
1184018   Unknown
1184029 AA715304 Unknown
1184032 AA715296 Unknown
1184033 AA642040 UnknownUG Hs.12144Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1033 protein, partial cds
1184041 AA641796 UnknownUG Hs.185895ESTs
1184043   Similar to coded for by C. elegans cDNA yk86e5.5
1184052 AA641793 lymphoma proprotein convertase (LPC)
1184056 AA651797 UnknownUG Hs.22119ESTs
1184058 AA641795 UnknownUG Hs.116364ESTs
1184063 AA651801 Unknown
1184070 AA641804 Unknown
1184072 AA651803 UnknownUG Hs.15286ESTs
1184078   Unknown
1184080 AA651805 SFA-2=B-ATF=bZIP transcriptional factor
1184084 AA651807 Unknown
1184088 AA641809 PAC-1=protein tyrosine phosphatase
1184091 AA641816 Unknown
1184092 AA651814 UnknownUG Hs.187486ESTs
1184093 AA651817 KIAA0339
1184094 AA641811 Unknown
1184099 AA651818 Unknown
1184100 AA641812 UnknownUG Hs.190037ESTs
1184102 AA641777 UnknownUG Hs.108790ESTs
1184105 AA641819 UnknownUG Hs.14347ESTs
1184114 AA641846 C6.1A protein=translocated in pro-lymphocytic T cell leukemia
1184115 AA654176 UnknownUG Hs.181494ESTs, Weakly similar to RETROVIRUS-RELATED POL POLYPROTEIN [M.musculus]
1184119 AA641865 UnknownUG Hs.132986ESTs, Weakly similar to Wiscott-Aldrich Syndrome protein homolog [M.musculus]
1184120 AA641852 UnknownUG Hs.154929ESTs
1184121 AA641867 UnknownUG Hs.192770ESTs
1184125 AA654179 Unknown
1184131 AA641874 UnknownUG Hs.196337ESTs, Highly similar to BH3 INTERACTING DOMAIN DEATH AGONIST [H.sapiens]
1184132 AA641858 Tel=ets family transcription factor translocated in acute leukemias
1184133 AA641875 CASPASE-3=CPP32 isoform alpha=yama=cysteine protease
1184134 AA641860 UnknownUG Hs.193516B-cell CLL/lymphoma 10
1184135 AA654181 Unknown
1184144 AA648252 UnknownUG Hs.116433EST
1184145 AA648260 UnknownUG Hs.163248ESTs
1184151 AA648262 Zinc transporter 4 (ZNT4)
1184160 AA648266 Unknown
1184163 AA648275 Unknown
1184166 AA648267 UnknownUG Hs.144130ESTs
1184167 AA648277 UnknownUG Hs.96499ESTs
1184171 AA648279 Unknown
1184175 AA648281 Unknown
1184179 AA648283 UnknownUG Hs.136569ESTs
1184182 AA648273 Unknown
1184183 AA648285 UnknownUG Hs.116435EST
1184186 AA648291 Unknown
1184191 AA648302 Unknown
1184197 AA648305 Gfi-1=growth factor independence-1=zinc finger protein
1184200 AA648296 UnknownUG Hs.163934ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1184206 AA648299 UnknownUG Hs.146023ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1184212 AA648311 Unknown
1184219 AA648322 DEC-205=putative antigen uptake receptor on dendritic cells
1184231 AA648325 UnknownUG Hs.199559ESTs
1184240 AA648354 UnknownUG Hs.162835EST
1184242 AA648355 Similar to HuEMAP=homolog of echinoderm microtubule associated protein EMAP
1184257 AA648373 lamin B1
1184258 AA648367 UnknownUG Hs.217221ESTs
1184259 AA648374 Similar to glycerol kinase [Synechocystis sp.]
1184262 AA648368 UnknownUG Hs.193169ESTs
1184265 AA648377 UnknownUG Hs.88504ESTs
1184269 AA648379 Unknown
1184270 AA648370 UnknownUG Hs.162836EST
1184280 AA648383 IL-11 receptor alpha chain
1184281 AA648392 UnknownUG Hs.88594ESTs
1184289 AA648395 UnknownUG Hs.220585ESTs
1184296 AA648389 Unknown
1184305 AA648505 Unknown
1184313 AA648509 UnknownUG Hs.136570ESTs
1184316 AA648500 UnknownUG Hs.192909ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1184320 AA648502 UnknownUG Hs.116443ESTs
1184326 AA648504 Tis11d=ERF-2=growth factor early response gene
1184337 AA648413 interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme gene, 5' flank, promoter region
1184341 AA648415 UnknownUG Hs.184781ESTs
1184344 AA648406 UnknownUG Hs.116437EST
1184346 AA648407 UnknownUG Hs.2593phosphodiesterase 6B, cGMP-specific, rod, beta (congenital stationary night blindness 3, autosomal dominant)
1184359 AA648430 UnknownUG Hs.116438EST
1184364 AA648424 UnknownUG Hs.127277ESTs
1184366 AA648425 Unknown
1184368 AA648426 Solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, taurine), member 6
1184370 AA648427 Unknown
1184375 AA648438 UnknownUG Hs.185772ESTs
1184393 AA648448 UnknownUG Hs.168319ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1184404 AA648516 Unknown
1184411 AA648528 MINOR=mitogen induced nuclear orphan receptor=NOR-1=Nur77 orphan nuclear receptor family member
1184417 AA648530 UnknownUG Hs.191843ESTs
1184422 AA648524 Unknown
1184425 AA648462 Similar to polyposis locus (DP1 gene)
1184428 AA648452 Unknown
1184430 AA648453 Similarto B6D2F1 clone 2C4D=gene expressed in mouse preimplantation development and hypothetical 30.5 KD proteins C30A5.3 in chromosome III [C. elegans]
1184436 AA648456 Unknown
1184446 AA648461 Unknown
1184450 AA648468 UnknownUG Hs.116441ESTs
1184452 AA648469 Similar to HuEMAP=homolog of echinoderm microtubule associated protein EMAP
1184458 AA648470 Unknown
1184467 AA648480 Similar toprolyl-tRNA synthetase (proS) [Haemophilus influenzae]
1184468 AA648475 Unknown
1184470 AA648476 UnknownUG Hs.192147ESTs
1184477 AA648490 Unknown
1184479 AA648491 UnknownUG Hs.206939ESTs
1184482 AA648486 UnknownUG Hs.118993ESTs
1184497 AA648543 UnknownUG Hs.192155ESTs
1184506 AA648536 myosin-IC
1184507 AA648545 UnknownUG Hs.119422ESTs
1184509 AA648546 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1184511 AA648547 Unknown
1184516 AA648541 Unknown
1184524 AA648752 UnknownUG Hs.115197Human DNA sequence from clone 1100H13 on chromosome 20q11.2 Contains a gene for a novel protein, ESTs, STSs, GSSs and two CpG Islands
1184531 AA648758 UnknownUG Hs.187791ESTs
1184535 AA648760 UnknownUG Hs.162839EST
1184544 AA648763 UnknownUG Hs.120634ESTs
1184550 AA648764 Unknown
1184553 AA648770 UnknownUG Hs.83004Homo sapiens clone 24607 mRNA sequence
1184555 AA648771 Unknown
1184564 AA648767 UnknownUG Hs.120339ESTs
1184565 AA648776 UnknownUG Hs.116445EST
1184577 AA648792 Unknown
1184579 AA648793 Similar to tryptase
1184600 AA642339 Unknown
1184609 AA642351 Unknown
1184618 AA642296 UnknownUG Hs.162817EST
1184625 AA642304 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A
1184640 AA642308 Protein phosphatase 1, catalytic subunit, alpha isoform
1184644 AA642310 Unknown
1184647 AA642316 Unknown
1184652 AA642313 UnknownUG Hs.96849ESTs
1184663 AA642319 Unknown
1184666 AA642375 Unknown
1184674 AA642377 Similar to cytochrome bc-1 complex core protein II
1184700 AA642385 UnknownUG Hs.152750ESTs
1184709 AA642389 Unknown
1184717 AA642473 Unknown
1184718 AA642467 UnknownUG Hs.223880ESTs
1184719 AA642474 Similar to KIAA0179
1184721 AA642475 CD62L=L-selectin=LAM-1=leukocyte adhesion molecule-1
1184747 AA642487 Similar to (Z46241) C38D4.8 [Caenorhabditis elegans]
1184750 AA642481 Josephin MJD1=Machado-Joseph disease gene
1184784 AA642391 Similar to S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (AHCY)
1184797 AA642394 Similar to Topoisomerase II alpha (170kD)
1184808 AA642396 UnknownUG Hs.162818EST
1184815 AA642408 Similar to spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
1184816 AA642398 Unknown
1184824 AA642402 UnknownUG Hs.59142ESTs
1184827 AA642412 UnknownUG Hs.191958ESTs
1184831 AA642414 UnknownUG Hs.116370ESTs
1184843 AA642426 Unknown
1184844 AA642419 UnknownUG Hs.202639ESTs
1184847 AA642428 UnknownUG Hs.125056ESTs
1184850 AA642422 Zinc-finger protein (ZNFpT17)
1184851 AA642430 UnknownUG Hs.190911ESTs
1184855 AA642432 Unknown
1184862 AA661520 UnknownUG Hs.191542ESTs
1184876 AA661522 UnknownUG Hs.227835Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1049 protein, partial cds
1184898 AA661531 UnknownUG Hs.136627EST
1184915 AA804525 Unknown
1184917 AA804526 Unknown
1184924 AA804519 UnknownUG Hs.123168EST
1184934 AA804531 Similar to proteinase-activated receptor-2
1184943 AA804542 Unknown
1184945 AA804543 Unknown
1184978 AA642287 Similar to MEK1=MAP kinase kinase 1
1184990 AA642291 eps15=Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15
1185002 AA642320 UnknownUG Hs.136965ESTs
1185024 AA642326 UnknownUG Hs.163932ESTs
1185030 AA642328 Unknown
1185034 AA642329 UnknownUG Hs.99697ESTs
1185047 AA642336 Unknown
1185049 AA642358 UnknownUG Hs.125770ESTs
1185062 AA642354 UnknownUG Hs.154796ESTs
1185072 AA642361 Unknown
1185073 AA642367 UnknownUG Hs.128675ESTs, Highly similar to nebulin, skeletal muscle [H.sapiens]
1185084 AA642363 Unknown
1185087 AA642371 UnknownUG Hs.224576ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1185090 AA642365 Lipase A, lysosomal acid, cholesterol esterase (Wolman disease)
1185095 AA642373 Unknown
1185102 AA642436 UnknownUG Hs.116371EST
1185109 AA642447 UnknownUG Hs.222494ESTs
1185112 AA642440 Unknown
1185121 AA642459 UnknownUG Hs.130743ESTs
1185131 AA642462 Unknown
1185135 AA642463 UnknownUG Hs.192183ESTs
1185136 AA642456 Unknown
1185152 AA648940 Unknown
1185154 AA648941 UnknownUG Hs.182048EST
1185168 AA648954 ZIP-kinase=serine/threonine kinase which mediates apoptosis
1185172 AA648955 Unknown
1185187 AA648968 UnknownUG Hs.119065ESTs
1185188 AA648962 UnknownUG Hs.152947ESTs
1185190 AA648963 Unknown
1185198 AA649180 Similar to (U40029) coded for by C. elegans cDNA yk27d2.3
1185217 AA649197 UnknownUG Hs.193993ESTs
1185223 AA649199 Unknown
1185225 AA649200 UnknownUG Hs.183784ESTs
1185231 AA649202 Unknown
1185250 AA649209 Similar to DNA repair/transcription protein Mms19p
1185255 AA649218 Centrosomal Nek2-associated protein 1 (C-NAP1)=cep250 centrosome associated protein
1185258 AA649212 UnknownUG Hs.222951ESTs, Moderately similar to B cell growth factor [H.sapiens]
1185262 AA649213 12R-lipoxygenase
1185266 AA649294 Unknown
1185274 AA649298 UnknownUG Hs.162843EST
1185280 AA649300 Unknown
1185281 AA649310 Similar to putative protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
1185283 AA649311 Similar to (Z99707) hypothetical protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
1185284 AA649302 Unknown
1185367 AA649143 hCAP-E=Similar to XCAP-E=chromosome assembly protein
1185382 AA649141 UnknownUG Hs.116455EST
1185395 AA648805 UnknownUG Hs.231514ESTs
1185413 AA648812 hTGR 1=NAGR1=N-acetylglucosamine-specific receptor of the thyroid=Similar to M4 protein=hnRNP M proteins
1185416 AA648809 UnknownUG Hs.186705ESTs
1185452 AA648823 Similar to cAMP phosphodiesterase
1185458 AA649151 UnknownUG Hs.146162ESTs
1185461 AA649156 UnknownUG Hs.9663ESTs, Weakly similar to diaphanous 1 [H.sapiens]
1185467 AA649158 UnknownUG Hs.188751ESTs
1185473 AA649160 Unknown
1185474 AA649154 Unknown
1185475 AA649161 Multidrug resistance-associated protein homolog (MRP5)
1185484 AA648703 UnknownUG Hs.179747Neuroblastoma stage 4S gene
1185488 AA648704 UnknownUG Hs.186777ESTs
1185491 AA648715 Unknown
1185494 AA648707 UnknownUG Hs.164022ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1185497 AA648718 Unknown
1185500 AA648708 Similar to GLI4 protein (Kruppel relatedzinc finger protein 4) (HKR4 protein)
1185506 AA648720 UnknownUG Hs.190473ESTs
1185508 AA648721 UnknownUG Hs.134269ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1185511 AA648729 Unknown
1185517 AA648731 UnknownUG Hs.175547ESTs
1185534 AA648736 Major histocompatibility complex, class II, Y box-binding protein I; DNA-binding protein B
1185536 AA648737 UnknownUG Hs.190045ESTs
1185547 AA648748 Unknown
1185548 AA648743 UnknownUG Hs.162838EST
1185561 AA649173 UnknownUG Hs.175531ESTs
1185563 AA649174 Unknown
1185583 AA649227 UnknownUG Hs.191961ESTs, Weakly similar to EVI-5 homolog [H.sapiens]
1185590 AA649223 Unknown
1185594 AA649224 Transcriptional unit N144
1185596 AA649225 UnknownUG Hs.201641ESTs
1185599 AA649235 Similar to BNIP3=NIP3=E1B 19K/Bcl-2-interacting protein=pro-apoptotic mitochondrial protein
1185602 AA649236 Unknown
1185616 AA649239 UnknownUG Hs.162841EST
1185618 AA649240 Similar to probable membrane protein YLR246w
1185627 AA649255 UnknownUG Hs.163108ESTs
1185629 AA649256 cdk2=Cyclin-dependent kinase 2
1185633 AA649258 Unknown
1185638 AA649253 Unknown
1185651 AA648840 UnknownUG Hs.193259ESTs
1185652 AA648829 UnknownUG Hs.212389ESTs
1185656 AA648831 Similar to cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor
1185658 AA648832 UnknownUG Hs.141216ESTs
1185661 AA648844 UnknownUG Hs.138212ESTs, Weakly similar to ubiquitous TPR motif, Y isoform [H.sapiens]
1185666 AA648836 Similar to Toll-like receptor 1=extracellular domain composed of leucine-rich repeats and intracellular segmentsimilar to signaling domains of IL-1-type receptors
1185668 AA648837 Unknown
1185678 AA649314 Unknown
1185679 AA649320 UnknownUG Hs.189394ESTs
1185680 AA649315 UnknownUG Hs.221250ESTs
1185697 AA649332 UnknownUG Hs.222037ESTs
1185708 AA649328 UnknownUG Hs.163214ESTs
1185725 AA649347 UnknownUG Hs.193978ESTs, Moderately similar to KIAA0377 [H.sapiens]
1185726 AA649344 Unknown
1185734 AA649345 UnknownUG Hs.115367ESTs
1185744 AA648848 UnknownUG Hs.136572EST
1185747 AA648857 UnknownUG Hs.194170ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1185752 AA648850 UnknownUG Hs.136573EST
1185757 AA648860 Unknown
1185759 AA648861 UnknownUG Hs.158135Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0981 protein, partial cds
1185853 AA648870 Similar to Ferritin light chain
1185857 AA648872 UnknownUG Hs.29797ribosomal protein L10
1185865 AA649015 Similar to 40S ribosomal protein S2 (S4) (LLREP3 protein)
1185868 AA649007 UnknownUG Hs.203534ESTs
1185878 AA649011 UnknownUG Hs.187902ESTs
1185886 AA649014 UnknownUG Hs.181003ESTs
1185889 AA649033 Unknown
1185895 AA649036 UnknownUG Hs.125056ESTs
1185900 AA649029 E2F-3=pRB-binding transcription factor=KIAA0075
1185901 AA649039 UnknownUG Hs.116451EST
1185907 AA649042 UnknownUG Hs.220725ESTs
1185910 AA649032 Unknown
1186105 AA648878 UnknownUG Hs.152769ESTs
1186113 AA648881 UnknownUG Hs.41086ESTs, Weakly similar to OXYSTEROL-BINDING PROTEIN [H.sapiens]
1186115 AA648882 UnknownUG Hs.187792ESTs
1186121 AA648884 UnknownUG Hs.134278ESTs
1186133 AA648897 GS3786=expressed in human osteoblast
1186139 AA648900 Unknown
1186141 AA648901 UnknownUG Hs.115775ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [M.musculus]
1186155 AA648916 Unknown
1186157 AA648917 UnknownUG Hs.121572ESTs
1186169 AA648923 UnknownUG Hs.162840EST
1186175 AA648925 UnknownUG Hs.193124ESTs
1186177 AA648932 RPA = replication protein A
1186180 AA648927 Unknown
1186182 AA648928 UnknownUG Hs.202650ESTs
1186185 AA648934 Unknown
1186206 AA648972 UnknownUG Hs.116448ESTs
1186211 AA648983 UnknownUG Hs.212911ESTs
1186213 AA648984 Unknown
1186221 AA648988 Unknown
1186222 AA648978 clone 23915 mRNA
1186226 AA648990 UnknownUG Hs.135551ESTs
1186233 AA649001 UnknownUG Hs.116449ESTs
1186239 AA649002 UnknownUG Hs.137319ESTs
1186261 AA805703 Unknown
1186264 AA805694 Unknown
1186268 AA805696 pim-1 kinase
1186269 AA805706 Unknown
1186277 AA805717 UnknownUG Hs.121136ESTs
1186278 AA805710 Unknown
1186281 AA805719 UnknownUG Hs.192154ESTs
1186291 AA805722 UnknownUG Hs.163213ESTs
1186292 AA805714 Unknown
1186316 AA649051 UnknownUG Hs.164007ESTs
1186322 AA649060 UnknownUG Hs.116453ESTs
1186342 AA649069 UnknownUG Hs.198563ESTs, Highly similar to geminin [H.sapiens]
1186389 AA805749 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-17
1186391 AA805750 UnknownUG Hs.17606ESTs
1186393 AA805760 Unknown
1186402 AA805755 UnknownUG Hs.101064ESTs
1186410 AA805758 KIAA0373
1186428 AA805769 UnknownUG Hs.184369ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1186431 AA805777 p19-INK4D=Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor D
1233673 AA687969 IL-9 receptor alpha chain
1233703 AA687981 Unknown
1233735 AA687989 SOS1=guanine nucleotide exchange factor
1233743 AA687990 Similar to scaffold attachment factor (SAF-B).
1233751 AA688263 UnknownUG Hs.162993EST
1233761 AA688265 Unknown
1233864 AA688150 Low-affinity IgG Fc receptor II-B and C isoforms (multiple orthologous genes)
1233867 AA688159 UnknownUG Hs.128675ESTs, Highly similar to nebulin, skeletal muscle [H.sapiens]
1233870 AA688153 Unknown
1233886 AA688158 UnknownUG Hs.34656ESTs
1233899 AA688182 Zinc finger protein 35 (clone HF.10)
1233910 AA688177 Unknown
1233932 AA688194 Similar to 75-kD autoantigen (PM-Sc1).
1233937 AA688275 UnknownUG Hs.117299ESTs
1233941 AA688277 UnknownUG Hs.99680ESTs
1233942 AA688269 Nucleolysin TIA-1 polyadenylate binding protein
1233944 AA688270 UnknownUG Hs.143563ESTs
1233960 AA688037 Calcium-ATPase (HK1)
1233963 AA688048 Unknown
1233965 AA688049 UnknownUG Hs.105532ESTs
1233969 AA688051 FMR1=Fragile X mental retardation 1
1233982 AA688046 UnknownUG Hs.222012ESTs
1233989 AA688066 Unknown
1233992 AA688059 Unknown
1233996 AA688061 Unknown
1234000 AA688063 UnknownUG Hs.162991EST
1234003 AA688070 UnknownUG Hs.128704ESTs
1234006 AA688064 UnknownUG Hs.199018ESTs
1234014 AA688075 Glutathione synthetase
1234016 AA688076 KIAA0576
1234024 AA688078 Unknown
1234028 AA688080 UnknownUG Hs.230712EST
1234030 AA688081 Unknown
1234037 AA688285 UnknownUG Hs.136648EST
1234039 AA688286 Unknown
1234049 AA688291 Unknown
1234055 AA688294 Unknown
1234058 AA688404 UnknownUG Hs.162998EST
1234060 AA688405 UnknownUG Hs.184018Homo sapiens BCG-regulated mRNA for MD-1 homologue, complete cds
1234073 AA688417 FMR2=Fragile X mental retardation 2=putative transcription factor=LAF-4 and AF-4 homologue
1234076 AA688411 UnknownUG Hs.221579ESTs
1234078 AA688412 UnknownUG Hs.173373Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0931 protein, partial cds
1234095 AA687112 UnknownUG Hs.177139ESTs
1234100 AA687106 UnknownUG Hs.163000EST
1234102 AA687107 UnknownUG Hs.123310ESTs
1234104 AA687258 Similar to antioxidant enzyme AOE37-2
1234114 AA687261 UnknownUG Hs.82685CD47 antigen (Rh-related antigen, integrin-associated signal transducer)
1234115 AA687270 Unknown
1234116 AA687262 UnknownUG Hs.117306ESTs
1234123 AA687273 UnknownUG Hs.186658ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
1234126 AA687266 Similar to ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase (PGP 9.5, UCH-L3) isozyme L3
1234128 AA687275 UnknownUG Hs.191725ESTs
1234132 AA687276 Unknown
1234133 AA687284 HP1=heterochromatin protein homologue
1234137 AA687285 CA150=putative transcription factor
1234150 AA687283 UnknownUG Hs.124106ESTs
1234164 AA687163 UnknownUG Hs.117304EST
1234172 AA687166 UnknownUG Hs.97275ESTs
1234173 AA687173 Unknown
1234194 AA687180 UnknownUG Hs.185172ESTs
1234198 AA687181 Similar to ERPROT 213-21
1234199 AA687225 UnknownUG Hs.185926EST
1234204 AA687228 Similar to endogenous retroviral element S71
1234207 AA687236 Unknown
1234212 AA687231 Signal recognition particle 72 (SRP72) with overlapping cam kinase II isoform
1234213 AA687239 UnknownUG Hs.213223ESTs
1234225 AA687252 Host cell factor-1=VP16 transactivator interacting protein
1234234 AA687247 Unknown
1234237 AA687254 UnknownUG Hs.123365ESTs
1234239 AA687255 MNB=homologue of Drosophila minibrain=serine/threonine kinase
1234241 AA687256 Similar to KIAA0050
1234242 AA687249 UnknownUG Hs.193940ESTs
1234246 AA687251 UnknownUG Hs.191285ESTs, Weakly similar to ORFII [H.sapiens]
1234284 AA687306 UnknownUG Hs.88448ESTs
1234289 AA687314 UnknownUG Hs.221744ESTs
1234290 AA687309 UnknownUG Hs.93842ESTs
1234296 AA687318 UnknownUG Hs.145038ESTs
1234297 AA687326 UnknownUG Hs.144618ESTs
1234303 AA687328 Unknown
1234306 AA687322 UnknownUG Hs.99697ESTs
1234307 AA687329 UnknownUG Hs.154573ESTs
1234325 AA687344 UnknownUG Hs.190345EST
1234330 AA687337 Unknown
1234348 AA687377 Unknown
1234352 AA687378 UnknownUG Hs.194624ESTs
1234365 AA687385 UnknownUG Hs.222932ESTs
1234379 AA687399 X2 box repressor
1234382 AA687390 UnknownUG Hs.128770ESTs
1234386 AA687392 UnknownUG Hs.117308ESTs
1234399 AA687360 UnknownUG Hs.117307ESTs
1234401 AA687361 UnknownUG Hs.221318ESTs
1234404 AA687354 CD22
1234407 AA687363 UnknownUG Hs.163001EST
1234410 AA687357 Unknown
1234427 AA687372 UnknownUG Hs.60088ESTs
1234429 AA687373 UnknownUG Hs.208213ESTs
1234433 AA687375 UnknownUG Hs.194432ESTs, Weakly similar to LINE-1 REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE HOMOLOG [H.sapiens]
1234437 AA687376 UnknownUG Hs.221260ESTs
1234442 AA687116 Unknown
1234447 AA687121 Unknown
1234458 AA687120 X-like 1 protein=homologue to DmX from Drosophila melanogaster
1234469 AA687129 Unknown
1234475 AA687130 casein kinase I gamma 2
1234480 AA687128 Cyclin-D binding Myb-like protein
1234489 AA687144 UnknownUG Hs.191782ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1234504 AA687142 UnknownUG Hs.120594ESTs
1234525 AA687158 UnknownUG Hs.163213ESTs
1234537 AA808001 Similar to cytokeratin 18
1234541 AA808002 UnknownUG Hs.163207EST
1234554 AA807999 Unknown
1234561 AA808012 UnknownUG Hs.140512ESTs
1234564 AA808006 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase=5-lipoxygenase=5-LO
1234565 AA808013 Unknown
1234566 AA808007 Unknown
1234567 AA808014 Unknown
1234582 AA808011 UnknownUG Hs.116695ESTs
1234638 AA807431 protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPCAAX1 (hPTPCAAX1)
1234643 AA807442 UnknownUG Hs.131810ESTs, Weakly similar to ubiquitous TPR motif, Y isoform [H.sapiens]
1234647 AA807444 UnknownUG Hs.123270EST
1234648 AA807435 UnknownUG Hs.29160ESTs
1234655 AA807448 UnknownUG Hs.140309ESTs
1234662 AA807450 UnknownUG Hs.86618ESTs
1234665 AA807457 myb proto-oncogene=c-myb
1234672 AA807455 FAN=WD-repeat protein coupling p55 TNF-receptor to neutral sphingomyelinase
1234679 AA807463 UnknownUG Hs.177953ESTs
1234681 AA807496 Unknown
1234683 AA807497 UnknownUG Hs.136900EST
1234691 AA807499 Unknown
1234697 AA807610 UnknownUG Hs.121088ESTs
1234701 AA807612 UnknownUG Hs.123196ESTs
1234706 AA807614 Unknown
1234707 AA807624 Unknown
1234728 AA689582 UnknownUG Hs.192310ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1234743 AA689597 KIAA0383=Similar to MOZ=monocytic leukaemia zinc finger protein
1234744 AA689589 Unknown
1234745 AA689598 Unknown
1234749 AA689600 UnknownUG Hs.119748ESTs
1234761 AA689296 alpha 1,2-mannosidase IB
1234770 AA689608 UnknownUG Hs.188187ESTs
1234771 AA689299 UnknownUG Hs.120881ESTs
1234772 AA689292 Unknown
1234786 AA807663 Unknown
1234792 AA807664 Unknown
1234825 AA713486 UnknownUG Hs.180291ESTs
1234830 AA713479 UnknownUG Hs.214235ESTs
1234835 AA713490 Similar to NFAT=NFATc1=NFATc
1234837 AA713491 Unknown
1234849 AA713505 Unknown
1234856 AA713497 UnknownUG Hs.121572ESTs
1234862 AA713500 Unknown
1234882 AA713518 UnknownUG Hs.121088ESTs
1234920 AA713568 Similar to TE2 mRNA for ARD-1 N-acetyltransferase homologue
1234921 AA713574 Unknown
1234933 AA713579 RB18A=205 kDa p53 regulatory protein which shares antigenic and functional properties with p53
1234934 AA713571 Unknown
1234942 AA713573 Similar to (U41540) coded for by C. elegans cDNA yk42d12.5
1234951 AA713586 Similar to Lysyl tRNA Synthetase
1234959 AA713589 Unknown
1234960 AA713583 Basic transcription factor 2, 34 kD subunit
1235025 AA713661 UnknownUG Hs.121091ESTs
1235029 AA713662 Unknown
1235043 AA713677 Unknown
1235052 AA713671 UnknownUG Hs.121092EST
1235053 AA713681 UnknownUG Hs.105505ESTs
1235055 AA713682 Unknown
1235068 AA713686 osteoclast stimulating factor=contains SH3 domain and ankyrin repeat
1235076 AA713688 Unknown
1235082 AA713690 KIAA0074
1235117 AA713782 Unknown
1235118 AA713775 Unknown
1235119 AA713783 CD1A
1235120 AA713776 Similar to CD95=Fas
1235129 AA713786 Unknown
1235132 AA713780 Mad2=MXI-1=MAX-binding protein=antagonizer of myc transcriptional activity=Mxi-1/Max heterodimers repress c-myc targets
1235136 AA713789 Similar to ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2H (homologous to yeast UBC8)
1235137 AA713796 UnknownUG Hs.163116ESTs
1235138 AA713790 CD31=PECAM-1
1235140 AA713791 UnknownUG Hs.163116ESTs
1235141 AA713797 UnknownUG Hs.136753ESTs
1235155 AA713799 Unknown
1235170 AA713804 CD102=ICAM-2=intercellular adhesion molecule 2
1235171 AA713811 DMD=dystrophin
1235180 AA713808 Unknown
1235193 AA713613 KIAA0086=homologue of DNA cross-link repair protein SNM1
1235200 AA713608 Similar to EDG-1=endothelial differentiation protein=putative G-protein-coupled receptor
1235201 AA713616 Unknown
1235204 AA713610 Unknown
1240590 AA808888 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
1240592 AA808889 Similar to midline 1 protein
1240595 AA808895 tubulin-alpha
1240616 AA808900 Unknown
1240638 AA808939 invariant chain=Ia-associated invariant gamma-chain
1240642 AA808940 Unknown
1240649 AA808947 60S ribosomal protein L10=QM
1240653 AA808949 Glutathione-S-transferase pi-1
1240660 AA808953 UnknownUG Hs.151213ESTs
1240661 AA808961 Proteosome chain 7=LMP2=major histocompatibility complex encoded proteasome subunit
1240668 AA808957 Unknown
1240686 AA809058 Unknown
1240687 AA809067 Unknown
1240688 AA809059 Unknown
1240702 AA809063 Unknown
1240734 AA809117 Unknown
1240746 AA809121 MHC Class II=DQ beta
1240749 AA809128 Unknown
1240750 AA809123 CD79B=BCR beta chain=B29
1240756 AA809130 CD79A=BCR alpha chain=mb-1
1240788 AA713981 Ribosomal protein S9
1240789 AA713988 Unknown
1240796 AA713984 Unknown
1240799 AA713991 UnknownUG Hs.204904ESTs
1240800 AA713992 Unknown
1240803 AA714003 Unknown
1240806 AA713995 Unknown
1240807 AA714005 Unknown
1240809 AA714006 Unknown
1240810 AA713997 UnknownUG Hs.208860ESTs
1240813 AA714008 immunoglobulin kappa light chain
1240846 AA714055 UnknownUG Hs.153468sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3E
1240894 AA714128 Unknown
1240906 AA714139 Unknown
1240917 AA714145 Unknown
1240921 AA714206 Immunoglobulin mu
1240929 AA714209 Unknown
1240935 AA714212 Unknown
1240936 AA714204 Unknown
1240941 AA714215 Unknown
1240948 AA714217 Unknown
1240959 AA714226 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
1240967 AA714228 beta-2-microglobulin
1240974 AA714363 LyGDI=Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 2=RHO GDI 2
1240978 AA714365 Immunoglobulin J chain
1240982 AA714367 Unknown
1241005 AA714391 EF-1 alpha=Elongation factor 1-alpha
1241007 AA714392 Unknown
1241016 AA714518 HD3=histone deacetylase 3
1241017 AA714526 Unknown
1241019 AA714527 Unknown
1241051 AA714542 Unknown
1241061 AA714546 Unknown
1241084 AA715708 UnknownUG Hs.121101EST
1241102 AA715720 Adenine nucleotide translocator 2
1241108 AA715723 Unknown
1241115 AA715742 Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 section 138 of 400 of the complete genome
1241117 AA715743 UnknownUG Hs.121102Homo sapiens mRNA for glycosylphosphatidyl inositol-anchored protein GPI-80, complete cds
1241118 AA715733 Unknown
1241131 AA715746 Unknown
1241132 AA715739 Unknown
1241136 AA720573 Unknown
1241140 AA720575 Unknown
1241157 AA720586 Staf50=Stimulated Trans-Acting Factor of 50 kDa=alpha/beta interferon induced ring finger protein=putative transcriptional repressor
1241159 AA720587 Unknown
1241172 AA729023 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
1241176 AA729024 Unknown
1241180 AA729025 UnknownUG Hs.5255ESTs
1241185 AA729036 Unknown
1241211 AA729059 MHC Class II=DP beta
1241226 AA729055 MHC Class II=DR alpha
1241230 AA729057 MHC Class II=DR beta
1241232 AA728988 Unknown
1241245 AA728998 Unknown
1241261 AA714339 UnknownUG Hs.136756EST
1241273 AA714344 gamma-interferon inducible gene IP-30
1241297 AA714357 Unknown
1241320 AA714493 Unknown
1241325 AA714503 Unknown
1241329 AA714508 Unknown
1241331 AA714509 Unknown
1241341 AA714513 MHC Class II=DR beta
1241353 AA720656 Unknown
1241355 AA720657 Unknown
1241369 AA720659 ARK2=aurora-related kinase 2
1241371 AA720660 Unknown
1241373 AA720661 Unknown
1241375 AA720662 PCNA=proliferating cell nuclear antigen
1241399 AA720674 Unknown
1241410 AA720678 UnknownUG Hs.120633ESTs
1241413 AA720685 Unknown
1241415 AA720686 Unknown
1241418 AA720681 Unknown
1241421 AA720689 Unknown
1241430 AA720693 Unknown
1241438 AA720694 Unknown
1241439 AA720703 Unknown
1241452 AA715800 Unknown
1241453 AA715806 Unknown
1241456 AA715802 Unknown
1241465 AA715810 UnknownUG Hs.163120ESTs
1241483 AA715826 Unknown
1241490 AA715820 CD79B=BCR beta chain=B29
1241510 AA715835 Unknown
1241511 AA715841 Unknown
1241518 AA715838 Unknown
1241524 AA729003 TCL-1=Translocated in T-CLL
1241525 AA729012 Unknown
1241529 AA729014 Unknown
1241533 AA729016 Unknown
1241536 AA729008 Unknown
1241545 AA807566 Unknown
1241550 AA807559 UnknownUG Hs.136102Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0853 protein, partial cds
1241576 AA807574 Unknown
1241577 AA807580 Unknown
1241592 AA807585 Unknown
1241594 AA807586 UnknownUG Hs.184353ESTs, Weakly similar to Heterodimeric complex composed of a mucin subunit, ASGP-1, which is predominantly O-glycosylated, and a cysteine-rich transmembrane subunit, ASGP-2, which is predominantly N-glycosylated [R.norvegicus]
1241608 AA807589 UnknownUG Hs.153293Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0701 protein, partial cds
1241612 AA807590 Unknown
1241618 AA804315 Unknown
1241625 AA804325 Unknown
1241637 AA804328 Unknown
1241638 AA804322 Unknown
1241643 AA807726 Unknown
1241646 AA807719 UnknownUG Hs.14922ESTs
1241657 AA807730 Unknown
1241660 AA807724 Similar to ribosomal protein S5
1241668 AA807734 Unknown
1241671 AA807743 Similar to (AE000860) conserved protein [Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum]
1241678 AA807736 UnknownUG Hs.136865EST
1241684 AA807739 Unknown
1241687 AA804160 Unknown
1241690 AA804162 CRM1=putative soluble nuclear transport factor that interacts with the nclear pore complex=homologue of yeast chromosome region maintenance protein 1
1241691 AA804172 Unknown
1241707 AA804179 Similar to 40S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S18
1241710 AA804170 UnknownUG Hs.221349ESTs
1241717 AA804339 Unknown
1241732 AA804337 UnknownUG Hs.59142ESTs
1241734 AA804338 Unknown
1241741 AA804305 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
1241747 AA804306 Unknown
1241769 AA804310 Unknown
1241811 AA804505 Similar to ribosomal protein L10
1241824 AA804503 Similar to ribosomal protein S4 (RPS4X) isoform
1241825 AA804507 Similar to RNA helicase
1241826 AA804504 Unknown
1241827 AA804508 Similar to elongation factor 1-beta
1241839 AA714699 Unknown
1241846 AA714694 UnknownUG Hs.136759EST
1241859 AA714708 UnknownUG Hs.156053ESTs
1241863 AA714710 Unknown
1241869 AA714711 Ferritin light chain
1241894 AA714719 Unknown
1241900 AA714722 UnknownUG Hs.144097ESTs
1241905 AA804186 Similar to ribosomal protein S27a
1241922 AA804184 Unknown
1241924 AA804185 Unknown
1241929 AA714736 Unknown
1241957 AA714755 Unknown
1241962 AA714746 Unknown
1241967 AA714759 Unknown
1241971 AA714760 Unknown
1241985 AA714770 Unknown
1242017 AA804285 Unknown
1242026 AA807601 Unknown
1242032 AA807604 MHC Class II=DM alpha
1242042 AA807608 Unknown
1242043 AA807693 Unknown
1242050 AA807694 Unknown
1242055 AA807702 MHC Class I=HLA-A2
1242064 AA807699 UnknownUG Hs.107587CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1
1242078 AA807709 Unknown
1242081 AA807713 HMG-2=high mobility group 2 protein
1242114 AA804293 UnknownUG Hs.190442ESTs, Moderately similar to kidney-specific protein [R.norvegicus]
1242115 AA804301 MHC Class II=DP alpha
1250568 AA731136 UnknownUG Hs.213755ESTs
1250574 AA731139 ABR=guanine nucleotide regulatory protein
1250577 AA731149 UnknownUG Hs.152759activator of S phase kinase
1250578 AA731140 Unknown
1250589 AA731153 UnknownUG Hs.128704ESTs
1250592 AA731155 KIAA0160
1250596 AA731157 Unknown
1250604 AA731160 Unknown
1250607 AA731171 Unknown
1250615 AA731175 OXA1Hs=involved in cytochrome oxidase assembly
1250623 AA731185 Unknown
1250627 AA731187 Unknown
1250628 AA731181 LIMK2=LIM-kinase2
1250629 AA731188 Unknown
1250633 AA731189 Unknown
1250637 AA731190 Unknown
1250644 AA731751 Unknown
1250645 AA731756 UnknownUG Hs.89034ESTs
1250679 AA731261 UnknownUG Hs.122833ESTs
1250689 AA731266 UnknownUG Hs.50283ESTs, Highly similar to tyrosine phosphatase-like protein homolog hSTYXb [H.sapiens]
1250699 AA731271 UnknownUG Hs.192073ESTs
1250740 AA731764 UnknownUG Hs.172590ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1250748 AA731767 UnknownUG Hs.200811ESTs
1250761 AA731334 UnknownUG Hs.192756ESTs
1250770 AA731329 Purine nucleoside phophorylase=Inosine phosphorylase=PNP
1250775 AA731654 UnknownUG Hs.194432ESTs, Weakly similar to LINE-1 REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE HOMOLOG [H.sapiens]
1250778 AA731333 Unknown
1250779 AA731656 UnknownUG Hs.129004ESTs
1250801 AA731672 Unknown
1250802 AA731666 Calcineurin A2
1250810 AA731675 UnknownUG Hs.97437centriole associated protein
1250811 AA731684 Unknown
1250812 AA731676 Unknown
1250817 AA731687 Smad2=Madr2=JV18-1=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)=Activated by TGF beta
1250818 AA731679 UnknownUG Hs.120225EST
1250819 AA731688 UnknownUG Hs.47083ESTs
1250829 AA731690 Unknown
1250838 AA731778 Unknown
1250864 AA737642 Unknown
1250865 AA737646 Unknown
1250873 AA737648 Unknown
1250883 AA737655 DOCK2=dedicator of cyto-kinesis 2=KIAA0209=similar to DOCK180 CRK-binding protein involved in signaling from focal adhesions
1250886 AA737651 Unknown
1250908 AA731491 UnknownUG Hs.184023ESTs
1250911 AA731501 Unknown
1250917 AA731503 UnknownUG Hs.18616ESTs
1250930 AA731509 UnknownUG Hs.120257ESTs
1250933 AA731518 Unknown
1250936 AA731511 Unknown
1250940 AA731512 Unknown
1250945 AA731522 UnknownUG Hs.120259ESTs
1250958 AA731592 UnknownUG Hs.136684ESTs
1250965 AA731603 UnknownUG Hs.11571ESTs
1250966 AA731596 Unknown
1250976 AA731607 Unknown
1250985 AA731618 Unknown
1250990 AA731611 UnknownUG Hs.120267ESTs
1250992 AA731612 Unknown
1250996 AA731614 UnknownUG Hs.37262ESTs
1251001 AA731834 UnknownUG Hs.228717EST
1251002 AA731828 Unknown
1251006 AA731829 Unknown
1251009 AA731837 Unknown
1251013 AA731838 Unknown
1251016 AA731832 UnknownUG Hs.174021ESTs
1251022 AA731833 UnknownUG Hs.136690EST
1251031 AA731852 UnknownUG Hs.2331E2F transcription factor 5, p130-binding
1251035 AA731853 UnknownUG Hs.50600ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 3869259) [H.sapiens]
1251046 AA731849 Unknown
1251049 AA731995 Low-affinity IgG Fc receptor II-B and C isoforms (multiple orthologous genes)
1251051 AA731996 Unknown
1251052 AA731990 EST-3 from DMA, DMB, HLA-Z1, IPP2, LMP2, TAP1, LMP7, TAP2, DOB, DQB2 and RING8, 9, 13 and 14 locus
1251055 AA731998 Similar to UDP glucuronosyltransferase
1251060 AA731994 UnknownUG Hs.120287ESTs
1251072 AA732001 TGF-beta inducible early protein=TIEG=EGR alpha=early growth response gene alpha=putative zinc finger transcription factor
1251091 AA732012 Similar to nuclear pore complex protein
1251147 AA746392 Similar to BSAP=Pax5=transcription factor required for B cell formation=translocated in small lymphocytic lymphoma with plasmacytoid differentiation and splenic marginal zone lymphoma
1251153 AA746394 Unknown
1251155 AA746395 Unknown
1251166 AA746391 UnknownUG Hs.5724ESTs
1251194 AA746477 Alpha1A-voltage-dependent calcium channel mRNA, splice form BI-1 (V1)
1251198 AA746479 UnknownUG Hs.203534ESTs
1251207 AA746488 UnknownUG Hs.120667EST
1251210 AA746481 CD59=LY-6-like protein regulating complement membrane attack
1251229 AA746503 Unknown
1251230 AA746494 UnknownUG Hs.104300ESTs
1251232 AA746495 UnknownUG Hs.120668EST
1251234 AA746496 Unknown
1251237 AA746506 NKG2-D=type II integral membrane protein on human natural killer cells
1251239 AA746507 UnknownUG Hs.180260EST
1251241 AA737672 Unknown
1251254 AA737669 Unknown
1251255 AA737674 Unknown
1251257 AA737675 Unknown
1251259 AA737676 Unknown
1251265 AA737687 Unknown
1251292 AA731526 UnknownUG Hs.211274ESTs
1251295 AA731536 Unknown
1251300 AA731529 Unknown
1251308 AA731532 UnknownUG Hs.120260ESTs
1251314 AA731541 Unknown
1251330 AA731547 Human U1-snRNP binding protein homolog mRNA, complete cds
1251333 AA731556 UnknownUG Hs.126257ESTs
1251335 AA731557 UnknownUG Hs.125519ESTs
1251339 AA731633 Unknown
1251354 AA731629 Similar to KIAA0322 and NEDD-4 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
1251375 AA731789 Unknown
1251377 AA731790 G protein gamma-10 subunit
1251385 AA731863 UnknownUG Hs.120276ESTs
1251397 AA731937 UnknownUG Hs.120278EST
1251398 AA731860 UnknownUG Hs.120275ESTs
1251403 AA731939 Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, type 3
1251408 AA731940 UnknownUG Hs.120279EST
1251410 AA731941 UnknownUG Hs.180177EST
1251411 AA731949 Unknown
1251412 AA731942 Unknown
1251420 AA731943 UnknownUG Hs.205320ESTs
1251421 AA731954 Unknown
1251431 AA731957 Unknown
1251441 AA732093 UnknownUG Hs.155284ESTs, Weakly similar to plenty-of-prolines-101 [M.musculus]
1251452 AA732087 UnknownUG Hs.130803ESTs
1251482 AA732148 Unknown
1251492 AA732152 Similar to lyn=tyrosine kinase
1251505 AA732168 Similar to 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1251547 AA809778 Unknown
1251554 AA809782 UnknownUG Hs.193209ESTs
1251562 AA809784 UnknownUG Hs.179293ESTs
1251563 AA809792 UnknownUG Hs.123307ESTs
1251565 AA809793 Unknown
1251574 AA809786 Unknown
1251578 AA810287 UnknownUG Hs.123321ESTs
1251582 AA810288 UnknownUG Hs.38735ESTs
1251584 AA810289 Unknown
1251589 AA810297 Unknown
1251607 AA810308 UnknownUG Hs.187628ESTs
1251609 AA810309 Unknown
1251617 AA810310 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110 catalytic, gamma isoform
1251630 AA730985 UnknownUG Hs.120214EST
1251641 AA730998 Unknown
1251644 AA730990 UnknownUG Hs.164006ESTs
1251652 AA731003 DNA polymerase epsilon catalytic subunit
1251662 AA731006 Unknown
1251663 AA731015 Unknown
1251667 AA731016 UnknownUG Hs.24908ESTs
1251669 AA731017 Unknown
1251670 AA731009 Unknown
1251671 AA731018 UnknownUG Hs.155577ESTs
1251673 AA731027 SCA-2=ataxin-2=trinucleotide expansion target in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2
1251676 AA731021 Similar to MTK1=KIAA0213=MAP kinase kinase kinase
1251690 AA731025 UnknownUG Hs.222000ESTs
1251700 AA731286 Unknown
1251705 AA731293 Unknown
1251723 AA731092 Unknown
1251724 AA731084 Unknown
1251733 AA731095 Unknown
1251734 AA731088 SWI/SNF complex 170 KDa subunit (BAF170)
1251751 AA731110 UnknownUG Hs.224982ESTs
1251753 AA731111 Unknown
1251757 AA731113 Unknown
1251759 AA731114 UnknownUG Hs.99918carboxyl ester lipase (bile salt-stimulated lipase)
1251762 AA731104 UnknownUG Hs.120931ESTs
1251766 AA731106 APS=adaptor molecule containing PH and SH2 domains that is tyrosine phosphorylated upon B-cell receptor stimulation
1251786 AA731124 UnknownUG Hs.120931ESTs
1251790 AA731126 APS=adaptor molecule containing PH and SH2 domains that is tyrosine phosphorylated upon B-cell receptor stimulation
1251791 AA731135 alpha 1,2-mannosidase IB
1251799 AA731307 Unknown
1251801 AA731308 Similar to 3-methyl-adenine DNA glycosylase
1251818 AA731193 Unknown
1251833 AA731207 UnknownUG Hs.134403ESTs
1251836 AA731199 Unknown
1251837 AA731209 Similar to male germ cell-associated kinase (mak)
1251843 AA731220 Unknown
1251855 AA731226 UnknownUG Hs.46972ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4337104) [H.sapiens]
1251860 AA731218 UnknownUG Hs.190525ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
1251862 AA731219 Unknown
1251863 AA731230 UnknownUG Hs.120221ESTs
1251870 AA731234 NBK=BIK=BCL-2 interacting killer=apoptotic inducer protein
1251872 AA731235 Similar to RPA16=RNA polymerase I 16-kDa subunit
1251873 AA731242 Unknown
1251877 AA731244 UnknownUG Hs.221377ESTs
1251885 AA731246 Unknown
1251886 AA731239 UnknownUG Hs.120222ESTs
1251891 AA731319 Unknown
1251901 AA731322 Unknown
1251902 AA731315 Unknown
1251920 AA731694 Unknown
1251931 AA731708 PKA-R1 alpha=cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha-catalytic regulatory chain
1251947 AA731723 TRAIL=Apo-2 ligand
1251969 AA731741 Similar to mariner2 transposable element, complete consensus sequence
1251970 AA731732 Similar to (Z81072) F30A10.9
1251972 AA731733 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 3
1251977 AA731745 KIAA0442
1251979 AA731746 UnknownUG Hs.120232ESTs
1251981 AA731747 titin
1251982 AA731738 UnknownUG Hs.120230ESTs
1251986 AA740239 Unknown
1251993 AA740248 UnknownUG Hs.136704ESTs
1251997 AA740250 Unknown
1252004 AA740243 UnknownUG Hs.136703ESTs
1252005 AA740254 UnknownUG Hs.186837ESTs
1252006 AA740244 KIAA0521
1252008 AA731869 CD1A
1252013 AA731879 UnknownUG Hs.182591RAS guanyl releasing protein 1 (calcium and DAG-regulated)
1252014 AA731871 Unknown
1252031 AA731887 Unknown
1252035 AA731895 Unknown
1252044 AA731889 XRCC4=double strand DNA break repair protein=Stimulates DNA ligase IV
1252046 AA731890 Unknown
1252053 AA731899 Unknown
1252054 AA731893 UnknownUG Hs.88643ESTs
1252056 AA731901 Unknown
1252059 AA731908 UnknownUG Hs.152759activator of S phase kinase
1252065 AA731910 Unknown
1252085 AA814445 UnknownUG Hs.38735ESTs
1252092 AA814437 Unknown
1252093 AA814447 GTP-binding protein ARD-1
1252094 AA814438 CD48=BLAST-1
1252096 AA814439 Unknown
1252098 AA814440 Unknown
1252102 AA814442 UnknownUG Hs.125815ESTs
1268620 AA713940 Unknown
1268632 AA713945 RAB-2=GTP-binding protein
1268642 AA713959 UnknownUG Hs.30490Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586H0519 (from clone DKFZp586H0519)
1268651 AA713972 Unknown
1268654 AA713964 Unknown
1268656 AA713965 UnknownUG Hs.136754ESTs
1268663 AA713977 UnknownUG Hs.17212ESTs
1268667 AA714025 Unknown
1268677 AA714029 Elongin A=SIII p110 subunit
1268678 AA714020 EST from intron of MHC class II HLA-DRw53-beta
1268679 AA714030 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
1268685 AA714032 Unknown
1268686 AA714023 UnknownUG Hs.121095EST
1268689 AA714045 Unknown
1268692 AA714036 Unknown
1268698 AA714039 Unknown
1268709 AA714049 UnknownUG Hs.185772ESTs
1268716 AA721732 Topoisomerase II beta (180kD)
1268721 AA721739 Unknown
1268722 AA721735 Unknown
1268731 AA721742 Unknown
1268735 AA721744 24607 mRNA=Similar to interleukin 14 (IL-14)
1268739 AA721752 UnknownUG Hs.129915ESTs
1268742 AA721746 Unknown
1268753 AA721757 Unknown
1268756 AA721750 UnknownUG Hs.43133KIAA0628 gene product
1268810 AA714549 FMR1=Fragile X mental retardation 1
1268814 AA714551 Unknown
1268826 AA714554 Unknown
1268831 AA714560 Unknown
1268839 AA714564 Unknown
1268846 AA714561 UnknownUG Hs.220725ESTs
1268877 AA714576 Unknown
1268905 AA720886 Unknown
1268906 AA720878 UnknownUG Hs.201375ESTs
1268907 AA720887 Unknown
1268908 AA720879 Unknown
1268909 AA720888 UnknownUG Hs.170698ESTs
1268910 AA720880 dystrobrevin B DTN-B2=dystrophin-associated protein A0
1268913 AA720890 Unknown
1268934 AA720897 Similar to SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
1268937 AA720908 Unknown
1268938 AA720899 UnknownUG Hs.120638ESTs
1268942 AA720901 UnknownUG Hs.125110ESTs, Weakly similar to transformation-related protein [H.sapiens]
1268970 AA720954 Unknown
1268976 AA720962 UnknownUG Hs.23744ESTs
1268978 AA720963 Similar to immunoglobulin delta constant region
1268988 AA720967 Unknown
1269005 AA747528 UnknownUG Hs.187866ESTs
1269007 AA747529 Unknown
1269016 AA747524 UnknownUG Hs.190055ESTs
1269024 AA747535 UnknownUG Hs.152947ESTs
1269032 AA747537 Unknown
1269034 AA747538 UnknownUG Hs.187942ESTs
1269048 AA747660 UnknownUG Hs.172385EST
1269051 AA747667 UnknownUG Hs.122726ESTs
1269081 AA747684 UnknownUG Hs.164159ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1269083 AA747685 Unknown
1269098 AA747795 SRF=c-fos serum response element-binding transcription factor
1269108 AA747800 UnknownUG Hs.136734EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1269115 AA747807 UnknownUG Hs.149500ESTs
1269126 AA747810 Similar to KIAA0147 and other leucine-rich domains (multiple)
1269131 AA747817 UnknownUG Hs.117079ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1269136 AA747814 Similar to casein kinase I-gamma
1269142 AA747816 Unknown
1269151 AA805886 Unknown
1269162 AA747897 Unknown
1269173 AA747902 Unknown
1269178 AA805891 Unknown
1269183 AA747905 UnknownUG Hs.168766ESTs
1269187 AA747907 Unknown
1269188 AA747900 Unknown
1269197 AA748004 UnknownUG Hs.187870ESTs
1269201 AA748005 UnknownUG Hs.120703ESTs
1269209 AA748008 UnknownUG Hs.221615ESTs
1269212 AA748002 Unknown
1269217 AA748023 UnknownUG Hs.47047ESTs
1269220 AA748013 UnknownUG Hs.172387ESTs
1269223 AA748025 OXA1Hs=involved in cytochrome oxidase assembly
1269224 AA748015 UnknownUG Hs.120705EST
1269226 AA748016 UnknownUG Hs.123370ESTs
1269227 AA748026 Unknown
1269228 AA748017 Unknown
1269230 AA748018 Tis11d=ERF-2=growth factor early response gene
1269240 AA748143 UnknownUG Hs.140318EST
1269259 AA748159 Unknown
1269268 AA748162 Unknown
1269275 AA748171 UnknownUG Hs.174171ESTs
1269287 AA748175 Unknown
1269295 AA747296 UnknownUG Hs.172384EST
1269298 AA747289 UnknownUG Hs.105293ESTs
1269301 AA747298 Unknown
1269309 AA747302 Unknown
1269313 AA747314 Unknown
1269314 AA747305 Unknown
1269337 AA747431 cysteine-rich fibroblast growth factor receptor (CFR-1)
1269338 AA747421 lck=lymphoid-restricted tyrosine kinase
1269340 AA747422 KIAA0126
1269342 AA747423 Unknown
1269355 AA747436 UnknownUG Hs.163105ESTs
1269366 AA747439 Unknown
1269376 AA747444 Similar to casein kinase I epsilon
1269379 AA747454 Similar to adducin gamma subunit=putative spectrin-actin assembly factor
1269387 AA736988 UnknownUG Hs.222067ESTs
1269390 AA736980 Similar to PG10.2 mRNA expressed in the pineal gland and retina
1269398 AA736983 UnknownUG Hs.121108ESTs
1269401 AA736993 Unknown
1269406 AA736986 UnknownUG Hs.169939KIAA0448 gene product
1269408 AA736997 Unknown
1269412 AA736998 Unknown
1269431 AA737014 UnknownUG Hs.192729ESTs
1269436 AA721009 Similar to PG10.2 mRNA expressed in the pineal gland and retina
1269438 AA721010 Unknown
1269451 AA721019 UnknownUG Hs.137432ESTs
1269453 AA721020 UnknownUG Hs.121104EST
1269455 AA721021 Unknown
1269464 AA721025 UnknownUG Hs.121105EST
1269467 AA721035 UnknownUG Hs.137531ESTs
1269470 AA721028 Unknown
1269472 AA721029 Unknown
1269477 AA721040 Unknown
1269480 AA721068 Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial X precursor
1269492 AA721071 UnknownUG Hs.121106ESTs
1269498 AA721073 Unknown
1269500 AA721074 Unknown
1269525 AA721099 Similar to Ig-related glycoprotein-70
1269526 AA721092 Unknown
1269536 AA737019 Unknown
1269540 AA737020 UnknownUG Hs.144967ESTs
1269552 AA737031 Unknown
1269563 AA737041 UnknownUG Hs.130864ESTs
1269573 AA737045 Unknown
1269580 AA714633 KHK=ketohexokinase, clone pHKHK3a
1269593 AA714640 Similar to p18-INK6=cyclin-dependent kinase 6 inhibitor and other ankyrin repeat proteins
1269598 AA714635 UnknownUG Hs.181297ESTs
1269600 AA714643 Similar to E2A=E12/E14 HLH transcription factors
1269604 AA714645 KHK=ketohexokinase, clone pHKHK3a
1269605 AA714652 UnknownUG Hs.145089ESTs
1269615 AA714657 Unknown
1269618 AA714649 Unknown
1269624 AA714662 UnknownUG Hs.184142ESTs
1269626 AA714663 Unknown
1269639 AA714672 UnknownUG Hs.128687ESTs
1269640 AA714665 Glucocorticoid receptor
1269668 AA714677 UnknownUG Hs.173943ESTs
1269669 AA714687 Unknown
1269672 AA747549 Unknown
1269677 AA747561 UnknownUG Hs.120693ESTs
1269695 AA747567 Unknown
1269697 AA747575 Unknown
1269713 AA747578 Topoisomerase I
1269715 AA747579 UnknownUG Hs.191958ESTs
1269727 AA747698 UnknownUG Hs.120691ESTs
1269730 AA747692 UnknownUG Hs.120691ESTs
1269733 AA747700 Unknown
1269734 AA747694 UnknownUG Hs.159556ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1269737 AA747702 Unknown
1269744 AA747704 UnknownUG Hs.120692EST
1269749 AA747713 UnknownUG Hs.120693ESTs
1269757 AA747715 UnknownUG Hs.89022ESTs
1269758 AA747708 KIAA0349=Similar to C. elegans U88308 similar to S. cerevisiae ubiquitin-protein ligase E3 component
1269763 AA747716 UnknownUG Hs.211274ESTs
1269766 AA747711 Similar to prostaglandin E receptor EP4 subtype
1269770 AA714777 UnknownUG Hs.124159ESTs
1269777 AA714785 Unknown
1269784 AA714780 UnknownUG Hs.183475ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1269785 AA714787 Unknown
1269788 AA714782 UnknownUG Hs.208461ESTs
1269795 AA714793 Unknown
1269801 AA714796 Similar to propionyl CoA carboxylase beta subunit
1269802 AA714790 Similar to KIAA0132 gene product is related to Drosophila ring canal protein
1269805 AA714798 Unknown
1269821 AA714842 Unknown
1269830 AA714837 UnknownUG Hs.128109ESTs
1269831 AA714843 Unknown
1269836 AA714840 BCL-7B
1269843 AA714854 Similar to myosin X
1269845 AA714855 UnknownUG Hs.180058ESTs
1269859 AA714860 Similar to LAF-4=lymphoid nuclear protein
1269862 AA714853 CB2 (peripheral) cannabinoid receptor
1269878 AA715019 UnknownUG Hs.121098EST
1269886 AA715023 UnknownUG Hs.211167ESTs
1269898 AA715038 UnknownUG Hs.27267ESTs, Weakly similar to tetraspan TM4SF [H.sapiens]
1269905 AA715047 UnknownUG Hs.174003ESTs
1269911 AA715049 Unknown
1269933 AA715100 Unknown
1269947 AA715113 KIAA0562=Similar to glycine-glutamate-thienylcyclohexylpiperidine-binding protein
1269956 AA715107 Unknown
1269958 AA715108 Unknown
1270032 AA737399 Similar to histone H2A.2
1270034 AA737400 UnknownUG Hs.142230ESTs
1270039 AA737410 UnknownUG Hs.90875RAB interacting factor
1270043 AA737412 Unknown
1270052 AA737405 Unknown
1270068 AA737048 UnknownUG Hs.121112ESTs
1270071 AA737054 Unknown
1270081 AA737062 Unknown
1270107 AA737073 UnknownUG Hs.109773ESTs
1270108 AA737068 Unknown
1270115 AA737075 UnknownUG Hs.97437centriole associated protein
1270123 AA737076 Unknown
1270154 AA747820 UnknownUG Hs.34107ESTs
1270156 AA747821 Unknown
1270158 AA747822 Unknown
1270159 AA747826 UnknownUG Hs.120699EST
1270163 AA747828 JAK1 tyrosine kinase
1270165 AA747829 FSHD region DNA sequence
1270176 AA747832 Bloom's syndrome protein (BLM)
1270179 AA747839 Unknown
1270185 AA747841 Unknown
1270187 AA747842 Unknown
1270188 AA747834 UnknownUG Hs.120700ESTs
1270197 AA747844 ENX-1=putative transcriptional regulator
1270199 AA747845 UnknownUG Hs.163109ESTs
1270211 AA747916 Unknown
1270215 AA747918 UnknownUG Hs.145010ESTs
1270216 AA747912 P2Y10=Putative purinergic receptor
1270229 AA747929 Unknown
1270232 AA747923 Unknown
1270233 AA747930 UnknownUG Hs.202639ESTs
1270236 AA747925 Unknown
1270239 AA747932 Unknown
1270243 AA747933 NFAT=NFATc1=NFATc
1270247 AA747935 Similar to RBP2=retinoblastoma binding protein 2
1270248 AA748030 MLL=HRX=ALL-1
1270253 AA748041 Unknown
1270262 AA748035 Unknown
1270264 AA748036 UnknownUG Hs.127285ESTs
1270278 AA748052 Unknown
1270286 AA748055 UnknownUG Hs.231792ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
1270290 AA748056 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-14
1270297 AA748181 Clathrin heavy chain 1 (CLH-17)=KIAA0034
1270311 AA748187 mosaic protein LR11=hybrid receptor gp250 precursor
1270314 AA748179 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-14
1270315 AA748188 Unknown
1270316 AA748180 UnknownUG Hs.159346ESTs
1270317 AA748189 UnknownUG Hs.171157ESTs
1270319 AA748190 KIAA0079
1270347 AA749221 Unknown
1270348 AA749214 Unknown
1270349 AA749222 UnknownUG Hs.194688Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosome region 9
1270350 AA749215 Unknown
1270356 AA749217 UnknownUG Hs.136748EST
1270358 AA749218 Unknown
1270379 AA749242 Unknown
1270381 AA749243 Unknown
1270383 AA749244 UnknownUG Hs.180275ESTs
1270384 AA749236 UnknownUG Hs.120738EST
1270392 AA749340 Similar to exo84=subunit of rat protein complex related to exocyst required for the late stages of secretion in yeast
1270398 AA749342 Unknown
1270403 AA749351 Unknown
1270406 AA749343 Unknown
1270430 AA749360 UnknownUG Hs.88017ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1270433 AA749370 Unknown
1270437 AA749371 IG kappa JC region genomic sequence
1270447 AA748428 Unknown
1270451 AA748430 UnknownUG Hs.180275ESTs
1270455 AA748432 Unknown
1270474 AA748440 Similar to DEAD-box protein p72 (P72)
1270477 AA748448 UnknownUG Hs.134541ESTs
1270495 AA748479 UnknownUG Hs.136738EST
1270517 AA748494 UnknownUG Hs.164006ESTs
1270518 AA748486 UnknownUG Hs.196675ESTs
1270520 AA748487 Unknown
1270522 AA748488 Unknown
1270523 AA748496 Unknown
1270531 AA748500 UnknownUG Hs.120716ESTs
1270541 AA748585 Unknown
1270545 AA748586 UnknownUG Hs.153248ESTs
1270556 AA748583 UnknownUG Hs.163985ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1270559 AA748591 Damage-specific DNA binding protein 1 (127 kD)
1270571 AA748599 UnknownUG Hs.125779ESTs
1270576 AA748594 Unknown
1270585 AA748710 MHC Class II=DM beta
1270589 AA748712 Unknown
1270592 AA748707 Telomerase catalytic subunit=EST2
1270593 AA748713 Unknown
1270624 AA748725 UnknownUG Hs.146154ESTs
1270628 AA748726 Unknown
1270634 AA749006 UnknownUG Hs.125780ESTs
1270653 AA749019 Unknown
1270658 AA749022 Unknown
1270684 AA749122 UnknownUG Hs.118112ESTs
1270686 AA749123 UnknownUG Hs.136746EST
1270690 AA749125 UnknownUG Hs.202594ESTs
1270699 AA749137 Unknown
1270709 AA749145 UnknownUG Hs.81118leukotriene A4 hydrolase
1270710 AA749141 UnknownUG Hs.207782ESTs
1270714 AA749142 UnknownUG Hs.211167ESTs
1270719 AA749149 UnknownUG Hs.163114ESTs
1270729 AA749253 UnknownUG Hs.180761ESTs
1270732 AA749249 UnknownUG Hs.104420ESTs
1270733 AA749254 UnknownUG Hs.136749EST
1270735 AA749255 UnknownUG Hs.134213ESTs
1270737 AA749256 Unknown
1270746 AA749252 Unknown
1270760 AA749263 Unknown
1270770 AA749266 Unknown
1270786 AA749375 Unknown
1270798 AA749380 UnknownUG Hs.36120ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1270801 AA749396 Unknown
1270810 AA749393 Unknown
1270811 AA749400 Unknown
1270872 AA748503 UnknownUG Hs.144766ESTs
1270880 AA748507 PBEF=pre-B cell enhancing factor
1270885 AA748520 UnknownUG Hs.164039ESTs
1270886 AA748510 UnknownUG Hs.180970ESTs
1270889 AA748521 Unknown
1270897 AA748534 Unknown
1270900 AA748526 UnknownUG Hs.221216ESTs
1270907 AA748537 Unknown
1270912 AA748532 Guanylate binding protein 1, interferon-inducible, 67kD
1270914 AA748533 Unknown
1270919 AA748539 UnknownUG Hs.120718EST
1270927 AA748613 UnknownUG Hs.136740ESTs
1270940 AA748610 VAV-3
1270950 AA748621 UnknownUG Hs.38485ESTs
1270953 AA748632 UnknownUG Hs.120720EST
1270961 AA748634 Unknown
1270964 AA748626 UnknownUG Hs.164496ESTs
1270973 AA748741 Similar to DYSTROPHIN
1270990 AA748739 Unknown
1270997 AA748755 Unknown
1271006 AA748749 UnknownUG Hs.136742ESTs
1271008 AA748750 Adenosine kinase
1271020 AA749041 Unknown
1271034 AA749046 Unknown
1271035 AA749056 CD156=Cell surface antigen MS2=transmembrane protein
1271040 AA749058 UnknownUG Hs.136745EST
1271046 AA749061 Unknown
1271073 AA749164 UnknownUG Hs.194421ESTs
1271078 AA749157 Unknown
1271085 AA749167 zinc finger protein ZNF191
1271086 AA749160 MLN50=LIM,SH3 and actin-binding domain protein LASP-1
1271090 AA749170 Unknown
1271091 AA749179 IG kappa JC region genomic sequence
1271096 AA749173 Unknown
1271110 AA749178 Unknown
1271120 AA749278 TESK1=protein kinase specifically expressed in testicular germ cells
1271128 AA749282 Unknown
1271147 AA749304 Unknown
1271150 AA749297 UnknownUG Hs.184132ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1271154 AA749299 UnknownUG Hs.46853ESTs
1271167 AA749413 Similar to IL-1 alpha
1271184 AA749417 Unknown
1271194 AA749420 Unknown
1271317 AA748646 Solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, taurine), member 6
1271331 AA748660 Unknown
1271332 AA748651 UnknownUG Hs.163090ESTs
1271349 AA748668 Unknown
1271353 AA748772 Unknown
1271365 AA748776 UnknownUG Hs.128637ESTs
1271371 AA748778 Unknown
1271373 AA748779 UnknownUG Hs.136743EST
1271374 AA748771 Unknown
1271382 AA748780 UnknownUG Hs.120723ESTs
1271406 AA749078 UnknownUG Hs.165983ESTs
1271411 AA749088 UnknownUG Hs.179221ESTs
1271412 AA749079 UnknownUG Hs.188473ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1271418 AA749081 UnknownUG Hs.14877ESTs
1271419 AA749091 CA V=carbonic anhydrase V
1271420 AA749082 Unknown
1271424 AA749094 Unknown
1271426 AA749095 UnknownUG Hs.143254ESTs
1271427 AA749101 Interferon-inducible protein9-27=interferon-induced 17kDa membrane protein
1271429 AA749102 40 kDa protein kinase related to rat ERK2
1271435 AA749104 CXCR5=BLR1=B-cell homing chemokine receptor=L1
1271446 AA749099 UnknownUG Hs.32205ESTs
1271447 AA749106 Unknown
1271448 AA749183 Unknown
1271455 AA749191 Unknown
1271464 AA749187 UnknownUG Hs.47122ESTs
1271483 AA749206 DNA ligase I
1271491 AA749210 UnknownUG Hs.136747EST
1271499 AA749317 UnknownUG Hs.182606ESTs
1271502 AA749308 UnknownUG Hs.125262ESTs, Weakly similar to predicted using Genefinder [C.elegans]
1271507 AA749319 Similar to zeta-crystallin/quinone reductase
1271511 AA749320 UnknownUG Hs.120742ESTs
1271514 AA749313 UnknownUG Hs.126721ESTs
1271528 AA749325 UnknownUG Hs.120609ESTs
1271537 AA749338 UnknownUG Hs.121742ESTs
1271541 AA749339 Unknown
1271546 AA749426 Unknown
1271554 AA749430 UnknownUG Hs.160473ESTs
1271560 AA749433 Jun activation domain binding protein=coactivator that increases the specificity of AP-1 transcription factors
1271565 AA749445 tyk2=non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase
1271592 AA761032 Similar to putative transcription factor XPRF and other ring finger domains
1271597 AA761039 Unknown
1271599 AA761040 UnknownUG Hs.140486ESTs
1271609 AA761044 Unknown
1271611 AA761045 Endosome-associated protein (EEA1)
1271615 AA761047 UnknownUG Hs.193559ESTs
1271618 AA761049 Unknown
1271623 AA761061 UnknownUG Hs.57494ESTs
1271626 AA761053 UnknownUG Hs.48712ESTs
1271627 AA761063 Unknown
1271630 AA761055 Unknown
1271631 AA761064 Unknown
1271635 AA761066 UnknownUG Hs.39441ESTs
1271636 AA761058 Similar to Moesin (membrane organizing extension spike protein)
1271641 AA761077 Unknown
1271643 AA761078 UnknownUG Hs.184245Novel human gene mapping to chomosome 1
1271644 AA761070 Unknown
1271662 AA761076 Alkaline phosphatase
1271666 AA761086 UnknownUG Hs.192534ESTs
1271675 AA761096 UnknownUG Hs.190054ESTs
1271677 AA761097 Calmodulin 1 (phosphorylase kinase, delta)
1271699 AA813833 Unknown
1271703 AA813835 Unknown
1271726 AA813842 Unknown
1271734 AA813845 Unknown
1271739 AA813857 Unknown
1271741 AA813858 UnknownUG Hs.125779ESTs
1271748 AA813853 UnknownUG Hs.164022ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1271759 AA813865 Unknown
1271768 AA813867 UnknownUG Hs.17606ESTs
1271799 AA742954 UnknownUG Hs.148812ESTs
1271806 AA742948 UnknownUG Hs.34584ESTs
1271811 AA742965 Neuronal tissue-enriched acidic protein (NAP-22)
1271813 AA742966 Vascular endothelial growth factor B
1271828 AA742962 NF2=Neurofibromin 2 (bilateral acoustic neuroma)=schwannomin=CS1=putative membrane-organizing protein causes neuro-fibromatosis type 2=merlin
1271854 AA742978 UnknownUG Hs.198214ESTs
1271879 AA743256 Unknown
1271886 AA743042 KIAA0169
1271889 AA743048 KIAA0151=serine/threonine kinase
1271903 AA743054 Unknown
1271906 AA743055 Similar to CD10=CALLA=Neprilysin=enkepalinase
1271914 AA743058 Unknown
1271915 AA743067 UnknownUG Hs.38613ESTs
1271925 AA743070 eIF4G1=eukaryotic initiation factor 4
1271932 AA743073 UnknownUG Hs.750fibrillin 1 (Marfan syndrome)
1271954 AA743258 Unknown
1271957 AA743262 Unknown
1271959 AA743263 UnknownUG Hs.225592ESTs, Moderately similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
1271969 AA743268 Unknown
1271970 AA743260 UnknownUG Hs.121045ESTs
1271982 AA743149 Unknown
1272009 AA743178 UnknownUG Hs.159014ESTs
1272012 AA743170 UnknownUG Hs.170698ESTs
1272013 AA743180 Unknown
1272018 AA743172 Unknown
1272021 AA743184 UnknownUG Hs.154573ESTs
1272022 AA743174 UnknownUG Hs.132853ESTs
1272023 AA743185 SLAP-130=SLP-76 associated protein=FYN binding protein=hematopoietic-restricted phosphoprotein target of T cell receptor associated tyrosine kinases
1272026 AA743186 Unknown
1272027 AA743194 Similar to peptide methionine sulfoxide reductase (msrA).
1272029 AA743195 Unknown
1272041 AA743200 UnknownUG Hs.120583EST
1272053 AA743281 Unknown
1272059 AA743283 Granzyme K=pre-granzyme 3=serine protease
1272064 AA743276 UnknownUG Hs.133544ESTs
1272070 AA743278 Similar to retinoid X receptor interacting protein (RIP110)
1272073 AA743345 UnknownUG Hs.120590ESTs
1272075 AA743346 E2F-5=pRB-binding transcription factor
1272078 AA743341 Similar to E2F-5=pRB-binding transcription factor
1272079 AA743348 UnknownUG Hs.120591ESTs
1272084 AA743342 UnknownUG Hs.120588EST
1272087 AA743351 Unknown
1272118 AA743363 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase=5-lipoxygenase=5-LO
1272124 AA743373 TRE17 oncogene
1272125 AA743379 Similar to G protein-linked receptor (clone GPCR W)
1272130 AA743375 UnknownUG Hs.128744ESTs
1272133 AA743382 UnknownUG Hs.122821ESTs
1272134 AA743376 UbC gene for polyubiquitin
1272137 AA743384 UnknownUG Hs.120594ESTs
1272140 AA743377 UnknownUG Hs.136716ESTs
1272154 AA743088 Similar to mu chain association protein (8hs20)
1272158 AA743090 Similar to mu chain association protein (8hs20)
1272179 AA743452 UnknownUG Hs.187869ESTs
1272181 AA743453 Unknown
1272185 AA743454 UnknownUG Hs.231533ESTs
1272188 AA743446 UnknownUG Hs.206370ESTs, Moderately similar to (defline not available 4884208) [H.sapiens]
1272191 AA743457 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 3
1272196 AA743459 IRF-4=LSIRF=Mum1=homologue of Pip=Lymphoid-specific interferon regulatory factor =Multiple myeloma oncogene 1
1272201 AA808753 UnknownUG Hs.123369ESTs
1272218 AA808757 UnknownUG Hs.222531ESTs, Weakly similar to interferon receptor JFNAR 2-1 [H.sapiens]
1272219 AA743469 MKK7=mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7=Jnkk2=JNK kinase 2
1272222 AA808758 CD35=Complement Receptor type I
1272249 AA743120 Similar to wizL=Zinc Finger protein
1272252 AA743112 Unknown
1272263 AA743125 Unknown
1272270 AA742988 UnknownUG Hs.140299EST
1272294 AA743004 Unknown
1272304 AA743009 Unknown
1272305 AA743019 Unknown
1272311 AA743022 Unknown
1272315 AA743030 UnknownUG Hs.14770ESTs
1272321 AA743033 UnknownUG Hs.6879ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1272322 AA743026 Unknown
1272327 AA743036 Unknown
1272330 AA743028 UnknownUG Hs.99480ESTs
1272332 AA743029 Unknown
1272339 AA743138 Unknown
1272344 AA743129 Unknown
1272351 AA743143 UnknownUG Hs.87507ESTs
1272353 AA743144 Unknown
1272359 AA743146 Unknown
1272360 AA743203 Unknown
1272367 AA743213 UnknownUG Hs.120584EST
1272368 AA743205 UnknownUG Hs.184067ESTs
1272371 AA743214 UnknownUG Hs.202596ESTs
1272373 AA743215 Serine hydroxymethyl transferasemitochondrial precursor=Serine methylase=Glycine hydroxymethyl transferase=SHMT
1272378 AA743208 Unknown
1272385 AA743223 Unknown
1272386 AA743218 Protein phosphatase 2C alpha
1272388 AA743219 Unknown
1272389 AA743225 Unknown
1272394 AA743221 UnknownUG Hs.120585EST
1272410 AA743232 UnknownUG Hs.163083EST
1272411 AA743242 KIAA0838=Similar to glutaminase
1272423 AA743245 Unknown
1272430 AA743241 UnknownUG Hs.128744ESTs
1272433 AA743482 Unknown
1272459 AA743297 KIAA0554
1272460 AA743289 UnknownUG Hs.136715EST
1272470 AA743293 MPP2=putative M phase phosphoprotein 2
1272479 AA743306 Unknown
1272484 AA743308 UnknownUG Hs.194328ESTs
1272493 AA743319 Unknown
1272495 AA743320 Unknown
1272501 AA743322 UnknownUG Hs.163084EST
1272505 AA743330 Unknown
1272514 AA743325 UnknownUG Hs.171693ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1272532 AA743490 Unknown
1272537 AA743499 UnknownUG Hs.94466protein phosphatase 2A, regulatory subunit B' (PR 53)
1272538 AA743492 Unknown
1272540 AA743493 Unknown
1272559 AA743399 UnknownUG Hs.115217ESTs
1272566 AA743393 UnknownUG Hs.120932ESTs
1272570 AA743395 UnknownUG Hs.159556ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1272572 AA743396 UnknownUG Hs.189023ESTs
1272573 AA743406 UnknownUG Hs.156939ESTs
1272594 AA743415 Unknown
1272595 AA743421 UnknownUG Hs.163433ESTs
1272612 AA743428 Similar to retinoid X receptor interacting protein (RIP110)
1272613 AA743434 UnknownUG Hs.193778ESTs
1272615 AA743435 Unknown
1272616 AA743429 UnknownUG Hs.121045ESTs
1272617 AA743436 UnknownUG Hs.193778ESTs
1272619 AA743437 UnknownUG Hs.136684ESTs
1272624 AA743505 Unknown
1272627 AA743511 UnknownUG Hs.120599EST
1272639 AA743515 UnknownUG Hs.130772ESTs
1272645 AA743518 Unknown
1272648 AA743520 Unknown
1272650 AA743521 Unknown
1272653 AA743532 UnknownUG Hs.180543ESTs
1272659 AA743535 UnknownUG Hs.176225ESTs
1272668 AA743529 Similar to mariner2 transposable element, complete consensus sequence
1272672 AA743542 Unknown
1272681 AA743556 UnknownUG Hs.191547ESTs
1272682 AA743546 UnknownUG Hs.136719EST
1272688 AA743549 KIAA0074
1272693 AA743561 UnknownUG Hs.140304EST, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1272694 AA743551 STAT1=IFN alpha/beta-responsive transcription factor ISGF3 beta subunits (p91/p84)
1272712 AA743628 VASP=Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein=focal adhesion and microfilament-associated protein
1272713 AA743637 Unknown
1272723 AA743648 Unknown
1272730 AA743643 Unknown
1272732 AA743644 Unknown
1272736 AA743645 CXC chemokine receptor 4= fusin=neuropeptide Y receptor=L3
1272738 AA743646 Similar to PRAME=preferentially expressed antigen of melanoma(encoded in Ig lambda locus)
1272744 AA743867 Unknown
1272746 AA743868 UnknownUG Hs.120607EST
1272749 AA743876 UnknownUG Hs.123173ESTs
1272751 AA743877 UnknownUG Hs.120608EST
1272752 AA743870 Unknown
1272756 AA743871 Phospholipase C, gamma 2 (phosphatidylinositol-specific)
1272758 AA743872 Unknown
1272761 AA743880 UnknownUG Hs.145088ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1272763 AA743881 Similar to peptide/histidine transporter
1272765 AA743882 Unknown
1272768 AA743883 Unknown
1272773 AA744483 Unknown
1272780 AA744476 UnknownUG Hs.119065ESTs
1272782 AA744477 Unknown
1272785 AA744488 UnknownUG Hs.132842ESTs
1272786 AA744479 UnknownUG Hs.186918ESTs
1272789 AA744490 UnknownUG Hs.120609ESTs
1272822 AA744586 UnknownUG Hs.58831regulator of Fas-induced apoptosis
1272826 AA744587 Unknown
1272833 AA744597 UnknownUG Hs.88854ESTs
1272856 AA744673 Unknown
1272858 AA744674 Unknown
1272869 AA744697 UnknownUG Hs.163085ESTs
1272879 AA744701 UnknownUG Hs.116648ESTs
1272882 AA744693 Unknown
1272885 AA744703 UnknownUG Hs.129030ESTs
1272886 AA744694 Unknown
1272895 AA744789 UnknownUG Hs.177043ESTs
1272912 AA744795 CD50=ICAM-3
1272923 AA744804 UnknownUG Hs.233533ESTs
1272933 AA744807 UnknownUG Hs.210769ESTs, Moderately similar to HOMEOBOX PROTEIN GSH-2 [M.musculus]
1273052 AA742175 UnknownUG Hs.10305ESTs
1273058 AA742184 Unknown
1273072 AA742191 Unknown
1273077 AA742199 UnknownUG Hs.187033ESTs
1273083 AA742279 Unknown
1273090 AA742274 UnknownUG Hs.163090ESTs
1273096 AA742277 Unknown
1273101 AA742284 HPRT=IMP:pyrophosphate phosphoribosyltransferase E.C.
1273103 AA742285 Unknown
1273108 AA742287 Unknown
1273114 AA742290 UnknownUG Hs.120222ESTs
1273128 AA743563 UnknownUG Hs.10305ESTs
1273130 AA743564 Unknown
1273134 AA743566 UnknownUG Hs.120603EST
1273137 AA743575 Unknown
1273138 AA743568 UnknownUG Hs.158263ESTs
1273146 AA743570 UnknownUG Hs.200935ESTs
1273147 AA743579 Unknown
1273151 AA743581 Similar to putative transcription factor XPRF and other ring finger domains
1273178 AA743651 Unknown
1273179 AA743659 Similar to large subunit of splicing factor U2AF
1273182 AA743653 UnknownUG Hs.120605ESTs
1273189 AA743662 UnknownUG Hs.168762Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434G043 (from clone DKFZp434G043)
1273193 AA743664 Unknown
1273197 AA743820 UnknownUG Hs.120606ESTs
1273198 AA743658 Unknown
1273207 AA743826 Unknown
1273220 AA743824 Unknown
1282826 AA744124 UnknownUG Hs.185997ESTs
1282837 AA744133 Similar to Pro-Pol-dUTPase polyprotein [Murine endogenous retrovirus]
1282839 AA744134 Unknown
1282848 AA744136 Unknown
1282851 AA744143 Unknown
1282860 AA744138 Unknown
1282861 AA744147 UnknownUG Hs.184087ESTs
1282876 AA744234 UnknownUG Hs.102682ESTs
1282877 AA744242 UnknownUG Hs.120648EST
1282880 AA744236 Similar to (Z97208) hypothetical protein [Schizosaccharomyces pombe]
1282890 AA744239 Unknown
1282894 AA744240 UnknownUG Hs.125891ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4220590) [M.musculus]
1282912 AA744253 CLPP=ATP-dependent Clp proteinase
1282916 AA744255 Transcriptional intermediary factor 2
1282918 AA744256 UnknownUG Hs.189074ESTs
1282934 AA744357 Unknown
1282936 AA744358 Unknown
1282941 AA744366 Unknown
1282947 AA744377 Unknown
1282950 AA744369 Unknown
1282953 AA744379 UnknownUG Hs.205685ESTs
1282955 AA744380 specific 116-kDa vacuolar proton pump subunit (OC-116KDa)
1282958 AA744372 UnknownUG Hs.167579ESTs
1282962 AA744374 UnknownUG Hs.136907ESTs
1282977 AA745245 EST from intron of ataxia telangiectasia (ATM) locus
1282980 AA745237 UnknownUG Hs.230720EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1283006 AA745258 UnknownUG Hs.120651EST
1283008 AA745259 UnknownUG Hs.143640ESTs, Weakly similar to hyperpolarization-activated channel 1 [H.sapiens]
1283012 AA745260 Unknown
1283013 AA745270 Unknown
1283014 AA745261 UnknownUG Hs.220585ESTs
1283020 AA745476 Unknown
1283039 AA745492 Similar to co-chaperonin 'cofactor A'.
1283046 AA745494 Unknown
1283061 AA745505 UnknownUG Hs.120611ESTs
1283064 AA745589 Unknown
1283067 AA745599 UnknownUG Hs.21205interferon, alpha-inducible protein (clone IFI-6-16)
1283070 AA745591 UnknownUG Hs.135654ESTs
1283074 AA745593 SFA-2=B-ATF=bZIP transcriptional factor
1283084 AA745597 Unknown
1283094 AA745608 CD27
1283105 AA745619 Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 4=MEG1
1283106 AA745611 Unknown
1283110 AA745612 Glucocorticoid receptor
1283119 AA744501 Similar to replication factor C large subunit
1283120 AA744494 SRPK2 serine kinase
1283131 AA744507 Unknown
1283134 AA744498 Unknown
1283141 AA744518 MTCP-1=c6.1B=Translocated in T-CLL
1283148 AA744512 creatine kinase B chain
1283153 AA744523 UnknownUG Hs.120611ESTs
1283156 AA744516 Unknown
1283160 AA744601 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E=Cap-binding protein
1283173 AA744616 cam kinase I
1283174 AA744608 UnknownUG Hs.21205interferon, alpha-inducible protein (clone IFI-6-16)
1283207 AA744634 Unknown
1283306 AA744706 Endosome-associated protein (EEA1)
1283310 AA744707 Unknown
1283315 AA744715 UnknownUG Hs.182591RAS guanyl releasing protein 1 (calcium and DAG-regulated)
1283330 AA744722 eIF4G1=eukaryotic initiation factor 4
1283333 AA744731 KIAA0383=Similar to MOZ=monocytic leukaemia zinc finger protein
1283339 AA744734 Unknown
1283344 AA744729 Similar to HZF5 mRNA for zinc finger protein
1283346 AA744730 UnknownUG Hs.120615ESTs
1283351 AA744738 KIAA0244=Similar to human transcription factor TFIIS
1283352 AA744809 Similar to SPA-1 like protein p1294 and GTPase activating protein
1283354 AA744810 Unknown
1283359 AA744820 UnknownUG Hs.133543ESTs
1283360 AA744813 UnknownUG Hs.129079ESTs
1283373 AA744827 UnknownUG Hs.144042ESTs
1283374 AA744817 UnknownUG Hs.15276ESTs
1283375 AA744828 Unknown
1283380 AA744829 CDK-Activating kinase assembly factor MAT1=Menage a trois=p35, cyclin-like CAK1-associated protein
1283381 AA744837 UnknownUG Hs.163086ESTs
1283382 AA744830 Unknown
1283391 AA744840 Unknown
1283395 AA744841 UnknownUG Hs.120617ESTs
1283400 AA742200 UnknownUG Hs.203568EST
1283423 AA742212 lysophospholipase homolog (HU-K5)
1283425 AA742222 UnknownUG Hs.120634ESTs
1283428 AA742213 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-16
1283432 AA742215 UnknownUG Hs.163089EST
1283433 AA742226 KIAA0197
1283436 AA742217 Unknown
1283439 AA742229 UnknownUG Hs.125104ESTs
1283446 AA742221 UnknownUG Hs.120633ESTs
1283447 AA742233 Unknown
1283452 AA742303 Unknown
1283464 AA742307 Unknown
1283471 AA742319 Unknown
1283481 AA742333 Unknown
1283483 AA742334 UnknownUG Hs.120637ESTs
1283485 AA742335 Unknown
1283490 AA742327 Unknown
1283496 AA743762 Unknown
1283504 AA743764 UnknownUG Hs.119768ESTs
1283508 AA743765 UnknownUG Hs.24375Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1067 protein, partial cds
1283513 AA743773 UnknownUG Hs.89104ESTs
1283531 AA743784 FBP2=FUSE binding protein2=KSRP=KH type splicing regulatory protein
1283533 AA743785 UnknownUG Hs.105504ESTs
1283534 AA743778 UnknownUG Hs.140309ESTs
1283543 AA743788 Unknown
1283548 AA745622 Unknown
1283551 AA745631 Unknown
1283561 AA745636 Unknown
1283567 AA745639 UnknownUG Hs.122825ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1283568 AA745640 UnknownUG Hs.120653ESTs
1283571 AA745649 UnknownUG Hs.120654ESTs
1283586 AA745646 UnknownUG Hs.126711ESTs, Weakly similar to transposon LRE2 reverse transcriptase homolog [H.sapiens]
1283589 AA745656 UnknownUG Hs.222849ESTs
1283693 AA744750 Unknown
1283704 AA744745 Unknown
1283708 AA744746 UnknownUG Hs.136722EST
1283715 AA744767 Unknown
1283726 AA744763 UnknownUG Hs.125262ESTs, Weakly similar to predicted using Genefinder [C.elegans]
1283730 AA744765 Similar to COP9 complex subunit 4
1283731 AA744774 Unknown
1283737 AA744853 Similar to Mus musculus uterine mRNA
1283738 AA744844 Unknown
1283750 AA744849 UnknownUG Hs.120618ESTs
1283751 AA744858 Unknown
1283755 AA744860 UnknownUG Hs.136724EST
1283758 AA744852 Unknown
1283765 AA744874 Unknown
1283766 AA744865 Unknown
1283775 AA744877 UnknownUG Hs.214455ESTs, Weakly similar to HNK-1 sulfotransferase [R.norvegicus]
1283776 AA744869 UnknownUG Hs.136725ESTs
1283778 AA744870 Unknown
1283780 AA744871 UnknownUG Hs.226534ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4099482) [H.sapiens]
1283781 AA744879 Unknown
1283783 AA744880 Similar to THIMET OLIGOPEPTIDASE (ENDOPEPTIDASE 24.15) (MP78)
1283788 AA720590 prostaglandin E receptor EP4 subtype
1283792 AA720592 Unknown
1283795 AA720602 Unknown
1283811 AA720611 clone 23849 mRNA
1283812 AA720607 Unknown
1283819 AA720614 Unknown
1283821 AA720615 Unknown
1283832 AA721654 Similar to L-kynurenine hydrolase
1283840 AA721658 Unknown
1283845 AA721666 Unknown
1283848 AA721660 Similar to LAF-4=lymphoid nuclear protein
1283858 AA721669 Unknown
1283861 AA721677 Similar to atrophin-1 related protein (rARP)
1283870 AA721673 Unknown
1283873 AA721682 Unknown
1283908 AA748793 Unknown
1283911 AA748801 Unknown
1283914 AA748795 Unknown
1283934 AA748808 Unknown
1283949 AA748815 Unknown
1283960 AA748879 Unknown
1283973 AA748889 Similar to E2A=E12/E14 HLH transcription factors
1284086 AA720625 UnknownUG Hs.200380ESTs
1284094 AA720629 Unknown
1284104 AA720635 Unknown
1284109 AA720645 Unknown
1284118 AA720639 UnknownUG Hs.165827ESTs
1284119 AA720650 Unknown
1284178 AA748818 Unknown
1284194 AA748822 UnknownUG Hs.116364ESTs
1284210 AA748825 UnknownUG Hs.120724ESTs
1284217 AA748837 UnknownUG Hs.53913ESTs, Weakly similar to partial CDS, human putative tumor suppressor [H.sapiens]
1284218 AA748831 Unknown
1284225 AA748839 UnknownUG Hs.178379ESTs
1284229 AA748841 DOCK2=dedicator of cyto-kinesis 2=KIAA0209=similar to DOCK180 CRK-binding protein involved in signaling from focal adhesions
1284244 AA748890 Unknown
1284248 AA748892 UnknownUG Hs.180948Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586G0518 (from clone DKFZp586G0518)
1284249 AA748897 UnknownUG Hs.120727EST
1284259 AA748898 Unknown
1284267 AA748852 UnknownUG Hs.46853ESTs
1284274 AA748848 UnknownUG Hs.58925ESTs
1284304 AA748857 Unknown
1284306 AA748858 Similar to Pro-Pol-dUTPase polyprotein [Murine endogenous retrovirus]
1284309 AA748865 Unknown
1284330 AA748868 Unknown
1284331 AA748875 Unknown
1284332 AA748869 UnknownUG Hs.120726EST
1284336 AA748900 Mast cell function associated antigen=type II integral membrane glycoprotein; similar to C-type animal lectins
1284348 AA748904 Unknown
1284464 AA744530 Unknown
1284465 AA744538 UnknownUG Hs.157447ESTs
1284466 AA744531 UnknownUG Hs.180245EST
1284467 AA744539 Unknown
1284468 AA744532 UnknownUG Hs.152940ESTs
1284478 AA744536 PKA-RII beta=cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-beta regulatory chain
1284490 AA744546 TTK dual specificity kinase
1284493 AA744557 UnknownUG Hs.180246EST
1284498 AA744550 UnknownUG Hs.136345ESTs
1284506 AA744636 UnknownUG Hs.145053ESTs
1284507 AA744644 Estrogen receptor
1284510 AA744638 Unknown
1284511 AA744646 UnknownUG Hs.145089ESTs
1284518 AA744641 UnknownUG Hs.201223ESTs
1284530 AA744652 UnknownUG Hs.173344ESTs
1284531 AA744659 UnknownUG Hs.142484ESTs
1284532 AA744653 UnknownUG Hs.222926ESTs
1284550 AA744658 UnknownUG Hs.133327ESTs
1284553 AA742239 UnknownUG Hs.128704ESTs
1284556 AA742235 Unknown
1284578 AA742249 Unknown
1284584 AA742252 Unknown
1284590 AA742255 Unknown
1284592 AA742256 CD53
1285105 AA742396 rsk-I=Ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1
1285119 AA742400 Similar to brain ryanodine receptor
1285224 AA721684 Unknown
1285225 AA721622 Unknown
1285233 AA721623 Similar to Staf50=Stimulated Trans-Acting Factor of 50 kDa=alpha/beta interferon induced ring finger protein=putative transcriptional repressor
1285235 AA721624 Unknown
1285240 AA721619 Unknown
1285248 AA721627 Unknown
1285250 AA721628 Unknown
1285257 AA721639 Unknown
1285269 AA721643 Unknown
1285277 AA721649 Unknown
1285283 AA721651 Unknown
1285297 AA720509 Unknown
1285301 AA720511 Unknown
1285307 AA720514 Unknown
1285311 AA720516 Unknown
1285316 AA720508 Similar to (X97015) transposase [Arthrobacter nicotinovorans]
1285403 AA742594 Unknown
1285404 AA742588 NK-tumor recognition protein=cyclophilin-related protein
1285405 AA742595 Unknown
1285423 AA742350 Unknown
1285438 AA742346 Unknown
1285443 AA742366 UnknownUG Hs.128679ESTs
1285444 AA742356 UnknownUG Hs.120638ESTs
1285454 AA742360 Unknown
1285455 AA742372 UnknownUG Hs.38455ESTs
1285456 AA742361 UnknownUG Hs.163091ESTs
1285463 AA742376 UnknownUG Hs.121004ESTs
1285473 AA742385 UnknownUG Hs.194867ESTs
1285475 AA742386 UnknownUG Hs.120640ESTs
1285476 AA742380 RNA-binding protein CUG-BP/hNab50 (NAB50)
1285477 AA742387 UnknownUG Hs.194867ESTs
1285479 AA742388 UnknownUG Hs.125887ESTs
1285501 AA742611 Unknown
1285510 AA742607 UnknownUG Hs.121740ESTs
1285533 AA742620 Similar to glucocorticoid receptor
1285552 AA742624 Unknown
1285561 AA742632 Unknown
1285590 AA743719 Unknown
1285592 AA743720 UnknownUG Hs.154494ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1285597 AA743729 Similar to neuropathy target esterase
1285599 AA743730 CASPASE-6=mch2 alpha
1285601 AA743731 Unknown
1285624 AA742640 Unknown
1285632 AA742643 Unknown
1285635 AA742651 UnknownUG Hs.125718ESTs
1285696 AA743734 UnknownUG Hs.94122ESTs
1285710 AA742659 UnknownUG Hs.120644ESTs
1285713 AA743673 UnknownUG Hs.24908ESTs
1285716 AA743666 UnknownUG Hs.126767ESTs
1285720 AA743668 UnknownUG Hs.125103ESTs
1285728 AA743678 karyopherin alpha 3=SRP1-like protein
1285738 AA743682 interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme gene, 5' flank, promoter region
1285741 AA743694 UnknownUG Hs.48984ESTs
1285758 AA743701 Unknown
1285777 AA743752 UnknownUG Hs.88686ESTs
1285783 AA743755 Similar to KIAA0147 and other leucine-rich domains (multiple)
1285788 AA743747 UnknownUG Hs.200179ESTs
1285807 AA745736 Unknown
1285810 AA745731 CREB=cyclic AMP response element-binding protein 1
1285815 AA745739 Unknown
1285819 AA745740 Unknown
1285825 AA745743 Unknown
1285827 AA745744 Unknown
1285833 AA745746 Unknown
1285851 AA745856 Unknown
1285860 AA745852 SET=fused to can in acute undifferentiated leukemia
1285880 AA745866 Lambda immunoglobin light chain genomic region
1285886 AA745869 UnknownUG Hs.136731ESTs
1285887 AA745877 UnknownUG Hs.222552ESTs, Weakly similar to 54K arginine-rich nuclear protein [H.sapiens]
1285888 AA745870 Unknown
1285898 AA745993 Similar to relB = I-Rel
1285917 AA746001 Unknown
1285919 AA746002 UnknownUG Hs.109694Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp547E2210 (from clone DKFZp547E2210)
1285920 AA746003 Unknown
1285924 AA746004 UnknownUG Hs.163099ESTs
1285926 AA746005 UnknownUG Hs.154471ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase homolog [H.sapiens]
1285944 AA746097 UnknownUG Hs.122461ESTs
1285948 AA746099 UnknownUG Hs.202788H.sapiens mRNA for myosin-I beta
1285950 AA746100 UnknownUG Hs.83583actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 2 (34 kD)
1285955 AA746109 Unknown
1285970 AA746112 Unknown
1285979 AA746124 Unknown
1285984 AA746116 Unknown
1285986 AA746117 UnknownUG Hs.116443ESTs
1285988 AA746118 Unknown
1285993 AA813882 Unknown
1286005 AA813886 FES=FPS=Tyrosine protein kinase
1286006 AA813880 Similar to KLP2=centrosomal kinesin-like protein required for centrosome separation during mitosis
1286011 AA813888 Unknown
1286013 AA813889 Unknown
1286037 AA813904 UnknownUG Hs.192009ESTs
1286054 AA813911 UnknownUG Hs.153523ESTs
1286061 AA813922 Unknown
1286064 AA814319 UnknownUG Hs.7720Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0462 protein, partial cds
1286065 AA814330 UnknownUG Hs.136930EST
1286067 AA814331 Unknown
1286077 AA814334 Unknown
1286078 AA814325 Unknown
1286086 AA814329 Unknown
1286088 AA741226 UnknownUG Hs.155295ESTs
1286096 AA741229 UnknownUG Hs.231700ESTs
1286098 AA741230 Unknown
1286101 AA741238 UnknownUG Hs.184019Homo sapiens clone 23551 mRNA sequence
1286106 AA741231 Unknown
1286122 AA741249 Similar to GLUCOKINASE (Brucella abortus)
1286132 AA741252 UnknownUG Hs.5184ESTs, Weakly similar to TH1 protein [D.melanogaster]
1286136 AA741359 Potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 1
1286137 AA741368 Unknown
1286141 AA741370 Unknown
1286145 AA741372 hBAPB=B cell receptor associated protein=similar to prohibitin
1286149 AA741374 UnknownUG Hs.55608ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS A WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1286153 AA741375 Unknown
1286168 AA741380 UnknownUG Hs.136708ESTs
1286188 AA741433 Unknown
1286192 AA741434 UnknownUG Hs.136708ESTs
1286197 AA741441 Unknown
1286217 AA741448 BAP135=Bruton's tyrosine kinase-associated protein-135
1286225 AA741449 BRCA2=Mutated in breast and ovarian cancer
1286233 AA740608 Unknown
1286241 AA740611 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-16
1286242 AA740602 Unknown
1286244 AA740603 Unknown
1286248 AA740604 UnknownUG Hs.27267ESTs, Weakly similar to tetraspan TM4SF [H.sapiens]
1286250 AA740605 UnknownUG Hs.160215ESTs
1286252 AA740606 Unknown
1286255 AA740617 UnknownUG Hs.136705ESTs
1286263 AA740630 UnknownUG Hs.209583ESTs
1286265 AA740631 Unknown
1286266 AA740622 UnknownUG Hs.89674dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide-protein glycosyltransferase
1286268 AA740623 Unknown
1286269 AA740633 UnknownUG Hs.120542ESTs
1286271 AA740634 Unknown
1286282 AA740703 UnknownUG Hs.185975ESTs
1286285 AA740713 Unknown
1286286 AA740705 Transcriptional intermediary factor 2
1286288 AA740706 UnknownUG Hs.120543EST
1286308 AA740722 UnknownUG Hs.148120ESTs
1286312 AA740723 UnknownUG Hs.212644ESTs
1286313 AA740732 Unknown
1286339 AA740830 UnknownUG Hs.220509ESTs
1286342 AA740824 Unknown
1286363 AA740848 FKHR=Homolog 1 of Drosophila forkhead=translocated to PAX3 in rhabdomyosarcoma
1286372 AA740843 UnknownUG Hs.120545ESTs
1286374 AA740844 Toll-like receptor 1=KIAA0012
1286377 AA741012 IRF-5=interferon regulatory factor-5
1286380 AA741004 Unknown
1286382 AA741005 H-ras
1286387 AA741016 Unknown
1286394 AA741010 UnknownUG Hs.120554EST
1286402 AA741023 Unknown
1286407 AA741037 UnknownUG Hs.192886ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1286416 AA741030 UnknownUG Hs.120557ESTs
1286418 AA741031 UnknownUG Hs.120558ESTs
1286424 AA741073 Unknown
1286445 AA741088 UnknownUG Hs.212911ESTs
1286447 AA741089 UnknownUG Hs.155397Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564K143 (from clone DKFZp564K143)
1286460 AA741096 UnknownUG Hs.120562EST, Weakly similar to ORF2 contains a reverse transcriptase domain [H.sapiens]
1286465 AA741105 UnknownUG Hs.136707ESTs
1286466 AA741098 UnknownUG Hs.140297EST
1286467 AA741106 Unknown
1286469 AA741107 UnknownUG Hs.120542ESTs
1286479 AA741270 Unknown
1286482 AA741263 Unknown
1286483 AA741271 Unknown
1286489 AA741273 UnknownUG Hs.136707ESTs
1286496 AA741276 Similar to KIAA0309
1286502 AA741279 Unknown
1286505 AA741290 Unknown
1286508 AA741281 Unknown
1286509 AA741291 Unknown
1286530 AA741137 Unknown
1286549 AA741156 Unknown
1286550 AA741147 UnknownUG Hs.125778ESTs
1286555 AA741159 Unknown
1286560 AA741151 UnknownUG Hs.137323ESTs
1286561 AA741161 Casein kinase II alpha chain
1286567 AA741164 Unknown
1286571 AA741464 Unknown
1286574 AA741455 UnknownUG Hs.163234ESTs
1286583 AA741470 UnknownUG Hs.145010ESTs
1286587 AA741472 Unknown
1286594 AA741473 UnknownUG Hs.125869ESTs, Highly similar to ARACHIDONATE 5-LIPOXYGENASE [H.sapiens]
1286604 AA741478 ROD1=Similar to fission yeast differentiation regulator and pyrimidine binding protein 1 (Mus)
1286622 AA740890 Similar to probable membrane protein YDL142c - yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
1286624 AA740891 Unknown
1286643 AA740915 Unknown
1286646 AA740907 UnknownUG Hs.88297ESTs
1286653 AA740920 Similar to Jun activation domain binding protein=coactivator that increases the specificity of AP-1 transcription factors
1286669 AA740752 Unknown
1286670 AA740743 Sp3 = SPR-2
1286674 AA740745 UnknownUG Hs.180226EST
1286682 AA740749 Similar to (Z72511) F55A11.3
1286684 AA740750 Unknown
1286688 AA740761 UnknownUG Hs.134417ESTs
1286695 AA740770 UnknownUG Hs.17969KIAA0663 gene product
1286706 AA740767 H-ras
1286713 AA740862 UnknownUG Hs.8215ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4929371) [H.sapiens]
1286727 AA740867 UnknownUG Hs.192009ESTs
1286742 AA740872 KIAA0265
1286747 AA740881 Similar to M96=metal response element DNA-binding protein [Saccharomyces cerevisiae]
1286759 AA740886 UnknownUG Hs.120547ESTs
1286763 AA741049 UnknownUG Hs.165448ESTs, Highly similar to U-snRNP-associated cyclophilin [H.sapiens]
1286794 AA741060 Similar to MRL3 mRNA for ribosomal protein L3 homologue
1286797 AA741068 Similar to mariner2 transposable element, complete consensus sequence
1286807 AA741072 UnknownUG Hs.120547ESTs
1286809 AA741113 Unknown
1286823 AA741116 UnknownUG Hs.120563EST
1286829 AA741118 TIL4=Toll/interleukin-1 receptor-like protein 4
1286833 AA741128 Unknown
1286834 AA741121 UnknownUG Hs.119768ESTs
1286843 AA741131 UnknownUG Hs.120565ESTs
1286848 AA741126 UnknownUG Hs.118112ESTs
1286850 AA741127 CD10=CALLA=Neprilysin=enkepalinase
1286855 AA741134 Unknown
1286857 AA741563 Unknown
1286904 AA740978 UnknownUG Hs.189022ESTs
1286910 AA740981 Unknown
1286915 AA740985 Unknown
1286928 AA740990 Similar to Toll-like receptor 1=extracellular domain composed of leucine-rich repeats and intracellular segmentsimilar to signaling domains of IL-1-type receptors
1286932 AA740991 Unknown
1286939 AA740998 UnknownUG Hs.120552ESTs
1286945 AA741001 UnknownUG Hs.120553ESTs
1286954 AA814238 UnknownUG Hs.205080ESTs
1286956 AA814239 Unknown
1286958 AA814240 KIAA0225=similar to a C.elegans protein encoded in cosmid K12D12(Z49069)
1286975 AA814251 Similar to retinoblastoma binding protein 1
1286978 AA814252 RYK receptor-like tyrosine kinase
1286982 AA814253 Cysteine-rich sequence-specific DNA-binding protein NFX.1 gene
1286984 AA814254 Unknown
1286995 AA814266 PTB-4=polypirimidine tract binding protein
1286998 AA814260 ATM=Ser/Thr kinase mutated in ataxia telangiectasia=DNA damage signaling protein
1287005 AA814277 UnknownUG Hs.136929EST
1287018 AA814273 Unknown
1287026 AA814340 Similar to ferritin H chain
1287030 AA814341 UnknownUG Hs.20535ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1287032 AA814342 Similar to Drosophila female sterile homeotic (FSH) homologue
1287035 AA814349 UnknownUG Hs.123584EST
1287036 AA814343 UnknownUG Hs.180731EST
1287042 AA814345 Similar to probable Leucyl-tRNA synthetase (Leucine--tRNA ligase) (LEURS)
1287044 AA814346 Similar to 14.3.3 protein
1287046 AA814347 Unknown
1287049 AA814288 UnknownUG Hs.194488ESTs
1287052 AA814283 Unknown
1287053 AA814289 Similar to MxB=interferon-induced cellular resistance mediator protein
1287056 AA814284 Unknown
1287085 AA814295 Similar to K-ras
1287099 AA814311 Survivin=apoptosis inhibitor=effector cell protease EPR-1
1287112 AA814307 Unknown
1287117 AA814318 UnknownUG Hs.123598ESTs
1287120 AA814353 UnknownUG Hs.212184ESTs, Weakly similar to cyclic nucleotide-gated channel beta subunit [R.norvegicus]
1287123 AA814360 Unknown
1287132 AA814356 Unknown
1287137 AA814366 Unknown
1287159 AA814373 Unknown
1287178 AA814376 Unknown
1287185 AA814378 UnknownUG Hs.22237Human l(3)mbt protein homolog mRNA, complete cds
1287187 AA814379 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-11
1287228 AA814428 Similar to protein gene product (PGP) 9.5
1287243 AA760664 Unknown
1287247 AA760665 Unknown
1287270 AA760672 Unknown
1287272 AA760673 Unknown
1287280 AA760674 Unknown
1287281 AA760684 Unknown
1287283 AA760685 CD18=Integrin, beta 2=leukocyte adhesion protein (LFA-1/Mac-1/p150,95 family) beta subunit
1287292 AA761166 Similar to endo-alpha-D-mannosidase (Enman)
1287304 AA761170 Unknown
1287307 AA761178 Unknown
1287319 AA761190 Unknown
1287326 AA761186 Unknown
1287328 AA761187 Unknown
1287335 AA761196 Similar to ALY=context-dependent coactivator of LEF-1 and AML-1, is required for TCRalpha enhancer function
1287357 AA760744 Unknown
1287358 AA760737 Unknown
1287359 AA760745 Unknown
1287367 AA760758 Unknown
1287373 AA760761 Unknown
1287385 AA760810 Unknown
1287388 AA760805 Unknown
1287389 AA760812 Unknown
1287406 AA760809 Unknown
1287409 AA760831 Unknown
1287420 AA760825 Unknown
1287426 AA760828 Unknown
1287429 AA760836 Unknown
1287436 AA760894 UnknownUG Hs.153023ESTs
1287447 AA760903 UnknownUG Hs.190529ESTs
1287453 AA760906 Unknown
1287462 AA760911 Similar to p18-INK6=cyclin-dependent kinase 6 inhibitor and other ankyrin repeat proteins
1287469 AA760920 Unknown
1287483 AA761136 Unknown
1287495 AA761140 UnknownUG Hs.197775ESTs
1287511 AA761157 Unknown
1287524 AA761153 Unknown
1287526 AA761154 UnknownUG Hs.128632ESTs
1287528 AA814381 XRCC9=DNA repair protein
1287529 AA814390 UnknownUG Hs.40634ESTs, Weakly similar to HIGH AFFINITY IMMUNOGLOBULIN GAMMA FC RECEPTOR I "B FORM" PRECURSOR [H.sapiens]
1287532 AA814383 UnknownUG Hs.129191ESTs
1287536 AA814385 UnknownUG Hs.191322ESTs
1287543 AA814397 UnknownUG Hs.163233EST, Weakly similar to hypothetical L1 protein [H.sapiens]
1287549 AA814399 UnknownUG Hs.163234ESTs
1287560 AA814405 UnknownUG Hs.17255ESTs
1287564 AA814407 UnknownUG Hs.180733EST, Weakly similar to PRB1L precursor protein
1287565 AA814417 UnknownUG Hs.123586ESTs
1287584 AA769156 Similar to Striatin=calmodulin-binding protein belonging to the WD repeat family
1287585 AA769165 Unknown
1287588 AA769158 Unknown
1287593 AA769168 UnknownUG Hs.180543ESTs
1287600 AA769169 UnknownUG Hs.122821ESTs
1287606 AA769171 Unknown
1287622 AA769176 Unknown
1287625 AA760695 Similar to Golgi SNARE GS15
1287639 AA760698 UnknownUG Hs.143640ESTs, Weakly similar to hyperpolarization-activated channel 1 [H.sapiens]
1287643 AA760699 Unknown
1287649 AA760711 Unknown
1287652 AA760703 UnknownUG Hs.100914ESTs
1287659 AA760716 Similar to HYPOTHETICAL 69.4 KD PROTEIN F13H10.3 IN CHROMOSOME IV
1287663 AA760718 Similar to map kinase interacting kinase and G protein-coupled receptor kinase 7
1287669 AA760721 Unknown
1287731 AA760775 Unknown
1287732 AA760769 UnknownUG Hs.47047ESTs
1287744 AA760780 UnknownUG Hs.200233ESTs
1287750 AA760782 KIAA0386
1287751 AA760788 Similar to choline kinase
1287764 AA760785 UnknownUG Hs.122406ESTs
1287766 AA760786 Unknown
1287774 AA760838 interferon-gamma receptor alpha chain
1287778 AA760840 Unknown
1287779 AA760848 Unknown
1287781 AA760849 Unknown
1287785 AA760851 UnknownUG Hs.180506EST, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4836401) [H.sapiens]
1287796 AA760855 GRK5=G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5
1287808 AA760860 UnknownUG Hs.189074ESTs
1287810 AA760861 UnknownUG Hs.121128ESTs
1287839 AA769245 UnknownUG Hs.27104ESTs
1287844 AA769247 Similar to (Z82274) JC8.h [Caenorhabditis elegans]
1287855 AA769257 Unknown
1287856 AA769251 UnknownUG Hs.194613ESTs
1287862 AA769253 UnknownUG Hs.132853ESTs
1287865 AA761961 Unknown
1287867 AA761962 Unknown
1287878 AA761958 UnknownUG Hs.233384ESTs
1287882 AA761959 UnknownUG Hs.136820EST
1287893 AA761980 UnknownUG Hs.194411ESTs
1287894 AA761972 Unknown
1287896 AA761973 UnknownUG Hs.165446ESTs
1287912 AA762024 Unknown
1287914 AA762025 UnknownUG Hs.174203Homo sapiens neutral amino acid transporter (SATT) mRNA, complete cds
1287915 AA760629 UnknownUG Hs.122404ESTs
1287962 AA761729 UnknownUG Hs.136705ESTs
1287979 AA761740 UnknownUG Hs.207954ESTs
1287992 AA761747 Unknown
1288003 AA761760 Unknown
1288007 AA761762 CASPASE-10=Mch4=FLICE2
1288013 AA809568 Similar to protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit-beta
1288014 AA809561 Unknown
1288019 AA809569 Unknown
1288024 AA809564 UnknownUG Hs.140465ESTs
1288027 AA809571 Unknown
1288028 AA809565 Unknown
1288046 AA809575 Unknown
1288049 AA809579 UnknownUG Hs.120553ESTs
1288051 AA809580 Unknown
1288054 AA809576 IkB alpha
1288056 AA809608 Unknown
1288070 AA809611 Similar to KIAA0217
1288075 AA809620 alpha-1, 3-fucosyltransferase
1288081 AA809630 Unknown
1288084 AA809623 Similar to RING finger-containing DNA binding protein RING1
1288092 AA809625 Unknown
1288098 AA809627 UnknownUG Hs.123302EST
1288100 AA809628 UnknownUG Hs.24724ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4239895) [H.sapiens]
1288102 AA809629 Similar to nuclear-encoded mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone reductase 24Kd subunit
1288109 AA760875 UnknownUG Hs.193454ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1288138 AA760881 UnknownUG Hs.122408ESTs
1288140 AA760882 Unknown
1288147 AA760890 Unknown
1288151 AA760891 HER2=neu=c-erb-B-2=tyrosine kinase-type receptor
1288154 AA761103 Unknown
1288161 AA761112 UnknownUG Hs.122379ESTs
1288182 AA761116 UnknownUG Hs.180510EST
1288183 AA761121 BAK=BCL-2 family member
1288192 AA761117 OGG1=8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase=DNA alkylation repair protein
1288194 AA761118 UnknownUG Hs.193736ESTs
1288212 AA760724 UnknownUG Hs.122468ESTs
1288214 AA760725 Unknown
1288279 AA760801 UnknownUG Hs.143607ESTs
1288286 AA760799 Unknown
1288304 AA761199 Unknown
1288306 AA761200 Unknown
1288315 AA761209 Unknown
1288316 AA761202 Unknown
1288321 AA761221 MBP-1=PRDII-BF1=Zinc finger protein 40=HIV I enhancer binding protein 1=HIV-EP1
1288322 AA761211 UnknownUG Hs.122667ESTs
1288324 AA761212 UnknownUG Hs.122417EST
1288328 AA761214 Similar to tubulin beta-5 chain
1288331 AA761224 Unknown
1288336 AA761217 Similar to (U88315) weak similarity to Plasmodium vivax reticulocyte-binding protein 2
1288339 AA761228 UnknownUG Hs.39441ESTs
1288340 AA761219 Unknown
1288353 AA761241 24607 mRNA=Similar to interleukin 14 (IL-14)
1288364 AA761235 Unknown
1288387 AA761471 UnknownUG Hs.121139ESTs
1288392 AA761297 Similar to plectin
1288402 AA761300 UnknownUG Hs.190438EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1288405 AA761309 Unknown
1288420 AA761312 Unknown
1288422 AA761313 CD58=LFA-3
1288424 AA761314 hSTYXb=tyrosine phosphatase-like protein homolog
1288430 AA761316 Unknown
1288436 AA761318 Unknown
1288444 AA761327 Unknown
1288445 AA761336 phosphatase 2A B56-alpha (PP2A)
1288446 AA761328 CD58=LFA-3
1288448 AA761329 hSTYXb=tyrosine phosphatase-like protein homolog
1288454 AA761331 Unknown
1288455 AA761338 UnknownUG Hs.120277ESTs
1288463 AA761339 UnknownUG Hs.194411ESTs
1288470 AA761473 Unknown
1288474 AA761475 Unknown
1288477 AA761479 Similar to RNaseP protein P30
1288483 AA761480 TFIIA-alpha
1288486 AA761477 Unknown
1288491 AA761393 Unknown
1288495 AA761395 UnknownUG Hs.122428ESTs
1288503 AA761399 UnknownUG Hs.136815EST
1288527 AA761415 Unknown
1288531 AA761417 UnknownUG Hs.148493cathepsin B
1288535 AA761419 UnknownUG Hs.171692ESTs
1288538 AA761420 putative oral tumor suppressor protein (doc-1)
1288555 AA761430 UnknownUG Hs.233543ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
1288559 AA761432 Unknown
1288586 AA761540 UnknownUG Hs.136817EST
1288587 AA761548 UnknownUG Hs.130953ESTs, Weakly similar to mariner transposase [H.sapiens]
1288588 AA761541 UnknownUG Hs.122434ESTs
1288609 AA761566 BTG2=p53 dependent inducible anti-proliferative gene homologous to Pc3/Tis21 immediate early genes
1288613 AA761568 Unknown
1288618 AA761559 UnknownUG Hs.196777ESTs
1288632 AA761576 Similar to YY1=GLI-Krupple related zinc finger transcription factor
1288658 AA761341 UnknownUG Hs.213664ESTs, Moderately similar to KIAA0071 [H.sapiens]
1288659 AA761348 BDP1=protein-tyrosine-phosphatase
1288665 AA761351 Unknown
1288672 AA761346 UnknownUG Hs.153121KIAA0685 gene product
1288676 AA761347 UnknownUG Hs.122424ESTs
1288688 AA761650 UnknownUG Hs.38057ESTs
1288700 AA761654 Unknown
1288701 AA761662 UnknownUG Hs.200179ESTs
1288710 AA761665 Unknown
1288711 AA761673 UnknownUG Hs.187870ESTs
1288718 AA761668 Unknown
1288730 AA761681 Unknown
1288731 AA761687 nuclear pore complex-associated protein TPR (tpr)
1288732 AA761682 DNA primase (subunit p48)
1288737 AA761689 Unknown
1288756 AA761359 Similar to Lymphotoxin-Beta=Tumor necrosis factor C
1288765 AA761370 UnknownUG Hs.139293ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1288769 AA761372 UnknownUG Hs.122426EST
1288770 AA761364 UnknownUG Hs.32205ESTs
1288771 AA761373 Br-cadherin
1288784 AA761247 UnknownUG Hs.58094Melanoma inhibitory activity
1288808 AA761265 UnknownUG Hs.221281ESTs
1288809 AA761274 Unknown
1288816 AA761268 Unknown
1288830 AA761281 UnknownUG Hs.151139E74-like factor 4 (ets domain transcription factor)
1288835 AA761291 Unknown
1288836 AA761284 FMR2=Fragile X mental retardation 2=putative transcription factor=LAF-4 and AF-4 homologue
1288856 AA761377 Unknown
1288860 AA761379 UnknownUG Hs.225613ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1288875 AA761436 Calmegin=putative testis-specific chaperon
1288900 AA761439 Unknown
1288901 AA761445 UnknownUG Hs.114246ESTs
1288903 AA761446 Unknown
1288924 AA761450 Unknown
1288925 AA761456 UnknownUG Hs.140460EST
1288930 AA761453 Unknown
1288967 AA761703 Unknown
1288972 AA761490 UnknownUG Hs.122431ESTs
1288980 AA761494 UnknownUG Hs.177043ESTs
1288994 AA761507 KIAA0387
1289003 AA761519 UnknownUG Hs.122433EST
1289006 AA761510 ERCC1=Nucleotide excision repairand DNA crosslinking repair SS endonuclease
1289007 AA761520 UnknownUG Hs.158272ESTs
1289008 AA761511 Unknown
1289022 AA761527 Unknown
1289031 AA761536 Unknown
1289033 AA761537 UnknownUG Hs.105099ESTs
1289038 AA761532 Unknown
1289043 AA761713 Unknown
1289051 AA761716 UnknownUG Hs.169939KIAA0448 gene product
1289053 AA761717 Unknown
1289067 AA761605 Unknown
1289073 AA761608 UnknownUG Hs.180518EST
1289074 AA761598 LPP=translocated to high mobility group protein gene HMGIC in lipoma=LIM domain protein
1289083 AA761611 UnknownUG Hs.188631ESTs
1289084 AA761603 Unknown
1289086 AA761604 Unknown
1289088 AA761614 Unknown
1289089 AA761624 UnknownUG Hs.122442ESTs
1289091 AA761625 Unknown
1289095 AA761626 UnknownUG Hs.15571ESTs
1289096 AA761617 Unknown
1289108 AA761622 X-like 1 protein=homologue to DmX from Drosophila melanogaster
1289110 AA761623 ATM=Ser/Thr kinase mutated in ataxia telangiectasia=DNA damage signaling protein
1289111 AA761633 UnknownUG Hs.119422ESTs
1289128 AA761641 UnknownUG Hs.145088ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1289165 AA761831 PKC delta=Protein kinase C, delta
1289167 AA761832 Unknown
1289168 AA761822 Unknown
1289170 AA761823 UnknownUG Hs.193699ESTs, Weakly similar to Leu zipper protein p40 [H.sapiens]
1289171 AA761834 Unknown
1289178 AA761826 Unknown
1289179 AA761838 UnknownUG Hs.164107ESTs
1289186 AA761842 SAS=sarcoma amplified sequence=transmembrane 4 superfamily protein
1289187 AA761853 Centrosomal Nek2-associated protein 1 (C-NAP1)=cep250 centrosome associated protein
1289198 AA761848 Unknown
1289204 AA761850 Unknown
1289205 AA761857 Unknown
1289207 AA761858 Unknown
1289217 AA804226 Unknown
1289241 AA804240 Unknown
1289259 AA804369 KIAA0428=MBNL
1289261 AA804370 Unknown
1289262 AA804362 UnknownUG Hs.180544ESTs
1289270 AA804365 Unknown
1289271 AA804375 UnknownUG Hs.123232EST
1289293 AA804388 Unknown
1289316 AA769337 Unknown
1289325 AA769348 UnknownUG Hs.184304ESTs
1289329 AA769357 Unknown
1289332 AA769350 UnknownUG Hs.158274ESTs
1289335 AA769360 Similar to (AF038618) contains similarity to the HESA/MOEB/THIF family including molybdopterin biosynthesis MoeB protein
1289341 AA769363 UnknownUG Hs.184018Homo sapiens BCG-regulated mRNA for MD-1 homologue, complete cds
1289353 AA769472 Unknown
1289359 AA769474 Unknown
1289379 AA769492 lyn=tyrosine kinase
1289384 AA769485 Unknown
1289385 AA769494 Unknown
1289391 AA769496 cdc25C=M-phase inducer phosphatase 3
1289399 AA769498 UnknownUG Hs.122493ESTs
1289406 AA761764 C1=rho-GAP hematopoietic protein
1289414 AA761767 UnknownUG Hs.122448EST
1289420 AA761770 UnknownUG Hs.16477ESTs
1289431 AA761783 Similar to TRADD=TNF receptor-1 associated protein
1289434 AA761776 Unknown
1289446 AA761781 Unknown
1289454 AA769183 UnknownUG Hs.123173ESTs
1289459 AA769186 UnknownUG Hs.221417ESTs
1289465 AA769188 Unknown
1289500 AA769263 Unknown
1289507 AA769271 alpha-1, 3-fucosyltransferase
1289514 AA769268 KIAA0162=suppressor of Ty (S.cerevisiae) 6 (SUPT6H) homolog
1289526 AA769273 Similar to PECANEX PROTEIN
1289538 AA769276 Similar to ack=p21cdc42Hs kinase
1289594   Unknown
1289596   Unknown
1289605   Unknown
1289612   Unknown
1289614   Unknown
1289616   Unknown
1289617   Unknown
1289620   Unknown
1289622   Unknown
1289623   Unknown
1289626   Unknown
1289629   Unknown
1289636   Unknown
1289637   Unknown
1289640 AA804390 UnknownUG Hs.211312ESTs
1289643 AA804401 Unknown
1289648 AA804394 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2A (RAD6 homolog)
1289656 AA804397 UnknownUG Hs.123233ESTs
1289666 AA804409 UnknownUG Hs.118920ESTs
1289668 AA804410 Unknown
1289672 AA804412 UnknownUG Hs.123234EST
1289689 AA769374 Unknown
1289690 AA769369 Unknown
1289693 AA769375 TRAF1=Epstein-Barr virus-induced protein EBI6
1289701 AA769379 Unknown
1289713 AA769388 Unknown
1289717 AA769390 UnknownUG Hs.136833ESTs
1289726 AA769385 Unknown
1289739 AA769506 UnknownUG Hs.16181ESTs
1289762 AA769516 UnknownUG Hs.136837EST
1289767 AA769528 Unknown
1289768 AA769519 Unknown
1289769 AA769529 Unknown
1289770 AA769520 UnknownUG Hs.157534Human BAC clone RG161K23 from 7q21
1289775 AA769531 UnknownUG Hs.191026ESTs
1289777 AA769532 Unknown
1289781 AA769534 Unknown
1289799 AA761802 Unknown
1289801 AA761803 Unknown
1289815 AA761815 Unknown
1289819 AA761816 Unknown
1289822 AA761811 Similar to hypertension-related protein
1289827 AA761818 UnknownUG Hs.194170ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1289837 AA769203 Unknown
1289844 AA769200 Unknown
1289854 AA769202 Unknown
1289857 AA769219 UnknownUG Hs.136830EST
1289859 AA769220 UnknownUG Hs.136990ESTs
1289862 AA769213 Unknown
1289888 AA769286 Unknown
1289908 AA769294 Unknown
1289934 AA811968 Unknown
1289937 AA811977 Unknown
1289984 AA804258 UnknownUG Hs.123229ESTs
1289988 AA804260 Unknown
1289989 AA804267 UnknownUG Hs.123230EST
1289992 AA804262 Unknown
1289995 AA804270 Unknown
1290032 AA804427 UnknownUG Hs.179293ESTs
1290033 AA804435 UnknownUG Hs.143407ESTs
1290047 AA804441 Presenilin 1 (Alzheimer disease 3)
1290056 AA804445 Unknown
1290061 AA804456 Similar to (Z81072) F30A10.9
1290062 AA804448 UnknownUG Hs.104463ESTs
1290064 AA804449 UnknownUG Hs.99665ESTs
1290068 AA804451 Unknown
1290075 AA769406 Unknown
1290079 AA769408 UnknownUG Hs.140473EST, Weakly similar to unknown protein [H.sapiens]
1290103 AA769424 UnknownUG Hs.121102Homo sapiens mRNA for glycosylphosphatidyl inositol-anchored protein GPI-80, complete cds
1290111 AA769428 UnknownUG Hs.136836EST
1290131 AA769549 NAB2=MADER=melanoma associated delayed early response mRNA=NGFI-A binding protein 2
1290142 AA769543 UnknownUG Hs.169604ESTs
1290150 AA769558 UnknownUG Hs.231821ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1290160 AA769561 UnknownUG Hs.132551ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1290162 AA769562 Unknown
1290163 AA769573 UnknownUG Hs.121587ESTs
1290166 AA769564 rsk-I=Ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1
1290181 AA769313 Neuronal tissue-enriched acidic protein (NAP-22)
1290182 AA769306 Unknown
1290189 AA769315 UnknownUG Hs.122489ESTs
1290191 AA769316 UnknownUG Hs.158008ESTs
1290195 AA769326 Unknown
1290274   Unknown
1290275   Unknown
1290282   Unknown
1290284   Unknown
1290286   No sequences in Genbank
1290294   Unknown
1290304   Unknown
1290320 AA805652 Unknown
1290325 AA805662 Unknown
1290344 AA805670 UnknownUG Hs.178381ESTs
1290353 AA805683 Similar to TREB and X box binding protein 1
1290365 AA769441 UnknownUG Hs.58831regulator of Fas-induced apoptosis
1290375 AA769445 UnknownUG Hs.122492ESTs
1290376 AA769436 Similar to HuEMAP=homolog of echinoderm microtubule associated protein EMAP
1290384 AA769448 UnknownUG Hs.213664ESTs, Moderately similar to KIAA0071 [H.sapiens]
1290386 AA769449 inducible protein
1290390 AA769450 UnknownUG Hs.206795ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1290395 AA769461 Unknown
1290417 AA769587 Unknown
1290418 AA769580 Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), regulatory subunit A (PR 65), beta isoform
1290422 AA769582 hCAP-E=Similar to XCAP-E=chromosome assembly protein
1290425 AA769589 UnknownUG Hs.122497EST
1290430 AA769584 Unknown
1290434 AA769592 Unknown
1290435 AA769601 UnknownUG Hs.180536EST
1290439 AA769603 Unknown
1290458 AA761888 UnknownUG Hs.120287ESTs
1290470 AA761893 Unknown
1290476 AA761896 Unknown
1290479 AA761907 CASPASE-1=ICE=interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme beta isozyme
1290491 AA761920 Unknown
1290492 AA761911 Similar to CD103 beta=Integrin beta 7
1299735 AA764820 UnknownUG Hs.14877ESTs
1299744 AA764825 Unknown
1299748 AA764827 Unknown
1299749 AA764835 CD35=Complement Receptor type I
1299751 AA764836 Unknown
1299761 AA764839 UnknownUG Hs.122461ESTs
1299768 AA764843 Unknown
1299773 AA764852 Unknown
1299777 AA764853 BDP1=protein-tyrosine-phosphatase
1299781 AA764854 UnknownUG Hs.88087ESTs
1299787 AA764856 Cyclin T2b
1299788 AA764848 UnknownUG Hs.121740ESTs
1299795 AA765012 Unknown
1299800 AA765006 UnknownUG Hs.140466ESTs
1299809 AA765014 UnknownUG Hs.136824EST
1299824 AA764908 UnknownUG Hs.225695small inducible cytokine A5 (RANTES)
1299827 AA764917 Unknown
1299831 AA764918 Unknown
1299832 AA764911 Similar to epsilon-COP=COATOMER EPSILON SUBUNIT
1299837 AA764920 Unknown
1299841 AA764931 UnknownUG Hs.136822EST, Weakly similar to unknown protein [R.norvegicus]
1299843 AA764932 UnknownUG Hs.128020ESTs
1299849 AA764935 Unknown
1299853 AA764936 UnknownUG Hs.231984ESTs
1299854 AA764926 Similar to Proteasome-like subunit (MECL-1)
1299856 AA764927 Similar to renin-binding protein
1299875 AA764949 Unknown
1299879 AA764950 UnknownUG Hs.119898ESTs
1299886 AA764945 ELF-1=ets family transcription factor
1299894 AA765018 Unknown
1299895 AA765026 UnknownUG Hs.117308ESTs
1299898 AA765020 UnknownUG Hs.99741ESTs, Weakly similar to protein H5 [H.sapiens]
1299909 AA765030 UnknownUG Hs.154366ESTs
1299910 AA765023 UnknownUG Hs.136825ESTs
1299914 AA765097 Unknown
1299922 AA765100 Unknown
1299924 AA765101 Unknown
1299932 AA765104 UnknownUG Hs.180948Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586G0518 (from clone DKFZp586G0518)
1299934 AA765105 UnknownUG Hs.21031ESTs
1299936 AA765112 Ret=Receptor tyrosine kinase oncogene mutated in multiple endocrine neoplasia MEN2A, MEN2B and medullary thyroid carcinoma 1, Hirschsprung disease
1299945 AA765125 UnknownUG Hs.202236ESTs
1299950 AA765116 UnknownUG Hs.122473EST
1299955 AA765129 Unknown
1299959 AA765131 UnknownUG Hs.122474EST
1299965 AA765139 UnknownUG Hs.172839Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0838 protein, complete cds
1299966 AA765134 UnknownUG Hs.120267ESTs
1299981 AA765146 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
1299986 AA764859 Unknown
1299988 AA764860 UnknownUG Hs.137560ESTs
1299991 AA764869 UnknownUG Hs.99741ESTs, Weakly similar to protein H5 [H.sapiens]
1299992 AA764861 Unknown
1299998 AA764864 Unknown
1300004 AA764866 Unknown
1300005 AA764875 UnknownUG Hs.122464ESTs
1300010 AA765190 Unknown
1300016 AA765192 Similar to G7a mRNA for valyl-tRNA synthetase
1300021 AA765200 UnknownUG Hs.176882ESTs
1300031 AA765203 Unknown
1300038 AA765206 Unknown
1300042 AA765207 UnknownUG Hs.165836ESTs
1300045 AA765214 UnknownUG Hs.140470EST
1300046 AA765209 UnknownUG Hs.133327ESTs
1300081 AA764881 UnknownUG Hs.120615ESTs
1300087 AA764883 Unknown
1300098 AA764880 Unknown
1300101 AA764888 Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, type 3
1300104 AA764717 Unknown
1300110 AA764718 Unknown
1300111 AA764726 Unknown
1300114 AA764720 Unknown
1300117 AA764727 C-1-Tetrahydrofolate Synthase, cytoplasmic
1300119 AA764728 UnknownUG Hs.110675apolipoprotein C-IV
1300129 AA764737 UnknownUG Hs.133032ESTs
1300159 AA764753 Unknown
1300163 AA764754 Unknown
1300188 AA765034 Unknown
1300189 AA765040 UnknownUG Hs.93842ESTs
1300194 AA765036 Similar to putative sialyltransferase
1300200 AA761859 Unknown
1300204 AA761861 UnknownUG Hs.122667ESTs
1300206 AA761862 UnknownUG Hs.33187KIAA0748 gene product
1300207 AA761866 Unknown
1300208 AA761863 UnknownUG Hs.191967ESTs
1300223 AA761868 Similar to mariner2 transposable element, complete consensus sequence
1300233 AA761882 UnknownUG Hs.122453EST
1300250 AA768809 Similar to Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase homologue=Yeast Vps34p kinase homologue
1300251 AA768816 Unknown
1300264 AA768815 Similar to KIAA0379
1300267 AA768822 Similar to IQGAP1=ras GTPase-activating-like protein=KIAA0051
1300283 AA768836 Unknown
1300292 AA768831 UnknownUG Hs.136829ESTs
1300296 AA767172 Unknown
1300305 AA767184 Unknown
1300306 AA767176 Unknown
1300309 AA767186 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3
1300314 AA767179 UnknownUG Hs.122480ESTs
1300344 AA767304 Unknown
1300347 AA767317 Unknown
1300354 AA767309 Unknown
1300356 AA767310 Unknown
1300358 AA767311 Unknown
1300366 AA767315 UnknownUG Hs.205672ESTs, Weakly similar to diaphanous 1 [H.sapiens]
1300371 AA767335 UnknownUG Hs.122482ESTs
1300374 AA767329 Unknown
1300387 AA767343 Unknown
1300403 AA767396 UnknownUG Hs.5460Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0776 protein, partial cds
1300407 AA767398 MTCP-1=c6.1B=Translocated in T-CLL
1300415 AA767401 Unknown
1300422 AA767403 Unknown
1300423 AA767414 E2A=E12/E47 HLH transcription factors
1300431 AA767417 Unknown
1300433 AA767418 T-cell receptor alpha delta locus genomic sequence
1300437 AA767420 UnknownUG Hs.96849ESTs
1300488 AA721101 UnknownUG Hs.121118EST
1300494 AA721103 UnknownUG Hs.168766ESTs
1300514 AA721114 Unknown
1300527 AA721127 Unknown
1300528 AA721119 GRB2
1300585 AA721199 Similar to (U40953) F53B1.2 gene product
1300588 AA721193 Unknown
1300592 AA721194 UnknownUG Hs.193804ESTs
1300601 AA721205 UnknownUG Hs.121120EST
1300604 AA721198 Similar to 13kD differentiation-associated protein
1300616 AA721210 UnknownUG Hs.143087ESTs
1300619 AA721217 Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor
1300644 AA721259 UnknownUG Hs.121123EST
1300655 AA721267 UnknownUG Hs.124185ESTs
1300662 AA721270 UnknownUG Hs.7972Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0871 protein, complete cds
1300664 AA721271 Similar to ubiquitin carrier protein E2
1300676 AA721275 UnknownUG Hs.129969ESTs
1300688 AA721302 Unknown
1300689 AA721311 Unknown
1300691 AA721312 Unknown
1300694 AA721305 Apolipoprotein E receptor 2
1300695 AA721313 Unknown
1300709 AA721322 UnknownUG Hs.122864ESTs
1300719 AA721324 Unknown
1300720 AA721320 type 2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor
1300722 AA721321 Unknown
1300751 AA721365 UnknownUG Hs.185981ESTs, Weakly similar to gag [H.sapiens]
1300824 AA721432 Unknown
1300832 AA721434 UnknownUG Hs.173951ESTs
1300834 AA721435 SHP-1=mutated in motheaten mouse=Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 6=PTP1C=protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1C=HCP=hematopoietic cell phophatase
1300836 AA721436 Unknown
1300841 AA721448 TTK dual specificity kinase
1300845 AA721449 Unknown
1300847 AA721450 Unknown
1300849 AA721459 Unknown
1300853 AA721461 Unknown
1300859 AA721464 Unknown
1300870 AA721458 APC=adenomatous polyposis coli protein
1300880 AA721132 UnknownUG Hs.126713ESTs
1300888 AA721133 Unknown
1300899 AA721152 Unknown
1300910 AA721146 UnknownUG Hs.187902ESTs
1300911 AA721156 UnknownUG Hs.190440ESTs
1300919 AA721160 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1300921 AA721168 Unknown
1300927 AA721170 Unknown
1300936 AA721165 Unknown
1300948 AA721175 Unknown
1300951 AA721184 Unknown
1300959 AA721188 UnknownUG Hs.130719ESTs
1300961 AA721189 Similar to major Yo paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration-associated antigen (CDR2)
1300966 AA721182 UnknownUG Hs.192905ESTs
1300974 AA721223 KIAA0425=contains Cys-rich domain
1300983 AA721234 Similar to pleckstrin and SecG [Dictyostelium discoideum]
1300995 AA721248 UnknownUG Hs.136764ESTs
1301003 AA721252 Unknown
1301004 AA721241 UnknownUG Hs.121122ESTs
1301006 AA721242 UnknownUG Hs.120719ESTs
1301008 AA721243 Unknown
1301010 AA721244 Unknown
1301014 AA721246 Unknown
1301025 AA721286 Unknown
1301031 AA721287 Unknown
1301040 AA721289 Unknown
1301052 AA721290 Similar to cathepsin H (EC
1301055 AA721297 Similar to E2A=E12/E14 HLH transcription factors
1301058 AA721292 Unknown
1301072 AA721332 Unknown
1301084 AA721336 UnknownUG Hs.140546ESTs
1301089 AA721348 UnknownUG Hs.121125ESTs
1301101 AA721352 UnknownUG Hs.134751DJ1042K10.5 (novel protein)
1301104 AA721347 Similar to cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIb (EC
1301109 AA721355 UnknownUG Hs.187902ESTs
1301112 AA721380 UnknownUG Hs.213003ESTs
1301147 AA721399 UnknownUG Hs.163985ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1301180 AA721406 Unknown
1301183 AA721415 Unknown
1301185 AA721425 Similar to putative protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
1301189 AA721426 Unknown
1301191 AA721427 Lysine-ketoglutarate reductase/saccharopine dehydrogenase
1301193 AA721428 UnknownUG Hs.84045ESTs, Weakly similar to alt. ankyrin [H.sapiens]
1301195 AA721429 UnknownUG Hs.121128ESTs
1301215 AA721473 Unknown
1301219 AA721475 UnknownUG Hs.195541Homo sapiens IDN4-GGTR8 mRNA, partial cds
1301224 AA721470 Elongin B=RNA polymerase II transcription factor SIII p18 subunit
1301232 AA721478 IL-6
1301238 AA721480 UnknownUG Hs.121129ESTs
1301240 AA721481 Unknown
1301244 AA721482 UnknownUG Hs.126714ESTs
1301246 AA721483 Unknown
1301249 AA721489 UnknownUG Hs.49738ESTs
1301256 AA768919 UnknownUG Hs.125815ESTs
1301271 AA768927 SP100=Nuclear body protein
1301277 AA768928 Similar to TAFII135=TBP-associated factor
1301279 AA768929 Similar to neutrophil cytochrome b light chain p22 phagocyte b-cytochrome.
1301288 AA768931 Similar to CDK-Activating kinase assembly factor MAT1=Menage a trois=p35, cyclin-like CAK1-associated protein
1301289 AA768935 Unknown
1301293 AA768937 Unknown
1301295 AA768938 KIAA0244=Similar to human transcription factor TFIIS
1301303 AA768939 Similar to ERCC1=Excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 1
1301306 AA768841 Unknown
1301310 AA768842 UnknownUG Hs.75576plasminogen
1301313 AA768855 Unknown
1301326 AA768850 Unknown
1301339 AA768874 UnknownUG Hs.185975ESTs
1301341 AA768875 Unknown
1301358 AA764759 Unknown
1301361 AA764766 UnknownUG Hs.175531ESTs
1301363 AA764767 UnknownUG Hs.122406ESTs
1301365 AA764768 UnknownUG Hs.121158ESTs
1301369 AA764770 Unknown
1301372 AA764763 Unknown
1301374 AA764764 Unknown
1301377 AA764781 Unknown
1301383 AA764784 Unknown
1301390 AA764778 UnknownUG Hs.191782ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1301403 AA764802 Immunoglobulin gamma heavy-chain genomic region
1301407 AA764804 UnknownUG Hs.120276ESTs
1301409 AA764805 UnknownUG Hs.196777ESTs
1301410 AA764796 Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), catalytic subunit, alpha isoform
1301411 AA764806 UnknownUG Hs.12329ESTs, Highly similar to KIAA0697 protein [H.sapiens]
1301427 AA764897 Unknown
1301440 AA764892 UnknownUG Hs.136525ESTs
1301442 AA764893 UnknownUG Hs.220988ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1301443 AA764902 Unknown
1301449 AA764957 UnknownUG Hs.121749ESTs
1301450 AA764952 Unknown
1301456 AA764953 Unknown
1301471 AA764966 Similar to nuclear receptor co-repressor N-CoR
1301480 AA764969 UnknownUG Hs.22237Human l(3)mbt protein homolog mRNA, complete cds
1301482 AA764970 Unknown
1301491 AA764983 Unknown
1301500 AA764987 UnknownUG Hs.123066ESTs
1301513 AA765000 UnknownUG Hs.140465ESTs
1301517 AA765001 Unknown
1301519 AA765002 UnknownUG Hs.198529ESTs
1301521 AA765229 UnknownUG Hs.97093ESTs
1301526 AA765225 UnknownUG Hs.117177Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0708 protein, partial cds
1301527 AA765232 Unknown
1301528 AA765226 UnknownUG Hs.186649ESTs
1301537 AA765236 Unknown
1301540 AA765228 UnknownUG Hs.130721ESTs
1301553 AA765051 UnknownUG Hs.122851ESTs
1301563 AA765054 Unknown
1301579 AA765070 Unknown
1301582 AA765062 Unknown
1301583 AA765071 Unknown
1301586 AA765064 Unknown
1301587 AA765073 Unknown
1301599 AA765091 Unknown
1301606 AA765083 Unknown
1301610 AA765085 BMI-1
1301614 AA765087 Similar to (Z66523) M05D6.7
1301615 AA765096 Unknown
1301616 AA765237 plakoglobin=cytoplasmic protein in submembranous plaques of adhering junctions (desmosomes and intermediate junctions)
1301618 AA765238 UnknownUG Hs.161724ESTs
1301622 AA765240 Unknown
1301632 AA765244 Unknown
1301638 AA765247 UnknownUG Hs.163188ESTs
1301642 AA765148 Similar to SPA-1 like protein p1294 and GTPase activating protein
1301645 AA765157 Similar to BASP1 PROTEIN=myristoylated protein abundant in axonal termini
1301648 AA765150 Unknown
1301649 AA765159 UnknownUG Hs.122475EST
1301654 AA765153 Unknown
1301678 AA765168 Unknown
1301687 AA765183 Unknown
1301695 AA765189 Unknown
1301708 AA765188 CB2 (peripheral) cannabinoid receptor
1301726 AA765259 UnknownUG Hs.164002ESTs
1301743 AA766885 UnknownUG Hs.224114ESTs
1301744 AA766878 Unknown
1301763 AA766901 Unknown
1301765 AA766902 UnknownUG Hs.105510ESTs
1301770 AA766894 UnknownUG Hs.120698ESTs
1301772 AA766895 UnknownUG Hs.89014ESTs
1301773 AA766906 Unknown
1301778 AA766898 Similar to ZFX mRNA for put. transcription activator, isoform 2
1301784 AA767213 Unknown
1301792 AA767214 UnknownUG Hs.158381ESTs
1301803 AA767219 Similar to intersectin=adaptor protein with two EH and five SH3 domains
1301809 AA767230 SWI/SNF complex 170 KDa subunit (BAF170)
1301812 AA767222 Unknown
1301814 AA767223 Autocrine motility factor receptor
1301815 AA767232 UnknownUG Hs.219864ESTs
1301821 AA767235 Unknown
1301844 AA767278 Unknown
1301845 AA767287 Unknown
1301850 AA767280 UnknownUG Hs.136688ESTs
1301884 AA767346 Unknown
1301896 AA767351 Transcriptional unit N144
1301907 AA767378 Unknown
1301908 AA767367 DNA-PKcs=DNA-dependent Ser/Thr kinase catalytic subunit=mutated in SCID mouse
1301909 AA767379 Unknown
1301911 AA767380 Unknown
1301915 AA767382 UnknownUG Hs.193417ESTs
1301916 AA767371 Unknown
1301930 AA767422 Similar to proteasome subunit z
1301943 AA767435 Unknown
1301945 AA767436 Similar to PKC epsilon=Protein kinase C, epsilon
1301951 AA767438 UnknownUG Hs.164006ESTs
1301966 AA767445 UnknownUG Hs.109918ras homolog gene family, member H
1301974 AA767448 UnknownUG Hs.82085plasminogen activator inhibitor, type I
1301987 AA768892 Unknown
1301990 AA768885 Unknown
1301992 AA768886 Unknown
1301993 AA768895 UnknownUG Hs.136863EST
1301996 AA768888 UnknownUG Hs.121106ESTs
1301997 AA768897 UnknownUG Hs.122933ESTs
1301999 AA768898 Unknown
1302004 AA768900 zinc finger protein
1302012 AA768904 Unknown
1302019 AA768916 Unknown
1302021 AA768917 UnknownUG Hs.122934ESTs
1302022 AA768908 SIAH-2=Seven in absentia homolog 2
1302029 AA731926 UnknownUG Hs.163109ESTs
1302030 AA731917 Unknown
1302032 AA731918 Deoxycytidylate deaminase
1302033 AA731927 Unknown
1302041 AA731929 Unknown
1302043 AA731930 Unknown
1302046 AA731924 Unknown
1302050 AA731932 Unknown
1302064 AA732016 UnknownUG Hs.132014ESTs
1302065 AA732024 Unknown
1302068 AA732017 Unknown
1302069 AA732026 UnknownUG Hs.184347ESTs
1302071 AA732027 Similar to Tis11d=ERF-2=growth factor early response gene
1302072 AA732251 UnknownUG Hs.152917ESTs
1302086 AA732254 UnknownUG Hs.211273ESTs
1302096 AA732261 Unknown
1302101 AA732269 Unknown
1302103 AA732270 Unknown
1302106 AA732264 Unknown
1302113 AA732272 Unknown
1302118 AA732267 Unknown
1302129 AA732356 Unknown
1302131 AA732357 Unknown
1302134 AA732349 Similar to (Y12336) F25B3.3 kinase like protein
1302139 AA732359 Unknown
1302161 AA732374 Unknown
1302169 AA732480 Unknown
1302174 AA732473 Unknown
1302180 AA732476 Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain
1302185 AA732485 KIAA0277=Similar to a C.elegans guanine nucleotide releasing factor homolog (S4 2368)
1302186 AA732478 Unknown
1302198 AA732489 Unknown
1302216 AA732589 Unknown
1302231 AA732596 Unknown
1302232 AA732590 Unknown
1302235 AA732598 Unknown
1302247 AA732612 zinc finger protein ZNF191
1302249 AA732613 Unknown
1302251 AA732614 Unknown
1302255 AA732616 Unknown
1302258 AA732607 Similar to 2-oxoglutarate carrier protein
1302263 AA732619 Unknown
1302265 AA732712 Multidrug resistance-associated protein homolog (MRP5)
1302281 AA732716 Unknown
1302293 AA732722 Unknown
1302297 AA732723 Similar to 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase, gamma-1 subunit
1302309 AA732726 KIAA0562=Similar to glycine-glutamate-thienylcyclohexylpiperidine-binding protein
1302343 AA730237 Unknown
1302350 AA730232 Unknown
1302367 AA731385 Unknown
1302373 AA731386 UnknownUG Hs.120251EST
1302383 AA731387 Ly-9
1302386 AA731389 Similar to DNA damage checkpoint suppressor protein
1302403 AA731393 Unknown
1302409 AA732035 Unknown
1302412 AA732030 Unknown
1302413 AA732037 Unknown
1302417 AA732039 Unknown
1302420 AA732033 Similar to LAF-4=lymphoid nuclear protein
1302423 AA732041 Unknown
1302425 AA732042 Unknown
1302444 AA732051 CENP-F kinetochore protein=mitosin=cell-cycle-dependent 350K nuclear protein=AH antigen
1302461 AA732284 Unknown
1302469 AA732287 Unknown
1302470 AA732281 Unknown
1302482 AA732291 Similar to enhancer-trap-locus 1
1302486 AA732293 Unknown
1302493 AA732300 Unknown
1302495 AA732301 Unknown
1302498 AA732296 MLN50=LIM,SH3 and actin-binding domain protein LASP-1
1302499 AA732302 Unknown
1302521 AA732380 Similar to protein kinase (zpk)
1302523 AA732381 CD62L=L-selectin=LAM-1=leukocyte adhesion molecule-1
1302525 AA732382 Unknown
1302530 AA732385 Unknown
1302531 AA732392 Unknown
1302532 AA732386 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1302555 AA732511 Unknown
1302556 AA732505 Unknown
1302587 AA732529 Unknown
1302592 AA732522 Unknown
1302596 AA732524 Unknown
1302602 AA732621 Unknown
1302603 AA732628 Unknown
1302610 AA732624 Unknown
1302623 AA732637 Unknown
1302630 AA732639 Unknown
1302635 AA732652 Unknown
1302643 AA732655 Unknown
1302646 AA732646 Unknown
1302651 AA729998 Unknown
1302652 AA732727 Unknown
1302658 AA732730 Unknown
1302663 AA730002 Unknown
1302666 AA732732 Unknown
1302669 AA730004 Unknown
1302670 AA729996 Unknown
1302679 AA730019 YSK1 protein kinase structurally related to Ste20 and SPS1
1302688 AA730012 Unknown
1302691 AA730024 Unknown
1302692 AA730014 Similar to BBC1=ribosomal protein L13
1302708 AA730244 Unknown
1302723 AA730261 Unknown
1302741 AA730263 Unknown
1302746 AA731396 BAT3=HLA-B-associated transcript 3
1302752 AA731399 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-5
1302768 AA731416 Unknown
1302775 AA731428 Unknown
1302778 AA731421 Unknown
1302789 AA731431 Unknown
1302791 AA731432 Unknown
1302792 AA732061 Unknown
1302794 AA732062 Alpha-2,8-polysialyltransferase (PST)
1302805 AA732073 Unknown
1302811 AA732076 KIAA0306
1302819 AA732210 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1302821 AA732211 Unknown
1302827 AA732214 Unknown
1302833 AA732217 Unknown
1302834 AA732083 Unknown
1302845 AA732309 Unknown
1302849 AA732310 Similar to RAP74=transcription factor IIF, alpha subunit
1302850 AA732306 Similar to phosphoglycerate mutase (PGAM-B)
1302866 AA732313 Unknown
1302884 AA732314 Unknown
1302889 AA732411 Unknown
1302894 AA732403 Unknown
1302901 AA732414 Unknown
1302904 AA732407 Unknown
1302905 AA732415 Unknown
1302907 AA732416 Unknown
1302908 AA732409 Acid phosphatase 2, lysosomal
1302910 AA732410 Unknown
1302913 AA732426 Unknown
1302929 AA732433 Unknown
1302932 AA732424 Unknown
1302936 AA732534 Unknown
1302937 AA732542 Unknown
1302947 AA732545 Unknown
1302950 AA732540 Unknown
1302954 AA732541 Unknown
1302959 AA732548 Unknown
1302966 AA732549 Unknown
1302972 AA732551 NAD+-dependent succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH)
1302984 AA732658 Similar to (Z68131) B0395.1
1302999 AA732671 Unknown
1303017 AA732679 Unknown
1303021 AA732681 Unknown
1303026 AA732677 Unknown
1303032 AA730025 Unknown
1303040 AA730028 Unknown
1303043 AA730037 Similar to P2 purinergic receptor
1303051 AA730041 Unknown
1303060 AA730045 Unknown
1303070 AA730050 Unknown
1303072 AA730051 Unknown
1303083 AA730271 Unknown
1303088 AA730266 Unknown
1303093 AA730275 Unknown
1303097 AA730277 Unknown
1303101 AA730279 Unknown
1303106 AA730280 Unknown
1303113 AA731345 Unknown
1303128 AA731433 Unknown
1303130 AA731434 Unknown
1303135 AA731444 Unknown
1303139 AA731445 Unknown
1303149 AA731448 Similar to KIAA0071
1303158 AA731450 Putative ribulose-5-phosphate-epimerase
1303167 AA731457 Unknown
1303174 AA731455 Unknown
1303182 AA732221 Unknown
1303189 AA732232 NBK=BIK=BCL-2 interacting killer=apoptotic inducer protein
1303193 AA732233 Unknown
1303197 AA732235 Unknown
1303203 AA732244 Unknown
1303208 AA732238 thymidine kinase 2 (TK2)
1303211 AA732247 Oct-2=lymphoid-specific octamer binding transcription factor=POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2
1303216 AA732240 Unknown
1303218 AA732241 Unknown
1303219 AA732249 Unknown
1303223 AA732250 Unknown
1303228 AA732318 Unknown
1303233 AA732328 Unknown
1303243 AA732329 Unknown
1303255 AA732339 Unknown
1303264 AA732335 Unknown
1303276 AA732439 Unknown
1303290 AA732446 Unknown
1303294 AA732448 Unknown
1303296 AA732457 Similar to subunit of coatomer complex
1303300 AA732459 Unknown
1303304 AA732460 Unknown
1303315 AA732469 MHC Class I=HLA-E
1303319 AA732470 Unknown
1303332 AA732563 Unknown
1303345 AA732581 Unknown
1303346 AA732573 Similar to KIAA0128=Similar to septin
1303350 AA732574 Similar to Chk1=checkpoint kinase activated by DNA damage which prevents mitotic entry
1303358 AA732577 Unknown
1303359 AA732585 Similar to polybromo 1
1303368 AA732686 Unknown
1303378 AA732687 Unknown
1303390 AA732690 Unknown
1303397 AA732701 Unknown
1303401 AA732702 (2'-5') oligoadenylate synthetase E
1303405 AA732704 Unknown
1303407 AA732705 Unknown
1303411 AA732706 Unknown
1303413 AA732707 Similar to phospholipase D
1303436 AA730062 Similar to subunit C of vacuolar proton-ATPase V1 domain
1303438 AA730063 KIAA0019=similar to transforming protein tre
1303442 AA730205 Unknown
1303455 AA730213 Unknown
1303495 AA731373 PARP = poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase
1303499 AA731374 Unknown
1303507 AA731375 Similar to CD11A=Integrin, alpha L=LFA-1 alpha chain
1303511 AA731377 Unknown
1303513 AA731467 Unknown
1303515 AA731468 Unknown
1303522 AA731463 Unknown
1303527 AA731471 p120E4F transcription factor
1303530 AA731464 Unknown
1303532 AA731465 Similar to Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 9 (PTPase MEG2)
1303533 AA731474 Similar to lymphocyte-specific adaptor protein Lnk
1303534 AA731466 Unknown
1303536 AA731476 Unknown
1303540 AA731477 Unknown
1303542 AA731478 Unknown
1303554 AA731481 Unknown
1303558 AA731483 Unknown
1303573 AA809671 Unknown
1303575 AA809672 UnknownUG Hs.123304ESTs
1303586 AA809677 Unknown
1303601 AA809689 Similar to hypothetical protein MD6
1303617 AA809740 UnknownUG Hs.50446ESTs
1303618 AA809732 dystrobrevin B DTN-B2=dystrophin-associated protein A0
1303623 AA809743 UnknownUG Hs.136905ESTs
1303627 AA809745 Unknown
1303628 AA809736 Unknown
1303629 AA809746 Unknown
1303640 AA809750 Unknown
1303641 AA809758 UnknownUG Hs.28242ESTs
1303649 AA809762 Similar to (U64842) contains similarity to TPR domains
1303658 AA765268 Unknown
1303661 AA765278 Unknown
1303663 AA765279 Unknown
1303679 AA765286 Unknown
1303690 AA765290 Unknown
1303695 AA765297 Unknown
1303705 AA765313 Unknown
1303710 AA765304 Unknown
1303712 AA765305 Unknown
1303716 AA765307 Unknown
1303718 AA765308 Unknown
1303725 AA765319 Unknown
1303731 AA765546 Unknown
1303741 AA765551 Unknown
1303743 AA765552 Unknown
1303750 AA765544 Unknown
1303757 AA765371 Unknown
1303758 AA765364 alpha-1, 3-fucosyltransferase
1303772 AA765369 Unknown
1303779 AA765387 Unknown
1303781 AA765388 Unknown
1303797 AA765394 Unknown
1303808 AA765398 Unknown
1303812 AA765400 Unknown
1303828 AA765556 Unknown
1303838 AA765560 Unknown
1303854 AA765449 Unknown
1303863 AA765463 Unknown
1303866 AA765454 Unknown
1303880 AA765468 Unknown
1303886 AA765470 Unknown
1303887 AA765479 KIAA0529
1303889 AA765480 Unknown
1303909 AA765494 Unknown
1303910 AA765489 Unknown
1303921 AA765581 CXCR5=BLR1=B-cell homing chemokine receptor=L1
1303937 AA765587 Unknown
1303953 AA765642 Similar to CD19=Component of CD21/CD19/Tapa-1 co-receptor complex synergistic with immunoglobulin receptor
1303957 AA765644 Similar to 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1303965 AA765647 Similar to deoxycytidine kinase
1303988 AA765653 Unknown
1303995 AA765668 Unknown
1304006 AA765665 Unknown
1304021 AA765419 Unknown
1304026 AA765414 Unknown
1304032 AA765417 Unknown
1304053 AA765728 Unknown
1304056 AA765724 protein tyrosine kinase PYK2
1304092 AA765744 Unknown
1304115 AA765433 Unknown
1304144 AA765323 Unknown
1304146 AA765324 Unknown
1304150 AA765325 Unknown
1304151 AA765331 Unknown
1304153 AA765332 Unknown
1304163 AA765342 GSTZ1=Glutathione transferase Zeta 1=maleylacetoacetate isomerase
1304171 AA765346 guanosine 5'-monophosphate synthase
1304191 AA765355 Unknown
1304200 AA765351 Unknown
1304203 AA765358 Unknown
1304211 AA765446 Unknown
1304216 AA765439 Unknown
1304228 AA765444 Unknown
1304234 AA765496 Unknown
1304241 AA765506 Unknown
1304255 AA765510 Unknown
1304274 AA765516 Unknown
1304281 AA765530 Unknown
1304291 AA765532 Unknown
1304311 AA765758 Unknown
1304317 AA765760 Unknown
1304318 AA765751 Unknown
1304329 AA765599 Unknown
1304337 AA765602 Unknown
1304338 AA765593 Unknown
1304340 AA765594 Similar to plectin and spectrin beta chain
1304346 AA765597 Unknown
1304360 AA765612 Unknown
1304369 AA765621 Similar to BBC1=ribosomal protein L13
1304371 AA765622 Unknown
1304380 AA765625 Unknown
1304388 AA765626 Unknown
1304404 AA765767 UnknownUG Hs.117268ESTs
1304418 AA765774 UnknownUG Hs.136840EST
1304423 AA765785 Unknown
1304446 AA765680 UnknownUG Hs.122834ESTs
1304448 AA765688 Unknown
1304450 AA765689 UnknownUG Hs.119523Human transformer-2 alpha (htra-2 alpha) mRNA, complete cds
1304455 AA765700 UnknownUG Hs.16244mitotic spindle coiled-coil related protein
1304458 AA765692 Unknown
1304470 AA765697 Unknown
1304480 AA765708 Unknown
1304481 AA765718 UnknownUG Hs.122837EST
1304482 AA765709 Similar to putative eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 alpha subunit
1304483 AA765719 Unknown
1304494 AA765714 Unknown
1304498 AA765786 UnknownUG Hs.120936ESTs
1304512 AA765792 Unknown
1304523 AA765873 APRT=adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
1304527 AA765874 Unknown
1304540 AA765872 UnknownUG Hs.17969KIAA0663 gene product
1304552 AA765877 UnknownUG Hs.193627ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1304590 AA765922 Unknown
1304605 AA765927 UnknownUG Hs.21765hypotheticalprotein of unknown function
1304620 AA765996 Unknown
1304626 AA765999 UnknownUG Hs.211648ESTs
1304639 AA766010 Unknown
1304645 AA766020 Unknown
1304647 AA766021 Unknown
1304651 AA766023 Unknown
1304652 AA766015 Unknown
1304655 AA766025 UnknownUG Hs.186854ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1304660 AA766017 Unknown
1304672 AA766070 Unknown
1304673 AA766072 UnknownUG Hs.122849EST
1304691 AA766080 Similar to rasGAP=GTPase-activating protein for ras p21
1304703 AA766082 Unknown
1304732 AA766150 Unknown
1304747 AA766157 Unknown
1304757 AA766160 UnknownUG Hs.194475ESTs
1304761 AA766183 Unknown
1304764 AA766178 Unknown
1304788 AA766187 Unknown
1304795 AA766194 UnknownUG Hs.122852EST
1304809 AA766239 Unknown
1304832 AA766245 Unknown
1304852 AA766251 Unknown
1304892 AA765836 UnknownUG Hs.200156ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4325209) [H.sapiens]
1304912 AA765881 Unknown
1304914 AA765882 RB = retinoblastoma susceptibility gene
1304956 AA765932 Unknown
1304962 AA765934 Unknown
1304970 AA765938 UnknownUG Hs.119878ESTs
1304973 AA765945 UnknownUG Hs.99720ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical protein [H.sapiens]
1304983 AA765956 UnknownUG Hs.207319EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1304984 AA765948 Unknown
1304987 AA765957 UnknownUG Hs.135716ESTs
1304992 AA765951 Unknown
1304997 AA765959 UnknownUG Hs.180544ESTs
1305003 AA766031 Similar to RB = retinoblastoma susceptibility gene
1305064 AA766088 63 kDa protein=UV radiation resistance associated gene
1305067 AA766093 Unknown
1305093 AA766111 UnknownUG Hs.80042ESTs
1305110 AA872517 Unknown
1305117 AA872525 UnknownUG Hs.215260ESTs
1305122 AA872528 UnknownUG Hs.137028EST
1305130 AA872531 p115-RhoGEF=guanine nucleotide exchange factor similar to Lsc oncogene (Mus)=Actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 2 (34kD)
1305134 AA872533 UnknownUG Hs.125300ESTs
1305135 AA872544 UnknownUG Hs.137029EST
1305136 AA872534 Unknown
1305138 AA872535 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
1305142 AA872537 Unknown
1305143 AA872547 UnknownUG Hs.123337ESTs
1305145 AA872558 UnknownUG Hs.143022ESTs
1305146 AA872549 UnknownUG Hs.87684Human gene from PAC 434O14, chromosome 1
1305149 AA872559 Similar to C14C11.3 gene product
1305158 AA872554 UnknownUG Hs.115197Human DNA sequence from clone 1100H13 on chromosome 20q11.2 Contains a gene for a novel protein, ESTs, STSs, GSSs and two CpG Islands
1305162 AA872556 Unknown
1305171 AA872573 UnknownUG Hs.137030ESTs
1305175 AA872574 UnknownUG Hs.124230ESTs
1305191 AA872578 Unknown
1305206 AA872626 Similar to cytochrome-c oxidase
1305224 AA872637 UnknownUG Hs.14235ESTs
1305233 AA872642 UnknownUG Hs.205320ESTs
1305238 AA872640 Unknown
1305243 AA873000 UnknownUG Hs.208413ESTs
1305258 AA872997 UnknownUG Hs.163321ESTs
1305266 AA873011 UnknownUG Hs.44367ESTs
1305269 AA873020 UnknownUG Hs.19777ESTs
1305270 AA873013 UnknownUG Hs.136247ESTs
1305275 AA873022 UnknownUG Hs.185969ESTs
1305283 AA873024 UnknownUG Hs.125232ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1305285 AA873025 UnknownUG Hs.19777ESTs
1305288 AA736565 Unknown
1305298 AA736568 Unknown
1305304 AA736569 Unknown
1305333 AA736582 Unknown
1305339 AA736649 Unknown
1305342 AA736642 Unknown
1305351 AA736653 Similar to E2A=E12/E14 HLH transcription factors
1305352 AA736646 Unknown
1305353 AA736654 Unknown
1305396 AA736743 Unknown
1305399 AA736751 Unknown
1305400 AA736744 Unknown
1305420 AA736755 Unknown
1305432 AA736819 MTK1=KIAA0213=MAP kinase kinase kinase
1305438 AA736821 Unknown
1305440 AA736822 Unknown
1305442 AA736823 Unknown
1305449 AA736836 Unknown
1305453 AA736838 Unknown
1305458 AA736841 Unknown
1305460 AA736842 Unknown
1305467 AA736852 Unknown
1305470 AA736844 Unknown
1305471 AA736854 Unknown
1305478 AA736847 Unknown
1305487 AA737171 Unknown
1305489 AA737172 Unknown
1305505 AA737188 UnknownUG Hs.164886ESTs
1305514 AA737183 Unknown
1305520 AA737185 Unknown
1305521 AA737192 Jnkk2=JNK kinase 2=MAP kinase kinase
1305527 AA737193 Unknown
1305562 AA737282 UnknownUG Hs.190911ESTs
1305565 AA737288 Unknown
1305567 AA737289 Unknown
1305575 AA737292 Unknown
1305581 AA737325 Similar to clathrin heavy chain (alternatively spliced)
1305591 AA737327 Unknown
1305599 AA737330 Unknown
1305608 AA737333 Unknown
1305610 AA737334 UnknownUG Hs.155890ESTs
1305637 AA736503 Unknown
1305642 AA736499 UnknownUG Hs.202386ESTs
1305650 AA736508 UnknownUG Hs.222026ESTs
1305655 AA736519 Similar to CD103 beta=Integrin beta 7
1305661 AA736520 Unknown
1305668 AA736514 Unknown
1305672 AA736584 Sterol regulatory element binding protein-2
1305681 AA736590 UnknownUG Hs.121133EST
1305693 AA736594 Calcineurin B
1305694 AA736589 UnknownUG Hs.124159ESTs
1305705 AA736604 UnknownUG Hs.23941ESTs
1305706 AA736598 Unknown
1305719 AA736610 Unknown
1305728 AA736672 Unknown
1305730 AA736673 Similar to symplekin=tight junction plaque protein
1305737 AA736684 Unknown
1305753 AA736696 Unknown
1305773 AA736772 Unknown
1305775 AA736773 UnknownUG Hs.190406ESTs
1305789 AA736778 Unknown
1305812 AA736782 UnknownUG Hs.23565ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
1305819 AA736865 Unknown
1305825 AA736866 UnknownUG Hs.120221ESTs
1305827 AA736867 UnknownUG Hs.121136ESTs
1305839 AA736870 Unknown
1305853 AA736882 Unknown
1305858 AA736876 Unknown
1305861 AA736884 UnknownUG Hs.121137EST
1305862 AA736878 UnknownUG Hs.180307EST
1305863 AA736885 Unknown
1305869 AA766167 UnknownUG Hs.140533EST
1305870 AA766162 EYA3 homolog (EYA3)
1305884 AA766165 UnknownUG Hs.122851ESTs
1305891 AA766174 UnknownUG Hs.136843EST
1305900 AA766173 Unknown
1305918 AA766197 Unknown
1306020 AA765841 Unknown
1306021 AA765850 ckshs1=homolog of Cks1=p34Cdc28/Cdc2-associated protein
1306024 AA765843 CD11C=leukocyte adhesion protein p150,95 alpha subunit=integrin alpha-X
1306025 AA765852 Unknown
1306027 AA765853 Similar to ferritin H chain
1306034 AA765856 UnknownUG Hs.164675ESTs
1306044 AA765859 Unknown
1306049 AA765868 Unknown
1306055 AA765870 Unknown
1306064 AA765892 CCAAT-box-binding factor (CBF)
1306072 AA765894 Unknown
1306074 AA765895 UnknownUG Hs.152895ESTs
1306080 AA765903 Unknown
1306096 AA765908 Unknown
1306097 AA765917 UnknownUG Hs.122840ESTs
1306100 AA765909 Unknown
1306102 AA765910 Unknown
1306105 AA765967 abl tyrosine-protein kinase
1306107 AA765968 Unknown
1306109 AA765969 Unknown
1306110 AA765962 UnknownUG Hs.136841EST
1306114 AA765963 UnknownUG Hs.184775ESTs
1306122 AA765965 UnknownUG Hs.40202lymphoid-restricted membrane protein
1306126 AA765966 Unknown
1306127 AA765976 UnknownUG Hs.185951ESTs
1306129 AA765987 UnknownUG Hs.164005ESTs
1306130 AA765978 Unknown
1306138 AA765981 core binding factor beta subunit=CBF beta=PEBP2 beta transcription factor=Fused to myosin heavy chain in acute myeloid leukemia
1306149 AA765995 UnknownUG Hs.192142ESTs
1306162 AA766047 Unknown
1306166 AA766049 Unknown
1306167 AA766057 IL-1 receptor antagonist
1306173 AA766060 UnknownUG Hs.122848ESTs
1306185 AA766066 Similar to KUP mRNA for protein with two zinc fingers
1306188 AA766063 Unknown
1306199 AA766068 UnknownUG Hs.165662KIAA0675 gene product
1306209 AA766123 Unknown
1306225 AA766137 MMAC1=PTEN=Tumor suppressor gene at 10q23.3 that is Mutated in Multiple Advanced Cancers=Phosphatase and tensin homolog
1306230 AA766130 Similar to SURF-6=nucleolar protein
1306241 AA766144 UnknownUG Hs.231516ESTs
1306254 AA766206 Unknown
1306256 AA766207 dUTP pyrophosphatase=deoxyuridine triphosphatase (DUT)
1306265 AA766214 MHC Class II=DQ alpha
1306286 AA766221 UnknownUG Hs.136845EST
1306288 AA766222 UnknownUG Hs.208981ESTs
1306294 AA766225 Unknown
1306316 AA766292 Unknown
1306320 AA766300 Similar to Bach protein 2
1306322 AA766301 UnknownUG Hs.96561ESTs
1306327 AA766312 Unknown
1306328 AA766303 Unknown
1306338 AA766307 UnknownUG Hs.122855EST
1306351 AA766267 UnknownUG Hs.150109ESTs
1306355 AA766269 UnknownUG Hs.122853EST
1306357 AA766270 Unknown
1306361 AA766272 Unknown
1306364 AA766263 Unknown
1306375 AA766283 UnknownUG Hs.136846ESTs
1306384 AA766279 Unknown
1306390 AA766281 Unknown
1306394 AA768940 Similar to (AF003389) F23H11.9 gene product [Caenorhabditis elegans]
1306402 AA768943 c-cot proto-oncogene=Tp12=protein serine/threonine kinase
1306403 AA768950 UnknownUG Hs.18166Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0870 protein, complete cds
1306407 AA768952 UnknownUG Hs.163086ESTs
1306433 AA768965 Unknown
1306435 AA768966 Unknown
1306440 AA765805 Unknown
1306442 AA765806 Similar to polypyrimidine tract-binding protein PTB-1
1306449 AA765813 UnknownUG Hs.132906ESTs
1306457 AA765815 UnknownUG Hs.194424ESTs
1306462 AA765810 Unknown
1306468 AA765818 nuclear protein, NP220
1306470 AA765819 UnknownUG Hs.122838EST
1306478 AA765823 UnknownUG Hs.122839EST
1306481 AA765828 Unknown
1306494 AA767871 BRCA1-associated RING domain protein (BARD1)
1306498 AA767872 Unknown
1306517 AA767882 UnknownUG Hs.123349ESTs
1306522 AA767880 UnknownUG Hs.123111ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1306531 AA767885 Unknown
1306532 AA767881 UnknownUG Hs.122897ESTs
1306538 AA766319 UnknownUG Hs.126821ESTs
1306542 AA766321 Unknown
1306546 AA766323 LYL-1=helix-loop-helix transcription factor
1306565 AA766342 Unknown
1306566 AA766337 UnknownUG Hs.168857ESTs
1306567 AA766343 Unknown
1306569 AA766344 Unknown
1306570 AA766338 RNA helicase (HRH1)
1306573 AA766346 Unknown
1306575 AA766347 CD103 alpha=Integrin alpha-E
1306580 AA766339 Unknown
1306598 AA766357 Unknown
1306602 AA766358 UnknownUG Hs.102682ESTs
1306610 AA766565 butyrophilin=membrane glycoprotein expressed on mammary epithelium
1306611 AA766572 UnknownUG Hs.188915ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1306613 AA766573 Unknown
1306618 AA766566 Unknown
1306637 AA766420 Unknown
1306638 AA766416 UnknownUG Hs.48306ESTs
1306647 AA766424 Unknown
1306651 AA766425 UnknownUG Hs.136847ESTs
1306655 AA766426 Similar to CD75=sialyltransferase (CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase) (EC
1306660 AA766429 RAD54
1306668 AA766431 Unknown
1306670 AA766432 Unknown
1306672 AA766433 UnknownUG Hs.122864ESTs
1306677 AA766445 UnknownUG Hs.192016ESTs
1306681 AA766457 UnknownUG Hs.136849ESTs
1306691 AA766458 UnknownUG Hs.122812ESTs
1306693 AA766459 Unknown
1306710 AA766581 UnknownUG Hs.193993ESTs
1306711 AA766590 UnknownUG Hs.88838ESTs
1306719 AA766592 Unknown
1306731 AA766507 UnknownUG Hs.196779ESTs
1306734 AA766505 Unknown
1306741 AA766511 UnknownUG Hs.128848ESTs
1306742 AA766506 UnknownUG Hs.172839Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0838 protein, complete cds
1306757 AA766525 UnknownUG Hs.156901ESTs
1306759 AA766526 UnknownUG Hs.122868EST
1306806 AA766598 Unknown
1306807 AA766610 UnknownUG Hs.122872ESTs
1306837 AA766676 Unknown
1306842 AA766668 UnknownUG Hs.136851ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase related protein [H.sapiens]
1306848 AA766677 Similar to IL-2 receptor beta chain
1306850 AA766678 Unknown
1306854 AA766680 Unknown
1306859 AA766686 Integrin-associated protein=immunoglobulin family member implicated in alpha v beta 3-dependent ligand binding
1306863 AA766688 Unknown
1306870 AA766684 Unknown
1306872 AA766689 Unknown
1306874 AA766690 Unknown
1306877 AA766694 UnknownUG Hs.163194ESTs
1306883 AA766696 ABR=guanine nucleotide regulatory protein
1306908 AA766466 Similar to vinculin
1306913 AA766468 Unknown
1306922 AA766743 Unknown
1306928 AA766745 Unknown
1306946 AA766760 UnknownUG Hs.157237ESTs, Weakly similar to DNA cytosine-5 methyltransferase 3B3 [M.musculus]
1306951 AA766772 UnknownUG Hs.140466ESTs
1306952 AA766763 UnknownUG Hs.199142ESTs
1306957 AA766774 UnknownUG Hs.120827ESTs
1306963 AA766776 UnknownUG Hs.136852ESTs
1306972 AA766781 Unknown
1306974 AA766782 UnknownUG Hs.21291ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1306981 AA766794 Unknown
1306994 AA766470 Unknown
1306998 AA766472 UnknownUG Hs.134417ESTs
1307005 AA766483 Unknown
1307014 AA766478 UnknownUG Hs.144447ESTs
1307021 AA766374 UnknownUG Hs.122860EST
1307023 AA766375 CD38
1307032 AA766370 Similar to CD-6
1307042 AA766381 Unknown
1307047 AA766391 UnknownUG Hs.194426ESTs
1307053 AA766394 Unknown
1307055 AA766395 Unknown
1307059 AA766396 Unknown
1307061 AA766397 Unknown
1307062 AA766388 UnknownUG Hs.165448ESTs, Highly similar to U-snRNP-associated cyclophilin [H.sapiens]
1307065 AA766406 UnknownUG Hs.7972Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0871 protein, complete cds
1307069 AA766408 PKU-beta=KIAA0137=protein kinase
1307070 AA766401 Unknown
1307088 AA766488 Unknown
1307098 AA766491 UnknownUG Hs.164005ESTs
1307100 AA766492 UnknownUG Hs.98663ESTs
1307104 AA766494 Unknown
1307111 AA766503 Unknown
1307119 AA766552 Unknown
1307130 AA766550 Unknown
1307162 AA766557 Unknown
1307181 AA766564 Similar to rab11a GTPase
1307203 AA766804 Similar to MCM2 = DNA replication licensing factor
1307206 AA766803 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
1307215 AA766627 Unknown
1307228 AA766624 Unknown
1307234 AA766631 Unknown
1307238 AA766633 cell cycle protein p38-2G4 homolog (hG4-1)
1307240 AA766634 Unknown
1307241 AA766644 Unknown
1307246 AA766637 IRF-1=interferon regulatory factor-1
1307250 AA766639 UnknownUG Hs.180638ESTs
1307253 AA766649 UnknownUG Hs.122874EST
1307265 AA766663 UnknownUG Hs.184323ESTs
1307269 AA766665 UnknownUG Hs.131604ESTs
1307283 AA766816 Unknown
1307302 AA766815 Unknown
1307311 AA766704 Unknown
1307316 AA766700 Unknown
1307317 AA766707 UnknownUG Hs.153039ESTs
1307325 AA766710 Unknown
1307328 AA766712 Similar to U1 snRNP-specific protein A
1307342 AA766718 Unknown
1307344 AA766719 Unknown
1307381 AA766832 Unknown
1307403 AA767898 Unknown
1307412 AA767891 Unknown
1307416 AA767893 Ly-9
1307422 AA767896 UnknownUG Hs.163232ESTs
1307429 AA767918 SHC signaling adaptor protein
1307434 AA767912 UnknownUG Hs.231761ESTs
1307483 AA809838 UnknownUG Hs.20552ESTs
1307487 AA809840 UnknownUG Hs.142221ESTs
1307489 AA809841 UnknownUG Hs.5470ESTs
1307499 AA766989 Unknown
1307502 AA766985 Unknown
1307504 AA766986 Similar to UDP-galactose transporter related isozyme 1
1307534 AA766997 Similar to nuclear cap binding protein interacting protein 1
1307545 AA767004 Similar to ras-related GTP-binding protein
1307558 AA767002 Unknown
1307569 AA767084 Unknown
1307570 AA767078 Unknown
1307571 AA767085 UnknownUG Hs.122915ESTs
1307579 AA767088 Unknown
1307594 AA767008 Unknown
1307601 AA767019 Unknown
1307606 AA767013 Predicted 96 kDa human protein similar to alpha chimaerin=(AC002398) F25965_3 from chr.19
1307617 AA767037 IRF-7=interferon regulatory factor-7
1307621 AA767038 histone H1 (H1F3)
1307622 AA767029 Unknown
1307627 AA767040 Unknown
1307629 AA767041 Unknown
1307632 AA767034 UnknownUG Hs.122914EST
1307643 AA767056 DRES9=homologue of Drosphila retinal degeneration B gene=CNS-restricted phosphatidylinositol-transfer protein
1307645 AA767057 Unknown
1307647 AA767058 Unknown
1307652 AA767050 Unknown
1307666 AA767092 Similar to intersectin=adaptor protein with two EH and five SH3 domains
1307669 AA767098 Interleukin 9 receptor IL9R pseudogene, exons 1-9
1307684 AA767096 Unknown
1307686 AA767097 Unknown
1307693 AA811842 Unknown
1307723 AA811856 UnknownUG Hs.232000ESTs
1307724 AA811850 UnknownUG Hs.198777ESTs, Highly similar to sterol-C5-desaturase [H.sapiens]
1307739 AA808399 Unknown
1307746 AA808394 UnknownUG Hs.180566Homo sapiens clone 24631 mRNA sequence
1307747 AA808403 UnknownUG Hs.169738ESTs
1307751 AA808404 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-18
1307753 AA808405 Unknown
1307765 AA808410 UnknownUG Hs.173373Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0931 protein, partial cds
1307783 AA808414 Unknown
1307786 AA767514 Unknown
1307793 AA767520 UnknownUG Hs.233546ESTs
1307801 AA767522 UnknownUG Hs.127641ESTs
1307804 AA767518 Unknown
1307809 AA767529 Similar to interferon-gamma receptor alpha chain
1307816 AA767525 Unknown
1307830 AA767528 UnknownUG Hs.121108ESTs
1307851 AA767594 Similar to glutaminase-2
1307860 AA767595 Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, type 3
1307865 AA767600 UnknownUG Hs.187486ESTs
1307886 AA767666 UnknownUG Hs.159354ESTs
1307889 AA767677 Similar to PRAME=preferentially expressed antigen of melanoma(encoded in Ig lambda locus)
1307899 AA767682 UnknownUG Hs.180058ESTs
1307903 AA767684 Unknown
1307911 AA767695 UnknownUG Hs.201656ESTs
1307912 AA767688 Unknown
1307921 AA767699 Unknown
1307922 AA767692 UnknownUG Hs.164007ESTs
1307927 AA767701 UnknownUG Hs.7432ESTs
1307932 AA767772 UnknownUG Hs.195541Homo sapiens IDN4-GGTR8 mRNA, partial cds
1307938 AA767775 TAL2=bHLH phosphoprotien=translocated in T-ALL
1307943 AA767786 UnknownUG Hs.136854ESTs
1307950 AA767780 Similar to zinc finger gene ZNF41
1307952 AA767788 UnknownUG Hs.163818ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1307968 AA767793 UnknownUG Hs.191945ESTs
1307969 AA767801 UnknownUG Hs.122891EST
1307972 AA767794 Unknown
1307973 AA767802 UnknownUG Hs.164008ESTs
1307980 AA808509 Similar to nucleolin
1307981 AA808511 Unknown
1307997 AA808512 Similar to bromodeoxyuridine-sensitive transcript protein=px19
1308047 AA808584 Similar to MAZ=Myc-associated zinc-finger protein of islet
1308053 AA808589 Unknown
1308054 AA808585 Unknown
1308063 AA808592 Unknown
1308074 AA808682 Unknown
1308078 AA808684 Unknown
1308086 AA808686 c-jun
1308088 AA808687 Unknown
1308093 AA808696 Unknown
1308096 AA808697 UnknownUG Hs.140516EST
1308107 AA808709 UnknownUG Hs.232000ESTs
1308108 AA808701 UnknownUG Hs.198777ESTs, Highly similar to sterol-C5-desaturase [H.sapiens]
1308118 AA808705 ERCC5=XPG=Nucleotide excision repair SS endonuclease=Mutated in xeroderma pigmentosa G
1308135 AA767815 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-19
1308137 AA767816 Unknown
1308156 AA767822 Unknown
1308159 AA767833 Unknown
1308160 AA767824 UnknownUG Hs.189060ESTs
1308162 AA767825 UnknownUG Hs.48469ESTs
1308166 AA767827 Unknown
1308169 AA736925 Unknown
1308171 AA736926 Unknown
1308173 AA736927 Unknown
1308174 AA736920 Unknown
1308191 AA736934 UnknownUG Hs.22030ESTs
1308196 AA736935 Unknown
1308198 AA736936 UnknownUG Hs.136765EST
1308200 AA736937 Unknown
1308204 AA736939 UnknownUG Hs.18740ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4185892) [D.melanogaster]
1308213 AA737426 KIAA0037
1308214 AA736941 Unknown
1308225 AA737440 UnknownUG Hs.180728ESTs
1308231 AA737442 Unknown
1308232 AA737433 Unknown
1308254 AA737536 Unknown
1308258 AA737537 Unknown
1308260 AA737538 Unknown
1308265 AA737450 Unknown
1308272 AA737446 Unknown
1308282 AA737449 UnknownUG Hs.93740ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1308288 AA737458 Similar to prepro-melanin-concentrating hormone
1308298 AA737462 Unknown
1308304 AA737463 C1=rho-GAP hematopoietic protein
1308307 AA737470 Unknown
1308310 AA737464 UnknownUG Hs.88017ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1308322 AA737474 UnknownUG Hs.121140ESTs
1308336 AA737545 UnknownUG Hs.132649ESTs
1308337 AA737553 RAD51B=Recombination/repair Rad51-related protein
1308339 AA737554 Unknown
1308353 AA737558 UnknownUG Hs.189025ESTs
1308355 AA737559 Unknown
1308381 AA737493 UnknownUG Hs.13003ESTs, Weakly similar to X-linked retinopathy protein {C-terminal, clone XEH.8c} [H.sapiens]
1308385 AA737503 Unknown
1308390 AA737497 UnknownUG Hs.179872ESTs
1308391 AA737506 UnknownUG Hs.110675apolipoprotein C-IV
1308397 AA737509 Similar to ribosomal protein L13
1308400 AA737500 Unknown
1308403 AA737510 Unknown
1308405 AA737511 Lymphotoxin-Beta=Tumor necrosis factor C
1308407 AA737512 Cyclin T2a
1308423 AA737527 Unknown
1308429 AA737529 Unknown
1308435 AA737573 PKC beta =Protein kinase C, beta
1308444 AA737567 Unknown
1308450 AA737569 Unknown
1308460 AA737583 Unknown
1308461 AA737587 Unknown
1308482 AA737591 Similar to GLI4 protein (Kruppel relatedzinc finger protein 4) (HKR4 protein)
1308487 AA737599 UnknownUG Hs.163239ESTs
1308498 AA737594 Unknown
1308504 AA737604 UnknownUG Hs.120618ESTs
1308506 AA737605 Unknown
1308511 AA737614 UnknownUG Hs.121587ESTs
1308516 AA737607 FBP2=FUSE binding protein2=KSRP=KH type splicing regulatory protein
1308543 AA814173 Unknown
1308556 AA743596 UnknownUG Hs.131885ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4240295) [H.sapiens]
1308560 AA743597 Similar to CTD-binding SR-like protein rA4
1308563 AA743603 UnknownUG Hs.169604ESTs
1308568 AA737618 UnknownUG Hs.208972ESTs
1308571   Unknown
1308579   Unknown
1308580   Similar to SRF accessory protein 1A (SAP-1)
1308587 AA743618 P/CAF=p300/CBP-associated factor
1308591   Unknown
1308599   Unknown
1308616   Unknown
1308619   Unknown
1308631 AA746804 UnknownUG Hs.193415ESTs
1308633   Unknown
1308637   Similar to Signal recognition particle 72 (SRP72) with overlapping cam kinase II isoform
1308638   Unknown
1308642 AA746800 Unknown
1308647 AA743866 UnknownUG Hs.231104ESTs
1308654 AA748291 Similar to Tis11d=ERF-2=growth factor early response gene
1308679 AA748297 Similar to TRAP-complex delta subunit=translocon-associated protein delta homolog
1308715 AA748302 Similar to H2B.2 and H2A.1 genes for Histone H2A and H2B
1308742 AA748371 Similar to CD103 alpha=Integrin alpha-E
1308753 AA748310 Unknown
1308756 AA748305 Similar to AICL=activation-induced C-type lectin
1308765 AA748315 Unknown
1308766 AA748307 Unknown
1308767 AA748316 UnknownUG Hs.120710ESTs
1308777 AA748321 Unknown
1308778 AA748317 Unknown
1308780 AA748318 Unknown
1308798 AA748326 Unknown
1308804 AA748327 Unknown
1308807 AA748335 homolog of Drosophila splicing regulator suppressor-of-white-apricot
1308812 AA748330 Unknown
1308822 AA748376 Unknown
1308845 AA748343 UnknownUG Hs.185937EST
1308874 AA748349 Similar to Rat growth and transformation-dependent mRNA
1308880 AA748350 Unknown
1308898 AA748359 Unknown
1308902 AA748360 Unknown
1308909 AA748369 Unknown
1308919 AA748387 UnknownUG Hs.136737EST
1308925 AA748388 CD68
1308948 AA748395 UnknownUG Hs.44066ESTs
1308955   Unknown
1308966 AA746295 UnknownUG Hs.202104ESTs
1308968 AA748407 Unknown
1308969 AA748413 UnknownUG Hs.191967ESTs
1308972   Unknown
1308975   Unknown
1308976 AA748409 Unknown
1308978   Unknown
1308983 AA748417 Unknown
1308989   Unknown
1308990 AA746347 UnknownUG Hs.186500ESTs
1308992 AA748452 Unknown
1309000 AA746352 Similar to biotinidase
1309005   Unknown
1309006 AA748455 UnknownUG Hs.210845ESTs, Weakly similar to KIAA0665 protein [H.sapiens]
1309007   Unknown
1309012 AA746366 Glucocorticoid receptor
1309018 AA748459 UnknownUG Hs.220913ESTs
1309019 AA748467 Unknown
1309034 AA748541 DEAD-box protein p72 (P72)
1309038 AA748542 UnknownUG Hs.11902Homo sapiens MYLE mRNA, complete cds
1309040 AA748543 Unknown
1309047 AA748553 Unknown
1309049 AA748554 Unknown
1309051 AA748555 Unknown
1309053 AA748556 UnknownUG Hs.120719ESTs
1309060 AA748559 Unknown
1309061 AA748569 UnknownUG Hs.205672ESTs, Weakly similar to diaphanous 1 [H.sapiens]
1309063 AA748570 SRC-1=steroid receptor coactivator
1309069 AA748573 Similar to Rattus norvegicus nuclear-encoded mitochondrial elongation factor G.
1309072 AA748563 Similar to Gallus gallus chromo-helicase-DNA-binding on the Z chromosome protein, variant with hydrophilic domain, (CHD-Z)
1309084 AA748671 Unknown
1309096 AA748675 Unknown
1309107 AA748694 UnknownUG Hs.131694ESTs
1309126 AA748692 UnknownUG Hs.120721ESTs
1309127 AA748703 butyrophilin=membrane glycoprotein expressed on mammary epithelium
1309139 AA748995 Similar to elongation factor EF-1-alpha
1309163 AA749000 Unknown
1309167 AA749001 Unknown
1309189 AA749111 UnknownUG Hs.123161ESTs
1309191 AA749112 Unknown
1309195 AA749113 Unknown
1309203 AA749120 CD27
1309212 AA749116 Similar to MRL3 mRNA for ribosomal protein L3 homologue
1309231 AA831767 Similar to C1=rho-GAP hematopoietic protein
1309233 AA831768 Unknown
1309243 AA831772 UnknownUG Hs.189079ESTs
1309245 AA831773 UnknownUG Hs.104353ESTs
1309254 AA831778 Unknown
1309256 AA831779 UnknownUG Hs.193940ESTs
1309261 AA831790 UnknownUG Hs.140609EST
1309262 AA831782 UnknownUG Hs.136983EST
1309264 AA831783 UnknownUG Hs.145950ESTs
1309274 AA831861 Unknown
1309275 AA831869 BLNK=SLP-76 homologue involved in BCR signaling downstream of syk
1309277 AA831870 Similar to tat-binding homolog 7
1309279 AA831871 Unknown
1309296 AA831880 UnknownUG Hs.158944ESTs
1309297 AA831891 Unknown
1309301 AA831893 UnknownUG Hs.136987EST
1309306 AA831885 Unknown
1309311 AA831896 Similar to PAK-interacting exchange factor beta-PIX
1316617 AA767932 Unknown
1316619 AA767933 Unknown
1316629 AA767936 UnknownUG Hs.136979ESTs
1316630 AA767927 UnknownUG Hs.209770EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1316633 AA767938 Unknown
1316636 AA767930 Unknown
1316660 AA767947 UnknownUG Hs.122902EST
1316661 AA767956 UnknownUG Hs.192843ESTs
1316662 AA767948 Unknown
1316664 AA768021 Unknown
1316666 AA768022 UnknownUG Hs.113117ESTs
1316671 AA768033 Unknown
1316683 AA768037 Unknown
1316693 AA768050 Unknown
1316697 AA768051 KIAA0409
1316699 AA768052 Unknown
1316704 AA768044 Unknown
1316747 AA768142 KIAA0033=putative kinase
1316751 AA768143 Unknown
1316767 AA768157 Unknown
1316781 AA768163 UnknownUG Hs.15140ESTs
1316787 AA768172 Unknown
1316792 AA768166 Unknown
1316798 AA768169 UnknownUG Hs.140485EST
1316799 AA768176 Unknown
1316813 AA768198 UnknownUG Hs.129473ESTs
1316833 AA768209 Unknown
1316836 AA768202 Unknown
1316850 AA768206 Unknown
1316860 AA768284 UnknownUG Hs.163099ESTs
1316861 AA768291 KIAA0175=putative kinase
1316872 AA768288 UnknownUG Hs.5255ESTs
1316884 AA768300 Unknown
1316891 AA768312 Similar to (AF003384) similar to the mitochondrial carrier family [Caenorhabditis elegans]
1316894 AA768304 Unknown
1316900 AA768306 Unknown
1316933 AA768415 Unknown
1316950 AA768412 UnknownUG Hs.136852ESTs
1316955 AA767844 UnknownUG Hs.111065H.sapiens mRNA for tre oncogene (clone 210)
1316956 AA767837 UnknownUG Hs.117195ESTs
1316959 AA767846 UnknownUG Hs.122894EST
1316966 AA767841 CA V=carbonic anhydrase V
1316970 AA767842 Similar to cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIb (EC
1316982 AA767855 Unknown
1316983 AA767865 Unknown
1316986 AA767857 Unknown
1316993 AA767868 Similar to (Z97208) hypothetical protein [Schizosaccharomyces pombe]
1316994 AA767861 Unknown
1317011 AA767108 EF-1 alpha=Elongation factor 1-alpha
1317023 AA767111 UnknownUG Hs.110707Human (H326) mRNA, complete cds
1317024 AA767112 MHC Class II=DR beta
1317027 AA767115 UnknownUG Hs.18357ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1317034 AA767114 Unknown
1317043 AA767119 Unknown
1317051 AA767131 UnknownUG Hs.18357ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1317054 AA767123 Unknown
1317064 AA767127 UnknownUG Hs.79356Lysosomal-associated multispanning membrane protein-5
1317068 AA767129 PRKY protein kinase
1317091 AA768494 Unknown
1317098 AA767135 tyrosine kinase (Tnk1)
1317136 AA767144 Similar to cytochrome c-like polypeptide
1317148 AA767151 TNF alpha=tumor necrosis factor alpha
1317150 AA767152 UnknownUG Hs.131811ESTs
1317152 AA767153 Unknown
1317161 AA767157 Unknown
1317167 AA767160 Unknown
1317184 AA768500 Unknown
1317189 AA768509 Similar to spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
1317199 AA768442 UnknownUG Hs.122919EST
1317207 AA768445 Unknown
1317223 AA768459 UnknownUG Hs.158944ESTs
1317226 AA768451 Similar to choline kinase
1317233 AA768462 Unknown
1317240 AA768463 Clathrin heavy chain 1 (CLH-17)=KIAA0034
1317260 AA768467 Unknown
1317263 AA768477 Similar to titin
1317274 AA768513 UnknownUG Hs.99720ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical protein [H.sapiens]
1317279 AA768522 UnknownUG Hs.122922EST
1317288 AA768526 Unknown
1317292 AA768527 Unknown
1317294 AA768528 Unknown
1317296 AA768529 Unknown
1317297 AA768541 Predicted 96 kDa human protein similar to alpha chimaerin=(AC002398) F25965_3 from chr.19
1317319 AA768556 UnknownUG Hs.123363ESTs
1317323 AA768557 UnknownUG Hs.122915ESTs
1317326 AA768550 KIAA0354
1317327 AA768559 UnknownUG Hs.122924ESTs
1317338 AA768565 Unknown
1317340 AA768566 Unknown
1317342 AA768567 Unknown
1317344 AA768568 Unknown
1317353 AA768572 Similar to ELF-1=ets family transcription factor
1317369 AA768673 Unknown
1317374 AA768665 Unknown
1317378 AA768667 CD49D=Integrin alpha 4
1317398 AA768579 UnknownUG Hs.112227ESTs
1317409 AA768593 Similar to (Z72511) F55A11.3
1317414 AA768587 Unknown
1317416 AA768588 Similar to SRp46 splicing factor transcribed retropseudogene=SC35 splicing factor-related
1317417 AA768595 Unknown
1317423 AA768597 UnknownUG Hs.122925ESTs
1317439 AA768607 UnknownUG Hs.122926ESTs
1317440 AA768599 UnknownUG Hs.127480ESTs
1317448 AA768601 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-20
1317452 AA768603 Unknown
1317473 AA768688 Phospholipase D
1317479 AA768689 Unknown
1317480 AA768613 Unknown
1317488 AA768617 Unknown
1317490 AA768618 UnknownUG Hs.163091ESTs
1317492 AA768619 Unknown
1317497 AA768630 UnknownUG Hs.122927ESTs
1317498 AA768622 Centromere protein A (17kD)
1317510 AA768633 UnknownUG Hs.122928EST
1317512 AA768634 Unknown
1317520 AA768636 UnknownUG Hs.193124ESTs
1317522 AA768637 Unknown
1317530 AA768648 UnknownUG Hs.122929ESTs
1317544 AA768654 Unknown
1317548 AA768655 UnknownUG Hs.95305ESTs
1317567 AA768701 UnknownUG Hs.122762ESTs
1317568 AA768696 UnknownUG Hs.188090ESTs
1317569 AA768702 Phospholipase D
1317675 AA812431 Unknown
1317706 AA812438 UnknownUG Hs.173951ESTs
1317709 AA812444 Similar to U2 small nuclear RNA-associated B'' antigen
1317731 AA810513 UnknownUG Hs.7145Homo sapiens CAPN7 mRNA for PalBH, complete cds
1317755 AA810560 Unknown
1317779 AA768229 UnknownUG Hs.105119ESTs
1317789 AA768234 Unknown
1317795 AA768241 Unknown
1317840 AA768330 UnknownUG Hs.122907ESTs
1317846 AA768333 UnknownUG Hs.88431ESTs
1317862 AA768337 Unknown
1317872 AA810676 Collagen, type XIX, alpha 1
1317882 AA810678 UnknownUG Hs.140531EST
1317888 AA810690 Unknown
1317902 AA810694 FBP2=FUSE binding protein2=KSRP=KH type splicing regulatory protein
1317907 AA810706 UnknownUG Hs.16179ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 3978238) [H.sapiens]
1317916 AA810710 Unknown
1317935 AA810723 Homolog of Drosophila discs large protein, isoform 2 (hdlg-2)=localized to regions of cell-cell contact
1317956 AA811005 UnknownUG Hs.123342EST
1317962 AA769050 Unknown
1317967 AA769060 UnknownUG Hs.16029ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
1317969 AA769061 Similar to membrane glycoprotein
1317972 AA769053 UnknownUG Hs.122937ESTs
1317974 AA769054 Unknown
1317977 AA769065 Similar to membrane glycoprotein
1317979 AA769066 Similar to Mouse glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase.
1317984 AA769067 Similar to neuropathy target esterase
1318001 AA769081 Unknown
1318029 AA769098 Unknown
1318033 AA769109 Similar to A kinase anchor protein (AKAP-KL)
1318042 AA769104 CD1C
1318044 AA769105 MOZ=monocytic leukaemia zinc finger protein
1318055 AA769117 Unknown
1318104 AA814880 Unknown
1318105 AA814889 Unknown
1318111 AA814890 UnknownUG Hs.136935EST
1318128 AA814895 UnknownUG Hs.222061ESTs
1318129 AA814905 UnknownUG Hs.123594ESTs
1318136 AA814898 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase, gamma-1 subunit
1318140 AA814900 Unknown
1318151 AA814912 Hrs=SNAP-25 interacting protein
1318163 AA810810 UnknownUG Hs.36120ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1318164 AA810802 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase homologue=Yeast Vps34p kinase homologue
1318180 AA810818 Similar to (Z69661)-1=F48F7.1 and Argonaute=Arabidopsis gene controlling leaf development
1318182 AA810819 Unknown
1318186 AA810821 UnknownUG Hs.115197Human DNA sequence from clone 1100H13 on chromosome 20q11.2 Contains a gene for a novel protein, ESTs, STSs, GSSs and two CpG Islands
1318197 AA810833 Unknown
1318198 AA810826 Unknown
1318207 AA810848 UnknownUG Hs.145668ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1318208 AA810838 UnknownUG Hs.164056ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1318214 AA810841 UnknownUG Hs.208972ESTs
1318221 AA810854 UnknownUG Hs.89081ESTs
1318237 AA811215 Unknown
1318246 AA811211 UnknownUG Hs.123354ESTs
1318258 AA810896 Similar to 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1318267 AA810909 S100 calcium-binding protein A5 (formerly S100D)
1318268 AA810900 Unknown
1318271 AA810911 UnknownUG Hs.192024EST
1318278 AA810914 Unknown
1318279 AA810924 ATP-dependent RNA helicase #46
1318308 AA810937 Similar to alpha-L-iduronidase (IDUA)
1318318 AA810942 Unknown
1318330 AA811221 UnknownUG Hs.152917ESTs
1318332 AA811222 Unknown
1318342 AA811225 Unknown
1318343 AA811231 Unknown
1318369 AA768982 Unknown
1318377 AA768983 UnknownUG Hs.97275ESTs
1318382 AA768978 UnknownUG Hs.125792ESTs
1318395 AA768991 Unknown
1318397 AA768992 Unknown
1318540 AA768994 Similar to Arabidopsis thaliana Col-O putative RNA helicase A.
1318565 AA769009 UnknownUG Hs.203879ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1318570 AA769004 Similar to lipocortin II
1318581 AA769014 UnknownUG Hs.233547ESTs
1318599 AA769025 UnknownUG Hs.124185ESTs
1318601 AA769026 Unknown
1318614 AA769034 Similar to dynein heavy chain isotype 6
1318615 AA769042 Unknown
1318616 AA769035 Similar to Rattus norvegicus B/K protein.
1318617 AA769043 Unknown
1318620 AA769036 Unknown
1318629 AA769047 UnknownUG Hs.189061ESTs
1318630 AA769038 Unknown
1318643 AA810724 Similar to mitochondrial phosphate carrier protein
1318677 AA810731 Unknown
1318690 AA810734 Unknown
1318692 AA810735 UnknownUG Hs.123333EST
1318696 AA810737 UnknownUG Hs.190525ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
1318715 AA811017 UnknownUG Hs.230724EST
1318717 AA811018 LOK=lymphocyte oriented kinase=STE20-like protein kinase that is expressed predominantly in lymphocytes
1318725 AA811020 Unknown
1318732 AA810739 KIAA0603=Similar to TBC1
1318734 AA810740 UnknownUG Hs.123335EST
1318743 AA810751 Kinase A anchoring protein with an RGS domain
1318749 AA810754 UnknownUG Hs.123336EST
1318754 AA810756 Unknown
1318755 AA810763 Unknown
1318757 AA810764 UnknownUG Hs.136909EST
1318765 AA810768 Unknown
1318766 AA810760 UnknownUG Hs.169476tubulin, alpha, ubiquitous
1318791 AA810788 UnknownUG Hs.123337ESTs
1318794 AA810779 UnknownUG Hs.96454ESTs
1318797 AA810791 Unknown
1318798 AA810781 UnknownUG Hs.194475ESTs
1318808 AA811024 UnknownUG Hs.123344EST
1318815 AA811034 UnknownUG Hs.123346ESTs
1318818 AA811028 UnknownUG Hs.127264ESTs
1318821 AA811037 UnknownUG Hs.108614Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0627 protein, partial cds
1318920 AA811039 MHC Class II=DR beta
1318937 AA811044 UnknownUG Hs.125156transcriptional adaptor 2 (ADA2, yeast, homolog)-like
1318938 AA811042 E2F-1=pRB-binding transcription factor
1318948 AA811047 Unknown
1318956 AA811050 Unknown
1318959 AA811058 Unknown
1318960 AA811051 UnknownUG Hs.117715ESTs
1318983 AA811067 Similar to neuronal tissue-enriched acidic protein (NAP-22)
1319015 AA810567 Unknown
1319017 AA811071 UnknownUG Hs.123349ESTs
1319019 AA811072 UnknownUG Hs.180663ESTs
1319034 AA811070 Similar to plasma gelsolin
1319044 AA811082 Unknown
1319048 AA811084 Telomerase catalytic subunit=EST2
1319053 AA811092 UnknownUG Hs.143407ESTs
1319069 AA811108 Similar to GTPase Rab8b
1319095 AA810581 Unknown
1319106 AA810575 Unknown
1319220 AA804643 Unknown
1319237 AA804665 MSSP-1=single stranded DNA binding protein
1319248 AA804661 Putative ribulose-5-phosphate-epimerase
1319252 AA804663 UnknownUG Hs.159630ESTs
1319253 AA804671 Unknown
1319259 AA804792 Similar to E2F-5=pRB-binding transcription factor
1319265 AA804793 UnknownUG Hs.52897ESTs
1319273 AA804796 UnknownUG Hs.128687ESTs
1319277 AA804797 Unknown
1319278 AA804791 Unknown
1319282 AA804799 UnknownUG Hs.20065ESTs
1319288 AA804801 Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 2, neutral membrane (neutral sphingomyelinase)
1319306 AA815014 Unknown
1319311 AA815027 Unknown
1319315 AA815029 Unknown
1319321 AA815031 UnknownUG Hs.123598ESTs
1319331 AA815045 UnknownUG Hs.136940EST
1319340 AA815040 Unknown
1319363 AA815096 Unknown
1319375 AA815101 MYH=DNA mismatch repair protein=mutY homologue
1319380 AA815103 Unknown
1319391 AA815116 Unknown
1319399 AA815120 Unknown
1319443 AA805102 UnknownUG Hs.211807ESTs
1319449 AA805174 UnknownUG Hs.211273ESTs
1319450 AA805155 UnknownUG Hs.174030Homo sapiens mRNA for eMDC II protein
1319454 AA805166 UnknownUG Hs.165165ESTs
1319458 AA805168 Unknown
1319466 AA805171 Unknown
1319471 AA805182 Similar to ABR=guanine nucleotide regulatory protein
1319490 AA805189 UnknownUG Hs.196781ESTs
1319498 AA808358 UnknownUG Hs.36830ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1319506 AA808360 Unknown
1319510 AA808362 UnknownUG Hs.219153natural killer-tumor recognition sequence
1319529 AA808385 Unknown
1319543 AA808390 UnknownUG Hs.136703ESTs
1319552 AA767485 Unknown
1319580 AA767505 Myt1 kinase
1319584 AA767507 UnknownUG Hs.23168ubiquitin specific protease 15
1319603 AA767574 UnknownUG Hs.159599ESTs
1319608 AA767568 Unknown
1319613 AA767577 UnknownUG Hs.162604ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1319620 AA767580 Unknown
1319621 AA767588 Similar to DIFF6
1319623 AA767589 Unknown
1319629 AA767592 Unknown
1319634 AA767585 Unknown
1319640 AA767634 High mobility group (nonhistone chromosomal) protein isoforms I and Y
1319652 AA767638 Unknown
1319688 AA809844 Unknown
1319703 AA809854 UnknownUG Hs.123310ESTs
1319724 AA809859 Similar to zinc finger protein (ZNF143)
1319728 AA809860 Unknown
1319737 AA809879 Similar to (Z74042) T11F9.11
1319742 AA809872 UnknownUG Hs.180640EST
1319744 AA809873 Unknown
1319750 AA809876 KIAA0127
1319752 AA809877 Unknown
1319764 AA809891 UnknownUG Hs.163114ESTs
1319767 AA809900 UnknownUG Hs.123644ESTs
1319772 AA809894 UnknownUG Hs.213653ESTs
1319801 AA809912 Similar to non-erythropoietic porphobilinogen deaminase (hydroxymethylbilane synthase; EC4.3.1.8)
1319821 AA809915 Unknown
1319847 AA809925 Unknown
1319848 AA809920 UnknownUG Hs.196716ESTs
1319854 AA809921 Unknown
1319866 AA809928 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
1319985 AA809944 Unknown
1320002 AA809948 Unknown
1320031 AA809966 Unknown
1320044 AA809961 ATM=Ser/Thr kinase mutated in ataxia telangiectasia=DNA damage signaling protein
1320049 AA809982 UnknownUG Hs.164018ESTs
1320051 AA809983 SKAP55=associates with the protein tyrosine kinase p59fyn in human T-lymphocytes
1320061 AA809986 histone H1 (H1F3)
1320063 AA809987 UnknownUG Hs.122493ESTs
1320223 AA812180 Unknown
1320244 AA812187 Unknown
1320252 AA812190 Unknown
1320268 AA811118 Unknown
1320283 AA811133 UnknownUG Hs.123352EST
1320291 AA811147 Similar to annexin V-binding protein (ABP-10)
1320296 AA811139 Lymphotoxin-Beta=Tumor necrosis factor C
1320300 AA811141 LYL-1=helix-loop-helix transcription factor
1320315 AA814738 Unknown
1320316 AA814730 Unknown
1320335 AA814745 Unknown
1320341 AA814756 UnknownUG Hs.136934EST
1320343 AA814757 Unknown
1320354 AA814752 Presenilin 1 (Alzheimer disease 3)
1320355 AA814763 UnknownUG Hs.120946ESTs
1320356 AA814753 Unknown
1320361 AA811483 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase
1320362 AA811479 Unknown
1320371 AA811487 Cyclin H
1320387 AA811501 CLK-1=CDC-like kinase 1=PITSLRE alpha 1=galactosyltransferase associated protein kinase P58/GTA
1320392 AA811493 Unknown
1320406 AA811499 KIAA0078=Similar to double-straded break repair protein RAD21
1320412 AA811551 Similar to coatamer epsilon subunit
1320413 AA811559 Unknown
1320414 AA811552 Unknown
1320417 AA811561 UnknownUG Hs.104417ESTs
1320419 AA811562 UnknownUG Hs.123369ESTs
1320439 AA811575 UnknownUG Hs.126726ESTs
1320441 AA811576 UnknownUG Hs.143681ESTs
1320450 AA811570 Unknown
1333519 AA767745 UnknownUG Hs.122428ESTs
1333522 AA767738 SIT=SHP2 interacting transmembrane adaptor protein, a disulfide linked dimer involved in human T-cell activation
1333525 AA767747 Unknown
1333532 AA767742 Unknown
1333549 AA767766 IMP (inosine monophosphate) dehydrogenase 1
1333557 AA767769 Unknown
1333558 AA767761 Unknown
1333565 AA808490 Unknown
1333571 AA808493 Unknown
1333594 AA808499 UnknownUG Hs.134751DJ1042K10.5 (novel protein)
1333641 AA808577 Unknown
1333648 AA808575 Unknown
1333656 AA808662 UnknownUG Hs.106843ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1333667 AA808670 Unknown
1333695 AA808679 MPP1=Putative M phase phosphoprotein 1
1333704 AA811800 UnknownUG Hs.88558ESTs
1333708 AA811802 Similar to dead box, Y isoform (DBY)=probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase
1333710 AA811803 Unknown
1333712 AA811804 UnknownUG Hs.99692ESTs
1333716 AA811806 UnknownUG Hs.120260ESTs
1333723 AA811817 UnknownUG Hs.231792ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
1333741 AA811835 UnknownUG Hs.123377EST
1333742 AA811825 Unknown
1333745 AA811837 UnknownUG Hs.123378EST
1333757 AA812010 Unknown
1333760 AA812001 UnknownUG Hs.221969ESTs
1333762 AA812002 NIK=serine/threonine protein kinase
1333764 AA812003 Unknown
1333770 AA812006 UnknownUG Hs.225695small inducible cytokine A5 (RANTES)
1333775 AA812017 Similar to RAD23=UV excision repair protein
1333778 AA812019 BRCA1=Mutated in breast and ovarian cancer
1333779 AA812026 UnknownUG Hs.173033ESTs
1333781 AA812027 UnknownUG Hs.44628ESTs
1333782 AA812020 Unknown
1333788 AA812023 UnknownUG Hs.180566Homo sapiens clone 24631 mRNA sequence
1333790 AA812024 UnknownUG Hs.159669ESTs
1333800 AA812087 UnknownUG Hs.225680ESTs
1333801 AA812098 UnknownUG Hs.124918ESTs
1333834 AA812107 UnknownUG Hs.123387ESTs
1333840 AA812109 Similar to VP40_BDV 40 KD PROTEIN (L27077) orfI [Borna disease virus]
1333841 AA812114 Unknown
1333850 AA811862 UnknownUG Hs.172928collagen, type I, alpha 1
1333858 AA811865 UnknownUG Hs.24375Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1067 protein, partial cds
1333861 AA811874 KIAA0232
1333886 AA811882 UnknownUG Hs.123381EST
1333889 AA811892 Unknown
1333892 AA811885 Similar to imogen 38=38-kD islet mitochondrial autoantigen recognized by T cells from a newly diagnosed type 1 diabetic patient
1333893 AA811894 Cyclin H
1333994 AA811158 Unknown
1334003 AA811164 Unknown
1334010 AA811161 cullin 3
1334016 AA811168 Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, type 3
1334017 AA811178 Unknown
1334022 AA811171 UnknownUG Hs.105282ESTs
1334028 AA811174 Centrosomal Nek2-associated protein 1 (C-NAP1)=cep250 centrosome associated protein
1334035 AA811181 UnknownUG Hs.187898ESTs
1334048 AA814768 Unknown
1334056 AA814770 UnknownUG Hs.99480ESTs
1334064 AA814784 UnknownUG Hs.163321ESTs
1334097 AA809423 Similar to PC4=p14=p15=Activated RNA polymerase II transcriptional coactivator
1334107 AA809428 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
1334109 AA809429 Unknown
1334120 AA809431 Unknown
1334123 AA809440 Unknown
1334130 AA809435 Similar to KIAA0191= C2H2 zinc-finger at its N-terminal region
1334134 AA809436 Unknown
1334138 AA809445 UnknownUG Hs.58297ESTs, Weakly similar to similar to G9a gene. [H.sapiens]
1334140 AA809446 UnknownUG Hs.185997ESTs
1334144 AA809448 Unknown
1334146 AA809449 Unknown
1334147 AA809456 Unknown
1334163 AA814971 Unknown
1334164 AA814963 Unknown
1334173 AA814975 Cdc7-related kinase
1334177 AA814976 Unknown
1334179 AA814977 UnknownUG Hs.136937EST
1334195 AA805381 UnknownUG Hs.136870EST
1334220 AA805388 Unknown
1334260 AA805575 UnknownUG Hs.120716ESTs
1334267 AA805587 Unknown
1334286 AA811510 Unknown
1334287 AA811519 UnknownUG Hs.184418ESTs
1334288 AA811511 UnknownUG Hs.123160EST
1334297 AA811523 Unknown
1334299 AA811524 UnknownUG Hs.192026ESTs
1334301 AA811525 Unknown
1334310 AA811528 UnknownUG Hs.184418ESTs
1334313 AA811536 Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2
1334315 AA811537 Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 2
1334319 AA811539 UnknownUG Hs.123368EST
1334338 AA811584 Similar to E2A=E12/E14 HLH transcription factors
1334343 AA811589 Unknown
1334356 AA811592 cAMP phosphodiesterase
1334375 AA811601 Unknown
1334380 AA808327 Similar to (Z81097) K07A1.9
1334389 AA808336 UnknownUG Hs.232170ESTs, Weakly similar to p40 [H.sapiens]
1334413 AA808353 UnknownUG Hs.48712ESTs
1334414 AA808344 KIAA0125=encoded in immunoglobulin D locus
1334419 AA808356 Unknown
1334427 AA767465 Unknown
1334428 AA767459 UnknownUG Hs.136853EST
1334440 AA767462 UnknownUG Hs.122884ESTs
1334450 AA767471 UnknownUG Hs.104444ESTs
1334454 AA767473 UnknownUG Hs.122885EST
1334461 AA767479 Unknown
1334468 AA767475 UnknownUG Hs.203884ESTs
1334485 AA767543 UnknownUG Hs.96731huntingtin interacting protein-1-related
1334486 AA767536 Unknown
1334488 AA767537 UnknownUG Hs.180562EST
1334494 AA767539 Unknown
1334511 AA767557 Unknown
1334519 AA767560 Unknown
1334525 AA767612 UnknownUG Hs.122887EST
1334531 AA767614 Sequence in immunoglobulin Vk-JkCk region
1334537 AA767616 Unknown
1334539 AA767617 Unknown
1334542 AA767609 Similar to small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U1-70K)
1334554 AA767621 UnknownUG Hs.146164ESTs
1334555 AA767629 Unknown
1334568 AA812032 Unknown
1334575 AA812044 Similar to ferritin H chain
1334585 AA812047 SRC-1=steroid receptor coactivator
1334589 AA812048 Unknown
1334601 AA812057 Unknown
1334613 AA812060 Similar to thymopoietin
1334619 AA812122 Unknown
1334629 AA812126 Unknown
1334634 AA812120 Unknown
1334639 AA812129 Unknown
1334640 AA812130 Unknown
1334668 AA767703 Unknown
1334677 AA767710 Unknown
1334689 AA767722 UnknownUG Hs.192008ESTs
1334706 AA767721 Unknown
1334714 AA808452 UnknownUG Hs.159346ESTs
1334721 AA808460 Unknown
1334745 AA808477 Similar to DNA polymerase beta=DNA alkylation repair protein
1334751 AA808478 Unknown
1334756 AA808472 G/T mismatch-specific thymine DNA glycosylase=DNA alkylation repair protein
1334770 AA808557 Unknown
1334788 AA808561 Unknown
1334799 AA808568 UnknownUG Hs.123155ESTs
1334811 AA808643 UnknownUG Hs.136704ESTs
1334812 AA808634 Unknown
1334813 AA808644 UnknownUG Hs.17883protein phosphatase 1G (formerly 2C), magnesium-dependent, gamma isoform
1334824 AA808639 UnknownUG Hs.136903EST
1334826 AA808640 Similar to CG1 protein and other coiled-coil proteins
1334835 AA808658 UnknownUG Hs.12144Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1033 protein, partial cds
1334845 AA808660 Melanoma-associated antigen p97(melanotransferrin)
1334848 AA808655 p84=RB binding nuclear matrix protein that localizes to subnuclear regions associated with RNA processing
1334860 AA811896 UnknownUG Hs.44604ESTs
1334875 AA811903 Chromatin assembly factor-I p150
1334900 AA811910 Similar to EGR-1=Early growth response protein 1=zinc finger protein
1334903 AA811914 UnknownUG Hs.130839ESTs
1334905 AA769125 MHC Class I=HLA-B27
1334913 AA769129 Similar to oxysterol-binding protein (OSBP).
1334931 AA769144 Unknown
1334933 AA769145 UnknownUG Hs.144684ESTs
1334941 AA769148 Unknown
1334943 AA769149 CB2 (peripheral) cannabinoid receptor
1334950 AA769143 BTG1=B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative
1334962 AA826918 Similar to KIAA0437
1334967 AA826928 Unknown
1334976 AA826931 UnknownUG Hs.49407ESTs
1334980 AA826932 Arp2/3 protein complex subunit p34-Arc (ARC34)
1334981 AA826939 Similar to erk1=extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1
1334991 AA826941 Unknown
1334997 AA826944 UnknownUG Hs.87865ESTs, Moderately similar to (defline not available 4249733) [M.musculus]
1335002 AA826946 UnknownUG Hs.125279ESTs
1335007 AA826953 Unknown
1335009 AA826954 Unknown
1335010 AA826948 UnknownUG Hs.198529ESTs
1335017 AA826956 UnknownUG Hs.186401ESTs
1335019 AA826957 UnknownUG Hs.184511ESTs
1335025 AA827055 UnknownUG Hs.231161EST
1335027 AA827056 UnknownUG Hs.100914ESTs
1335034 AA827051 Similar to guanine nucleotide-binding protein (Gi) alpha subunit
1335038 AA827053 UnknownUG Hs.124313EST
1335040 AA827054 Unknown
1335041 AA827060 Unknown
1335048 AA827125 UnknownUG Hs.192043ESTs
1335057 AA827137 Unknown
1335060 AA827131 UnknownUG Hs.128301ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
1335063 AA827140 Unknown
1335070 AA827134 UnknownUG Hs.197653ESTs
1335076 AA827145 KIAA0396
1335088 AA827149 Unknown
1335095 AA827156 Unknown
1335102 AA827157 Similar to mitochondrial 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase beta-subunit of trifunctional protein
1335110 AA827160 Adenosine triphosphatase, calcium
1335126 AA827178 UnknownUG Hs.124317EST
1335129 AA827188 UnknownUG Hs.165404ESTs
1335136 AA827182 UnknownUG Hs.140580ESTs
1335146 AA827193 importin beta subunit=nuclear localization signal binding protein subunit
1335148 AA827194 Nuclear VCP-like protein NVLp.1 (NVL.1)=member of the AAA family of ATPases
1335153 AA827203 UnknownUG Hs.124319EST
1335154 AA827196 PKC iota=Protein kinase C, iota
1335167 AA827210 Unknown
1335174 AA827213 AKAP95=A-kinase anchoring protein
1335212 AA827712 Unknown
1335220 AA827725 UnknownUG Hs.159638ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 5052520) [D.melanogaster]
1335221 AA827733 UnknownUG Hs.124322ESTs
1335223 AA827734 UnknownUG Hs.125286ESTs
1335225 AA827735 Similar to 19 kDa subunit of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex (complex I)
1335229 AA827736 Unknown
1335234 AA827728 UnknownUG Hs.128705ESTs
1335245 AA828245 Unknown
1335255 AA828248 BLNK=SLP-76 homologue involved in BCR signaling downstream of syk
1335256 AA828240 UnknownUG Hs.190466ESTs
1335257 AA828249 Unknown
1335258 AA828241 UnknownUG Hs.71252ESTs
1335259 AA828250 UnknownUG Hs.177139ESTs
1335261 AA828251 UnknownUG Hs.124323EST
1335265 AA828265 Unknown
1335269 AA828267 UnknownUG Hs.123370ESTs
1335271 AA828268 UnknownUG Hs.136960EST
1335272 AA828257 UnknownUG Hs.124324ESTs
1335273 AA828269 Unknown
1335281 AA828270 Unknown
1335282 AA828262 UnknownUG Hs.220965ESTs
1335283 AA828271 Unknown
1335288 AA828308 UnknownUG Hs.134648ESTs, Highly similar to Unknown gene product [H.sapiens]
1335307 AA828324 UnknownUG Hs.209057ESTs
1335313 AA828335 UnknownUG Hs.221604ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1335314 AA828326 Similar to putative eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 alpha subunit
1335322 AA828329 UnknownUG Hs.132739Homo sapiens HIC protein mRNA, complete cds
1335329 AA828341 Unknown
1335336 AA827061 Unknown
1335340 AA827062 UnknownUG Hs.197690ESTs
1335342 AA827063 Similar to MCM5
1335348 AA827066 Unknown
1335364 AA827073 RB18A=205 kDa p53 regulatory protein which shares antigenic and functional properties with p53
1335367 AA827082 Unknown
1335368 AA827075 Unknown
1335373 AA827084 UnknownUG Hs.179861ESTs
1335402 AA827095 UnknownUG Hs.30057Homo sapiens clone 24749 and 24750 mRNA sequences
1335405 AA827105 Similar to chromaffin granule ATPase II
1335408 AA827106 Unknown
1335413 AA827117 Unknown
1335420 AA827110 UnknownUG Hs.157796ESTs
1335421 AA827121 Similar to ribosomal protein L37a
1335430 AA827114 UnknownUG Hs.105735ESTs
1335553 AA810646 Unknown
1335560 AA810639 UnknownUG Hs.173503ESTs
1335578 AA810658 Phosphorylase kinase, gamma 2 catalytic chain (testis)
1335581 AA810668 Unknown
1335582 AA810660 Thioredoxin
1335613 AA811241 hCAP1a=HCE=mRNA capping enzyme
1335621 AA811244 UnknownUG Hs.164168ESTs
1335630 AA827230 Unknown
1335634 AA827232 Unknown
1335635 AA827243 Unknown
1335637 AA827244 Unknown
1335638 AA827234 Similar to hypertension-related protein
1335641 AA827246 Unknown
1335653 AA827259 Unknown
1335657 AA827261 Unknown
1335659 AA827700 Unknown
1335667 AA827702 Unknown
1335672 AA827742 serine/threonine protein kinase EMK
1335682 AA827744 Unknown
1335690 AA827747 Ste20-like kinase (MST2)
1335691 AA827755 Unknown
1335692 AA827748 Unknown
1335697 AA827767 Similar to myosin X
1335706 AA827761 UnknownUG Hs.115773ESTs
1335708 AA827762 Unknown
1335720 AA828274 UnknownUG Hs.222061ESTs
1335721 AA828280 UnknownUG Hs.155113ESTs
1335725 AA828282 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1)
1335739 AA828286 LPP=translocated to high mobility group protein gene HMGIC in lipoma=LIM domain protein
1335756 AA828293 UnknownUG Hs.136854ESTs
1335759 AA828304 X-like 1 protein=homologue to DmX from Drosophila melanogaster
1335761 AA828305 Unknown
1335762 AA828296 Similar to Protein phosphatase 2C alpha
1335774 AA828348 Unknown
1335780 AA828350 UnknownUG Hs.143974ESTs
1335782 AA828351 Oct-2=lymphoid-specific octamer binding transcription factor=POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2
1335807 AA828379 Unknown
1335810 AA828369 Unknown
1335914 AA810516 alpha-galactosidase A
1335929 AA810522 UnknownUG Hs.143509ESTs
1335952 AA810529 Unknown
1335953 AA810535 Unknown
1335954 AA810530 UnknownUG Hs.133519ESTs
1335968 AA810541 Unknown
1335993 AA810866 UnknownUG Hs.123339ESTs
1335996 AA810859 UnknownUG Hs.136911EST
1335997 AA810867 UnknownUG Hs.186997ESTs
1336130 AA810598 UnknownUG Hs.180654ESTs
1336134 AA810600 UnknownUG Hs.180654ESTs
1336147 AA810613 UnknownUG Hs.166825ESTs
1336148 AA810607 Unknown
1336149 AA810614 KIAA0226
1336173 AA810626 Unknown
1336182 AA810870 Unknown
1336185 AA810880 Unknown
1336218 AA873818 Unknown
1336220 AA873819 UnknownUG Hs.125297ESTs
1336221 AA873827 UnknownUG Hs.181003ESTs
1336231 AA873840 UnknownUG Hs.137025ESTs
1336239 AA873842 Unknown
1336246 AA873837 Similar to (AF024497) weak similarity to drosophila tyrosine kinase
1336247 AA873843 Unknown
1336274 AA872064 UnknownUG Hs.125255ESTs, Weakly similar to Unknown gene product [H.sapiens]
1336373 AA810888 Similar to High mobility group (nonhistone chromosomal) protein isoforms I and Y
1336374 AA810884 Similar to AMP deaminase (AMPD3)
1336385 AA810891 BCL-2
1336400 AA810955 UnknownUG Hs.180446karyopherin (importin) beta 1
1336406 AA810957 UnknownUG Hs.136913EST
1336419 AA810976 Unknown
1336424 AA810969 UnknownUG Hs.180660EST
1336441 AA810992 Unknown
1336455 AA810996 Unknown
1336456 AA810990 UnknownUG Hs.126376ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown protein [R.norvegicus]
1336478 AA806594 MAPKAP kinase (3pK)
1336479 AA806600 UnknownUG Hs.88495ESTs
1336501 AA811252 Unknown
1336503 AA811253 Unknown
1336507 AA811254 UnknownUG Hs.191850ESTs
1336530 AA811262 UnknownUG Hs.145266ESTs
1336531 AA811271 UnknownUG Hs.194477ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 3694664) [H.sapiens]
1336546 AA811277 Unknown
1336552 AA811279 Unknown
1336562 AA806604 Unknown
1336563 AA806612 UnknownUG Hs.181297ESTs
1336564 AA806605 UnknownUG Hs.180603EST
1336565 AA806613 Immunoglobulin mu
1336568 AA806607 Unknown
1336575 AA806617 UnknownUG Hs.180604EST
1336586 AA809260 UnknownUG Hs.145637ESTs
1336591 AA809271 UnknownUG Hs.180644ESTs
1336604 AA809267 Unknown
1336607 AA809277 Unknown
1336608 AA809278 MEK kinase 1 (MEKK1)
1336621 AA809289 Unknown
1336626 AA809284 Unknown
1336627 AA809292 Unknown
1336630 AA809286 Unknown
1336633 AA809303 UnknownUG Hs.123294ESTs
1336641 AA809305 UnknownUG Hs.230233EST, Weakly similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
1336649 AA809309 Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase subunit I
1336653 AA809310 UnknownUG Hs.117079ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1336655 AA809311 UnknownUG Hs.120219ESTs
1336683 AA809316 UnknownUG Hs.125860ESTs
1336686 AA809312 Unknown
1336687 AA809318 Unknown
1336690 AA809314 UnknownUG Hs.123295EST
1336701 AA809323 FBP2=FUSE binding protein2=KSRP=KH type splicing regulatory protein
1336705 AA809334 UnknownUG Hs.101064ESTs
1336715 AA809337 Unknown
1336716 AA809329 Unknown
1336736 AA809346 FKHR=Homolog 1 of Drosophila forkhead=translocated to PAX3 in rhabdomyosarcoma
1336746 AA809350 Unknown
1336747 AA809357 Unknown
1336750 AA809352 UnknownUG Hs.144983ESTs
1336779 AA809368 Unknown
1336781 AA809369 Unknown
1336785 AA809370 cbl-b
1336794 AA809365 Unknown
1336800 AA809376 UnknownUG Hs.204682ESTs
1336803 AA809387 Unknown
1336804 AA809377 Unknown
1336808 AA809379 UnknownUG Hs.116608ESTs
1336819 AA809394 Similar to (Z93785) W09D10.4
1336820 AA809384 Unknown
1336823 AA809396 BAT2=large proline-rich protein=MHC class III histocompatibility antigen HLA-B-associated transcript 2
1336826 AA809398 UnknownUG Hs.207008ESTs
1336831 AA809409 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-12
1336835 AA809411 UnknownUG Hs.123297EST
1336836 AA809402 UnknownUG Hs.88745ESTs
1336862 AA806623 Unknown
1336869 AA806634 Similar to probable ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase=KIAA0055
1336876 AA811182 Similar to CD156=Cell surface antigen MS2=transmembrane protein
1336878 AA811183 Similar to CD156=Cell surface antigen MS2=transmembrane protein
1336883 AA811191 Unknown
1336892 AA811187 HPRT=IMP:pyrophosphate phosphoribosyltransferase E.C.
1336894 AA811188 Similar to spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
1336903 AA811201 Unknown
1336911 AA811202 UnknownUG Hs.136914EST
1336924 AA811915 Unknown
1336941 AA811929 CD95=Fas
1336946 AA811932 Unknown
1336958 AA811936 UnknownUG Hs.117930ESTs
1336983 AA814810 UnknownUG Hs.123650ESTs
1336984 AA814800 UnknownUG Hs.232119ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1336988 AA814802 Unknown
1336990 AA814803 Unknown
1336991 AA814813 Unknown
1336993 AA814823 UnknownUG Hs.123665ESTs
1337005 AA814828 Similar to Gsh-2=dispersed homeobox gene
1337007 AA814829 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110 catalytic subunit, delta isoform=leukocyte-restricted isoform
1337018 AA811540 UnknownUG Hs.193736ESTs
1337066 AA811602 Unknown
1337069 AA811610 Proteosome chain 7=LMP2=major histocompatibility complex encoded proteasome subunit
1337077 AA811614 Unknown
1337082 AA811606 Unknown
1337091 AA811627 UnknownUG Hs.210178EST
1337098 AA811622 Similar to putative tRNA delta(2)-isopentenylpyrophosphate transferase [Streptomyces coelicolor]
1337127 AA811955 Unknown
1337142 AA811957 UnknownUG Hs.217221ESTs
1337150 AA811960 UnknownUG Hs.153337ESTs
1337165 AA812066 Unknown
1337184 AA812070 PKA-C-ALPHA=cAMP-dependent protein kinase, alpha-catalytic subunit
1337185 AA812081 KIAA0037
1337187 AA812082 Unknown
1337191 AA812084 Unknown
1337193 AA812085 FAN=WD-repeat protein coupling p55 TNF-receptor to neutral sphingomyelinase
1337196 AA812076 UnknownUG Hs.120654ESTs
1337210 AA812149 Unknown
1337217 AA812158 Unknown
1337219 AA812159 CD69=early activation antigen
1337224 AA812153 Adenosine triphosphatase, calcium
1337231 AA812160 Unknown
1337232 AA812161 CD103 beta=Integrin beta 7
1337233 AA812166 UnknownUG Hs.128301ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
1337234 AA812162 K-ras
1337238 AA812163 Unknown
1337241 AA812170 BCL-7A
1337246 AA812165 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase=5-lipoxygenase=5-LO
1337251 AA812171 Unknown
1337277 AA811303 Unknown
1337282 AA811305 Centromere protein A (17kD)
1337358 AA811353 alkB=E.coli AlkB homolog, a protein involved in DNA alkylation damage repair
1337415 AA811393 Unknown
1337422 AA811392 Similar to guanine nucleotide-binding protein (Gi) alpha subunit
1337427 AA811397 UnknownUG Hs.130769ESTs
1337457 AA872187 UnknownUG Hs.33665ESTs
1337478 AA872192 Similar to fructose 1,6-diphosphate aldolaseA
1337480 AA872193 KIAA0125=encoded in immunoglobulin D locus
1337502 AA872201 Similar to 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1337566 AA811427 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
1337581 AA811434 UnknownUG Hs.187898ESTs
1337583 AA811435 Similar to ATP synthase delta chain, mitochondrial precursor
1337591 AA811438 Similar to (Z79754) F25H2.6
1337620 AA811642 Unknown
1337623 AA811649 UnknownUG Hs.117333Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1093 protein, partial cds
1337634 AA811646 UnknownUG Hs.223880ESTs
1337637 AA811651 Similar to (U00036) R151.6 gene product
1337650 AA811688 Similar to dUTP pyrophosphatase=deoxyuridine triphosphatase (DUT)
1337653 AA811694 UnknownUG Hs.124922ESTs
1337669 AA811701 acid finger protein
1337689 AA811752 UnknownUG Hs.3530TLS-associated serine-arginine protein
1337691 AA811753 Unknown
1337696 AA811745 Unknown
1337704 AA811748 Unknown
1337708 AA811750 Unknown
1337710 AA811751 UnknownUG Hs.123376EST
1337724 AA811766 Unknown
1337791 AA811329 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
1337810 AA811336 Unknown
1337826 AA811341 UnknownUG Hs.136916EST
1337827 AA811351 UnknownUG Hs.127289ESTs
1337843 AA811367 UnknownUG Hs.119427ESTs
1337844 AA811359 UnknownUG Hs.123361EST
1337856 AA811374 Potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 3
1337912 AA811412 Unknown
1337926 AA811416 UnknownUG Hs.123364ESTs
1337950 AA811450 UnknownUG Hs.136984ESTs
1337969 AA811476 UnknownUG Hs.214218ESTs
1337989 AA811666 UnknownUG Hs.164064ESTs
1338021 AA811687 Unknown
1338028 AA811707 Similar to tex27=gene expressed early in mouse spermatogenesis
1338030 AA811708 UnknownUG Hs.123372EST
1338032 AA811709 CPR2=cell cycle progression 2
1338044 AA811713 UnknownUG Hs.163222ESTs
1338053 AA811733 histone H3
1338063 AA811738 KIAA0430
1338072 AA812194 Unknown
1338076 AA812195 pim-1 kinase
1338079 AA812207 Unknown
1338086 AA812200 Gene product with similarity to KIAA0154 on chr 16
1338087 AA812210 UnknownUG Hs.25669ESTs
1338092 AA812203 Unknown
1338103 AA812228 Unknown
1338105 AA812229 UnknownUG Hs.207506ESTs
1338117 AA812234 UnknownUG Hs.168887ESTs
1338133 AA809474 Immunoglobulin mu
1338136 AA809467 KIAA0266
1338137 AA809476 Unknown
1338138 AA809468 UnknownUG Hs.123298EST
1338140 AA809469 UnknownUG Hs.180637EST
1338147 AA809489 Unknown
1338149 AA809490 UnknownUG Hs.214263ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1338152 AA809481 Similar to SULU Ser/Thr kinase
1338156 AA809483 Unknown
1338164 AA809486 UnknownUG Hs.8115ESTs
1338176 AA809502 UnknownUG Hs.113111ESTs
1338179 AA809515 Unknown
1338184 AA809506 Unknown
1338199 AA814986 UnknownUG Hs.136938EST
1338201 AA814987 UnknownUG Hs.169476tubulin, alpha, ubiquitous
1338209 AA814990 UnknownUG Hs.180736EST
1338230 AA805059 UnknownUG Hs.180296FGFR1 oncogene partner
1338233 AA805070 UnknownUG Hs.123175EST
1338236 AA805062 Unknown
1338243 AA805082 Unknown
1338245 AA805157 Oct-2=lymphoid-specific octamer binding transcription factor=POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2
1338252 AA805075 UnknownUG Hs.24724ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4239895) [H.sapiens]
1338262 AA805080 Unknown
1338263 AA805164 Unknown
1338277 AA805254 ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate (rac)
1338299 AA805271 protein kinase, Dyrk4
1338300 AA805261 UnknownUG Hs.220938ESTs
1338304 AA805263 UnknownUG Hs.123176ESTs
1338315 AA806689 UnknownUG Hs.136883EST
1338317 AA806690 UnknownUG Hs.136884EST
1338319 AA806691 UnknownUG Hs.124918ESTs
1338323 AA806693 Unknown
1338326 AA806684 Similar to exodeoxyribonuclease V 125 kD polypeptide
1338330 AA806686 CENP-E=putative kinetochore motor that accumulates just before mitosis
1338332 AA806687 UnknownUG Hs.123632ESTs
1338343 AA806709 UnknownUG Hs.123214ESTs
1338350 AA806704 Unknown
1338352 AA806705 Unknown
1338360 AA806718 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-26 (homology in novel N-terminal domain)
1338363 AA806727 Unknown
1338364 AA806719 UnknownUG Hs.180608EST
1338366 AA806720 UnknownUG Hs.189062EST, Weakly similar to ena polypeptide [D.melanogaster]
1338381 AA806732 Unknown
1338382 AA806725 UnknownUG Hs.180609EST
1338391 AA806816 UnknownUG Hs.99677ESTs
1338392 AA806809 UnknownUG Hs.136887EST
1338401 AA807503 UnknownUG Hs.193423ESTs
1338402 AA806812 UnknownUG Hs.38135ESTs
1338403 AA807504 Chromatin assembly factor-I p150
1338408 AA810165 Unknown
1338414 AA810168 UnknownUG Hs.232119ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1338420 AA810171 UnknownUG Hs.123218ESTs
1338421 AA810179 Unknown
1338423 AA810180 UnknownUG Hs.121028ESTs, Weakly similar to calmodulin-binding protein SHA1 [M.musculus]
1338426 AA810173 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
1338436 AA810186 Unknown
1338439 AA810197 UnknownUG Hs.110341ESTs
1338440 AA810188 Unknown
1338448 AA810192 UnknownUG Hs.224323ESTs, Moderately similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
1338449 AA810202 golgi alpha-mannosidaseII
1338450 AA810193 UnknownUG Hs.212643ESTs
1338456 AA810206 c-myc binding protein
1338459 AA810408 UnknownUG Hs.123219ESTs
1338465 AA810410 Similar to Kruppel-related zinc finger protein 3 (HRK3 protein)
1338478 AA810406 Unknown
1338482 AA806636 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
1338485 AA806646 UnknownUG Hs.89029ESTs
1338486 AA806638 Unknown
1338488 AA806639 Unknown
1338492 AA806641 SF1=splicing factor
1338494 AA806642 UnknownUG Hs.129965ESTs
1338498 AA806644 UnknownUG Hs.207954ESTs
1338500 AA806645 Unknown
1338505 AA810474 UnknownUG Hs.123224EST
1338510 AA810466 Unknown
1338516 AA810469 Similar to 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase
1338525 AA810483 UnknownUG Hs.118346ESTs
1338527 AA810484 ABC transporter-7
1338531 AA810495 UnknownUG Hs.143011ESTs
1338532 AA810486 Unknown
1338537 AA810498 UnknownUG Hs.193799ESTs
1338547 AA810503 UnknownUG Hs.131206ESTs
1338603 AA814032 arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase
1338606 AA814028 Unknown
1338611 AA814034 UnknownUG Hs.123581ESTs
1338621 AA814036 UnknownUG Hs.173280ESTs
1338624 AA814037 UnknownUG Hs.192864ESTs
1338651 AA814060 UnknownUG Hs.120557ESTs
1338656 AA814053 Unknown
1338668 AA814058 Unknown
1338683 AA806674 UnknownUG Hs.118616ESTs, Weakly similar to p140mDia [M.musculus]
1338703 AA806746 Unknown
1338709 AA806749 Unknown
1338710 AA806741 UnknownUG Hs.136885ESTs
1338712 AA806742 UnknownUG Hs.136886EST
1338719 AA806753 Unknown
1338723 AA806764 Unknown
1338726 AA806756 Unknown
1338730 AA806757 Similar to D123= responsible for temperature-sensitive G1-phase arrest in a mutant of rat fibroblast line 3Y1
1338732 AA806758 ATM=Ser/Thr kinase mutated in ataxia telangiectasia=DNA damage signaling protein
1338736 AA806760 UnknownUG Hs.163203ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1338747 AA806780 UnknownUG Hs.47047ESTs
1338749 AA806781 Unknown
1338755 AA806783 UnknownUG Hs.123215ESTs
1338762 AA806776 UnknownUG Hs.130814ESTs
1338769 AA813982 Unknown
1338782 AA813978 Unknown
1338784 AA813979 UnknownUG Hs.184461ESTs
1338796 AA807508 Unknown
1338809 AA807521 UnknownUG Hs.190446EST
1338812 AA807513 Unknown
1338816 AA807523 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
1338818 AA807524 Unknown
1338824 AA807527 Unknown
1338825 AA807537 Unknown
1338831 AA807540 CD11A=Integrin, alpha L=LFA-1 alpha chain
1338837 AA807543 UnknownUG Hs.136888ESTs
1338840 AA807544 Similar to rab-related GTP-binding protein-3
1338844 AA807545 UnknownUG Hs.125440ESTs
1338851 AA807557 Unknown
1338856 AA807550 Unknown
1338881 AA814007 UnknownUG Hs.123579ESTs
1338882 AA813998 UnknownUG Hs.47232ESTs
1338883 AA814008 Unknown
1338906 AA875989 Unknown
1338907 AA875999 UnknownUG Hs.55335ESTs
1338909 AA876000 Similar to mitochondrial fumarase
1338926 AA876007 UnknownUG Hs.120558ESTs
1338930 AA876009 Unknown
1338960 AA876129 Unknown
1338966 AA876131 Unknown
1338981 AA876146 UnknownUG Hs.137038EST
1338987 AA810426 DMD=dystrophin
1338994 AA810418 UnknownUG Hs.17969KIAA0663 gene product
1338996 AA810419 Unknown
1338997 AA810430 UnknownUG Hs.123221EST
1339005 AA810433 Unknown
1339028 AA810441 UnknownUG Hs.140504EST
1339030 AA810442 Unknown
1339032 AA810452 UnknownUG Hs.123222ESTs
1339043 AA810461 Unknown
1339051 AA810462 Unknown
1339055 AA810463 Unknown
1339060 AA814011 Unknown
1339063 AA814020 UnknownUG Hs.171847ESTs
1339086 AA814069 Unknown
1339094 AA814072 Unknown
1339105 AA814092 Unknown
1339106 AA814083 XE7=B-lymphocyte surface protein
1339107 AA814093 40 kDa protein kinase related to rat ERK2
1339108 AA814084 UnknownUG Hs.164023ESTs
1339117 AA814097 UnknownUG Hs.189070ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 3929219) [H.sapiens]
1339127 AA814101 Unknown
1339131 AA814110 Unknown
1339156 AA806984 UnknownUG Hs.172550polypyrimidine tract binding protein (heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein I)
1339158 AA806985 Unknown
1339160 AA806986 UnknownUG Hs.120239ESTs
1339162 AA806987 UnknownUG Hs.136389ESTs
1339166 AA806988 UnknownUG Hs.222961ESTs
1339174 AA806992 Unknown
1339194 AA814457 Unknown
1339200 AA814468 Unknown
1339205 AA814477 UnknownUG Hs.130881ESTs
1339210 AA814471 Unknown
1339218 AA814474 Unknown
1339226 AA814519 Unknown
1339230 AA814521 UnknownUG Hs.49005Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586O0223 (from clone DKFZp586O0223)
1339245 AA814536 Unknown
1339246 AA814526 UnknownUG Hs.120339ESTs
1339270 AA814545 UnknownUG Hs.207788ESTs
1339277 AA814591 UnknownUG Hs.221349ESTs
1339278 AA814587 Acetyl-coenzyme A transporter
1339280 AA814588 Unknown
1339300 AA814601 Unknown
1339305 AA814609 Unknown
1339322 AA814653 Unknown
1339325 AA814662 Unknown
1339326 AA814654 UnknownUG Hs.119424ESTs
1339328 AA814655 Unknown
1339330 AA814656 Unknown
1339335 AA814667 UnknownUG Hs.136931EST
1339337 AA814668 UnknownUG Hs.140628ESTs
1339340 AA814659 Requiem (HREQ)
1339341 AA814670 UnknownUG Hs.123591EST
1339349 AA814681 UnknownUG Hs.192422ESTs
1339364 AA814679 UnknownUG Hs.194486ESTs
1339365 AA814687 UnknownUG Hs.136932ESTs
1339373 AA804613 UnknownUG Hs.123106ESTs
1339377 AA804615 UnknownUG Hs.136889EST
1339393 AA804630 p120E4F transcription factor
1339405 AA804635 UnknownUG Hs.129038ESTs
1339412 AA804628 Similar to G-protein coupled receptor pH218
1339425 AA804762 Unknown
1339426 AA804753 Unknown
1339441 AA804777 Unknown
1339445 AA804779 UnknownUG Hs.123240EST
1339446 AA804770 Unknown
1339456 AA804774 Unknown
1339481 AA804894 Unknown
1339497 AA804902 Unknown
1339503 AA804904 UnknownUG Hs.15047ESTs
1339506 AA804900 UnknownUG Hs.104429ESTs
1339512 AA805131 GTP cyclohydrolase 1 (dopa-responsive dystonia) {alternative products}
1339523 AA805141 UnknownUG Hs.128288ESTs
1339558 AA805146 CD72
1339575 AA805283 Unknown
1339578 AA805280 UnknownUG Hs.172422ESTs
1339591 AA805292 Similar to fak = focal adhesion kinase
1339596 AA805288 Unknown
1339617 AA805303 Similar to MAZ=Myc-associated zinc-finger protein of islet
1339629 AA805305 AML2=acute myeloid leukemia 2=PEBP2aC1
1339712 AA813923 UnknownUG Hs.123577EST
1339726 AA813926 Unknown
1339729 AA813936 UnknownUG Hs.96549ESTs
1339763 AA815065 Unknown
1339768 AA815058 Unknown
1339777 AA815075 Unknown
1339781 AA815076 Similar to intersectin=adaptor protein with two EH and five SH3 domains
1339787 AA815079 UnknownUG Hs.123599ESTs
1339789 AA815080 ABC transporter-7
1339812 AA815125 Unknown
1339825 AA815142 UnknownUG Hs.121742ESTs
1339829 AA815143 Unknown
1339835 AA815146 UnknownUG Hs.140559EST
1339842 AA815141 Unknown
1339866 AA815154 DHFR=Dihydrofolate reductase
1339868 AA815155 Similar to neuronal PAS1 (NPAS1)=basic helix-loop-helix-PAS family transcription factor
1339879 AA815178 UnknownUG Hs.205679ESTs
1339888 AA815174 UnknownUG Hs.152438ESTs
1339890 AA815175 Unknown
1339908 AA815187 Unknown
1339914 AA815189 Unknown
1339923 AA815204 UnknownUG Hs.14235ESTs
1339937 AA815209 Similar to phosphatidic acid-preferring phospholipase A1
1339949 AA815218 UnknownUG Hs.124923ESTs
1339952 AA815213 mRNA in the region near the btk gene involved in a-gamma-globulinemia
1339972 AA815222 Unknown
1339996 AA814834 Unknown
1339998 AA814835 Unknown
1340017 AA814851 Unknown
1340023 AA814852 Unknown
1340030 AA814849 UnknownUG Hs.169877ESTs
1340041 AA814857 Unknown
1340045 AA814859 Unknown
1340053 AA814862 Unknown
1340084 AA814872 Unknown
1340088 AA813946 Unknown
1340103 AA813957 UnknownUG Hs.46913ESTs
1340105 AA813958 Similar to KIAA0071
1340115 AA813968 Unknown
1340120 AA813961 Unknown
1340128 AA813964 Unknown
1340139 AA814921 UnknownUG Hs.204290Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586N2119 (from clone DKFZp586N2119)
1340144 AA814914 UnknownUG Hs.136936EST
1340148 AA814916 Unknown
1340158 AA814920 Unknown
1340164 AA814930 Unknown
1340171 AA814943 Unknown
1340172 AA814933 Ferritin heavy chain
1340176 AA814934 UnknownUG Hs.186856ESTs
1340181 AA814947 Unknown
1340188 AA814949 UnknownUG Hs.208981ESTs
1340208 AA814994 UnknownUG Hs.136939EST
1340213 AA815006 FKHR=Homolog 1 of Drosophila forkhead=translocated to PAX3 in rhabdomyosarcoma
1340222 AA815000 Unknown
1340227 AA815010 Unknown
1340229 AA815011 Unknown
1340620 AA805469 Similar to HEM45=gpISG20=interferon-inducible PML nuclear bodies-associated protein
1340631 AA805479 UnknownUG Hs.123182EST
1340650 AA805486 p78=Putative SER/THR-protein kinase
1340657 AA805497 UnknownUG Hs.123183ESTs
1340660 AA805490 Unknown
1340675 AA805514 UnknownUG Hs.221001ESTs
1340681 AA805516 24607 mRNA=Similar to interleukin 14 (IL-14)
1340686 AA805509 UnknownUG Hs.116650ESTs
1340698 AA805597 Similar to B-raf Ser/Thr protein kinase
1340715 AA805902 Similar to lyn=tyrosine kinase
1340716 AA805893 Unknown
1340722 AA805896 EVI2B=putative transmembrane protein in NF1 locus
1340726 AA805897 EVI2B=putative transmembrane protein in NF1 locus
1340727 AA805905 UnknownUG Hs.108045ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1340729 AA805906 Unknown
1340734 AA805900 Unknown
1340741 AA805920 Unknown
1340742 AA805912 Unknown
1340745 AA805921 UnknownUG Hs.123191ESTs
1340759 AA805927 UnknownUG Hs.115776ESTs
1340768 AA805930 UnknownUG Hs.136764ESTs
1340788 AA805419 UnknownUG Hs.123180EST
1340798 AA805424 Unknown
1340804 AA805427 UnknownUG Hs.163120ESTs
1340805 AA805434 UnknownUG Hs.180584EST
1340806 AA805428 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
1340880 AA805436 Cancer associated surface antigen (RCAS1)
1340886 AA805438 Unknown
1340899 AA805448 Similar to Genscan gene prediction; 90% similarity to AA023673
1340912 AA805310 Unknown
1340918 AA805313 Unknown
1340922 AA805315 Unknown
1340925 AA805326 FBP2=FUSE binding protein2=KSRP=KH type splicing regulatory protein
1340929 AA805338 UnknownUG Hs.180582ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1340942 AA805333 Unknown
1340947 AA805347 Unknown
1340964 AA805355 UnknownUG Hs.128701ESTs
1340969 AA805365 UnknownUG Hs.123177ESTs
1340970 AA805357 UnknownUG Hs.163111ESTs
1340971 AA805366 Unknown
1340973 AA805367 Unknown
1340974 AA805358 Unknown
1340988 AA805453 Similar to (U50193) weak similarity to SP:YAD5_CLOAB (P33746) hypothetical protein and to PIR:C48583 stress-inducible protein STI1
1341016 AA767988 BRCA2=Mutated in breast and ovarian cancer
1341022 AA767990 Unknown
1341023 AA768001 Unknown
1341025 AA768011 Unknown
1341026 AA768003 yotiao=protein of neuronal and neuromuscular synapses that interacts with specific splice variants of NMDA receptor subunit NR1
1341027 AA768012 Unknown
1341033 AA768015 Unknown
1341050 AA768087 Similar to KIAA0565
1341052 AA768088 Unknown
1341055 AA768098 Unknown
1341066 AA768093 Unknown
1341070 AA768094 vimentin
1341071 AA768102 Unknown
1341073 AA768113 Unknown
1341076 AA768105 Unknown
1341078 AA768106 Unknown
1341080 AA768107 Unknown
1341087 AA768120 Unknown
1341089 AA768121 P47 LBC=Similar to rho GTP/GDP exchange factor
1341097 AA768355 Unknown
1341113 AA768361 Unknown
1341123 AA768376 Unknown
1341126 AA768368 Unknown
1341132 AA768370 Unknown
1341149 AA768774 Unknown
1341159 AA768778 Unknown
1341160 AA768769 Unknown
1341161 AA768779 Similar to rhoGap protein
1341176 AA768786 Unknown
1341177 AA768793 Unknown
1341178 AA768787 Unknown
1341179 AA768794 Unknown
1341183 AA768796 ornithine decarboxylase 1=odc1
1341184 AA768788 Unknown
1341185 AA768797 Unknown
1341194 AA805520 UnknownUG Hs.192075ESTs
1341197 AA805531 UnknownUG Hs.123184EST
1341200 AA805522 Unknown
1341205 AA805534 Unknown
1341211 AA805537 UnknownUG Hs.191209ESTs
1341214 AA805528 Calcineurin A catalytic subunit
1341222 AA805541 Unknown
1341229 AA805554 Unknown
1341245 AA805567 CD73=5' nucleotidase
1341250 AA805561 Similar to Gab1=Grb2-associated docking protein in EGF- and insulin- receptor signaling
1341253 AA805570 Similar to syntaxin 6
1341261 AA805572 UnknownUG Hs.210278ESTs
1341272 AA805997 UnknownUG Hs.123194EST
1341280 AA806001 UnknownUG Hs.232234ESTs
1341286 AA806002 UnknownUG Hs.230173ESTs, Moderately similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
1341293 AA805618 UnknownUG Hs.136872EST
1341294 AA805611 Unknown
1341297 AA805619 Unknown
1341302 AA805613 UnknownUG Hs.144685ESTs
1341343 AA805647 UnknownUG Hs.134197ESTs, Moderately similar to FAM [M.musculus]
1341348 AA805641 UnknownUG Hs.136873EST
1341354 AA805643 Similar to NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase MLRQ subunit
1341363 AA806025 UnknownUG Hs.167263ESTs
1341368 AA806016 Unknown
1341370 AA806017 Unknown
1341374 AA806019 rsk-I=Ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1
1341410 AA805961 Similar to IL-10 receptor
1341416 AA805964 UnknownUG Hs.31189ESTs
1341435 AA805986 UnknownUG Hs.163201ESTs
1341452 AA805983 Unknown
1341469 AA806043 Immunoglobulin D heavy chain constant region
1341476 AA806036 Unknown
1341477 AA806046 Unknown
1341485 AA806155 UnknownUG Hs.222346ESTs
1341502 AA806153 Similar to ribosomal protein S15a
1341507 AA806168 HPV16 E1 protein binding protein
1341540 AA806242 BUB1=putative mitotic checkpoint protein ser/thr kinase
1341562 AA806256 Unknown
1341568 AA806258 UnknownUG Hs.123200ESTs
1341573 AA806270 UnknownUG Hs.117439ESTs
1350420 AA806313 Unknown
1350451 AA806335 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase
1350453 AA806336 UnknownUG Hs.166252ESTs
1350454 AA806327 Unknown
1350462 AA806368 UnknownUG Hs.210762ESTs
1350464 AA806369 Similar to probable ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase=KIAA0055
1350469 AA806375 UnknownUG Hs.127289ESTs
1350473 AA806376 UnknownUG Hs.136847ESTs
1350482 AA806378 Similar to putative leucine rich neuronal protein from erythropoietin genomic locus
1350486 AA806380 FA-A=DNA crosslinking repair protein=Mutated in Fanconi's anemia A
1350493 AA806388 Unknown
1350514 AA806430 Unknown
1350527 AA806445 UnknownUG Hs.173904ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1350545 AA806457 Spi-B transcription factor
1350562 AA806491 UnknownUG Hs.221605ESTs
1350572 AA806494 Unknown
1350588 AA806502 jun-B
1350596 AA806505 UnknownUG Hs.123189ESTs
1350609 AA806540 UnknownUG Hs.123209EST
1350613 AA806542 Unknown
1350616 AA806535 Unknown
1350625 AA806559 Unknown
1350626 AA806548 Similar to (U64842) F25B4.2 gene product
1350635 AA806563 UnknownUG Hs.192021ESTs
1350646 AA806558 Unknown
1350657 AA806058 Unknown
1350669 AA806061 UnknownUG Hs.227211signal recognition particle 72kD
1350676 AA806064 UnknownUG Hs.125794ESTs
1350688 AA806070 Unknown
1350698 AA806083 UnknownUG Hs.136877EST
1350705 AA806095 Unknown
1350706 AA806086 UnknownUG Hs.189070ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 3929219) [H.sapiens]
1350713 AA806098 MHC Class II=DR alpha
1350714 AA806090 UnknownUG Hs.164009ESTs
1350724 AA806102 UnknownUG Hs.117777ESTs
1350728 AA806104 Unknown
1350736 AA806107 IRF-3=interferon regulatory factor-3
1350740 AA806109 UnknownUG Hs.123196ESTs
1350742 AA806110 UnknownUG Hs.123197ESTs
1350745 AA806185 Unknown
1350758 AA806181 Sterol regulatory element binding protein-2
1350761 AA806192 Unknown
1350779 AA806207 UnknownUG Hs.125889ESTs
1350784 AA806199 UnknownUG Hs.163202EST
1350786 AA806200 UnknownUG Hs.192755ESTs
1350805 AA806283 UnknownUG Hs.120219ESTs
1350806 AA806276 UnknownUG Hs.123201EST
1350816 AA806289 Unknown
1350820 AA806290 Unknown
1350824 AA806291 UnknownUG Hs.163773ESTs
1350827 AA806302 Unknown
1350828 AA806292 UnknownUG Hs.88914ESTs
1350830 AA806293 Unknown
1350869 AA806363 Similar to dead box, Y isoform (DBY)=probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase
1350873 AA806364 UnknownUG Hs.125792ESTs
1350877 AA806365 Unknown
1350892 AA806395 UnknownUG Hs.123205ESTs
1350894 AA806396 Similar to myosin IC heavy chain
1350927 AA806420 A-raf=c-raf-1 kinase
1350933 AA806423 UnknownUG Hs.220737ESTs
1350938 AA806461 UnknownUG Hs.122747ESTs
1350941 AA806470 Unknown
1350985 AA806514 UnknownUG Hs.187636ESTs
1350992 AA806511 UnknownUG Hs.163272ESTs
1351015 AA806524 Similar to amidase [Helicobacter pylori]
1351021 AA806526 UnknownUG Hs.130277ESTs
1351032 AA806569 Similar to TTK dual specificity kinase
1351063 AA806584 UnknownUG Hs.187895ESTs
1351075 AA806588 Unknown
1351077 AA806589 Unknown
1351081 AA806825 Unknown
1351084 AA806820 Unknown
1351095 AA806831 UnknownUG Hs.123244ESTs
1351097 AA806832 UnknownUG Hs.38057ESTs
1351099 AA806833 UnknownUG Hs.125802EST
1351108 AA806837 Unknown
1351113 AA806849 UnknownUG Hs.144444ESTs
1351117 AA806850 UnknownUG Hs.136896ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4096372) [R.norvegicus]
1351135 AA806864 Unknown
1351144 AA806860 Na,K-ATPase alpha-1 subunit gene
1351156 AA807000 UnknownUG Hs.107986ESTs
1351158 AA807001 Unknown
1351159 AA807010 UnknownUG Hs.147663protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 9
1351165 AA807013 UnknownUG Hs.136896ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4096372) [R.norvegicus]
1351188 AA806912 UnknownUG Hs.123339ESTs
1351193 AA806922 UnknownUG Hs.164016ESTs
1351195 AA806923 Unknown
1351196 AA806914 UnknownUG Hs.191402ESTs
1351198 AA806915 TNF alpha=tumor necrosis factor alpha
1351204 AA806926 Unknown
1351211 AA806933 UnknownUG Hs.29205alpha integrin binding protein 63
1351223 AA806936 Unknown
1351229 AA806945 Unknown
1351240 AA806941 Unknown
1351256 AA807021 Unknown
1351259 AA807030 Unknown
1351271 AA807033 Unknown
1351290 AA807084 Similar to (Z49125) C47G2.4
1351320 AA807106 UnknownUG Hs.144836ESTs
1351325 AA807115 Unknown
1351330 AA807109 Unknown
1351337 AA807120 UnknownUG Hs.204315ESTs
1351340 AA807112 Unknown
1351354 AA806874 UnknownUG Hs.136895ESTs
1351378 AA807175 Transforming growth factor, beta receptor II (70-80kD)
1351400 AA807179 Unknown
1351417 AA807188 Unknown
1351428 AA807186 Unknown
1351432 AA807187 Similar to Wnt-6
1351435 AA807193 UnknownUG Hs.170019core-binding factor, runt domain, alpha subunit 3
1351474 AA807239 UnknownUG Hs.205319ESTs
1351476 AA807240 Unknown
1351479 AA807249 NF1=Neurofibromin
1351483 AA807251 Similar to NSD1=nuclear SET and PhD domain protein that interacts with the ligand-binding domain of several nuclear receptors
1351489 AA807263 Similar to methyl-CpG-binding protein 2
1351490 AA807255 Unknown
1351497 AA807267 Unknown
1351498 AA807257 UnknownUG Hs.189063ESTs
1351499 AA807268 Unknown
1351500 AA807258 UnknownUG Hs.123261ESTs
1351501 AA807269 UnknownUG Hs.123262EST
1351505 AA807270 Unknown
1351512 AA807273 UnknownUG Hs.122832ESTs
1351513 AA807282 Unknown
1351514 AA807274 68 kDa type I phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase alpha mRNA, clone PIP5KIa1
1351528 AA807278 UnknownUG Hs.145635ESTs, Weakly similar to LINE-1 REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE HOMOLOG [H.sapiens]
1351533 AA807288 UnknownUG Hs.172405cell division cycle 27
1351534 AA807281 Unknown
1351559 AA806907 UnknownUG Hs.194451ESTs
1351561 AA806958 Unknown
1351569 AA806959 Unknown
1351574 AA806953 Unknown
1351581 AA806961 Unknown
1351593 AA806970 Unknown
1351606 AA806968 Unknown
1351609 AA806980 HMG-2=high mobility group 2 protein
1351620 AA806977 Similar to putative HIV-1 induced protein HIN-1
1351622 AA806978 osteoclast stimulating factor=contains SH3 domain and ankyrin repeat
1351623 AA806982 CD20
1351632 AA807195 Unknown
1351638 AA807198 Similar to (U64842) F25B4.2 gene product
1351643 AA807208 Prefoldin subunit 3=chaperone that delivers unfolded proteins to cytosolic chaperonin=VHL binding protein-1
1351644 AA807200 Unknown
1351645 AA807209 UnknownUG Hs.123259EST
1351646 AA807201 Unknown
1351649 AA807211 PISSLRE = novel cdk
1351665 AA807043 Unknown
1351681 AA807057 Unknown
1351688 AA807051 UnknownUG Hs.105738ESTs
1351693 AA807061 UnknownUG Hs.123254ESTs
1351700 AA807055 Unknown
1351701 AA807065 UnknownUG Hs.124230ESTs
1351720 AA807072 Unknown
1351744 AA807217 UnknownUG Hs.133260ESTs
1351746 AA807218 Similar to CTD-binding SR-like protein rA1
1351751 AA807223 CD21=B-lymphocyte CR2-receptor (for complement factor C3d and Epstein-Barr virus)
1351756 AA807126 UnknownUG Hs.123257EST
1351758 AA807127 UnknownUG Hs.156933ESTs
1351759 AA807133 UnknownUG Hs.229752EST
1351775 AA807138 Unknown
1351788 AA807142 UnknownUG Hs.136897ESTs
1351792 AA807143 UnknownUG Hs.122482ESTs
1351795 AA807152 IkB epsilon
1351796 AA807145 GliPR=RTVP-1=glioma pathogenesis-related protein
1351797 AA807153 Unknown
1351811 AA807167 MRE11=double strand DNA break repair exonuclease=hNgs1
1351812 AA807159 Unknown
1351836 AA807228 Unknown
1351837 AA807232 UnknownUG Hs.194455ESTs
1351840 AA807229 Unknown
1351843 AA807234 Unknown
1351889 AA807298 Similar to translation initiation factor eIF2C
1351898 AA807299 UnknownUG Hs.194457ESTs
1351901 AA807303 UnknownUG Hs.135204ESTs
1351918 AA807301 Unknown
1351919 AA807306 Similar to chromaffin granule ATPase II
1351927 AA825374 Unknown
1351931 AA825375 UnknownUG Hs.127310ESTs
1351932 AA825370 CD55=Decay accelerating factor
1351944 AA807307 UnknownUG Hs.136898EST, Weakly similar to KIAA0377 [H.sapiens]
1351945 AA807319 UnknownUG Hs.123161ESTs
1351946 AA807308 UnknownUG Hs.121091ESTs
1351951 AA807322 Unknown
1351962 AA807316 Similar to KIAA0191= C2H2 zinc-finger at its N-terminal region
1351963 AA807327 UnknownUG Hs.176882ESTs
1351977 AA807340 UnknownUG Hs.167782ESTs
1351979 AA807341 UnknownUG Hs.123266EST
1351983 AA807343 Cofactor of initiator function (CIF150)
1351987 AA807345 UnknownUG Hs.15284ESTs
1351990 AA807337 HEM45=gpISG20=interferon-inducible PML nuclear bodies-associated protein
1351992 AA808021 UnknownUG Hs.30490Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586H0519 (from clone DKFZp586H0519)
1352006 AA808027 UnknownUG Hs.123277ESTs
1352016 AA808039 UnknownUG Hs.123278ESTs
1352027 AA808052 Unknown
1352040 AA808076 UnknownUG Hs.129542ESTs
1352047 AA808088 Unknown
1352050 AA808080 UnknownUG Hs.123279EST
1352054 AA808081 Unknown
1352062 AA808085 UnknownUG Hs.102630ESTs
1352070 AA808095 UnknownUG Hs.9443zinc finger protein 202
1352073 AA808105 Unknown
1352078 AA808098 Unknown
1352093 AA808129 UnknownUG Hs.127557ESTs
1352096 AA808123 UnknownUG Hs.114516ESTs
1352103 AA808133 ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase M1 subunit
1352105 AA808134 Unknown
1352112 AA808138 FMR2=Fragile X mental retardation 2=putative transcription factor=LAF-4 and AF-4 homologue
1352119 AA808149 Similar to rhoGap protein
1352122 AA808143 Unknown
1352136 AA808176 UnknownUG Hs.136833ESTs
1352141 AA808189 UnknownUG Hs.194455ESTs
1352146 AA808181 Similar to (Z69661)-1=F48F7.1 and Argonaute=Arabidopsis gene controlling leaf development
1352157 AA808192 Unknown
1352174 AA808198 UnknownUG Hs.140602ESTs
1352182 AA808201 UnknownUG Hs.123311ESTs
1352189 AA808221 Unknown
1352190 AA808211 UnknownUG Hs.123283EST
1352192 AA808212 Unknown
1352199 AA808225 UnknownUG Hs.153057ESTs
1352204 AA808218 Unknown
1352205 AA808228 protein kinase C inhibitor-I cDNA
1352208 AA808230 Unknown
1352209 AA808241 EWS=RNA binding protein
1352234 AA808250 Unknown
1352242 AA808252 UnknownUG Hs.123285ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase related protein [H.sapiens]
1352252 AA808256 Unknown
1352261 AA808277 Unknown
1352265 AA808279 UnknownUG Hs.136902EST
1352274 AA808273 Unknown
1352275 AA808283 pLK=homologue of Drosophila polo serine/threonine kinase
1352277 AA808284 Unknown
1352287 AA808296 UnknownUG Hs.124106ESTs
1352288 AA808288 Unknown
1352290 AA808289 Unknown
1352294 AA808290 Unknown
1352295 AA808300 UnknownUG Hs.163208ESTs
1352301 AA808303 UnknownUG Hs.129965ESTs
1352306 AA808306 Unknown
1352312 AA808309 UnknownUG Hs.192270ESTs
1352314 AA808310 UnknownUG Hs.105286ESTs, Moderately similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
1352315 AA808319 Unknown
1352317 AA808320 Similar to CD156=Cell surface antigen MS2=transmembrane protein
1352319 AA808321 UnknownUG Hs.212631ESTs
1352320 AA808312 UnknownUG Hs.181213ESTs
1352327 AA808325 Unknown
1352335 AA828392 UnknownUG Hs.99701ESTs
1352349 AA828398 Unknown
1352350 AA828390 UnknownUG Hs.191966ESTs
1352379 AA828467 c-IAP2=MIHC=IAP homolog C=TNFR2-TRAF signalling complex protein
1352391 AA828470 UnknownUG Hs.124279ESTs
1352394 AA828464 nm23-H2=NDP kinase B=Nucleoside dephophate kinase B
1352411 AA828486 CD49C=Integrin alpha 3
1352413 AA828487 UnknownUG Hs.231825ESTs
1352416 AA828480 KIAA0349=Similar to C. elegans U88308 similar to S. cerevisiae ubiquitin-protein ligase E3 component
1352434 AA828526 Interferon gamma receptor beta chain
1352440 AA828528 Unknown
1352446 AA828530 UnknownUG Hs.115197Human DNA sequence from clone 1100H13 on chromosome 20q11.2 Contains a gene for a novel protein, ESTs, STSs, GSSs and two CpG Islands
1352447 AA828538 Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase, phosphoribosylglycinamide synthetase, phosphoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase
1352452 AA828541 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
1352453 AA828549 FAF-X=Probable ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase
1352465 AA828553 UnknownUG Hs.172195ESTs, Weakly similar to KIAA0226 [H.sapiens]
1352472 AA829987 Unknown
1352480 AA829991 Unknown
1352481 AA830000 Unknown
1352485 AA830002 LPAP=lymphoid-restricted phosphoprotein=CD45 phosphatase binding protein and putative substrate
1352486 AA829994 MHC Class II=SX alpha
1352488 AA829995 UnknownUG Hs.127046ESTs
1352493 AA830006 Unknown
1352496 AA830007 Unknown
1352508 AA830012 Unknown
1352531 AA830074 Unknown
1352532 AA830068 Unknown
1352541 AA830079 UnknownUG Hs.7878ESTs
1352552 AA830084 UnknownUG Hs.139518ESTs
1352564 AA830089 UnknownUG Hs.124345EST
1352570 AA830138 Unknown
1352595 AA830162 UnknownUG Hs.115735ESTs
1352604 AA830157 Unknown
1352605 AA830166 UnknownUG Hs.190470ESTs
1352618 AA830200 Unknown
1352626 AA830201 UnknownUG Hs.124347ESTs
1352640 AA830208 KIAA0580
1352652 AA830213 Unknown
1352658 AA830216 SRPK1=serine kinase
1352661 AA830222 progesterone receptor-associated p48 protein=putative tumor suppressor (SNC6)
1352673 AA830258 UnknownUG Hs.136971EST
1352675 AA830259 Unknown
1352678 AA830251 UnknownUG Hs.98786ESTs
1352698 AA830267 Similar to 40S ribosomal protein S21
1352703 AA830279 Unknown
1352715 AA828425 Unknown
1352728 AA828421 UnknownUG Hs.124327ESTs
1352732 AA828423 Unknown
1352737 AA828444 UnknownUG Hs.199756ESTs
1352757 AA828453 UnknownUG Hs.190544ESTs
1352759 AA828454 UnknownUG Hs.136961EST
1352762 AA828492 UnknownUG Hs.124367ESTs
1352787 AA828514 Unknown
1352793 AA828517 UnknownUG Hs.164030ESTs
1352797 AA828519 CD27 Binding Protein=Siva=proapoptotic protein
1352805 AA828523 UnknownUG Hs.124329EST
1352806 AA828512 Deoxyguanosine kinase=required for the phosphoylation of several deoxyribonucleosides and certain nucleoside analogs used as antiviral or chemotherapeutic agents
1352809 AA829962 Unknown
1352820 AA829958 UnknownUG Hs.231825ESTs
1352822 AA829959 CD23A=low affinity IIreceptor for Fc fragment of IgE
1352827 AA829970 Unknown
1352833 AA829979 UnknownUG Hs.202650ESTs
1352839 AA829982 Unknown
1352853 AA829986 UnknownUG Hs.29205alpha integrin binding protein 63
1352860 AA830027 Unknown
1352862 AA830028 Hepatitis delta antigen interacting protein A (dipA)
1352864 AA830029 Unknown
1352867 AA830038 Unknown
1352876 AA830033 Unknown
1352878 AA830034 PKC beta =Protein kinase C, beta
1352881 AA830053 UnknownUG Hs.126798ESTs
1352883 AA830054 UnknownUG Hs.59308ESTs
1352884 AA830045 UnknownUG Hs.192075ESTs
1352892 AA830049 UnknownUG Hs.174010ESTs
1352903 AA830061 Unknown
1352914 AA830102 Similar to (U00049) weakly similar to ANK repeat region of Fowlpox virus BamHI-orf7 protein
1352915 AA830112 Unknown
1352917 AA830113 Unknown
1352920 AA830105 UnknownUG Hs.123579ESTs
1352927 AA830117 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-15
1352933 AA830130 CD75=sialyltransferase (CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase) (EC
1352935 AA830131 Zinc-finger protein (ZNFpT17)
1352940 AA830123 Unknown
1352964 AA830173 Unknown
1352969 AA830182 Unknown
1352981 AA830194 UnknownUG Hs.199417ESTs
1352987 AA830195 KIAA0428=MBNL
1352989 AA830196 Unknown
1352993 AA830197 UnknownUG Hs.129004ESTs
1352995 AA830198 UnknownUG Hs.3530TLS-associated serine-arginine protein
1353003 AA830233 Unknown
1353004 AA830225 UnknownUG Hs.124348EST
1353015 AA830234 Unknown
1353030 AA830238 CD27
1353041 AA830247 Unknown
1353054 AA830284 UnknownUG Hs.124350EST
1353061 AA830293 Unknown
1353069 AA830296 Catenin alpha1(E)
1353072 AA830297 Unknown
1353075 AA830307 UnknownUG Hs.32615ESTs
1353083 AA830311 UnknownUG Hs.136972EST
1353086 AA830302 Unknown
1353089 AA830314 Unknown
1353095 AA830317 UnknownUG Hs.121112ESTs
1353099 AA830326 UnknownUG Hs.124367ESTs
1353111 AA830332 Similar to phorbolin I (close paralogue)
1353127 AA830349 UnknownUG Hs.155029ESTs
1353133 AA830352 Novel gene from PAC 117P20, chromosome 1=similar to K01A11.2 (c. elegans)
1353143 AA830355 UnknownUG Hs.86178Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434J034 (from clone DKFZp434J034)
1353149 AA830369 leukemia associated gene 2=13q14 gene deleted in CLL
1353156 AA830362 csk=C-SRC-kinase
1353176 AA830622 UnknownUG Hs.173108Homo sapiens clone 24523 mRNA sequence
1353192 AA830421 UnknownUG Hs.46913ESTs
1353225 AA830448 UnknownUG Hs.124353EST
1353226 AA830440 UnknownUG Hs.30209Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0854 protein, complete cds
1353236 AA830443 Similar to mariner2 transposable element, complete consensus sequence
1353242 AA830455 UnknownUG Hs.124354EST
1353248 AA830457 UnknownUG Hs.126490ESTs
1353253 AA830465 ILK=integrin-linked kinase
1353277 AA830643 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B (eIF-2B) alpha subunit
1353279 AA830644 UnknownUG Hs.136375ESTs
1353284 AA830638 Unknown
1353290 AA830515 UnknownUG Hs.222917ESTs
1353291 AA830524 UnknownUG Hs.124357ESTs
1353302 AA830519 Metalloproteinase
1353305 AA830526 UnknownUG Hs.174194ESTs, Weakly similar to diaphanous 1 [H.sapiens]
1353307 AA830527 UnknownUG Hs.153089ESTs
1353310 AA830522 UnknownUG Hs.226534ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4099482) [H.sapiens]
1353326 AA830535 Unknown
1353330 AA830537 Unknown
1353331 AA830545 UnknownUG Hs.140524ESTs, Moderately similar to unknown protein [H.sapiens]
1353350 AA830552 Unknown
1353356 AA830554 Unknown
1353362 AA830650 UnknownUG Hs.124358EST
1353365 AA830659 Unknown
1353367 AA830660 Unknown
1353372 AA830654 UnknownUG Hs.58383ESTs
1353378 AA830655 UnknownUG Hs.124359ESTs
1353381 AA830667 UnknownUG Hs.187906ESTs
1353383 AA830668 UnknownUG Hs.136977EST
1353385 AA830723 Unknown
1353389 AA830725 UnknownUG Hs.124362EST
1353400 AA830720 UnknownUG Hs.161196ESTs
1353411 AA830742 UnknownUG Hs.105102ESTs
1353413 AA830743 UnknownUG Hs.193736ESTs
1353417 AA830745 Unknown
1353428 AA830741 Unknown
1353431 AA830751 Unknown
1353433 AA830761 Unknown
1353445 AA830764 Unknown
1353450 AA830759 IL-10 receptor
1353464 AA830672 Unknown
1353466 AA830673 UnknownUG Hs.124360EST
1353470 AA830674 Unknown
1353475 AA830684 UnknownUG Hs.163426ESTs
1353479 AA830686 UnknownUG Hs.113759ESTs
1353481 AA830832 Similar to JNK1=Stress-activated protein kinase
1353491 AA830835 UnknownUG Hs.124369EST
1353505 AA830848 Unknown
1353510 AA830844 UnknownUG Hs.127310ESTs
1353529 AA830868 UnknownUG Hs.109302ESTs
1353537 AA830871 Unknown
1353543 AA830873 UnknownUG Hs.125286ESTs
1353544 AA830865 UnknownUG Hs.144973ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1353547 AA830875 Unknown
1353558 AA830688 UnknownUG Hs.194524ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1353578 AA830564 Similar to IQGAP1=ras GTPase-activating-like protein=KIAA0051
1353585 AA830578 UnknownUG Hs.125095ESTs
1353612 AA830590 UnknownUG Hs.123644ESTs
1353619 AA830599 UnknownUG Hs.190471ESTs
1353624 AA830601 Unknown
1353639 AA830616 Unknown
1353657 AA830708 Similar to nuclear protein SA-2
1353659 AA830709 UnknownUG Hs.192047EST
1353662 AA830702 Unknown
1353664 AA830703 Unknown
1353673 AA830781 Unknown
1353675 AA830782 A1=Bfl-1=GRs=Bcl-2 related protein
1353682 AA830774 Unknown
1353694 AA830780 UnknownUG Hs.136978ESTs
1353695 AA830789 UnknownUG Hs.124364EST
1353705 AA830802 UnknownUG Hs.124365EST
1353709 AA830804 UnknownUG Hs.91582ESTs
1353711 AA830805 ERCC3=XPBC=Nucleotide excision repair DNA helicase=TFIIH 89kD subunit=Mutated in xeroderma pigmentosa B/C
1353725 AA830818 Unknown
1353726 AA830811 UnknownUG Hs.88808ESTs
1353728 AA830812 Unknown
1353746 AA825380 Unknown
1353762 AA825384 Unknown
1353765 AA825390 Unknown
1353772 AA830879 Unknown
1353774 AA830880 UnknownUG Hs.129836Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1028 protein, partial cds
1353776 AA830881 UnknownUG Hs.140605ESTs
1353778 AA830882 UnknownUG Hs.59368ESTs
1353782 AA830883 Unknown
1353785 AA830893 UnknownUG Hs.119769ESTs
1353786 AA830885 Similar to RNA polymerase II elongation factor ELL2
1353796 AA830897 UnknownUG Hs.124370ESTs
1353802 AA830899 Unknown
1353812 AA830903 RNA-binding protein CUG-BP/hNab50 (NAB50)
1353816 AA830913 KIAA0191= C2H2 zinc-finger at its N-terminal region
1353825 AA830920 UnknownUG Hs.125818ESTs
1353833 AA830924 Unknown
1353834 AA830918 UnknownUG Hs.7878ESTs
1353839 AA830927 UnknownUG Hs.117306ESTs
1353850 AA825395 Unknown
1353859 AA825404 IL-2/IL-4/IL-7/IL-9/IL-15 receptor common gamma chain
1353863 AA825406 UnknownUG Hs.124923ESTs
1353871 AA830940 Unknown
1353873 AA830941 Unknown
1353874 AA830932 Unknown
1353883 AA830944 Toso=a cell surface regulator of Fas-induced apoptosis in T cells
1353894 AA830948 Skip=ski oncogene interacting nuclear protein
1353896 AA830949 UnknownUG Hs.123233ESTs
1353899 AA830958 UnknownUG Hs.180826EST
1353904 AA830953 Unknown
1353909 AA830962 Unknown
1353910 AA830954 Unknown
1353914 AA831028 Unknown
1353922 AA831031 Unknown
1353939 AA831043 UnknownUG Hs.124376EST
1353963 AA831121 UnknownUG Hs.136645ESTs
1353970 AA831115 UnknownUG Hs.190473ESTs
1353982 AA831119 IL-1 alpha
1354000 AA831133 Unknown
1354020 AA831199 Similar to TAP2E=ABC transport protein
1354028 AA831202 Unknown
1354036 AA831205 AML2=acute myeloid leukemia 2=PEBP2aC1
1354045 AA831212 Unknown
1354051 AA831215 UnknownUG Hs.159066ESTs
1354053 AA831216 UnknownUG Hs.163272ESTs
1354057 AA831280 IL-11 receptor alpha chain
1354062 AA831274 FLI-1=ERGB=ets family transcription factor
1354065 AA831283 Unknown
1354066 AA831275 Unknown
1354071 AA831286 Spliceosomal protein (SAP 49)
1354083 AA831298 UnknownUG Hs.15458ESTs
1354084 AA831291 Unknown
1354090 AA831293 UnknownUG Hs.49927ESTs
1354105 AA831391 UnknownUG Hs.142556ESTs
1354125 AA831397 Unknown
1354127 AA831398 Similar to napsin B aspartic protease and kidney-derived aspartic protease-like protein (Mouse)
1354130 AA831400 KIAA0344
1354154 AA831483 UnknownUG Hs.32533ESTs
1354165 AA831489 Unknown
1354172 AA831487 UnknownUG Hs.136235ESTs
1354175 AA831490 Similar to ZNF140 and other zinc finger proteins
1354181 AA831498 Unknown
1354182 AA831492 UnknownUG Hs.140577ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1354187 AA831501 CD156=Cell surface antigen MS2=transmembrane protein
1354189 AA831502 Unknown
1354190 AA831494 cdc25B=M-phase inducer phosphatase 2
1354194 AA831495 KIAA0126
1354221 AA835633 Unknown
1354224 AA835635 CD19=Component of CD21/CD19/Tapa-1 co-receptor complex synergistic with immunoglobulin receptor
1354225 AA835644 Similar to platelet activating factor acetylhydrolasebrain isoform 45 kDa subunit (LIS1) gene
1354236 AA835640 Unknown
1354240 AA835641 CD19=Component of CD21/CD19/Tapa-1 co-receptor complex synergistic with immunoglobulin receptor
1354251 AA830970 Similar to (U00036) R151.6 gene product
1354265 AA830976 UnknownUG Hs.125287ESTs, Weakly similar to zinc finger protein 30 [M.musculus]
1354269 AA830978 UnknownUG Hs.125279ESTs
1354291 AA830987 UnknownUG Hs.190472ESTs
1354294 AA830983 Similar to HuEMAP=homolog of echinoderm microtubule associated protein EMAP
1354295 AA830988 UnknownUG Hs.190472ESTs
1354308 AA831047 UnknownUG Hs.192864ESTs
1354318 AA831050 Unknown
1354319 AA831056 Collagen, type IV, alpha 4
1354323 AA831064 Similar to mitochondrial 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase
1354326 AA831059 UnknownUG Hs.189073ESTs
1354349 AA831145 UnknownUG Hs.129030ESTs
1354360 AA831144 Unknown
1354370 AA831151 UnknownUG Hs.169831ESTs
1354381 AA831159 Unknown
1354394 AA831218 Unknown
1354396 AA831219 UnknownUG Hs.232110ESTs
1354399 AA831227 Unknown
1354406 AA831222 Rat translocon-associated protein delta homolog
1354417 AA831240 UnknownUG Hs.120255ESTs
1354425 AA831243 UnknownUG Hs.120881ESTs
1354437 AA831247 UnknownUG Hs.199417ESTs
1354515 AA830383 UnknownUG Hs.125864ESTs
1354517 AA830384 Unknown
1354522 AA830378 UnknownUG Hs.125285ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4200446) [M.musculus]
1354524 AA830379 Similar to Vav 2=Homolog of vav
1354610 AA830391 Unknown
1354615 AA830398 UnknownUG Hs.87887ESTs
1354620 AA830393 PHKB=phosphorylase kinase beta subunit
1354628 AA830396 UnknownUG Hs.180808EST
1354652 AA825184 Unknown
1354655 AA825191 Centrosomal Nek2-associated protein 1 (C-NAP1)=cep250 centrosome associated protein
1354658 AA825192 UnknownUG Hs.193302ESTs
1354662 AA825193 Unknown
1354667 AA825199 SLAM=signaling lymphocytic activation molecule
1354671 AA825201 Unknown
1354672 AA825195 UnknownUG Hs.122840ESTs
1354673 AA825202 Unknown
1354681 AA825211 UnknownUG Hs.199273ESTs, Highly similar to NUCLEAR PORE COMPLEX PROTEIN NUP153 [H.sapiens]
1354688 AA825205 UnknownUG Hs.124931T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B
1354692 AA825207 UnknownUG Hs.124931T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B
1354696 AA825208 Unknown
1354698 AA825209 UnknownUG Hs.208406ESTs, Weakly similar to ORF2 [M.musculus]
1354699 AA825218 Unknown
1354703 AA825220 UnknownUG Hs.150458ESTs
1354706 AA830404 Unknown
1354711 AA830414 KIAA0286
1354720 AA830409 UnknownUG Hs.136973ESTs
1354721 AA830419 Unknown
1354722 AA830410 UnknownUG Hs.224873ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS A WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1354730 AA825273 UnknownUG Hs.124932EST
1354748 AA825279 Similar to BTG1=B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative
1354751 AA825287 Unknown
1354768 AA825293 UnknownUG Hs.136947ESTs
1354772 AA825294 Putative oncogene protein similar to C. elegans ZC395.7 gene product
1354774 AA825295 UnknownUG Hs.194497ESTs
1354775 AA825302 UnknownUG Hs.225695small inducible cytokine A5 (RANTES)
1354782 AA825303 UnknownUG Hs.124933EST
1354788 AA825306 Unknown
1354802 AA830470 UnknownUG Hs.129473ESTs
1354805 AA830480 Unknown
1354807 AA830481 UnknownUG Hs.121536ESTs
1354811 AA830483 UnknownUG Hs.121536ESTs
1354896 AA830487 Unknown
1354899 AA830494 KIAA0286
1354905 AA830497 LPAP=lymphoid-restricted phosphoprotein=CD45 phosphatase binding protein and putative substrate
1354912 AA830490 Unknown
1354999 AA830509 Unknown
1355022 AA831306 Similar to rasGAP=GTPase-activating protein for ras p21
1355026 AA831307 UnknownUG Hs.149342ESTs
1355039 AA831318 Similar to beta2-syntrophin (SNT B2)
1355045 AA831326 Similar to napsin B aspartic protease and kidney-derived aspartic protease-like protein (Mouse)
1355056 AA831322 Unknown
1355058 AA831323 UnknownUG Hs.14794ESTs
1355061 AA831331 UnknownUG Hs.124377EST
1355074 AA831413 Similar to Lisch7=liver-specific gene
1355081 AA831420 Unknown
1355092 AA831422 UnknownUG Hs.136947ESTs
1355098 AA831424 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1355112 AA831505 Unknown
1355116 AA831506 Unknown
1355140 AA831518 Unknown
1355174 AA835657 Unknown
1355179 AA835667 Unknown
1355180 AA835660 Unknown
1355189 AA835676 Unknown
1355221 AA831004 UnknownUG Hs.124874ESTs
1355229 AA831008 Unknown
1355245 AA831022 UnknownUG Hs.232170ESTs, Weakly similar to p40 [H.sapiens]
1355249 AA831023 Unknown
1355253 AA831025 UnknownUG Hs.123278ESTs
1355257 AA831079 btk=Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase
1355259 AA831080 UnknownUG Hs.120999ESTs
1355261 AA831081 Unknown
1355264 AA831072 UnknownUG Hs.157174ESTs, Weakly similar to rho-type GTPase-activating protein rhoGAPX-1 isoform 2 [H.sapiens]
1355267 AA831084 Unknown
1355270 AA831074 Unknown
1355272 AA831075 UnknownUG Hs.157174ESTs, Weakly similar to rho-type GTPase-activating protein rhoGAPX-1 isoform 2 [H.sapiens]
1355288 AA831094 Unknown
1355289 AA831104 UnknownUG Hs.149595ESTs
1355291 AA831105 UnknownUG Hs.135491ESTs
1355303 AA831110 UnknownUG Hs.135491ESTs
1355306 AA831162 Unknown
1355339 AA831193 glutathione-S-transferase homolog
1355354 AA831250 Unknown
1355355 AA831257 UnknownUG Hs.136979ESTs
1355359 AA831258 Unknown
1355369 AA831261 Unknown
1355408 AA831334 Unknown
1355415 AA831348 Unknown
1355426 AA831353 Similar to phorbolin I (close paralogue)
1355429 AA831365 Adenylate kinase 2 (adk2)
1355435 AA831368 UnknownUG Hs.169081ets variant gene 6 (TEL oncogene)
1355447 AA831373 UnknownUG Hs.98438ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1355452 AA831436 UnknownUG Hs.11090ESTs
1355461 AA831445 TFIIF-beta=Transcription initiation factor IIF, beta subunit=RAP30
1355471 AA831448 Unknown
1355479 AA831457 KIAA0010
1355491 AA831461 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-21
1355509 AA836657 Unknown
1355520 AA836658 Unknown
1355522 AA836659 Unknown
1355524 AA836660 Similar to rapamycin-binding protein (FKBP25)
1355528 AA836661 Unknown
1355595 AA835820 Unknown
1355609 AA835825 Unknown
1355610 AA835817 Unknown
1355614 AA835819 Similar to probable ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase FAF-Y
1355621 AA835839 Unknown
1355625 AA835841 Unknown
1355635 AA835845 NK4=Natural killer cells protein-4=increased after activation of T cells by mitogens or activation of NK cells by IL-2
1355654 AA835850 Unknown
1355657 AA835857 Unknown
1355663 AA835858 Unknown
1355665 AA824529 Unknown
1355675 AA824532 Unknown
1355676 AA824524 Unknown
1355685 AA824537 Unknown
1355688 AA835904 Unknown
1355689 AA835912 Unknown
1355698 AA835907 Unknown
1355704 AA835908 Unknown
1355710 AA835911 Unknown
1355713 AA835928 Unknown
1355715 AA835929 Unknown
1355720 AA835921 Unknown
1355728 AA835925 Unknown
1355732 AA835926 Unknown
1355735 AA835932 Unknown
1355740 AA835935 Unknown
1355753 AA835948 Unknown
1355754 AA835941 Similar to 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1355766 AA824540 Unknown
1355767 AA824548 Unknown
1355774 AA824543 NF-kappa B p65 promoter
1355791 AA824427 Unknown
1355797 AA824429 Unknown
1355798 AA824420 Unknown
1355812 AA824433 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2B (RAD6 homolog)
1355813 AA824444 Similar to KDEL receptor
1355817 AA824446 Unknown
1355820 AA824437 Unknown
1355821 AA824448 Unknown
1355824 AA824439 Unknown
1355846 AA824457 Unknown
1355850 AA824459 Unknown
1355854 AA824460 Unknown
1355859 AA824566 Similar to myosin IE heavy chain
1355868 AA824561 Unknown
1355871 AA824569 Unknown
1355877 AA824571 Unknown
1355881 AA824616 Unknown
1355900 AA824615 CD72
1355901 AA824624 Unknown
1355903 AA824625 Unknown
1355913 AA824638 Unknown
1355917 AA824640 Unknown
1355919 AA824641 Unknown
1355941 AA824656 Unknown
1355953 AA835962 Unknown
1355954 AA835953 Unknown
1355958 AA835955 Unknown
1355960 AA835956 Unknown
1355962 AA835957 Unknown
1355981 AA831596 UnknownUG Hs.186850ESTs
1355987 AA831597 UnknownUG Hs.180836EST
1355992 AA831591 Cyclin F
1356006 AA831606 Unknown
1356008 AA831607 Unknown
1356012 AA831609 PCM-1=autoantigen pericentriol material 1
1356017 AA831617 Unknown
1356024 AA831621 Unknown
1356062 AA835974 Unknown
1356071 AA835983 Unknown
1356072 AA835859 Unknown
1356084 AA835863 Unknown
1356089 AA835870 Unknown
1356091 AA835871 Unknown
1356096 AA835873 Unknown
1356100 AA835874 Unknown
1356103 AA835881 Unknown
1356114 AA835878 Unknown
1356122 AA835888 Unknown
1356128 AA835891 Unknown
1356140 AA835894 Unknown
1356147 AA835992 Unknown
1356148 AA835985 Unknown
1356155 AA835995 Unknown
1356177 AA824481 Unknown
1356179 AA824482 Unknown
1356199 AA824497 Unknown
1356202 AA824490 Unknown
1356209 AA824501 Similar to zinc finger gene ZNF41
1356227 AA824516 Unknown
1356238 AA824512 Unknown
1356242 AA831637 Unknown
1356245 AA831647 KIAA0881=Similar to TAO1=thousand and one amino acid ser/thr protein kinase
1356248 AA831639 UnknownUG Hs.156939ESTs
1356252 AA831641 Similar to Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), regulatory subunit B'' (PR 72)
1356259 AA831652 Unknown
1356266 AA824573 Unknown
1356284 AA824575 CD72
1356288 AA824580 Similar to myb-related gene A-myb 5'-region
1356290 AA824581 Unknown
1356291 AA824588 Unknown
1356298 AA824583 Unknown
1356299 AA824591 Unknown
1356309 AA824594 TNF alpha=tumor necrosis factor alpha
1356311 AA824595 Unknown
1356313 AA824601 Unknown
1356322 AA824597 Unknown
1356323 AA824606 Unknown
1356331 AA824609 Unknown
1356343 AA831666 Unknown
1356371 AA831540 Unknown
1356373 AA831541 UnknownUG Hs.136981ESTs
1356379 AA831543 Unknown
1356382 AA831534 Mad4=MAX-binding protein=antagonizer of myc transcriptional activity
1356386 AA831547 Unknown
1356387 AA831556 UnknownUG Hs.136982ESTs
1356391 AA831558 Unknown
1356393 AA831559 Receptor protein-tyrosine kinase EDDR1
1356399 AA831562 Unknown
1356401 AA831563 Unknown
1356407 AA831566 UnknownUG Hs.181406endothelin converting enzyme 1
1356409 AA831574 Unknown
1356412 AA831568 Unknown
1356417 AA831578 Unknown
1356420 AA831570 UnknownUG Hs.207995ESTs
1356425 AA831581 Unknown
1356427 AA831582 SOS1=guanine nucleotide exchange factor
1356430 AA831573 Unknown
1356433 AA831684 Unknown
1356438 AA831677 Unknown
1356441 AA831688 UnknownUG Hs.27194Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434K171 (from clone DKFZp434K171)
1356443 AA831689 UnknownUG Hs.160641ESTs
1356450 AA831682 UnknownUG Hs.163273EST
1356463 AA831706 UnknownUG Hs.124383EST
1356466 AA831696 UnknownUG Hs.124382ESTs
1356469 AA831709 Unknown
1356478 AA831702 Unknown
1356484 AA831717 UnknownUG Hs.130417ESTs
1356487 AA831724 Ubiquitous TPR motif, Y isoform (UTY) mRNA, alternative transcript 3
1356501 AA831729 UnknownUG Hs.130721ESTs
1356502 AA831722 UnknownUG Hs.130740ESTs
1356503 AA831730 Unknown
1356512 AA831819 Similar to MCM2 = DNA replication licensing factor
1356515 AA831825 UnknownUG Hs.140610EST
1356521 AA831827 UnknownUG Hs.192048ESTs
1356528 AA831830 UnknownUG Hs.136984ESTs
1356539 AA831838 UnknownUG Hs.124391ESTs
1356553 AA741302 Unknown
1356565 AA741306 Unknown
1356568 AA741300 UnknownUG Hs.202599ESTs
1356577 AA741314 UnknownUG Hs.204280ESTs
1356579 AA741315 Unknown
1356581 AA741316 Similar to ubiquitin carrier protein E2
1356583 AA741317 Unknown
1356585 AA741318 Similar to O-GlcNAc transferase, p110 subunit (OGT)
1356589 AA741319 UnknownUG Hs.120569ESTs
1356597 AA741322 UnknownUG Hs.108790ESTs
1356598 AA741313 BRCA2 region EST-1
1356601 AA768712 Unknown
1356619 AA768719 Unknown
1356637 AA768735 Unknown
1356654 AA741165 Unknown
1356672 AA741169 Protein phosphatase 1, catalytic subunit, gamma isoform
1356679 AA741179 Similar to mitotic control protein dis3+
1356682 AA741172 UnknownUG Hs.123312ESTs
1356691 AA741181 UnknownUG Hs.181408ESTs
1356695 AA741183 UnknownUG Hs.172378ESTs
1356703 AA766848 Unknown
1356707 AA766850 Unknown
1356716 AA766845 Unknown
1356725 AA766867 Unknown
1356726 AA766857 Unknown
1356734 AA766860 CD62L=L-selectin=LAM-1=leukocyte adhesion molecule-1
1356736 AA766861 Unknown
1356739 AA766873 Similar to ferritin H chain
1356762 AA741495 UnknownUG Hs.127480ESTs
1356770 AA741503 Unknown
1356779 AA741515 Unknown
1356786 AA741510 Unknown
1356795 AA766924 Unknown
1356800 AA766915 Unknown
1356825 AA767168 MSH2=DNA mismatch repair mutS homologue
1356829 AA767169 Unknown
1356857 AA740926 ets-2=ets family transcription factor
1356867 AA740931 Unknown
1356877 AA740934 Unknown
1356881 AA740935 Unknown
1356882 AA740929 UnknownUG Hs.117328ESTs
1356888 AA767240 Unknown
1356897 AA767249 Unknown
1356913 AA767265 Unknown
1356918 AA767259 Unknown
1356930 AA767263 Unknown
1356937 AA831929 MHC Class II=DM alpha
1356939 AA831930 Unknown
1356940 AA831921 Similar to GCN5-like 1
1356941 AA831931 Similar to (AF016448)
1356953 AA831936 Unknown
1356959 AA831938 Unknown
1356968 AA831942 UnknownUG Hs.161377ESTs
1356970 AA831943 UnknownUG Hs.105738ESTs
1356987 AA832034 UnknownUG Hs.140611EST
1356993 AA832036 UnknownUG Hs.136228ESTs
1357007 AA832042 UnknownUG Hs.123206ESTs
1357016 AA832046 UnknownUG Hs.124395ESTs
1357019 AA832056 eps15=Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate 15
1357025 AA832057 Unknown
1357030 AA832051 UnknownUG Hs.210940ESTs
1357033 AA832162 UnknownUG Hs.146168ESTs, Weakly similar to WW domain binding protein 11 [M.musculus]
1357037 AA832164 UnknownUG Hs.233566ESTs
1357041 AA832166 Unknown
1357044 AA832158 Unknown
1357047 AA832169 X-CGD gene involved in chronic granulomatous disease locat ed on chromosome X=Cytochrome B-245 light chain component of microbicidal
oxidase system in phagocytes
1357049 AA832170 Unknown
1357085 AA832262 Acidic 82 kDa protein
1357095 AA832266 Unknown
1357097 AA832267 UnknownUG Hs.192999ESTs, Moderately similar to (defline not available 4589566) [H.sapiens]
1357100 AA832260 GLUT5=glucose transporter protein-5
1357109 AA832278 UnknownUG Hs.183292ESTs
1357120 AA832274 Unknown
1357122 AA832275 UnknownUG Hs.35696ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 5360105) [H.sapiens]
1357125 AA832285 UnknownUG Hs.77703ESTs
1357126 AA832277 Unknown
1357135 AA832366 UnknownUG Hs.136990ESTs
1357168 AA832378 Unknown
1357181 AA832438 UnknownUG Hs.136991EST
1357182 AA832428 Unknown
1357195 AA832443 Unknown
1357217 AA832460 Unknown
1357220 AA832453 UnknownUG Hs.145010ESTs
1357221 AA832461 Unknown
1357222 AA832454 Adenosine triphosphatase, calcium
1357236 AA831735 Unknown
1357248 AA831743 51C protein=Similar to signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase SIP-110
1357263 AA831756 Unknown
1357266 AA831750 Mouse intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1)-possible contaminant
1357285 AA831849 MMAC1=PTEN=Tumor suppressor gene at 10q23.3 that is Mutated in Multiple Advanced Cancers=Phosphatase and tensin homolog
1357322 AA831951 Unknown
1357326 AA831952 Unknown
1357334 AA831954 LPP=translocated to high mobility group protein gene HMGIC in lipoma=LIM domain protein
1357342 AA831957 Unknown
1357346 AA831965 Unknown
1357352 AA831968 protein phosphatase 2C gamma
1357357 AA831976 Unknown
1357359 AA831977 Unknown
1357360 AA831970 Cyclin D2/KIAK0002=3� end of KIAK0002 cDNA
1357367 AA831978 Unknown
1357369 AA832069 Unknown
1357388 AA832067 UnknownUG Hs.123140ESTs
1357401 AA832086 GRP78=78 KD glucose regulated protein precursor=BiP
1357413 AA832092 IFP35=interferon-induced leucine zipper protein
1357414 AA832083 Unknown
1357425 AA832198 Unknown
1357427 AA832199 IL-1 alpha
1357432 AA832192 Unknown
1357440 AA832203 Unknown
1357442 AA832204 UnknownUG Hs.180848ESTs
1357453 AA832217 UnknownUG Hs.128707ESTs
1357463 AA832221 UnknownUG Hs.137011ESTs
1357464 AA832287 UnknownUG Hs.172456ESTs
1357465 AA832296 Unknown
1357473 AA832299 RB = retinoblastoma susceptibility gene
1357474 AA832290 UnknownUG Hs.144946ESTs
1357477 AA832301 UnknownUG Hs.126821ESTs
1357480 AA832293 UnknownUG Hs.184297KIAA0808 gene product
1357489 AA832315 pM5 protein=homology to conserved regions of the collagenase gene family
1357496 AA832310 UnknownUG Hs.109773ESTs
1357537 AA832388 Unknown
1357542 AA832385 Unknown
1357548 AA832386 aurora/IPL1-related kinase
1357563 AA832469 NAB2=MADER=melanoma associated delayed early response mRNA=NGFI-A binding protein 2
1357567 AA832470 Unknown
1357573 AA832473 Similar to PF20=contains WD repeats and localizes to the inter-microtubule bridges in Chlamydomonas flagella
1357580 AA832466 Similar to P2Y1 receptor G-protein coupled receptor-1=ATP receptor
1357584 AA832478 Unknown
1357586 AA832479 UnknownUG Hs.72080ESTs
1357591 AA832486 NF1=Neurofibromin
1357594 AA832480 UnknownUG Hs.127489ESTs
1357602 AA832483 Unknown
1357623 AA831989 Unknown
1357632 AA831994 UnknownUG Hs.202597ESTs
1357636 AA831996 cam kinase I
1357641 AA832004 Similar to myr4=myosin I heavy chain
1357645 AA832005 UnknownUG Hs.174087hect domain and RLD 2
1357646 AA831999 Unknown
1357676 AA832101 UnknownUG Hs.191211ESTs
1357678 AA832102 Unknown
1357682 AA832112 UnknownUG Hs.121129ESTs
1357729 AA832245 UnknownUG Hs.214646KIAA0447 gene product
1357731 AA832246 UnknownUG Hs.222060ESTs
1357734 AA832239 UnknownUG Hs.187885ESTs
1357740 AA832241 UnknownUG Hs.145095ESTs
1357750 AA832244 Unknown
1357756 AA832324 Similar to choline kinase
1357757 AA832333 UnknownUG Hs.124399ESTs
1357769 AA832336 UnknownUG Hs.124399ESTs
1357787 AA832352 UnknownUG Hs.164038ESTs
1357802 AA832392 Unknown
1357804 AA832393 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribonucleoti de transformylase/inosinicase
1357813 AA832404 Unknown
1357815 AA832405 Unknown
1357820 AA832399 UnknownUG Hs.169097ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS B WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1357824 AA832408 UnknownUG Hs.205679ESTs
1357839 AA832421 UnknownUG Hs.117018ESTs
1357855 AA836069 Unknown
1357873 AA836084 Unknown
1357887 AA836087 Unknown
1357890 AA836081 Similar to spliceosomal protein (SAP 62)
1357903 AA827653 Genscan gene prediction; 90% similarity to AA023673
1357915 AA827656 Unknown
1357921 AA827667 Unknown
1357923 AA827668 Similar to KIAA0151=serine/threonine kinase
1357930 AA827661 UnknownUG Hs.173108Homo sapiens clone 24523 mRNA sequence
1357934 AA827662 Unknown
1357936 AA827663 Unknown
1357937 AA827672 UnknownUG Hs.136957EST
1357938 AA827664 KIAA0151=serine/threonine kinase
1357940 AA827665 UnknownUG Hs.137319ESTs
1357948 AA827824 Unknown
1357954 AA827826 Unknown
1357955 AA827835 Similar to G-protein coupled receptor pH218
1357967 AA827840 Unknown
1357992 AA827928 Unknown
1358014 AA827932 Unknown
1358026 AA827937 Similar to 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1358028 AA827938 Unknown
1358032 AA827939 Similar to FIC1=P-type ATPase mutated in two forms of hereditary cholestasis
1358037 AA827947 Unknown
1358041 AA828016 Unknown
1358043 AA828017 Unknown
1358048 AA828010 Unknown
1358061 AA828021 UnknownUG Hs.182167hemoglobin, gamma A
1358062 AA828015 UnknownUG Hs.208406ESTs, Weakly similar to ORF2 [M.musculus]
1358064 AA828023 UnknownUG Hs.124304ESTs
1358079 AA828032 UnknownUG Hs.189076ESTs
1358081 AA828033 UnknownUG Hs.189076ESTs
1358086 AA828028 UnknownUG Hs.10031Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0955 protein, complete cds
1358114 AA828104 UnknownUG Hs.124305EST
1358118 AA828105 DNA polymerase alpha-subunit
1358130 AA828108 Unknown
1358131 AA828117 Unknown
1358135 AA828119 UnknownUG Hs.165836ESTs
1358136 AA826264 UnknownUG Hs.124290ESTs
1358148 AA826267 Unknown
1358155 AA826275 UnknownUG Hs.165983ESTs
1358160 AA826276 Unknown
1358163 AA826284 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110 catalytic, gamma isoform
1358168 AA826278 Unknown
1358169 AA826287 Unknown
1358172 AA826279 Unknown
1358176 AA826281 UnknownUG Hs.183722ESTs
1358179 AA826289 Similar to transformation-related protein
1358181 AA826290 TAFII32=TFIID-associated 31kD factor
1358187 AA825470 UnknownUG Hs.124935ESTs, Weakly similar to ZINC FINGER PROTEIN 43 [H.sapiens]
1358190 AA825462 UnknownUG Hs.221606ESTs
1358191 AA825471 Similar to DNA polymerase beta=DNA alkylation repair protein
1358204 AA825467 Unknown
1358208 AA825477 STAT3=APRF=acute-phase response factor
1358209 AA825484 Initiation factor eIF-5A
1358215 AA825486 UnknownUG Hs.125818ESTs
1358220 AA825482 UnknownUG Hs.39158ESTs
1358244 AA825496 UnknownUG Hs.124922ESTs
1358255 AA825504 A20=TNF alpha inducible, TRAF1,2 binding inhibitor of NF-kB activation
1358260 AA873632 UnknownUG Hs.232236ESTs
1358262 AA873633 UnknownUG Hs.181029EST
1358267 AA873646 UnknownUG Hs.140680EST
1358277 AA873650 UnknownUG Hs.190487ESTs
1358280 AA829226 Unknown
1358284 AA829227 UnknownUG Hs.140593EST
1358286 AA829228 UnknownUG Hs.125815ESTs
1358287 AA829237 KIAA0151=serine/threonine kinase
1358296 AA829232 Unknown
1358297 AA829241 UnknownUG Hs.136965ESTs
1358298 AA829233 UnknownUG Hs.124333EST
1358304 AA829245 UnknownUG Hs.192316ESTs
1358310 AA829247 KIAA0129
1358321 AA829258 Unknown
1358332 AA829308 Topoisomerase I
1358341 AA829314 UnknownUG Hs.189297ESTs
1358345 AA829315 UnknownUG Hs.136716ESTs
1358353 AA829325 UnknownUG Hs.12144Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1033 protein, partial cds
1358385 AA829380 UnknownUG Hs.163269EST
1358396 AA829374 NF-kappa B p65 promoter
1358403 AA829398 Unknown
1358418 AA829395 Unknown
1358419 AA829404 Unknown
1358423 AA829406 UnknownUG Hs.125836ESTs
1358428 AA829468 Unknown
1358429 AA829479 UnknownUG Hs.193424ESTs
1358433 AA829481 NIP1=E1B 19K/Bcl-2-interacting protein
1358434 AA829471 Unknown
1358441 AA829484 UnknownUG Hs.130861ESTs
1358446 AA829476 Unknown
1358451 AA829496 KIAA0341
1358460 AA829492 Unknown
1358467 AA829500 Unknown
1367305 AA827799 UnknownUG Hs.124295ESTs, Weakly similar to ORFII [H.sapiens]
1367324 AA827798 UnknownUG Hs.105089ESTs
1367327 AA827806 Unknown
1367334 AA827809 UnknownUG Hs.124297EST
1367338 AA827811 Unknown
1367343 AA827820 Unknown
1367364 AA827894 Similar to A6 tyrosine kinase
1367369 AA827906 Unknown
1367393 AA827924 Unknown
1367394 AA827915 UnknownUG Hs.132739Homo sapiens HIC protein mRNA, complete cds
1367410 AA837141 Unknown
1367413 AA837152 Unknown
1367418 AA837144 Similar to 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1367425 AA837166 UnknownUG Hs.125319ESTs
1367431 AA837168 TSG101=tumor susceptiblity protein
1367439 AA837171 Unknown
1367444 AA837164 UnknownUG Hs.155548ESTs
1367454 AA837429 Unknown
1367455 AA837437 Mannosyl(beta-1,4-)-glycoprotein beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
1367471 AA837443 homolog of mouse MAT-1 oncogene
1367480 AA837448 Similar to exo84=subunit of rat protein complex related to exocyst required for the late stages of secretion in yeast
1367485 AA837457 UnknownUG Hs.192068ESTs
1367494 AA837451 Unknown
1367498 AA847815 UnknownUG Hs.140639ESTs
1367515 AA847826 Unknown
1367526 AA847832 Unknown
1367527 AA847837 Carboxypeptidase M
1367540 AA847835 Unknown
1367542 AA847836 Unknown
1367544 AA847875 Similar to guanine nucleotide-exchange protein (ARF-GEP1)
1367552 AA847876 Unknown
1367559 AA847887 UnknownUG Hs.108850Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0936 protein, complete cds
1367563 AA847889 UnknownUG Hs.208411ESTs
1367573 AA847901 Unknown
1367587 AA847906 Unknown
1367588 AA847898 Unknown
1367600 AA809992 Ras-GAP SH3 binding protein (G3BP2)
1367609 AA810004 UnknownUG Hs.122942ESTs
1367617 AA810014 UnknownUG Hs.123311ESTs
1367632 AA810012 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
1367635 AA810021 UnknownUG Hs.136906ESTs
1367642 AA810024 Unknown
1367646 AA810025 UnknownUG Hs.46801ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4689266) [H.sapiens]
1367647 AA810030 Similar to nuclear autoantigenic sperm protein
1367659 AA810033 Unknown
1367701 AA810055 Elongin B=RNA polymerase II transcription factor SIII p18 subunit
1367720 AA810063 UnknownUG Hs.140524ESTs, Moderately similar to unknown protein [H.sapiens]
1367726 AA810065 Unknown
1367729 AA810072 UnknownUG Hs.123312ESTs
1367737 AA810082 UnknownUG Hs.190544ESTs
1367759 AA810089 UnknownUG Hs.123313EST
1367760 AA810090 Unknown
1367765 AA810099 Unknown
1367772 AA810095 UnknownUG Hs.190342ESTs
1367782 AA810097 UnknownUG Hs.190058ESTs
1367790 AA810108 SP100=Nuclear body protein
1367796 AA810110 UnknownUG Hs.123314EST
1367800 AA810112 UnknownUG Hs.222051ESTs
1367804 AA810114 Dyrk2 kinase
1367815 AA810128 Protein phosphatase 1, catalytic subunit, gamma isoform
1367819 AA810130 UnknownUG Hs.136907ESTs
1367821 AA810131 UnknownUG Hs.123317ESTs
1367823 AA810132 Similar to dynein heavy chain isotype 6
1367833 AA810145 Unknown
1367840 AA810139 UnknownUG Hs.123318ESTs
1367842 AA810140 Unknown
1367846 AA810141 UnknownUG Hs.192182ESTs
1367865 AA810211 UnknownUG Hs.34160ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1367866 AA810156 UnknownUG Hs.225190ESTs
1367870 AA810157 UnknownUG Hs.189065ESTs
1367883 AA810228 KIAA0430
1367886 AA810219 Unknown
1367888 AA810220 UnknownUG Hs.123319EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1367900 AA810225 GPCR-Br=G protein-coupled receptor
1367906 AA810237 UnknownUG Hs.163217EST
1367908 AA810238 D13S106=highly charged amino acid sequence mRNA
1367911 AA810247 Unknown
1367918 AA810241 Unknown
1367923 AA810251 UnknownUG Hs.125811ESTs
1367925 AA810252 UnknownUG Hs.114516ESTs
1367934 AA810256 Gene product with similarity to KIAA0154 on chr 16
1367936 AA810257 UnknownUG Hs.46726Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586J101 (from clone DKFZp586J101)
1367937 AA810267 UnknownUG Hs.140525EST
1367940 AA810259 Unknown
1367956 AA810272 Similar to ribosomal protein L13
1367957 AA810281 Unknown
1367959 AA810282 UnknownUG Hs.125761ESTs
1367979 AA836098 UnknownUG Hs.117891ESTs, Weakly similar to mucin [H.sapiens]
1367988 AA836093 Unknown
1367992 AA836094 UnknownUG Hs.98786ESTs
1367995 AA836103 UnknownUG Hs.123296ESTs
1367999 AA836104 Unknown
1368001 AA836115 Unknown
1368004 AA836107 Unknown
1368011 AA836119 UnknownUG Hs.186850ESTs
1368013 AA836120 Unknown
1368026 AA836125 Unknown
1368034 AA836128 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
1368039 AA836136 Unknown
1368042 AA836130 UnknownUG Hs.220119ESTs, Weakly similar to Rga [D.melanogaster]
1368049 AA836334 Unknown
1368064 AA836331 UnknownUG Hs.134981ESTs
1368069 AA836340 UnknownUG Hs.165490ESTs
1368073 AA836148 UnknownUG Hs.121640ESTs, Weakly similar to KIAA0386 [H.sapiens]
1368111 AA836162 Unknown
1368113 AA836163 UnknownUG Hs.35669ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1368121 AA836172 Unknown
1368124 AA836164 UnknownUG Hs.123296ESTs
1368126 AA836165 Major histocompatibility complex, class II, Y box-binding protein I; DNA-binding protein B
1368146 AA836343 UnknownUG Hs.125314EST
1368156 AA836345 Unknown
1368169 AA836237 Unknown
1368173 AA836239 Unknown
1368177 AA836240 UnknownUG Hs.163324EST
1368179 AA836241 CD37
1368183 AA836242 Unknown
1368187 AA836244 Unknown
1368196 AA836247 Unknown
1368209 AA836260 UnknownUG Hs.218289ESTs
1368211 AA836261 Unknown
1368213 AA836262 Unknown
1368216 AA836264 UnknownUG Hs.125310ESTs
1368218 AA836265 Unknown
1368222 AA836267 Unknown
1368224 AA836268 OS-9=amplified in sarcomas
1368236 AA836272 UnknownUG Hs.125311ESTs
1368237 AA836279 Unknown
1368243 AA836366 UnknownUG Hs.137036ESTs
1368281 AA837054 PKC beta =Protein kinase C, beta
1368285 AA837055 Unknown
1368301 AA837069 Unknown
1368302 AA837061 Ribosomal protein L32
1368309 AA837072 UnknownUG Hs.174171ESTs
1368317 AA837079 UnknownUG Hs.125318ESTs
1368327 AA837081 UnknownUG Hs.122014ESTs
1368333 AA837083 Unknown
1368342 AA837085 UnknownUG Hs.220585ESTs
1368343 AA837094 UnknownUG Hs.142584ESTs
1368358 AA837090 Unknown
1368414 AA837100 EST in intron of SHP-1 gene on 12p13
1368415 AA837109 Unknown
1368421 AA837111 Unknown
1368437 AA837129 Unknown
1368438 AA837120 Unknown
1368440 AA837121 Unknown
1368445 AA837133 Unknown
1368448 AA837123 Unknown
1368452 AA837125 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
1368461 AA837411 Unknown
1368466 AA837405 Unknown
1368473 AA837416 UnknownUG Hs.124299ESTs
1368479 AA837418 Unknown
1368505 AA837472 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1368515 AA837476 UnknownUG Hs.231700ESTs
1368519 AA837478 UnknownUG Hs.125321EST
1368522 AA837469 Unknown
1368523 AA837480 UnknownUG Hs.192023eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit 2 (beta, 36kD)
1368529 AA837492 Unknown
1368553 AA836429 UnknownUG Hs.108196ESTs, Weakly similar to F31C3.5 [C.elegans]
1368554 AA836421 UnknownUG Hs.169758ESTs
1368560 AA836423 UnknownUG Hs.125317ESTs
1368561 AA836431 Unknown
1368575 AA836436 UnknownUG Hs.194497ESTs
1368578 AA836438 Unknown
1368588 AA836440 UnknownUG Hs.201771ESTs
1368592 AA836441 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110 catalytic subunit, beta isoform
1368599 AA836446 Unknown
1368607 AA836456 UnknownUG Hs.194017ESTs
1368612 AA836450 Unknown
1368614 AA836451 Unknown
1368640 AA836183 Similar to CENP-E=putative kinetochore motor that accumulates just before mitosis
1368644 AA836185 PRK2=lipid-activated, protein kinase
1368645 AA836195 Unknown
1368667 AA836510 Unknown
1368687 AA836522 Unknown
1368692 AA836516 UnknownUG Hs.194389ESTs
1368696 AA836526 Similar to glutamine synthetase
1368697 AA836531 Similar to BBC1=ribosomal protein L13
1368700 AA836527 Unknown
1368708 AA836529 Unknown
1368720 AA836197 Unknown
1368723 AA836205 KIAA0193
1368735 AA836210 Unknown
1368740 AA836204 UnknownUG Hs.125307EST
1368777 AA836141 Unknown
1368816 AA836214 UnknownUG Hs.137435ESTs
1368818 AA836215 UnknownUG Hs.125309ESTs
1368843 AA837178 Unknown
1368868 AA837187 Unknown
1368878 AA837190 Unknown
1368882 AA837192 Unknown
1368890 AA837202 Unknown
1368891 AA837207 Similar to antigen containing epitope to monoclonal antibody MMS-85/12=Membrane or secreted protein in osteoblastic cells and primary adherent bone
marrow cultures
1368903 AA837211 Unknown
1368907 AA837212 Unknown
1368914 AA848006 UnknownUG Hs.163818ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1368917 AA848018 UnknownUG Hs.140642ESTs
1368919 AA848019 Unknown
1368925 AA848021 Unknown
1368928 AA848012 ALY=context-dependent coactivator of LEF-1 and AML-1, is required for TCRalpha enhancer function
1368929 AA848023 Similar to dynein heavy chain isotype 3A
1368932 AA848014 KIAA0554
1368933 AA848025 Unknown
1368934 AA848015 Unknown
1369033 AA837259 Unknown
1369039 AA837262 Unknown
1369042 AA837253 Similar to mariner2 transposable element, complete consensus sequence
1369049 AA837266 Unknown
1369057 AA837276 Unknown
1369058 AA837269 Unknown
1369062 AA837271 Unknown
1369085 AA837296 Unknown
1369091 AA837299 Unknown
1369092 AA837289 Unknown
1369096 AA837291 Unknown
1369098 AA837292 Unknown
1369111 AA848036 Unknown
1369117 AA848039 UnknownUG Hs.191322ESTs
1369152 AA829421 Unknown
1369155 AA829431 UnknownUG Hs.221729ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase related protein [H.sapiens]
1369159 AA829433 UnknownUG Hs.220698ESTs
1369160 AA829424 UnknownUG Hs.140595EST
1369162 AA829425 Similar to rab-related GTP-binding protein-2
1369166 AA829427 Proteosome chain 7=LMP2=major histocompatibility complex encoded proteasome subunit
1369205 AA829524 UnknownUG Hs.124337ESTs
1369212 AA829519 Similar to Pro-Pol-dUTPase polyprotein [Murine endogenous retrovirus]
1369221 AA829530 UnknownUG Hs.124338EST
1369223 AA829531 Unknown
1369229 AA836006 Similar to Vacuolar ATP synthase subunit AC45 precursor
1369238 AA836003 Unknown
1369249 AA836021 Unknown
1369259 AA836024 Unknown
1369261 AA836025 Unknown
1369262 AA836016 KIAA0019=similar to transforming protein tre
1369263 AA836026 Unknown
1369264 AA836017 Unknown
1369273 AA835765 Unknown
1369286 AA835761 Unknown
1369290 AA835762 Unknown
1369294 AA835764 protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit alpha-isotype (alpha-PR6 5)
1369296 AA835776 Unknown
1369301 AA835785 Unknown
1369307 AA835788 Unknown
1369321 AA825658 Unknown
1369346 AA825667 UnknownUG Hs.177710ESTs
1369386 AA825716 Unknown
1369392 AA825726 UnknownUG Hs.119415ESTs
1369393 AA825734 Unknown
1369394 AA825727 UnknownUG Hs.133487ESTs
1369401 AA825738 UnknownUG Hs.172444ESTs, Highly similar to transcription regulator [M.musculus]
1369408 AA825731 UnknownUG Hs.124279ESTs
1369409 AA825742 UnknownUG Hs.87517ESTs
1369410 AA825732 Unknown
1369413 AA825743 UnknownUG Hs.104457ESTs
1369441 AA838430 Similar to 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1369453 AA838433 Unknown
1369467 AA847798 UnknownUG Hs.125112ESTs
1369468 AA847790 UnknownUG Hs.120565ESTs
1369469 AA847799 UnknownUG Hs.184245Novel human gene mapping to chomosome 1
1369472 AA847792 Unknown
1369475 AA847801 Unknown
1369478 AA847795 Unknown
1369482 AA847796 Unknown
1369493 AA847809 Similar to homeobox protein Mix.1
1369499 AA847811 Unknown
1369501 AA847812 Unknown
1369561 AA829860 UnknownUG Hs.122834ESTs
1369566 AA829853 Genomic DNA, integration site for Epstein-Barr virus
1369570 AA829855 UnknownUG Hs.208409EST
1369572 AA829856 Unknown
1369588 AA829870 Unknown
1369922 AA829644 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1369927 AA829656 Unknown
1369930 AA829648 KIAA0567
1369939 AA829660 UnknownUG Hs.124339ESTs
1369949 AA829754 p130 = RB related protein
1369957 AA829757 UnknownUG Hs.190469EST
1369963 AA829760 UnknownUG Hs.125283ESTs
1369969 AA829768 Unknown
1369979 AA829773 Unknown
1369981 AA829774 Unknown
1369987 AA829777 UnknownUG Hs.124340ESTs
1369993 AA836287 Unknown
1370007 AA836291 Unknown
1370009 AA836292 Unknown
1370020 AA836294 Unknown
1370026 AA836297 Unknown
1370032 AA836299 Unknown
1370042 AA836308 Unknown
1370043 AA836317 Ribosomal protein S29
1370048 AA836310 Unknown
1370051 AA836319 Unknown
1370055 AA836320 Unknown
1370073 AA836549 Unknown
1370075 AA836550 Unknown
1370099 AA836382 Unknown
1370102 AA836376 Unknown
1370103 AA836384 Unknown
1370108 AA836378 Unknown
1370118 AA836388 Unknown
1370125 AA836398 Unknown
1370129 AA836400 R-PTP-alpha=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha
1370135 AA836401 Unknown
1370141 AA836413 GADD153=growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible gene=CHOP=C/EBP-homologous protein
1370144 AA836406 Unknown
1370148 AA836407 T-cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase=Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 2
1370156 AA836410 Unknown
1370159 AA836420 Unknown
1370166 AA836558 Unknown
1370183 AA836570 Unknown
1370195 AA836468 Unknown
1370207 AA836471 Unknown
1370214 AA836473 Unknown
1370215 AA836482 Unknown
1370220 AA836474 Unknown
1370230 AA836478 Unknown
1370232 AA836487 Unknown
1370241 AA836497 Unknown
1370244 AA836490 Unknown
1370245 AA836499 Unknown
1370251 AA836502 Unknown
1370254 AA836494 Unknown
1370255 AA836504 Unknown
1370261 AA836580 Unknown
1370266 AA836575 Unknown
1370273 AA836583 Unknown
1370274 AA836577 Unknown
1370277 AA836585 Unknown
1370281 AA847855 TRAF5=TNF receptor associated factor 5
1370282 AA847845 KIAA0594
1370283 AA847856 UnknownUG Hs.124565ESTs
1370292 AA847850 Unknown
1370308 AA847863 Unknown
1370323 AA847873 Unknown
1370328 AA847908 Unknown
1370334 AA847910 Unknown
1370343 AA847924 Unknown
1370346 AA847914 Unknown
1370355 AA847938 Unknown
1370356 AA847930 UnknownUG Hs.14599ESTs
1370375 AA847944 AIM2=interferon-inducible protein=associated with chromosome 6-mediated suppression of melanoma tumorgenicity
1370385 AA829827 UnknownUG Hs.158386ESTs
1370388 AA829818 UnknownUG Hs.208696ESTs
1370397 AA829830 UnknownUG Hs.124343ESTs
1370399 AA829831 CD1C
1370402 AA829833 Unknown
1370403 AA829842 Unknown
1370423 AA829851 Similar to NSD1=nuclear SET and PhD domain protein that interacts with the ligand-binding domain of several nuclear receptors
1370426 AA829925 Unknown
1370438 AA829926 Similar to transcription factor SL1
1370441 AA829935 Unknown
1370460 AA829941 UnknownUG Hs.212184ESTs, Weakly similar to cyclic nucleotide-gated channel beta subunit [R.norvegicus]
1370467 AA829951 nek2 protein kinase
1370473 AA837363 Unknown
1370474 AA837360 Unknown
1370486 AA837362 Unknown
1370502 AA837373 Unknown
1370516 AA837379 Unknown
1370519 AA837386 Unknown
1370522 AA837387 Unknown
1370527 AA837393 Unknown
1370564 AA848051 Unknown
1370568 AA836586 Unknown
1370569 AA836596 myosin light chain-2
1370570 AA836587 Lamin B receptor (LBR)
1370571 AA836597 Unknown
1370576 AA836590 Unknown
1370591 AA836603 Unknown
1370612 AA836612 Unknown
1370624 AA835686 KIAA0220=Similar to kidney-specific protein=SA protein =polymorphysm of this gene is associated with susceptibility to essential hypertension
1370643 AA835709 Unknown
1370651 AA835712 Unknown
1370654 AA835703 Unknown
1370669 AA836038 Unknown
1370670 AA836032 Unknown
1370679 AA836041 ER-60 protein disulfide isomerase
1370684 AA836036 Similar to (U07000) hypothetical protein in BCR locus
1370694 AA836048 KOC=putative RNA binding protein
1370697 AA836053 Unknown
1371159 AA847142 Unknown
1371173 AA847156 UnknownUG Hs.124553ESTs
1371182 AA847151 YY1=GLI-Krupple related zinc finger transcription factor
1371190 AA847153 Unknown
1371192 AA847163 Unknown
1371195 AA847175 Unknown
1371200 AA847166 Similar to (Z78012) C52E4.6
1371201 AA847178 UnknownUG Hs.118966ESTs
1371202 AA847167 UnknownUG Hs.214455ESTs, Weakly similar to HNK-1 sulfotransferase [R.norvegicus]
1371212 AA847172 UnknownUG Hs.153089ESTs
1371226 AA847189 Unknown
1371228 AA847190 UnknownUG Hs.208411ESTs
1371231 AA847200 Unknown
1371238 AA847194 UnknownUG Hs.232002ESTs
1371239 AA847203 UnknownUG Hs.125310ESTs
1371537 AA825753 Unknown
1371540 AA825749 UnknownUG Hs.231797ESTs, Moderately similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
1371544 AA825750 UnknownUG Hs.129983ESTs
1371547 AA825758 Unknown
1371568 AA825767 UnknownUG Hs.124570ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [M.musculus]
1371577 AA825881 UnknownUG Hs.136953EST
1371578 AA825874 UnknownUG Hs.130776EST
1371587 AA825883 UnknownUG Hs.130878ESTs
1371593 AA825886 UnknownUG Hs.130740ESTs
1371596 AA825879 UnknownUG Hs.189063ESTs
1371619 AA825900 UnknownUG Hs.172550polypyrimidine tract binding protein (heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein I)
1371625 AA825971 UnknownUG Hs.124284EST
1371627 AA825972 UnknownUG Hs.130777EST
1371634 AA825966 UnknownUG Hs.124704ESTs
1371635 AA825976 UnknownUG Hs.136954EST
1371636 AA825967 Unknown
1371640 AA825969 Unknown
1371654 AA825981 UnknownUG Hs.132026ESTs
1371657 AA825991 UnknownUG Hs.112423Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586I1420 (from clone DKFZp586I1420)
1371663 AA825994 Unknown
1371664 AA825985 UnknownUG Hs.187727ESTs
1371666 AA825986 WASP=Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein
1371671 AA825998 UnknownUG Hs.192039ESTs
1371673 AA826104 PKC beta =Protein kinase C, beta
1371674 AA826096 Unknown
1371682 AA826098 Unknown
1371685 AA826107 UnknownUG Hs.163239ESTs
1371688 AA826101 UnknownUG Hs.130814ESTs
1371697 AA826122 UnknownUG Hs.124570ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [M.musculus]
1371712 AA826118 Unknown
1371728 AA856714 Unknown
1371746 AA856725 Unknown
1371760 AA856731 Unknown
1371762 AA856732 Unknown
1371771 AA856751 Unknown
1371788 AA856749 Unknown
1371802 AA856762 Unknown
1371803 AA856773 Similar to aspartylglucosaminidase
1371808 AA856765 Unknown
1371811 AA856777 Similar to transformation-related protein
1371812 AA856767 Unknown
1371832 AA825547 CSF-1=Macrophage colony stimulating factor-1
1371834 AA825548 UnknownUG Hs.124936EST
1371843 AA825564 KIAA0603=Similar to TBC1
1371860 AA825562 UnknownUG Hs.130743ESTs
1371862 AA825563 UnknownUG Hs.124786ESTs
1371874 AA827621 UnknownUG Hs.124292ESTs
1371875 AA827630 UnknownUG Hs.130767ESTs
1371877 AA827631 UnknownUG Hs.124294EST
1371883 AA827633 Unknown
1371884 AA827626 UnknownUG Hs.190578ESTs
1371890 AA827636 MMAC1=PTEN=Tumor suppressor gene at 10q23.3 that is Mutated in Multiple Advanced Cancers=Phosphatase and tensin homolog
1371900 AA827640 UnknownUG Hs.189059ESTs
1371914 AA827674 UnknownUG Hs.189073ESTs
1371928 AA827680 UnknownUG Hs.130787EST
1371930 AA827681 UnknownUG Hs.194637Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564D113 (from clone DKFZp564D113)
1371931 AA827691 UnknownUG Hs.129967ESTs
1371934 AA827683 UnknownUG Hs.188802ESTs
1371936 AA827694 Casein kinase I delta
1371938 AA827695 UnknownUG Hs.163245EST
1371945 AA827786 Glucocorticoid receptor alpha
1371949 AA827788 Unknown
1371967 AA827863 Similar to CSF-1=Macrophage colony stimulating factor-1
1371968 AA827856 UnknownUG Hs.124299ESTs
1371969 AA827864 myb-related gene A=A-myb
1371970 AA827857 UnknownUG Hs.228206EST, Moderately similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
1371971 AA827865 UnknownUG Hs.128339ESTs
1371977 AA827866 MMAC1=PTEN=Tumor suppressor gene at 10q23.3 that is Mutated in Multiple Advanced Cancers=Phosphatase and tensin homolog
1371980 AA827860 Unknown
1371986 AA827871 Mitotic kinesin-like protein-1
1371990 AA827873 UnknownUG Hs.124303EST
1371996 AA827876 Unknown
1371997 AA827884 Unknown
1371998 AA827877 Unknown
1372010 AA825506 UnknownUG Hs.136948EST
1372011 AA825516 UnknownUG Hs.209146ESTs
1372022 AA825510 UnknownUG Hs.124304ESTs
1372028 AA825513 UnknownUG Hs.163236EST
1372032 AA825525 ATR=FRP1=Ser/Thr kinase=DNA damage signaling protein
1372042 AA825530 microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2 (MGST2)
1372048 AA825532 UnknownUG Hs.215252ESTs
1372068 AA825574 KIAA0603=Similar to TBC1
1372073 AA825585 Unknown
1372077 AA825587 UnknownUG Hs.5249ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [S.cerevisiae]
1372079 AA825588 UnknownUG Hs.130772ESTs
1372087 AA825602 UnknownUG Hs.130774ESTs
1372090 AA825594 Unknown
1372100 AA825598 UnknownUG Hs.185181ESTs
1372102 AA825599 Unknown
1372204 AA825814 EST from intron of MHC class II HLA-DRw53-beta
1372225 AA825839 UnknownUG Hs.202238ESTs
1372227 AA825840 UnknownUG Hs.124281EST
1372231 AA825842 UnknownUG Hs.180761ESTs
1372237 AA825844 UnknownUG Hs.189071ESTs
1372271 AA825921 Unknown
1372272 AA825922 Unknown
1372281 AA825935 UnknownUG Hs.130879ESTs
1372288 AA825929 Unknown
1372295 AA825940 UnknownUG Hs.173533ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4680713) [H.sapiens]
1372299 AA826048 UnknownUG Hs.117887ESTs
1372308 AA826042 BDP1=protein-tyrosine-phosphatase
1372309 AA826051 Unknown
1372323 AA826064 Unknown
1372336 AA826060 Unknown
1372343 AA826072 AML2=acute myeloid leukemia 2=PEBP2aC1
1372352 AA826174 Unknown
1372354 AA826175 UnknownUG Hs.207788ESTs
1372355 AA826186 UnknownUG Hs.189072EST, Weakly similar to Con1
1372358 AA826177 Unknown
1372362 AA826179 Unknown
1372363 AA826190 UnknownUG Hs.124288EST
1372370 AA826194 Unknown
1372376 AA826197 UnknownUG Hs.203573EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1372378 AA826198 UnknownUG Hs.115064ESTs
1372406 AA834909 Unknown
1372410 AA833742 Unknown
1372412 AA833743 Unknown
1372420 AA833754 Unknown
1372434 AA833760 Unknown
1372435 AA833770 Unknown
1372444 AA833774 Unknown
1372451 AA833784 Unknown
1372452 AA833778 Unknown
1372455 AA833786 Hemoglobin, alpha 1
1372473 AA833798 eIF-2 alpha=translation initiation factor
1372476 AA833793 Unknown
1372477 AA833799 Unknown
1372478 AA833794 Placental folate transporter (hFOLT1)
1372479 AA833800 Unknown
1372481 AA833801 Unknown
1372491 AA833813 Unknown
1372495 AA833815 Unknown
1372520 AA833826 ISGF3 gamma=IFN alpha/beta-responsive transcription factor ISGF3 gamma subunit (p48)
1372522 AA833827 Unknown
1372527 AA833836 Unknown
1372532 AA833831 fructose 1,6-diphosphate aldolaseA
1372533 AA833839 Unknown
1372546 AA833842 Similar to Thymidine kinase 1, soluble
1372549 AA833850 Unknown
1372564 AA833855 Unknown
1372577 AA833867 Unknown
1372579 AA833868 Unknown
1372581 AA833869 Unknown
1372582 AA833862 Unknown
1372591 AA834543 Unknown
1372594 AA834534 Unknown
1372597 AA834545 Unknown
1372603 AA834546 Unknown
1372604 AA834538 Unknown
1372609 AA834552 Unknown
1372615 AA834554 Unknown
1372621 AA834556 Unknown
1372622 AA834550 Unknown
1372626 AA834551 Unknown
1372641 AA834572 Unknown
1372646 AA834565 Unknown
1372649 AA834575 Unknown
1372650 AA834566 Unknown
1372658 AA834579 Unknown
1372683 AA834596 Unknown
1372685 AA834597 Protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit-beta
1372686 AA834590 Unknown
1372698 AA834593 Unknown
1372712 AA834606 Similar to crystallin beta-B2
1372713 AA834613 IL-2 receptor beta chain
1372719 AA834616 Unknown
1372720 AA834610 Unknown
1372729 AA833878 Similar to RAR-gamma-1=Retinoic acid receptor
1372730 AA833870 Unknown
1372746 AA833877 APC=adenomatous polyposis coli protein
1372751 AA833889 Unknown
1372755 AA833902 Unknown
1372758 AA833892 Unknown
1372762 AA833894 EST-3 from DMA, DMB, HLA-Z1, IPP2, LMP2, TAP1, LMP7, TAP2, DOB, DQB2 and RING8, 9, 13 and 14 locus
1372768 AA833897 Unknown
1372779 AA848076 UnknownUG Hs.134403ESTs
1372792 AA848071 Unknown
1372794 AA848072 Unknown
1372801 AA848092 Similar to lactoyl glutathione lyase
1372803 AA848093 UnknownUG Hs.192993ESTs
1372804 AA848083 Unknown
1372817 AA848099 Unknown
1372818 AA848090 UnknownUG Hs.142208ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1372827 AA848108 Unknown
1372833 AA848111 Unknown
1372840 AA848105 UnknownUG Hs.122442ESTs
1372845 AA848117 UnknownUG Hs.128782ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS B WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1372849 AA837314 Unknown
1372861 AA837319 Unknown
1372869 AA837323 Unknown
1372881 AA836630 Unknown
1372908 AA836641 Unknown
1372910 AA836642 Unknown
1372915 AA836654 Unknown
1372919 AA836656 Unknown
1372934 AA835723 Unknown
1372943 AA835737 Unknown
1372948 AA835740 Unknown
1372951 AA835752 Unknown
1372967 AA835758 KIAA0525
1372977 AA825624 Unknown
1372981 AA825626 Unknown
1372985 AA825627 Unknown
1372987 AA825628 UnknownUG Hs.136949ESTs
1372993 AA825638 UnknownUG Hs.136950EST
1372994 AA825630 Unknown
1373004 AA825632 Unknown
1373007 AA825644 UnknownUG Hs.124938EST
1373008 AA825634 UnknownUG Hs.158501ESTs
1373010 AA825635 Unknown
1373014 AA825637 Similar to SULU Ser/Thr kinase and F.rubripes T17E9.1-like exon
1373019 AA825689 UnknownUG Hs.192802ESTs
1373022 AA825683 Unknown
1373052 AA825699 UnknownUG Hs.123632ESTs
1373054 AA825700 UnknownUG Hs.164263ESTs
1373062 AA825703 Unknown
1373063 AA825711 Unknown
825922 AA789117 UnknownUG Hs.131809ESTs
1185301 AA651765 Unknown
1185310 AA651762 UnknownUG Hs.105093ESTs
1185322 AA651771 Unknown
1185326 AA651772 Unknown
1185330 AA651774 UnknownUG Hs.222032ESTs
1185334 AA651775 Unknown
1185340 AA651781 Unknown
1185921 AA651860 UnknownUG Hs.192923ESTs
1185924 AA651852 Similar to SH3 domain-containing adapter protein, CD2AP
1185928 AA651853 Unknown
1185932 AA651855 Unknown
1185939 AA651876 UnknownUG Hs.184511ESTs
1185942 AA651869 UnknownUG Hs.194328ESTs
1185954 AA651873 Similar to B-raf Ser/Thr protein kinase
1185959 AA651883 Deoxycytidylate deaminase
1185968 AA651888 EST from intron of ataxia telangiectasia (ATM) locus
1185979 AA651900 UnknownUG Hs.120653ESTs
1185982 AA651892 Unknown
1185985 AA651911 UnknownUG Hs.93765ESTs, Moderately similar to Hpast [H.sapiens]
1186008 AA651921 UnknownUG Hs.207952ESTs
1186025 AA651937 Unknown
1186027 AA651938 Unknown
1186034 AA651941 Unknown
1186037 AA651951 Similar to 5'-3' exonuclease=cytoplasmic exoribonuclease (mXRN1p) with preference for G4 tetraplex substrates=dhm2=homolog of budding yeast SEP1, involved in meiosis, cellular senescence, and telomere maintenance
1186044 AA651946 Unknown
1186060 AA651821 Lymphotoxin-Beta=Tumor necrosis factor C
1186061 AA651831 Cyclin-D binding Myb-like protein
1186062 AA651822 Unknown
1186065 AA651832 UnknownUG Hs.116501EST
1186068 AA651824 adducin beta subunit 63 kda isoform=membrane skeleton protein
1186076 AA651827 Unknown
1186078 AA651828 Unknown
1186081 AA651839 UnknownUG Hs.152769ESTs
1186089 AA651843 UnknownUG Hs.220967ESTs
1186099 AA651846 UnknownUG Hs.188807ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1270363 AA749227 UnknownUG Hs.115775ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [M.musculus]
1289546 AA804462 Similar to arginine/aspartate-rich 37.3K protein
1289564 AA804467 UnknownUG Hs.186668ESTs
1289569 AA804483 UnknownUG Hs.146165ESTs
1289575 AA804485 UnknownUG Hs.122456ESTs
1289578 AA804478 RFX2=putative transcription factor
1303131 AA731442 UnknownUG Hs.142556ESTs
1340261 AA937957 UnknownUG Hs.193367ESTs
1340263 AA937958 Similar to nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha-9 chain precursor
1340265 AA937959 UnknownUG Hs.192120ESTs
1340269 AA937961 UnknownUG Hs.127153EST
1340277 AA937964 Unknown
1340313 AA938669 UnknownUG Hs.88335ESTs
1340322 AA938663 UnknownUG Hs.199828ESTs
1340327 AA938674 UnknownUG Hs.192121ESTs
1340440 AA938155 UnknownUG Hs.127156EST
1340441 AA938164 UnknownUG Hs.129191ESTs
1340443 AA938165 UnknownUG Hs.190149ESTs
1340447 AA938167 BRCA2=Mutated in breast and ovarian cancer
1340455 AA938179 UnknownUG Hs.181408ESTs
1340456 AA938172 UnknownUG Hs.157244ESTs, Weakly similar to salivary proline-rich protein [R.norvegicus]
1340461 AA938180 Unknown
1340471 AA938185 Unknown
1340473 AA938197 KIAA0226
1340475 AA938198 UnknownUG Hs.194389ESTs
1340480 AA938189 UnknownUG Hs.163407EST
1340486 AA938192 Similar to lysyl hydroxylase (PLOD)
1340508 AA938725 UnknownUG Hs.127178EST
1340509 AA938735 Unknown
1340518 AA938729 Unknown
1340525 AA938312 KIAA0492
1340526 AA938306 BCL-6
1340532 AA938308 UnknownUG Hs.127304ESTs
1340534 AA938309 UnknownUG Hs.99508ESTs
1340552 AA938324 Similar to KIAA0099
1340558 AA938326 UnknownUG Hs.127167EST
1340564 AA938328 UnknownUG Hs.163408EST
1340569 AA937085 Unknown
1340580 AA937080 Peroxisome biogenesis disorder protein 1 (PEX1)
1340602 AA937100 choline kinase
1370764 AA907119 Unknown
1370766 AA907120 UnknownUG Hs.164886ESTs
1370776 AA907124 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
1370785 AA907147 Similar to nuclear receptor co-repressor N-CoR
1370789 AA907149 btk=Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase
1370797 AA907153 UnknownUG Hs.190060ESTs
1370802 AA907145 UnknownUG Hs.144918ESTs
1370812 AA907239 Unknown
1370818 AA907242 Unknown
1370820 AA907243 UnknownUG Hs.125862aldehyde dehydrogenase 5 family, member A1 (succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase)
1370823 AA907252 UnknownUG Hs.124712ESTs
1370825 AA907253 Unknown
1370828 AA907246 UnknownUG Hs.158275ESTs, Highly similar to 3-7 gene product [H.sapiens]
1370830 AA907247 Unknown
1370835 AA907265 Unknown
1370845 AA907268 Unknown
1370847 AA907269 Unknown
1370850 AA907262 STAT2=IFN alpha/beta-responsive transcription factor ISGF3 alpha subunit (p113)
1370863 AA864604 RBQ-1=retinoblastoma protein-binding protein=homologue of p53-associated cellular protein PACT [Mus musculis]=proliferation potential-related protein (P2P-R) [Mus musculis]
1370865 AA864605 Unknown
1370875 AA864610 Unknown
1370881 AA864624 Unknown
1370882 AA864614 Unknown
1370888 AA864617 Unknown
1370889 AA864626 Unknown
1370897 AA864630 Unknown
1370899 AA864631 Similar to wizL=Zinc Finger protein
1370915 AA864716 Unknown
1370944 AA864727 Unknown
1370946 AA864728 Unknown
1371002 AA864880 Unknown
1371018 AA864883 Unknown
1371026 AA864893 Unknown
1371029 AA864903 Unknown
1371030 AA864895 Unknown
1371032 AA864896 Unknown
1371042 AA864899 Unknown
1371047 AA864909 BMI-1
1371061 AA865758 Unknown
1371068 AA865753 Unknown
1371090 AA865769 Unknown
1371103 AA866175 Unknown
1371107 AA866177 FKHR=Homolog 1 of Drosophila forkhead=translocated to PAX3 in rhabdomyosarcoma
1371113 AA866180 Unknown
1371127 AA866194 Unknown
1371143 AA866199 Unknown
1371261 AA865012 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
1371293 AA865025 Unknown
1371295 AA865026 Unknown
1371299 AA865027 Unknown
1371313 AA936395 Similar to G-protein coupled receptor pH218
1371317 AA936397 Similar to arylacetyltransferase
1371319 AA936398 UnknownUG Hs.148754ESTs
1371323 AA936399 UnknownUG Hs.158933ESTs
1371325 AA936400 UnknownUG Hs.155849ESTs
1371331 AA936402 UnknownUG Hs.142219ESTs
1371333 AA936403 Similar to proteasome subunit p112
1371432 AA865081 Unknown
1371435 AA865085 UnknownUG Hs.118930ESTs
1371439 AA865087 UnknownUG Hs.173344ESTs
1371455 AA865093 UnknownUG Hs.220984ESTs
1371459 AA865103 Unknown
1371471 AA865107 UnknownUG Hs.160215ESTs
1371476 AA865101 Similar to metaxin (MTX)=mitochondrial protein and essential nuclear gene in mice
1371484 AA865113 UnknownUG Hs.88017ESTs, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1371499 AA865128 UnknownUG Hs.135551ESTs
1371500 AA865118 UnknownUG Hs.191538ESTs
1371768 AA856742 UnknownUG Hs.164047ESTs
1372126 AA974476 UnknownUG Hs.135679EST
1372140 AA974495 KIAA0083
1372156 AA946674 UnknownUG Hs.187478ESTs
1372158 AA946675 UnknownUG Hs.135743EST
1372162 AA946676 Unknown
1372177 AA946700 UnknownUG Hs.214646KIAA0447 gene product
1372180 AA946692 UnknownUG Hs.130237ESTs
1372194 AA946698 Unknown
683868 AA236828 SRF=c-fos serum response element-binding transcription factor
685236 AA243418 ALK-3 AND mRNA expressed in osteoblast (Double Hit)
685534 AA262578 UnknownUG Hs.56845GDP dissociation inhibitor 2
685858   No sequences in Genbank
686101   No sequences in Genbank
704801 AA282564 Similar to chlorine channel protein P64
704933 AA279690 Unknown
705254   No sequences in Genbank
712491 AA278378 Similar to beta transducin domains (multiple)-2
683774   No sequences in Genbank
704427 AA279650 UnknownUG Hs.13751ESTs
815178 AA481140 Unknown
815844 AA485243 UnknownUG Hs.23029ESTs
683558   No sequences in Genbank
91 S71043 Immunoglobulin alpha (1 or 2) heavy chain constant region
93 M87789 Immunoglobulin gamma 3 heavy chain constant region
94 M10663 GM-CSF
95 U25956 P-selectin glycoprotein ligand
96 M68892 CD103 beta=Integrin beta 7
97 U16720 IL-10
98 L07414 CD40 ligand
99 M23442 IL-4
100 X65550 Ki67 (long type)
101 M26004 CD21=B-lymphocyte CR2-receptor (for complement factor C3d and Epstein-Barr virus)
102 X01394 TNF alpha=tumor necrosis factor alpha
103 M28249 CD49B=Integrin alpha 2
104 L40407 IkB beta=Thyroid Receptor Interacting Protein 9=TRIP9
110938 T90300 CD3 gamma
134369 R31950 G-CSF receptor
140352 R67003 GM-CSF receptor alpha chain
120649 T95640 CD2
126768 R07094 IL-10 receptor
141953 R67557 CD36
149015   CD71=Transferrin receptor
123871 R00569 itk=tsk=emt=lyk=T cell-specific tyrosine kinase
138002 R63093 Unknown
118372 T91563 CD44=Pgp-1=extracellular matrix receptor-III=Hyaluronate receptor
121265 T96832 Interferon alpha receptor=HuIFN-alpha-Rec=IFNAR=interferon alpha/beta receptor
132453 R25873 Blimp-1=PRD-BF1
141115 R66326 GM-CSF/IL-5/IL-3 receptor common beta chain
125134 R05416 CD48=BLAST-1
129059 R10506 IL-7 receptor alpha chain
143842 R76806 MCP-1=MCAF=small inducible cytokine A2=JE=chemokine
145696 R78286 CD94=NKG2-C type II membrane protein
151130 H03799 CD98=4F2 heavy chain
152868 R50547 CD72
153737 R48163 CD104=Integrin beta4
156183 R72827 CD50=ICAM-3
182661 H43049 TGF beta receptor type I
186584 H43257 interferon-gamma receptor alpha chain
193377 H48094 pbx-1=pre-B cell leukemia transcription factor-1=prl=fused to E2A in t(1;19) translocation
159512 H15934 CD49F=Integrin alpha 6
182264 H30141 CD62P=P-selectin=gmp140=PADGEM
193323 H48066 MHC Class II=DR alpha
194147 H51636 Casein kinase II alpha chain
198699 R95077 ENA78=chemokine
159583 H16143 Lymphotoxin-Beta receptor precursor=Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 related protein=Tumor necrosis factor C receptor
154194 R52040 TRADD=TNF receptor-1 associated protein
174515 H22049 CD81=TAPA1
183407 H42789 STAT4
192196 H41143 GATA-3=T-cell specific transcription factor
193722 H47862 Similar to interferon-gamma inducible protein MG11
171569 H18190 JAK1 tyrosine kinase
183087 H42888 IL-3 receptor alpha chain
196490 R91586 STAT5A/5B
199522 R97462 CASPASE-4=ICErel-II=TX protease=Ich-2 cysteine protease
202242 H52406 MIF=macrophage migration inhibitory factor
204225 H59174 UnknownUG Hs.215634ESTs
200700 R99270 Immunoglobulin mu
203292 H54715 MHC Class I=HLA-C4
205283 H60848 MHC Class II=DP alpha
206703 H59522 Ikaros=LyF-1=hIk-1
207124 H48513 Casein kinase II beta chain
208960 H61694 CD26=dipeptidylpeptidase IV
212688 H70487 CD33
213635 H72113 CD34
233222 H75766 CD35=Complement Receptor type I
203448 H55770 MHC Class I=HLA-B27
204653 H57126 CD115=fms=CSF-1 receptor
200720 R96812 CD38
203527 H56025 MHC Class I=HLA-A2
206990 R98814 invariant chain=Ia-associated invariant gamma-chain
207718 H62290 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
209019 H63413 CD58=LFA-3
214236 H77636 CD68
248767 H82585 CD73=Ecto 5' nucleotidase
249704 H85457 CDw130=gp130=IL-6/IL-11/CNTF/Oncostatin M/LIF receptor common beta chain
276727 N46567 CD69=early activation antigen
278808 N66572 spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
290035 N59366 TRAF3=CRAF1=CAP-1=LAP1=CD40- TNFR- and LMP1-associated protein
30177 R42435 FAST
39144 R51770 Similar to FAF1=FAS-associated factor 1
51940 H24237 beta-2-microglobulin
21533 T65499 TNFR1=TNF alpha Receptor I=p60
219976 H81821 abl tyrosine-protein kinase
256364 H95116 STAT3=APRF=acute-phase response factor
267600 N34004 STAT6
272532 N43960 CD97
277522 N47345 CD55=Decay accelerating factor
278775 N66556 IL-6 receptor alpha chain
293425 N68865 immunoglobulin kappa light chain
49729 H29200 CASPASE-3=CPP32 isoform alpha=yama=cysteine protease
214107 H72904 CD13=aminopeptidase N
21822 T65562 CD24
221170 H91868 CASPASE-7=mch3=Ice-lap3
234699 H79051 CD103 alpha=Integrin alpha-E
239688 H80505 BAD=bbc6=proapoptotic Bcl-2 homolog
261517 H98635 cathepsin B
235135 H79456 CD49D=Integrin alpha 4
46644 H10346 CD45
42214 R59598 syk=protein-tyrosine kinase
66482 R16123 CD79A=BCR alpha chain=mb-1
73813 T54783 Dead ringer like 1 protein (DRIL1)=Similar to Bright=B cell transcription factor
80146 T64134 MCP-4=CC-chemokine expressed in dermal fibroblasts
34637 R45026 CD27
235938 H52673 BAK=BCL-2 family member
39686 R51897 CD1D
248931 H82363 BCL-2
51447 H20822 CD16=Fcgamma receptor III-1
70224 T50025 CASPASE-1=ICE=interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme beta isozyme
50214 H16746 CD86=B7-2=CD28 and CTLA-4 counter-receptor 2
80474 T64464 IL-6 receptor alpha chain
80971 T70079 GRO2=GRO beta=MIP2 alpha=macrophage inflammatory protein-2 alpha=chemokine
68794 T53404 UnknownUG Hs.206501Homo sapiens clone 643 unknown mRNA, complete sequence
81335 T60077 UnknownUG Hs.35092ESTs
21934 T72575 SAS=sarcoma amplified sequence=transmembrane 4 superfamily protein
121461 T97481 UnknownUG Hs.209420ESTs
128921 R10273 Sterol O-acyltransferase 2=acyl-CoA/cholesterol acyltransferase
42535 R61809 Clone 23965 mRNA
133454 R27457 Similar to transporter protein
146054 R79807 UnknownUG Hs.209573ESTs
46129 H09529 Similar to KIAA0288-2
52079 H23202 NC-PTPCOM1=Ch-1PTPase delta form=protein-tyrosine phosphatase
192793 H38328 KIAA0167
241721 H90545 Unknown
61446 T40924 interferon-gamma receptor alpha chain
53251 R15987 RLF=Zn-15 related zinc finger protein
70982 T47039 Unknown
72465 T51922 Unknown
73944 T55182 Similar to Vera and multiple other RNA binding proteins
81434 T63474 arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase
81604 T65864 acyloxyacyl hydrolase
112148 T92057 UnknownUG Hs.202615ESTs
113786 T77041 Similar to cytoskeletal protein 49
120386 T95837 Unknown
121145 T97150 UnknownUG Hs.83575ESTs
127475 R08847 UnknownUG Hs.92955ESTs
26677 R39117 Mad2=MXI-1=MAX-binding protein=antagonizer of myc transcriptional activity=Mxi-1/Max heterodimers repress c-myc targets
28450 R40676 MAPKKK5=ASK1=mitogen-activated kinase kinase kinase 5
29486 R41498 KIAA0231=leucine-rich repeat protein
30414 R41610 Similar to Microsomal dipeptidase precursor (MDP)=Dehydropeptidase-I=Renal dipeptidase=RDP
30647 R42245 Unknown
30916 R42558 Unknown
35655 R46019 UnknownUG Hs.7415ESTs
36134 R46080 Unknown
38721 R50764 Cerebellin 1=similar to mouse D3 with a specific expression pattern in mouse brain
41230 R58954 UnknownUG Hs.23681ESTs
42119 R59617 Putative coding sequence from HLA class III region similar to human mosaic protein LGN
42464 R59865 protein phosphatase 6=Dual specificity protein phophatase
37728 R59489 UnknownUG Hs.30991Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0957 protein, complete cds
130482 R21877 Similar to UREA AMIDOLYASE
133090 R26128 Similar to interferon-gamma inducible protein MG11
133496 R27475 TXBP151=tax1-binding protein
136549 R34370 UnknownUG Hs.160681EST
136590 R34833 tissue factor=transmembrane glycoprotein cofactor for the initiation of the coagulation protease cascades
140283 R67912 histone 2A-like protein (H2A/l)
142383 R69877 UnknownUG Hs.23853ESTs
143985 R76888 UnknownUG Hs.86489ESTs
144018 R77111 clone 24775 mRNA
145093 R77289 MCL1=myeloid cell differentiation protein
147050 R80217 PTGS2=prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase-2=cyclooxygenase-2 (hCox-2)
150692 H02191 UnknownUG Hs.13905ESTs
151662 H03346 placental protein 11 (PP11)=serine protease
151842 H03070 UnknownUG Hs.6933ESTs
155766 R72096 Unknown
156111 R73132 RIZ=zinc finger protein
160263 H21954 UnknownUG Hs.192878ESTs
162077 H26271 UnknownUG Hs.32185ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
43966 H04828 UnknownUG Hs.30495ESTs
44910 H07858 Unknown
45432 H08745 UnknownUG Hs.182262ESTs
47359 H11003 EDN-1=ETN=endothelin-1=secreted vasoconstrictor
47481 H11732 AICL=activation-induced C-type lectin
50615 H17513 HSP70-HOM=Heat shock 70 KD protein 1
51308 H20522 UnknownUG Hs.20969ESTs
51894 H23544 RAN=GTP-binding nuclear protein
172012 H18676 Unknown
174835 H30016 microtubule-associated protein 1B
176198 H41778 UnknownUG Hs.33067ESTs
178257 H46749 UnknownUG Hs.31540ESTs
179857 H51569 Similar to vesicle-associate calmodulin-binding protein
186132 H39991 ELAM1=endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule I
186875 R88223 Keratin type I cytoskelatin 14
202182 H52516 UnknownUG Hs.36482ESTs
203858 H56152 UnknownUG Hs.117796ESTs
204940 H57330 UnknownUG Hs.37430EST
206779 R98072 UnknownUG Hs.27902ESTs
214427 H77955 UnknownUG Hs.32417ESTs
214789 H74077 Similar to putative transmembrane protein E3-16-1
214985 H72030 ndp52=nuclear domain 10 protein
220826 H95623 Unknown
221191 H91839 Unknown
221527 H92076 UnknownUG Hs.175439ESTs
223141 H85971 UnknownUG Hs.117978ESTs
229509 H74283 coagulation factor V
233514 H77320 Unknown
233939 H66128 UnknownUG Hs.38455ESTs
235903 H52245 MHC Class II=DR beta
236034 H61243 UCP2=UCPH=Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 2
239012 H67558 UnknownUG Hs.82771vaccinia related kinase 2
242643 H94982 UnknownUG Hs.62264Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0937 protein, partial cds
244012 N38787 UnknownUG Hs.108029ESTs
247483 N54165 Neutrophil defensins 12 AND 3 precursor (HNP)=microbicidal and cytotoxic peptides
248589 N77456 sgk=putative serine/threonine protein kinase transcriptionally modified during anisotonic and isotonic alterations of cell volume
257298 N26917 UnknownUG Hs.141441ESTs
258399 N29734 UnknownUG Hs.171652ESTs
259029 N29348 GLUT3=glucose transporter protein-3
259552 N29753 MIP1 beta=SCAY2=G-26=HC21=pAT 744=LAG-1=Act-2=H400=SIS-gamma=chemokine
261967 H98665 Homer 2=neuronal immediate early gene=Similar to Vesl-2(delta 11)=member of the Vesl/Homer family of PDZ-proteins that bind metabotropic glutamate receptors
262146 H98878 CDR34=autoantigen recognized by an anti-neuronal cell antibody from a patient with paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
263341 N20003 UnknownUG Hs.26358ESTs
269800 N24822 UnknownUG Hs.79741ESTs, Weakly similar to transformation-related protein [H.sapiens]
270442 N33133 DNA-binding protein (CROC-1A) and PAX-3 (Double hit)
270616 N29574 UnknownUG Hs.27589ESTs
271441 N34799 fra-2=fos-related antigen 2
271976 N35315 ACY1=aminoacylase-1
272036 N31947 Similar to Na/D-glucose cotransporter regulatory-subunit
276699 N40464 HSP70
277058 N39582 UnknownUG Hs.8395ESTs
277064 N39583 KIAA0481
278257 N63582 Topoisomerase II beta (180kD)
278093 N63498 UnknownUG Hs.30982ESTs
278448 N66110 UnknownUG Hs.21691ESTs
280430 N51569 UnknownUG Hs.21708H.sapiens gene from PAC 1026E2, partial
280868 N47532 UnknownUG Hs.226694ESTs, Highly similar to JNK2 alpha1 protein kinase [H.sapiens]
281953 N51087 KIAA0674
281949 N48178 KIAA0403
285079 N67562 UnknownUG Hs.26731ESTs
286200 N67168 UnknownUG Hs.1880protein kinase C, eta
286540 N67291 Coch-5B2=similar to chicken collagen XIV
287412 N69775 UnknownUG Hs.41119ESTs
290340 N64489 UnknownUG Hs.21335ESTs
290224 N62266 GLUT5=glucose transporter protein-5
291426 N67766 UnknownUG Hs.7218ESTs
292699 N63629 ANK1=ankyrin 1
293640 N69643 PI3-kinase alpha regulatory subunit (p85)
293742 N65943 udp glucuronosyltransferase
293914 N66027 KIAA0516
294169 N71387 KIAA0022
294140 N68596 Betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase
294506 N71007 clone 23815 mRNA
295344 N76026 UnknownUG Hs.94327Homo sapiens mRNA full length insert cDNA clone EUROIMAGE 295344
296688 N74019 KIAA0265
296480 N74639 UnknownUG Hs.8349ESTs
297055 N73758 IL-13 receptor alpha-1 chain
298231 N70841 GABA-BR1a (hGB1a) receptor
298601 N70607 UnknownUG Hs.194241ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
299517 N71095 torsinA=DYT1=early onset torsion dystonia gene=ATP-binding protein
302188 N77806 UnknownUG Hs.5025nebulette
305284 N95053 UnknownUG Hs.205651ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB1 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
307325 N93476 EDG-1=endothelial differentiation protein=putative G-protein-coupled receptor
308098 N92340 myosin light chain-1
308793 N93284 Similar to (AE001023) A. fulgidus predicted coding region AF1178
309345 N93959 MMP-15=Matrix metalloproteinase 15=MT-2-MMP=membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase 2
321207 AA037353 DNA polymerase epsilon catalytic subunit
321235 W55858 UnknownUG Hs.9443zinc finger protein 202
321744 W35208 UnknownUG Hs.17448ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
321780 W33161 Similar to YIS4_YEAST HYPOTHETICAL 48.6 KD PROTEIN IN BET1-PAN1 INTERGENIC REGION =pir||S48438 dnaJ protein homolog YIR004w
321999 W37818 Sab=SH3 binding protein which preferentially associates with btk (Bruton�s tyrosine kinase)
323151 W42606 MINOR=mitogen induced nuclear orphan receptor=NOR-1=Nur77 orphan nuclear receptor family member
323204 W42636 Similar to protein kinase KID-1 and PIM-1 protooncogene Ser/Thr-protein kinase
323210 W42688 Similar to OB-R gene related protein=splice variant of leptin receptor with no sequence similarity to the receptor
323946 W46413 Id3=Inhibitor of DNA binding 3, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
325117 W47003 HIF-1 alpha=hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha
325365 W52273 UnknownUG Hs.86489ESTs
327311 W02172 UnknownUG Hs.8068Human clone A9A2BRB7 (CAC)n/(GTG)n repeat-containing mRNA
328922 W45465 Similar to calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II-delta
343061 W68000 gravin =a cytoplasmic antigen recognized by myasthenia gravis sera
343489 W69112 LERK-5=EPLG5=Eph-related receptor tyrosine kinase ligand 5=hepatoma transmembrane kinase ligand
343273 W68157 NF-IL3A=IL3BP1=E4BP4
343397 W67226 aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)=AH-receptor=basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor
343698 W69176 Similar to Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV kinase isoform
344080 W73771 Serine hydroxymethyl transferasemitochondrial precursor=Serine methylase=Glycine hydroxymethyl transferase=SHMT
345032 W72293 ribonuclease 6 precursor
344889 W70309 UnknownUG Hs.139135ESTs
344804 W72836 protein phosphatase 6=Dual specificity protein phophatase
345555 W73890 Unknown
345538 W73874 cathepsin L
345683 W72039 UnknownUG Hs.56966Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0906 protein, partial cds
346146 W73954 branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase E1-alpha subunit=BCKDH
346099 W73942 Tis11d=ERF-2=growth factor early response gene
346527 W74161 Similar to 30S ribosomal protein S15
346634 W74585 H326=homologue of PC326 expressed in mouse plasmacytomas and not in plasma cells
346851 W78151 UnknownUG Hs.159441ESTs
346902 W78164 KIAA0065
347736 W81522 KIAA0447
347761 W81605 UnknownUG Hs.5888ESTs
347580 W81396 NG,NG-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase=hydrolyzes N(G),N(G)-dimethyl-L-arginine and N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine,inhibitors for the NO-generating system
357331 W93814 CENP-F kinetochore protein=mitosin=cell-cycle-dependent 350K nuclear protein=AH antigen
358014 W94428 UnknownUG Hs.7626ESTs
358379 W95888 Similar to Dictyostelium discoideum unknown (1039) gene
358214 W95415 BTG2=p53 dependent inducible anti-proliferative gene homologous to Pc3/Tis21 immediate early genes
359474 AA010668 LPAP=lymphoid-restricted phosphoprotein=CD45 phosphatase binding protein and putative substrate
359661 AA011096 monoamine oxidase A
360151 AA013258 Unknown
360307 AA013396 Unknown
361274 AA016305 Similar to activity and neurotransmitter-induced early gene 5 (ania-5) and (Z78012) C52E4.6
361263 AA016304 KIAA0735=Similar to synaptic vesicle protein 2B (SV2B)
362942 AA019438 UnknownUG Hs.165636ESTs
364557 AA022603 UnknownUG Hs.75927Human BTK region clone ftp-3 mRNA
365824 AA025883 MAZ=Myc-associated zinc-finger protein of islet
365837 AA026052 GRSF-1=cytoplasmic G-rich mRNA sequence binding factor
366481 AA026418 keratin 6 isoform K6b=KRT6B
366944 AA026130 Diacylglycerol kinase alpha (80kD)
366952 AA027319 Similar to putative transmembrane protein E3-16-2
366785 AA029407 UnknownUG Hs.34136ESTs
375728 AA033807 metallopeptidase PRSM1=KIAA0047
376168 AA039477 GALECTIN-1=Beta galactoside-binding lectin L-14-I=Lactose binding lectin 1=S-LAC lectin 1=Galaptin=14 KD lectin=HPL=HBL
375881 AA037821 nucleolar phosphoprotein p130=KIAA0035
376147 AA039472 RAB-5C=ras-related protein
376394 AA041370 SER/THR protein phosphatase PP-X=protein phosphatase X
376522 AA041403 Gap junction protein, beta 1, 32kD (connexin 32, Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, X-linked)
376708 AA046274 Similar to myeloid upregulated protein
377282 AA054956 UnknownUG Hs.153028cytochrome b-561
377708 AA056219 3' 5'-cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase=rolipram-sensitive cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase (PDE2)
380425 AA054129 adducin gamma subunit=putative spectrin-actin assembly factor
380426 AA054122 KIAA0855=Similar to SH3P18=SH3 domain-containing protein
381537 AA056204 Akt2 kinase=RAC-PK-beta=RAC-beta Ser/Thr protein kinase
381522 AA057567 UnknownUG Hs.108557ESTs
381237 AA057229 Similar to beta galactosidase-related protein precursor
381846 AA059198 UnknownUG Hs.23999ESTs
381780 AA059223 UnknownUG Hs.24724ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4239895) [H.sapiens]
381836 AA058863 clone 23718 mRNA
415293 W92148 kininogen gene encoding bradykinin
415818 W84813 UnknownUG Hs.22590ESTs
416186 W86051 Gi3 alpha=guanine nucleotide-binding protein (Gi) alpha subunit=stimulatory G protein (of receptor-regulated K+ channels) alpha subunit
416864 W86751 Similar to translation initiation factor eIF2C
417048 W87820 Similar to human endogenous retrovirus-4
417287 W87899 aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)=AH-receptor=basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor
417435 W88984 UnknownUG Hs.107325alpha-1-antichymotrypsin
417487 W88650 Rcl=c-Myc-responsive and growth-related nuclear protein
417503 W88807 uroporphyrinogen III synthase
418033 W90332 procarboxypeptidase A1
417801 W88752 Similar to RM02_YEAST mitochondrial 60S ribosomal protein L2 precursor (YML2) (YMR6)
417898 W90137 UnknownUG Hs.110837ESTs
418129 W90116 NuMA=coiled-coil nuclear protein
429091 AA007585 histone 2A-like protein (H2A/l)
429409 AA007609 UnknownUG Hs.7739ESTs
429494 AA011347 KOC=putative RNA binding protein
429376 AA007529 UnknownUG Hs.5470ESTs
429934 AA033993 Id2=Id2H=Inhibitor of DNA binding 2, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
430337 AA010624 Similar to calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II-delta
469370 AA027037 Homolog of Drosophila enhancer of split m9/m10 (groucho), a corepressor for hairy and engrailed
469702 AA027985 UnknownUG Hs.78277ESTs
470188 AA030056 UnknownUG Hs.8175ESTs
470074 AA029059 PrP=prion protein
470008 AA029205 TRIP7=thyroid receptor interactor 7=similar to chromatin proteins HMG-14 and HMG-17
470385 AA031287 Placental bikunin=xs97=kop=Kunitz-type protease inhibitor
470555 AA031661 Unknown
470958 AA032241 UnknownUG Hs.25129ESTs
471164 AA033574 Glycyl tRNA synthetase
471556 AA034912 IEX-1=radiation-inducible immediate-early gene AND Similar to 0-44 (Double Hit)
471495 AA035245 aldehyde oxidase=hAOX
471580 AA034946 Unknown
471810 AA035200 BCL-6
472179 AA057168 Similar to translocated in synovial sarcoma
472180 AA036758 S100 calcium binding protein A4=Placental calcium binding protein=Calvasculin=mts1 PROTEIN=CAPL
472138 AA057359 sgk=putative serine/threonine protein kinase transcriptionally modified during anisotonic and isotonic alterations of cell volume
484686 AA037485 Similar to (U64842) F25B4.8
485184 AA039313 leukemia virus receptor 1 (GLVR1)
484898 AA037376 EBI2=Epstein-Barr virus induced G-protein coupled receptor=Putative chemokine receptor
485171 AA039310 methionine adenosyltransferase alpha subunit
484963 AA037443 metallothionein-II
485276 AA039727 Similar to Translation initiation factor EIF-2B delta subunit=EIF-2B GDP-GTP exchange factor
485857 AA040063 UnknownUG Hs.75450delta sleep inducing peptide, immunoreactor
485882 AA040071 P-selectin glycoprotein ligand
486003 AA040200 mrg1=melanocyte-specific nuclear protein associated with pigmentation
485885 AA040078 CREG=cellular repressor of E1A-stimulated genes
485770 AA039882 Tis11d=ERF-2=growth factor early response gene
485778 AA040319 UnknownUG Hs.15787Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564O1016 (from clone DKFZp564O1016)
486054 AA040866 Similar to (AL023554) hypothetical protein
486108 AA040702 phosphoglycerate mutase brain isoform (PGAM1)
486036 AA040856 Similar to hypertension-induced vascular factor (HRVF-1)
486139 AA040721 clone 24607 mRNA
486188 AA040743 CMAR=cellular adhesion regulatory molecule=increases cell adhesion to components of the extracellular matrix=paraplegin=mutated in spastic paraplegia
486505 AA042940 UnknownUG Hs.7905ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4689258) [H.sapiens]
486700 AA044574 CYR61=gig1=growth-factor inducible immediate early gene product
486436 AA044390 uridine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase
486534 AA042811 UnknownUG Hs.26570ESTs
486727 AA044600 UnknownUG Hs.76853ESTs, Weakly similar to DnaJ-like protein [M.musculus]
486660 AA044235 MCL1=myeloid cell differentiation protein
486668 AA043478 TTP=tristetraproline=GOS24=zinc finger transcriptional regulator
487059 AA043991 UnknownUG Hs.7473ESTs, Highly similar to connexin 40 [H.sapiens]
487170 AA043794 clone 23714 mRNA
487418 AA046721 filamin=ABP-280=actin-binding protein
487396 AA046660 UnknownUG Hs.71968Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564F053 (from clone DKFZp564F053)
487374 AA046695 LyGDI=Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 2=RHO GDI 2
487407 AA046719 insulin induced protein 1=INSIG1=member of the family of regulators of alternative pre-mRNA splicing
487337 AA043714 SH3P17=SH3 domain-containing protein
487872 AA045438 UnknownUG Hs.181368pre-B-cell colony-enhancing factor
487836 AA045080 IEF SSP 9502=nuclear phosphoprotein belonging to the WD-40 family=similarity to Saccharomyces cerevisiae PWP1 protein
487934 AA045285 vinculin
488143 AA058708 Immunoglobulin gamma 3 heavy chain constant region
488172 AA058719 UnknownUG Hs.172364ESTs
488178 AA046410 C10=predicted protein adjacent to SHP-1 on 12p13
487962 AA045742 B4-2 protein
487988 AA047478 coronin-like protein p57=actin binding protein p57
488691 AA045833 Similar to (Z74042) T11F9.11
488548 AA047266 PBEF=pre-B cell enhancing factor
488502 AA047410 tafazzins protein=G4.5 gene=mutated in Barth syndrome (cardiac and skeletal myopathy, short stature and neutropenia
488629 AA045813 Similar to (U95973) unknown protein
488488 AA044633 brain-expressed HHCPA78 homolog=Induced in HL60 cells treated with vitamin D or cycloheximide
489024 AA056991 N-Acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminide
489025 AA057070 randomly sequenced mRNA
488885 AA046071 Similar to putative transmembrane protein E3-16-3
488842 AA046245 OSF-2os=osteoblast-specific factor=putative bone adhesion protein with homology with the insect protein fasciclin I
489064 AA047192 semaphorin V=homologue of nerve growth cone guidance signaling proteins
489387 AA054502 IRF-3=interferon regulatory factor-3
489282 AA045731 TGF-beta inducible early protein=TIEG=EGR alpha=early growth response gene alpha=putative zinc finger transcription factor
489258 AA045715 Cysteine-rich protein 2=CRP2=ESP1 protein=LIM domain protein
489212 AA045659 pyruvate dehydrogenase alpha subunit
510152 AA053117 MxA=interferon-induced cellular resistance mediator protein
510115 AA053019 Nramp=natural resistance-associated macrophage protein=possible transporter protein mediating resistance to infection with intracellular parasites
510536 AA055809 UnknownUG Hs.26802ESTs, Weakly similar to phosphoprotein [H.sapiens]
510320 AA053219 HSP90=Heat shock protein HSP 90-alpha (HSP 86)
510395 AA053681 ribosomal protein S16
510383 AA055586 Interferon-inducible protein9-27=interferon-induced 17kDa membrane protein
512213 AA057604 Interferon-inducible protein 1-8U
683884 AA237047 UnknownUG Hs.2237ESTs, Weakly similar to Lpi2p [S.cerevisiae]
683968 AA237038 copine I=C2 domain-containing, calcium-dependent, phospholipid-binding putative membrane trafficking protein
683971 AA237043 nucleolar phosphoprotein p130=KIAA0035
77577 T58873 fra-2=fos-related antigen 2
79742 T62568 Lymphotoxin-Beta receptor precursor=Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 related protein=Tumor necrosis factor C receptor
80239 T64331 C-C chemokine receptor 1=CC CK1
81221 T57079 CD64=high affinity immunogobulin gamma FC receptor I A form precursor=FC-gamma RI=FCRI=IGG FC receptor I
82991 T69450 PC-1 = alkaline nucleotide pyrophosphatase
82850 T69252 NF-IL6 beta
84730 T74265 Lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP)
23464 R39209 MBP-2=MHC binding protein 2=HIV-EP2
108284 T70540 CD62P=P-selectin=gmp140=PADGEM
108837 T77817 MCP-1=MCAF=small inducible cytokine A2=JE=chemokine
110022 T89175 Cyclin D1=BCL1=PRAD1=Translocated in mantle cell leukemia
112035 T91871 pbx-3 = pre-B cell leukemia transcription factor-3
114116 T79471 Syndecan-2 = heparin sulfate proteoglycan core protein
115277 T86932 TDAG8=putative G protein-coupled receptor induced during activation-induced apoptosis of T cells
115408 T87515 BMI-1
116906 T93863 PMS2=DNA mismatch repair mutL homologue
116713 T89439 Mig=Humig=chemokine targeting T cells
116781 T89622 FGFR4=Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4
120157 T95090 Integrin alpha 9
123586 R00830 Syndecan-1
123953 R01628 MHC Class II=DQ beta
125187 R05503 ERCC2=XPD=Nucleotide excision repair protein=Mutated in xeroderma pigmentosa D
125676 R07482 ATF-2=CRE-BP1=cAMP response element binding protein
126379 R06556 R-PTP-psi=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase psi
126542 R06755 TGF-beta activated kinase 1a
128100 R09550 Syndecan-4 = amphiglycan = ryudocan core protein
127821 R08817 TRAP-5 (tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase)
129632 R16561 c-IAP2=MIHC=IAP homolog C=TNFR2-TRAF signalling complex protein
26167 R38415 FADD=MORT
26871 R38513 FGFR2=Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
26811 R39148 UnknownUG Hs.150930X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 4
27944 R40623 Cdk8=Cyclin-dependent kinase 8
28573 R40903 MDR1=Multidrug resistance protein 1=P-glycoprotein
28774 R40244 R-PTP-delta=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase delta
30781 R42275 max=myc interacting HLH protein
31116 R41937 MLH1=DNA mismatch repair mutL homologue
32790 R43551 MSH2=DNA mismatch repair mutS homologue
32983 R44058 Similar to mSin3A = mouse homologue of yeast Sin3
33368 R44858 p27kip1=cyclin kinase inhibitor
34005 R44542 Interferon gamma receptor beta chain
35516 R45687 Cyclin G1
36074 R46574 CD32=low-affinity IgG Fc receptor II-A isoform
36215 R46239 IkB epsilon
36844 R49297 IL-1 receptor antagonist
39920 R53935 MDR1=Multidrug resistance protein 1=P-glycoprotein
41565 R52824 N-myc
43129 R60160 Topoisomerase I
131828 R25118 Unknown
132420 R26543 ets-2=ets family transcription factor
133122 R26243 VHL=von HIippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressor
135381 R32980 GADD34=growth arrest and DNA damage induced gene and apoptosis associated protein=Myd116 homologue
137531 R38343 R-PTP-gamma=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase gamma
137575 R39575 IL-1 receptor type II
138604 R63357 Smad2=Madr2=JV18-1=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)=Activated by TGF beta
139073 R62940 IL-2 receptor beta chain
140358 R67006 Smad6=JV15-1=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)=negative regulator of TGF beta signaling
140827 R67215 Smad4=DPC4=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)=required for TGF beta signaling=tumor suppressor in pancreatic cancer
144693 R76212 TGF beta-1
145503 R77517 p19-INK4D=Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor D
145932 R79170 FCERI=Fc epsilon receptor gamma chain=High affinity immunoglobulin epsilon receptor gamma-subunit precursor
147075 R80235 MDM2=p53-binding protein
147744 R81336 p57kip2=cyclin kinase inhibitor
154472 R54846 FGFR1=Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
154441 R54836 Immunoglobulin alpha (1 or 2) heavy chain constant region
154536 R54726 XRCC1=Nucleotide excision repair and DNA alkylation repair protein=Stimulates DNA ligase III
155717 R72079 CD79B=BCR beta chain=B29
156103 R73130 DARC=Duffy=chemokine receptor
162584 H28002 XE7=B-lymphocyte surface protein
49164 H16591 CD106=VCAM-1
49950 H29274 FLAP endonuclease-1=Maturation factor 1=MF1=DNA structure-specific endonuclease FEN1=DNase IV=nuclear 42 kda 5' -> 3' exonuclease=rad2 homologue
51363 H23979 MRC OX-2
51746 H24326 BL34=RGS1=regulator of G-protein signaling which inhibits SDF-1 directed B cell migration
52489 H24274 FHF-3=fibroblast growth factor homologous factor 3=glia activating factor=fgf-9
179711 H51531 NFAT3=NFATc4
180447 R84974 FGFR3=Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3
183950 H28104 Thy-1
187987 H44764 IL-4 receptor alpha chain
193736 H48122 BRCA2=Mutated in breast and ovarian cancer
190711 H38861 Similar to growth factor-responsive protein=SM-20
200378 R96927 RAD52=Recombination/repair strand exchange and annealing protein
201797 H48220 rasGAP=GTPase-activating protein for ras p21
201673 R99907 IRF-2=interferon regulatory factor-2
203132 H54629 TRAIL=Apo-2 ligand
203017 H54308 IRF-3=interferon regulatory factor-3
204301 H59260 cdc25A=M-phase inducer phosphatase 1
213597 H70323 p300
221690 H92637 PDCD2=programmed cell death-2/Rp8 homolog
221619 H92332 MHC Class II=DQ alpha
223176 H86558 Mad1=MAD=MAX-binding protein=antagonizer of myc transcriptional activity
230976 R96076 CDK-Activating kinase assembly factor MAT1=Menage a trois=p35, cyclin-like CAK1-associated protein
231302 H56186 E2F-3=pRB-binding transcription factor=KIAA0075
233194 H75751 SATB1=MAR/SAR DNA binding protein
234357 N28267 CD11C=leukocyte adhesion protein p150,95 alpha subunit=integrin alpha-X
236338 H62385 p53
236422 H61833 BCL-3
238577 H64819 MHC Class II=DP beta
243159 H94471 Occludin=tight junction protein
248032 N53767 Topoisomerase II alpha (170kD)
248613 N77464 myb proto-oncogene=c-myb
249348 H83440 Elongin A=SIII p110 subunit
253773 N21987 c-IAP1=MIHB=IAP homolog B
260052 N32012 HS1= hematopoietic lineage cell specific protein = homologue of mouse lckbp-1 (lck binding protein)
261518 H98630 BNIP3=NIP3=E1B 19K/Bcl-2-interacting protein=pro-apoptotic mitochondrial protein
262575 H99339 erk1=extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1
264606 N20230 Similar to CD64=high affinity immunogobulin gamma FC receptor I "A form" precursor=FC-gamma RI=FCRI=IGG FC receptor I
267246 N24576 PS-2=PRESENILIN 2=STM2=ALG-3=seven trans-membrane domain protein AD3LP/AD5
267682 N25547 hPAK65=SER/THR-protein kinase PAK-gamma =P21-activated kinase 3
268652 N23941 p21=cyclin kinase inhibitor=WAF1=CIP1
268727 N24004 MYH=DNA mismatch repair protein=mutY homologue
270148 N27941 MKP-2=MAP kinase phosphatase 2
270980 N29895 CASPASE-8=Mch5=FLICE=MACH-alpha-1
271478 N35022 Mad2=MXI-1=MAX-binding protein=antagonizer of myc transcriptional activity=Mxi-1/Max heterodimers repress c-myc targets
271662 N35067 CHED=cdc2-related kinase
278409 N66100 MEK4=MKK4=MAP kinase kinase 4=sek1=JNK activating kinase 1
279482 N48804 UnknownUG Hs.108327damage-specific DNA binding protein 1 (127kD)
279954 N38873 HLF = Hepatic leukemia factor=Fused to E2A in pro-B cell leukemia
281029 N50894 PTP zeta = protein tyrosine phosphatase zeta
281778 N48082 TGF beta-2
288797 N62518 CD22
289606 N59270 IL-15
291503 N67788 MBP-1=PRDII-BF1=Zinc finger protein 40=HIV I enhancer binding protein 1=HIV-EP1
293274 N64843 CIP2=Cdi1=KAP1 phosphatase=G1/S cell cycle gene
293934 N66040 CAS=chromosome segregation gene homolog
295208 N75948 btk=Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase
299198 N75491 CD1E
299539 N71102 FGF-12=Fibroblast growth factor-12
300973 N80692 CD8 alpha chain
302394 N90140 NK4=Natural killer cells protein-4=increased after activation of T cells by mitogens or activation of NK cells by IL-2
306013 N91385 CD20
306134 N90513 Similar to KKIALRE = novel cdk
307293 N95176 Krev-1=RAP-1A
307342 N95225 CD30 ligand
307741 N92955 RAG-1=recombination activating protein 1
309615 N94440 Cyclin D3
310490 N98501 HHR23B=XPC p58 subunit
310390 N99948 PKA-RII beta=cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-beta regulatory chain
310428 N98775 PISSLRE = novel cdk
322604 W15364 BCL-7A
323162 W42423 cdk2=Cyclin-dependent kinase 2
323001 W45055 IRF-1=interferon regulatory factor-1
323028 W42414 Smad3=hMAD-3=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)=Activated by TGF beta
323555 W45726 fyn=syn=slk=Tyrosine protein kinase
323500 W45688 CASPASE-6=mch2 alpha
323776 W44678 FGF-2=bFGF=Basic fibroblast growth factor
324698 W47128 CDC2-related kinase (PITALRE)=clone C-2k=serine/threonine protein kinase
324655 W47101 IL-1 beta
324815 W49563 PLCB4=phospholipase C beta 4
325182 W49619 N-Cadherin=Neural cadherin precursor
343166 W67302 Unknown
343871 W69649 MEK5=MAP kinase kinase 5
344109 W73785 PCNA=proliferating cell nuclear antigen
345600 W72015 stk2 = serine / threonine kinase 2
345928 W72196 Smad1=JV4-1=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)
346534 W74500 CDC2=Cell division control protein 2 homolog=P34 protein kinase
357309 W93783 XP-C repair complementing protein (p125)
357239 W93664 RPA = replication protein A
357435 W93802 GRB2
357442 W93648 CD47 antigen=Rh-related antigen= integrin-associated signal transducer
357909 W94635 R-PTP-mu=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase mu
357807 W95471 Cyclin E
358467 W94872 NIP1=E1B 19K/Bcl-2-interacting protein
359171 AA010045 OCP2=RNA polymerase II elongation factor-like protein=cyclin A/CDK2-associated p19 (Skp1)
359051 W92308 P-cadherin
359412 AA010487 Cyclin D2/KIAK0002=overlaps with middle of KIAK0002 cDNA
361381 AA017360 MCL1=myeloid cell differentiation protein
362009 AA001025 GADD153=growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible gene=CHOP=C/EBP-homologous protein
363799 AA020844 CLK-1=CDC-like kinase 1=PITSLRE alpha 1=galactosyltransferase associated protein kinase P58/GTA
364982 AA024819 LAR = LCA-homologue
364752 AA025344 RhoC=GTP-binding protein
364716 AA025294 MSH6=mutS-alpha160 KD subunit=GTBP=G/T mismatch binding protein
365147 AA025141 HER2=neu=c-erb-B-2=tyrosine kinase-type receptor
365647 AA025939 CD4 and chromosome 12p13 sequence (Double Hit)
366576 AA026660 jun-D
366647 AA029668 ERF-1=EGF-response factor 1=Homologue of TIS11b early-response gene
366824 AA029438 cdk4=Cyclin-dependent kinase 4
366904 AA026222 nm23-H2=NDP kinase B=Nucleoside dephophate kinase B
375922 AA056973 PCTAIRE 1 serine/threonine protein kinase
376362 AA039599 rsk-2=Ribosomal protein S6 kinase 2
376285 AA040808 PARP = poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase
376649 AA045258 PKA-R1 alpha=cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha-catalytic regulatory chain
380403 AA047765 RhoA=GTP-binding protein
415102 W95001 cdc25C=M-phase inducer phosphatase 3
417124 W87464 APEX=apurinic endonuclease=DNA alkylation repair protein
417322 W89180 hFat=homologue of drosophila FAT gene
417403 W88566 B-raf Ser/Thr protein kinase
429142 AA005273 PKA-C-ALPHA=cAMP-dependent protein kinase, alpha-catalytic subunit
429057 AA005165 cam kinase I
429368 AA007444 HOX-11 homeobox protein
429926 AA034051 APC=adenomatous polyposis coli protein
430027 AA034154 C-C chemokine receptor 2=MCP-1RA=CKR2A=monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 receptor
469256 AA027283 Bag-1=Bcl-2 interacting anti-apoptotic protein=RAP46=Glucocorticoid receptor-associated protein
469724 AA028026 FBP1=FUSE binding protein1=myc transcription factor
470185 AA029850 TAB1=activator of TAK1 MAPKKK (TGF beta-activated kinase)
470196 AA029848 ERCC5=XPG=Nucleotide excision repair SS endonuclease=Mutated in xeroderma pigmentosa G
470251 AA028956 IL-15 receptor alpha chain
470062 AA029241 DNA Ligase III=Nucleotide excision repair and DNA alkylation repair protein
470621 AA031961 CAK=cdk7=NRTALRE=sdk=CDK activating kinase
470470 AA031555 WT1 = Wilms tumor zinc finger protein
470685 AA031569 Trio=LAR transmembrane tyrosine phosphatase binding protein with a kinase domain and separate rac-specific and rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor domains
470730 AA031671 FAK=focal adhesion kinase
470691 AA031492 RAD23=UV excision repair protein AND beta-tubulin (Double Hit)
471217 AA034168 TIAR=nucleolysin=cytotoxic granule-associated RNA-binding protein inducer of DNA fragmentation
471620 AA035463 CD105=endoglin
471822 AA035637 plakoglobin=cytoplasmic protein in submembranous plaques of adhering junctions (desmosomes and intermediate junctions)
471918 AA036770 CD102=ICAM-2=intercellular adhesion molecule 2
485963 AA039988 PKA-RI beta=cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-beta regulatory chain
486161 AA040732 lck=lymphoid-restricted tyrosine kinase
486716 AA043178 erk1=extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1
486510 AA042897 H-cadherin
487130 AA045329 R-PTP-alpha=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha
487097 AA043580 PTP-BAS type 2 AND Similar to Sob protein (Double Hit)
488891 AA046249 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2B (RAD6 homolog)
489042 AA047162 CD30=Ki-1 antigen=TNFR family member
489327 AA058523 A-raf=c-raf-1 kinase
489194 AA056728 Catenin alpha1(E)
510130 AA053188 LI-cadherin
510258 AA053276 KIAA0108=Similar to Golgi 4-transmembrane spanning transporter MTP=Nucleoside Transporter
510467 AA055664 p16-INK4a=Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor A=Multiple tumor suppressor 1=MTS1
512391 AA057851 Cyclin I
198205 R94939 myb-related gene B=B-myb
322029 W37431 JNK2=Stress-activated protein kinase
60298 T40480 Similar to Rar=ras-like GTPase
23173 R39221 JNK3=Stress-activated protein kinase
120466 T95288 cytochrome p-450 4A
26992 R36983 Acetylcholine receptor protein beta chain
36809 R49177 CALL=neural cell adhesion molecule
146307 R79221 VHL=von HIippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressor
43504 H05603 thyroid hormone receptor alpha 1
47559 H11455 RAB-5A=GTP-binding protein
49576 H15124 Ray=GTP-binding protein
51686 H24004 Neurofilament triplet L protein
51825 H22943 Similar to RIT=ras-like GTPase related to RIC
52193 H24357 Heregulin alpha=neu=glial growth factor 2
52564 H29540 SLAP=src-like adapter protein
178169 H46676 corticotrophin releasing factor receptor
178508 H46565 Neurofilament triplet L protein AND ROCK-2 (Double Hit)
182633 H43042 RAR-alpha-1=Retinoic acid receptor
183661 H44411 TEK=tyrosine kinase
191007 H37930 RAB-6
196543 R91570 STAT4
199381 R97302 VAV-3
200209 R97831 CD61=Integrin, beta 3=platelet glycoprotein IIIa
205905 H58473 GST=glutathione transferase
209655 H62473 TGF beta receptor type III
219735 H85045 Guanine nucleotide binding protein G(Z), aopha subunit
231089 H52475 Unknown
236420 H61831 Receptor protein tyrosine kinase TKT precursor=Tyrosine protein kinase TYRO 10=Nuerotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor-related 3
239287 H71488 CD45
242134 H93516 tubulin-alpha AND ferritin L chain (Double Hit)
243143 H94341 IL-TMP=intestinal and liver tetraspan membrane protein
253545 H89357 PDGF A Chain=platelet-derived growth factor
254187 N22448 cadherin-5=VE-cadherin
258747 N32329 IL-10 receptor
258790 N30191 cholecystokinin
259241 N29446 MHC Class II=DM alpha
262691 H99414 Glucocorticoid receptor
264576 N20213 microtubule-associated protein 1B
264554 N20202 EWS=RNA binding protein
268412 N23406 DBL proto-oncogene
271198 N30428 Glucocorticoid receptor
280376 N47107 Similar to SER/THR-protein kinase NEK2=NIMA-related protein kinase 2
280768 N47476 Tumor Associated Antigen L6
284546 N64756 GFAP=Glial fibrillary acidic protein=intermediate-filament protein
284669 N64825 FLI-1=ERGB=ets family transcription factor
286249 N67200 HSP70
288733 N62431 Myelin basic protein
289428 N63949 TRKB=protein-tyrosine kinase
290493 N62359 Unknown
290871 N71998 CD49C=Integrin alpha 3
290724 N71782 mic-A=MHC class I chain-related protein A
295389 N70358 growth hormone receptor
296021 N73578 Unknown
296642 N73992 IGF-I=insulin-like growth factor 1
297589 N69832 AIM1=non-lens beta gamma-crystallin like protein=associated with chromosome 6-mediated suppression of melanoma tumorgenicity
299626 N74895 SPHAR=Cyclin related protein
301363 N79499 S100 calcium binding protein A1
303109 N90783 purinergic receptor P2Y5=RB intorn-encoded putative G-protein coupled receptor
307471 N93505 TALLA=T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia associated antigen 1=cell surface glycoprotein
308392 N95628 cdk4=Cyclin-dependent kinase 4
320514 W16661 EPH=receptor tyrosine kinase
320903 W44701 IL-3 receptor alpha chain
321242 AA037389 Neuronal acetylcholine receptor protein alpha-7 chain
321246 AA037391 RAP-1B=GTP-binding protein
321308 W32191 BBP/53BP2=Bcl2, p53 binding protein
322148 W37769 Secretogranin I=Chromogranin B
322452 W15214 Secretogranin I=Chromogranin B
323648 W44417 DPH2L=Similar to diphthamide biosynthesis gene DPH2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
324700 W47129 MMP-3=Matrix metalloproteinase 3=Stromelysin-1
328330 W38336 cadherin-4
328467 W38444 Gap1m=brain ras GTPase-activating protein
341763 W60703 CASPASE-5=ICErel-III=TY protease=Ich-3 cysteine protease
343465 W69079 Gap junction alpha-4=connexin 37
343311 W67446 Low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor=NGF receptor=GP80-LNGFR
345645 W72000 PDGF2=sis oncogene=platelet-derived growth factor 2
345722 W71996 Similar to RAB-25=GTP-binding protein
346396 W74233 R-RAS=GTP-binding protein
346305 W74138 53BP1=p53-binding protein
347032 W81125 RAL-B=GTP-binding protein
347751 W81586 FGR tyrosine kinase
356890 W84634 HYAL1=LUCA1=hyaluronoglucosaminidase 1
356964 W92683 abl tyrosine-protein kinase
357374 W93713 RAR-beta-2=Retinoic acid receptor
358848 W94608 CD103 alpha=Integrin alpha-E
359119 AA010065 ckshs2=homolog of Cks1=p34Cdc28/Cdc2-associated protein
359077 W92322 CD49E=Integrin alpha 5
359466 AA010712 Von Willebrand factor
359465 AA010576 DHFR=Dihydrofolate reductase
359793 AA011135 UnknownUG Hs.48145ESTs
361728 W96361 creatine kinase B chain
362702 AA018185 ROM1=rod outer segment membrane protein 1
363539 AA019718 ENO2=Enolase 2 (gamma, neuronal)
363805 AA020865 EWS=RNA binding protein
364110 AA021189 TCF-1=Transcription factor 7=T-Cell Trans Factor 1
364975 AA024822 Unknown
366539 AA026625 Fibrinogen alpha AND Zinc-finger protein (ZNFpT1) (Double Hit)
366509 AA026608 actin-skeletal alpha AND adenosine deaminase (Double Hit)
366942 AA026129 MYF6=muscle determination transcription factor
375620 AA027261 DMD=dystrophin
376110 AA040550 Alpha-1-microglobulin
376303 AA041277 IGF-I=insulin-like growth factor 1
376781 AA047566 myosin light chain-1
376725 AA046749 Tropomyosin alpha
377181 AA055205 cbl-b
377441 AA055242 S100 calcium binding protein A3=S-100E protein
415060 W93118 Erythropoietin
415679 W85912 Unknown
416184 W86050 Similar to Cyclin B2
417136 W87639 OS-9=amplified in sarcomas
417218 W87687 RXR-alpha=Retinoic acid receptor
427750 AA001897 Spectrin alpha chain
427686 AA002159 NF-E2=basic leucine zipper erythroid transcription factor
428404 AA005379 pim-1 kinase
428231 AA002126 c-IAP2=MIHC=IAP homolog C=TNFR2-TRAF signalling complex protein
429135 AA004834 progesterone receptor-associated p48 protein=putative tumor suppressor (SNC6)
429539 AA011403 Unknown
429861 AA009523 AFP=alpha-fetoprotein
469272 AA026089 EGF Receptor=epidermal growth factor receptor
469731 AA027939 Unknown
469543 AA027097 Unknown
470602 AA031933 hERRa1=estrogen receptor-related protein
470493 AA031827 TNFR2=TNF alpha Receptor II=p80
470610 AA031352 mRNA in the region near the btk gene involved in a-gamma-globulinemia
470817 AA031807 FES=FPS=Tyrosine protein kinase AND Similar to platelet-endothelial tetraspan antigen 3 (Double Hit)
471174 AA034203 MMP-11=Matrix metalloproteinase 11=Stromelysin-3
471494 AA035241 CD104=Integrin beta4
471715 AA035408 HCK=hemopoietic cell protein-tyrosine kinase
472067 AA036944 Glia maturation factor beta
484993 AA037705 CD81=TAPA1
485690 AA041529 Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain
486012 AA040197 Similar to RAB-10
486335 AA043737 Alpha-Actinin 1
486375 AA044261 CD29=Integrin, beta 1=fibronectin receptor, beta polypeptide
486233 AA043680 RAB-7
486086 AA040760 Unknown
487417 AA046521 erk3=extracellular signal-regulated kinase 3
487264 AA058625 CD63=Lysosome associated membrane glycoprotein 3=ocular melanoma-associated antigen
487386 AA043400 microtubule-associated protein 4
487878 AA045463 osteonectin=SPARC=basement membrane protein
488103 AA053328 Alpha-2-macroglobulin
488596 AA047296 CD82=Inducible membrane protein R2=Metastasis suppressor Kankai 1=suppressor of tumorgenicity-6
488373 AA044832 myosin-IC
488801 AA045054 Pleitrophin=PTN=Heparin-binding growth associated molecule=Heparin-binding growth factor 8=Osteoblast specific factor 1=Heparin-binding neurite outgrowth promoting factor 1
488989 AA045568 BCL-7B
489419 AA054534 FKHR=Homolog 1 of Drosophila forkhead=translocated to PAX3 in rhabdomyosarcoma
509820 AA054350 E1A-F=E1A enhancer binding protein=ETS translocation variant 4=ets family transcription factor
510101 AA053379 Lactate dehydrogenase B
510151 AA053124 HB-EGF=Heparin binding EGF-like growth factor precursor
510405 AA055606 CEA=carcinoembryonic antigen
510595 AA057760 Lactate dehydrogenase A
510245 AA053087 eIF-3=translation initiation factor
512458 AA058940 Myelin protein 22
512276 AA057801 vimentin
512429 AA058887 IGFBP-2=insulin-like growth factor binding protein
113941 T79754 NAB1=transcriptional repressor
121147 T97152 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-10
129268 R11064 TFIIA gamma subunit
41959 R60332 BF-1=Transcription factor BF-1=Brain factor 1=HFK1
135118 R31442 GATA-3=T-cell specific transcription factor
136769 R35249 CCG1=transcription initiation factor TFIID 250 KD subunit
154763 R55296 PML=promyelocytic leukemia protein=nuclear body protein=translocated to retinoic receptor alpha in acute promyelocytic leukemia
162479 H27939 ELF-3=ESE-1=ESX=epithelial-specific transcription factor=epithelium-restricted Ets protein
190107 H30275 HD3=histone deacetylase 3
193901 R83300 CCG1=transcription initiation factor TFIID 250 KD subunit
222502 H84102 AP-2 beta transcription factor
247869 N53684 GATA-1=ERYF1=GF-1=NF-E1=Erythroid transcription factor
252185 H87496 SL1 transcription factor
256323 H94005 Ribosomal protein L3 AND STAT3 (Double Hit)
257458 N30258 TFIIS=Transcription elongation factor S-II
260288 H96798 TEF-1=transcriptional enhancer factor
264200 N20646 STAT5A/5B
279727 N49074 MEF2C=MADS/MEF2-family transcription factor=myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2C
280465 N51590 Unknown
280735 N50549 TFIID=TATA box binding protein
282065 N48255 Fe65=beta-amyloid binding protein with phosphotyrosine interaction-related domains
286197 N64346 pbx-3 = pre-B cell leukemia transcription factor-3
288650 N62380 STAT3=APRF=acute-phase response factor
290117 N63270 NK/T cell leucine zipper transcription factor
291943 N73082 TFIIF-beta=Transcription initiation factor IIF, beta subunit=RAP30
293032 N63770 AP-2 transcription factor
295093 N71628 Spi-B transcription factor
300071 N91550 TTF-1=thyroid transcription factor 1
300960 N80679 SC1=induced during G0/G1 transition
304947 N93133 PML=promyelocytic leukemia protein=nuclear body protein=translocated to retinoic receptor alpha in acute promyelocytic leukemia
309924 N94499 RPD3=homologue of yeast RPD3 transcription factor
320538 W31532 YY1=GLI-Krupple related zinc finger transcription factor
327111 W02502 SNF2L1=SNF2 global transcription activator homologous sequence-1
344482 W73506 PC4=p14=p15=Activated RNA polymerase II transcriptional coactivator
344769 W74710 Unknown
345527 W72438 FREAC-4=forkhead related transcription activator 4
347573 W81400 COUP-TFII=ARP1 transcription factor
347685 W81561 core binding factor beta subunit=CBF beta=PEBP2 beta transcription factor=Fused to myosin heavy chain in acute myeloid leukemia
357357 W93827 mitochondrial transcription factor 1
358677 W94196 TFIIE-beta AND KIAA0211 (Double Hit)
358538 W96020 ETR101=transcription factor
360201 AA012926 CROC-4=brain-specific transcriptional activator ofc-fos
361401 AA017566 BTF2=Basic transcription factor 62 KD subunit
361815 W92435 Fe65-like protein=beta-amyloid binding protein
366981 AA027344 LBP-1d=LSF=CP2=transcription factor binding to initiation site of HIV-1=alpha-globin transcription factor
375843 AA039855 NFY-C=HSM-1=CCAAT transcription binding factor subunit gamma
376294 AA039521 CTCF=11-zinc-finger transcription factor
376218 AA039542 PML=promyelocytic leukemia protein=nuclear body protein=translocated to retinoic receptor alpha in acute promyelocytic leukemia
376507 AA039771 TFIIB related factor hBRF (HBRF)
380738 AA054273 ITF-2=ME2=SEF2-1A=helix-loop-helix transcription factor
381219 AA057381 ISL-1=Insulin gene enhancer protein=LIM homeodomain protein
417127 W87473 CTF-2/3=NFI=CAAT-box binding transcription factor
418320 W90756 Unknown
470792 AA031701 TFIIB=Transcription initiation factor IIB
471631 AA035515 AREB6=ZEB=zinc finger homeodomain protein
471889 AA035174 COUP transcription factor=v-erbA related ear-3
485192 AA039315 TFIIA gamma subunit
486199 AA043287 TFIIIA=Transcription factor IIIA
486410 AA044382 YY1=GLI-Krupple related zinc finger transcription factor
487982 AA054592 BTF3=Basic transcription factor 3
488092 AA053317 Unknown
488658 AA044898 S-II=hS-II-T1=transcription elongation factor
488904 AA047362 SUPT4H transcription factor
509682 AA045874 HD3=histone deacetylase 3
509588 AA045588 TAFII20=transcription factor TFIID subunit
509882 AA056455 MTF-1=metal-regulatory transcription factor
124927 R05941 BTF2=Basic transcription factor 62 KD subunit
125555 R07333 ATF-4=TAXREB67=CREB2=cAMP-dependent transcription factor
126519 R06749 Similar to CACCC-box binding protein BKLF=TEF-2=AP-2rep zinc finger transcription factor
194384 R83000 BTF3=Basic transcription factor 3
195889 R92221 BTF3=Basic transcription factor 3
203184 H54451 ATF-1=TREB=cAMP-dependent transcription factor
241412 H81220 ELF-1=ets family transcription factor
248258 N58488 TFIIE-beta=Transcription initiation factor IIEbeta subunit
296476 N74637 P/CAF=p300/CBP-associated factor
55 D90145 LD78 beta=almost identical to MIP-1 alpha=chemokine
1289360   No sequences in Genbank
1269011   No sequences in Genbank
1269015 AA747531 UnknownUG Hs.231146EST
1269038 AA747539 UnknownUG Hs.155478cyclin T2
1269046   No sequences in Genbank
1289212 AA804215 Unknown
1289230   No sequences in Genbank
1289238 AA804232 UnknownUG Hs.123369ESTs
1289252 AA804236 Unknown
1320344   No sequences in Genbank
1335077 AA827151 UnknownUG Hs.50216ESTs
1352302 AA808292 Similar to NSD1=nuclear SET and PhD domain protein that interacts with the ligand-binding domain of several nuclear receptors
1353272 AA830636 Aconitase=mitochondrial protein
1353541 AA830872 UnknownUG Hs.11069ESTs
1355330 AA831180 UnknownUG Hs.13255Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0930 protein, partial cds
1357219   No sequences in Genbank
1371549   No sequences in Genbank
1368341 AA837093 Similar to calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II delta chain
1270662 AA749024 CD40
1319238 AA804656 STAT induced STAT inhibitor-1=JAB=SOCS-1
1319655 AA767645 WIP/HS PRPL-2=WASP interacting protein
1371531 AA825752 STAT induced STAT inhibitor-1=JAB=SOCS-1
784863 AA448317 huntingtin-interacting protein HYPA/FBP11 (HYPA)
1131287 AA631986 thyroid receptor interactor (TRIP10)
965841 AA512936 Similar to ATFx
752719 AA417884 p18-INK6=Cyclin-dependent kinase 6 inhibitor
259889 N29859 UnknownUG Hs.11360ESTs
155959 R72362 Ribosomal protein S9
1241552 AA807560 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
1670673 AI076219 Similar to ATP-binding cassette transporter 1
1670681 AI076222 UnknownUG Hs.69547myelin basic protein
1670683 AI076223 Unknown
1670696 AI076227 Similar to napsin B aspartic protease and kidney-derived aspartic protease-like protein (Mouse)
1670739 AI077349 Unknown
1670742 AI077340 UnknownUG Hs.189213ESTs
1670746 AI077342 Unknown
1670752 AI077345 UnknownUG Hs.97437centriole associated protein
1670765 AI073974 UnknownUG Hs.159638ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 5052520) [D.melanogaster]
1670776 AI073968 Unknown
1670782 AI073971 Unknown
1670794 AI073985 UnknownUG Hs.133333ESTs
1670802 AI073989 UnknownUG Hs.144913ESTs
1670809 AI074007 UnknownUG Hs.205327ESTs
1670829 AI074014 JAP3=bHLH-PAS protein
1670834 AI074016 UnknownUG Hs.134473ESTs
1670842 AI074020 UnknownUG Hs.144114ESTs
1670866 AI081237 Similar to CD53
1670875 AI081249 UnknownUG Hs.172711ESTs, Weakly similar to collagen alpha 1(I) chain precursor [H.sapiens]
1670882 AI081253 Similar to BBC1=ribosomal protein L13
1670890 AI081255 Similar to IL-4 receptor alpha chain
1670898 AI081257 Unknown
1670900 AI081258 UnknownUG Hs.134590EST
1670920 AI082338 UnknownUG Hs.124620ESTs
1670933 AI082362 UnknownUG Hs.134649EST
1670944 AI082357 KIAA0467
1670947 AI082368 UnknownUG Hs.121029ESTs
1670957 AI085567 Unknown
1670958 AI085561 SRF=c-fos serum response element-binding transcription factor
1670989 AI085586 Unknown
1671049 AI073796 Unknown
1671087 AI073811 Unknown
1671090 AI073805 UnknownUG Hs.135422EST
1671092 AI073806 UnknownUG Hs.133922ESTs
1671097 AI075261 UnknownUG Hs.133970EST
1671115 AI075269 UnknownUG Hs.123164ESTs
1671117 AI075270 Unknown
1671127 AI075282 UnknownUG Hs.230275EST
1671139 AI075288 UnknownUG Hs.210727EST
1671156 AI087038 UnknownUG Hs.146592ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
1671170 AI087051 UnknownUG Hs.232174ESTs
1671179 AI087060 Similar to glandular kallikrein
1671211 AI086023 UnknownUG Hs.146591EST
1671212 AI086014 KIAA0071
1671223 AI086035 UnknownUG Hs.204873ESTs
1671233 AI086039 UnknownUG Hs.228801EST
1671240 AI085239 Unknown
1671251 AI085250 Unknown
1671289 AI083673 UnknownUG Hs.166622ESTs
1671312 AI083681 UnknownUG Hs.173941Homo sapiens (clone NCD18) tumor necrosis factor receptor related protein mRNA, complete exon and repeat region
1671330 AI083687 UnknownUG Hs.148379EST
1671339 AI084057 Unknown
1671357 AI084065 Unknown
1671373 AI084076 UnknownUG Hs.133392ESTs
1671396 AI084209 Similar to friend of GATA-1 (FOG)=zinc finger GATA-1 coactivator in erythroid and megakaryocyte lineages
1671427 AI084235 Unknown
1672008 AI074511 Unknown
1672022 AI074515 Similar to rRNA primary transcript internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2)
1672038 AI074528 UnknownUG Hs.133949ESTs
1672041 AI074534 UnknownUG Hs.133949ESTs
1672053 AI074537 EST in FUS/TLS genomic locus
1672115 AI076068 UnknownUG Hs.134017EST
1672125 AI076071 UnknownUG Hs.134018EST
1672132 AI076073 Unknown
1672152 AI076885 ABR=guanine nucleotide regulatory protein
1672162 AI076890 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-22
1672193 AI076912 UnknownUG Hs.167099ESTs
1672262 AI090325 UnknownUG Hs.172711ESTs, Weakly similar to collagen alpha 1(I) chain precursor [H.sapiens]
1672264 AI090326 UnknownUG Hs.192755ESTs
1672297 AI090408 UnknownUG Hs.221646ESTs
1672303 AI090411 Unknown
1672310 AI090404 Similar to isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase (IVD)
1672321 AI090420 Unknown
1672352 AI090431 Unknown
1672403 AI095189 UnknownUG Hs.143534ESTs
1672412 AI095184 Similar to Adenine nucleotide translocator 2
1672421 AI095207 Unknown
1672438 AI095205 Immunoglobulin heavy chain V(H)5 pseudogene L2-9 transcript
1672459 AI095223 UnknownUG Hs.187768ESTs
1672461 AI095224 Unknown
1672504 AI089522 Similar to Numblike (m-nbl)=Homologue of Drosophila numb necessary for asymmetric cell fate decisions
1 M11722 TdT = Terminal Deoxynucleotide Transferase
10 X58957 btk=Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase
105 X61498 NFkB2 = NF-kappaB p100=p49=p50B=Lyt-10=translocated in t(10;14)(q24;q32) B cell lymphoma
106 L11329 PAC-1=protein tyrosine phosphatase
109957 T88824 MHC Class II=DR beta
11 U14407 IL-15
110503 T89996 fra-1=fos-related antigen 1
110589 T90203 STAT5A/5B
111106   Unknown
112500 T91043 axl=ufo=tyrosine kinase receptor
114648 T86845 NFkB1 = NF-kappaB p105=p50
115336 T87101 CD75=sialyltransferase (CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase) (EC
12 X15072 CTLA-4=Ig super family cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein
121849 T97345 scl=tal-1=T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 1
123950 R00872 Interferon alpha/beta receptor-2=Interferon-alpha/beta receptor beta chain precursor=IFN-alpha-rec=Type I interferon receptor=IFN-R
124086 R02590 IL-11 receptor alpha chain
124554 R02281 CSF-1=Macrophage colony stimulating factor-1
127089 R08017 c-jun
13 J02988 CD28
138265 R56844 IL-1 receptor type I
138460 R68280 Cyclin G2
138917 R62813 L-myc
138998 R62600 SIAH-1=Seven in absentia homolog 1
14 X01057 IL-2 receptor alpha chain
143751 R76698 LSP1=lymphocyte-specific protein 1=WP34 for phosphorylated lymphocyte differentiation and activation antigen=actin binding protein which co-caps with membrane IgM
144944 R78620 CXC chemokine receptor 4= fusin=neuropeptide Y receptor=L3
145409 R78403 Low-affinity IgG Fc receptor II-B and C isoforms (multiple orthologous genes)
149910 H00662 CD62L=L-selectin=LAM-1=leukocyte adhesion molecule-1
15 J04132 T cell receptor zeta chain
151767 H04238 CD95=Fas
152762 R49974 CD37
152844 R50534 TRAF1=Epstein-Barr virus-induced protein EBI6
153025 R50354 LIF
153355 R47893 LD78 beta=almost identical to MIP-1 alpha=chemokine
154015 R48796 CD11A=Integrin, alpha L=LFA-1 alpha chain
154420 R53112 PDGF receptor beta-like tumor suppressor
158970 R76000 HEK2=tyrosine kinase receptor=large erk kinase
159833 H22222 FA-C=DNA crosslinking repair protein=Mutated in Fanconi's anemia C
16 M26062 IL-2 receptor beta chain
161023 H24896 Immunoglobulin J chain
162772 H27557 EGR-1=Early growth response protein 1=zinc finger protein
17 D11086 IL-2/IL-4/IL-7/IL-9/IL-15 receptor common gamma chain
18 X52425 IL-4 receptor alpha chain
19   SH120 = lymphoid-specific cDNA
191070 H40699 UnknownUG Hs.63555ESTs
192694 H38522 Oct-1=Octamer binding transcription factor 1
193913 R83837 lyn=tyrosine kinase
2 U00115 BCL-6
20   SH137 = lymphoid-specific cDNA
204681 H57139 bcr=break point cluster gene
205633 H62864 MIP1 beta=SCAY2=G-26=HC21=pAT 744=LAG-1=Act-2=H400=SIS-gamma=chemokine
209310 H65504 NFkB-p65
209731 H52219 pim-1 kinase
209758 H65598 CD10=CALLA=Neprilysin=enkepalinase
21   SH139 = lymphoid-specific cDNA
213502 H70125 CD53
22   SH149 = lymphoid-specific cDNA
23 L20688 LyGDI=Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 2=RHO GDI 2
231292 H56184 Myelin transcription factor 1
231497 H92463 Cdk6=Cyclin-dependent kinase 6
232714 H74208 BCL-2
234198 H70635 Cdk6=Cyclin-dependent kinase 6
24 D10925 C-C chemokine receptor 1=CC CK1
241489 H90431 Beta-2 adrenergic receptor
244355 N54821 IL-2/IL-4/IL-7/IL-9/IL-15 receptor common gamma chain
25 U03882 C-C chemokine receptor 2=MCP-1RA=CKR2A=monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 receptor
253869 N22009 UnknownUG Hs.15020homolog of mouse quaking QKI (KH domain RNA binding protein)
254428 N22383 CD49F=Integrin alpha 6
254436 N22386 NOT=Immediate early response protein=Nurr1 homologue=Nurr77 orphan steroid receptor family member
257766 N30606 Cyclin H
258589 N56815 c-rel=NF-kB family member frequently amplified in diffuse large cell lymphoma
259291 N29501 Integrin beta 5
26 U28694 C-C chemokine receptor 3=CC CK3
26474 R20750 c-fos
26503 R38444 E2A=E12/E47 HLH transcription factors
26599 R37747 STAT1=IFN alpha/beta-responsive transcription factor ISGF3 beta subunits (p91/p84)
266486 N22679 cdk2=Cyclin-dependent kinase 2
269295 N26672 CD83=B-G antigen IgV domain homolog=B-cell activation protein=HB15
27 X85740 C-C chemokine receptor 4=CC CK4
271416 N34776 Sp1
272110 N32165 NERF=ets family transcription factor
27899 R40776 Gem GTPase
28 U54994 C-C chemokine receptor 5=CC CK5
280388 N49274 UnknownUG Hs.14394ESTs
283116 N51324 TdT = Terminal Deoxynucleotide Transferase
284031 N53393 N-ras
284459 N52338 PKC beta =Protein kinase C, beta
29 U20350 CX3CR1=chemokine (C-X3-C) receptor 1=fractalkine receptor mediating migration and adhesion of NK cells=G protein-coupled receptor V28=CMKBRL1=beta chemokine receptor-like 1
291057 N72115 p18-INK6=Cyclin-dependent kinase 6 inhibitor
291736 N67844 IRF-4=LSIRF=Mum1=homologue of Pip=Lymphoid-specific interferon regulatory factor =Multiple myeloma oncogene 1
298187 N70813 BCL-XL
298314 N70475 Sp3 = SPR-2
298371 N74107 RDC-1=POU domain transcription factor
3 U50062 RIP protein kinase
30 M73969 CXCR2=IL-8 Receptor beta
300051 N78927 myosin light chain-2
301723 N90866 CD52=CAMPATH-1
302157 N79985 T cell receptor beta chain
302490 N90191 Cyclin B1
305455 N89796 ISGF3 gamma=IFN alpha/beta-responsive transcription factor ISGF3 gamma subunit (p48)
306170 N90536 CD9
309477 N99070 jun-B
31 X68149 CXCR5=BLR1=B-cell homing chemokine receptor=L1
310141 N98621 GADD45 alpha=growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible protein alpha
310406 N98591 IL-6
32 L31581 EBI1=Epstein-Barr virus induced G-protein coupled receptor=L2
322000 W37411 ELF-1=ets family transcription factor
323181 W42634 fibroblast activation protein=integral membrane serine protease Seprase
323390 W42870 ERCC3=XPBC=Nucleotide excision repair DNA helicase=TFIIH 89kD subunit=Mutated in xeroderma pigmentosa B/C
327396 W02149 Galactosyltransferase associated protein kinase P58/GTA=CDC-like kinase 1=PITSLRE alpha 1
328391 W38416 UnknownUG Hs.46780ESTs, Weakly similar to PTS1-binding protein [H.sapiens]
328692 W45324 IL-8=chemokine
328783 W45412 tubulin-folding cofactor C
33 X71635 CXC chemokine receptor 4= fusin=neuropeptide Y receptor=L3
34 U01839 DARC=Duffy=chemokine receptor
340644 W56754 Integrin beta 8
340734 W56300 IkB alpha
340878 W57562 rac AND prostatic acid phosphatase (Double Hit)
340922 W57797 NFAT4=NFATc3=NFATx
340947 W57817 UnknownUG Hs.33032ESTs
341130 W58597 p130 = RB related protein
342256 W61181 T cell receptor beta chain
343646 W69471 ski AND Similar to 50S ribosomal protein L27 (Double Hit)
346587 W74434 BPGF-1=bone-derived growth factor=Q6=quiescin
35 M60626 FPR=BS.D15=N-formyl peptide receptor=peptide chemoattractant receptor
35326 R45433 OX40 ligand=gp34=Tax-transcriptionally activated glycoprotein 1 (34kD)
358168 W95587 UnknownUG Hs.106127ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4689136) [H.sapiens]
359769 AA011218 mss4=Zn2+ binding protein/guanine nucleotide exchange factor
36 L14061 FPRL2=formyl peptide receptor like-2
360531 AA015618 A-raf=c-raf-1 kinase
361692 W96199 SAS=sarcoma amplified sequence=transmembrane 4 superfamily protein
362332 AA001703 CREB=cyclic AMP response element-binding protein 1
362926 AA018980 PKA-C-BETA=cAMP-dependent protein kinase, BETA-catalytic subunit
364278 AA021554 NRL=neural retinal-specific leucine zipper protein=maf family member
365866 AA025367 titin
366420 AA026359 MEK6=MKK6=MAP kinase kinase 6
37 M97370 A2 adenosine receptor=G protein coupled receptor
37234 R50953 Germinal center kinase=BL44=B lymphocyte serine/threonine protein kinase
375635 AA032195 HEB=HLH protein that cooperates with E2A=HTF4=helix-loop-helix protein transcription factor
375724 AA033806 ATF-4=TAXREB67=CREB2=cAMP-dependent transcription factor
376737 AA046312 nm23-H1=NDP kinase A=Nucleoside dephophate kinase A
377275 AA055486 ataxia-telangiectasia group D-associated protein (not the real AT gene)=protein with multiple zinc finger motifs and an adjacent leucine zipper motif
38 U08137 Fas Ligand
39 U12597 TRAF2=TRAP3=tumor necrosis factor type 2 receptor associated protein
4 U24231 FADD=MORT
40 M25280 CD62L=L-selectin=LAM-1=leukocyte adhesion molecule-1
41 M97935 STAT1=IFN alpha/beta-responsive transcription factor ISGF3 beta subunits (p91/p84)
415206 W94897 myoglobin
415636 W80746 WNT-2
415731 W84728 rsk-I=Ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1
416831 W87409 NG,NG-dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase=hydrolyzes N(G),N(G)-dimethyl-L-arginine and N(G)-monomethyl-L-arginine,inhibitors for the NO-generating system
417226 W87741 c-myc
417357 W90037 MKP-1=CL100=MAP kinase phosphatase 1
417592 W89005 cMOAT=canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter=canalicular multidrug resistance protein
417689 W88622 bin1=myc interacting protein=amphiphysin II=localized to actin cytomatrix=putative tumor suppressor that blocks myc transformation
418105 W90102 RAB-2=GTP-binding protein
418111 W90104 tyk2=non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase
418138 W90085 shp=dominant negative orphan nuclear hormone receptor
418436 W93018 Host cell factor-1=VP16 transactivator interacting protein
42 X16983 CD49D=Integrin alpha 4
427857 AA001916 Cyclin A
427923 AA001979 ckshs1=homolog of Cks1=p34Cdc28/Cdc2-associated protein
427943 AA001368 EphA2=tyrosine kinase similar to ECK receptor tyrosine kinase
428248 AA004917 ATF-3=activating transcription factor 3
429976 AA034135 FosB=G0S3
43 X04391 CD5
44 M19722 FGR tyrosine kinase
45 L05148 ZAP70
45720 H08233 CD59=LY-6-like protein regulating complement membrane attack
46 L22473 BAX
46871 H10570 c-kit=SCF receptor
469297 AA026120 DEC1=basic helix-loop-helix protein
47 X60992 CD6
470635 AA031377 PlGF=placenta growth factor
471096 AA033713 GliPR=RTVP-1=glioma pathogenesis-related protein
471218 AA034023 AREB6=ZEB=zinc finger homeodomain protein
471252 AA033924 RAR-gamma-1=Retinoic acid receptor
47424 H11257 flt=VEGF receptor 1
48 I06092 Oncostatin M
48398 H14343 cdc25B=M-phase inducer phosphatase 2
486074 AA040878 MEK1=MAP kinase kinase 1 AND torsinB (DQ1) (Double Hit)
486560 AA042947 CD99=MIC2 antigen=T-cell surface glycoprotein E2 precursor
486785 AA043226 Extraneuronal monoamine transporter
486844 AA042908 cardiac gap junction protein
487777 AA045192 RB = retinoblastoma susceptibility gene
487965 AA045751 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2A (RAD6 homolog)
488902 AA045090 Purine nucleoside phophorylase=Inosine phosphorylase=PNP
489217 AA056740 HnRNPK=Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K=tunp=transformation upregulated nuclear protein
489395 AA054505 PDGF Receptor Alpha
489453 AA045667 KIAA0324
49 X67001 FLI-1=ERGB=ets family transcription factor
5 U60521 CASPASE-9=Mch6=Icelap 6
50 U12707 WASP=Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein
50503 H17426 CD18=Integrin, beta 2=leukocyte adhesion protein (LFA-1/Mac-1/p150,95 family) beta subunit
50576 H16819 ZFM1=signal transduction and activator of RNA (STAR) transcription factor=splicing factor SF1
509710 AA045890 SNF2L3=SNF2 global transcription activator homologous sequence-3=SNF2-beta
509731 AA045699 CO-029=transmembrane tumor associated antigen
51 M17017 IL-8=chemokine
510381 AA055585 CPBP=CBA1=DNA-binding protein
512244 AA057635 CD151=platelet-endothelial tetraspan antigen 3
512247 AA057638 40S ribosomal protein S2=S4=LLREP3 protein AND alpha enolase (Double Hit)
512294 AA057674 gas6=growth-arrest-specific protein=vitamin K-dependent protein=ligand for the Ax1 tyrosine kinase receptor family
512337 AA057826 ribosomal protein S5 AND KIAA0233 (Double Hit)
512385 AA057849 Ferritin heavy chain
512472 AA058684 Ferritin light chain
51439 H20817 KIAA0279
51854 H24336 FLI-1=ERGB=ets family transcription factor
52 M65290 IL-12 p40
52162 H22966 Elongin B=RNA polymerase II transcription factor SIII p18 subunit
52681 H29571 relB = I-Rel
53 L15344 IL-14
54 J00219 Interferon gamma
56 J04130 MIP1 beta=SCAY2=G-26=HC21=pAT 744=LAG-1=Act-2=H400=SIS-gamma=chemokine
57 M21121 RANTES=chemokine
58 X01394 TNF alpha=tumor necrosis factor alpha
59 M55994 TNFR2=TNF alpha Receptor II=p80
6 U60519 CASPASE-10=Mch4=FLICE2
60 I09237 CD4
61 M26315 CD8 alpha chain
62 M21624 T cell receptor delta chain
62186 T41117 BTF3=Basic transcription factor 3 AND unknown protein (Double Hit)
63 M18737 Granzyme A=HuHF=Hanukah factor serine protease
64 M18459 Granzyme C
65 M58603 NFkB1 = NF-kappaB p105=p50
66 X61498 NFkB2 = NF-kappaB p100=p49=p50B=Lyt-10=translocated in t(10;14)(q24;q32) B cell lymphoma
67 M15565 T cell receptor alpha chain
68 M30894 T cell receptor gamma chain
68455 T53076 Similar to adenylyl cyclase type V
69 M23442 IL-4
7 X02530 IP-10
70 J04156 IL-7
71 U16720 IL-10
72 M81890 IL-11
72869 T52484 NGF-beta=Nerve growth factor beta
73 M65271 IL-12 p35
73515 T55552 mic-B=MHC class I chain-related protein B
74 M37435 CSF-1=Macrophage colony stimulating factor-1
75 X02911 Lymphotoxin-Alpha=Tumor necrosis factor B
76 X13967 LIF
77 U10307 IL-13
78 M10663 GM-CSF
79 M54894 IL-6
8 X72755 Mig=Humig=chemokine targeting T cells
80 M15330 IL-1 beta
80549 T59641 pbx-2 = pre-B cell leukemia transcription factor-2
81 U25676 IL-2
82 J03478 IL-5
83 M28983 IL-1 alpha
84 M14743 IL-3
85 M65290 IL-12 p40
85906 T72992 CD31=PECAM-1
86 S63356 IL-9
86017 T62835 CD54=ICAM-1
87 X13444 CD8 beta chain
88 X01057 IL-2 receptor alpha chain
89 M59964 SCF=stem cell factor
9 Z47550 OBF-1 = bob = octamer coactivator
90 M28827 CD1C
92 X06948 High Affinity Fc Epsilon Receptor-alpha
118361 T91708 MD-1=RP105-associated protein
1000000 AA533867 p38 beta MAP kinase
1007181 AA244020 Leukotriene B4 omega hydroxylase (cytochrome P450, subfamily IVF)
1007602 AA225986 Thrombospondin 1
1011390 AA228968 checkpoint suppressor 1
1013324 AA552491 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase=5-lipoxygenase=5-LO
1013631 AA552720 melanoma antigen p15
1015050 AA554454 Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2
1016231 AA564219 Occludin=tight junction protein
1017073 AA547936 alpha-fetoprotein enhancer binding protein
1018402 AA570533 putative tumor suppressor (LUCA15)
1019744 AA555310 AC133 antigen=five-transmembrane hematopoietic stem cell antigen
1029616 AA555006 Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) receptor alpha chain
1030235 AA553739 Pig12=p53-inducible gene
1030867 AA621766 IL-13 receptor
1031754 AA609602 Protein-tyrosine phosphatase 2C
1032997 AA628948 Adenylosuccinate synthase
1034504 AA779741 pbx-2 = pre-B cell leukemia transcription factor-2
1035326 AA780226 Glutathione peroxidase 3 (plasma)
1035639 AA780354 Similar to KKIALRE = novel cdk
1035852 AA628816 IL-3 receptor alpha chain
1043495 AA559290 MDM2=p53-binding protein
1046704 AA644261 dual specificity phosphatase tyrosine/serine
1047276   mitotic feedback control protein Madp2 homolog
1047290 AA625474 MTCP-1=c6.1B=Translocated in T-CLL
1047302 AA625478 CDw130=gp130=IL-6/IL-11/CNTF/Oncostatin M/LIF receptor common beta chain
1047499 AA625378 Net=ELK3=ets family transcription factor
1048004   Bone morphogenetic protein 6=TGF beta family member
1048187 AA773253 Tel=ets family transcription factor translocated in acute leukemias
1048526 AA773405 SOCS-2=STAT induced STAT inhibitor-2=CIS2
1048586 AA608856 BMI-1
1049030   receptor 4-1BB ligand
1049033   Calmegin=putative testis-specific chaperon
1056107 AA628360 putative cyclin G1 interacting protein
1056369 AA557137 p16-INK4a=Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor A=Multiple tumor suppressor 1=MTS1
1056995 AA580175 Smad3=hMAD-3=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)=Activated by TGF beta
1057603 AA568276 serine/threonine protein kinase EMK
1058657 AA594435 Myotonic dystrophy protein kinase
1059434 AA568782 RAD51=Recombination/repair strand exchange protein=Replication protein A
1059538 AA568884 AIM2=interferon-inducible protein=associated with chromosome 6-mediated suppression of melanoma tumorgenicity
1069347 AA600326 putative cell surface ligand for T1/ST2 receptor (related to IL-1 receptors)
1071266 AA569813 T cell receptor gamma chain
1071581 AA569974 RANTES=chemokine
1071934 AA573387 protein kinase (zpk)
1071936 AA573397 hPMS1=DNA mismatch repair protein=mutL homologue
1072356 AA576028 ELK1=ets family transcription factor
1072873 AA576405 Autocrine motility factor receptor
1074540 AA579697 G-CSF=Colony-stimulating factor 3
1076587 AA592960 Cyclin E
108294 T70554 XRCC9=DNA repair protein
108335 T70598 IL-1 receptor accessory protein
1083957 AA577606 AC133 antigen=five-transmembrane hematopoietic stem cell antigen
1084232 AA588742 Xanthine dehydrogenase
1084779 AA577792 ERCC1=Nucleotide excision repairand DNA crosslinking repair SS endonuclease
1086306 AA581803 Integrin alpha 9
1086482 AA583269 Nitric oxide synthase 2A (inducible, hepatocytes)
1086811 AA583194 LIMK1=LIM-kinase1
1086827 AA583207 Casein kinase II alpha chain
1087015 AA581672 Ribosomal protein S9
1088187 AA583786 platelet-derived endothelial cell growth factor
1091500 AA599272 Cell division cycle 27
109819 T85136 SER/THR protein phosphatase PP-X=protein phosphatase X
1102543 AA595437 HSP70
1103633 AA622405 OX-40
110393 T89372 Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), regulatory subunit B'' (PR 72)
111314 T84107 1D-myo-inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B isoenzyme
111589 T84505 GATA-binding protein 4
1116698 AA602821 Cytochrome P450, subfamily XVII (steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase), adrenal hyperplasia
1117041 AA622642 MHC class I protein HLA-G
111753 T91109 beta-galactoside alpha-2 3-sialyltransferase (SIAT4A)
1118140 AA622941 Arg=Abelson-related tyrosine kinase
1118844 AA640096 Protein tyrosine phosphatase,transmembrane-type, expressed in gastrointestinal cancers
1119851 AA703943 actin=cytoskeletal gamma-actin
112435 T90968 flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO1)
1130062 AA614742 CD3E antigen, epsilon polypeptide (TiT3 complex)
1130479 AA622886 CIITA-8=MHC class II transactivator
1130777 AA631849 HM74=G protein coupled receptor
1133162 AA631354 BCL-3
113780 T76990 TTP=tristetraproline=GOS24=zinc finger transcriptional regulator
114048 T79421 Erythropoietin receptor
114075 T79451 NIP1=E1B 19K/Bcl-2-interacting protein
114174 T84038 Oct-1=Octamer binding transcription factor 1
1142321 AA610481 renal cell carcinoma antigen RAGE-1
1142821 AA604547 Cytidine deaminase
114305 T86578 Gab1=Grb2-associated docking protein in EGF- and insulin- receptor signaling
1143183 AA633190 ack=p21cdc42Hs kinase
114416 T77989 histone H2A.X
114639 T86844 E2A=E12/E47 HLH transcription factors
115281 T86934 CD79A=BCR alpha chain=mb-1
115295 T87087 Damage-specific DNA binding protein 2 (48 kD)
1155632 AA678757 CD97
115675 T80993 pusti=cytosonic dual-specificity phosphatase
1156752 AA679721 integrin, alpha subunit
1159006 AA639771 MMP-12=Matrix metalloproteinase 12=MME=HME=Macrophage metaloelastase=53 KD stromelysin
116411   CRF-BP=corticotropin-releasing factor binding protein
116743 T89453 clone 23716 mRNA
116754 T89613 D123= responsible for temperature-sensitive G1-phase arrest in a mutant of rat fibroblast line 3Y1
116801 T89627 Cyclin F
1172268 AA643323 HKG7=cell surface protein in NK and T cells=G-CSF-induced gene
117411 T89719 MHC Class II=DR alpha
1174836 AA826886 p16-INK4a=Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor A=Multiple tumor suppressor 1=MTS1
1175007 AA812408 TRAIL-R4-A=TRAIL-R4-B=decoy receptor 2=Receptor for Apo2L/TRAIL containing a truncated death domain
117806 T90492 Immunoglobulin J chain
1181224   type II cGMP-dependent protein kinase
1185239 AA649205 Similar to interferon-gamma inducible protein MG11
1187803 AA662081 clk3 kinase
119133 T94087 JNK1=Stress-activated protein kinase
1191829 AA650495 Lymphotactin=chemokine produced by NK cells that attracts both NK cells and T cells
119199 T93343 GPR4=G protein-coupled receptor
1192913 AA654365 BENE=similar to T-cell-specific proteolipid protein
1192958 AA654447 EWS=RNA binding protein
120368 T95824 DNA Ligase III=Nucleotide excision repair and DNA alkylation repair protein
1204618 AA655026 IL-17 receptor
1204957 AA657688 IGF-I=insulin-like growth factor 1
1208716 AA658328 p38delta mRNA=stress-activated protein kinase 4
121066 T96364 cdc25C=M-phase inducer phosphatase 3
121351 T96663 Oct-1=Octamer binding transcription factor 1
121454 T97276 arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase
1216323 AA664994 ack=p21cdc42Hs kinase
1218288 AA662379 Erythropoietin
1218963 AA661623 N-Cadherin=Neural cadherin precursor
1219244 AA661761 RANTES=chemokine
121948 T97762 IFRD1=Interferon-related developmental regulator 1=nerve growth factor-inducible PC4 homologue
1219612 AA687773 Hepatocyte growth factor (hepapoietin A; scatter factor)
1219918 AA687676 Lymphocyte-activation gene 3
1222285 AA715355 mic-B=MHC class I chain-related protein B
122240 T98713 DNA topoisomerase III
122874 R00132 AML2=acute myeloid leukemia 2=PEBP2aC1
123264 R00276 CD38
123498 R00723 guanosine 5'-monophosphate synthase
123732 R01171 NIP1=E1B 19K/Bcl-2-interacting protein
1239535   ELAM1=endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule I
123971 R00884 DHFR=Dihydrofolate reductase
1239769   TGF beta receptor type I
124034 R02558 Lymphotoxin-Beta receptor precursor=Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 related protein=Tumor necrosis factor C receptor
1240654 AA808943 CD21=B-lymphocyte CR2-receptor (for complement factor C3d and Epstein-Barr virus)
1241854 AA714696 CD72
124345 R02117 CENP-F kinetochore protein=mitosin=cell-cycle-dependent 350K nuclear protein=AH antigen
124575 R01941 Pyrin (MEFV)=Marenostrin=Zinc finger protein mutated in familial mediterranean fever
124732 R02169 TSC-22=TGF-beta-induced in mouse
1249340 AA730488 Protein kinase, interferon-inducible double stranded RNA dependent
125028   insulin-stimulated protein kinase 1 (ISPK-1)
125180 R05685 Glutathione S-transferase theta 1
125294 R05790 APC=adenomatous polyposis coli protein
125308 R05801 Myeloperoxidase
125722 R07506 Deoxyguanosine kinase=required for the phosphoylation of several deoxyribonucleosides and certain nucleoside analogs used as antiviral or chemotherapeutic agents
1257548 AA742510 DNA Ligase III=Nucleotide excision repair and DNA alkylation repair protein
1271170 AA749408 CB2 (peripheral) cannabinoid receptor
127394 R08560 spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
127525 R08879 FAST
127794 R08797 integrin alpha 8 subunit
127920 R08928 PMI=putative G-protein coupled receptor
128031 R09255 RNA helicase (Myc-regulated dead box protein)
128088 R09544 TANK=I-TRAF=TRAF family member-associated NF-kB activator
128126 R09561 CD55=Decay accelerating factor
1282897 AA744257 Similar to WSB-1=SOCS box-containing protein
128306 R12498 Cytochrome P450 IIIA7 (P450-HFLa)
1283900 AA748786 ribosomal protein L5 pseudogene
1286754 AA740876 BAD=bbc6=proapoptotic Bcl-2 homolog
128853 R10594 acid finger protein
1288550 AA761422 CD27
1288834 AA761283 CXCR5=BLR1=B-cell homing chemokine receptor=L1
1289757 AA769513 PRKY protein kinase
129082 R10514 cytochrome p-450 4A
1292217   SH3P18=SH3 domain-containing protein
1292606   HEB=HLH protein that cooperates with E2A=HTF4=helix-loop-helix protein transcription factor
1292677   Beta adrenergic receptor kinase 2
129900 R19169 PHKB=phosphorylase kinase beta subunit exon26
130201 R21535 CD102=ICAM-2=intercellular adhesion molecule 2
130202 R21529 ATRX=RAD54L=Recombination and DNA crosslinking repair DNA ATPase and helicase
130242 R22625 CAK=cdk7=NRTALRE=sdk=CDK activating kinase
1304142 AA765322 eIF-2 alpha=translation initiation factor
130613 R22448 Syndecan-1
1306423 AA768961 myb-related gene A=A-myb
130741 R22031 Casein kinase 2, beta polypeptide
130784 R22048 HHR23B=XPC p58 subunit
1308427 AA737528 GCF-2=GC-rich sequence DNA binding factor
1309002 AA748454 poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase
131047 R23232 PTB-4=polypirimidine tract binding protein
131239 R24258 PKC zeta=Protein kinase C, zeta
131577   NFAT3=NFATc4
131633 R24420 EXT2.1=candidate gene for multiple exostoses type II
1317298 AA768530 C6.1A protein=translocated in pro-lymphocytic T cell leukemia
1318612 AA769033 blk=B lymphocyte tyrosine kinase
1319407 AA805083 Oct-2=lymphoid-specific octamer binding transcription factor=POU domain, class 2, transcription factor 2
1320704   Cdk8=Cyclin-dependent kinase 8
1321115   R-PTP-delta=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase delta
1321363   DNA repair endonuclease subunit (XPF)
1322006   ATF-2=CRE-BP1=cAMP response element binding protein
1322228   CAP18=FALL-39=peptide antibiotic precursor=LPS-binding protein
1322301   Bag-1=Bcl-2 interacting anti-apoptotic protein=RAP46=Glucocorticoid receptor-associated protein
1322325   PDGF A Chain=platelet-derived growth factor
1323933 AA743946 LSP1=lymphocyte-specific protein 1=WP34 for phosphorylated lymphocyte differentiation and activation antigen=actin binding protein which co-caps with membrane IgM
132558 R26749 SP100=Nuclear body protein
1326652 AA813618 CD2
1326908 AA757338 DRADA2a=dsRNA adenosine deaminase DRADA2a=RNA editing enzyme
133136 R25377 dek=translocated in t(6;9) acute myeloid leukemia
133288 R27046 MAZ=Myc-associated zinc-finger protein of islet
133440 R27450 NUP358=cytoplasmically exposed nucleoporin=Ran binding protein 2 (RanBP2alpha)=sperm membrane protein BS-63
133457 R27353 KSR1=kinase suppressor of ras-1
1335055 AA827136 specific 116-kDa vacuolar proton pump subunit (OC-116KDa)
133637 R27615 DNA-PKcs=DNA-dependent Ser/Thr kinase catalytic subunit=mutated in SCID mouse
133909 R27999 MKP-1=CL100=MAP kinase phosphatase 1
1339593 AA805293 ATR=FRP1=Ser/Thr kinase=DNA damage signaling protein
1339831 AA815144 RFX5=mutated in bare lymphocyte syndrome
1341928   JkR1 mRNA downregulated upon T-cell activation
134296 R31976 A-raf=c-raf-1 kinase
134396 R31672 Cell division cycle 10 (homologous to CDC10 of S. cerevisiae)
134451 R32041 WEE1-like protein kinase
135004 R32359 BCL-7B
135057 R33016 uridine phosphorylase
135084 R33023 ribonucleotide-diphosphate reductase M1 subunit
1351027 AA806527 OGG1=8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase=DNA alkylation repair protein
135178 R32816 CBP=CREB-binding protein=transcriptional coactivator
1352127 AA808152 p19-INK4D=Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor D
1353147 AA830368 leukemia associated gene 2=13q14 gene deleted in CLL
135343 R32487 KIAA0093=NEDD-4=E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
135479 R32773 ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 related protein
1356974 AA831945 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
1357243 AA831742 lamin B1
1357250 AA831744 Bleomycin hydrolase
135738 R33318 TSC-22=TGF-beta-induced in mouse
135880 R33813 TTP=tristetraproline=GOS24=zinc finger transcriptional regulator
1359603   CD33
1360258   PMS4=DNA mismatch repair protein
136523 R34361 Id3=Inhibitor of DNA binding 3, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
1371613 AA825898 VASP=Vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein=focal adhesion and microfilament-associated protein
137231 R37515 mitogen-responsive phosphoprotein (DOC-2)
1375561   Eph-family protein
1376215 AA844732 SCGF-beta=lymphocyte secreted C-type lectin
1376727   Cdk6=Cyclin-dependent kinase 6
1377154   DNA damage repair and recombination protein RAD52 pseudogene
138300 R56701 lymphopain=C1 peptidase expressed in natural killer and cytotoxic T cells
138369 R68106 Low-affinity IgG Fc receptor II-B and C isoforms (multiple orthologous genes)
1384691 AA834860 GPR39=orphan G protein-coupled receptor
138623 R63467 Low-affinity IgG Fc receptor II-B and C isoforms (multiple orthologous genes)
138661 R63387 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 8
139009 R62612 Fibronectin 1
1392225   Rho-associated, coiled-coil containing protein kinase p160ROCK
1392657 AA834931 B-raf Ser/Thr protein kinase
139304 R63714 GPR1=G protein-coupled receptor GPR1
1393143   CD94=NKG2-C type II membrane protein
1393967 AA854034 Protein phosphatase inhibitor 2
1394818 AA884521 Myt1 kinase
1405406 AA843661 SNF2L2=SNF2 global transcription activator homologous sequence-2=SNF2-alpha
140574 R66139 CX3C chemokine=orthologue of mouse fractalkine
140647 R67950 phosphorylase-kinase, beta subunit
1407696 AA861091 cAMP-dependent protein kinase, gamma-catalytic subunit
1407750 AA861203 Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3=p53-inducible gene
1409032 AA860136 CD70 antigen=CD27 ligand
1410179 AA837543 RAN=GTP-binding nuclear protein
1410907 AA838541 HRC1=putative DNA-binding protein with helix-loop-helix motif adjacent to a leucine zipper
141321 R63819 grancalcin=EF-hand calcium-binding protein abundant in neutrophils and monocytes
141395 R68760 CD49F=Integrin alpha 6
141520 R73073 Cytochrome P450, subfamily XIA (cholesterol side chain cleavage)
1415419 AA770606 76 kDa tyrosine phosphoprotein SLP-76
141688 R69749 Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), catalytic subunit, alpha isoform
141806 R70479 A20=TNF alpha inducible, TRAF1,2 binding inhibitor of NF-kB activation
1418925 AA838308 histone H2A.X
1420346 AA856801 endonuclease III homolog
142168 R69802 Low-affinity IgG Fc receptor II-B and C isoforms (multiple orthologous genes)
1422081 AA833983 nek2 protein kinase
1422451 AA827402 Myotonic dystrophy protein kinase
142549 R70768 Gi3 alpha=guanine nucleotide-binding protein (Gi) alpha subunit=stimulatory G protein (of receptor-regulated K+ channels) alpha subunit
1427788 AA831375 UnknownUG Hs.225695small inducible cytokine A5 (RANTES)
144662 R76085 PRK=putative serine/threonine protein kinase
144932 R78608 putative oral tumor suppressor protein (doc-1)
145105 R77295 T cell receptor gamma chain
145112 R77293 CD54=ICAM-1
1455700 AA863187 TRADD=TNF receptor-1 associated protein
145700 R78289 BCL-7B
1457955   No sequences in Genbank
145843 R79376 cadherin-5=VE-cadherin
146227 R79429 Smad4=DPC4=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)=required for TGF beta signaling=tumor suppressor in pancreatic cancer
146605 R79948 FPRL1=Formyl peptide receptor-like 1=putative chemokine receptor
146768 R80638 Cytochrome P450, subfamily XIX (aromatization of androgens)
1467953 AA883564 golgi alpha-mannosidaseII
146858 R80974 WEE1-like protein kinase
146868 R80779 protein kinase (MLK-3)
1469205 AA862803 Bloom's syndrome protein (BLM)
1469444 AA866158 CD3 delta=T cell surface glycoprotein
146987   NPAT=E14=gene in ATM locus
1470297 AA866054 BCL-9
147056 R80219 Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferase
147097 R80246 EGF Receptor=epidermal growth factor receptor
147251 R81041 H-plk=Krueppel-related zinc finger protein
1472994 AA873313 CD16=Fcgamma receptor III-1
1476529 AA886976 osteoclast stimulating factor=contains SH3 domain and ankyrin repeat
147738 R81676 spinal muscular atrophy gene
148021 H13211 CD39
148028 H13623 epidermal growth factor receptor kinase substrate (Eps8)
148052   MDM2=p53-binding protein
148231 H13691 MHC Class II=DM beta
148421 H12312 TXK tyrosine kinase
148469 H12338 DAP12=DNAX activation protein 12=KARAP-b=killer activating receptor associated protein in NK cells
148576 H12584 Restin (Reed-Steinberg cell-expressed intermediate filament-associated protein)
1486194 AA936866 SLAP-130=SLP-76 associated protein=FYN binding protein=hematopoietic-restricted phosphoprotein target of T cell receptor associated tyrosine kinases
148669 H12639 STP1=phenol-preferring phenol sulfotransferase1
148968 R82176 Smad7=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)=negative regulator of TGF beta signaling
149079 R82336 CCR9=CC chemokine receptor 9
149319 R82663 Interferon-induced 17 KD protein
149355 H01495 TRAMP protein=endoplasmic reticulum protein involved early in polypeptide translocation
149373 H04382 WNT-2
149809 H00625 GATA-binding protein 2
149994 H00896 B12 protein=tumor necrosis factor-alpha-induced endothelial primary response gene
150556 H01469 Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), regulatory subunit B (PR 52), alpha isoform
150804 H02553 thymosin beta-4
151449 H03504 protein-tyrosine-phosphatase D1
1516955 AA903339 Ret=Receptor tyrosine kinase oncogene mutated in multiple endocrine neoplasia MEN2A, MEN2B and medullary thyroid carcinoma 1, Hirschsprung disease
1517353 AA903307 HKR-T1=Lymphoid-restricted kruppel-like zinc finger protein
151740 H03385 IL-10 receptor
1519344 AA902461 Granzyme A=HuHF=Hanukah factor serine protease
1520558 AA910326 serine hydroxymethyltransferase, cytosolic
1523215 AA909181 p14-INK4b=p15-INK4b=Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor
152653 R49826 C-1-Tetrahydrofolate Synthase, cytoplasmic
153010 R50339 PKN kinase=lipid-activated protein kinase PRK1
153398 R47965 CD82=Inducible membrane protein R2=Metastasis suppressor Kankai 1=suppressor of tumorgenicity-6
1535285 AA918496 hSec10p=brain secretory protein=homologue of yeast Sec10p
153760 R48171 NET PTK=tyrosine kinase
153768 R48236 STAT induced STAT inhibitor-3=CIS3
1542004 AA926694 SAK=serine/threonine protein kinase
154493 R54613 HNPP=nuclear phosphoprotein
155157 R70341 IgG Fc receptor hFcRn
155172 R70295 Adenylate kinase 1
1552554 AA927490 STAT2=IFN alpha/beta-responsive transcription factor ISGF3 alpha subunit (p113)
1552797 AA927757 Cytidine deaminase
155467 R72015 NHE3 kinase A regulatory protein E3KARP
1554941 AA954690 STK11=LKB1=Ser/Thr kinase mutated in Peutz-Jeghers cancer susceptibility syndrome
155583 R71691 TRAF1=Epstein-Barr virus-induced protein EBI6
155691   Melanocortin 1 receptor (alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone receptor)
155806 R72244 69 kDa 2'5' oligoadenylate synthetase (P69 2-5A synthetase)
1562168 AA933959 importin beta subunit=nuclear localization signal binding protein subunit
156520 R73533 TSG-6=tumor necrosis factor-inducible gene
156636   Protein phosphatase inhibitor 2
1567832 AA932727 Gfi-1=growth factor independence-1=zinc finger protein
156872 R74040 GRK6=G protein-coupled receptor kinase 6
156981 R74524 jun-B
1572460 AA934665 Smad3=hMAD-3=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)=Activated by TGF beta
1577805 AA954999 N-Cadherin=Neural cadherin precursor
157828 R72866 core binding factor alpha1b subunit=CBF alpha1=PEBP2aA1 transcription factor =AML1 Proto-oncogene=translocated in acute myeloid leukemia
157868 R73454 PISSLRE = novel cdk
158183 H26597 ATF-6=ATF family transcription factor
158368 H27208 Proteosome chain 7=LMP2=major histocompatibility complex encoded proteasome subunit
158434 H27287 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B (eIF-2B) alpha subunit
158946 R75800 Cytochrome P450 reductase
1589786 AA946776 FHF-3=fibroblast growth factor homologous factor 3=glia activating factor=fgf-9
159142 R76324 immunoglobulin kappa light chain
159381 H15011 RAR-alpha-1=Retinoic acid receptor
159946 H21355 CD14=monocyte differentiation antigen
161373 H25510 PMS6=DNA mismatch repair protein
162165   TEK=tyrosine kinase
162174 H26416 MHC Class II=DM alpha
162199 H26426 R-PTP-mu=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase mu
163189 H27129 CD24
163838   PKC gamma=Protein kinase C, gamma
165786 R86686 alpha-L-iduronidase (IDUA)
166138   erg=ets family transcription factor fused to fus in t(16;21)(p11;q22) myeloid malignacies
167296 R90830 Vascular endothelial growth factor B
171693 H18316 Lst-1=IC7=interferon-gamma-inducible gene present in lymphoid tissues, T cells, macrophages, and histiocyte cell lines encoding a transmembrane protein
171893 H18527 ERCC5=XPG=Nucleotide excision repair SS endonuclease=Mutated in xeroderma pigmentosa G
173285   SNF2L2=SNF2 global transcription activator homologous sequence-2=SNF2-alpha
173406 H20972 SRPK1=serine kinase
173900 H23889 GRSF-1=cytoplasmic G-rich mRNA sequence binding factor
175103 H39187 KIAA0279
175123 H39192 ERK5=BMK1 alpha kinase
175772 H41365 S100 calcium binding protein A1
176482 H43520 nm23-H1=NDP kinase A=Nucleoside dephophate kinase A
176940 H44867 Mal, T-cell differentiation protein
178222 H46693 SQM1=cell adhesion protein
179403 H50500 Cytochrome P450 IIE1
179453 H50517 GABA-BR1a (hGB1a) receptor
179619 H51118 protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma
180256   bark1=beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1
180298 R85257 protein tyrosine kinase PYK2
180613   erg=ets family transcription factor fused to fus in t(16;21)(p11;q22) myeloid malignacies
181998 H39857 NFAT3=NFATc4
182177 H28287 TNF-alpha converting enzyme=metalloproteinase disintegrin that releases tumour-necrosis factor-alpha from cells
182288 H41900 Receptor protein-tyrosine kinase EDDR1
182448 H42063 MHC Class I=HLA-E
182764 H45306 EBI2=Epstein-Barr virus induced G-protein coupled receptor=Putative chemokine receptor
182930 H45437 Immunoglobulin alpha (1 or 2) heavy chain constant region
183337 H42728 MHC Class II=DM alpha
183810   immunoglobulin kappa light chain
186286 H29749 FGF-7=Fibroblast growth factor 7 (keratinocyte growth factor)
186457   Immunoglobulin J chain
186541 H43199 XRCC9=DNA repair protein
187234 R86020 flt=VEGF receptor 1
187614 R83757 Smad1=JV4-1=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)
187974 H44651 Ndr protein kinase
188282 H45688 Damage-specific DNA binding protein 2 (48 kD)
190468 H37761 MINOR=mitogen induced nuclear orphan receptor=NOR-1=Nur77 orphan nuclear receptor family member
190902 H38363 Tyrosine kinase receptor ETK1
191518 H38150 PISSLRE = novel cdk
193828 H51657 CRF-BP=corticotropin-releasing factor binding protein
194295 H50737 CD75=sialyltransferase (CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase) (EC
194689 R89872 TGF beta-1
194706 R93207 FAF-X=Probable ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase
195269 R92015 Cytochrome P450, subfamily XXVII (steroid 27-hydroxylase, cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis)
195304 R92109 DP-1=E2F-related transcription factor
195630 R89392 Topoisomerase II alpha (170kD)
195712 R89492 Cytochrome P450, subfamily IIC, polypeptide 9 (mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase)
195723 R89067 kininogen gene encoding bradykinin
196246 R92967 RAD50=double strand DNA break repair ATPase
196296 R92425 Cytochrome P450 IIIA5 (nifedipine oxidase chain 5)
196333 R92448 G protein gamma-10 subunit
196488 R91539 purinergic receptor P2Y5=RB intorn-encoded putative G-protein coupled receptor
196519   CD24
196845 R92947 Hemoglobin, alpha 1
197520 H52110 AIB1=Amplified in Breast Cancer=TRAM-1=RAC3=ACTR=CAGH16=nuclear receptor coactivator
197780 R93509 stress responsive serine/threonine protein kinase Krs-2
198453 R94661 MHC Class I=HLA-E
198487   Topoisomerase II alpha (170kD)
198538 R94702 CD49E=Integrin alpha 5
199018 H82802 P120=proliferating-cell nucleolar protein
199680 R96672 Cytochrome P450, subfamily IID (debrisoquine, sparteine, etc., -metabolizing), polypeptide 6
200018 R97095 TCL-1=Translocated in T-CLL
200409 R96949 PARP = poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase
20079 R45418 FEZ1-T=homologue of C. elegans unc-76 gene required for axonal bundling and elongation within axon bundles
200814 R98936 CD10=CALLA=Neprilysin=enkepalinase
201467 R99123 Phospholipase C, gamma 2 (phosphatidylinositol-specific)
201727 R99926 BCL-6
201890 H48533 c-IAP2=MIHC=IAP homolog C=TNFR2-TRAF signalling complex protein
201976 R99515 ELF-1=ets family transcription factor
201994 R99335 Purine nucleoside phophorylase=Inosine phosphorylase=PNP
202074 H48886 Integrin beta 5
202112 H48815 NF-E2=basic leucine zipper erythroid transcription factor
202498 H53121 Cytokine receptor family II, member 4
202961 H54244 CENP-F kinetochore protein=mitosin=cell-cycle-dependent 350K nuclear protein=AH antigen
203003 H54417 nucleoside-diphosphate kinase
203704 H56333 flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO1)
204515 H58245 C-C chemokine receptor 2=MCP-1RA=CKR2A=monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 receptor
204634 H56929 c-yes-1 kinase
205239 H60824 PKC theta=Protein kinase C, theta=mediator of TCR signaling
207715 H62294 MHC Class II=DP alpha
208001 H60549 CD59=LY-6-like protein regulating complement membrane attack
208991 H60702 EKLF=erythroid-specific transcription factor
209066 H63492 aurora/IPL1-related kinase
209156 H60772 Defender against cell death 1
209224 H62029 protein kinase, Dyrk3
209798 H67599 Acid phosphatase 1, soluble
210887 H65676 progesterone receptor-associated p48 protein=putative tumor suppressor (SNC6)
211109 H67138 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2, mitochondrial
212078 H68922 integrin, alpha subunit
212198 H69077 BBP/53BP2=Bcl2, p53 binding protein
212861 H69729 CD81=TAPA1
213582 H72081 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B (eIF-2B) alpha subunit
213669 H70363 BCL-7A
213797 H72349 PlGF=placenta growth factor
214441 H73590 Immunoglobulin mu
214566 H73721 TRAIL receptor 2=death receptor 5 (DR5)
214636 H73190 Smad5=JV5-1=Dwarfin-C=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)
214921 H73757 Insulin receptor
21610   Cyclin G2
21655 T65120 CD73=Ecto 5' nucleotidase
21899 T65211 SRPK2 serine kinase
220821 H93749 GS2 protein (DXS1283E)=Anonymous X chromosome gene
221294 H89927 HPH2=polyhomeotic 2 homolog
222210   CD75=sialyltransferase (CMP-N-acetylneuraminate-beta-galactoside alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase) (EC
222704 H86435 PKD1=autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease protein=integral membrane protein involved in cell-cell/matrix interactions
223122 H84124 protein phosphatase with EF-hands-2 long form (PPEF-2)
22411 T82477 DARC=Duffy=chemokine receptor
22438 T89083 RYK receptor-like tyrosine kinase
22519   DP-1=E2F-related transcription factor
229230 H79156 small nuclear ribonuclear protein associated polypeptide N (SNRPN) gene and Prader-willi syndrome gene, complete sequence
229723 H66484 LYSP100=SP140
230619 H81503 insulin-stimulated protein kinase 1 (ISPK-1)
23073 R38539 FGF-2=bFGF=Basic fibroblast growth factor
230857 R95992 mss4=Zn2+ binding protein/guanine nucleotide exchange factor
231021 R96181 Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase)
231951   hPAK65=SER/THR-protein kinase PAK-gamma =P21-activated kinase 3
232299 H96462 hSec10p=brain secretory protein=homologue of yeast Sec10p
23282 R39227 IK=IFN-gamma antagonist cytokine
234180 H70626 Cytochrome P450 reductase
235155 H79353 FCERI=Fc epsilon receptor gamma chain=High affinity immunoglobulin epsilon receptor gamma-subunit precursor
23522 R38082 cyclin A1
235911 H52346 SMRT=silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone action=corepressor
236282 H61193 WASP=Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein
23659 T77094 P2Y-like G-protein coupled receptor
23715   MMP-17=Matrix metalloproteinase 17=MT-4-MMP=membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase 4= 63 KD MMP
23796 R39524 homologue of yeast sec7 expressed in cytolytic NK/T cells
23830   N-Acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminide
238363 H64748 c-jun
239444 H70045 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II
239799 H80623 MCM2=DNA replication licensing factor
239877 H79779 HD3=histone deacetylase 3
239955 H81946 GAS2=growth-arrest-specific protein 2
240089 H79589 Hemoglobin, alpha 1
240460 H90733 MMP-11=Matrix metalloproteinase 11=Stromelysin-3
240613 H90868 glutathione-S-transferase homolog
240871 H90247 Acidic nuclear phosphoprotein pp32
240997 H90916 fyn=syn=slk=Tyrosine protein kinase
241029 H81024 ARK2=aurora-related kinase 2
241268 H81095 (2'-5') oligoadenylate synthetase E
241474 H90415 BRCA1=Mutated in breast and ovarian cancer
241481 H80712 CASPASE-10=Mch4=FLICE2
242037 H93328 putative cyclin G1 interacting protein
243147 H94465 Casein kinase 2, beta polypeptide
243241 H95042 Spectrin, beta, erythrocytic (includes sperocytosis, clinical type I)
243358 N33574 p33ING1=growth inhibitor and candidate tumor suppressor
24337 R37874 p78=Putative SER/THR-protein kinase
243816 N39161 CD36
243882 N33955 protein phosphatase Wip1
24415 R39356 p53
244951 N54551 PP5=serine-threonine phosphatase
245232 N54491 PKA-C-ALPHA=cAMP-dependent protein kinase, alpha-catalytic subunit
245490 N53549 Cytochrome P450, subfamily IIJ (arachidonic acid epoxygenase) polypeptide 2
245959 N55451 SDF-1=Stromal cell-derived factor 1=chemokine
246120 N55480 suppressor for yeast mutant
246300 N59426 TIAR=nucleolysin=cytotoxic granule-associated RNA-binding protein inducer of DNA fragmentation
246523 N73245 serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4h (PRP4h)
246524 N53057 CHK1=Ser/Thr kinase=DNA damage checkpoint protein which blocks mitotic entry
246619 N53136 Cytochrome P450, subfamily IIC (mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase)
246748 N57766 btk=Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase
246786 N53172 RDC1=orphan G protein-coupled receptor
248295 N58511 Cyclin I
248742   Defender against cell death 1
248778 H79100 DNA ligase IV=double strand DNA break repair ligase
248828 H80730 Id3=Inhibitor of DNA binding 3, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
249320 H83426 EphA2=tyrosine kinase similar to ECK receptor tyrosine kinase
249495   Pig8=p53 inducible gene=etoposide-induced mRNA=Similar to E124 = p53 responsive (Mus musculus)
249725 H85763 Retinoblastoma-like 1 (p107)
250035 H99069 Dopachrome tautomerase (dopachrome delta-isomerase, tyrosine-related protein 2)
250069 H97140 protein-tyrosine phosphatase
250126 H96306 BST-1=surface molecule of bone marrow stromal cell lines that facilitates pre-B-cell growth
250142 N23534 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110 catalytic subunit, alpha isoform
250883 N23454 ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 related protein
251019 H97778 E-cadherin
251047 H97792 MMP-17=Matrix metalloproteinase 17=MT-4-MMP=membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase 4= 63 KD MMP
251145 H97365 Protein phosphatase 2A, regulatory subunit B' alpha-1
251682 H96734 MLNewGene2
253927 N75870 MKP-1=CL100=MAP kinase phosphatase 1
254080 N22160 PTP-BAS type 2 AND Similar to Sob protein (Double Hit)
255333 N23898 GRK4=G protein-coupled receptor kinase 4
256502 H95162 Angiopoietin-1
25665 R39857 serine/threonine protein kinase EMK
256907 N30096 Glutathione S-transferase A3
25695 R36865 Requiem (HREQ)
257003 N30237 NKG2-D=type II integral membrane protein on human natural killer cells
257025 N30245 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1, soluble
257580 N30838 MMP-12=Matrix metalloproteinase 12=MME=HME=Macrophage metaloelastase=53 KD stromelysin
257626 N30860 RB = retinoblastoma susceptibility gene
258260 N26404 leukocyte-associated Ig-like receptor-2 (LAIR-2)
258802 N32402 CD64=high affinity immunogobulin gamma FC receptor I A form precursor=FC-gamma RI=FCRI=IGG FC receptor I
259230   Adenylate kinase 2 (adk2)
259466   Adenine nucleotide translocator 2
259946 N32585 mitogen inducible gene mig-2=chemokine
259952 N32588 p57kip2=cyclin kinase inhibitor
260200 N29376 Myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen
260303 H96235 ets-2=ets family transcription factor
26084 R37256 Mad2=MXI-1=MAX-binding protein=antagonizer of myc transcriptional activity=Mxi-1/Max heterodimers repress c-myc targets
261618 H98765 Cytochrome P450, subfamily XXVII (steroid 27-hydroxylase, cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis)
262344 H99218 Met proto-oncogene (hepatocyte growth factor receptor)
262370 H99228 AREB6=ZEB=zinc finger homeodomain protein
262451   DNA topoisomerase III
262914 H99660 TGF-beta inducible early protein=TIEG=EGR alpha=early growth response gene alpha=putative zinc finger transcription factor
262996 H99736 CHD1=nuclear protein with chromo and SNF2-related helicase/ATPase domains
263251 H99599 core binding factor alpha1b subunit=CBF alpha1=PEBP2aA1 transcription factor =AML1 Proto-oncogene=translocated in acute myeloid leukemia
263970 N25456 MCC=Mutated in colorectal cancers
264530 N20542 Pirin=nuclear interactor of nuclear factor I/CCAAT box transcription factor (NFI/CTF1)
265060 N20798 c-kit=SCF receptor
265267 N20844 HSP70
265590 N31362 NF1=Neurofibromin
26568 R39111 EGR-3=PILOT=T cell transcription factor
266037 N21609 MafG=basic-leucine zipper transcription factor
266106 N21624 14-3-3 epsilon
266146 N21576 mitochondrial 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 24-hydroxylase
266323 N26732 PAR3=protease-activated receptor 3
266732 N23047 DP-2=E2F interacting transcription factor
266782 N23111 Pmel 17
267078 N24841 FEZ1-T=homologue of C. elegans unc-76 gene required for axonal bundling and elongation within axon bundles
267158 N23949 MDA-7=melanoma differentiation-associated 7=anti-proliferative
267328 N32362 PKC-L=PRKCL=protein kinase C-L
267569 N23150 MLH1=DNA mismatch repair mutL homologue
267753 N25590 Serine hydroxymethyl transferasemitochondrial precursor=Serine methylase=Glycine hydroxymethyl transferase=SHMT
267758 N34186 CD26=dipeptidylpeptidase IV
26784 R39121 IL-13 receptor alpha-1 chain
268151 N27419 phosphoglycerate mutase brain isoform (PGAM1)
268176 N30156 KIAA0086=homologue of DNA cross-link repair protein SNM1
268778 N25969 PKA-R1 alpha=cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-alpha-catalytic regulatory chain
269124 N26587 MART-1=melanoma antigen recognized by T-cells
269242 N26643 cdk2=Cyclin-dependent kinase 2
269783 N24821 randomly sequenced mRNA
26997 R37145 RAD51C=Recombination/repair Rad51-related protein
270469 N33148 PAX-3=Paired box homeotic gene 3
270505 N33214 MMP-14=Matrix metalloproteinase 14=MT-1-MMP=membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase 1=63 KD MMP =
270770 N33454 IRF-4=LSIRF=Mum1=homologue of Pip=Lymphoid-specific interferon regulatory factor =Multiple myeloma oncogene 1
271413 N31742 serine hydroxymethyltransferase, cytosolic
271605 N31833 p130 = RB related protein
271748 N31587 MSSP-1=single stranded DNA binding protein
271899 N35241 PK428=ser-thr protein kinase
271985 N31933 Tyrosinase (oculocutaneous albinism IA)
272185 N35497 Ribosomal protein L27
272686 N32289 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 6
273546 N33274 ADE2H1 encoding SAICAR synthetase and AIR carboxylase of the purine pathway (EC, EC
273550 N33276 Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferase
27429 R14112 Cytochrome P450, subfamily I, polypeptide 1 (aromatic compound-inducible)
27485 R40412 Catenin delta
27544 R40057 AC133 antigen=five-transmembrane hematopoietic stem cell antigen
276483 N39081 (2'-5') oligoadenylate synthetase E
276642 N34879 Insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor
276764 N46638 NCAM=145 kda neural cell adhesion molecule
276952 N34953 Catenin delta
277507 N56898 Glutathione S-transferase M5
27787 R40400 CALL=neural cell adhesion molecule
27836 R40619 clone 23716 mRNA
278622 N66194 Sp3 = SPR-2
279085 N51705 myosin-IXb
279363 N48691 Adenosine kinase
279388 N48698 mosaic protein LR11=hybrid receptor gp250 precursor
279713 N48336 CLPP=ATP-dependent Clp proteinase
279793 N49110 complement component C5
280250 N49203 ER-60 protein disulfide isomerase
280285 N49230 A-raf=c-raf-1 kinase
280778 N50652 HLF = Hepatic leukemia factor=Fused to E2A in pro-B cell leukemia
280793 N47496 CD16=Fcgamma receptor III-1
280882 N50806 FLI-1=ERGB=ets family transcription factor
28140 R40503 Dual specificity protein phosphatase 7
281584 N47990 CD32=low-affinity IgG Fc receptor II-A isoform
281895 N51857 protocadherin 43 for abbreviated PC43
282679 N50066 CD16=Fcgamma receptor III-1
282978 N45138 TGF beta-2
283023 N51278 CX3CR1=chemokine (C-X3-C) receptor 1=fractalkine receptor mediating migration and adhesion of NK cells=G protein-coupled receptor V28=CMKBRL1=beta chemokine receptor-like 1
283048 N45204 golgi alpha-mannosidaseII
284416 N55421 HKR-T1=Lymphoid-restricted kruppel-like zinc finger protein
285226 N66278 jun-D
28553 R40678 max=myc interacting HLH protein
285742 N64141 ZF5=POZ domain zinc finger protein
287327 N69062 IGF-I=insulin-like growth factor 1
287687 N59150 Interferon alpha receptor=HuIFN-alpha-Rec=IFNAR=interferon alpha/beta receptor
287749 N62245 Cdc7-related kinase
289337 N92646 GM-CSF receptor alpha chain and Immunoglobulin gamma 3 heavy chain constant region (Double hit)
289570 N62766 FAN=WD-repeat protein coupling p55 TNF-receptor to neutral sphingomyelinase
289743 N62975 microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3 (MGST3)
289955 N64620 ribosomal S6 kinase
289965 N59346 Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 12
289981 N64637 EPAG=early lymphoid activation protein
290068 N64679 tre-2=Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase
290151 N63285 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p110 catalytic, gamma isoform
290230 N62269 ICSBP=Interferon concensus sequence binding protein
290354 N90834 tyrosine phosphatase
290563 N62377 Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase)
290607 N71695 Similar to nek1=S/T/Y kinase related to NIMA kinase
290659   p21=cyclin kinase inhibitor=WAF1=CIP1
291332 N67742 dual specificity phosphatase tyrosine/serine
291660 N73456 Adenine nucleotide translocator 2
292004 W03511 CD1E
292008 N73268 IMP (inosine monophosphate) dehydrogenase 2
29205 R41177 mitogen inducible gene mig-2=chemokine
292313 N62542 ILK=integrin-linked kinase
292368 N68294 BCL-7B
292524 N68464 Low-affinity IgG Fc receptor II-B and C isoforms (multiple orthologous genes)
292713 N69385 (2'-5') oligoadenylate synthetase E
292779 N90458 RXR-beta=Retinoic acid receptor=MHC class I promoter binding protein
293017 N69124 CHD2=nuclear protein with chromo and SNF2-related helicase/ATPase domains
293035 N63774 APEX=apurinic endonuclease=DNA alkylation repair protein
293107 N63850 KIAA0128=Similar to septin
293109 N63851 Purine nucleoside phophorylase=Inosine phosphorylase=PNP
293413 N68859 CD54=ICAM-1
293925 N63943 MIR-7=monocyte/macrophage Ig-related receptor AND RAD23=UV excision repair protein (Double hit)
295176 N75931 GTP:AMP phosphotransferase mitochondrial
295412 N70362 RAD51B=Recombination/repair Rad51-related protein
29543 R15219 receptor protein-tyrosine kinase (HEK11)
295528   T-cell receptor alpha
295559 N70406 p78=Putative SER/THR-protein kinase
295826 N74594 CD53
296448 N74623 Insulin-like growth factor 2 (somatomedin A)
296513 N70216 MAPKAP kinase (3pK)
296840 N74211 Mad2=MXI-1=MAX-binding protein=antagonizer of myc transcriptional activity=Mxi-1/Max heterodimers repress c-myc targets
29706 R42300 microtubule-associated protein 1B
297219 W03321 cathepsin B
29763 R15251 E2F-4=pRB-binding transcription factor
297739 W56054 DNA fragmentation factor-45
297804 N69947 Phospholipase A2, group IIA (platelets, synovial fluid)=Homologue of Mom1 tumor suppessor gene modifying polyp formation in Min mice (APC mutant mice)
297810 N68910 protein phosphatase 2A B56-beta (PP2A)
297954 N68956 brain-expressed HHCPA78 homolog=Induced in HL60 cells treated with vitamin D or cycloheximide
298147 W00708 PDGF Receptor Alpha
298149 W00709 fatty acid binding protein FABP
298268 N70463 BTG1=B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative
298303 N73958 TECK chemokine
298309 N73961 N-myc
298320 N73963 MEF2A=MADS/MEF2-family transcription factor=myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2A
299218 N75504 c-maf
299360 N75581 FBP1=FUSE binding protein1=myc transcription factor
299717 N75053 leukemia associated gene 1=13q14 gene deleted in CLL
299745 N75066 CD95=Fas
300411 N80273 ELC=EBI1 ligand chemokine=Exodus-3=MIP-3 beta=CKbeta-11
300522 N78632 titin
300636 N80771 Protein phosphatase 1, catalytic subunit, gamma isoform
300944 N80669 HPH2=polyhomeotic 2 homolog
301377 N80926 CA150=putative transcription factor
301551 W17002 Integrin, alpha V (vitronectin receptor, alpha polypeptide, antigen CD51)
301608   serine/threonine-protein kinase PRP4h (PRP4h)
301649 N79551 Vascular endothelial growth factor
30170 R42530 CASPASE-3=CPP32 isoform alpha=yama=cysteine protease
30175 R42433 Protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP-U2) induced by various differentiation-inducing agents
301984 N79588 BAD=bbc6=proapoptotic Bcl-2 homolog
302059 N79610 Pig8=p53 inducible gene=etoposide-induced mRNA=Similar to E124 = p53 responsive (Mus musculus)
30209 R16311 PKC alpha=Protein kinase C, alpha
302127 N79823 Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
302185 W16744 mitotic feedback control protein Madp2 homolog
302191 N77814 csk=C-SRC-kinase
302527 N80223 Casein kinase I delta
302714   fatty acid binding protein FABP
302937 N90111 max=myc interacting HLH protein
303183 N92773 PDCD2=programmed cell death-2/Rp8 homolog
304908 N92519 E2F-3=pRB-binding transcription factor=KIAA0075
305606 N90246 EPH=receptor tyrosine kinase
306139 N91028 BCL-7A
306205 N90562 ERC-55=calcium binding EF-hand protein in endoplasmic reticulum
306219 N90571 R-PTP-alpha=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha
306465 N92729 CLK-1=CDC-like kinase 1=PITSLRE alpha 1=galactosyltransferase associated protein kinase P58/GTA
306578 N91842 tyrosine kinase (Tnk1)
306789 W24195 Transmembrane tyrosine-specific protein kinase ROS1
307887 N93029 CD105=endoglin
308060 N95305 Prefoldin subunit 3=chaperone that delivers unfolded proteins to cytosolic chaperonin=VHL binding protein-1
308115 N92359 Similar to BCL-6 zinc finger region
308536 N95616 Tyrosine kinase receptor TIE-1
309258 N98340 MEK1=MAP kinase kinase 1
309288 N93924 replication factor C
309482 N94360 p38 gamma MAP Kinase
309893 N94487 Nak1=TR3 orphan receptor=homologue of Nur77/NGIF-B/N10 anti-apoptotic gene
309970 N99098 rasGAP=GTPase-activating protein for ras p21
310105 N98563 retinoic acid- and interferon-inducible 58K protein RI58
310148 N95334 TGF beta receptor type I
310348 N98753 CD151=platelet-endothelial tetraspan antigen 3
31093 R41787 H-cadherin
31577 R42748 Tyrosine kinase receptor TIE-1
31887 R43233 MOZ=monocytic leukaemia zinc finger protein
320336 W04636 Brush-1=expressed in nl. breast epithelium but reduced inbreast Ca cell lines
320385   HMG-17=non-histone chromosomal protein
320620 W31460 gamma-aminobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase
320919   SOCS-2=STAT induced STAT inhibitor-2=CIS2
321351 W32255 cysteine protease
321717 W33097 CRM1=putative soluble nuclear transport factor that interacts with the nclear pore complex=homologue of yeast chromosome region maintenance protein 1
321754 W35412 hBAPB=B cell receptor associated protein=similar to prohibitin
322160 W37864 MMAC1=PTEN=Tumor suppressor gene at 10q23.3 that is Mutated in Multiple Advanced Cancers=Phosphatase and tensin homolog
322494 W15157 core binding factor beta subunit=CBF beta=PEBP2 beta transcription factor=Fused to myosin heavy chain in acute myeloid leukemia
322710 W15390 bone morphogenetic protein receptor type IA=ALK-3
322739 W15441 Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 3
322914 W45148 Acid phosphatase 1, soluble
323238 W42723 GRO2=GRO beta=MIP2 alpha=macrophage inflammatory protein-2 alpha=chemokine
323644 W44416 CTP synthetase
323656 W44530 MMP-2=Matrix metalloproteinase 2=72 kD type IV collagenase precursor=72 kD gelatinase=gelatinase A=TBE-1
323775 W44403 Calcineurin A catalytic subunit
324039 W46451 LIF
324077 W46566 Alpha-Actinin 1
324141 W46324 YSK1 protein kinase structurally related to Ste20 and SPS1
324144 W46628 Ribosomal protein S29
324597 W46959 osteonectin=SPARC=basement membrane protein
324740 W47372 Tis11d=ERF-2=growth factor early response gene
324872 W49647 beta-2-microglobulin
324873 W49655 Id2=Id2H=Inhibitor of DNA binding 2, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
324912 W49674 Interferon, alpha-inducible protein (clone IFI-6-16)
32493 R43483 CD49F=Integrin alpha 6
324973 W48865 9G8 splicing factor
325072 W49694 TIMP-2=Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2
325145 W48562 Pentaxin-related gene, rapidly induced by IL-1 beta
325164 W49752 Casein kinase 2, alpha prime polypeptide
325310 W48826 hBAPB=B cell receptor associated protein=similar to prohibitin
325822 AA037107 Transforming growth factor, alpha
325880 AA037178 tubulin-beta
326614   flt=VEGF receptor 1
327094 W02795 Similar to calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II delta chain
327182 W02748 Cyclin D3
327202 W02761 TNFR1=TNF alpha Receptor I=p60
327289 W01871 KIAA0175=putative kinase
327453 W20368 KIAA0052
327673 W23772 Msh (Drosophila) homeo box homolog 1 (formerly homeo box 7)
328343 W38404 RIG-G=CIG49=cytomegalovirus inducible gene 49
328550 W40261 APR=immediate-early-response gene=ATL-derived PMA-responsivepeptide
33826 R44740 MEK1=MAP kinase kinase 1
338671 W60076 procarboxypeptidase A1
338736 W60096 Mononcyte/neutrophil elastase inhibitor
338835 W60256 MMP-7=Matrix metalloproteinase 7=PUMP-1=matrilysin=28 kD Stromelysin=matrilysin, uterine
339243 W60477 Hrs=SNAP-25 interacting protein
339321 W60528 Syndecan-4 = amphiglycan = ryudocan core protein
33941 R45941 tyrosine phosphatase (IA-2/PTP)
340702 W56356 Akt2 kinase=RAC-PK-beta=RAC-beta Ser/Thr protein kinase
340799 W56649 Thy-1
341092 W58200 MLL=HRX=ALL-1
34140 R44739 grancalcin=EF-hand calcium-binding protein abundant in neutrophils and monocytes
341448 W58700 phosphorylase-kinase, beta subunit
341699 W58445 Defender against cell death 1
341764 W60696 EPH-related receptor tyrosine kinase ligand 1
341782 W60824 HMG-2=high mobility group 2 protein
341889 W60877 CMAR=cellular adhesion regulatory molecule=increases cell adhesion to components of the extracellular matrix=paraplegin=mutated in spastic paraplegia
342181 W63749 BCL-2
342349 W61116 NIK=serine/threonine protein kinase
342378 W65461 Dual specificity phosphatase induced by serum stimulation and heat shock
342647 W68281 MAPKAP kinase (3pK)
342720 W68396 KIAA0096=Similar to SNF1-related kinase
342927 W67805 Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 9 (PTPase MEG2)
343072 W67174 CD29=Integrin, beta 1=fibronectin receptor, beta polypeptide
343208 W67562 CD37
343460 W67437 LIMK2=LIM-kinase2
343692 W69162 T cell receptor delta chain
343736 W69211 eotaxin=Small inducible cytokine A11=chemokine
343821 W69497 receptor tyrosine kinase (DTK)
343867 W69954 allograft-inflammatory factor-1=interferon gamma induced macrophage protein=Iba1=ionized calcium binding adapter molecule 1
344049 W73732 Host cell factor-1=VP16 transactivator interacting protein
344134 W73790 Immunoglobulin-related 14.1
344219 W69834 5'-terminal region of UMK
344413 W73350 High mobility group (nonhistone chromosomal) protein isoforms I and Y
344430 W73473 OP-1=osteogenic protein in the TGF-beta family
344432 W73474 microsomal glutathione S-transferase 2 (MGST2)
344589 W73144 L-plastin=actin-binding protein
345103 W72792 protein-tyrosine kinase EPHB2v (EPHB2)
345261 W72884 CD34
345308 W72529 PCM-1=autoantigen pericentriol material 1
345314 W73020 Cdc7-related kinase
345586 W71984 DR3=Apo-3=death receptor 3
345588 W71985 IRAK=interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase
345603 W72044 insulin induced protein 1=INSIG1=member of the family of regulators of alternative pre-mRNA splicing
345676 W72032 40S ribosomal protein S21
345831 W70332 LAT=linker for activation of T cells=36 kDa phosphotyrosine protein
346031 W72092 casein kinase I gamma 2
346400 W74235 Cytochrome P450, 51 (lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase)
346550 W74288 MIP-1 alpha=LD78 alpha=pAT464=Small inducible cytokine A3=macrophage inflammatory protein (G0S19-1)=chemokine
346610 W74461 14-3-3 sigma
346635 W74608 CD103 alpha=Integrin alpha-E
346747 W79699 Ribosomal protein S29
346753 W78054 CDC37 homolog=subunit of Hsp90
346948 W79390 nm23-H2=NDP kinase B=Nucleoside dephophate kinase B
347131 W80655 Transforming growth factor, beta 3
347132 W80649 Casein kinase II beta chain
347403 W81711 lysophospholipase homolog (HU-K5)
347423 W81308 MEK6=MKK6=MAP kinase kinase 6
34783 R45100 pre-pro-orphanin FQ=prepronociceptin
34852 R44417 c-IAP1=MIHB=IAP homolog B
34982 R45052 ERCC5=XPG=Nucleotide excision repair SS endonuclease=Mutated in xeroderma pigmentosa G
35356 R45543 Neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 3 (TrkC)
35369 R45650 Platelet-derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide=fused to TEL in t(5;12)(q33;p13) chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
357399 W93855 ATP5A=mitochondrial ATPase coupling factor 6 subunit
357421 W93645 Signal recognition particle 72 (SRP72) with overlapping cam kinase II isoform
358413 W96087 Vascular endothelial growth factor
358563 W96204 ATP5A=mitochondrial ATPase coupling factor 6 subunit
358640 W96443 titin
358842 W94743 AML2=acute myeloid leukemia 2=PEBP2aC1
359021 W92272 CHD3=nuclear protein with chromo and SNF2-related helicase/ATPase domains
359095 W92332 ckshs2=homolog of Cks1=p34Cdc28/Cdc2-associated protein
359925 AA035777 CD31=PECAM-1
360242 AA012940 BL34=RGS1=regulator of G-protein signaling which inhibits SDF-1 directed B cell migration
360254 AA012944 CYR61=gig1=growth-factor inducible immediate early gene product
360539 AA015621 Calcineurin A2
360778 AA016254 ATM=Ser/Thr kinase mutated in ataxia telangiectasia=DNA damage signaling protein
361358 AA017555 MEF2B=XMEF2=MADS/MEF2-family transcription factor=myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2B
361456 AA015892 EWS=RNA binding protein
362514 AA018098 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1)
36348 R46609 PTP-BAS type 2 AND Similar to Sob protein (Double Hit)
364080 AA021622 thyroid hormone receptor alpha 1
364448 AA022666 KIAA0151=serine/threonine kinase
364510 AA022561 SATB1=MAR/SAR DNA binding protein
364934 AA025275 DAP-kinase
364941 AA024766 c-myc binding protein
365358 AA025160 pM5 protein=homology to conserved regions of the collagenase gene family
365437 AA025251 SIP-110=signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase
365641 AA025937 DNA primase (subunit p48)
365681 AA025380 GATA-3=T-cell specific transcription factor
365972 AA034228 Pig11=p53-inducible gene
366154 AA062813 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II
366192 AA062768 Ly-9
366412 AA026336 Cyclin D2/KIAK0002=3� end of KIAK0002 cDNA
366713 AA029384 GSK3=glycogen synthase kinase 3
366728 AA029497 thymidine kinase 2 (TK2)
366884 AA029587 Interferon alpha/beta receptor-2=Interferon-alpha/beta receptor beta chain precursor=IFN-alpha-rec=Type I interferon receptor=IFN-R
37553 R51209 hPTPA
376370 AA041309 EGR-1=Early growth response protein 1=zinc finger protein
376499 AA041261 PDGF Receptor Alpha
376520 AA041402 Interferon-induced protein 1-8D
376942 AA046812 Ro ribonucleoprotein autoantigen (Ro/SS-A)=autoantigen calreticulin
377560 AA055946 CD3 delta=T cell surface glycoprotein
377647 AA055907 Alpha-2-macroglobulin
378150 AA777126 protein kinase (MLK-3)
378364 AA775500 PRODH=proline dehydrogenase/proline oxidase=p53-induced gene
379536 AA705935 mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 (MAdCAM-1)
380377 AA054102 KIAA0671=Similar to mouse SOCS-5
380777 AA044862 V-ski avian sarcoma viral oncogene homolog
381327 AA056943 protocadherin 43 for abbreviated PC43
382714 AA069418 Thy-1
382913 AA084543 RAL-B=GTP-binding protein
383098 AA074145 PRODH=proline dehydrogenase/proline oxidase=p53-induced gene
383190 AA074225 KIAA0078=Similar to double-straded break repair protein RAD21
384064 AA702307 FGF-12=Fibroblast growth factor-12
384692 AA709350 OX-40
38763 R51052 SPHAR=Cyclin related protein
38829 R50771 NC-PTPCOM1=Ch-1PTPase delta form=protein-tyrosine phosphatase
39722 R54492 ERCC2=XPD=Nucleotide excision repair protein=Mutated in xeroderma pigmentosa D
39884 R52542 IMP (inosine monophosphate) dehydrogenase 1
39905 R54030 MNB=homologue of Drosophila minibrain=serine/threonine kinase
40799 R55802 FAK=focal adhesion kinase
40851 R56221 pusti=cytosonic dual-specificity phosphatase
41356 R59165 phosphatase 2A B56-alpha (PP2A)
415065 W92913 MNB=homologue of Drosophila minibrain=serine/threonine kinase
41647 R52794 KIAA0283
416474 W86893 TTG-2=Rhombotin-2=translocated in t(11;14)(p13;q11) T cell acute lymphocytic leukemia=cysteine rich protein with LIM motif
416477 W86907 Thymidylate synthase
41648 R52796 IL-13 receptor
417348 W89193 AMP-activated protein kinase beta-1
417502 W88799 JAW1=lymphoid-restricted membrane protein
417897 W90141 cleavage stimulation factor 77kDa subunit=polyadenylation factor subunit=homologue of the Drosophila suppressor of forked protein
418064 W90426 SRC-1=steroid receptor coactivator
42062 R60820 Protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor-type, homologue of mouse R-PTP-kappa
42070 R60343 CD73=Ecto 5' nucleotidase
42402 R60950 FA-A=DNA crosslinking repair protein=Mutated in Fanconi's anemia A
42502 R60881 Neogenin (chicken) homolog 1=DCC-related gene
42526 R60993 FGF-1=Fibroblast growth factor 1 (acidic)
42739 R61007 protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPCAAX1 (hPTPCAAX1)
427786 AA002262 FLICE-like inhibitory protein long form=I-FLICE=FLAME-1=Casper=MRIT=CASH=cFLIP=CLARP
428011 AA001784 MOZ=monocytic leukaemia zinc finger protein
428103 AA002086 CD1C
428590 AA005327 Glutathione S-transferase theta 2
428733 AA005215 PKC delta=Protein kinase C, delta
428741 AA004388 SLAP-130=SLP-76 associated protein=FYN binding protein=hematopoietic-restricted phosphoprotein target of T cell receptor associated tyrosine kinases
428817 AA004738 FA-C=DNA crosslinking repair protein=Mutated in Fanconi's anemia C
429029 AA004317 protein phosphatase 2A 74 kDa regulatory subunit (delta or B" subunit)
429042 AA007558 Thrombospondin 1
429234 AA007299 Trio=LAR transmembrane tyrosine phosphatase binding protein with a kinase domain and separate rac-specific and rho-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor domains
429238 AA007302 BRCA2 region EST-1
429356 AA007518 Smad6=JV15-1=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)=negative regulator of TGF beta signaling
429496 AA011472 Bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type II (serine/threonine kinase)
429830   Aldehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial X precursor
430038   SLAP-130=SLP-76 associated protein=FYN binding protein=hematopoietic-restricted phosphoprotein target of T cell receptor associated tyrosine kinases
430097 AA010030 STAT induced STAT inhibitor-1=JAB=SOCS-1
430297 AA010400 E1A-F=E1A enhancer binding protein=ETS translocation variant 4=ets family transcription factor
430521 AA676338 PKA-RI beta=cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I-beta regulatory chain
43198 H05489 deoxycytidine kinase
432736 AA701589 NKG5=natural killer cell and T cell gene
433490 AA699578 Casein kinase 1, alpha 1
434287 AA693536 Spectrin, beta, erythrocytic (includes sperocytosis, clinical type I)
434478 AA693923 GPCR-Br=G protein-coupled receptor
434593 AA693838 MAP kinase activated protein kinase 2
43516   PKC gamma=Protein kinase C, gamma
43630 H04887 Kinase A anchoring protein with an RGS domain
43773 H05106 branched chain aminotransferase precursor (BCATm)
44099 H06340 CD1D
44180 H06516 Alpha-2-macroglobulin
44296 H06276 HPRT=IMP:pyrophosphate phosphoribosyltransferase E.C.
446188 AA203686 RXR-alpha=Retinoic acid receptor
446360 AA203290 CD40
446373 AA203362 FPR=BS.D15=N-formyl peptide receptor=peptide chemoattractant receptor
446556 AA203446 HMG-17=non-histone chromosomal protein
447509 AA702254 Major histocompatibility complex, class II, DN alpha
448403 AA777537 Glutathione peroxidase 3 (plasma)
449975 AA703344 Spectrin alpha chain
451216 AA779994 integrin alpha 8 subunit
45138 H07899 vascular endothelial growth factor related protein VRP
45231 H07878 GPR-NGA=G protein-coupled receptor
452314 AA704775 Tapasin=NGS-17=Associated with transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP)
453885 AA704876 Spectrin alpha chain
454276 AA677133 LYL-1=helix-loop-helix transcription factor
454713 AA677378 transcription factor hGATA-6
455210 AA677416 mdr3= membrane glycoprotein P
45641 H08749 Dual specificity mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 3
45941 H09055 DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase
460538 AA700398 Glutathione reductase
46166 H09076 Cytochrome P450, subfamily IIJ (arachidonic acid epoxygenase) polypeptide 2
46342 H10667 Ror1=protein tyrosine kinase
46778 H09884 BCL-XL
469345 AA027012 Kinase insert domain receptor (a type III receptor tyrosine kinase)
470132 AA029960 A28-RGS14p=G protein signaling regulator
470149 AA029109 p21=cyclin kinase inhibitor=WAF1=CIP1
470160 AA029111 CASPASE-4=ICErel-II=TX protease=Ich-2 cysteine protease
470615 AA031328 CD64=high affinity immunogobulin gamma FC receptor I A form precursor=FC-gamma RI=FCRI=IGG FC receptor I
470799 AA031883 decoy receptor 1=DcR1=TRAIL receptor 3=lymphocyte inhibitor of TRAIL (LIT)
470953 AA032179 MHC Class II=DR beta
471093 AA034387 HCC-1=MIP-1 delta=chemokine linked toHCC-2=binds CCR1 on monocytes
471227 AA034172 40 kDa protein kinase related to rat ERK2
471256 AA034479 MRE11=double strand DNA break repair exonuclease=hNgs1
471514   IRS-2=insulin receptor substrate-2
471638 AA035512 MxB=interferon-induced cellular resistance mediator protein
471761 AA035178 CA150=putative transcription factor
471786 AA035186 ILK=integrin-linked kinase
471895 AA035596 ERCC1=Nucleotide excision repairand DNA crosslinking repair SS endonuclease
471941 AA036832 CD59=LY-6-like protein regulating complement membrane attack
472008 AA036881 C-C chemokine receptor 1=CC CK1
472182 AA057376 PTP-1B=phosphotyrosyl-protein phosphatase
47475 H12044 inducible protein
47665 H11464 cote1=ORF in glucocerebrosidase locus
47884 H11110 MIF=macrophage migration inhibitory factor
47900 H11482 interferon-gamma receptor alpha chain
48174 H12177 SAK=serine/threonine protein kinase
48213   ELK1=ets family transcription factor
484874 AA037229 Integrin, beta 3 (platelet glycoprotein IIIa, antigen CD61)
485286 AA039605 KIAA0324
485729 AA040285 PPP1CB=Protein phosphatase 1, catalytic subunit, beta isoform
485849 AA040427 CLK-1=CDC-like kinase 1=PITSLRE alpha 1=galactosyltransferase associated protein kinase P58/GTA
485989 AA040170 MCP-3=monocyte chemotactic protein-3=chemokine
486399 AA044336 A6 tyrosine kinase
486457 AA044408 gas6=growth-arrest-specific protein=vitamin K-dependent protein=ligand for the Ax1 tyrosine kinase receptor family
486480 AA044415 RBPJK=CBF1=KBF2=Su(H) homolog in notch signaling pathway
486506 AA042895 CASPASE-1=ICE=interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme beta isozyme
486617 AA043452 PDGF Receptor Alpha
486696 AA044602 STRL33.1=Putative chemokine receptor
487770 AA043343 IRF-6=interferon regulatory factor-6
488019 AA054754 IL-15 receptor alpha chain
488286 AA088218 mitogen inducible gene mig-2=chemokine
488304 AA088248 FGFR1=Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
488387 AA046656 EXT2.1=candidate gene for multiple exostoses type II
488499 AA047462 IKK alpha=IkB kinase alpha subunit
488574 AA047281 Ser/Thr protein kinase receptor R4
488754 AA045024 DAP-1=putative mediator of the gamma interferon-induced cell death
488873 AA045058 Syndecan-2 = heparin sulfate proteoglycan core protein
488932 AA047379 importin beta subunit=nuclear localization signal binding protein subunit
488966 AA047261 uridine phosphorylase
489079 AA057204 IL-2 receptor beta chain
489438 AA054540 MyD88=myeloid differentiation primary response protein=death domain-containing protein
489585 AA099354 CD97
489681 AA099570 Deoxycytidylate deaminase
490131 AA136089 PRAME=preferentially expressed antigen of melanoma(encoded in Ig lambda locus)
490368 AA136271 CD58=LFA-3
490387 AA120779 zinc finger protein 42 MZF-1
491066 AA136882 Ser/Thr protein kinase receptor R1
491155 AA114862 Ribosomal protein L27
491166 AA137060 MHC Class II=DR beta
491213 AA152288 Pig12=p53-inducible gene
491243 AA152305 IP-10
49284 H15533 FGF-11=Fibroblast growth factor-11
49303 H15677 protein phosphatase 2A beta subunit
49318 H15718 axl=ufo=tyrosine kinase receptor
49328 H15389 Neuropeptide Y receptor Y1
49768 H28917 ubiquitin-homology domain protein PIC1
501643 AA129606 CD27 Binding Protein=Siva=proapoptotic protein
501897 AA128025 Adenylosuccinate lyase
501902 AA128021 IKK beta=IkB kinase beta subunit
501952 AA129940 Glutaredoxin=catalyzes GSH (reduced glutathione)-dependent disulfide reduction
501994 AA128153 ST2=Suppression of tumorigenicity 2=interleukin-1 receptor homologue induced by proinflammatory stimuli
502085 AA126897 Guanylate binding protein 1, interferon-inducible, 67kD
502220 AA133362 C10=predicted protein adjacent to SHP-1 on 12p13
502243 AA133300 leukocyte-associated Ig-like receptor-2 (LAIR-2)
502668 AA127071 RPD3=homologue of yeast RPD3 transcription factor
502761 AA126256 Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase, phosphoribosylglycinamide synthetase, phosphoribosylaminoimidazole synthetase
503115 AA151555 PMS2=DNA mismatch repair mutL homologue
503119 AA151575 hFat=homologue of drosophila FAT gene
503166 AA151595 Interferon alpha/beta receptor-2=Interferon-alpha/beta receptor beta chain precursor=IFN-alpha-rec=Type I interferon receptor=IFN-R
503617 AA131406 Mig=Humig=chemokine targeting T cells
503881 AA131739 Ribosomal protein L32
504142 AA133995 chitinase precursor
504226 AA132090 CD53
504248 AA132058 vinculin
50437 H18061 MCL1=myeloid cell differentiation protein
504527 AA149095 MKP-1=CL100=MAP kinase phosphatase 1
504544 AA149097 HCK=hemopoietic cell protein-tyrosine kinase
504572 AA149189 51C protein=Similar to signaling inositol polyphosphate 5 phosphatase SIP-110
504763 AA148737 Syndecan-4 = amphiglycan = ryudocan core protein
504791 AA152347 glutathione transferase (GSTA4)
504877 AA150828 MAPKKK5=ASK1=mitogen-activated kinase kinase kinase 5
504924 AA150995 HHR23B=XPC p58 subunit
50506 H17504 erk3=extracellular signal-regulated kinase 3
505333 AA155670 KIAA0204=putative kinase
505538 AA147594 CD30=Ki-1 antigen=TNFR family member
505569 AA147638 T cell receptor beta chain
50614 H17512 Skip=ski oncogene interacting nuclear protein
50865 H17124 CX3C chemokine=orthologue of mouse fractalkine
509641 AA058323 Interferon-inducible protein9-27=interferon-induced 17kDa membrane protein
509919 AA056421 Evi-1 zinc finger protein fused to AML1 in t(3;21)(q26;q22) CML
510002 AA052932 casein kinase I gamma 2
510186 AA053254 SRPK1=serine kinase
510324 AA053221 SIAH-2=Seven in absentia homolog 2
51058 H18662 E2F-4=pRB-binding transcription factor
51064 H18855 protein phosphatase with EF-hands-1 (PPEF-1)
510856 AA102130 Pig10=p53-inducible gene=Similar to actin-binding ectoderm-neural cortex-1 protein (ENC-1)=nuclear matrix protein NRP/B
511387 AA115405 cysteine-rich fibroblast growth factor receptor (CFR-1)
511407 AA126109 69 kDa 2'5' oligoadenylate synthetase (P69 2-5A synthetase)
511600 AA115793 FLICE-like inhibitory protein long form=I-FLICE=FLAME-1=Casper=MRIT=CASH=cFLIP=CLARP
511623 AA126976 V-erb-b2 avian erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3 {alternative products}
511705 AA121159 TTK dual specificity kinase
511768 AA088727 Thiopurine S-methyltransferase=catalyzes the S-methylation of thiopurine drugs such as 6-mercaptopurine
511794 AA088732 pLK=homologue of Drosophila polo serine/threonine kinase
512953 AA063239 Similar to nuclear protein NIP45=potentiates NFAT-driven interleukin-4 transcription
513155 AA062753 MMP-3=Matrix metalloproteinase 3=Stromelysin-1
51448 H21042 ATF-3=activating transcription factor 3
51666 H20856 ERCC3=XPBC=Nucleotide excision repair DNA helicase=TFIIH 89kD subunit=Mutated in xeroderma pigmentosa B/C
51916 H22563 PLCB4=phospholipase C beta 4
51973 H23196 SET=fused to can in acute undifferentiated leukemia
52344 H23494 Diacylglycerol kinase, gamma (90kD)
52408 H23143 ABR=guanine nucleotide regulatory protein
525221 AA069024 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 3
525246 AA069027 CD49B=Integrin alpha 2
525540 AA064651 BCL-3
525692 AA069792 p16-INK4a=Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor A=Multiple tumor suppressor 1=MTS1
525742 AA069804 ribosomal protein S5 AND KIAA0233 (Double Hit)
525825   Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor
526281 AA079781 KIAA0303
526282 AA079775 csk=C-SRC-kinase
52629 H29322 cam kinase I
526335 AA079861 MMP-9=Matrix metalloproteinase 9=92 kD Gelatinase B=92 KD type IV collagenase
526788 AA102383 Cytotoxic ligand TRAIL receptor
526900 AA113121 Casein kinase I epsilon
527073 AA113202 Catenin alpha1(E)
530309 AA112062 GRK5=G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5
530495   CD59=LY-6-like protein regulating complement membrane attack
530950 AA070393 protein phosphatase 2C gamma
531028 AA070495 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase, gamma-1 subunit
531313 AA071483 nm23-H2=NDP kinase B=Nucleoside dephophate kinase B
531487 AA074092 GS2 protein (DXS1283E)=Anonymous X chromosome gene
531742 AA115957 PTB-4=polypirimidine tract binding protein
532018   protein kinase C-binding protein RACK7
545038 AA075477 Interferon-inducedguanylate-binding protein 2
545087 AA076002 beta-2-microglobulin
545088 AA075699 R-PTP-gamma=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase gamma
545458 AA079650 mic-A=MHC class I chain-related protein A
545502 AA079676 ornithine decarboxylase 1=odc1
545708 AA079379 Interferon-alpha induced 11.5 KD protein
546451 AA080948 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E=Cap-binding protein
546764 AA082787 Vav 2=Homolog of vav
547058 AA082943 Cyclin G1
547283 AA085368 CD63 antigen (melanoma 1 antigen)
547732 AA084099 D13S106=highly charged amino acid sequence mRNA
548736 AA122161 RPD3L1=homologue of yeast RPD3 transcription factor
548924   receptor protein-tyrosine kinase (HEK7)
548957 AA115186 BAP135=Bruton's tyrosine kinase-associated protein-135
549028 AA083181 Casein kinase II beta chain
549080 AA083224 Calmodulin 1 (phosphorylase kinase, delta)
549124 AA083467 grancalcin=EF-hand calcium-binding protein abundant in neutrophils and monocytes
549218 AA081015 Staf50=Stimulated Trans-Acting Factor of 50 kDa=alpha/beta interferon induced ring finger protein=putative transcriptional repressor
549264 AA081112 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase homologue=Yeast Vps34p kinase homologue
549277 AA081122 cell cycle protein p38-2G4 homolog (hG4-1)
549383 AA081415 TGF-beta superfamily protein
550255 AA101810 aspartyl-tRNA synthetase alpha-2 subunit
550316 AA098836 p16-INK4a=Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibitor A=Multiple tumor suppressor 1=MTS1
550355 AA098980 PRK2=lipid-activated, protein kinase
561743 AA086411 protein phosphatase-1 inhibitor
563130 AA113937 Cyclin B1
563423 AA112655 JAK1 tyrosine kinase
563451 AA113347 PKU-beta=KIAA0137=protein kinase
563621 AA102634 TRAF5=TNF receptor associated factor 5
564019 AA102710 Adenylosuccinate synthase
564026 AA114177 tubulin-gamma
564325 AA129479 tubulin-alpha
564503 AA101749 CD83=B-G antigen IgV domain homolog=B-cell activation protein=HB15
564682 AA136248 MLL=HRX=ALL-1
564803 AA136566 MPP2=putative M phase phosphoprotein 2
565039 AA133889 Cockayne syndrome 1 (classical)
565317 AA134018 Thyroid stimulating hormone receptor
566084 AA121826 Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), catalytic subunit, alpha isoform
566123 AA136924 ERM=ets family transcription factor
566439 AA149763 ATF-4=TAXREB67=CREB2=cAMP-dependent transcription factor
566458 AA149769 Transforming growth factor, beta-induced, 68kD
586776 AA130676 CD98=4F2 heavy chain
587093 AA131102 AMP-activated protein kinase beta-1
587451 AA132543 Glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta
587847 AA135152 Glutathione peroxidase 2, gastrointestinal
587981 AA134936 CPR2=cell cycle progression 2
588191 AA132359 CD71=Transferrin receptor
588492 AA143609 Interferon-induced 54 KD protein
588549 AA143525 GTP-binding protein G25K=homolgue of cdc42
588637 AA147123 actin=cytoskeletal gamma-actin
588819 AA156566 MHC Class I=HLA-A2
589048 AA149107 CAD=dihydroorotase and aspartate transcarbamylase
589078 AA151341 c-cot proto-oncogene=Tp12=protein serine/threonine kinase
589093 AA143277 Deoxycytidylate deaminase
589373 AA131209 vimentin
589589 AA157339 homolog of Drosophila splicing regulator suppressor-of-white-apricot
589630 AA148098 CD39
589749 AA148093 TGF beta-1
589751 AA148230 CC3=metastasis suppresor gene for small cell lung carcinoma
590150 AA156031 metallothionein-II
590631 AA158034 Chromatin assembly factor-I p150
590774 AA157499 p38delta mRNA=stress-activated protein kinase 4
590942 AA160353 Putative oncogene protein similar to C. elegans ZC395.7 gene product
591653 AA147202 P47 LBC=Similar to rho GTP/GDP exchange factor
591683 AA147214 GADD45 alpha=growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible protein alpha
591872 AA158400 MKP-2=MAP kinase phosphatase 2
592125 AA150538 RIP protein kinase
592352 AA146628 Cateninbeta 1 (88kD)
592498 AA161465 clones 23920 and 23921 mRNA
592660 AA160362 Alpha-Actinin 1
593221 AA159668 MHC Class II=DQ alpha
593634 AA160060 MSH6=mutS-alpha160 KD subunit=GTBP=G/T mismatch binding protein
594372 AA169488 transcription factor ERF-1
594538 AA169806 PBEF=pre-B cell enhancing factor
594539 AA169813 PBEF=pre-B cell enhancing factor
594782 AA172099 WT1 = Wilms tumor zinc finger protein
595311 AA173621 Cyclin G2
595474 AA176693 Pak1=p21-activated protein kinase
60694 T40608 3BP2=SH2 and PH domain, LAT and ZAP-70 SH3 binding adaptor protein
60874 T39572 GATA-binding protein 2
609445 AA180462 SRC-1=steroid receptor coactivator
610271 AA171470 GRP78=78 KD glucose regulated protein precursor=BiP
611027 AA173225 Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase
61164 T39765 BLC=BCA-1=B lymphocyte chemoattractant BLC=CXC chemokine
612224 AA180758 PHKG1=phosphorylase kinase gamma subunit
612274 AA180742 tubulin-alpha-4
612404 AA179310 TRAP-1=tumor necrosis factor type 1 receptor associated protein
612463 AA182638 A-raf=c-raf-1 kinase
612616 AA173454 Protein-tyrosine kinase RON
613074 AA181647 NFAT=NFATc1=NFATc
613321 AA188478 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribonucleoti de transformylase/inosinicase
613363 AA180403 STAT3=APRF=acute-phase response factor
61510 T40023 nck=cytoplasmic protein with src homology
61616   Cytochrome P450 IIIA3 (nifedipine oxidase chain 3)
624279 AA181181 MHC Class I=HLA-B27
624566 AA187327 Cytoplasmic protein-tyrosine kinase Bmx
624655 AA187365 Interferon-induced protein 1-8D
624760 AA181940 Lactate dehydrogenase B
624924 AA181875 MMP-1=Matrix metalloproteinase 1=FIB-CL=Type I collagenase 55 kD
625016 AA181040 osteonectin=SPARC=basement membrane protein
625171 AA181955 MMP-2=Matrix metalloproteinase 2=72 kD type IV collagenase precursor=72 kD gelatinase=gelatinase A=TBE-1
625473 AA187290 Glutathione peroxidase 1
625609 AA186602 CD13=aminopeptidase N
625812 AA187660 CDC21 Homolog
626075 AA211472 hPTPA
626283 AA188418 placental leucine aminopeptidase
626301 AA188564 C-1-Tetrahydrofolate Synthase, cytoplasmic
626511 AA186323 3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1)
626683 AA191692 14-3-3 sigma
626746 AA216447 Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), regulatory subunit A (PR 65), beta isoform
626880 AA190422 Adenylate kinase 2 (adk2)
627089 AA190598 CD99=MIC2 antigen=T-cell surface glycoprotein E2 precursor
627173 AA190661 Protein phosphatase 3 (formerly 2B), catalytic subunit, alpha isoform (calcineurin A alpha){alternative products}
627367 AA190804 BTG1=B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative
627509 AA192725 p27kip1=cyclin kinase inhibitor
627533 AA192411 HP1=heterochromatin protein homologue
627852 AA193078 Protein phosphatase 2C alpha
628743 AA194278 Integrin, alpha 7B
628828 AA194382 GLUT5=glucose transporter protein-5
628888   Adenylate kinase 1
629148 AA196829 A-raf=c-raf-1 kinase
630013 AA219061 MSH2=DNA mismatch repair mutS homologue
631999 AA167658 CREM=cAMP-responsive element modulator type1 alpha protein
632137 AA167728 CD27 Binding Protein=Siva=proapoptotic protein
632681 AA189061 guanylate kinase (GUK1)
633056 AA165379 Gem GTPase
646149 AA204976 Ribonucleotide reductase M2 polypeptide
647007 AA205009 Cyclin C=G1/S-specific cyclin
647050 AA205125 stk2 = serine / threonine kinase 2
647825   PMS2=DNA mismatch repair mutL homologue
648684 AA223933 CDC16Hs
649151 AA211065 TSG101=tumor susceptiblity protein
649619 AA216567 Transcription factor AP-4 (activating enhancer-binding protein 4)
649654 AA216739 MLNewGene3
649743 AA216528 thymosin beta-4
650565 AA219536 PCTAIRE protein kinase 3
650760 AA223586 RAL-B=GTP-binding protein
66322 T66799 CD3 gamma
663683 AA224595 Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase subunit I
663776 AA227401 NF-IL3A=IL3BP1=E4BP4
664627 AA233951 Cdc6-related protein (HsCDC6)
66478 R16111 Erythropoietin receptor
664914 AA233463 Neogenin (chicken) homolog 1=DCC-related gene
665121 AA194963 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 7
665216 AA195518 D13S106=highly charged amino acid sequence mRNA
665279 AA195282 CD103 alpha=Integrin alpha-E
665298 AA195047 myotonic dystrophy associated protein kinase
665304 AA195292 epidermal growth factor receptor kinase substrate (Eps8)
665452 AA195209 HS1= hematopoietic lineage cell specific protein = homologue of mouse lckbp-1 (lck binding protein)
665681 AA194024 Tyrosinase-related protein=5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid oxidase precursor
665682 AA194047 Jnkk2=JNK kinase 2=MAP kinase kinase
665893 AA193259 Fms-related tyrosine kinase 4
665903 AA193262 T-cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase=Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 2
666121 AA233606 T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1
666313 AA232250 phospholipase C
666367 AA232644 Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 4=MEG1
666425 AA232856 Topoisomerase I
666448 AA232910 63 kDa protein=UV radiation resistance associated gene
666636 AA232978 ERF-1=EGF-response factor 1=Homologue of TIS11b early-response gene
666773 AA234005 Exodus-2=SLC=6Ckine=chemokine targeting T cells
667077 AA253207 RFXAP=subunit of the RFX DNA binding complex mutated in MHC class II deficiency
667144 AA253080 CD48=BLAST-1
667178 AA236350 SOX-4=SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 4
667471 AA227900 RAD54
667587 AA228034 cGMP-dependent protein kinase, beta isozyme
667782 AA258552 TdT = Terminal Deoxynucleotide Transferase
667961 AA258405 Interferon alpha receptor=HuIFN-alpha-Rec=IFNAR=interferon alpha/beta receptor
667996 AA258570 FBP3=FUSE binding protein 3
668127 AA252235 Glucocorticoid receptor
668262 AA242764 XPA=Nucleotide excision repair DNA damage binding protein=Mutated in xeroderma pigmentosa A
668368 AA236577 PKC mu=Protein kinase C, mu
668442 AA243749 Receptor protein tyrosine kinase TKT precursor=Tyrosine protein kinase TYRO 10=Nuerotrophic tyrosine kinase receptor-related 3
668495 AA243771 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase homologue=Yeast Vps34p kinase homologue
668829 AA262966 c-maf
668898 AA262341 hnup153=nuclear pore complex protein
669424 AA253405 Angiopoietin-2
669523 AA234574 NF-IL6 beta
66969 T67554 relB = I-Rel
67185 T52650 manic fringe
682013 AA256322 PrP=prion protein
682207 AA256962 IRF-4=LSIRF=Mum1=homologue of Pip=Lymphoid-specific interferon regulatory factor =Multiple myeloma oncogene 1
682418 AA255812 MEF=myeloid elf-1 like factor
682529 AA256597 NFkB2 = NF-kappaB p100=p49=p50B=Lyt-10=translocated in t(10;14)(q24;q32) B cell lymphoma
68370 T57014 megakaryocyte stimulating factor
687009 AA259102 DCHT=Similar to rat pancreatic serine threonine kinase
687592 AA234544 oncostatin-M specific receptor beta subunit (OSMRB)
687796 AA235982 PKU-alpha kinase
68894 T53509 IgG Fc receptor hFcRn
68977 T54166 Proteasome-like subunit (MECL-1)
700709 AA285132 APAF-1=ced-4 homologue
70120 T51244 GRK5=G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5
701394 AA287923 Werner syndrome gene
70164 T50045 p57kip2=cyclin kinase inhibitor
70332 T48864 Acid phosphatase 2, lysosomal
703799 AA278318 dUTP pyrophosphatase=deoxyuridine triphosphatase (DUT)
70457 T48906 semaphorin V=homologue of nerve growth cone guidance signaling proteins
70679 T49150 Pig7=p53-inducible gene
71046 T47383 TNFR2=TNF alpha Receptor II=p80
712866 AA281970 RPD3=homologue of yeast RPD3 transcription factor
713382 AA283125 PCTAIRE 1 serine/threonine protein kinase
713555 AA290585 pre-pro-megakaryocyte potentiating factor
713641 AA284489 MEK2=MAP kinase kinase 2
713648 AA284323 Glutathione synthetase
713922 AA290738 Glutathione S-transferase subunit 4 (EC
713974 AA284954 CD115=fms=CSF-1 receptor
71432 T47813 Macrophage stimulating 1 (hepatocyte growth factor-like)
71434 T47815 interferon-gamma IEF SSP 5111=Interferon gamma upregulated protein
714394 AA293249 IL-16=Lymphocyte chemoattractant factor (LCF)
714453 AA293306 IL-4 receptor alpha chain
714476 AA293316 IL-13 receptor alpha-1 chain
71545 T47961 HPK1=hematopoietic progenitor kinase
71606 T57859 HKG7=cell surface protein in NK and T cells=G-CSF-induced gene
71622 T57875 PKC iota=Protein kinase C, iota
71727 T51236 scl=tal-1=T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 1
723911 AA410678 SMRT=silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone action=corepressor
72395 T51539 Macrophage stimulating 1 (hepatocyte growth factor-like)
724070 AA235742 CD5
724124 AA411174 PDCD2=programmed cell death-2/Rp8 homolog
724146 AA411092 pim-1 kinase
724303 AA235397 eIF-3=translation initiation factor
724397 AA235600 lymphopain=C1 peptidase expressed in natural killer and cytotoxic T cells
724426 AA235622 Phosphorylase kinase, gamma 2 catalytic chain (testis)
724506 AA291643 gamma-interferon inducible gene IP-30
724588 AA291389 ISGF3 gamma=IFN alpha/beta-responsive transcription factor ISGF3 gamma subunit (p48)
724615 AA291398 RCC1=regulator of chromosome condensation
724632   Similar to mouse cytokine inducible SH2-containing protein
724679 AA293679 APRIL=proliferation inducing ligand=TALL-2=TNFSF13=TNF family member
724888 AA291484 Cytochrome P450 IVB1
724951 AA404587 ANK1=ankyrin 1
725067 AA404591 EF-1 alpha=Elongation factor 1-alpha
725161 AA403289 E2A=E12/E47 HLH transcription factors
725263 AA291844 immunoglobulin kappa light chain
725266 AA291715 DNA ligase I
725321 AA291749 Estrogen receptor
725390 AA292063 Glutathione-S-transferase pi-1
725588 AA293478 branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase E1-alpha subunit=BCKDH
725751 AA399225 invariant chain=Ia-associated invariant gamma-chain
726147 AA293365 MEK4=MKK4=MAP kinase kinase 4=sek1=JNK activating kinase 1
726209 AA293559 MHC Class II=DR alpha
726658 AA398218 DR-nm23
726735 AA398286 IL-13 receptor alpha-1 chain
727065 AA398911 Serine/threonine kinase 9=Unknown protein expressed in macrophages
727192 AA402467 NFAT4=NFATc3=NFATx
727193 AA402478 MLH1=DNA mismatch repair mutL homologue
727229 AA402447 MTK1=KIAA0213=MAP kinase kinase kinase
727251 AA412053 CD9
727266 AA411987 TTP=tristetraproline=GOS24=zinc finger transcriptional regulator
727343 AA402232 PKD1=autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease protein=integral membrane protein involved in cell-cell/matrix interactions
727526 AA411850 CENP-E=putative kinetochore motor that accumulates just before mitosis
727546 AA416928 ATF-1=TREB=cAMP-dependent transcription factor
727551 AA416883 IRF-2=interferon regulatory factor-2
727614 AA412154 tubulin-gamma
727698 AA393270 CD148=DEP-1=density enhanced phosphatase-1=Memory B cell marker and T cell activation and costimulatory molecule
72778 T50675 CASPASE-7=mch3=Ice-lap3
727904 AA397895 protein phosphatase 2A epsilon isoform of 61kDa regulatory subunit
727988 AA435559 CD52=CAMPATH-1
728241   STAT6
728313 AA397726 STK11=LKB1=Ser/Thr kinase mutated in Peutz-Jeghers cancer susceptibility syndrome
728609 AA421154 Phospholipase C, gamma 2 (phosphatidylinositol-specific)
729354 AA435923 Ro ribonucleoprotein autoantigen (Ro/SS-A)=autoantigen calreticulin
729384 AA399665 CREB=cyclic AMP response element-binding protein 1
729509 AA478108 Prefoldin subunit 3=chaperone that delivers unfolded proteins to cytosolic chaperonin=VHL binding protein-1
730402 AA470077 TTK dual specificity kinase
730410 AA469965 lck=lymphoid-restricted tyrosine kinase
730433 AA469973 Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein=protein in neutrophil granules
730653 AA411763 MLH1=DNA mismatch repair mutL homologue
730921 AA417374 Glutathione S-transferase M3 (brain)
731127 AA417319 cdc14B=tyrosine phosphatase
731228 AA420962 cyclin A1
731648 AA412691 CCAAT-binding protein (Hap2)
73635 T55736 KIAA0022
739183 AA421296 CD68
739192 AA421212 PRK=putative serine/threonine protein kinase
739382 AA476848 K-ras
739511 AA478066 Myt1 kinase
739901 AA477781 Cytochrome P450, 51 (lanosterol 14-alpha-demethylase)
740018 AA479745 Immunoglobulin alpha (1 or 2) heavy chain constant region
740079 AA477329 cdk4=Cyclin-dependent kinase 4
740117 AA477347 IRF-7=interferon regulatory factor-7
740402 AA477822 T-cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase=Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 2
740476 AA478043 IRF-1=interferon regulatory factor-1
740604 AA479795 HEM45=gpISG20=interferon-inducible PML nuclear bodies-associated protein
740650 AA477413 APRT=adenine phosphoribosyltransferase
741088 AA402354 MHC Class II=DP beta
741429 AA400982 63 kDa protein kinase related to rat ERK3
741876   retinoic acid induced RIG-E precursor (E)
741880 AA403031 pbx-1=pre-B cell leukemia transcription factor-1=prl=fused to E2A in t(1;19) translocation
741897 AA402988 Protein phosphatase 1, catalytic subunit, alpha isoform
742132 AA406020 Interferon-induced 17 KD protein
742577 AA400246 MAP kinase activated protein kinase 2
742595 AA401479 CDK5=cell division protein kinase 5 (kinase PSSALRE)
743251 AA400397 CREB=cyclic AMP response element-binding protein 1
743739 AA634287 cAMP dependent protein kinase RII-alpha subunit
744128 AA634317 Autoimmunogenic cancer/testis antigen NY-ESO-1
744216 AA634446 Leukocyte platelet-activating factor receptor
744800 AA644448 R-PTP-psi=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase psi
75009 T51895 tyrosine kinase (HTK)
752631 AA419620 FGFR3=Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3
752785 AA426411 SHP-1=mutated in motheaten mouse=Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 6=PTP1C=protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1C=HCP=hematopoietic cell phophatase
753069 AA436564 c-mer=cellular proto-oncogene
753209 AA406361 MHC Class II=DQ beta
753667   Integrin, alpha 7B
753794 AA410383 BLC=BCA-1=B lymphocyte chemoattractant BLC=CXC chemokine
753923 AA479102 PKC beta =Protein kinase C, beta
754034 AA479058 Thrombopoietin (myeloproliferative leukemia virus oncogene ligand, megakaryocyte growth and development factor)
754080 AA479188 CD50=ICAM-3
754106 AA479202 TIMP-3=Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 3
75415 T57556 protein kinase C inhibitor-I cDNA
754406 AA436187 Integrin, alpha M (complement component receptor 3, alpha; also known as CD11b (p170), macrophage antigen alpha polypeptide)
754500 AA411559 IL-6 receptor alpha chain
754999 AA411428 p55CDC
755054 AA482489 putative transmembrane receptor IL-1Rrp
755176 AA421953 acid finger protein
755279 AA496353 c-fos
755526 AA419092 Edg-4=G protein-coupled receptor
755663 AA419238 RAR-beta-2=Retinoic acid receptor
755952 AA496565 microsomal glutathione S-transferase 3 (MGST3)
756030 AA410919 MHC Class II=DQ beta
756037 AA410932 Hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor (RHAMM)
756092 AA419168 MHC Class II=DQ alpha
756163 AA419342 bcr=break point cluster gene
756225 AA480109 DAP12=DNAX activation protein 12=KARAP-b=killer activating receptor associated protein in NK cells
756452 AA482128 tyk2=non-receptor protein tyrosine kinase
756490 AA436410 branched chain aminotransferase precursor (BCATm)
756638 AA481478 Cysteine-rich protein 2=CRP2=ESP1 protein=LIM domain protein
756666 AA443982 Protein phosphatase 1, catalytic subunit, alpha isoform
756931 AA425934 S100 calcium binding protein A1
756965 AA428897 RGS14=regulator of G protein signaling
757873 AA442853 Cyclin-dependent kinase 5, regulatory subunit
758037 AA442780 MBP-1=PRDII-BF1=Zinc finger protein 40=HIV I enhancer binding protein 1=HIV-EP1
758206 AA437275 PMS4=DNA mismatch repair protein
758261 AA423973 PKN kinase=lipid-activated protein kinase PRK1
758321 AA404346 MCP-4=CC-chemokine expressed in dermal fibroblasts
758335 AA404283 SCA-2=ataxin-2=trinucleotide expansion target in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2
758495 AA401634 ubiquitin-homology domain protein PIC1
758926 AA442908 Uridine monophosphate synthetase (orotate phosphoribosyl transferase and orotidine-5'-decarboxylase)
759142 AA436807 Integrin beta 6
759172 AA496026 CAK=cdk7=NRTALRE=sdk=CDK activating kinase
759500   bone morphogenetic protein receptor type IA=ALK-3
760141 AA424359 Topoisomerase II beta (180kD)
760233 AA425774 BNIP3=NIP3=E1B 19K/Bcl-2-interacting protein=pro-apoptotic mitochondrial protein
767183 AA424575 HS1= hematopoietic lineage cell specific protein = homologue of mouse lckbp-1 (lck binding protein)
767804 AA418697 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 10 (fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase)
767831 AA418731 CD49E=Integrin alpha 5
768031 AA418846 KIAA0303
768151 AA426604 NERF=ets family transcription factor
768291 AA495755 MLL=HRX=ALL-1
768412 AA495876 MDR1=Multidrug resistance-associated protein 1
768443 AA495936 Glutathione S-transferase, microsomal
768496 AA495974 EBI3=cytokine receptor
768497 AA495985 PARC=DC-CK1=CC chemokine targeting T cells, not monocytes
768561 AA425102 MCP-1=MCAF=small inducible cytokine A2=JE=chemokine
768621 AA425346 Receptor protein-tyrosine kinase EDDR1
769513 AA426264 Ki67 (long type)
769653 AA428323 retinoic acid induced RIG-E precursor (E)
769676 AA428334 GSTZ1=Glutathione transferase Zeta 1=maleylacetoacetate isomerase
769753 AA429012 MHC Class I=HLA-B27
769861 AA430369 CD63 antigen (melanoma 1 antigen)
770027 AA427433 protein phosphatase 2A regulatory subunit alpha-isotype (alpha-PR6 5)
770804 AA427617 TRAF2=TRAP3=tumor necrosis factor type 2 receptor associated protein
770837 AA427740 KIAA0135=related to pim-1 kinase
770858 AA434387 CD34
770957 AA430625 Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase
771065 AA427851 Immunoglobulin lambda light chain
771153 AA429469 homolog of mouse MAT-1 oncogene
771196 AA427934 Cell division cycle 42 (GTP-binding protein, 25kD)
771220 AA443547 NFkB-p65
771236 AA443558 protocadherin 42 for abbreviated PC42
771258 AA443584 CD8 alpha chain
77133 T50633 SHC signaling adaptor protein
771755 AA469289 TIMP-1=Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (erythroid potentiating activity, collagenase inhibitor)
772261 AA404327 p38 mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase
772425 AA405569 fibroblast activation protein=integral membrane serine protease Seprase
773137 AA425401 Ste20-like kinase 3 (mst-3)
773215 AA425746 core binding factor alpha1b subunit=CBF alpha1=PEBP2aA1 transcription factor =AML1 Proto-oncogene=translocated in acute myeloid leukemia
773301 AA425217 P-cadherin
773319 AA425446 rsk-I=Ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1
773439 AA426020 Platelet-derived growth factor receptor, beta polypeptide=fused to TEL in t(5;12)(q33;p13) chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
773568 AA428196 RDC-1=POU domain transcription factor
773724 AA433944 FADD=MORT
773766 AA427914 Id1=Inhibitor of DNA binding 1, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
774036 AA441895 glutathione-S-transferase homolog
774081 AA441940 FGFR1=Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1
774199 AA428866 FAST
774222 AA446365 Alg-2=Probable calcium-binding protein PMP41=Blocks apoptosis in T cells
774478 AA446246 N-ras
774619 AA441842 Smad4=DPC4=Homologue of Mothers Against Decapentaplegic (MAD)=required for TGF beta signaling=tumor suppressor in pancreatic cancer
774621 AA441788 STAT2=IFN alpha/beta-responsive transcription factor ISGF3 alpha subunit (p113)
774710 AA442064 Glutathione-S-transferase pi-1
77539 T58775 LEC=HCC-4=SCYA16=LCC-1=liver CC chemokine-1=monotactin-1=IL-10 inducible CC chemokine=upregulated by hypoxia
77978 T53864 cytochrome P450-IIB (hIIB3)
78039 T61342 Ferritin light chain
781014 AA446017 HTS1=HeLa tumor suppressor gene
781047 AA446462 BUB1=putative mitotic checkpoint protein ser/thr kinase
78113 T61629 Tumor Associated Antigen L6
78234 T50697 C-1-Tetrahydrofolate Synthase, cytoplasmic
782488 AA448468 CASPASE-8=Mch5=FLICE=MACH-alpha-1
782760 AA448157 Cytochrome P450 IB1 (dioxin-inducible)
782797 AA448194 spinal muscular atrophy gene
78298 T50790 Cytochrome P450, subfamily IIA (phenobarbital-inducible), polypeptide 6
783355 AA468334 N-CoR=transcriptional corepressor
783700 AA446824 secreted frizzled-related protein=secreted apoptosis related protein 2 (SARP2)
783729 AA446928 HER2=neu=c-erb-B-2=tyrosine kinase-type receptor
784012 AA443696 40S ribosomal protein S21
784224 AA446876 FGFR4=Fibroblast growth factor receptor 4
784337 AA447115 SDF-1=Stromal cell-derived factor 1=chemokine
784589 AA443300 MMP-15=Matrix metalloproteinase 15=MT-2-MMP=membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase 2
784621 AA443316 H-ras
785148 AA476461 PTP zeta = protein tyrosine phosphatase zeta
785575 AA449440 Interferon gamma receptor beta chain
785669 AA449097 Akt1 kinase=protein kinase B=rac protein kinase alpha
785796 AA449747 FGF-13=Fibroblast growth factor-13
785838 AA449106 GSK3=glycogen synthase kinase 3
785951 AA449722 Cytochrome P450, subfamily XIA (cholesterol side chain cleavage)
785987 AA448617 V-crk avian sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog
786029 AA448634 MMP-13=Matrix metalloproteinase 13=CL-3=Collagenase 3
786041 AA448639 PC-1 = alkaline nucleotide pyrophosphatase
786067 AA448659 cdc25B=M-phase inducer phosphatase 2
786081 AA448675 pbx-3 = pre-B cell leukemia transcription factor-3
787954   Hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor (RHAMM)
788107 AA453175 bin1=myc interacting protein=amphiphysin II=localized to actin cytomatrix=putative tumor suppressor that blocks myc transformation
788247 AA454094 CUL-2=VHL tumor suppressor binding protein=Cdc53 family member
788256 AA454098 Mitotic kinesin-like protein-1
788286 AA450003 protein kinase, Dyrk4
788308 AA450015 PIG-B=CPR8=cell cycle progression restoration 8 protein that imparts a Far-phenotype on yeast cells
788511 AA452574 rsk-2=Ribosomal protein S6 kinase 2
788532 AA452805 CRKL=crk-like gene
789158 AA450183 c-kit=SCF receptor
789182 AA450265 PCNA=proliferating cell nuclear antigen
789253 AA450249 PS-2=PRESENILIN 2=STM2=ALG-3=seven trans-membrane domain protein AD3LP/AD5
789357 AA451716 NFkB1 = NF-kappaB p105=p50
789359 AA451717 MIF=macrophage migration inhibitory factor
789376 AA464849 Thioredoxin reductase
789379 AA464860 JAK2 tyrosine kinase
79022 T61948 FosB=G0S3
795278 AA451806 XRCC1=Nucleotide excision repair and DNA alkylation repair protein=Stimulates DNA ligase III
795296 AA454146 Cyclin H
795330 AA454168 thyroid hormone receptor alpha 1
795343 AA453258 CD64=high affinity immunogobulin gamma FC receptor I A form precursor=FC-gamma RI=FCRI=IGG FC receptor I
795352 AA453479 FAK=focal adhesion kinase
795827 AA461506 TESK1=protein kinase specifically expressed in testicular germ cells
795847 AA461527 Jun activation domain binding protein=coactivator that increases the specificity of AP-1 transcription factors
796016 AA461539 TNFR1=TNF alpha Receptor I=p60
796101 AA460378 Pleitrophin=PTN=Heparin-binding growth associated molecule=Heparin-binding growth factor 8=Osteoblast specific factor 1=Heparin-binding neurite outgrowth promoting factor 1
796134 AA460969 TGF-beta activated kinase 1a
796212 AA460646 Peroxisome assembly factor-2 (PAF-2)
796228 AA461009 APS=adaptor molecule containing PH and SH2 domains that is tyrosine phosphorylated upon B-cell receptor stimulation
796268 AA460827 protein phosphatase-1 inhibitor
796282 AA460840 filamin=ABP-280=actin-binding protein
796284 AA460841 IRS-1=Insulin receptor substrate-1
79629 T62636 CXC chemokine receptor 4= fusin=neuropeptide Y receptor=L3
796365 AA456142 DNA helicase Q1
796415 AA460048 Cytochrome P450 IIIA7 (P450-HFLa)
796424 AA459963 HnRNPK=Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K=tunp=transformation upregulated nuclear protein
796533 AA460261 uridine phosphorylase
796694 AA460685 Survivin=apoptosis inhibitor=effector cell protease EPR-1
796724 AA461028 FGF-5=Fibroblast growth factor-5
797060   RAR-gamma-1=Retinoic acid receptor
80030 T63612 MSSP-1=single stranded DNA binding protein
80384 T65770 Vav oncogene
80592 T59694 Syndecan-1
809353 AA456570 IRF-3=interferon regulatory factor-3
809464 AA443093 FGFR2=Fibroblast growth factor receptor 2
809494 AA443118 CD151=platelet-endothelial tetraspan antigen 3
809515 AA454565 pLK=homologue of Drosophila polo serine/threonine kinase
809639 AA458507 G-CSF receptor
809707 AA454711 jun-B
809828 AA455521 E2F-5=pRB-binding transcription factor
809851   bark1=beta-adrenergic receptor kinase 1
809910 AA464417 Interferon-inducible protein 1-8U
809925 AA464442 CD104=Integrin beta4
809939 AA454819 erk1=extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1
809981 AA454856 Phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase
810010 AA454868 PDGF receptor beta-like tumor suppressor
810039 AA455281 Defender against cell death 1
810142 AA464246 MHC Class I=HLA-C4
810156 AA464256 Deoxythymidylate kinase
810213 AA464526 IL-1 receptor type I
810242 AA464711 AZ3B=C3a anaphylatoxin G protein-coupled receptor
810331 AA464152 BPGF-1=bone-derived growth factor=Q6=quiescin and rac protein kinase alpha mRNA (Double hit)
810383 AA464184 EWS=RNA binding protein
810506 AA464529 Ste20-like kinase (MST2)
810743 AA457726 MLF2=myelodysplasia/myeloid leukemia factor 2
810791 AA481759 CDK-Activating kinase assembly factor MAT1=Menage a trois=p35, cyclin-like CAK1-associated protein
810806 AA458870 CDC37 homolog=subunit of Hsp90
810859 AA458965 NK4=Natural killer cells protein-4=increased after activation of T cells by mitogens or activation of NK cells by IL-2
810899 AA459292 ckshs1=homolog of Cks1=p34Cdc28/Cdc2-associated protein
811568 AA454593 Keratin type I cytoskelatin 14
811669 AA463854 alpha-galactosidase A
811792 AA463458 Glutathione synthetase
811842 AA463631 Signal recognition particle 72 (SRP72) with overlapping cam kinase II isoform
811900 AA454646 Lymphotoxin-Beta receptor precursor=Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 related protein=Tumor necrosis factor C receptor
811920 AA454657 IL-11 receptor alpha chain
812965 AA464600 c-myc
812968 AA464590 KIAA0387
813166 AA456295 TRAF6=TNF receptor associated factor 6
813256 AA455911 MDR1=Multidrug resistance protein 1=P-glycoprotein
813296 AA455159 Cytochrome P450 IIIA7 (P450-HFLa)
813426 AA458653 cancellous bone osteoblast GS3955
813460 AA455955 lymphoma proprotein convertase (LPC)
813520 AA456088 HEK2=tyrosine kinase receptor=large erk kinase
813552 AA455448 CD47 antigen=Rh-related antigen= integrin-associated signal transducer
813673 AA453749 hepatoma-derived growth factor
813742 AA453789 Protein-tyrosine kinase 7 and KIAA0370 (Double hit)
813829 AA447784 FGF-1=Fibroblast growth factor 1 (acidic)
814049 AA465491 Mad4=MAX-binding protein=antagonizer of myc transcriptional activity
81466 T63499 MHC Class I=HLA-A2
82276 T68988 YSK1 protein kinase structurally related to Ste20 and SPS1
823614 AA496947 G/T mismatch-specific thymine DNA glycosylase=DNA alkylation repair protein
823696 AA489640 Interferon-induced 56-KDa protein
823794 AA490263 nek3 protein kinase
823876 AA490473 Protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit-beta
824836 AA488856 TRADD=TNF receptor-1 associated protein
825861 AA504785 hnup153=nuclear pore complex protein
82636 T73419 aldehyde oxidase=hAOX
82676 T73508 CD13=aminopeptidase N
82710 T73468 Glutathione S-transferase A2
83034 T67802 EPH-related receptor tyrosine kinase ligand 1
83231 T68287 Cytochrome P450, subfamily IIB (phenobarbital-inducible), polypeptide 6
83402 T68541 TCF-1=Transcription factor 7=T-Cell Trans Factor 1
839598 AA490013 XPC=Nucleotide excision repair protein=Mutated in xeroderma pigmentosa C
840451 AA485725 immunoglobulin kappa light chain
840460 AA485865 IL-7 receptor alpha chain
840486 AA485883 Von Willebrand factor
840636 AA487973 SRF=c-fos serum response element-binding transcription factor
840681 AA488071 invariant chain=Ia-associated invariant gamma-chain
840683 AA488072 Cytokine inducible nuclear protein
840691 AA488075 STAT1=IFN alpha/beta-responsive transcription factor ISGF3 beta subunits (p91/p84)
840708 AA488084 Superoxide dismutase 2, mitochondrial
840776 AA486082 sgk=putative serine/threonine protein kinase transcriptionally modified during anisotonic and isotonic alterations of cell volume
840844 AA482210 GRP78=78 KD glucose regulated protein precursor=BiP
840856 AA482212 Ferritin light chain
840978 AA486556 CD81=TAPA1
840990 AA486570 GST=glutathione transferase
841149 AA487034 Transforming growth factor, beta receptor II (70-80kD)
841308 AA487215 myosin light chain kinase
841332 AA487426 LyGDI=Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor 2=RHO GDI 2
841340 AA487429 TAP1=peptide transporter
841361 AA487453 GRO2=GRO beta=MIP2 alpha=macrophage inflammatory protein-2 alpha=chemokine
841441 AA487181 CD16=Fcgamma receptor III-1
84148 T71113 p38 beta MAP kinase
841641 AA487486 Cyclin D1=BCL1=PRAD1=Translocated in mantle cell leukemia
841690 AA487580 cytochrome P450-IIB (hIIB3)
841703 AA487593 CD71=Transferrin receptor
842122 AA634809 IL-17 receptor
842180   cathepsin B
842825 AA486233 G1 to S phase transition 1
84295 T72877 IL-1 receptor antagonist
843037 AA488416 Vitamin D (1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor
843067 AA488618 LBP-1d=LSF=CP2=transcription factor binding to initiation site of HIV-1=alpha-globin transcription factor
843076 AA488622 STAM=signal transducing adaptor molecule
843077 AA486004 BRCA1=Mutated in breast and ovarian cancer
843132 AA485908 Insulin receptor
843318 AA485947 Glycyl tRNA synthetase
844479 AA626836 Pig8=p53 inducible gene=etoposide-induced mRNA=Similar to E124 = p53 responsive (Mus musculus)
852131   itk=tsk=emt=lyk=T cell-specific tyrosine kinase
85394 T71976 Dri42=phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase homolog
85438 T71696 Cytochrome P450, subfamily IIC, polypeptide 18 (mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase)
85561 T72259 Cytochrome P450, subfamily IIA (phenobarbital-inducible), polypeptide 6
856385 AA774686 Bone morphogenetic protein 6=TGF beta family member
859359 AA668595 Pig3=p53-inducible gene
859807 AA668527 mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 (MAdCAM-1)
86040 T62732 Cytochrome P450, subfamily I, polypeptide 2 (aromatic compound-inducible)
86189 T72416 CD4
868054 AA780509 EF-1 alpha=Elongation factor 1-alpha
877523   APS=adaptor molecule containing PH and SH2 domains that is tyrosine phosphorylated upon B-cell receptor stimulation
880685 AA468730 FBP2=FUSE binding protein2=KSRP=KH type splicing regulatory protein
882183 AA480683 CXCR2=IL-8 Receptor beta
884441 AA629697 DCC=Deleted in colon cancer
897567 AA497029 Lactate dehydrogenase A
897619 AA496902 XE7=B-lymphocyte surface protein
897642 AA496785 abl tyrosine-protein kinase
897788 AA598513 LAR = LCA-homologue
897822 AA598572 syk=protein-tyrosine kinase
897910 AA598653 OSF-2os=osteoblast-specific factor=putative bone adhesion protein with homology with the insect protein fasciclin I
898062 AA598776 p55CDC
898096 AA598795 Protein phosphatase 2 (formerly 2A), regulatory subunit B (PR 52), alpha isoform
898138 AA598492 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2B (RAD6 homolog)
898221 AA598611 NOT=Immediate early response protein=Nurr1 homologue=Nurr77 orphan steroid receptor family member
898903 AA480209 Bloom's syndrome protein (BLM)
899826 AA483521 leukocyte-associated Ig-like receptor-1 (LAIR-1)
900094 AA502929 CDC2=Cell division control protein 2 homolog=P34 protein kinase
900935 AA501995 protein-tyrosine-phosphatase D1
901023 AA570153 SAK=serine/threonine protein kinase
910018 AA483463 PKA-RII beta=cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-beta regulatory chain
924165 AA514709 LERK-2=EPLG2=tyrosine kinase receptor
924635 AA515218 HRC1=putative DNA-binding protein with helix-loop-helix motif adjacent to a leucine zipper
924826 AA515493 Nitric oxide synthase 2A (inducible, hepatocytes)
925780 AA534336 Tec tyrosine kinase
925984 AA534773 Fer (fps/fes related) tyrosine kinase (phosphoprotein NCP94)
926220 AA534449 R-PTP-beta=receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase beta
927027 AA535146 LARC=exodus-1=MIP-3 alpha=CC chemokine
936863 AA527325 endonuclease III homolog
937218 AA527293 LARC=exodus-1=MIP-3 alpha=CC chemokine
937230   No sequences in Genbank
940909 AA492192 Relaxin H1=peptide hormone that remodels the mammalian reproductive tract
943206 AA493857 receptor 4-1BB ligand
950356 AA600173 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2A (RAD6 homolog)
950376 AA599041 TFAR15=apoptosis-related protein
950607 AA608548 SET=fused to can in acute undifferentiated leukemia
950680 AA608557 Damage-specific DNA binding protein 1 (127 kD)
950690 AA608568 Cyclin A
952204 AA581424 lyn=tyrosine kinase
953383 AA527826 BDP1=protein-tyrosine-phosphatase
954493 AA525108 BDP1=protein-tyrosine-phosphatase
955354 AA506332 putative cell surface ligand for T1/ST2 receptor (related to IL-1 receptors)
955999 AA516520 nuclear cap binding protein
965908 AA528165 osteoclast stimulating factor=contains SH3 domain and ankyrin repeat
966553 AA505812 p33ING1=growth inhibitor and candidate tumor suppressor
967284 AA527139 IP-10
967421 AA514840 CD8 beta chain
971330 AA682986 c-maf
978780 AA554833 microtubule-associated protein 1B
980034 AA578563 CD8 beta chain
993539 AA564647 IkB epsilon
994958 AA555091 AIM2=interferon-inducible protein=associated with chromosome 6-mediated suppression of melanoma tumorgenicity
995588 AA533135 leukocyte-associated Ig-like receptor-1 (LAIR-1)
998844 AA535410 jun-D
1671442 AI028015 UnknownUG Hs.171096ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4456988) [H.sapiens]
1671445 AI028024 UnknownUG Hs.133392ESTs
1671446 AI028017 Unknown
1671448 AI028018 Unknown
1671463 AI028036 Similar to ribosomal protein L8 (RPL8)
1671475 AI028040 Unknown
1671488 AI028373 TGF beta-2
1671492 AI028375 Similar to hypothetical251.0 KD protein in CRY1-GNS1 intergenic region
1671500 AI028379 Similar to novel antagonist of FGF signaling
1671504 AI028387 Unknown
1671507 AI028398 UnknownUG Hs.202681Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564N1716 (from clone DKFZp564N1716)
1671514 AI028391 UnknownUG Hs.104572ESTs
1671518 AI028393 Unknown
1671520 AI028394 Unknown
1671529 AI028483 UnknownUG Hs.132335ESTs
1671536 AI028477 UnknownUG Hs.132775ESTs
1671538 AI028478 UnknownUG Hs.157447ESTs
1671555 AI028493 UnknownUG Hs.104439ESTs
1671557 AI028494 Unknown
1671563 AI028495 UnknownUG Hs.159130ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS B WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1671565 AI028496 CMAR=cellular adhesion regulatory molecule=increases cell adhesion to components of the extracellular matrix=paraplegin=mutated in spastic paraplegia
1671571 AI028498 Unknown
1671575 AI028499 Similar to lyn=tyrosine kinase
1671577 AI027831 Unknown
1671581 AI027832 Unknown
1671587 AI027834 Similar to IFP35=interferon-induced leucine zipper protein
1671612 AI027844 Unknown
1671615 AI027851 Unknown
1671622 AI027847 Unknown
1671638 AI057022 UnknownUG Hs.133543ESTs
1671645 AI057035 UnknownUG Hs.133394EST
1671647 AI057036 Unknown
1671669 AI057050 Unknown
1671673 AI052402 UnknownUG Hs.229279EST
1671675 AI052403 Unknown
1671720 AI056554 ABR=guanine nucleotide regulatory protein
1671757 AI056582 Similar to Ferritin light chain
1671761 AI056583 UnknownUG Hs.171110ESTs
1671847 AI056471 UnknownUG Hs.123164ESTs
1671849 AI056472 UnknownUG Hs.174988ESTs
1671854 AI056467 MAP kinase activated protein kinase 2
1671857 AI056474 UnknownUG Hs.133372ESTs
1671875 AI051664 Immunoglobulin D (diversity) segment locus
1671893 AI051679 UnknownUG Hs.149215ESTs, Weakly similar to PTB-ASSOCIATED SPLICING FACTOR [H.sapiens]
1671898 AI051673 UnknownUG Hs.133175EST
1671922 AI057171 Unknown
1671923 AI057182 Unknown
1671929 AI057184 UnknownUG Hs.189213ESTs
1671932 AI057175 Unknown
1671933 AI057186 Unknown
1671960 AI052754 UnknownUG Hs.133261EST
1671970 AI052758 YY1-associated factor 2 (YAF2)
1671976 AI052761 UnknownUG Hs.133262ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase-like protein [R.norvegicus]
1671991 AI052778 UnknownUG Hs.164694ESTs
1671997 AI052781 Unknown
1672001 AI052783 Unknown
1672002 AI052775 Similar to MMP-17=Matrix metalloproteinase 17=MT-4-MMP=membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase 4= 63 KD MMP
1670942 AI082356 LKLF=Lung Krueppel-like factor
1671118 AI075260 UnknownUG Hs.124013ESTs
1671990 AI052770 UnknownUG Hs.23518hypothetical protein from BCRA2 region
1672230 AI090309 UnknownUG Hs.134792ESTs
1670904 AI082333 UnknownUG Hs.134647ESTs, Weakly similar to HERV-E envelope glycoprotein [H.sapiens]
1672025 AI074525 UnknownUG Hs.133947ESTs
1671631 AI057029 Similar to MEX-3=KH domain protein that regulates blastomere identity in C. elegans
1672271 AI090334 UnknownUG Hs.220519ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1670698 AI076228 UnknownUG Hs.60088ESTs
1671940 AI057188 UnknownUG Hs.208443EST
1672021 AI074524 UnknownUG Hs.210207EST
1672396 AI095179 UnknownUG Hs.73818ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase hinge protein
1672357 AI090438 MEF2B=XMEF2=MADS/MEF2-family transcription factor=myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2B
1670745 AI077351 UnknownUG Hs.49822ESTs
1670690 AI076226 UnknownUG Hs.134025ESTs
1672122 AI076062 UnknownUG Hs.228235EST
1672052 AI074530 UnknownUG Hs.188915ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1670827 AI074013 UnknownUG Hs.9739ESTs
1670815 AI074008 UnknownUG Hs.182470ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4406656) [H.sapiens]
1670828 AI074006 IRF-3=interferon regulatory factor-3
1670789 AI073993 UnknownUG Hs.133930EST
1671086 AI073804 UnknownUG Hs.123524ESTs
1671646 AI057025 UnknownUG Hs.133393EST
1671743 AI056571 UnknownUG Hs.82911protein tyrosine phosphatase type IVA, member 2
1671597 AI027837 UnknownUG Hs.132401ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4504601) [H.sapiens]
1671544 AI028479 Immunoglobulin D heavy chain constant region
1671816 AI056449 LKLF=Lung Krueppel-like factor
1671684 AI052399 UnknownUG Hs.124013ESTs
1670857 AI081241 UnknownUG Hs.172458iduronate 2-sulfatase (Hunter syndrome)
1672232 AI090310 UnknownUG Hs.134792ESTs
1672411 AI095193 UnknownUG Hs.134647ESTs, Weakly similar to HERV-E envelope glycoprotein [H.sapiens]
1672029 AI074526 UnknownUG Hs.133947ESTs
1670804 AI073990 Similar to MEX-3=KH domain protein that regulates blastomere identity in C. elegans
711972 AA282088 KIAA0150
684465 AA250798 Similar to Ray
703707 AA278534 Protein disulfide isomerase-related protein (PDIR)
704272 AA279392 UnknownUG Hs.88605ESTs
704746 AA282480 48 kDa FKBP-associated protein FAP48
701409 AA287948 Similar to Brx=conserved brain expressed transcript
684562 AA251338 Similar to nucleosome assembly protein 1-like 1 (NAP-1 related protein)
704919 AA279811 UnknownUG Hs.151945CAAX box 1
713120 AA282987 Unknown
746374 AA481410 glutamine synthetase
815297 AA481560 Unknown
824640 AA491285 Similar to probable carrier protein c2
826482 AA521090 UnknownUG Hs.122708Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1079 protein, complete cds
826091 AA521412 Transcriptional unit N144
825350 AA504489 UnknownUG Hs.171228Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1040 protein, partial cds
687166 AA258156 fos39554_1 predicted protein from fosmid 39554
683468 AA215438 Similar to hypothetical 27.6 KD protein in THI2-ALG7 intergenic region
685336 AA243600 SEC14-like
686266 AA252661 Deoxyguanosine kinase and KIAA0200 (Double hit)
686417 AA252705 Similar to gp25L2 protein=associated to Golgi apparatus
704237 AA279337 R26660_1=predicted ORF from cosmid R26660
704476 AA279778 Similar to Sm protein F isolog
814986 AA465713 UnknownUG Hs.115594EST
746038 AA482590 BAT2=large proline-rich protein=MHC class III histocompatibility antigen HLA-B-associated transcript 2
814569 AA480888 UnknownUG Hs.99741ESTs, Weakly similar to protein H5 [H.sapiens]
1184726 AA642470 UnknownUG Hs.116372ESTs
1184153 AA648263 UnknownUG Hs.230206EST
1186114 AA648877 UnknownUG Hs.116447EST
826009 AA683120 UnknownUG Hs.168660EST
1233945 AA688278 UnknownUG Hs.231138EST
1234067 AA688415 UnknownUG Hs.117302ESTs
1251853 AA731225 UnknownUG Hs.28070KIAA0753 gene product
1251958 AA731718 UnknownUG Hs.7886ESTs
1302092 AA732256 UnknownUG Hs.214428ESTs
1302772 AA731418 UnknownUG Hs.229733EST
1303175 AA731459 UnknownUG Hs.43436ESTs, Weakly similar to GTP:AMP PHOSPHOTRANSFERASE MITOCHONDRIAL [H.sapiens]
1251395 AA731866 UnknownUG Hs.120277ESTs
1286243 AA740612 UnknownUG Hs.120541EST
1286678 AA740747 UnknownUG Hs.126063ESTs
1286786 AA741056 Similar to (AL021958) fadE9
1272279 AA742999 UnknownUG Hs.27356ESTs
1272310 AA743012 UnknownUG Hs.7111ESTs
1272037 AA743198 UnknownUG Hs.120582ESTs
1272239 AA743476 UnknownUG Hs.120597EST
1272689 AA743560 UnknownUG Hs.101383ESTs
1284522 AA744643 pim-1 kinase
1272855 AA744684 UnknownUG Hs.214431ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1283473 AA742330 Similar to protein synthesis initiation factor 4A (elF-4A) gene
1283477 AA742331 UnknownUG Hs.232232EST
1285581 AA742635 Similar to myb-related gene A-myb 5'-region
1282996 AA745254 UnknownUG Hs.172825Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1037 protein, partial cds
1269030 AA747536 UnknownUG Hs.27774ESTs
1270305 AA748184 UnknownUG Hs.75859chromosome 11 open reading frame 4
1308906 AA748361 UnknownUG Hs.115721Homo sapiens serine protease (Omi) mRNA, complete cds
1271368 AA748769 UnknownUG Hs.97858Human DNA sequence from clone 37E16 on chromosome 22 Contains a novel gene, a gene similar to SH3-binding protein, LGALS1 (14 kDa beta-galactoside-binding lectin) gene, part of a gene similar to mouse p116Rip, ESTs, STSs, GSSs and two CpG islands
1284231 AA748842 UnknownUG Hs.120725EST
1271038 AA749048 UnknownUG Hs.120732EST
1271485 AA749207 gamma2-adaptin=clathrin adaptor-related protein
1235195 AA713614 UnknownUG Hs.7558cofactor required for Sp1 transcriptional activation, subunit 9 (33kD)
1235163 AA713810 UnknownUG Hs.94446Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564L0472 (from clone DKFZp564L0472)
1240822 AA714002 actin=cytoskeletal gamma-actin
1269579 AA714637 Ribosomal protein S12
1269397 AA736992 UnknownUG Hs.121109ESTs
1270051 AA737414 UnknownUG Hs.142613ESTs, Weakly similar to transformation-related protein [H.sapiens]
1300940 AA721166 UnknownUG Hs.121119EST, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1300760 AA721368 UnknownUG Hs.172590ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1305795 AA736785 UnknownUG Hs.170306ESTs
1308181 AA736931 UnknownUG Hs.208397EST
825928 AA789119 UnknownUG Hs.63136ESTs
1287789 AA760852 UnknownUG Hs.122407EST
1271686 AA761092 UnknownUG Hs.122413EST
1288180 AA761115 UnknownUG Hs.55947Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0805 protein, partial cds
1288837 AA761292 MTK1=KIAA0213=MAP kinase kinase kinase
1288431 AA761323 UnknownUG Hs.122422EST
1288868 AA761380 sgk=putative serine/threonine protein kinase transcriptionally modified during anisotonic and isotonic alterations of cell volume
1288615 AA761569 UnknownUG Hs.2237ESTs, Weakly similar to Lpi2p [S.cerevisiae]
1289100 AA761619 UnknownUG Hs.122441ESTs
1289116 AA761636 Similar to putative outer mitochondrial membrane 34 kDa translocase hTOM34
1288951 AA761702 UnknownUG Hs.5790ESTs
1287994 AA761748 UnknownUG Hs.122447EST
1289831 AA761819 UnknownUG Hs.122451EST
1300230 AA761872 UnknownUG Hs.56421ESTs, Weakly similar to Similarity to H.influenza ribonuclease PH [C.elegans]
1300154 AA764747 UnknownUG Hs.45719ESTs
1299785 AA764855 UnknownUG Hs.29390ESTs
1301441 AA764901 UnknownUG Hs.97275ESTs
1299892 AA765017 UnknownUG Hs.12971Homo sapiens mRNA for thioredoxin reductase II alpha, partial cds
1301588 AA765065 KIAA0685
1300385 AA767342 UnknownUG Hs.122483ESTs
1290199 AA769327 Similar to MGC-24 =putative mucin core protein
1289754 AA769503 KIAA0807=Similar to MAST205 microtubule-associated serine/threonine protein kinase
1290146 AA769556 UnknownUG Hs.122495EST
1290148 AA769557 UnknownUG Hs.168854EST
1303720 AA765309 KIAA0881=Similar to TAO1=thousand and one amino acid ser/thr protein kinase
1306331 AA766313 UnknownUG Hs.25242ESTs
1306335 AA766314 UnknownUG Hs.105104ESTs
1307025 AA766376 Similar to putative zinc finger protein
1307052 AA766386 UnknownUG Hs.4766Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586O0120 (from clone DKFZp586O0120)
1306743 AA766512 Similar to H1.2 gene for histone H1
1306709 AA766589 D-dopachrome tautomerase
1307249 AA766648 UnknownUG Hs.203445ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1306986 AA766788 UnknownUG Hs.122876ESTs
1307383 AA766833 Similar to Zis=developmentally regulated gene expressed in juxtaglomerular cells
1301776 AA766897 UnknownUG Hs.122444ESTs
1301928 AA767421 UnknownUG Hs.122881ESTs
1301950 AA767430 Similar to calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II delta chain
1319567 AA767500 UnknownUG Hs.203050ESTs
1307974 AA767795 UnknownUG Hs.166832ESTs
1308145 AA767828 UnknownUG Hs.29716ESTs, Weakly similar to P1.11659_5 [H.sapiens]
1308153 AA767832 cullin 3
1316976 AA767853 UnknownUG Hs.122895ESTs
1306508 AA767874 Similar to (AL023534) hypothetical protein
1316627 AA767935 UnknownUG Hs.203750EST
1316631 AA767937 UnknownUG Hs.122901ESTs
1316719 AA768129 gamma-adaptin=clathrin adaptor-related protein
1316750 AA768139 Similar to KIAA0050
1307538 AA766998 UnknownUG Hs.229241EST
1307598 AA767010 UnknownUG Hs.115726ESTs
1317265 AA768517 Mitochondrial 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase
1317381 AA768678 UnknownUG Hs.34160ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1317383 AA768679 UnknownUG Hs.230723EST
1306406 AA768944 UnknownUG Hs.179293ESTs
1306420 AA768955 UnknownUG Hs.11397ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4186184) [H.sapiens]
1233990 AA688058 UnknownUG Hs.123154EST
1242061 AA807705 BAP31= preferentially associated with membrane IgD but only weakly with membrane IgM
1338232 AA805060 UnknownUG Hs.123173ESTs
1334218 AA805387 UnknownUG Hs.123178Homo sapiens putative mitochondrial inner membrane protein import receptor (hTIM44) mRNA, nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, complete cds
1341239 AA805558 Clone S171=numb (Drosophila) homolog
1341319 AA805634 UnknownUG Hs.3337transmembrane 4 superfamily member 1
1340774 AA805933 NC2 alpha subunit=repressor of class II gene transcription through specific bindingto TBP-promoter complexes via heterodimeric histone fold domains
1350680 AA806066 UnknownUG Hs.123195EST
1350836 AA806296 Similar to (P34413) DP19_CAEEL DPY-19 protein
1350849 AA806348 UnknownUG Hs.6283Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586F1918 (from clone DKFZp586F1918)
1350484 AA806379 UnknownUG Hs.153053CD37 antigen
1350961 AA806480 UnknownUG Hs.172182poly(A)-binding protein-like 1
1336472 AA806591 UnknownUG Hs.123210ESTs
1338490 AA806640 UnknownUG Hs.22546ESTs, Weakly similar to CYTOCHROME B561 [H.sapiens]
1339000 AA810421 UnknownUG Hs.123220ESTs
1338528 AA810485 KIAA0737=similar to m6A methyltransferase
1290008 AA804345 KIAA0005
1290069 AA804460 UnknownUG Hs.123235ESTs
1339448 AA804771 UnknownUG Hs.123239ESTs
1351580 AA806956 clone 24767 mRNA
1339155 AA806993 normal keratinocyte mRNA
1339169 AA806996 UnknownUG Hs.123250EST
1351169 AA807015 UnknownUG Hs.173368ESTs
1351281 AA807088 UnknownUG Hs.228200EST
1351433 AA807192 UnknownUG Hs.35406ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1351526 AA807277 KIAA0649
1352198 AA808215 UnknownUG Hs.228735EST
1336600 AA809265 UnknownUG Hs.228201EST, Weakly similar to surface protein MCA-32 [R.norvegicus]
1288069 AA809618 gamma-adaptin=clathrin adaptor-related protein
1367802 AA810113 UnknownUG Hs.172825Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1037 protein, partial cds
1317702 AA812437 Ki nuclear autoantigen
1317729 AA810512 UnknownUG Hs.123325EST
1317758 AA810557 KIAA0007
1318667 AA810728 UnknownUG Hs.15535Homo sapiens clone 24582 mRNA sequence
1318673 AA810730 UnknownUG Hs.112451ESTs
1318694 AA810736 PKA-RII beta=cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II-beta regulatory chain
1318285 AA810927 UnknownUG Hs.123341EST
1319066 AA811097 UnknownUG Hs.23017ESTs
1318226 AA811205 UnknownUG Hs.123353EST
1318239 AA811216 UnknownUG Hs.123355ESTs
1318324 AA811218 UnknownUG Hs.26058ESTs
1336539 AA811283 UnknownUG Hs.123358EST
1336549 AA811287 UnknownUG Hs.82554ESTs
1337820 AA811339 UnknownUG Hs.124049ESTs
1337851 AA811371 UnknownUG Hs.123362ESTs
1337972 AA811469 UnknownUG Hs.123365ESTs
1334306 AA811527 UnknownUG Hs.232109ESTs
1338064 AA811728 UnknownUG Hs.228202EST
1337124 AA811951 UnknownUG Hs.81248CUG triplet repeat, RNA-binding protein 1
1337186 AA812071 UnknownUG Hs.6979ESTs
1337215 AA812157 Similar to Tbc1=hematopoietic nuclear protein homologous to tre-2, Bub1 and cdc16
1340095 AA813954 Acidic ribosomal phosphoprotein P2
1339070 AA814015 UnknownUG Hs.25600ESTs
1339085 AA814076 UnknownUG Hs.181345SA (rat hypertension-associated) homolog
1339197 AA814467 UnknownUG Hs.119255ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [R.norvegicus]
1340163 AA814939 UnknownUG Hs.230235EST
1339910 AA815188 UnknownUG Hs.44045ESTs
1372303 AA826049 UnknownUG Hs.9601ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4929681) [H.sapiens]
1371876 AA827622 UnknownUG Hs.229757EST
1367323 AA827805 UnknownUG Hs.124296ESTs
1371988 AA827872 UnknownUG Hs.228738EST
1334979 AA826938 MTGR1b=novel member of the MTG8(ETO/CDR) family=Similar to Drosophila nervy
1335412 AA827108 KIAA0144
1335122 AA827176 UnknownUG Hs.124316ESTs
1370393 AA829829 Similar to (Z75712) Similarity to S. Pombe BEM1/BUD5 suppressor
1352894 AA830050 UnknownUG Hs.124344ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1354710 AA830406 UnknownUG Hs.228740EST
1355003 AA830511 UnknownUG Hs.118570ESTs
1353289 AA830523 UnknownUG Hs.124356EST
1353685 AA830785 UnknownUG Hs.131870ESTs
1353719 AA830808 UnknownUG Hs.124366ESTs
1356398 AA831552 UnknownUG Hs.172455ESTs
1356467 AA831708 UnknownUG Hs.124384ESTs
1357234 AA831734 Similar to zinc finger protein (ZNF198)
1309235 AA831769 UnknownUG Hs.23945ESTs
1357291 AA831851 UnknownUG Hs.172825Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1037 protein, partial cds
1357026 AA832050 UnknownUG Hs.229247EST
1370304 AA847862 UnknownUG Hs.124566EST
1367579 AA847904 UnknownUG Hs.124567EST
1370329 AA847917 UnknownUG Hs.18029ESTs
1370359 AA847939 Immunoglobulin D heavy chain constant region
1304313 AA765759 UnknownUG Hs.124928EST
1351943 AA825378 KIAA0530
1372061 AA825581 UnknownUG Hs.229244EST, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1367994 AA836095 myb-related gene A=A-myb
1368743 AA836213 UnknownUG Hs.190488ESTs
1368048 AA836323 IL-2/IL-4/IL-7/IL-9/IL-15 receptor common gamma chain
1358192 AA825463 UnknownUG Hs.228205EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1340546 AA938321 UnknownUG Hs.224859EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS A WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1372133 AA974501 UnknownUG Hs.223141EST
712124 AA281563 DBP2=ATP-dependent RNA helicase #3
683896 AA236992 Unknown
701240 AA287703 UnknownUG Hs.10031Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0955 protein, complete cds
815519 AA457031 Unknown
824370 AA489686 UnknownUG Hs.228102EST
824157 AA490873 Unknown
827169 AA521299 UnknownUG Hs.231798ESTs
1185103 AA642445 UnknownUG Hs.212414Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566M0524 (from clone DKFZp566M0524)
1251353 AA731640 UnknownUG Hs.75782general transcription factor IIIC, polypeptide 2 (beta subunit, 110kD)
1286412 AA741028 UnknownUG Hs.228092ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS A WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1286880 AA741568 UnknownUG Hs.136710ESTs
1272563 AA743401 UnknownUG Hs.136717ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1272667 AA743539 UnknownUG Hs.223119EST
1283145 AA744519 UnknownUG Hs.228719ESTs
1283480 AA742322 UnknownUG Hs.136726ESTs
1285431 AA742352 UnknownUG Hs.199250Homo sapiens mRNA for chloride channel protein 4, complete cds
1285500 AA742604 UnknownUG Hs.229231EST, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1283579 AA745652 UnknownUG Hs.223120EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1270213 AA747917 UnknownUG Hs.9578ESTs
1270618 AA748722 UnknownUG Hs.208970EST, Weakly similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
1283932 AA748807 UnknownUG Hs.5735ESTs
1235206 AA713611 UnknownUG Hs.115315ESTs
1235121 AA713784 protein kinase (zpk)
1241842 AA714692 UnknownUG Hs.209764EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1288839 AA761293 tubulin-beta
1288998 AA761508 UnknownUG Hs.226770Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566C0424 (from clone DKFZp566C0424)
1288610 AA761556 UnknownUG Hs.136818EST
1288950 AA761697 UnknownUG Hs.136819ESTs
1301676 AA765167 UnknownUG Hs.136827EST
1300419 AA767412 UnknownUG Hs.228265ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1289318 AA769338 UnknownUG Hs.136831ESTs
1290078 AA769398 UnknownUG Hs.206920EST
1290109 AA769427 UnknownUG Hs.216436ESTs
1306690 AA766452 UnknownUG Hs.136848EST
1307110 AA766497 UnknownUG Hs.230230EST
1316856 AA768282 UnknownUG Hs.228198EST
1317052 AA767122 UnknownUG Hs.136858EST
1317219 AA768457 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-23
1317496 AA768621 UnknownUG Hs.31835ESTs
1317515 AA768643 UnknownUG Hs.229751EST
1184936 AA804532 UnknownUG Hs.136866EST
1339574 AA805279 KIAA0807=Similar to MAST205 microtubule-associated serine/threonine protein kinase
1340703 AA805604 UnknownUG Hs.77690RAB5B, member RAS oncogene family
1341422 AA805966 UnknownUG Hs.200415EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS A WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1336471 AA806597 Similar to O-GlcNAc transferase, p110 subunit (OGT)
1339447 AA804780 UnknownUG Hs.170149ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS B WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1336844 AA809405 Similar to maternal-embryonic 3 (Mem3)
1337265 AA811297 UnknownUG Hs.136915EST
1337859 AA811384 IKBL=I kappa B-like protein=ankyrin repeat protein in MHC locus
1337026 AA811543 UnknownUG Hs.9552ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4426962) [H.sapiens]
1320421 AA811563 UnknownUG Hs.11463ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4691541) [H.sapiens]
1338059 AA811736 UnknownUG Hs.84153dynamitin (dynactin complex 50 kD subunit)
1337120 AA811949 UnknownUG Hs.19390ESTs, Weakly similar to autoantigen [H.sapiens]
1304011 AA765672 UnknownUG Hs.136945EST
1371952 AA827779 UnknownUG Hs.209774EST, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1369153 AA829430 UnknownUG Hs.181128ELK1, member of ETS oncogene family
1369929 AA829657 UnknownUG Hs.230239EST
1369983 AA829775 Similar to NERF=ets family transcription factor
1352611 AA830169 UnknownUG Hs.173894colony stimulating factor 1 (macrophage)
1353348 AA830551 UnknownUG Hs.136976ESTs
1357062 AA832175 UnknownUG Hs.199181ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1367516 AA847820 UnknownUG Hs.87779ESTs
1370336 AA847911 UnknownUG Hs.78614complement component 1, q subcomponent binding protein
1372808 AA848085 UnknownUG Hs.137005ESTs, Weakly similar to ECH1p [M.musculus]
1337456 AA872182 UnknownUG Hs.29698ESTs
1368021 AA836123 UnknownUG Hs.108345ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4835745) [M.musculus]
1368132 AA836168 UnknownUG Hs.21051ESTs
1372138 AA974494 UnknownUG Hs.195533EST
1372143 AA974503 UnknownUG Hs.137287ESTs, Moderately similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
684361 AA250820 UnknownUG Hs.139219EST, Moderately similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
685868 AA262086 WD repeat protein HAN11
705023 AA280030 Unknown
824234 AA491240 UnknownUG Hs.173655ESTs
826423 AA521122 UnknownUG Hs.181366major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 1
1184214 AA648312 UnknownUG Hs.187789EST
1186144 AA648892 UnknownUG Hs.206894EST
1186215 AA648985 UnknownUG Hs.190288EST
1186023 AA651936 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
1234380 AA687389 UnknownUG Hs.140182EST
1241249 AA728999 UnknownUG Hs.231142EST
1241539 AA729017 UnknownUG Hs.204316EST
1251892 AA731313 UnknownUG Hs.140274EST
1302144 AA732362 UnknownUG Hs.231143EST
1302989 AA732667 UnknownUG Hs.140279EST
1251396 AA731859 UnknownUG Hs.140280EST
1251446 AA732086 UnknownUG Hs.182627ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1286359 AA740846 UnknownUG Hs.140296EST
1272186 AA743445 UnknownUG Hs.11089ESTs, Highly similar to breakpoint cluster region protein 2 [H.sapiens]
1272673 AA743552 UnknownUG Hs.230718EST
1272803 AA744577 UnknownUG Hs.37629ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 5070621) [H.sapiens]
1285474 AA742379 UnknownUG Hs.140308EST
1308806 AA748328 UnknownUG Hs.210169EST, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1270949 AA748630 UnknownUG Hs.229233EST, Moderately similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1309097 AA748682 UnknownUG Hs.229737EST
1270669 AA749035 UnknownUG Hs.228722EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1270378 AA749235 UnknownUG Hs.212414Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566M0524 (from clone DKFZp566M0524)
1240821 AA714011 UnknownUG Hs.146023ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1241257 AA714338 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
1241888 AA714718 UnknownUG Hs.229739EST, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1269575 AA737046 UnknownUG Hs.140335EST
1301118 AA721383 UnknownUG Hs.223438EST, Moderately similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1305725 AA736680 UnknownUG Hs.140340EST
1287776 AA760839 UnknownUG Hs.212414Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566M0524 (from clone DKFZp566M0524)
1288492 AA761387 UnknownUG Hs.161137ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1288498 AA761388 UnknownUG Hs.208402EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1288589 AA761549 UnknownUG Hs.209768EST, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1288637 AA761587 UnknownUG Hs.140463EST, Moderately similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1290471 AA761903 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
1301613 AA765095 UnknownUG Hs.199046ESTs, Moderately similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
1300429 AA767416 Similar to PMS4=yeast mismatch repair gene PMS1 homologue
1287827 AA769240 UnknownUG Hs.140472EST
1303942 AA765580 UnknownUG Hs.163295Human Line-1 repeat mRNA with 2 open reading frames
1306550 AA766325 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
1307030 AA766369 UnknownUG Hs.229749EST, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1306935 AA766755 UnknownUG Hs.230722EST
1301962 AA767444 UnknownUG Hs.211518ESTs
1319683 AA767663 UnknownUG Hs.140483ESTs
1307596 AA767009 UnknownUG Hs.140487EST
1301988 AA768884 UnknownUG Hs.140489ESTs
1184935 AA804538 UnknownUG Hs.140493EST
1350774 AA806196 UnknownUG Hs.228734ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1350513 AA806438 UnknownUG Hs.178658RAD23 (S. cerevisiae) homolog B
1338567 AA804211 UnknownUG Hs.194149Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434M011 (from clone DKFZp434M011)
1319285 AA804804 UnknownUG Hs.229242EST
1351316 AA807097 UnknownUG Hs.186592EST
1351974 AA807332 UnknownUG Hs.140511EST
1352129 AA808153 UnknownUG Hs.143310ESTs, Moderately similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
1352278 AA808275 UnknownUG Hs.193860ESTs, Moderately similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
1240676 AA808959 UnknownUG Hs.224318ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1338181 AA809516 UnknownUG Hs.224873ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS A WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1335945 AA810533 UnknownUG Hs.140527EST
1318233 AA811213 UnknownUG Hs.8768ESTs, Weakly similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
1334892 AA811907 UnknownUG Hs.209772EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1338099 AA812226 UnknownUG Hs.213959ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1287128 AA814354 UnknownUG Hs.140553ESTs
1339225 AA814527 UnknownUG Hs.229243EST, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1340151 AA814925 UnknownUG Hs.194382ataxia telangiectasia mutated (includes complementation groups A, C and D)
1319322 AA815021 UnknownUG Hs.203855ESTs
1372245 AA825847 UnknownUG Hs.151093ESTs
1371638 AA825968 UnknownUG Hs.210179EST
1335404 AA827096 UnknownUG Hs.230238EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1335176 AA827214 UnknownUG Hs.223442EST, Moderately similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
1352724 AA828419 UnknownUG Hs.229758EST, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1358299 AA829242 UnknownUG Hs.208986EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1369164 AA829426 UnknownUG Hs.223131EST, Weakly similar to transposon LRE2 reverse transcriptase homolog [H.sapiens]
1369943 AA829661 UnknownUG Hs.193184EST
1369988 AA829767 UnknownUG Hs.208408EST
1370404 AA829834 UnknownUG Hs.173894colony stimulating factor 1 (macrophage)
1353036 AA830240 UnknownUG Hs.208410EST, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1354151 AA831411 UnknownUG Hs.140606EST
1356246 AA831638 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
1357039 AA832165 UnknownUG Hs.75887coatomer protein complex, subunit alpha
1357449 AA832216 UnknownUG Hs.140614EST, Weakly similar to unknown protein [H.sapiens]
1367985 AA836100 UnknownUG Hs.140682EST
824128 AA490612 UnknownUG Hs.112864ESTs
1269262 AA748151 UnknownUG Hs.112864ESTs
684035 AA251010 UnknownUG Hs.87807ESTs
1271704 AA813827 UnknownUG Hs.87807ESTs
703636 AA278594 UnknownUG Hs.231680ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
704076 AA279172 UnknownUG Hs.222807ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
712525 AA278401 UnknownUG Hs.88707ESTs
712292 AA280279 Guanylate binding protein 1, interferon-inducible, 67kD
1251941 AA731721 UnknownUG Hs.11611ESTs
705175 AA281145 Similar to neuropathy target esterase
712048 AA281625 Similar to KIAA0092 is distantly related to smooth muscle myosin
1357972 AA827842 UnknownUG Hs.88878ESTs
704692 AA282197 Similar to nonsense-mediated mRNA decay protein 3
700803 AA283899 UnknownUG Hs.182133ESTs
814148 AA465395 UnknownUG Hs.193858ESTs
814744 AA454925 UnknownUG Hs.193858ESTs
814414 AA458914 Similar to (Z93388) T10C6.5
814537 AA480865 UnknownUG Hs.104050ESTs
711847 AA281062 Similar to ganglioside-induced differentiation associated protein 2
711886 AA281200 UnknownUG Hs.104447ESTs
746373 AA481412 RAB-30=GTP-binding protein
1353471 AA830682 UnknownUG Hs.197656ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
824917 AA489025 Unknown
825852 AA504776 UnknownUG Hs.186709ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1341225 AA805552 UnknownUG Hs.186709ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
825232 AA504131 UnknownUG Hs.105723EST
682976 AA211851 UnknownUG Hs.79937ESTs
703976 AA279083 UnknownUG Hs.193957ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
700443 AA290624 UnknownUG Hs.193957ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
684019 AA251263 UnknownUG Hs.13477ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase related protein [H.sapiens]
701398 AA287987 UnknownUG Hs.13477ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase related protein [H.sapiens]
685068 AA252521 Protein synthesis factor (eIF-4C)
704778 AA282407 Protein synthesis factor (eIF-4C)
685584 AA261845 UnknownUG Hs.190454ESTs
1318254 AA810895 UnknownUG Hs.190454ESTs
700930 AA287355 UnknownUG Hs.190454ESTs
701363 AA287914 Processing a-glucosidase I
825590 AA504612 Similar to Drosophila melanogaster imaginal disk type I mRNA
1336252 AA872053 Similar to Drosophila melanogaster imaginal disk type I mRNA
1185890 AA649025 UnknownUG Hs.89578general transcription factor IIH, polypeptide 1 (62kD subunit)
1288608 AA761555 UnknownUG Hs.89578general transcription factor IIH, polypeptide 1 (62kD subunit)
1234448 AA687118 UnknownUG Hs.13623ESTs
1335125 AA827186 UnknownUG Hs.13623ESTs
682655 AA206844 Similar to CDK-Activating kinase assembly factor MAT1=Menage a trois=p35, cyclin-like CAK1-associated protein
683727 AA215645 Similar to EXO70 protein (Exo70)
712121 AA281568 Unknown
1288761 AA761369 UnknownUG Hs.118972ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
814069 AA465350 UnknownUG Hs.119400EST
824113 AA490615 UnknownUG Hs.202986EST
704093 AA279213 Similar to hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 (hHAVcr-1)
825344 AA504487 Similar to hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 (hHAVcr-1)
1250942 AA731513 UnknownUG Hs.120258ESTs
1368443 AA837132 UnknownUG Hs.120258ESTs
1251362 AA731645 UnknownUG Hs.149825ESTs
1367769 AA810101 UnknownUG Hs.149825ESTs
1288406 AA761302 UnknownUG Hs.122421ESTs
1358198 AA825464 UnknownUG Hs.122421ESTs
1306374 AA766276 UnknownUG Hs.122854ESTs
1290054 AA804444 UnknownUG Hs.122854ESTs
1317815 AA768248 UnknownUG Hs.123163ESTs
1288071 AA809619 UnknownUG Hs.123163ESTs
1351116 AA806840 UnknownUG Hs.193246ESTs
1351140 AA806858 UnknownUG Hs.193246ESTs
1351349 AA806878 UnknownUG Hs.125158ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1354649 AA825189 UnknownUG Hs.125158ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1337964 AA811465 Similar to bromodomain-containing protein BP75
1355236 AA831010 UnknownUG Hs.185728ESTs
1184174 AA648269 UnknownUG Hs.125100ESTs
1271115 AA749285 UnknownUG Hs.125100ESTs
1340424 AA938150 UnknownUG Hs.190534ESTs
1340428 AA938152 UnknownUG Hs.190534ESTs
1371710 AA826117 UnknownUG Hs.194013ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS A WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1371920 AA827677 UnknownUG Hs.194013ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS A WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1186040 AA651944 UnknownUG Hs.136589ESTs
1308352 AA737551 UnknownUG Hs.136589ESTs
1233895 AA688180 Unknown
1301910 AA767368 UnknownUG Hs.206921EST, Weakly similar to ORF1 [H.sapiens]
1234339 AA687349 UnknownUG Hs.136649ESTs
1335779 AA828359 UnknownUG Hs.136649ESTs
1250750 AA731768 UnknownUG Hs.193842ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1250754 AA731770 UnknownUG Hs.193842ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1272146 AA743084 Similar to p130 = RB related protein
1283405 AA742207 Similar to p130 = RB related protein
1284537 AA744661 UnknownUG Hs.192015ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1304439 AA765684 UnknownUG Hs.192015ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
825894 AA789098 UnknownUG Hs.136810ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1317229 AA768461 UnknownUG Hs.136810ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1289333 AA769359 UnknownUG Hs.192014ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1307432 AA767911 UnknownUG Hs.192014ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1303813 AA765408 UnknownUG Hs.136839ESTs
1354624 AA830394 UnknownUG Hs.136839ESTs
1271050 AA749062 UnknownUG Hs.180285ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1336731 AA809353 UnknownUG Hs.180285ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1269701 AA747577 UnknownUG Hs.136952ESTs
1372216 AA825819 UnknownUG Hs.136952ESTs
1300369 AA767334 UnknownUG Hs.194307ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1354907 AA830498 UnknownUG Hs.194307ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686241 AA262274 Unknown
1234298 AA687319 UnknownUG Hs.137428ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 3249713) [H.sapiens]
701108 AA287314 Similar to (Z81514) F26F2.d
700410 AA290570 UnknownUG Hs.206654ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
824635 AA491283 UnknownUG Hs.137527ESTs
1288762 AA761362 UnknownUG Hs.137527ESTs
814564 AA480877 UnknownUG Hs.137528EST
815293 AA481558 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-25 (homology in novel N-terminal domain)
824756 AA488997 UnknownUG Hs.163295Human Line-1 repeat mRNA with 2 open reading frames
824057 AA491220 UnknownUG Hs.137533ESTs
713289 AA283039 UnknownUG Hs.142613ESTs, Weakly similar to transformation-related protein [H.sapiens]
1251932 AA731698 UnknownUG Hs.142613ESTs, Weakly similar to transformation-related protein [H.sapiens]
684383 AA250828 Germinal center kinase related protein kinase
687168 AA258167 Germinal center kinase related protein kinase
711691 AA281131 Unknown
1306043 AA765866 UnknownUG Hs.229240EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
704404 AA279654 UnknownUG Hs.194524ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
701559 AA287015 UnknownUG Hs.194524ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686395 AA252805 UnknownUG Hs.193922ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
825692 AA504807 UnknownUG Hs.193922ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1184616 AA642295 UnknownUG Hs.193512ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1339018 AA810438 UnknownUG Hs.193512ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1302607 AA732630 Unknown
1307167 AA766561 UnknownUG Hs.207783EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1270240 AA747927 UnknownUG Hs.165426ESTs, Moderately similar to ubiquitous TPR motif, Y isoform [H.sapiens]
1240951 AA714224 UnknownUG Hs.165426ESTs, Moderately similar to ubiquitous TPR motif, Y isoform [H.sapiens]
1270983 AA748744 UnknownUG Hs.181384ESTs
1270421 AA749365 UnknownUG Hs.181384ESTs
1320227 AA812182 UnknownUG Hs.140328ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1186383 AA805746 UnknownUG Hs.140328ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1305622 AA737336 UnknownUG Hs.140339ESTs
1301435 AA764899 UnknownUG Hs.140339ESTs
1288988 AA761497 UnknownUG Hs.140461ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1184914 AA804515 UnknownUG Hs.140461ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
815821 AA485235 UnknownUG Hs.204201ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical protein [H.sapiens]
1358200 AA825465 UnknownUG Hs.204201ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical protein [H.sapiens]
1289590 AA804482 UnknownUG Hs.157534Human BAC clone RG161K23 from 7q21
1338008 AA811673 UnknownUG Hs.229755EST, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1355419 AA831350 UnknownUG Hs.231528ESTs
1358184 AA825459 UnknownUG Hs.188818ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1372286 AA825928 UnknownUG Hs.188818ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1358073 AA828030 UnknownUG Hs.194047ESTs
1358077 AA828031 UnknownUG Hs.194047ESTs
1371787 AA856757 UnknownUG Hs.187915ESTs
1371810 AA856766 UnknownUG Hs.187915ESTs
686257 AA252670 UnknownUG Hs.152925ESTs, Moderately similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
703809 AA278331 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
712133 AA281469 Unknown
713235 AA282951 UnknownUG Hs.193419ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
713125 AA283005 UnknownUG Hs.199066Homo sapiens partial N-myc (exon 3), HPV45 L2, HPV45 L1, HPV45 E6, HPV45 E7 and HPV45 E1 genes isolated from IC4 cervical carcinoma cell line
814944 AA465524 UnknownUG Hs.192439ESTs
683412 AA215428 Aryl sulfotransferase (HAST)
746207 AA417723 Aryl sulfotransferase (HAST)
824639 AA491284 UnknownUG Hs.226039Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0319 (from clone DKFZp586B0319)
701622 AA284373 Unknown
825338 AA504484 Unknown
682657 AA207015 UnknownUG Hs.62767ESTs
682692 AA207070 Similar to ERG-associated protein ESET and multiple SET domain proteins
682765 AA210713 UnknownUG Hs.118832ESTs
682789 AA210863 UnknownUG Hs.98663ESTs
682817 AA214617 MDM2=p53-binding protein
682938 AA210755 UnknownUG Hs.177728ESTs
682975 AA211894 Unknown
683053 AA213814 UnknownUG Hs.41074ESTs
683084 AA213827 Cyclin E2
683141 AA214554 UnknownUG Hs.86541ESTs
683167 AA214571 Unknown
683339 AA215333 UnknownUG Hs.97101ESTs
683347 AA215336 UnknownUG Hs.131251ESTs
683542 AA215721 UnknownUG Hs.190010ESTs
683679 AA215710 Similar to hypothetical 35.7 KD protein in DNL4-SLG1 intergenic region
683711 AA215642 Similar to hypothetical 32.0 KD protein C09F5.2 in chromosome III
683830 AA237028 ALY=context-dependent coactivator of LEF-1 and AML-1, is required for TCRalpha enhancer function
683916 AA236936 TRE17 oncogene
683948 AA237033 UnknownUG Hs.87589ESTs
683972 AA237040 Unknown
684020 AA251260 Unknown
684090 AA251129 UnknownUG Hs.24416ESTs
684328 AA235980 TFEB=basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor
684440 AA250985 UnknownUG Hs.31835ESTs
684472 AA250793 Na+/H+ exchanger 6
684633 AA251609 Unknown
684693 AA251839 Unknown
684748 AA251620 UnknownUG Hs.40730ESTs
684820 AA251860 Unknown
685010 AA252454 UnknownUG Hs.191430ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [H.sapiens]
685368 AA243633 Unknown
685507 AA261803 UnknownUG Hs.190059ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
685587 AA261862 Similar to putative nuclear pore complex protein (Npap60)
685611 AA261931 Similar to putative nuclear pore complex protein (Npap60)
685767 AA262487 Unknown
685778 AA291334 UnknownUG Hs.38992ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
685838 AA262027 UnknownUG Hs.194617ESTs
685960 AA262564 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-15
686077 AA262717 UnknownUG Hs.125262ESTs, Weakly similar to predicted using Genefinder [C.elegans]
686171 AA262227 UnknownUG Hs.70980ESTs
686236 AA262263 Similar to polybromo 1
686270 AA252665 Unknown
686447 AA252825 KIAA0652
686468 AA255962 Similar to polybromo 1
686496 AA255783 Similar to kelch=ring canal protein
686619 AA256073 UnknownUG Hs.190626ESTs
686893 AA258806 UnknownUG Hs.226955ESTs
686953 AA258215 UnknownUG Hs.190264ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
686978 AA258225 Similar to Cell division cycle 10 (homologous to CDC10 of S. cerevisiae)
687015 AA258119 UnknownUG Hs.58123ESTs
687080 AA258018 Zinc finger protein ZNF131 with POZ domain
687112 AA258926 UnknownUG Hs.181390casein kinase 1, gamma 2
687124 AA258861 Unknown
687198 AA258847 UnknownUG Hs.125860ESTs
687222 AA258203 UnknownUG Hs.9059Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0962 protein, partial cds
700398 AA290564 Unknown
700464 AA291110 TRE17 oncogene
700643 AA284116 UnknownUG Hs.104492ESTs
700790 AA284071 UnknownUG Hs.180680ESTs
700949 AA287818 Similar to myosin-IXb
701013 AA287635 filamin=ABP-280=actin-binding protein
701055 AA287541 UnknownUG Hs.29052ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4103857) [M.musculus]
701071 AA287276 UnknownUG Hs.107587CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1
701252 AA287710 Similar to (U29244) similar to human (TRE) transforming protein
701357 AA287911 Similar to IL-17 receptor
701442 AA286879 DCHT=Similar to rat pancreatic serine threonine kinase
701501 AA286941 histone H2B
701616 AA292609 UnknownUG Hs.125723ESTs
701620 AA284372 UnknownUG Hs.111471ESTs
701664 AA287140 UnknownUG Hs.38992ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
703586 AA278761 UnknownUG Hs.142214ESTs
703757 AA278286 MPP1=Putative M phase phosphoprotein 1
703791 AA278314 Unknown
703873 AA279027 NAD+-dependent succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH)
703923 AA278411 UnknownUG Hs.184297KIAA0808 gene product
703939 AA279144 UnknownUG Hs.131894ESTs
703980 AA279085 Similar to myosin-IXb
704180 AA279358 UnknownUG Hs.169606ESTs
704191 AA279381 UnknownUG Hs.190010ESTs
704523 AA279911 UnknownUG Hs.125449ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4566497) [H.sapiens]
704561 AA279996 UnknownUG Hs.165268ESTs
704732 AA282514 Unknown
704767 AA282523 UnknownUG Hs.89026ESTs
704796 AA282741 Ca2+-transporting ATPase
704835 AA282798 14.3.3 protein clone 24409=HS1
704851 AA282804 histone H2A.X
705057 AA280043 UnknownUG Hs.33053ESTs
705075 AA281325 UnknownUG Hs.210221Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434G182 (from clone DKFZp434G182)
705098 AA281002 UnknownUG Hs.40735ESTs
705112 AA281153 Unknown
705131 AA281244 UnknownUG Hs.65300ESTs
705151 AA281260 UnknownUG Hs.29879ESTs
705166 AA281257 UnknownUG Hs.125868ESTs
705271 AA280682 UnknownUG Hs.182608ESTs
711504 AA280702 UnknownUG Hs.128635ESTs
711540 AA280670 UnknownUG Hs.24968ESTs
711567 AA280880 UnknownUG Hs.165551ESTs
711636 AA281104 UnknownUG Hs.178334ESTs
711756 AA280817 Unknown
711771 AA280839 Unknown
711825 AA281165 UnknownUG Hs.120751ESTs
711916 AA282133 UnknownUG Hs.88960ESTs
712045 AA281633 Similar to Tbc1 andkinectin (double hit)
712157 AA281578 aldehyde oxidase (AOX1) 5' flanking region
712379 AA281744 UnknownUG Hs.29879ESTs
712380 AA281714 UnknownUG Hs.27595ESTs
712560 AA281295 Proteasome inhibitor hPI31
712755 AA291948 Unknown
712852 AA281946 GP-1=putative G-protein
712914 AA282229 UnknownUG Hs.145668ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
713166 AA285037 UnknownUG Hs.145668ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
713213 AA283631 fos39554_1 predicted protein from fosmid 39554
713249 AA282963 UnknownUG Hs.126905ESTs
713281 AA283037 UnknownUG Hs.191548ESTs
713301 AA283044 UnknownUG Hs.32218ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
713321 AA282883 UnknownUG Hs.101340ESTs
746016 AA482008 UnknownUG Hs.105103ESTs
746055 AA482027 Unknown
746071 AA482036 Similar to Rho-guanine nucleotide exchange factor
746077 AA482038 UnknownUG Hs.190148ESTs
746080 AA482594 UnknownUG Hs.62684ESTs
746136 AA419482 Similar to proline-rich protein 48
746152 AA419486 UnknownUG Hs.75968thymosin, beta 4, X chromosome
746264 AA419390 Similar to P52rIPK=regulator of interferon-induced protein kinase PKR by modulation of P58IPK inhibitory function
814038 AA465468 Similar to MLO2 protein
814107 AA465381 UnknownUG Hs.105072ESTs
814121 AA465388 Similar to glucose-6-phosphate/phosphate-translocator precursor [Pisum sativum]
814152 AA465292 UnknownUG Hs.58297ESTs, Weakly similar to similar to G9a gene. [H.sapiens]
814679 AA481059 UnknownUG Hs.105152ESTs
814698 AA481068 UnknownUG Hs.31835ESTs
814755 AA454942 Unknown
814830 AA465650 UnknownUG Hs.87306ESTs
814869 AA465679 UnknownUG Hs.178334ESTs
815036 AA465148 UnknownUG Hs.72402ESTs
815050 AA465160 UnknownUG Hs.63386ESTs
815095 AA465207 UnknownUG Hs.125887ESTs
815112 AA481486 UnknownUG Hs.152250ESTs
815141 AA481515 UnknownUG Hs.24968ESTs
815165 AA481145 UnknownUG Hs.188732ESTs
815193 AA481165 UnknownUG Hs.190148ESTs
815228 AA481255 Adducin alpha subunit
815231 AA481266 UnknownUG Hs.31443ESTs
815584 AA456843 UnknownUG Hs.193941ESTs
815671 AA485121 UnknownUG Hs.101340ESTs
815796 AA485215 UnknownUG Hs.121035ESTs
815845 AA485253 UnknownUG Hs.66053ESTs
824306 AA490826 Unknown
824366 AA489684 UnknownUG Hs.19399Homo sapiens chromosome 19, fosmid 39554
824375 AA489695 Similar to (AF016450) Similar to acyltransferase
824376 AA489696 Similar to (AF016450) Similar to acyltransferase
824410 AA490227 DR1=TATA binding protein-associated phosphoprotein
824465 AA490325 Unknown
824534 AA490896 UnknownUG Hs.132986ESTs, Weakly similar to Wiscott-Aldrich Syndrome protein homolog [M.musculus]
824588 AA490985 UnknownUG Hs.70589ESTs, Weakly similar to TRANSCRIPTIONAL REPRESSOR CTCF [H.sapiens]
824599 AA491002 UnknownUG Hs.193977ESTs, Weakly similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
824656 AA491291 UnknownUG Hs.29397ESTs
824801 AA489081 NORI-1=WDR protein
824803 AA489082 UnknownUG Hs.105225ESTs
824863 AA488880 RBQ-3=retinoblastoma binding nuclear protein
825047 AA489213 UnknownUG Hs.207289EST
825088 AA489238 Unknown
825210 AA504111 UnknownUG Hs.89278ESTs
825261 AA504156 UnknownUG Hs.59574ESTs
825333 AA504481 UnknownUG Hs.193017ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4220898) [H.sapiens]
825357 AA504501 Unknown
825392 AA504249 UnknownUG Hs.187585ESTs
825414 AA504264 UnknownUG Hs.105724ESTs
825441 AA504337 Similar to proto-oncogene Wnt-3
825448 AA504329 UnknownUG Hs.117978ESTs
825457 AA504352 UnknownUG Hs.146103ESTs
825469 AA504358 UnknownUG Hs.11611ESTs
825698 AA504816 TACC1=embryonically expressed TACC1 gene, from the 8p11 breast cancer amplicon
825753 AA505097 Unknown
825759 AA505100 Unknown
825766 AA505095 Unknown
825809 AA505135 Unknown
825853 AA504782 Insulin induced protein 1 (INSIG1) gene 5� flanking region
825900 AA789101 UnknownUG Hs.198860ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
825911 AA789112 UnknownUG Hs.106728ESTs
825990 AA780390 Similar to hypotheticalGTP-binding protein ZK1236.1 in chromosome III
826001 AA780400 UnknownUG Hs.184297KIAA0808 gene product
826027 AA683128 UnknownUG Hs.117721ESTs
826150 AA521342 UnknownUG Hs.101428ESTs
826217 AA521469 GP-1=putative G-protein
826273 AA520999 UnknownUG Hs.30464cyclin E2
826303 AA521016 UnknownUG Hs.185375ESTs
826343 AA521111 Similar to hypothetical 32.0 KD protein C09F5.2 in chromosome III
826376 AA521044 UnknownUG Hs.105492ESTs
826417 AA521120 UnknownUG Hs.191727ESTs
826448 AA521073 UnknownUG Hs.165684ESTs
826474 AA521087 UnknownUG Hs.42211ESTs
826609 AA521494 UnknownUG Hs.97530ESTs
826617 AA521497 UnknownUG Hs.193977ESTs, Weakly similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
826627 AA521502 UnknownUG Hs.104492ESTs
826629 AA521503 UnknownUG Hs.105492ESTs
826784 AA521259 UnknownUG Hs.193796ESTs
826790 AA521262 UnknownUG Hs.7401ESTs
826798 AA521265 UnknownUG Hs.105514ESTs
826815 AA521285 Similar to (U58728) C54H2.1 gene product
827281 AA668886 UnknownUG Hs.8834ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4557705) [H.sapiens]
827309 AA668979 UnknownUG Hs.55193ESTs
1183852 AA689422 UnknownUG Hs.181390casein kinase 1, gamma 2
1183970 AA641891 UnknownUG Hs.106728ESTs
1184021 AA715300 UnknownUG Hs.180295ESTs
1184136 AA648249 Similar to translation initiation factor 4E (eIF-4E)
1184156 AA648256 UnknownUG Hs.87129ESTs
1184176 AA648270 Similar to translation initiation factor 4E (eIF-4E)
1184307 AA648506 UnknownUG Hs.87324ESTs
1184315 AA648510 NAD+-dependent succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH)
1184363 AA648432 UnknownUG Hs.118780postmeiotic segregation increased 2-like 2
1184397 AA648450 Similar to MLO2 protein
1184419 AA648531 UnknownUG Hs.70589ESTs, Weakly similar to TRANSCRIPTIONAL REPRESSOR CTCF [H.sapiens]
1184453 AA648477 UnknownUG Hs.97321ESTs
1184567 AA648777 UnknownUG Hs.102550ESTs
1184568 AA648778 UnknownUG Hs.120785ESTs
1184574 AA648781 Similar to KIAA0223 and PTPL1-associated RhoGAP
1184580 AA648784 UnknownUG Hs.28514ESTs
1184608 AA642343 UnknownUG Hs.136985ESTs
1184655 AA642318 UnknownUG Hs.117721ESTs
1184723 AA642476 UnknownUG Hs.179964ESTs
1185096 AA642433 Similar to axonemal dynein heavy chain
1185098 AA642434 UnknownUG Hs.98470ESTs
1185196 AA649179 TACC1=embryonically expressed TACC1 gene, from the 8p11 breast cancer amplicon
1185293 AA651764 UnknownUG Hs.120975ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 5262644) [H.sapiens]
1185338 AA651780 UnknownUG Hs.104741ESTs
1185361 AA649142 UnknownUG Hs.180303ESTs
1185391 AA648804 UnknownUG Hs.129218Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1074 protein, complete cds
1185435 AA648824 UnknownUG Hs.88801ESTs
1185436 AA648819 UnknownUG Hs.12920ESTs
1185555 AA649171 UnknownUG Hs.188674ESTs
1185558 AA649165 UnknownUG Hs.7401ESTs
1185593 AA649232 UnknownUG Hs.123198ESTs
1185603 AA649242 UnknownUG Hs.62632ESTs
1185917 AA651859 UnknownUG Hs.116502ESTs
1185962 AA651885 UnknownUG Hs.136253ESTs
1185980 AA651891 UnknownUG Hs.220253ESTs
1185994 AA651907 UnknownUG Hs.136587ESTs
1186001 AA651917 UnknownUG Hs.69165ESTs
1186005 AA651919 UnknownUG Hs.182608ESTs
1186036 AA651942 Similar to myr4=myosin I heavy chain
1186043 AA651954 UnknownUG Hs.134746ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1186183 AA648933 UnknownUG Hs.179805ESTs
1186228 AA648991 UnknownUG Hs.130849ESTs
1186248 AA805687 UnknownUG Hs.176669ESTs
1186252 AA805689 UnknownUG Hs.127574ESTs
1186263 AA805704 RGS13=regulator of G protein signaling
1186321 AA649070 UnknownUG Hs.50133ESTs
1186336 AA649066 UnknownUG Hs.29700ESTs
1186400 AA805754 UnknownUG Hs.101862ESTs
1186406 AA805757 UnknownUG Hs.42954ESTs
1186430 AA805770 UnknownUG Hs.42954ESTs
1233885 AA688166 UnknownUG Hs.34407ESTs
1234183 AA687221 UnknownUG Hs.117305ESTs
1234270 AA687293 UnknownUG Hs.122488ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1234398 AA687353 UnknownUG Hs.129218Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1074 protein, complete cds
1234506 AA687143 HMG-14 non-histone chromosomal protein
1234793 AA807673 Myosin class I, myh-1c
1234884 AA713519 UnknownUG Hs.32218ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1241243 AA728997 RGS13=regulator of G protein signaling
1242035 AA807690 UnknownUG Hs.122505ESTs
1250670 AA731248 UnknownUG Hs.24724ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4239895) [H.sapiens]
1250789 AA731668 UnknownUG Hs.120224ESTs
1250993 AA731621 Unknown
1251381 AA731792 UnknownUG Hs.123158ESTs
1251468 AA732101 UnknownUG Hs.70980ESTs
1251551 AA809780 UnknownUG Hs.105152ESTs
1251557 AA809789 UnknownUG Hs.123158ESTs
1251597 AA810301 UnknownUG Hs.140526EST, Moderately similar to transposase-like protein [H.sapiens]
1251614 AA810304 EV12A=homologue of ecotropic viral integration site 2A protein=putative transmembrane protein in NF1 locus
1251802 AA731300 KIAA0448
1251808 AA731303 UnknownUG Hs.126280ESTs, Weakly similar to dJ29K1.2 [H.sapiens]
1251875 AA731243 UnknownUG Hs.187810ESTs
1251919 AA731703 UnknownUG Hs.120227ESTs
1251946 AA731713 KIAA0749=Similar to dendrin=forebrain mRNA which is modulated by sleep deprivation
1268630 AA713944 UnknownUG Hs.62632ESTs
1268661 AA713976 UnknownUG Hs.87734ESTs
1268758 AA721751 UnknownUG Hs.72045ESTs
1268870 AA714570 UnknownUG Hs.120245Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1039 protein, partial cds
1269022 AA747526 UnknownUG Hs.137390ESTs
1269099 AA747804 UnknownUG Hs.120695ESTs
1269200 AA747998 UnknownUG Hs.24633ESTs
1269293 AA747295 UnknownUG Hs.36672ESTs
1269317 AA747316 UnknownUG Hs.36672ESTs
1269353 AA747435 UnknownUG Hs.141956ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical protein II [H.sapiens]
1269681 AA747563 UnknownUG Hs.131799ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1269816 AA714833 UnknownUG Hs.173749ESTs
1269936 AA715101 Similar to N2,N2-dimethylguanosine tRNA methyltransferase
1270393 AA749348 CD20
1270423 AA749366 UnknownUG Hs.127574ESTs
1270568 AA748593 Unknown
1270631 AA748734 UnknownUG Hs.102550ESTs
1270645 AA749017 Similar to kinesin-like protein (Kif1b)
1270657 AA749030 Similar to putative leucine rich neuronal protein from erythropoietin genomic locus
1270689 AA749134 UnknownUG Hs.97083ESTs
1270928 AA748606 UnknownUG Hs.54886Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1092 protein, partial cds
1270962 AA748625 UnknownUG Hs.59574ESTs
1271364 AA748767 UnknownUG Hs.89278ESTs
1271493 AA749211 Similar to Tbc1=hematopoietic nuclear protein homologous to tre-2, Bub1 and cdc16
1271534 AA749328 UnknownUG Hs.12920ESTs
1271685 AA761100 UnknownUG Hs.176669ESTs
1271745 AA813859 UnknownUG Hs.192035ESTs
1271901 AA743053 UnknownUG Hs.111217ESTs
1271913 AA743066 UnknownUG Hs.112547ESTs
1272160 AA743091 UnknownUG Hs.8958ESTs
1272234 AA743466 UnknownUG Hs.32458ESTs
1272273 AA742996 UnknownUG Hs.180391ESTs
1272302 AA743008 UnknownUG Hs.220253ESTs
1272364 AA743204 UnknownUG Hs.128564ESTs
1272464 AA743291 UnknownUG Hs.81200ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1272536 AA743491 UnknownUG Hs.61965ESTs
1272567 AA743403 UnknownUG Hs.127185ESTs
1272604 AA743425 Lymphotoxin-Beta=Tumor necrosis factor C
1272611 AA743433 UnknownUG Hs.119292ESTs
1272662 AA743526 Gap1m=brain ras GTPase-activating protein
1272683 AA743557 Similar to multiple ring finger proteins including ORF from 13q14 deletion region in CLL
1273034 AA742169 UnknownUG Hs.140469ESTs
1273066 AA742188 UnknownUG Hs.89048ESTs
1273167 AA743592 Similar to Rho-associated-ser/thr kinase
1273201 AA743825 UnknownUG Hs.122505ESTs
1282995 AA745263 UnknownUG Hs.35445ESTs
1283003 AA745266 UnknownUG Hs.107587CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1
1283009 AA745269 UnknownUG Hs.50187ESTs
1283147 AA744520 UnknownUG Hs.87734ESTs
1283152 AA744514 CD20
1283172 AA744607 UnknownUG Hs.24724ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4239895) [H.sapiens]
1283198 AA744624 UnknownUG Hs.35445ESTs
1283427 AA742223 UnknownUG Hs.97387ESTs
1283451 AA742310 UnknownUG Hs.97387ESTs
1283494 AA742329 Similar to hypothetical 54.9 KD protein C02F5.7 in chromosome III
1283529 AA743783 UnknownUG Hs.50187ESTs
1283714 AA744759 UnknownUG Hs.136723Homo sapiens HRIHFB2007 mRNA, partial cds
1284557 AA742241 Similar to phorbolin I (close paralogue)
1284563 AA742244 UnknownUG Hs.179805ESTs
1285498 AA742603 UnknownUG Hs.98663ESTs
1285508 AA742606 UnknownUG Hs.34407ESTs
1285763 AA743712 UnknownUG Hs.49500Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0746 protein, partial cds
1285790 AA743748 UnknownUG Hs.40758ESTs
1285850 AA745850 UnknownUG Hs.105252ESTs
1285973 AA746121 UnknownUG Hs.125719ESTs
1286062 AA813913 UnknownUG Hs.119292ESTs
1286299 AA740717 Similar to Hox 3.5 homeobox transcription factor
1286300 AA740710 UnknownUG Hs.97530ESTs
1286361 AA740847 UnknownUG Hs.104741ESTs
1286414 AA741029 Solute carrier family 1 (neuronal/epithelial high affinity glutamate transporter, system Xag), member 1
1286463 AA741104 UnknownUG Hs.30957ESTs
1286668 AA740742 Similar to 52 KD RO protein and other ring finger proteins
1286750 AA740875 UnknownUG Hs.44307ESTs
1286787 AA741064 UnknownUG Hs.18166Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0870 protein, complete cds
1286796 AA741061 UnknownUG Hs.61506ESTs
1286844 AA741125 Similar to putative leucine rich neuronal protein from erythropoietin genomic locus
1286882 AA741569 KIAA0838=Similar to glutaminase
1286962 AA814242 Unknown
1287012 AA814271 UnknownUG Hs.86541ESTs
1287433 AA760899 UnknownUG Hs.174988ESTs
1287454 AA760898 UnknownUG Hs.139650ESTs
1287476 AA760914 UnknownUG Hs.120975ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 5262644) [H.sapiens]
1287535 AA814393 Similar to Rho-guanine nucleotide exchange factor
1287561 AA814415 UnknownUG Hs.22305ESTs
1287570 AA814410 UnknownUG Hs.18879Homo sapiens clone 23965 mRNA sequence
1287632 AA760689 UnknownUG Hs.92418ESTs
1287798 AA760856 UnknownUG Hs.123127ESTs
1287801 AA760864 UnknownUG Hs.112890ESTs
1287889 AA761978 Similar to phorbolin I (close paralogue)
1287931 AA760635 UnknownUG Hs.137390ESTs
1287944 AA760640 Adducin alpha subunit
1287959 AA760654 UnknownUG Hs.118780postmeiotic segregation increased 2-like 2
1288034 AA809573 UnknownUG Hs.132458ESTs
1288235 AA760729 CD19=Component of CD21/CD19/Tapa-1 co-receptor complex synergistic with immunoglobulin receptor
1288300 AA761198 UnknownUG Hs.55254ESTs
1288425 AA761322 UnknownUG Hs.220538ESTs
1289176 AA761825 UnknownUG Hs.128760ESTs
1289177 AA761837 UnknownUG Hs.136686ESTs
1289255 AA804245 Vasopressin activated calcium mobilizing receptor-like protein
1289378 AA769482 UnknownUG Hs.180303ESTs
1289468 AA769184 UnknownUG Hs.62713ESTs
1289545 AA804468 UnknownUG Hs.187869ESTs
1289593   Unknown
1289669 AA804418 UnknownUG Hs.97101ESTs
1289749 AA769510 Similar to KIAA0223 and PTPL1-associated RhoGAP
1289790 AA761789 KIAA0412=Similar to multiple KRAB domain Krueppel ainc finger proteins
1289825 AA761817 UnknownUG Hs.140469ESTs
1289872 AA769216 Similar to PCTAIRE2 kinase
1290016 AA804347 UnknownUG Hs.191727ESTs
1290040 AA804431 UnknownUG Hs.132986ESTs, Weakly similar to Wiscott-Aldrich Syndrome protein homolog [M.musculus]
1290141 AA769554 Similar to hypothetical 143.3 KD Trp-Asp repeats containing protein C12G12.13C in chromosome I
1290213 AA769332 Unknown
1290317 AA805658 Similar to PCTAIRE2 kinase
1290367 AA769442 UnknownUG Hs.187893ESTs
1290400 AA769454 ALY=context-dependent coactivator of LEF-1 and AML-1, is required for TCRalpha enhancer function
1290411 AA769585 UnknownUG Hs.193831ESTs
1290415 AA769586 UnknownUG Hs.133025ESTs
1290438 AA769594 UnknownUG Hs.190693ESTs
1290443 AA769604 UnknownUG Hs.190086ESTs
1299811 AA765015 UnknownUG Hs.6179Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586K2322 (from clone DKFZp586K2322)
1299996 AA764863 Similar to hypothetical 35.7 KD protein in DNL4-SLG1 intergenic region
1300355 AA767320 Similar to (Z99118) similar to spore coat protein [Bacillus subtilis]
1301114 AA721381 UnknownUG Hs.129876ESTs
1301160 AA721401 UnknownUG Hs.221580ESTs
1301348 AA768869 Myosin class I, myh-1c
1301395 AA764789 UnknownUG Hs.120704ESTs
1301771 AA766905 Similar to PASK=pancreatic serine threonine kinase
1301831 AA767239 UnknownUG Hs.61454ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4650844) [H.sapiens]
1302038 AA731921 RBQ-3=retinoblastoma binding nuclear protein
1302110 AA732265 UnknownUG Hs.8958ESTs
1302158 AA732368 UnknownUG Hs.120751ESTs
1302181 AA732484 UnknownUG Hs.169399ESTs
1302204 AA732491 UnknownUG Hs.184297KIAA0808 gene product
1302441 AA732055 UnknownUG Hs.140275EST, Moderately similar to LINE-1 REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE HOMOLOG [H.sapiens]
1302582 AA732520 UnknownUG Hs.32458ESTs
1302595 AA732531 UnknownUG Hs.120245Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1039 protein, partial cds
1302779 AA731429 UnknownUG Hs.120817ESTs
1303061 AA730053 UnknownUG Hs.120249ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4050087) [H.sapiens]
1303118 AA731340 UnknownUG Hs.131798ESTs
1303144 AA731438 UnknownUG Hs.131798ESTs
1303207 AA732245 UnknownUG Hs.65857ESTs
1303231 AA732327 UnknownUG Hs.63671ESTs
1303232 AA732320 UnknownUG Hs.136686ESTs
1303305 AA732466 UnknownUG Hs.126084Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1055 protein, partial cds
1303325 AA732567 UnknownUG Hs.22321ESTs
1303330 AA732562 UnknownUG Hs.105724ESTs
1303341 AA732571 UnknownUG Hs.22321ESTs
1303347 AA732582 Unknown
1303587 AA809684 UnknownUG Hs.211320ESTs
1303644 AA809752 Similar to (Z73581) ORF YPL225w[Saccharomyces cerevisiae]
1303736 AA765539 UnknownUG Hs.140474EST
1303951 AA765641 UnknownUG Hs.123373ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1304133 AA765438 UnknownUG Hs.203866ESTs
1304188 AA765349 Unknown
1304419 AA765784 UnknownUG Hs.25347Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1031 protein, partial cds
1304422 AA765776 UnknownUG Hs.122983ESTs
1304473 AA765715 Similar to GILZ (glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper protein) that protects T cells from activation-induced apoptosis=Similar to leucine zipper proteins hDIP,murine TSC-22,Drosophila shortsighted
1304643 AA766019 UnknownUG Hs.128696ESTs
1305020 AA766029 UnknownUG Hs.227114ESTs, Moderately similar to CDC10 PROTEIN HOMOLOG [H.sapiens]
1305044 AA766038 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-15
1305174 AA872567 UnknownUG Hs.194434ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1305809 AA736789 UnknownUG Hs.6179Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586K2322 (from clone DKFZp586K2322)
1305913 AA766198 UnknownUG Hs.106771ESTs
1306090 AA765906 UnknownUG Hs.105956ESTs
1306275 AA766226 UnknownUG Hs.188674ESTs
1306309 AA766296 UnknownUG Hs.99200ESTs
1306718 AA766584 UnknownUG Hs.140946EST, Moderately similar to ORF1 [H.sapiens]
1306805 AA766609 UnknownUG Hs.194608ESTs
1306964 AA766767 UnknownUG Hs.63386ESTs
1307009 AA766484 UnknownUG Hs.132853ESTs
1307327 AA766711 UnknownUG Hs.97083ESTs
1307417 AA767904 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-26 (homology in novel N-terminal domain)
1307419 AA767905 UnknownUG Hs.124917ESTs, Highly similar to GLUTAMINASE, KIDNEY ISOFORM PRECURSOR [R.norvegicus]
1307423 AA767907 UnknownUG Hs.111217ESTs
1307446 AA767916 UnknownUG Hs.174988ESTs
1307698 AA811840 UnknownUG Hs.5013ESTs
1308105 AA808708 UnknownUG Hs.5103ESTs
1308217 AA737437 UnknownUG Hs.183712ESTs
1308239 AA737443 UnknownUG Hs.62713ESTs
1308250 AA737535 Gap1m=brain ras GTPase-activating protein
1308262 AA737539 UnknownUG Hs.118832ESTs
1308268 AA737445 UnknownUG Hs.18166Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0870 protein, complete cds
1308810 AA748329 UnknownUG Hs.5103ESTs
1309026 AA746372 Similar to rho-type GTPase-activating protein rhoGAPX-1 long isoform
1309295 AA831879 UnknownUG Hs.136985ESTs
1309317 AA831899 UnknownUG Hs.88801ESTs
1316643 AA767949 UnknownUG Hs.136253ESTs
1316841 AA768213 Solute carrier family 1 (neuronal/epithelial high affinity glutamate transporter, system Xag), member 1
1316906 AA768384 UnknownUG Hs.29052ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4103857) [M.musculus]
1316915 AA768396 UnknownUG Hs.101862ESTs
1316957 AA767845 UnknownUG Hs.124763ESTs
1317045 AA767120 UnknownUG Hs.120363ESTs
1317069 AA767134 UnknownUG Hs.120363ESTs
1317287 AA768525 UnknownUG Hs.65300ESTs
1317291 AA768538 UnknownUG Hs.125887ESTs
1317750 AA810555 UnknownUG Hs.128127ESTs
1317772 AA768219 UnknownUG Hs.128696ESTs
1317950 AA811003 UnknownUG Hs.56022ESTs
1318037 AA769110 UnknownUG Hs.105956ESTs
1318040 AA769103 cGMP-binding cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase (PDE5)
1318135 AA814907 UnknownUG Hs.180236ESTs
1318137 AA814908 UnknownUG Hs.180236ESTs
1318282 AA810915 UnknownUG Hs.125262ESTs, Weakly similar to predicted using Genefinder [C.elegans]
1318291 AA810929 UnknownUG Hs.136912ESTs
1318295 AA810931 KIAA0838=Similar to glutaminase
1318341 AA811230 UnknownUG Hs.210818EST
1318647 AA810725 UnknownUG Hs.117978ESTs
1319004 AA810565 UnknownUG Hs.203894ESTs, Moderately similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
1319062 AA811088 WIP/HS PRPL-2=WASP interacting protein
1319093 AA810580 UnknownUG Hs.37262ESTs
1319110 AA810577 arylsulfatase B (ASB)
1319235 AA804664 UnknownUG Hs.191430ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [H.sapiens]
1319281 AA804803 UnknownUG Hs.40758ESTs
1319337 AA815048 UnknownUG Hs.128162ESTs
1319374 AA815091 UnknownUG Hs.184297KIAA0808 gene product
1319437 AA805099 UnknownUG Hs.130391ESTs
1319441 AA805101 Similar to Rho-associated-ser/thr kinase
1319482 AA805185 UnknownUG Hs.172790ESTs
1319999 AA809946 UnknownUG Hs.101590ESTs
1320313 AA814737 UnknownUG Hs.132458ESTs
1333535 AA767750 R31240_1 putative protein similar to (Z79755) Similarity to Bovine Grave's disease carrier protein (C.elegans)
1333699 AA808680 UnknownUG Hs.215076ESTs
1333715 AA811814 aldehyde oxidase (AOX1) 5' flanking region
1334229 AA805400 UnknownUG Hs.54886Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1092 protein, partial cds
1334235 AA805412 Similar to alpha SNAP=N-ethyl-maleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein
1334272 AA805580 UnknownUG Hs.72580ESTs
1334411 AA808352 UnknownUG Hs.32553ESTs
1334471 AA767483 UnknownUG Hs.59854ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical protein [H.sapiens]
1334887 AA811912 Unknown
1334920 AA769122 UnknownUG Hs.28514ESTs
1335065 AA827141 UnknownUG Hs.128490ESTs
1335111 AA827170 UnknownUG Hs.173749ESTs
1335316 AA828327 UnknownUG Hs.97321ESTs
1335567 AA810652 UnknownUG Hs.24336ESTs
1335590 AA810663 UnknownUG Hs.20323ESTs
1335594 AA810665 UnknownUG Hs.134746ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1335645 AA827248 UnknownUG Hs.56022ESTs
1335665 AA827701 UnknownUG Hs.116254ESTs
1335696 AA827756 UnknownUG Hs.135049ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1335745 AA828298 UnknownUG Hs.116254ESTs
1335772 AA828347 UnknownUG Hs.123282ESTs
1335796 AA828365 UnknownUG Hs.9059Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0962 protein, partial cds
1335809 AA828380 UnknownUG Hs.126733ESTs
1335915 AA810519 UnknownUG Hs.43660ESTs
1336136 AA810601 UnknownUG Hs.180295ESTs
1336219 AA873826 UnknownUG Hs.172790ESTs
1336223 AA873828 Trinucleotide repeat 5-d(CGG)n-3ds binding protein p20-CGGBP
1336225 AA873838 UnknownUG Hs.89026ESTs
1336232 AA873833 Unknown
1336429 AA810981 UnknownUG Hs.87306ESTs
1336500 AA811246 UnknownUG Hs.193017ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4220898) [H.sapiens]
1336719 AA809339 UnknownUG Hs.66053ESTs
1336737 AA809355 UnknownUG Hs.190059ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1336839 AA809413 UnknownUG Hs.135049ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1336959 AA811944 UnknownUG Hs.128629ESTs
1336997 AA814825 UnknownUG Hs.180680ESTs
1337163 AA812065 UnknownUG Hs.98470ESTs
1337483 AA872197 R31240_1 putative protein similar to (Z79755) Similarity to Bovine Grave's disease carrier protein (C.elegans)
1337661 AA811696 UnknownUG Hs.120704ESTs
1337695 AA811755 C3H-type zinc finger protein similar to D. melanogaster muscleblind B protein
1337701 AA811758 WIP/HS PRPL-2=WASP interacting protein
1337706 AA811749 Similar to bromodomain-containing protein BP75
1337734 AA811768 UnknownUG Hs.184340C3H-type zinc finger protein; similar to D. melanogaster muscleblind B protein
1337800 AA811324 GAP binding protein p62dok (DOK)
1337948 AA811449 UnknownUG Hs.131894ESTs
1338161 AA809495 UnknownUG Hs.22305ESTs
1338163 AA809496 UnknownUG Hs.50133ESTs
1338272 AA805245 Similar to lipoic acid synthetase precursor (LIP-SYN)
1338305 AA805274 Similar to alpha SNAP=N-ethyl-maleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein
1338435 AA810196 UnknownUG Hs.43660ESTs
1338484 AA806637 UnknownUG Hs.65857ESTs
1338539 AA810499 UnknownUG Hs.123226ESTs
1338858 AA807551 UnknownUG Hs.37262ESTs
1338864 AA813991 UnknownUG Hs.117305ESTs
1338896 AA876063 UnknownUG Hs.125868ESTs
1338914 AA876003 UnknownUG Hs.207331ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase related protein [H.sapiens]
1338968 AA876132 UnknownUG Hs.129558ESTs
1339130 AA814103 UnknownUG Hs.42211ESTs
1339178 AA814450 UnknownUG Hs.63671ESTs
1339366 AA814680 UnknownUG Hs.120785ESTs
1339432 AA804755 UnknownUG Hs.194608ESTs
1339437 AA804765 UnknownUG Hs.132853ESTs
1339461 AA804785 UnknownUG Hs.111471ESTs
1339590 AA805285 UnknownUG Hs.29397ESTs
1339717 AA813929 UnknownUG Hs.49282ESTs
1339764 AA815056 UnknownUG Hs.142214ESTs
1340233 AA937937 UnknownUG Hs.5013ESTs
1340243 AA937939 UnknownUG Hs.127282ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase-like protein [R.norvegicus]
1340247 AA937941 UnknownUG Hs.127282ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase-like protein [R.norvegicus]
1340503 AA938733 UnknownUG Hs.127311ESTs
1340510 AA938726 FAK=focal adhesion kinase
1340587 AA937094 UnknownUG Hs.210861ESTs
1340600 AA937099 UnknownUG Hs.127331ESTs
1340603 AA937111 UnknownUG Hs.69165ESTs
1340604 AA937101 UnknownUG Hs.127121ESTs
1340606 AA937102 UnknownUG Hs.127121ESTs
1340692 AA805594 UnknownUG Hs.72402ESTs
1340739 AA805919 Similar to axonemal dynein heavy chain
1340941 AA805344 UnknownUG Hs.29700ESTs
1341314 AA805624 UnknownUG Hs.49282ESTs
1341431 AA805978 UnknownUG Hs.127496ESTs
1341525 AA806174 UnknownUG Hs.140500ESTs, Weakly similar to p40 [H.sapiens]
1341529 AA806247 UnknownUG Hs.182594ESTs
1350472 AA806373 UnknownUG Hs.105514ESTs
1350638 AA806554 UnknownUG Hs.185375ESTs
1350726 AA806103 UnknownUG Hs.62684ESTs
1350785 AA806209 UnknownUG Hs.123198ESTs
1350823 AA806301 Similar to myr4=myosin I heavy chain
1350835 AA806306 Zinc finger protein ZNF131 with POZ domain
1350862 AA806345 UnknownUG Hs.125719ESTs
1351083 AA806826 KIAA0749=Similar to dendrin=forebrain mRNA which is modulated by sleep deprivation
1351088 AA806822 UnknownUG Hs.112547ESTs
1351098 AA806823 Similar to multiple ring finger proteins including ORF from 13q14 deletion region in CLL
1351132 AA806855 UnknownUG Hs.120817ESTs
1351266 AA807025 UnknownUG Hs.134197ESTs, Moderately similar to FAM [M.musculus]
1351296 AA807091 UnknownUG Hs.118550ESTs
1351353 AA806880 KIAA0448
1351594 AA806965 UnknownUG Hs.106771ESTs
1351820 AA807163 UnknownUG Hs.142569ESTs, Weakly similar to dsRNA adenosine deaminase DRADA2c [H.sapiens]
1351828 AA807225 UnknownUG Hs.72045ESTs
1351956 AA807313 UnknownUG Hs.190693ESTs
1351970 AA807330 UnknownUG Hs.64065ESTs
1351973 AA807339 UnknownUG Hs.164617ESTs
1352048 AA808079 UnknownUG Hs.61506ESTs
1352131 AA808154 UnknownUG Hs.127185ESTs
1352142 AA808179 UnknownUG Hs.123282ESTs
1352169 AA808204 cGMP-binding cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase (PDE5)
1352226 AA808238 Similar to hypothetical 143.3 KD Trp-Asp repeats containing protein C12G12.13C in chromosome I
1352375 AA828414 Similar to proline-rich protein 48
1352388 AA828461 UnknownUG Hs.87129ESTs
1352502 AA830009 UnknownUG Hs.126280ESTs, Weakly similar to dJ29K1.2 [H.sapiens]
1352550 AA830083 UnknownUG Hs.38900ESTs
1352614 AA830160 UnknownUG Hs.22964ESTs
1352688 AA830264 Unknown
1352752 AA828440 UnknownUG Hs.22964ESTs
1352754 AA828441 Similar to 52 KD RO protein and other ring finger proteins
1352781 AA828504 UnknownUG Hs.190086ESTs
1352955 AA830179 Similar to putative nuclear pore complex protein (Npap60)
1352973 AA830184 Similar to putative nuclear pore complex protein (Npap60)
1353084 AA830301 UnknownUG Hs.190264ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1353103 AA830328 UnknownUG Hs.117499ESTs
1353114 AA830323 UnknownUG Hs.8834ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4557705) [H.sapiens]
1353174 AA830621 MPP1=Putative M phase phosphoprotein 1
1353201 AA830431 UnknownUG Hs.180811ESTs
1353220 AA830438 UnknownUG Hs.193059ESTs
1353312 AA830530 UnknownUG Hs.190474ESTs
1353392 AA830718 UnknownUG Hs.136912ESTs
1353415 AA830744 UnknownUG Hs.141208ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1353461 AA830679 UnknownUG Hs.163295Human Line-1 repeat mRNA with 2 open reading frames
1353519 AA830854 UnknownUG Hs.187810ESTs
1353638 AA830606 UnknownUG Hs.198860ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1353698 AA830791 Similar to zinc finger proteins (multiple)-26 (homology in novel N-terminal domain)
1353818 AA830914 UnknownUG Hs.132445ESTs
1353829 AA830922 UnknownUG Hs.182594ESTs
1353832 AA830917 UnknownUG Hs.101590ESTs
1354006 AA831134 UnknownUG Hs.122488ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1354068 AA831276 UnknownUG Hs.64065ESTs
1354413 AA831233 UnknownUG Hs.92448ESTs
1354518 AA830376 UnknownUG Hs.191548ESTs
1355126 AA831508 UnknownUG Hs.32553ESTs
1355240 AA831012 UnknownUG Hs.130849ESTs
1355248 AA831014 UnknownUG Hs.221197ESTs
1355417 AA831349 Similar to (Z99118) similar to spore coat protein [Bacillus subtilis]
1355418 AA831339 UnknownUG Hs.137110ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1355437 AA831369 CDC16Hs
1355439 AA831370 UnknownUG Hs.124763ESTs
1355986 AA831588 UnknownUG Hs.30957ESTs
1356013 AA831615 UnknownUG Hs.27595ESTs
1356345 AA831667 UnknownUG Hs.49500Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0746 protein, partial cds
1356357 AA831672 UnknownUG Hs.24633ESTs
1356556 AA741296 UnknownUG Hs.128778ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1357104 AA832269 UnknownUG Hs.72580ESTs
1357264 AA831749 UnknownUG Hs.87324ESTs
1357385 AA832074 UnknownUG Hs.184739ESTs
1357712 AA832224 UnknownUG Hs.125291ESTs
1357716 AA832225 UnknownUG Hs.125291ESTs
1357744 AA832243 UnknownUG Hs.194617ESTs
1357755 AA832332 UnknownUG Hs.13499ESTs
1357795 AA832356 UnknownUG Hs.190474ESTs
1357829 AA832417 UnknownUG Hs.139650ESTs
1357835 AA832419 UnknownUG Hs.191484ESTs
1357894 AA836083 UnknownUG Hs.104305Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0926 protein, complete cds
1357951 AA827833 Similar to Hox 3.5 homeobox transcription factor
1357985 AA827851 UnknownUG Hs.128629ESTs
1358063 AA828022 UnknownUG Hs.193713ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1358087 AA828035 UnknownUG Hs.193713ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1358217 AA825487 UnknownUG Hs.142179ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [H.sapiens]
1358249 AA825503 UnknownUG Hs.141208ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1358265 AA873645 UnknownUG Hs.104305Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0926 protein, complete cds
1358294 AA829231 UnknownUG Hs.72085ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [S.cerevisiae]
1358303 AA829244 UnknownUG Hs.125848ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1358334 AA829309 HMG-14 non-histone chromosomal protein
1358351 AA829318 UnknownUG Hs.125848ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1367321 AA827804 UnknownUG Hs.220248ESTs, Weakly similar to KIAA0053 [H.sapiens]
1367355 AA827900 UnknownUG Hs.100866ESTs
1367361 AA827902 UnknownUG Hs.88960ESTs
1367371 AA827907 UnknownUG Hs.72085ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown [S.cerevisiae]
1367487 AA837458 UnknownUG Hs.125723ESTs
1367551 AA847884 UnknownUG Hs.142179ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [H.sapiens]
1367560 AA847878 C3H-type zinc finger protein similar to D. melanogaster muscleblind B protein
1367566 AA847881 UnknownUG Hs.92448ESTs
1367603 AA810002 UnknownUG Hs.59854ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical protein [H.sapiens]
1367654 AA810027 UnknownUG Hs.222718ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1367670 AA810037 MDM2=p53-binding protein
1367778 AA810096 UnknownUG Hs.180391ESTs
1367795 AA810118 UnknownUG Hs.99200ESTs
1367824 AA810123 UnknownUG Hs.193941ESTs
1367863 AA810210 UnknownUG Hs.33431ESTs
1367875 AA810213 UnknownUG Hs.128127ESTs
1367944 AA810260 UnknownUG Hs.141956ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical protein II [H.sapiens]
1367968 AA810277 UnknownUG Hs.105072ESTs
1368022 AA836114 UnknownUG Hs.62767ESTs
1368220 AA836266 UnknownUG Hs.184340C3H-type zinc finger protein; similar to D. melanogaster muscleblind B protein
1368359 AA837098 UnknownUG Hs.221530ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1368605 AA836455 UnknownUG Hs.193535ESTs
1368731 AA836208 UnknownUG Hs.117499ESTs
1369330 AA825653 UnknownUG Hs.86437ESTs
1369336 AA825655 UnknownUG Hs.184739ESTs
1369375 AA825721 UnknownUG Hs.226955ESTs
1369928 AA829647 UnknownUG Hs.120249ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4050087) [H.sapiens]
1369933 AA829659 UnknownUG Hs.135222ESTs
1369976 AA829764 EV12A=homologue of ecotropic viral integration site 2A protein=putative transmembrane protein in NF1 locus
1370294 AA847851 UnknownUG Hs.40735ESTs
1370341 AA847923 UnknownUG Hs.135222ESTs
1370415 AA829848 UnknownUG Hs.193059ESTs
1370452 AA829939 UnknownUG Hs.24416ESTs
1371223 AA847198 Lymphotoxin-Beta=Tumor necrosis factor C
1371468 AA865099 UnknownUG Hs.135674ESTs
1371532 AA825746 UnknownUG Hs.124280ESTs, Weakly similar to ORF2 [M.musculus]
1371749 AA856735 UnknownUG Hs.41074ESTs
1371831 AA825554 UnknownUG Hs.190595ESTs
1371833 AA825555 UnknownUG Hs.123127ESTs
1371878 AA827623 UnknownUG Hs.118550ESTs
1371946 AA827698 UnknownUG Hs.121035ESTs
1372076 AA825578 UnknownUG Hs.126733ESTs
1372145 AA974504 UnknownUG Hs.194457ESTs
1372181 AA946701 UnknownUG Hs.165684ESTs
1372249 AA825914 UnknownUG Hs.124917ESTs, Highly similar to GLUTAMINASE, KIDNEY ISOFORM PRECURSOR [R.norvegicus]
1372254 AA825906 UnknownUG Hs.219237ESTs, Highly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1372267 AA825920 UnknownUG Hs.25347Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1031 protein, partial cds
1372274 AA825923 UnknownUG Hs.208983ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1372275 AA825934 UnknownUG Hs.134197ESTs, Moderately similar to FAM [M.musculus]
1372290 AA825930 Similar to pro-apoptotic protein induced during PCD in sympathetic neurons deprived of NGF
1372291 AA825939 Similar to pro-apoptotic protein induced during PCD in sympathetic neurons deprived of NGF
1372390 AA826203 UnknownUG Hs.215076ESTs
1372988 AA825619 UnknownUG Hs.101428ESTs
1373049 AA825706 UnknownUG Hs.221197ESTs
1670747 AI077352 UnknownUG Hs.190626ESTs
1670806 AI073991 UnknownUG Hs.134268ESTs
1670822 AI074005 UnknownUG Hs.135187ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4263743) [H.sapiens]
1670861 AI081243 UnknownUG Hs.32533ESTs
1670867 AI081246 UnknownUG Hs.122983ESTs
1670870 AI081238 UnknownUG Hs.135187ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4263743) [H.sapiens]
1670880 AI081252 UnknownUG Hs.127331ESTs
1671108 AI075256 Similar to proto-oncogene Wnt-3
1671550 AI028482 UnknownUG Hs.193831ESTs
1671580 AI027824 UnknownUG Hs.92418ESTs
1671582 AI027825 UnknownUG Hs.193823ESTs
1671596 AI027830 UnknownUG Hs.170311heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D-like
1671754 AI056575 UnknownUG Hs.81200ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1671830 AI056453 UnknownUG Hs.192103ESTs
1672003 AI052784 UnknownUG Hs.186874ESTs
1672035 AI074532 UnknownUG Hs.131251ESTs
1672095 AI122708 UnknownUG Hs.179964ESTs
1672118 AI076060 UnknownUG Hs.131859ESTs, Weakly similar to SYNAPSINS IA AND IB [R.norvegicus]
1672205 AI090306 Unknown
1672314 AI090406 Unknown
1672325 AI090421 UnknownUG Hs.135215ESTs
107 V01555 EBV LMP1, consensus
108 V01555 EBV LMP1, unique
109 V01555 EBV EBNA-2
110 V01555 EBV EBNA-1
111 V01555 EBV LMP2A (TP1)
112 M96944 BSAP=Pax5=transcription factor required for B cell formation=translocated in small lymphocytic lymphoma with plasmacytoid differentiation and splenic marginal zone lymphoma
113 M94633 RAG2
114 V01555 EBV BHRF1
115 V01555 EBV BZLF/BZRF
116 U75698 HHV-8 K13
117 U75698 HHV-8 T0.7
118 U75698 HHV-8 T1.1
119 U75698 HHV-8 ORF 17
120 AF033817 HTLV-1 TAX 2
121 AJ000414 CIP4=Cdc42-interacting protein 4
122 U75698 HHV-8 ORF 6
123 U75698 HHV-8 ORF 73
124 U75698 HHV-8 K1
125 U75698 HHV-8 vFLIP (ORF 71)
126 X83413 HHV-6 U89
127 U75698 HHV-8 vbcl-2, #2
128 U75698 HHV-8 ORF 72
129 0  
130 U75698 HHV-8 GCR
131 X83413 HHV-6 U29
132 U75698 HHV-8 vbcl-2, #1
133 U75698 HHV-8 vMIP1B
134 U75698 HHV-8 ORF K14
135 V01555 EBV EBNA-3A
136 M10277 B-actin, 421-689
137 M10277 B-actin,177-439
138 V01555 EBV BLLF1a
139 V01555 EBV EBNA-3C
140 V01555 EBV EBNA-3B
141 M10277 B-actin,1314-1660
142 V01555 EBV BCRF1
143 M10277 B-actin,1099-1372
144 K03455 HIV-1 F9 fragment
145 M10277 B-actin, 657-993
146 X83413 HHV-6 U94
147 U43400 HHV-7 U29
148 U43400 HHV-7 U16-17
149 U75698 HHV-8 vIL-6
150 U75698 HHV-8 vMIP1A
151 U43400 HHV-7 U89
152 U43400 HHV-7 DR7
153 X83413 HHV-6 U16-17
154 U25676 IL-2
155 U22322 RAK=nuclear tyrosine kinase
156 M15059 CD23A=low affinity IIreceptor for Fc fragment of IgE
157 X83413 HHV-6 U25
158 X83413 HHV-6 DR7
159 U34360 LAF4 3� end
160   Similar to formin-binding protein
161   Similar to B-ZIP transcription factor
162 L00022 IgE constant region
163   IgG sterile transcript
164 V01555 EBV BARF0, long
165 V01555 EBV BARF0, short
166 X56797 IgE sterile transcript, long
167 X56797 IgE sterile transcript, short
168   EBV BLLF
169 U75698 HHV-8 ORF K1
170 AJ000414 CIP4=Cdc42-interacting protein 4
171 0  
172 U75698 HHV-8 ORF K14
795 AF064553 Similar to NSD1=SET protein with characteristics of both corepressors and coactivators that interacts with nuclear receptors
1112   Unknown
7220   Unknown
7215 AF055376 c-maf
7234 J02988 CD28
7235   Unknown
7238 X92845 Drg1=cytoplasm and basolateral membrane protein of surface epithelial cells=up in colon epithelial cell differentiation and down in colorectal neoplasms=RTP, induced by homocysteine, 2-ME and tunicamycin=Cap43,induced by Ni2+
7246 D13630 Similar to KIAA0005
7328 X64652 MSSP-1=single stranded DNA binding protein
7334 U01160 Similar to SAS=sarcoma amplified sequence=transmembrane 4 superfamily protein
7337   Unknown
7340 X13709 Similar to gluthatione peroxidase
7342 L00972 Cystathionine-beta-synthase (CBS)
7344 M14963 ornithine aminotransferase
7374 AF055376 c-maf
7377 U25276 Newcastle disease virus inducible protein
7379   Unknown
7381 M15856 Lipoprotein lipase
7383 AB013095 Similar to heme-binding protein
7384 D82343 AMY=neuroblastoma-specific and nerve tissue-specific gene=similar to neuronal olfactomedin-related ER localized protein (D2Sut1e)
7385 AB007860 KIAA0400=Similar to SrcSH3 binding protein
7387   Unknown
7389 Z96047 Similar to (Z96047) DY3.6
7429 X67209 Similar to npdc-1
7430   Unknown
7434 S81083 adducin beta subunit 63 kda isoform=membrane skeleton protein
7461   Unknown
7462   Unknown
7466   Unknown
7467 X15051 Similar to NCAM-140 and NCAM-180 isoforms=neural cell adhesion molecule
7470 AF052728 HERG-USO=K+ channel
7471   Unknown
7495 M34064 N-Cadherin=Neural cadherin precursor
7496   Unknown
7502   Unknown
7504   Unknown
7505 X75756 PKC mu=Protein kinase C, mu
7550   Unknown
7557 U74612 Similar to hepatocyte nuclear factor-3/fork head homolog 11A
7558   Unknown
7125   Unknown
1287070   No sequences in Genbank
491121 AA137031 SOCS-2=STAT induced STAT inhibitor-2=CIS2
1566683 AI091662 TECK chemokine
1641007 AI040940 Aiolos=zinc finger transcription factor in Ikaros family that negatively regulates B cell receptor signaling, germinal center formation and lymphomagenesis
1591736 AA953113 High affinity Fc epsilon receptor I,beta polypeptide
1577736 AA954947 Epidermal growth factor
1574140 AA938268 Granzyme H=CTLA1=T-lymphocyte-associated serine esterase 1
1556433 AA935273 GRO3=GRO gamma=MIP2 beta=macrophage inflammatory protein-2 beta=chemokine
299721 N75054 ETO=putative zinc finger transcription factor fused to AML1 in t(8;21)(q22;q22.3) AML
1504500 AA904907 tal2=bHLH protein translocated in t(7,9)(q35;q34) T-ALL
1461158 AA868028 MSH4=DNA mismatch repair protein=mutS homologue
1373400 AA826292 AMP-activated protein kinase (hAMPK)
1354423 AA831242 Similar to BID apoptotic death agonist (Mus)
1160035 AA887962 HB9=homeobox cells expressed in germinal center B cells, activated T cells and pancreas, colon and small intestine
1113948 AA601983 MSH3=DNA mismatch repair protein=mutS homologue
838408 AA458814 TAFII105=TFIID associated protein expressed preferentially in B cells
745272 AA625551 hoxA7 homeobox protein
703520 AA278718 Similar to Mad3 (Mus)=MAX-binding protein=antagonizer of myc transcriptional activity
668582 AA243694 SAP=SH2D1A=DSHP=Duncan's disease SH2 protein=xlp gene=X-linked lymphoproliferative disorder gene
666084 AA193414 tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 4
611608 AA176401 Protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 3 (glycogen and sarcoplasmic reticulum binding subunit, skeletal muscle)
530958 AA070437 smoothened
526542 AA129963 RhoB=transforming gene=induced by epidermal growth factor and by platelet-derived growth factor through src family tyrosine kinases
344953 W72867 Similar to LEF1 (Mus)=lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1 transcription factor in TCF family
365348 AA025166 fus=fused to CHOP in t(12;16)(q13:p11)malignant myxoid liposarcoma and to erg in t(16;21)(p11;q22) myeloid malignacies
291693 N67837 Rho8=RhoE
245547 N55167 KIAA0700=Similar to mSIN3B co-repressor
231144   TTG-1=Rhombotin-1=translocated in t(11;14)(p15;q11) T cell acute lymphocytic leukemia=cysteine rich protein with LIM motif
180902 R87777 Similar to apoptosis activator Mtd (Mus) and Bcl-2-related ovarian killer protein (Bok) (rat)
180787 R87700 MDC protein
681948 AA256123 FHIT=diadenosine triphosphate (Ap3A) hydrolase gene=tumor suppressor deleted in digestive tract cancer
79829 T64026 HER4=P180ERBB4=Epidermal growth factor receptor
73831 T54801 Wilms tumor 1
32064 R41878 Rho6
28941 R40953 Notch 1=TAN-1=Notch homologue translocated int(7;9)(q34;q34.3) T
lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL)
1578721 AA972853 c-cbl=Casitas B-lineage lymphoma protein=syk-inhibiting adaptor protein
1574779 AA970475 frizzled=receptor for WNT proteins
1570420 AA931884 I-309=Small inducible cytokine A1=homologous to mouse Tca-3=chemokine
1560977 AA975010 HLX1=homeobox gene expressed in activated lymphocytes
1541879 AA927946 CD1b antigen (thymocyte antigen)
1525595 AA913164 pre-T cell receptor alpha-type chain precursor,
1521706 AA906952 Jagged 2=Notch1 ligand
1504387 AA897612 Heptocyte growth factor activator
1467195 AA884709 Cytochrome P450 11 beta
1402675 AA855030 ARC=inhibitor of apoptosis expressed in skeletal muscle andheart that interacts selectively with caspases
1340276 AA937954 ATPase, DNA-binding protein (HIP116)=RAD16 homologue
769600 AA425900 Uracil-DNA glycosylase
1283779 AA744878 guanine nucleotide exchange factor
1204159 AA654771 Probable G protein-coupled receptor GPR3
1046542 AA621155 MSH5=DNA mismatch repair protein=mutS homologue
1115912 AA603431 PLZF=POZ zinc finger protein translocated to RAR alpha in varant form of acute promyelocytic leukemia
1074756 AA576965 dishevelled 1=Homolog of Drosophila segment polarity gene
1074735 AA576961 PQ-rich protein=Similar to TDAG51 inducer of fas expression following TCR ligation (Mus)
1008866 AA225146 Acid phosphatase, prostate
141815 R70685 Jagged 1 (HJ1)=Notch1 ligand
824747 AA489004 Ku86=86 kD subunit of Ku protein involved in double stranded DNA repair and VDJ recombination
784928 AA447640 SRPUL=sushi-repeat-containing complement control protein upregulated in leukemia with E2A-HLF translocation
774488 AA446256 retinoic acid-responsive protein (NN8-4AG)
772196 AA404324 FGF-4=heparin secretory transforming protein 1=Kaposi sarcoma oncogene
771775 AA469302 can=translocated in (6;9) acute myeloid leukemia
743576 AA609457 Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isoenzyme 1
725308 AA291556 ras inhibitor mRNA, 3' end
704532 AA279762 Nmi=IL-2 and IFN-gamma inducible potentiator of STAT -induced transcription=interacts with N-myc, C-myc, Max, and other leucine zipper transcription factors
667461 AA228124 Hrad1=cell cycle checkpoint protein
841282 AA487193 frizzled related protein frpHE
664220 AA232311 Basigin=collagenase stimulatory factor (EMMPRIN)=extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer
633044 AA161469 RIP2=CARDIAK=RICK=protein kinase with a caspase recruitment domain, interacts with CLARP, activates caspase 1 and regulates CD95-mediated apoptosis
612662   Alkaline phosphatase, intestinal
49464 H15112 ung=uracil DNA-glycosylase
563115 AA113226 Ku70=70 kD subunit of Ku protein involved in double stranded DNA repair and VDJ recombination
548971 AA121257 dishevelled 2=Homolog of Drosophila segment polarity gene
529177 AA065217 Frizzled-6
506286 AA709305 MMP-10=Matrix metalloproteinase 10=Stromelysin-2
503206 AA148925 SMBP2=DNA-binding protein specific to the single-stranded guanine-rich sequence in the immunoglobulin mu chain switch region
491727 AA150487 Alkaline phosphatase, placental (Regan isozyme)
490111 AA137218 O-6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase
269606 N26769 N-methylpurine-DNA glycosylase
357038   RASI-1=matrix metalloproteinase
756502 AA443998 MutT (E. coli) homolog (8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanosine triphosphatase)
204257 H59231 metalloprotease/disintegrin/cysteine-rich protein precursor (MDC9)
274597   MDMX= MDM2-like p53-binding protein
270908   Toll protein homologue
730405 AA470081 ABF-1= Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor Expressed in Activated B Lymphocytes
264951 N21248 NBS1=nibrin=cell cycle regulatory protein p95=Defective in Nijmegen breakage syndrome and involved in double strand DNA break repair
264560   Branched chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase
259579 N29765 RAD51D
254444 N22204 frezzled (fre)
221860   HRY
292042 N73287 Daxx=enhancer of fas-mediated apoptosis which binds to the fas death domain and activates JNK
201268   receptor tyrosine kinase ligand LERK-7 precursor (EPLG7)
198982 R95732 putative DNA methyltransferase (DNMT2)
159475 H15756 dishevelled 3=Homolog of Drosophila segment polarity gene=KIAA0208
66731 T64905 ARP1= target for the human acute leukemia ALL1/MLL/HRX gene
454475 AA677340 Phosphorylase kinase, alpha 2 (liver), glycogen storage disease IX
1292432   MAD1=human mitotic checkpoint protein=TXBP181=tax1-binding protein
45075 H08631 hTCF-4=TCF family member expressed in colonic epithelium activated by interaction with beta catenin (blocked by APC/beta catenin binding)
358433 W96099 RXR-gamma=retinoid X receptor-gamma
31298   Ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator mRNA
30502 R41685 Delta=ligand for Notch receptor=neuroendocrine-specific protein A (NSP)
2020937 AI365420 Leukocyte tyrosine kinase
1752018 AI150354 flt3=flk-2=STK-1=FL cytokine receptor=receptor tyrosine kinase
2116278 AI399993 flt3 ligand=FL=costimulatory cytokine for hematopoietic progenitors
1581406 AA983817 CD80=B7-1=CD28 and CTLA-4 counter-receptor 1
1934125 AI334352 Cytochrome P450 XIB2 (aldosterone synthase)
1893144 AI277821 XIAP=ILP=IAP-like protein
247281 N57964 CCR6=STRL22=chemokine receptor for MIP-3 alpha/LARC/Exodus on activated B cells
911279 AA483223 brk tyrosine kinase
1703954 AI160261 adhesion molecule DNAM-1
2092585 AI381503 IL-5 receptor, alpha
1629648 AA984228 IL-12 receptor, beta-2
1942138 AI206224 receptor protein-tyrosine kinase (HEK8)
767779   Hrk=harakiri=activates apoptosis and interacts selectively with Bcl-2 and Bcl-X(L)
1522301 AA907433 MDC=STCP-1=macrophage-derived chemokine precursor=CC chemokinechemotactic for dendritic cells and naturalkiller cells
1952906 AI205276 cdk3=cell division protein kinase 3
1030351 AA554678 I-TAC=H174=SCYB9B=Interferon stimulated chemokine for activated T cells
1899192 AI288845 CRAM-B=CRAM-A=chemokine receptor X
114735 T85359 Cytochrome P450 IVF3
1072990 AA593693 Cytochrome P450, subfamily XXI (steroid 21-hydroxylase, congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
1713165 AI126520 G protein-coupled receptor
594540 AA169807 PTC=Patched=tumor suppressor for Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome
646079   KARP-1=induced by DNA damage in a p53- and ATM-dependent fashion=leucine zipper protein expressed from the Ku86autoantigen locus is implicated in the control of DNA-dependentprotein kinase activity
789369 AA464856 Inhibitor of DNA binding 4, dominant negative helix-loop-helix protein
1641901 AI018418 Notch 2
134246 R31103 Notch4=Homolog of mouse mammary tumor oncogene int-3
1942893 AI206942 cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator isoform p39i
1711940 AI129421 IL-18=IGIF=Interferon gamma inducing factor
1650500 AI027909 Rho7
787874 AA452155 ZNF198=fused to fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 in the t(8;13)(p11;q12) myeloproliferative syndrome
277229 N41021 TIL3=Toll/interleukin-1 receptor-like protein 3
271670 N35070 Tweak=Apo3/DR3 ligand (APO3L)=Widely expressed TNF family member that can induce apoptosis
797387 AA580935 BAF53a=53 kDa subunit of SWI/SNF complexes; actin-related protein (ARP)=component of BAF complex that binds to chromatin after T lymphocyte receptor signaling
50992 H18438 GADD45 gamma=growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible protein family
789155 AA450127 GADD45 beta=growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible protein family
2117149 AI417018 GBP=FRAT2=GSK-3 binding protein
431651 AA676452 cyclin T
51882 H23219 TRRAP=ATM-related cofactor for c-Myc and E2F
29873 R42202 DEDD=death effector domain containing protein, targeted to the nucleolus
1475422 AA857431 MSK2=mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase-2
258657 N32230 BCAR3=breast cancer antiestrogen resistance 3 protein
669310 AA236747 mitogen activated protein kinase activated protein kinase
344384 W73386 CIDE-A=cell death activator with homology to 45 kDa subunit of DNA fragmentation factor
46705 H09986 MSK1=nuclear mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase-1
471399 AA034525 protein phosphatase 2C alpha 2
294478 N68639 PACT=protein activator of the interferon-induced protein kinase
490004 AA121532 CLF-1=cytokine-like factor-1
148877 H13153 cyclin E2
855949 AA630424 cyclin K=CPR4
754178 AA478782 IKAP=IkappaB kinase complex associated protein
302800 N89899 SAP clone 21 T cell signal transduction molecule
587627 AA132981 IKK-gamma=IkB kinase gamma subunit
665394 AA195039 BUBR1=protein kinase homolog
46154 H09066 BAP1=BRCA1 associated protein 1
2015885 AI363156 Bcd=proto-oncogene=B cell-restricted gene
324267 W47540 IEX-1L=apoptosis inhibitor
305271 N95048 PIASx-beta=protein inhibitor of activated STAT protein
1031858 AA609704 PIASx-alpha=protein inhibitor of activated STAT protein
23661   PIASy=protein inhibitor of activated STAT protein
38789 R51327 PIAS1=protein inhibitor of activated STAT protein
269271   CIS4=inhibitor of cytokine signaling
612700 AA179518 BCL10=E10=CLAP=CARD-containing apoptotic signaling protein=translocated and mutated in MALT lymphoma and other cancers
434166 AA693791 Grap2=Gads=Grb2-related adaptor protein 2
1271400 AA749075 SKAP-HOM=SKAP55-related adaptor protein
586650 AA129135 hENT1=placental equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1=implicated in the cellular uptake of adenosine and chemotherapeutic drugs
52055 H24322 BID=BH3 interacting domain=proapoptotic BCL-2 family member
234993 H79126 SODD=silencer of death domains=Inhibitor of TNF receptor signaling
1758336 AI220766 BRAK=CXC chemokine
2108870 AI391519 CKA-3=GCP-2=granulocyte chemotactic protein-2=chemokine alpha 3
1858196 AI225077 MPIF-1=myeloid progenitor inhibitory factor-1=hmrp-2a=C6 beta-chemokine
1841782 AI219836 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase gamma regulatory subunit (p55)
1952067 AI355747 Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase betaregulatory subunit (p85)
418422 W92812 CTAP-III=NAP2=connective tissue activation peptide III=neutrophil-stimulating peptide 2=chemokine
364977 AA024823 PF4=platelet factor 4=chemokine
324437 W46900 GRO1=GRO alpha=melanoma growth stimulatory activity (MGSA)=chemokine
1687636 AI168344 MCP-2= monocyte chemotactic protein-2=chemokine
1866488 AI271715 HCC-2=chemokine linked toHCC-1=expression restricted to gut and liver
1941548 AI206322 CCR8=chemokine receptor-like protein TER1
1565135 AA931389 C5a anaphylatoxin G protein-coupled receptor
853625 AA668388 Platelet-activating factor receptor
196582 R91685 NIX=BNIP3 homologue=pro-apoptotic mitochondrial protein that interacts with BCL-2 family members
300194 N78784 Bim=pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family member
51402 H18946 LIR-2=PIR homologue
1422194 AA834056 LIR-3=PIR homologue
545258 AA076350 LIR-5=PIR homologue
2032639 AI253652 LIR-6=PIR homologue
277906 N63398 LIR-7=PIR homologue
1011527 AA229100 LIR-8=PIR homologue
1324097 AA745989 LIR-1=PIR homologue
2092251 AI381930 Similar to EBF=early B cell factor
781017 AA446027 EGR-2=early growth response gene-2
346544 W74421 RANK=receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B
1623458 AA992735 OPG=osteoprotegerin=secreted TNF family protein involved in the regulation of bone density
591081 AA161113 RIP2=CARDIAK=RICK=protein kinase with a caspase recruitment domain, interacts with CLARP, activates caspase 1 and regulates CD95-mediated apoptosis
1300641 AA721264 LyP1=lymphoid phosphatase=homologue of 70zpep
788251 AA454095 CD2BP2=CD2 cytoplasmic domain binding protein
299357 N75585 protein phosphatase X=Interacts with c-Rel and stimulatesc-Rel/NF-kB activity
625472 AA187284 SARA= FYVE domain protein that recruits Smad2 to the TGFbeta receptor
781198 AA446211 TIAF-1=TGF-b1-Induced protein that Inhibits TNF cytotoxicity
30981 R41905 Glucokinase (hexokinase 4, maturity onset diabetes of the young 2)
1169841 AA635879 Hexokinase 3 (white cell)
840158 AA485272 Hexokinase 1
741474 AA401111 Glucose phosphate isomerase
489626 AA099169 Phosphofructokinase, muscle
950682 AA608558 Phosphofructokinase, platelet
346009 W72140 Phosphofructokinase (liver type)
878578 AA775241 Aldolase A
213607 H72098 Aldolase B, fructose-bisphosphate
23831 R39463 Aldolase C, fructose-bisphosphate
855749 AA663983 Triosephosphate isomerase 1
645081 AA197335 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase
949939 AA599187 Phosphoglycerate kinase 1
307207 N93414 Phosphoglycerate mutase 2 (muscle)
526460 AA116005 Enolase 1, (alpha)
789147 AA450123 Enolase 2, (gamma, neuronal)
627928 AA196247 Enolase 3, (beta, muscle)
650222 AA218978 Pyruvate kinase, muscle
127841 R08829 Pyruvate kinase, liver
826077 AA521401 Pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) beta
1690671 AI143449 Homo sapiens pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoenzyme 3 (PDK3) mRNA, complete cds
594120 AA169469 Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isoenzyme 4
813648 AA447748 Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (E3 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, 2-oxo-glutarate complex, branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase complex)
279665 N48320 Dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase (E2 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex)
49860 H29475 Homo sapiens pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoenzyme 2 (PDK2) mRNA, complete cds
271006 N29901 Dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase (E2 component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex)
1542260 AA927400 Pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component, alpha subunit, testis-specific form precursor
290753 N67639 Homo sapiens citrate synthase mRNA, complete cds
859228 AA666366 Homo sapiens NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mRNA, complete cds
810316 AA464139 Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0631 protein, partial cds
810942 AA459380 Human clone ID 193225 NAD (H)-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase gamma subunit mRNA, alternatively spliced, partial cds
869375 AA679907 Isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (NADP+), mitochondrial
122150 T98497 Human NAD+-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase beta subunit precursor, mRNA, nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, complete cds
135213 R32730 Oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (lipoamide)
292612 N68557 Homo sapiens GTP-specific succinyl-CoA synthetase beta subunit (SCS) mRNA, partial cds
712888 AA282208 Homo sapiens ATP-specific succinyl-CoA synthetase beta subunit (SCS) mRNA, partial cds
797016 AA463510 Succinate dehydrogenase 1, iron sulphur (Ip) subunit
80915 T70043 Succinate dehydrogenase
469412 AA026918 Fumarate hydratase
857264 AA669689 Malate oxidoreductase
725188 AA403295 Malate dehydrogenase, cytoplasmic
610199 AA171548 Homo sapiens malate dehydrogenase precursor (MDH) mRNA, nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, complete cds
433253 AA699427 Fructose-bisphosphatase 1
1457103 AA862625 Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 (soluble)
108378 T77729 Pyruvate carboxylase
51702 H22856 Glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1, soluble (aspartate aminotransferase 1)
841370 AA487521 Glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 2, mitochondrial (aspartate aminotransferase 2)
783998 AA443284 AF-9=Translocated to MLL in AML
1217836 AA662221 NAIP=Neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein
502369 AA156940 TFAR19=may enhance growth factor-induced apoptosis
2013770 AI359625 Human herpesvirus entry mediator (HSV1)=TR2=tumor necrosis factor receptor-like gene 2
810403 AA464202 CHTH2=Selectively expression on the surface of human T helper2 cells
730053 AA416978 lok=STK10 encoding lymphocyte-oriented kinase
2157728 AI480280 Meis1=cooperates with Hox genes and induces myeloid leukemia in mice
486567 AA042975 VIAF=interacts with IAP proteins
47518 H11320 ARX=anthracycline-resistance gene=HRIHFB2115
144675 R76099 TLR3=Toll-like receptor 3
768205 AA424871 HOX4C homeobox protein
150702 H02243 Homeo box B5 (2.1 protein)
897497 AA496921 Homeo box A9
841331 AA487434 monocyte to macrophage differentiation mRNA
154999 R54735 SIL=frequently disrupted in T-ALL
795877 AA460152 serum-inducible kinase
365826 AA025819 Growth arrest-specific 1
455025 AA676705 CGR19=cell growth inhibitory ring finger protein upregulated in wtp53 cells
611075 AA173290 HOXA1 homeobox protein
897575 AA497031 Unknown
785930 AA449704 Homeo box A4
1434905 AA857101 Homeo box c1
1388373 AA844124 Unknown
1321677   pre-T/NK cell associated protein (3B3)
1155071 AA706301 HOX-A5 homeobox protein
811161 AA485752 ABC50=TNF-alpha stimulated ABC protein
813481 AA456069 Hoxb-13 homeobox protein
1234045 AA688289 FAIM=Fas apoptosis inhibitory molecule=Induced by BCR crosslinking and blocks fas-induced death
768296 AA424735 phosphatidylinositol glycan, class A (paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria)
460487 AA677706 lactotransferrin
416803 W86776 Unknown
45632 H08732 glycogen synthase 1 (muscle)
144786 R77227 biglycan
127509 R09069 glucan (1,4-alpha-), branching enzyme 1 (glycogen branching enzyme, Andersen disease, glycogen storage disease type IV)
233927 H65984 ribophorin I
214162 H77597 metallothionein
365098 AA025112 Unknown
203544 H56028 Unknown
111721 T91091 Unknown
358456 W96107 Unknown
142944 R71627 Unknown
127636 R09196 Unknown
292515 N68465 UDP-N-acteylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase 1; Sperm associated antigen 2
129585 R16539 Unknown
547247 AA085319 stanniocalcin
485195 AA039323 claudin 3
469924 AA029757 Unknown
207771 H58949 Unknown
207665 H62267 Unknown
292424 N68408 Unknown
244815 N54425 Unknown
841620 AA487460 dihydropyrimidinase-like 2
196501 R91550 ARP=arginine-rich protein
838802 AA457671 procollagen-proline, 2-oxoglutarate 4-dioxygenase (proline 4-hydroxylase), alpha polypeptide 1
108395 T77840 discs, large (Drosophila) homolog 5
49920 H28984 Phosphatidylserine synthase I
897781 AA598517 keratin 8
840818 AA486239 filamin B, beta (actin-binding protein-278)
248454 N59626 protein disulfide isomerase related protein (ERp72) (clone pA3)
668685 AA233185 insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1
124070 R02578 Unknown
207358 H58873 glucose transporter (HepG2)
754436 AA410207 Kinesin light chain
35191 R45235 SDF2=stromal cell-derived factor-2
562927 AA085597 leucine rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 1
180864 R87763 intercellular adhesion molecule 5, telencephalin
814615 AA480995 NAD-dependent methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase
511521 AA126265 Calnexin=integral membrane protein
81417 T60163 ribonuclease L (2',5'-oligoisoadenylate synthetase-dependent)
202535 H53340 metallothionein-IG (MT1G) (clone 14VS)
756600 AA481464 peptidylprolyl isomerase B (cyclophilin B)
767851 AA418674 fibrillin 1 (Marfan syndrome)
83444 T68568 solute carrier family 10 (sodium/bile acid cotransporter family), member 1
85690 T62086 heparin cofactor II
143443 R76437 thromboxane A synthase 1 (platelet, cytochrome P450, subfamily V)
207082 H48494 Putative glucosamine-6-phosphate isomerase
210789 H64380 angiotensinogen
78736 T61888 Unknown
666279 AA233805 Unknown
46896 H09818 Unknown
951048 AA620428 Unknown
767819 AA418726 KIAA0763
25718 R37093 clone 24529 mRNA
626555 AA186348 neuropathy target esterase
33293 R43956 Unknown
144797 R76553 Unknown
222454 H84077 Unknown
206052 H61552 Unknown
23819 R39446 white protein homolog
610113 AA169814 sorting nexin 2
744417 AA621218 carnitine acetyltransferase
784360 AA447196 clone 23662 mRNA
295985 N67039 Unknown
42225 R60731 Unknown
855406 AA664003 Unknown
898249 AA598674 Unknown
784126 AA432063 rhodanese
290841 N71982 histone H2B
284022 N53385 clone L5 unknown mRNA
246722 N57754 CAGH3
279172 N46843 aquaporin 4
34442 R44985 Unknown
194182 H51066 Leptin receptor gene-related protein
669359 AA236793 clone 24405 mRNA
131867 R24543 NET1=guanine nucleotide regulatory protein
137297 R36598 Unknown
293745 N65950 Unknown
796767 AA460732 Unknown
108801 T77893 Unknown
52066 H24347 Unknown
770989 AA427404 Unknown
795871 AA460149 Unknown
813275 AA455940 KIAA0473
280758 N50556 Unknown
417067 W87385 Unknown
67037 T70329 Unknown
305302 N95059 Unknown
122394 T99303 guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha 15 (Gq class)
827132 AA521232 Unknown
770014 AA427491 T cell receptor alpha chain
48886 H16389 mannose receptor, C type 1
754479 AA410188 mRNA expressed in osteoblast
123561 R00822 protease inhibitor 1 (anti-elastase), alpha-1-antitrypsin
842863 AA486403 Drg1=cytoplasm and basolateral membrane protein of surface epithelial cells=up in colon epithelial cell differentiation and down in colorectal neoplasms=RTP, induced by homocysteine, 2-ME and tunicamycin=Cap43,induced by Ni2+
770910 AA434373 ELF-3=ESE-1=ESX=epithelial-specific transcription factor=epithelium-restricted Ets protein
80924 T70037 histidyl-tRNA synthetase
208718 H63077 annexin I (lipocortin I)
321386 W32272 IQGAP2=RasGAP-related protein
687990 AA236957 KIAA0006
811000 AA485353 Mac-2 binding protein
241274 H91164 KIAA0582
788566 AA452826 PEP-19=PCP4=brain-specific polypeptide
430318 AA010609 parvalbumin
897531 AA497002 Muc18=cell surgace glycoprotein
795543 AA459663 antioxidant enzyme AOE37-2
280453 N51583 XIST, coding sequence "a" mRNA (locus DXS399E)
725394 AA292065 Unknown
22895 R38640 insulinoma-associated 1
295798 N66942 putative progesterone binding protein
182797 H45262 putative ATPase
486110 AA040703 profilin 2
200144 R97788 testican
366815 AA029415 Unknown
281043 N50903 Unknown
196005 R92737 Unknown
796199 AA461119 Unknown
49919 H28983 Unknown
358885 W94629 IPFK-2=inducible 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose 2,6-bisphosphatase
898333 AA598849 Unknown
140197 R66101 Unknown
48662 H14988 Unknown
207838 H60298 Unknown
70152 T50041 Unknown
487117 AA045327 Similar to osteoglycin=osteoinductive factor (OIF)=keratan sulfate proteoglycan mimecan
239611 H79534 Hemaglobin epsilon chain
811024 AA485371 bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2
1475633 AA872001 annexin VI (p68)
752754 AA417900 Unknown
306901 N91952 P311 HUM (3.1)
123980 R01638 HYA22
81331 T60075 fatty acid binding protein 5 (psoriasis-associated)
360213 AA013095 potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, beta member 1,
363055 AA019320 Beta -ADD
203514 H55966 Unknown
813841 AA447797 plasminogen activator, tissue
378813 AA683520 secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (antileukoproteinase)
147414 H01340 mixed lineage kinase 2
160723 H24650 laminin, gamma 1 (formerly LAMB2)
345858 W72697 cisplatin resistance associated beta protein (hCRA beta)
138991 R62603 collagen, type VI, alpha 3
23185 R39239 hexabrachion (tenascin C, cytotactin)
809901 AA455157 collagen, type XV, alpha 1
134783 R31701 collagen, type XI, alpha 1
122159 T98612 collagen, type III, alpha 1 (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV, autosomal dominant)
774471 AA446251 laminin, beta 1
810632 AA464748 collagen, type VI, alpha 2
284882 N66737 collagen, type II, alpha 1 (primary osteoarthritis, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, congenital)
609332 AA167223 collagen, type XIV, alpha 1; undulin
1046522 AA621150 NAIP=Neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein
277138 N40919 Unknown
309826 N94616 laminin, alpha 4
877827 AA625632 Ubiquitin
855843 AA664284 Ubiquinol cytochrome C reductase complex 14 KD protein
433567 AA701652 NKG5=natural killer cell and T cell gene
362059 AA001432 laminin, alpha 3 (nicein (150kD), kalinin (165kD), BM600 (150kD), epilegrin)
471642 AA034939 laminin, alpha 2 (merosin, congenital muscular dystrophy)
487429 AA046525 alpha-1 (VI) collagen
769959 AA430540 collagen, type IV, alpha 2
491692 AA150402 collagen, type IV, alpha 1
840466 AA485867 Macrophage receptor MARCO
530282 AA111999 NADH dehydrogenase
784283 AA447502 Unknown
843328 AA485951 Unknown
884480 AA629719 cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIIc
796624 AA460530 orphan G protein-coupled receptor HG38
263716 H99676 collagen, type VI, alpha 1
470001 AA029997 collagen, type IV, alpha 5 (Alport syndrome)
502518 AA156802 laminin, beta 2 (laminin S)
288736 N59214 Mitoxantrone resistance protein 1
810927 AA459311 RFX-B=RFXANK=regulatory factor X-associated ankyrin-containing protein=mutated in bare lymphocyte class II deficient patients
741977 AA401441 B-factor, properdin
289496 N63988 Unknown
562729 AA086471 S100 calcium-binding protein A8 (calgranulin A)
188232 H45668 endothelial Kruppel-like zinc finger protein
725395 AA292074 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2L 6
810444 AA457114 B94 protein
243741 N33920 diubiquitin
80484 T64469 P8 protein
79624 T62627 Nuclear phosphoprotein
488033 AA045793 Unknown
143887 R76394 Unknown
813689 AA453754 DRAK1=death-associated protein kinase-related 1
745402 AA625758 Casein kinase 1, alpha 1
1117285 AA622871 Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1 (Lesch-Nyhan syndrome)
668201 AA252180 NAB2=MADER=melanoma associated delayed early response mRNA=NGFI-A binding protein 2
489530 AA099155 MEF2C=MADS/MEF2-family transcription factor=myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2C
1846785 AI239467 NF1=Neurofibromin
1355980 AA831586 Cyclin D2/KIAK0002=3� end of KIAK0002 cDNA
1857745 AI246712 Glutathione S-transferase M1
1391316   Cytochrome P450, subfamily IIE
1510061 AI147161 MafK=basic-leucine zipper transcription factor
2224726 AI587350 CXCR3=GPR9=CKR-L2=chemokine receptor for Mig and IP-10 on activated T lymphocytes
593690 AA166695 BLyS=BAFF=TNF family memberthat stimulates B cell proliferation and Ig secretion expressed on myeloid cells
305356   FLASH=CED-4-homologue involved in Fas-mediated activation of caspase-8 during apoptosis
161993 H26184 NF-IL6=C/EBP beta
1525111 AA913566 hEZF=Endothelial Kruppel-like zinc finger protein
263925 N20384 MacMarks=myristoylated C kinase substrate
22790 R38636 uPAR=Urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor=monocyte activation antigen (Mo3)
302591 N90273 TTF=rhoH
595517 AA176715 AF-1=IFNg-RII=Interferon gamma receptor accessory factor-1
2119355 AI400952 CRISP-3=cysteine-rich secretory protein-3=target of Oct-2
759170 AA496025 cdc47=mcm7
240732 H90323 mannosyl (alpha-1,3-)-glycoprotein beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
123474 R00707 Stearoyl-CoA desaturase (delta-9-desaturase)
51865 H23187 Carbonic anhydrase II
1914504 AI309973 Apolipoprotein E
884690 AA630016 TCP-1 chaperone=KIAA0002
194214 R83270 TG-interacting factor (TALE family homeobox)
826254 AA520978 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2H (homologous to yeast UBC8)
178825 H49511 Neurogranin
2293643 AI702411 MEF2D=MADS/MEF2-family transcription factor=myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2D
1476011 AA872451 ROR gamma=blocks apoptosis of thymocytes by inducing BCL-XL
783936 AA447372 Delta 1=notch ligand
753973 AA478950 NFAT5=constitutive NFAT that does not interact with AP-1
795792 AA459850 CDP=Cux=CCAAT displacement factor=homeodomain protein that dimerizes to form NF-muNR, that binds the Ig MAR regions
2015920 AI363168 2B4=Receptor for CD48 on NK cells=type I transmembrane protein
1544194 AA909708 VHL=von HIippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressor
173 M89957 CD79B=BCR beta chain=B29 exon3, long splice form only (bp119-430)
174 M89957 CD79B=BCR beta chain=B29 long splice form full length (bp 11-719)
175 M89957 CD79B=BCR beta chain=B29 short splice form full length (bp11-118, 413-719)
1270695   Unknown
1309009 AA748463 Unknown
1670674 AI076213 UnknownUG Hs.72172Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1115 protein, complete cds
1670689 AI076233 UnknownUG Hs.118211ESTs
1670695 AI076235 UnknownUG Hs.174051small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70kD polypeptide (RNP antigen)
1670720 AI077320 UnknownUG Hs.111554ADP-ribosylation factor-like 7
1670722 AI077321 UnknownUG Hs.122406ESTs
1670730 AI077325 UnknownUG Hs.174051small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70kD polypeptide (RNP antigen)
1670731 AI077334 UnknownUG Hs.109804H1 histone family, member X
1670734 AI077326 UnknownUG Hs.226360ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4263743) [H.sapiens]
1670744 AI077341 UnknownUG Hs.7019signal-induced proliferation-associated gene 1
1670767 AI073975 UnknownUG Hs.134560ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4559296) [M.musculus]
1670787 AI073992 UnknownUG Hs.159050ESTs
1670800 AI073988 UnknownUG Hs.76977ESTs
1670807 AI074001 UnknownUG Hs.115726ESTs
1670860 AI081234 UnknownUG Hs.14435ESTs, Moderately similar to (defline not available 4836807) [M.musculus]
1670863 AI081244 UnknownUG Hs.181297ESTs
1670883 AI081259 UnknownUG Hs.44021ESTs
1670897 AI081264 UnknownUG Hs.125014ESTs, Moderately similar to (defline not available 3978226) [H.sapiens]
1670901 AI081265 UnknownUG Hs.125014ESTs, Moderately similar to (defline not available 3978226) [H.sapiens]
1670913 AI082344 UnknownUG Hs.183438Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566J153 (from clone DKFZp566J153)
1670916 AI082336 Akt2 kinase=RAC-PK-beta=RAC-beta Ser/Thr protein kinase
1670930 AI082352 UnknownUG Hs.19154KRAB-associated protein 1
1670937 AI082364 MHC Class II=DM beta
1670939 AI082365 UnknownUG Hs.25180purine-rich element binding protein A
1670946 AI082358 UnknownUG Hs.109804H1 histone family, member X
1670951 AI082370 UnknownUG Hs.25180purine-rich element binding protein A
1670972 AI085565 UnknownUG Hs.86412ESTs
1670977 AI085581 Tis11d=ERF-2=growth factor early response gene
1670993 AI085587 UnknownUG Hs.143314ESTs
1671002 AI140995 UnknownUG Hs.126691ESTs
1671003 AI141004 UnknownUG Hs.146627EST
1671015 AI141008 UnknownUG Hs.97437centriole associated protein
1671023 AI141011 UnknownUG Hs.158272ESTs
1671039 AI141026 UnknownUG Hs.135106ESTs
1671076 AI073800 UnknownUG Hs.199250Homo sapiens mRNA for chloride channel protein 4, complete cds
1671111 AI075267 UnknownUG Hs.60659ESTs, Weakly similar to N-CHIMAERIN [H.sapiens]
1671114 AI075258 UnknownUG Hs.121295ESTs
1671126 AI075274 UnknownUG Hs.101448metastasis associated 1
1671132 AI075277 UnknownUG Hs.159336ESTs, Highly similar to p116Rip [M.musculus]
1671134 AI075278 UnknownUG Hs.181243calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha 1I subunit
1671147 AI087042 UnknownUG Hs.171264ESTs
1671160 AI087039 UnknownUG Hs.153403ESTs
1671163 AI087048 IRF-4=LSIRF=Mum1=homologue of Pip=Lymphoid-specific interferon regulatory factor =Multiple myeloma oncogene 1
1671168 AI087050 UnknownUG Hs.199250Homo sapiens mRNA for chloride channel protein 4, complete cds
1671185 AI087063 UnknownUG Hs.90997ESTs
1671196 AI086010 UnknownUG Hs.104643ESTs
1671237 AI086040 UnknownUG Hs.143304ESTs
1671243 AI085248 UnknownUG Hs.41045ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 3882189) [H.sapiens]
1671259 AI085254 Akt2 kinase=RAC-PK-beta=RAC-beta Ser/Thr protein kinase
1671300 AI083668 UnknownUG Hs.50601ESTs
1671325 AI083692 UnknownUG Hs.101448metastasis associated 1
1671333 AI083695 UnknownUG Hs.18113ESTs
1671338 AI084047 UnknownUG Hs.125753ESTs
1671341 AI084058 UnknownUG Hs.143304ESTs
1671344 AI084049 UnknownUG Hs.206761ESTs
1671347 AI084061 UnknownUG Hs.183438Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566J153 (from clone DKFZp566J153)
1671349 AI084062 UnknownUG Hs.143702ESTs, Weakly similar to SPLICEOSOME ASSOCIATED PROTEIN 49 [H.sapiens]
1671365 AI084075 UnknownUG Hs.172278syntrophin, beta 2 (dystrophin-associated protein A1, 59kD, basic component 2)
1671395 AI084218 UnknownUG Hs.151944ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4151328) [H.sapiens]
1671405 AI084220 UnknownUG Hs.169577ESTs, Weakly similar to coded for by C. elegans cDNA yk20f8.5 [C.elegans]
1671407 AI084221 UnknownUG Hs.143254ESTs
1671416 AI084223 Unknown
1671417 AI084232 Unknown
1671491 AI028383 UnknownUG Hs.176788EST
1671604 AI027841 UnknownUG Hs.44021ESTs
1671630 AI057018 UnknownUG Hs.127294ESTs, Weakly similar to GOLIATH PROTEIN [D.melanogaster]
1671665 AI057048 UnknownUG Hs.14435ESTs, Moderately similar to (defline not available 4836807) [M.musculus]
1671683 AI052406 UnknownUG Hs.158288ESTs, Highly similar to nuclear protein, 25K [M.musculus]
1671698 AI052410 UnknownUG Hs.32865ESTs, Weakly similar to B120 [H.sapiens]
1671722 AI056555 UnknownUG Hs.181297ESTs
1671735 AI056568 UnknownUG Hs.41040ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4995303) [H.sapiens]
1671737 AI056569 UnknownUG Hs.22960spliceosome associated protein, amplified in breast cancer
1671749 AI056581 UnknownUG Hs.169917ESTs, Weakly similar to proline-rich protein MP2 [M.musculus]
1671817 AI056457 UnknownUG Hs.221642ESTs
1671821 AI056458 UnknownUG Hs.153403ESTs
1671836 AI056455 UnknownUG Hs.57100ESTs
1671846 AI056465 UnknownUG Hs.133501ESTs
1671865 AI051661 UnknownUG Hs.181202ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4096372) [R.norvegicus]
1671868 AI051655 UnknownUG Hs.165664Homo sapiens HERG-USO (HERG) mRNA, alternatively spliced, partial cds
1671880 AI051658 UnknownUG Hs.172278syntrophin, beta 2 (dystrophin-associated protein A1, 59kD, basic component 2)
1671907 AI051685 UnknownUG Hs.111554ADP-ribosylation factor-like 7
1671919 AI057180 UnknownUG Hs.39850ESTs, Weakly similar to Fur1p: Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase [S.cerevisiae]
1671924 AI057172 UnknownUG Hs.75450delta sleep inducing peptide, immunoreactor
1671927 AI057183 UnknownUG Hs.134556ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4929495) [H.sapiens]
1671931 AI057185 UnknownUG Hs.7019signal-induced proliferation-associated gene 1
1671944 AI057189 UnknownUG Hs.75922ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4008089) [H.sapiens]
1672016 AI074513 UnknownUG Hs.47325ESTs
1672061 AI122689 UnknownUG Hs.150708EST
1672066 AI122683 Unknown
1672070 AI122684 UnknownUG Hs.173786Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586H2022 (from clone DKFZp586H2022)
1672079 AI122694 UnknownUG Hs.170019core-binding factor, runt domain, alpha subunit 3
1672091 AI122706 UnknownUG Hs.181202ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4096372) [R.norvegicus]
1672104 AI076056 UnknownUG Hs.47325ESTs
1672109 AI076067 UnknownUG Hs.110095ESTs
1672136 AI076074 UnknownUG Hs.143525ESTs
1672186 AI076903 UnknownUG Hs.5260ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4680655) [H.sapiens]
1672199 AI076914 UnknownUG Hs.5894ESTs
1672201 AI090305 UnknownUG Hs.144119EST
1672340 AI090419 UnknownUG Hs.126691ESTs
1672402 AI095181 UnknownUG Hs.25817Homo sapiens chromosome 19, cosmid R27216
1672498 AI089521 UnknownUG Hs.166554ESTs, Moderately similar to hypothetical protein 458 [H.sapiens]
1672503 AI146755 UnknownUG Hs.7165zinc finger protein 259
1672507 AI146756 Unknown
1672511 AI146757 UnknownUG Hs.143534ESTs
1672516 AI146759 UnknownUG Hs.146720ESTs, Moderately similar to platelet glycoprotein IIb precursor [H.sapiens]
1672522 AI146762 UnknownUG Hs.143525ESTs
1672529 AI146771 UnknownUG Hs.158008ESTs
1672532 AI146764 UnknownUG Hs.166554ESTs, Moderately similar to hypothetical protein 458 [H.sapiens]
1672537 AI144314 UnknownUG Hs.146700ESTs
1672540 AI144306 Unknown
1672541 AI144316 Unknown
1672543 AI144317 Unknown
1672546 AI144308 UnknownUG Hs.203585EST
1672548 AI144309 UnknownUG Hs.7891ESTs, Weakly similar to JM2 [H.sapiens]
1672550 AI144310 UnknownUG Hs.175593EST
1672561 AI144336 UnknownUG Hs.220324DJ283E3.6.1 (PUTATIVE novel protein similar to many (archae)bacterial, worm and yeast hypothetical proteins)
1672566 AI144328 Unknown
1672572 AI144331 Unknown
1672581 AI144343 Unknown
1672583 AI144344 CD62L=L-selectin=LAM-1=leukocyte adhesion molecule-1
1966805 AI242512 Unknown
1966815 AI242515 UnknownUG Hs.181990ESTs
1966840 AI242393 UnknownUG Hs.172085ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4680677) [H.sapiens]
1966868 AI242408 UnknownUG Hs.148956ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4514561) [M.musculus]
1966870 AI242409 Unknown
1966878 AI242420 Unknown
1966885 AI242432 UnknownUG Hs.148963ESTs
1966895 AI242435 Unknown
1966898 AI242520 Unknown
1966900 AI242521 UnknownUG Hs.12702Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586N012 (from clone DKFZp586N012)
1966901 AI242527 UnknownUG Hs.156054ESTs
1966909 AI242531 UnknownUG Hs.148963ESTs
1966935 AI242613 UnknownUG Hs.148965EST
1966938 AI242607 UnknownUG Hs.155113ESTs
1966961 AI242633 Unknown
1966969 AI242646 UnknownUG Hs.187051EST
1966971 AI242647 Unknown
1966978 AI242640 Unknown
1966979 AI242650 Unknown
1966995 AI270390 UnknownUG Hs.145815EST
1967003 AI270394 Unknown
1967004 AI270385 Unknown
1967017 AI246119 UnknownUG Hs.179979ESTs
1967026 AI246118 Unknown
1967040 AI246128 UnknownUG Hs.12702Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586N012 (from clone DKFZp586N012)
1967041 AI246138 Unknown
1967051 AI246141 UnknownUG Hs.118174tetratricopeptide repeat domain 3
1967078 AI246189 Unknown
1967081 AI246196 Unknown
1967083 AI246197 Unknown
1967091 AI246211 Unknown
1967095 AI246213 UnknownUG Hs.154963ESTs
1967096 AI246203 Unknown
1967103 AI246216 Unknown
1967107 AI246218 UnknownUG Hs.192333EST
1967129 AI246315 Unknown
1967152 AI246319 UnknownUG Hs.188099EST
1967156 AI246320 Unknown
1967184 AI246267 Unknown
1967190 AI246269 Unknown
1967196 AI246333 UnknownUG Hs.149198EST
1967207 AI246341 Unknown
1967208 AI246382 Unknown
1967218 AI246385 UnknownUG Hs.175767ESTs
1967248 AI240237 UnknownUG Hs.148840EST
1967253 AI240241 Unknown
1967254 AI240238 Unknown
1967265 AI246405 Unknown
1967266 AI246401 Unknown
1967280 AI246406 Unknown
1967281 AI246410 UnknownUG Hs.125028ESTs, Weakly similar to unknown protein [R.norvegicus]
1967284 AI246407 Unknown
1967288 AI246408 Unknown
1967291 AI246412 UnknownUG Hs.149201ESTs
1967312 AI240335 Unknown
1967314 AI240336 Unknown
1967321 AI240441 UnknownUG Hs.139167ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SP WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1967354 AI240347 UnknownUG Hs.148851EST
1967355 AI240351 Unknown
1967358 AI240349 Unknown
1967361 AI240352 Unknown
1967364 AI240453 Unknown
1967369 AI240458 Unknown
1967370 AI240456 Unknown
1967400 AI281371 UnknownUG Hs.141317ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1967402 AI281372 Unknown
1967405 AI281381 UnknownUG Hs.138841ESTs
1967406 AI281373 Unknown
1967417 AI281385 Unknown
1967431 AI281396 UnknownUG Hs.160689EST
1967437 AI281399 UnknownUG Hs.149553ESTs, Weakly similar to transposon LRE2 reverse transcriptase homolog [H.sapiens]
1967438 AI281392 Unknown
1967452 AI281442 Unknown
1967454 AI281443 Unknown
1967476 AI281462 Unknown
1967482 AI281463 UnknownUG Hs.181990ESTs
1967484 AI281464 UnknownUG Hs.38038ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS C WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1967489 AI281475 UnknownUG Hs.182225RNA binding motif protein 3
1967491 AI281476 UnknownUG Hs.149553ESTs, Weakly similar to transposon LRE2 reverse transcriptase homolog [H.sapiens]
1967577 AI368359 UnknownUG Hs.158558EST
1967590 AI368358 UnknownUG Hs.119583ESTs
1967597 AI370174 Unknown
1967604 AI370167 UnknownUG Hs.3628mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4
1967608 AI370169 UnknownUG Hs.158618ESTs
1967611 AI370179 Unknown
1967616 AI370181 UnknownUG Hs.158619EST
1967620 AI370182 UnknownUG Hs.105251ESTs
1967636 AI370189 Unknown
1967641 AI370211 UnknownUG Hs.56276ESTs
1967642 AI370200 UnknownUG Hs.175767ESTs
1967647 AI370214 Unknown
1967663 AI370221 Unknown
1967666 AI370334 Unknown
1967670 AI370336 Unknown
1967687 AI370351 UnknownUG Hs.177096ESTs
1967691 AI370234 UnknownUG Hs.176356EST
1967696 AI370225 Unknown
1967706 AI370230 UnknownUG Hs.202282ESTs
1967715 AI370252 T cell receptor beta chain
1967716 AI370243 Unknown
1967738 AI370263 UnknownUG Hs.198849ESTs
1967763 AI370361 Unknown
1967771 AI370363 Unknown
1967774 AI370356 UnknownUG Hs.163313ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1967782 AI370359 UnknownUG Hs.160910ESTs
1967798 AI354472 CD3 gamma
1967806 AI354475 Unknown
1967814 AI354487 Unknown
1967824 AI354492 Unknown
1967827 AI354502 Unknown
1967828 AI354494 Unknown
1967830 AI354495 UnknownUG Hs.160910ESTs
1967841 AI354512 Unknown
1967867 AI354528 UnknownUG Hs.164169ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1967870 AI354523 UnknownUG Hs.164382EST
1967883 AI281535 Unknown
1967889 AI281536 UnknownUG Hs.149555EST
1967895 AI281538 UnknownUG Hs.149556ESTs
1967896 AI281533 UnknownUG Hs.149556ESTs
1967905 AI281542 Unknown
1967923 AI281546 Unknown
1967924 AI281541 Unknown
1967950 AI281594 Unknown
1967951 AI281597 Unknown
1967959 AI281601 Unknown
1968000 AI281646 Unknown
1968012 AI281648 Unknown
1968019 AI281653 UnknownUG Hs.228845EST
1968021 AI281654 T cell receptor beta chain
1968022 AI281651 Unknown
1968038 AI285470 UnknownUG Hs.160703EST
1968056 AI285476 UnknownUG Hs.168941ESTs
1968057 AI285481 Unknown
1968064 AI285479 Unknown
1968065 AI285484 Unknown
1968067 AI285485 Unknown
1968069 AI285486 UnknownUG Hs.176267ESTs
1968118 AI285538 Unknown
1968138 AI285593 Unknown
1968141 AI285600 Unknown
1968166 AI285604 Unknown
1968215 AI285678 UnknownUG Hs.233294ESTs
1968216 AI285739 Unknown
1968222 AI285740 Unknown
1968224 AI285741 Unknown
1968225 AI285746 UnknownUG Hs.149750ESTs
1968227 AI285747 UnknownUG Hs.149750ESTs
1968248 AI285752 UnknownUG Hs.149751ESTs
1968250 AI285753 UnknownUG Hs.149751ESTs
1968252 AI285754 Unknown
1968258 AI285757 Unknown
1968266 AI284423 Unknown
1968276 AI284424 Unknown
1968278 AI284425 UnknownUG Hs.176267ESTs
1968289 AI284434 UnknownUG Hs.160700EST
1968377 AI281488 Unknown
1968387 AI281501 Unknown
1968394 AI281494 UnknownUG Hs.164169ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1968396 AI281495 Unknown
1968404 AI281498 Unknown
1968427 AI281555 UnknownUG Hs.149558EST
1968429 AI281556 Unknown
1968432 AI281557 Unknown
1968438 AI281559 Unknown
1968443 AI281565 Unknown
1968447 AI281566 UnknownUG Hs.149559EST
1968507 AI281656 Unknown
1968556 AI285489 Unknown
1968560 AI285490 Unknown
1968568 AI285491 UnknownUG Hs.76325Human Ig J chain gene
1968571 AI285494 Unknown
1968572 AI285492 Unknown
1968585 AI285501 Unknown
1968601 AI285549 Unknown
1968606 AI285543 Unknown
1968618 AI285546 Unknown
1968622 AI285548 Unknown
1968624 AI285555 Unknown
1968632 AI285557 UnknownUG Hs.76325Human Ig J chain gene
1968639 AI285564 Unknown
1968645 AI285566 Unknown
1968655 AI285618 Unknown
1968656 AI285610 Unknown
1968657 AI285619 Unknown
1968659 AI285620 Unknown
1968672 AI285625 Unknown
1968691 AI285636 Unknown
1968694 AI285632 Unknown
1968702 AI285682 UnknownUG Hs.208910ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
1968734 AI285698 Unknown
1968739 AI285706 Unknown
1968745 AI285777 UnknownUG Hs.149753EST
1968752 AI285771 Unknown
1968753 AI285780 UnknownUG Hs.231845ESTs
1968767 AI285787 UnknownUG Hs.149754EST
1968771 AI285795 Unknown
1968819 AI284455 Unknown
1968821 AI284456 Unknown
1968822 AI284449 UnknownUG Hs.88528ESTs
1968825 AI284458 Unknown
1968831 AI284461 Unknown
1968843 AI281415 Unknown
1968844 AI281411 UnknownUG Hs.149550EST
1968846 AI281412 UnknownUG Hs.189313EST
1968848 AI281413 Unknown
1968868 AI281420 Unknown
1968876 AI281510 Unknown
1968884 AI281513 UnknownUG Hs.149554EST
1968896 AI281427 Unknown
1968902 AI281518 Unknown
1968913 AI281436 Unknown
1968934 AI281527 Unknown
1968936 AI281567 Unknown
1968972 AI281582 Unknown
1968973 AI281589 UnknownUG Hs.149560EST
1968977 AI281590 UnknownUG Hs.1710Human ATP-binding cassette protein mRNA 06B09 clone, partial cds
1969002 AI281613 Unknown
1969019 AI281630 UnknownUG Hs.3085KIAA0054 gene product
1969024 AI281624 Unknown
1982128 AI282460 Unknown
1982129 AI282461 Unknown
1982182 AI282469 Unknown
1982185 AI282534 Unknown
1982192 AI282533 Unknown
1982215 AI282544 Unknown
1982221 AI282623 Unknown
1982231 AI282624 Unknown
1982237 AI282553 Unknown
1982238 AI282548 UnknownUG Hs.170165ESTs
1982262 AI282555 Unknown
1982269 AI282636 Unknown
1982335 AI287262 Unknown
1982346 AI287258 Unknown
1982354 AI287269 Unknown
1982360 AI287270 Unknown
1982363 AI287277 Unknown
1982424 AI287865 Unknown
1982425 AI287874 Unknown
1982435 AI287878 Unknown
1982444 AI287873 Unknown
1982462 AI287886 UnknownUG Hs.117849ESTs
1982468 AI287889 Unknown
2000166 AI224020 UnknownUG Hs.148718EST
2000175 AI224027 UnknownUG Hs.186113EST
2000195 AI249443 UnknownUG Hs.170121protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, c polypeptide
2000198 AI249436 UnknownUG Hs.145273EST
2000244 AI250260 UnknownUG Hs.175056EST
2000247 AI250270 UnknownUG Hs.147934EST
2000265 AI250286 UnknownUG Hs.147935EST
2000271 AI250289 UnknownUG Hs.77897pre-mRNA splicing factor SF3a (60kD), similar to S. cerevisiae PRP9 (spliceosome-associated protein 61)
2000277 AI250292 UnknownUG Hs.145298EST
2000279 AI250293 UnknownUG Hs.187001EST
2000286 AI249877 UnknownUG Hs.189259EST
2000296 AI249880 UnknownUG Hs.229308EST
2000304 AI249894 Unknown
2000329 AI250342 UnknownUG Hs.176207EST
2000354 AI250351 UnknownUG Hs.145300EST
2000368 AI250358 UnknownUG Hs.229810EST
2000371 AI250369 UnknownUG Hs.189260EST
2000393 AI250827 UnknownUG Hs.145317EST
2000394 AI250821 UnknownUG Hs.186084EST
2000415 AI250837 UnknownUG Hs.224872ESTs
2000440 AI250410 MHC Class II=DQ beta
2000453 AI250445 UnknownUG Hs.145303EST
2000482 AI224358 UnknownUG Hs.160633EST
2000500 AI224372 MHC Class II=DQ alpha
2000504 AI224373 Unknown
2000531 AI224463 UnknownUG Hs.228833EST
2000539 AI224465 UnknownUG Hs.76437Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566B023 (from clone DKFZp566B023)
2000597 AI225217 Unknown
2000646 AI223955 UnknownUG Hs.148717EST
2000647 AI223959 Unknown
2000653 AI224039 Unknown
2000659 AI224042 UnknownUG Hs.148719ESTs
2000679 AI224048 UnknownUG Hs.145296Homo sapiens mRNA for disintegrin-protease
2000712 AI249465 UnknownUG Hs.203445ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2000717 AI249472 UnknownUG Hs.28444ESTs
2000720 AI249467 MHC Class II=DR beta
2000722 AI249468 UnknownUG Hs.228251EST
2000727 AI249474 UnknownUG Hs.145275EST
2000737 AI249485 Unknown
2000764 AI249802 UnknownUG Hs.145284EST
2000774 AI249807 Unknown
2000790 AI249817 Unknown
2000802 AI249823 UnknownUG Hs.160429EST, Weakly similar to putative p150 [H.sapiens]
2000823 AI249922 Unknown
2000825 AI249923 UnknownUG Hs.145289EST
2000846 AI249929 Unknown
2000856 AI250675 Unknown
2000862 AI250678 Unknown
2000868 AI250681 MHC Class II=DQ alpha
2000874 AI250683 Unknown
2000876 AI250684 UnknownUG Hs.145309EST
2000888 AI250694 UnknownUG Hs.145312EST
2000905 AI250848 UnknownUG Hs.192288EST
2000913 AI250852 UnknownUG Hs.176209EST
2000918 AI250844 UnknownUG Hs.179174ESTs
2000924 AI250846 UnknownUG Hs.145320ESTs
2000926 AI250847 UnknownUG Hs.145320ESTs
2000927 AI250856 UnknownUG Hs.185311EST
2000934 AI250859 Unknown
2000945 AI250871 UnknownUG Hs.145322EST
2000963 AI249509 UnknownUG Hs.914Human mRNA for SB classII histocompatibility antigen alpha-chain
2000966 AI249501 UnknownUG Hs.145277ESTs
2000977 AI249523 UnknownUG Hs.147927EST
2000981 AI249524 UnknownUG Hs.145278EST
2000983 AI249525 UnknownUG Hs.196383ESTs
2001008 AI224390 MHC Class II=DR beta
2001023 AI225135 Unknown
2001029 AI224403 UnknownUG Hs.176240EST
2001094 AI225156 UnknownUG Hs.148749EST
2001097 AI225224 UnknownUG Hs.178904ESTs
2001105 AI225228 Unknown
2001122 AI225236 UnknownUG Hs.210221Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp434G182 (from clone DKFZp434G182)
2001126 AI225238 UnknownUG Hs.176920ESTs
2001134 AI225241 Unknown
2001144 AI223974 UnknownUG Hs.170121protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, c polypeptide
2001165 AI223989 Unknown
2001166 AI223980 UnknownUG Hs.178901EST
2001233 AI224091 UnknownUG Hs.148721EST
2001235 AI224092 UnknownUG Hs.187042EST
2001277 AI250252 UnknownUG Hs.145296Homo sapiens mRNA for disintegrin-protease
2001300 AI358699 Unknown
2001308 AI358702 UnknownUG Hs.228877EST, Weakly similar to 40S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S2 [H.sapiens]
2001330 AI358717 UnknownUG Hs.157671ESTs
2001335 AI358725 UnknownUG Hs.176342EST
2001354 AI358801 UnknownUG Hs.173466ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 2 (rho family, small GTP binding protein Rac2)
2001361 AI358819 Unknown
2001392 AI356982 UnknownUG Hs.189378EST
2001397 AI356991 Unknown
2001398 AI356985 Unknown
2001401 AI356993 UnknownUG Hs.228875EST
2001411 AI357003 UnknownUG Hs.178358ESTs
2001414 AI356996 UnknownUG Hs.157588EST
2001419 AI357005 UnknownUG Hs.176339ESTs
2001424 AI357000 UnknownUG Hs.157589EST
2001430 AI357001 Unknown
2001442 AI357273 UnknownUG Hs.175170EST, Weakly similar to PRB1S precursor protein
2001445 AI357283 UnknownUG Hs.176340EST
2001458 AI357288 UnknownUG Hs.179979ESTs
2001466 AI357290 UnknownUG Hs.177015EST
2001467 AI357299 MHC Class II=DR beta
2001480 AI357061 UnknownUG Hs.186197EST
2001497 AI357075 UnknownUG Hs.186198EST
2001499 AI357076 Unknown
2001500 AI357068 CD53
2001521 AI357092 Unknown
2001542 AI357099 UnknownUG Hs.158015ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4240251) [H.sapiens]
2001560 AI357114 Unknown
2001562 AI357115 UnknownUG Hs.188167EST
2001565 AI357124 Unknown
2001609 AI357191 UnknownUG Hs.187101EST
2001622 AI357189 UnknownUG Hs.185419EST
2001626 AI357199 UnknownUG Hs.225599ESTs
2001649 AI357223 Unknown
2001667 AI357229 UnknownUG Hs.177014EST
2001670 AI357222 UnknownUG Hs.157596EST
2001706 AI360509 UnknownUG Hs.157742EST
2001717 AI360522 Unknown
2001720 AI360598 Unknown
2001721 AI360605 UnknownUG Hs.33719ESTs
2001724 AI360600 UnknownUG Hs.157747EST
2001761 AI360628 UnknownUG Hs.157750EST
2001805 AI358451 Unknown
2001815 AI358455 UnknownUG Hs.176341EST
2001854 AI358543 UnknownUG Hs.229856EST
2001867 AI358627 UnknownUG Hs.173466ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 2 (rho family, small GTP binding protein Rac2)
2001896 AI358640 UnknownUG Hs.178973EST
2001908 AI358645 Unknown
2001910 AI358646 Unknown
2001919 AI358740 UnknownUG Hs.167108EST, Highly similar to (defline not available 5360523) [M.musculus]
2001924 AI358731 UnknownUG Hs.154138chitinase 3-like 2
2001931 AI358745 Unknown
2001963 AI356914 Unknown
2001966 AI356908 UnknownUG Hs.160864EST
2001979 AI356920 UnknownUG Hs.151949ESTs
2002007 AI356939 Unknown
2002022 AI357011 UnknownUG Hs.221318ESTs
2002042 AI357026 Unknown
2020491 AI382583 Unknown
2020494 AI382578 UnknownUG Hs.16533myosin phosphatase, target subunit 1
2020507 AI382590 Unknown
2020515 AI382603 UnknownUG Hs.222170ESTs
2020527 AI382609 UnknownUG Hs.158272ESTs
2020531 AI382611 UnknownUG Hs.43543suppressor of white apricot homolog 2
2020534 AI382601 UnknownUG Hs.167208ESTs
2020535 AI382613 Unknown
2020538 AI382615 UnknownUG Hs.221694ESTs
2020542 AI382616 UnknownUG Hs.222170ESTs
2020559 AI382626 zinc finger protein 42 MZF-1
2020561 AI364656 UnknownUG Hs.62675ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 5199316) [H.sapiens]
2020574 AI364652 UnknownUG Hs.5894ESTs
2020587 AI382636 UnknownUG Hs.125753ESTs
2020591 AI382638 Unknown
2020605 AI382644 UnknownUG Hs.183850ESTs, Moderately similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
2020620 AI382648 Unknown
2020625 AI382655 Unknown
2020631 AI382658 UnknownUG Hs.208501ESTs
2020640 AI382661 Unknown
2020641 AI382670 UnknownUG Hs.188194EST
2020643 AI382671 UnknownUG Hs.22065ESTs
2020646 AI382664 Unknown
2020651 AI382673 UnknownUG Hs.165693ESTs
2020656 AI364663 Unknown
2020658 AI364664 Unknown
2020662 AI364666 UnknownUG Hs.181162ESTs, Weakly similar to ORF YNL218w [S.cerevisiae]
2020671 AI364676 UnknownUG Hs.71941ESTs
2020673 AI364677 UnknownUG Hs.221694ESTs
2020691 AI382248 Unknown
2020695 AI382250 UnknownUG Hs.86392ESTs
2020698 AI382245 UnknownUG Hs.159059EST
2020701 AI382253 UnknownUG Hs.93649upstream transcription factor 2, c-fos interacting
2020704 AI382255 UnknownUG Hs.129842ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 3882147) [H.sapiens]
2020715 AI382267 UnknownUG Hs.81884zeta-chain (TCR) associated protein kinase (70 kD)
2020728 AI382274 UnknownUG Hs.150391ESTs
2020730 AI382275 UnknownUG Hs.125790ESTs, Moderately similar to SPOP [H.sapiens]
2020741 AI382284 UnknownUG Hs.64742Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0540 protein, partial cds
2020747 AI382287 Unknown
2020750 AI382280 Unknown
2020755 AI364690 UnknownUG Hs.167208ESTs
2020781 AI364709 UnknownUG Hs.157248ESTs
2020788 AI364702 UnknownUG Hs.129053ESTs, Highly similar to NEUROGENIC LOCUS NOTCH PROTEIN HOMOLOG 1 PRECURSOR [H.sapiens]
2020792 AI364704 UnknownUG Hs.143314ESTs
2020805 AI364728 Unknown
2020818 AI364724 UnknownUG Hs.108667ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4106368) [D.melanogaster]
2020842 AI364737 Unknown
2020844 AI364738 Unknown
2020849 AI365533 UnknownUG Hs.201265ESTs
2020874 AI365377 Unknown
2020875 AI365383 Unknown
2020876 AI365378 UnknownUG Hs.198237dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase 1 (angiotensin I converting enzyme)
2020893 AI365390 UnknownUG Hs.220324DJ283E3.6.1 (PUTATIVE novel protein similar to many (archae)bacterial, worm and yeast hypothetical proteins)
2020899 AI365398 UnknownUG Hs.207971ESTs
2020917 AI365403 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase=5-lipoxygenase=5-LO
2020922 AI365406 UnknownUG Hs.170254ESTs, Highly similar to YY1-associated factor 2 [H.sapiens]
2020923 AI365414 Unknown
2020924 AI365407 Unknown
2020927 AI365415 UnknownUG Hs.173791ESTs
2020929 AI365416 UnknownUG Hs.173791ESTs
2020933 AI365418 UnknownUG Hs.157308EST
2020938 AI365412 UnknownUG Hs.165664Homo sapiens HERG-USO (HERG) mRNA, alternatively spliced, partial cds
2020946 AI365539 Unknown
2020952 AI365541 Unknown
2020967 AI365554 UnknownUG Hs.157315ESTs
2020973 AI365431 Unknown
2020978 AI365425 Unknown
2020981 AI365435 Unknown
2020993 AI365449 UnknownUG Hs.174635EST
2020997 AI365451 UnknownUG Hs.157309EST
2021012 AI365447 Unknown
2021015 AI365454 UnknownUG Hs.173182ESTs
2021021 AI365468 Unknown
2021025 AI365470 UnknownUG Hs.169577ESTs, Weakly similar to coded for by C. elegans cDNA yk20f8.5 [C.elegans]
2021026 AI365460 UnknownUG Hs.157310EST
2021033 AI365473 UnknownUG Hs.157311EST
2021034 AI365464 UnknownUG Hs.121582ESTs, Weakly similar to Ras inhibitor [H.sapiens]
2021041 AI365567 UnknownUG Hs.158288ESTs, Highly similar to nuclear protein, 25K [M.musculus]
2021042 AI365556 UnknownUG Hs.43543suppressor of white apricot homolog 2
2021058 AI365564 Unknown
2021257 AI493650 UnknownUG Hs.231510ESTs
2021263 AI493652 Unknown
2021265 AI493653 Unknown
2021272 AI493647 Unknown
2021276 AI493649 Unknown
2021285 AI493668 UnknownUG Hs.231510ESTs
2021326 AI493722 UnknownUG Hs.158714ESTs, Weakly similar to Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein [M.musculus]
2021340 AI493734 Unknown
2021346 AI493736 UnknownUG Hs.120784ESTs
2021352 AI373161 Unknown
2021357 AI373167 UnknownUG Hs.126486ESTs
2021373 AI373169 UnknownUG Hs.229560EST
2021382 AI373171 Unknown
2021401 AI373188 UnknownUG Hs.164168ESTs
2021411 AI373192 UnknownUG Hs.131885ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4240295) [H.sapiens]
2021453 AI494347 UnknownUG Hs.173076ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS B WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2021456 AI494339 Unknown
2021458 AI494340 UnknownUG Hs.174144ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 5052081) [M.musculus]
2021459 AI494349 UnknownUG Hs.208959ESTs, Moderately similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
2021460 AI494341 NFAT=NFATc1=NFATc
2021466 AI494343 UnknownUG Hs.190921EST
2021467 AI494351 UnknownUG Hs.171004ESTs
2021470 AI494345 Unknown
2021481 AI494363 UnknownUG Hs.9960ESTs
2021490 AI494357 UnknownUG Hs.93649upstream transcription factor 2, c-fos interacting
2021493 AI494366 UnknownUG Hs.32865ESTs, Weakly similar to B120 [H.sapiens]
2021495 AI494367 UnknownUG Hs.136875ESTs
2021504 AI494408 UnknownUG Hs.47822KIAA0380 gene product
2021531 AI494413 Unknown
2021535 AI494414 UnknownUG Hs.170578ESTs
2021646 AI494463 UnknownUG Hs.179492EST
2021647 AI494470 UnknownUG Hs.128301ESTs, Weakly similar to alternatively spliced product using exon 13A [H.sapiens]
2021650 AI494464 UnknownUG Hs.181162ESTs, Weakly similar to ORF YNL218w [S.cerevisiae]
2021662 AI494467 UnknownUG Hs.2499protein kinase C-like 1
2021666 AI494477 Unknown
2021678 AI494483 UnknownUG Hs.74669vesicle-associated membrane protein 5 (myobrevin)
2021679 AI494493 UnknownUG Hs.133501ESTs
2021689 AI494545 CD23A=low affinity IIreceptor for Fc fragment of IgE
2021702 AI494540 UnknownUG Hs.171992protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, J
2021706 AI494542 Unknown
2021709 AI494553 Unknown
2021725 AI494565 UnknownUG Hs.173280ESTs
2021727 AI494566 UnknownUG Hs.13501Homo sapiens pescadillo mRNA, complete cds
2021734 AI494561 UnknownUG Hs.100295ESTs
2021740 AI494612 UnknownUG Hs.171009EST
2021756 AI494617 UnknownUG Hs.118211ESTs
2021760 AI494628 UnknownUG Hs.134268ESTs
2021765 AI494640 Unknown
2021777 AI494644 Unknown
2021781 AI494646 UnknownUG Hs.89560iduronidase, alpha-L-
2021791 AI372969 UnknownUG Hs.224176EST
2021802 AI372967 UnknownUG Hs.181655ESTs
2021808 AI372975 UnknownUG Hs.170331ESTs
2021810 AI372976 UnknownUG Hs.158714ESTs, Weakly similar to Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein [M.musculus]
2021820 AI372980 Unknown
2021834 AI492638 UnknownUG Hs.136875ESTs
2021842 AI492640 Unknown
2021843 AI492648 UnknownUG Hs.170933EST
2021845 AI492649 Unknown
2021851 AI492651 UnknownUG Hs.170934EST
2021854 AI492645 UnknownUG Hs.211200ESTs
2021869 AI492666 Unknown
2021870 AI492657 UnknownUG Hs.74669vesicle-associated membrane protein 5 (myobrevin)
2021876 AI492660 UnknownUG Hs.170935ESTs
2021891 AI361706 UnknownUG Hs.55256ESTs
2021893 AI361707 UnknownUG Hs.55256ESTs
2021896 AI361701 UnknownUG Hs.157808EST
2021917 AI361721 Unknown
2021922 AI361715 UnknownUG Hs.157809EST
2021931 AI361763 UnknownUG Hs.206713UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 2
2021940 AI361761 UnknownUG Hs.157813Human T-cell receptor germline beta-chain gene, J2.1 exon
2021945 AI361769 UnknownUG Hs.167129ESTs
2021947 AI361770 UnknownUG Hs.96500ESTs, Highly similar to MD6 PROTEIN [M.musculus]
2021953 AI361779 Unknown
2021958 AI361772 Unknown
2021959 AI361781 UnknownUG Hs.20950ESTs
2021960 AI361773 UnknownUG Hs.169134ESTs, Highly similar to Bat2 [H.sapiens]
2021962 AI361774 UnknownUG Hs.169134ESTs, Highly similar to Bat2 [H.sapiens]
2021964 AI361775 Unknown
2021979 AI361827 UnknownUG Hs.168372ESTs
2021987 AI361830 Unknown
2021993 AI361833 UnknownUG Hs.20938RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 2
2022003 AI361843 UnknownUG Hs.104640Homo sapiens HIV-1 inducer of short transcripts binding protein (FBI1) mRNA, complete cds
2022021 AI361849 UnknownUG Hs.157815EST
2027412 AI361884 Unknown
2027418 AI361886 Unknown
2027426 AI361894 UnknownUG Hs.164975Bicaudal D (Drosophila) homolog 1
2027449 AI356301 UnknownUG Hs.157556ESTs
2027453 AI356303 UnknownUG Hs.167099ESTs
2027462 AI356297 UnknownUG Hs.164975Bicaudal D (Drosophila) homolog 1
2027463 AI356308 UnknownUG Hs.204703ESTs
2027480 AI356316 UnknownUG Hs.176468ESTs
2027493 AI356330 Unknown
2027499 AI356357 Unknown
2027513 AI356362 Unknown
2027518 AI356355 Unknown
2027520 AI356366 UnknownUG Hs.134560ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4559296) [M.musculus]
2027525 AI356376 UnknownUG Hs.109672ESTs
2027526 AI356368 UnknownUG Hs.26045protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, alpha polypeptide
2027531 AI356379 UnknownUG Hs.18113ESTs
2027534 AI356372 Unknown
2027544 AI356423 Unknown
2027546 AI356424 Unknown
2027548 AI356425 UnknownUG Hs.170877ESTs, Weakly similar to Acs2p: acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase [S.cerevisiae]
2027549 AI356433 Unknown
2027553 AI356434 UnknownUG Hs.157564ESTs
2027562 AI356430 Unknown
2027564 AI356431 Unknown
2027587 AI356451 CD19=Component of CD21/CD19/Tapa-1 co-receptor complex synergistic with immunoglobulin receptor
2027591 AI356453 Unknown
2027601 AI356506 UnknownUG Hs.75450delta sleep inducing peptide, immunoreactor
2027701 AI364926 UnknownUG Hs.174634EST
2027706 AI364920 Unknown
2027715 AI364938 UnknownUG Hs.131859ESTs, Weakly similar to SYNAPSINS IA AND IB [R.norvegicus]
2027718 AI364931 UnknownUG Hs.157279EST
2027720 AI364932 Unknown
2027731 AI364943 Unknown
2027733 AI364944 UnknownUG Hs.157280EST
2027734 AI364936 Unknown
2027749 AI367009 UnknownUG Hs.157494ESTs, Moderately similar to KIAA0676 protein [H.sapiens]
2027767 AI367020 UnknownUG Hs.157344ESTs
2027771 AI367021 UnknownUG Hs.157344ESTs
2027787 AI361733 UnknownUG Hs.157811EST
2027788 AI361727 UnknownUG Hs.118463ESTs, Highly similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
2027803 AI361738 Unknown
2027804 AI361731 Unknown
2027805 AI361739 UnknownUG Hs.174625EST, Weakly similar to Con1
2027807 AI361740 UnknownUG Hs.6784ESTs
2027811 AI361749 UnknownUG Hs.215115ESTs
2027824 AI361745 Unknown
2027827 AI361756 UnknownUG Hs.171992protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, J
2027843 AI361797 Unknown
2027855 AI361800 UnknownUG Hs.103804heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (scaffold attachment factor A)
2027859 AI361809 UnknownUG Hs.118282ESTs
2027867 AI361811 UnknownUG Hs.32587ESTs
2027879 AI361814 UnknownUG Hs.103804heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (scaffold attachment factor A)
2027884 AI361851 UnknownUG Hs.194685topoisomerase (DNA) III beta
2027898 AI361853 Unknown
2027914 AI361868 Unknown
2027917 AI361877 UnknownUG Hs.208496ESTs, Weakly similar to collagen alpha 1(I) chain [R.norvegicus]
2027935 AI356269 Unknown
2027948 AI356266 UnknownUG Hs.189744ESTs
2027961 AI356285 UnknownUG Hs.26782Homo sapiens PCAF associated factor 65 beta mRNA, complete cds
2027962 AI356278 Unknown
2027964 AI356279 UnknownUG Hs.107014Human Chromosome 16 BAC clone CIT987SK-A-363E6
2027972 AI356281 UnknownUG Hs.168857ESTs
2027974 AI356282 UnknownUG Hs.158193ESTs, Highly similar to translocation protein-1 [H.sapiens]
2027988 AI356334 Unknown
2028005 AI356344 UnknownUG Hs.150391ESTs
2028010 AI356340 UnknownUG Hs.160863ESTs
2028015 AI356345 UnknownUG Hs.157248ESTs
2028023 AI356349 UnknownUG Hs.176337ESTs
2028031 AI356395 UnknownUG Hs.198999Human mad homolog JV15-2 mRNA, complete cds
2028034 AI356387 Unknown
2028036 AI356388 UnknownUG Hs.157560EST
2028046 AI356392 UnknownUG Hs.176337ESTs
2028051 AI356412 UnknownUG Hs.76977ESTs
2028054 AI356405 UnknownUG Hs.157556ESTs
2028055 AI356414 UnknownUG Hs.157563EST
2028056 AI356406 UnknownUG Hs.157562EST
2028063 AI356418 Unknown
2028089 AI356469 Unknown
2028093 AI356470 UnknownUG Hs.177012EST
2028095 AI356471 UnknownUG Hs.176337ESTs
2028097 AI356480 UnknownUG Hs.167100EST
2028103 AI356482 UnknownUG Hs.123581ESTs
2028105 AI356483 UnknownUG Hs.138198ESTs, Weakly similar to Atu [D.melanogaster]
2028116 AI356478 UnknownUG Hs.108619integral membrane protein 2B
2028120 AI356523 UnknownUG Hs.157569ESTs
2028122 AI356524 UnknownUG Hs.158082ESTs
2028132 AI356527 UnknownUG Hs.167101EST, Moderately similar to DNA-activated protein kinase, catalytic subunit [H.sapiens]
2028138 AI356529 UnknownUG Hs.13131lymphocyte adaptor protein
2028156 AI356544 UnknownUG Hs.185418EST
2028162 AI356546 UnknownUG Hs.169750translocated promoter region (to activated MET oncogene)
2028167 AI356553 UnknownUG Hs.157571EST
2043935 AI472733 UnknownUG Hs.198849ESTs
2043960 AI472753 Unknown
2043964 AI472755 Unknown
2043973 AI472767 UnknownUG Hs.190876EST
2043985 AI472641 UnknownUG Hs.170476EST
2043989 AI472643 Unknown
2043998 AI472637 Unknown
2044006 AI472640 Unknown
2044015 AI472663 Unknown
2044016 AI472654 Unknown
2044017 AI472664 Unknown
2044022 AI472657 Unknown
2044025 AI472668 UnknownUG Hs.210715ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2044028 AI472660 UnknownUG Hs.212417ESTs, Weakly similar to ninein [M.musculus]
2044034 AI472673 Unknown
2044036 AI472674 UnknownUG Hs.210822ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2044051 AI472690 Unknown
2044057 AI472704 Unknown
2044059 AI472705 UnknownUG Hs.223910EST
2044064 AI472696 Unknown
2044085 AI471311 UnknownUG Hs.189459EST
2044088 AI471304 Unknown
2044094 AI471306 Unknown
2044099 AI471314 UnknownUG Hs.124382ESTs
2044112 AI476291 Unknown
2044121 AI476305 Unknown
2044127 AI476308 UnknownUG Hs.212952ESTs
2044136 AI476311 Unknown
2044139 AI476323 UnknownUG Hs.170601EST
2044140 AI476313 UnknownUG Hs.172981ESTs
2044174 AI471583 UnknownUG Hs.229396EST
2044175 AI471590 UnknownUG Hs.141232ESTs
2044179 AI471600 Unknown
2044188 AI471595 UnknownUG Hs.172981ESTs
2044198 AI471598 UnknownUG Hs.197531ESTs
2044203 AI471731 Unknown
2044207 AI471733 Unknown
2044212 AI471725 Unknown
2044217 AI471736 UnknownUG Hs.125113ESTs
2044228 AI471741 UnknownUG Hs.170750EST
2044229 AI471748 UnknownUG Hs.170751EST, Highly similar to glucokinase regulator [R.norvegicus]
2044239 AI471753 Unknown
2044262 AI471799 Unknown
2044272 AI471811 Unknown
2044275 AI471820 Unknown
2044280 AI471814 Unknown
2044281 AI471822 Unknown
2044288 AI471818 Unknown
2044304 AI473680 UnknownUG Hs.171718ESTs
2044309 AI473693 UnknownUG Hs.61399ESTs
2044310 AI473683 UnknownUG Hs.170497ESTs
2044320 AI473699 Unknown
2044322 AI473700 Unknown
2044336 AI473707 UnknownUG Hs.159300ESTs
2044350 AI473835 Unknown
2044351 AI473845 UnknownUG Hs.170501EST
2044352 AI473836 Unknown
2044353 AI473846 Unknown
2044368 AI473853 Unknown
2044382 AI473858 UnknownUG Hs.170502EST
2044383 AI473867 UnknownUG Hs.149255phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type I, alpha
2044387 AI473869 UnknownUG Hs.38936ESTs
2044389 AI473870 Unknown
2044391 AI473871 Unknown
2044395 AI474002 Unknown
2044407 AI474007 Unknown
2044408 AI473997 Unknown
2044420 AI474011 Unknown
2044424 AI474013 UnknownUG Hs.180663ESTs
2044425 AI474023 Unknown
2044436 AI474018 Unknown
2044441 AI469007 UnknownUG Hs.170669EST, Moderately similar to LINE-1 REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE HOMOLOG [H.sapiens]
2044453 AI469011 UnknownUG Hs.172722ESTs
2044459 AI469014 UnknownUG Hs.170670EST
2044501 AI469151 Unknown
2044502 AI469141 UnknownUG Hs.170678EST
2044504 AI469142 Unknown
2044506 AI469143 Unknown
2044507 AI469153 UnknownUG Hs.229393EST
2044508 AI469144 Unknown
2044516 AI469157 UnknownUG Hs.203596EST
2044526 AI469162 UnknownUG Hs.189089ESTs
2044531 AI469176 Unknown
2044557 AI469310 UnknownUG Hs.170684EST
2044573 AI469326 Unknown
2044587 AI476175 UnknownUG Hs.170595EST
2044604 AI476172 UnknownUG Hs.170594EST
2044609 AI476193 Unknown
2044613 AI476194 Unknown
2044626 AI476190 UnknownUG Hs.170596EST
2044630 AI476192 Unknown
2044633 AI471464 UnknownUG Hs.105307ESTs
2044648 AI471462 UnknownUG Hs.173945ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU CLASS A WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2044657 AI471487 UnknownUG Hs.105307ESTs
2072333 AI378431 Unknown
2072343 AI378434 Unknown
2072347 AI378436 UnknownUG Hs.31729ESTs, Weakly similar to retinal rod Na+/Ca+, K+ exchanger [H.sapiens]
2072352 AI378438 Unknown
2072365 AI378454 UnknownUG Hs.208602ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase [M.musculus]
2072371 AI378457 UnknownUG Hs.158894EST
2072372 AI378447 Unknown
2072392 AI378053 Unknown
2072396 AI378055 UnknownUG Hs.158875EST
2072398 AI378056 Unknown
2072409 AI378080 UnknownUG Hs.189396EST
2072416 AI378073 Unknown
2072424 AI378086 Unknown
2072425 AI378095 UnknownUG Hs.158876EST
2072432 AI378088 UnknownUG Hs.19008ESTs
2072433 AI378098 UnknownUG Hs.86392ESTs
2072440 AI378091 UnknownUG Hs.170274ESTs
2072450 AI378104 Unknown
2072453 AI378114 Unknown
2072454 AI378105 Unknown
2072462 AI378109 Unknown
2072467 AI378120 UnknownUG Hs.20950ESTs
2072469 AI378121 TESK1=testis-specific protein kinase 1
2072470 AI378113 UnknownUG Hs.158877EST
2072474 AI378123 UnknownUG Hs.175777EST, Weakly similar to salivary proline-rich protein precursor [H.sapiens]
2072478 AI378125 Unknown
2072483 AI378137 UnknownUG Hs.109219ESTs, Weakly similar to PHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL [H.sapiens]
2072484 AI378128 UnknownUG Hs.158878EST
2072496 AI378142 UnknownUG Hs.158879EST
2072501 AI378152 Unknown
2072519 AI378157 UnknownUG Hs.9139ESTs
2072531 AI379962 Unknown
2072532 AI379953 UnknownUG Hs.158943EST
2072543 AI379967 UnknownUG Hs.128020ESTs
2072544 AI379968 Unknown
2072546 AI379969 UnknownUG Hs.52763ESTs
2072549 AI379980 UnknownUG Hs.104285ESTs
2072564 AI379977 Unknown
2072624 AI378245 UnknownUG Hs.159452ESTs
2072636 AI378251 UnknownUG Hs.202399ESTs
2072672 AI440302 ack=p21cdc42Hs kinase
2072698 AI440316 UnknownUG Hs.22065ESTs
2072714 AI440363 Unknown
2072729 AI440374 UnknownUG Hs.217663ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4091129) [M.musculus]
2072751 AI440391 UnknownUG Hs.110095ESTs
2072754 AI440386 Unknown
2072761 AI440506 UnknownUG Hs.151944ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4151328) [H.sapiens]
2072763 AI440507 UnknownUG Hs.56009ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase related protein [H.sapiens]
2072765 AI440508 UnknownUG Hs.165693ESTs
2072767 AI440509 Unknown
2072773 AI440511 UnknownUG Hs.165694ESTs
2072782 AI440505 UnknownUG Hs.109219ESTs, Weakly similar to PHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL [H.sapiens]
2072783 AI440513 UnknownUG Hs.165695ESTs
2072788 AI440516 UnknownUG Hs.66713hepatitis delta antigen-interacting protein A
2072791 AI440528 UnknownUG Hs.138198ESTs, Weakly similar to Atu [D.melanogaster]
2072797 AI440529 Unknown
2072816 AI438983 Unknown
2072821 AI438995 Unknown
2072828 AI438988 UnknownUG Hs.121973ESTs, Weakly similar to PROHIBITIN [M.musculus]
2072846 AI439006 Unknown
2072847 AI439014 UnknownUG Hs.165703ESTs
2072852 AI439008 CD32=low-affinity IgG Fc receptor II-A isoform
2072869 AI439060 UnknownUG Hs.165704EST
2072876 AI439056 UnknownUG Hs.201396ESTs
2072919 AI439580 UnknownUG Hs.165681ESTs, Highly similar to UBIQUITIN-CONJUGATING ENZYME E2-17 KD [M.musculus]
2072939 AI439597 Unknown
2072940 AI439588 Unknown
2072941 AI439598 UnknownUG Hs.7891ESTs, Weakly similar to JM2 [H.sapiens]
2072947 AI439601 UnknownUG Hs.176406EST
2072951 AI439602 Unknown
2072974 AI475512 UnknownUG Hs.9139ESTs
2072985 AI475534 UnknownUG Hs.75922ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4008089) [H.sapiens]
2072988 AI475527 UnknownUG Hs.170578ESTs
2072989 AI475536 UnknownUG Hs.170579EST
2072990 AI475528 Unknown
2072992 AI475529 Unknown
2072998 AI475531 Unknown
2073003 AI475613 UnknownUG Hs.230403EST
2073006 AI475607 Unknown
2073018 AI475610 UnknownUG Hs.134556ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4929495) [H.sapiens]
2073029 AI475633 UnknownUG Hs.123693ESTs
2073034 AI475625 Unknown
2073048 AI475714 UnknownUG Hs.170315ESTs
2073050 AI475715 Unknown
2073055 AI475727 Unknown
2073070 AI475723 Unknown
2073074 AI475735 UnknownUG Hs.170583ESTs
2073078 AI475737 UnknownUG Hs.170583ESTs
2073088 AI475741 Unknown
2073091 AI475751 UnknownUG Hs.170034ESTs
2073100 AI475826 UnknownUG Hs.99741ESTs, Weakly similar to protein H5 [H.sapiens]
2073117 AI475842 Unknown
2073131 AI475857 UnknownUG Hs.192023eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit 2 (beta, 36kD)
2073145 AI540787 Unknown
2073146 AI540779 UnknownUG Hs.135106ESTs
2073149 AI540789 UnknownUG Hs.174231EST, Weakly similar to 60S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L13 [H.sapiens]
2073154 AI540783 UnknownUG Hs.196015ESTs
2073158 AI540784 UnknownUG Hs.175281EST
2073163 AI540794 Unknown
2073175 AI540812 Unknown
2073178 AI540802 UnknownUG Hs.7104ESTs
2073182 AI540804 UnknownUG Hs.170254ESTs, Highly similar to YY1-associated factor 2 [H.sapiens]
2073191 AI540818 UnknownUG Hs.166137Homo sapiens putative purinergic receptor P2Y10 gene, complete cds
2073197 AI440337 UnknownUG Hs.167802ESTs, Moderately similar to FUSE binding protein 2 [H.sapiens]
2073200 AI440331 UnknownUG Hs.211744ESTs, Weakly similar to mouse a1(XI) collagen chain [M.musculus]
2073221 AI440353 UnknownUG Hs.121582ESTs, Weakly similar to Ras inhibitor [H.sapiens]
2073242 AI440466 Unknown
2073267 AI440488 Unknown
2073278 AI440485 UnknownUG Hs.25817Homo sapiens chromosome 19, cosmid R27216
2073286 AI440487 Unknown
2073289 AI438954 UnknownUG Hs.156397ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4567181) [H.sapiens]
2073291 AI438955 UnknownUG Hs.165696ESTs
2073292 AI440532 Unknown
2073297 AI438957 Unknown
2073299 AI438958 UnknownUG Hs.169638Human placenta (Diff48) mRNA, complete cds
2073305 AI438961 Unknown
2073312 AI438963 UnknownUG Hs.229879EST
2073322 AI438966 Unknown
2073325 AI438975 UnknownUG Hs.165698EST
2073327 AI438976 UnknownUG Hs.165699EST
2073331 AI438978 UnknownUG Hs.165700EST
2073333 AI438979 UnknownUG Hs.165701EST
2073335 AI438980 UnknownUG Hs.165702EST
2073343 AI439029 UnknownUG Hs.157494ESTs, Moderately similar to KIAA0676 protein [H.sapiens]
2073344 AI439020 UnknownUG Hs.174673EST
2073364 AI439037 UnknownUG Hs.165941ESTs
2073365 AI439044 UnknownUG Hs.176404EST
2073370 AI439039 Unknown
2073384 AI439531 UnknownUG Hs.188232EST
2073385 AI439540 Unknown
2073386 AI439532 UnknownUG Hs.165730EST
2073413 AI439559 UnknownUG Hs.193613ESTs
2073417 AI439561 UnknownUG Hs.208364ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2073480 AI439603 Leukocyte tyrosine kinase
2073483 AI439613 UnknownUG Hs.170338ESTs
2073486 AI439605 UnknownUG Hs.143604kaiso
2073497 AI439619 UnknownUG Hs.192462EST
2073504 AI439622 UnknownUG Hs.182558ESTs, Weakly similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
2073506 AI439623 UnknownUG Hs.994phospholipase C, beta 2
2073529 AI439648 UnknownUG Hs.32587ESTs
2073530 AI439639 UnknownUG Hs.208505ESTs
2073531 AI439649 Unknown
2073538 AI439643 UnknownUG Hs.165732EST
2073542 AI439645 Unknown
2073559 AI439667 UnknownUG Hs.56009ESTs, Weakly similar to reverse transcriptase related protein [H.sapiens]
2073562 AI439659 Unknown
2073569 AI439670 UnknownUG Hs.107812ESTs, Weakly similar to weak similarity to collagens [C.elegans]
2073571 AI439671 UnknownUG Hs.41040ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4995303) [H.sapiens]
2073575 AI439673 Unknown
2073602 AI475556 UnknownUG Hs.107325alpha-1-antichymotrypsin
2073610   Unknown
2073616   Unknown
2073621 AI475570 UnknownUG Hs.10888ESTs
2073628 AI475573 UnknownUG Hs.79380PWP2 (periodic tryptophan protein, yeast) homolog
2073636 AI475577 UnknownUG Hs.170580ESTs
2073653 AI475600 UnknownUG Hs.225995Human DNA sequence from clone 151B14 on chromosome 22 Contains SOMATOSTATIN RECEPTOR TYPE 3 (SS3R) gene,pseudogene similar to ribosomal protein L39,RAC2 (RAS-RELATED C3 BOTULINUM TOXIN SUBSTRATE 2 (P21-RAC2)) gene ESTs, STSs, GSSs and CpG islands
2073679 AI475653 UnknownUG Hs.170581EST
2073682 AI475645 UnknownUG Hs.174010ESTs
2073687 AI475657 Unknown
2073710 AI475666 UnknownUG Hs.170288ESTs
2073714 AI475668 UnknownUG Hs.26045protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, alpha polypeptide
2073717 AI475679 Unknown
2073724 AI475682 UnknownUG Hs.170338ESTs
2073736 AI475687 UnknownUG Hs.127294ESTs, Weakly similar to GOLIATH PROTEIN [D.melanogaster]
2073738 AI475688 UnknownUG Hs.203439EST
2073748 AI475697 CD19=Component of CD21/CD19/Tapa-1 co-receptor complex synergistic with immunoglobulin receptor
2073769 AI475763 UnknownUG Hs.109606coronin, actin-binding, 1A
2073771 AI475764 Unknown
2073781 AI475768 Unknown
2073800 AI475777 Unknown
2073801 AI475787 UnknownUG Hs.170585EST
2073805 AI475789 Unknown
2073828 AI475793 UnknownUG Hs.10888ESTs
2073831 AI475801 UnknownUG Hs.221019ESTs
2073837 AI475803 UnknownUG Hs.121973ESTs, Weakly similar to PROHIBITIN [M.musculus]
2073843 AI475815 UnknownUG Hs.170586EST
2073844 AI475806 UnknownUG Hs.186265EST, Weakly similar to salivary proline-rich protein [R.norvegicus]
2073879 AI475872 Unknown
2073886 AI475866 UnknownUG Hs.49459ESTs
2073890 AI475877 Unknown
2073900 AI475880 UnknownUG Hs.109672ESTs
2073905 AI475891 Unknown
2073910 AI475884 UnknownUG Hs.170587EST
2073912 AI475894 UnknownUG Hs.7104ESTs
2073923 AI475905 UnknownUG Hs.170588EST
2073931 AI475909 UnknownUG Hs.170589EST
2073935 AI475911 Unknown
2073940 AI475914 Unknown
2073957 AI475927 UnknownUG Hs.170254ESTs, Highly similar to YY1-associated factor 2 [H.sapiens]
2073958 AI475921 Unknown
2074085 AI383408 Unknown
2074111 AI383427 Unknown
2074126 AI383424 UnknownUG Hs.60659ESTs, Weakly similar to N-CHIMAERIN [H.sapiens]
2074176 AI383775 UnknownUG Hs.159118ESTs, Moderately similar to S-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE DECARBOXYLASE PROENZYME [H.sapiens]
2074177 AI383782 UnknownUG Hs.102991ESTs
2074201 AI383803 UnknownUG Hs.171117ESTs
2074203 AI383804 UnknownUG Hs.185448EST
2074210 AI383797 Unknown
2074234 AI383894 jun-B
2074236 AI383895 UnknownUG Hs.224828ESTs
2074239 AI383904 UnknownUG Hs.159122EST
2074241 AI383905 Unknown
2074243 AI383906 Unknown
2074246 AI383898 Unknown
2074255 AI383824 UnknownUG Hs.158386ESTs
2074257 AI383825 Unknown
2074265 AI383828 UnknownUG Hs.201485ESTs
2074267 AI383829 Unknown
2074279 AI383843 UnknownUG Hs.58589glycogenin 2
2074312 AI383857 Unknown
2074321 AI383919 UnknownUG Hs.185449EST
2074331 AI383922 Unknown
2074334 AI383914 UnknownUG Hs.201498ESTs
2074337 AI383925 UnknownUG Hs.231997ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2074353 AI381435 UnknownUG Hs.159013ESTs
2074360 AI381431 UnknownUG Hs.6749ESTs
2074364 AI381433 Unknown
2074378 AI381443 UnknownUG Hs.169637ESTs
2074384 AI381445 Unknown
2074386 AI381446 Unknown
2074390 AI381448 UnknownUG Hs.158501ESTs
2074391 AI381456 Unknown
2074394 AI379190 Unknown
2074401 AI379197 UnknownUG Hs.158920ESTs
2074405 AI379199 UnknownUG Hs.69559Novel human mRNA from chromosome 1, which has similarities to BAT2 genes
2074429 AI379218 UnknownUG Hs.182992ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2074545 AI383496 Unknown
2074549 AI383497 UnknownUG Hs.131811ESTs
2074567 AI383515 Unknown
2074578 AI383510 UnknownUG Hs.174650EST
2074583 AI383519 UnknownUG Hs.99491RAS guanyl releasing protein 2 (calcium and DAG-regulated)
2074632 AI382201 UnknownUG Hs.190831EST
2074638 AI382204 Unknown
2074639 AI382212 UnknownUG Hs.198427hexokinase 2
2074643 AI382213 Unknown
2074655 AI382217 Unknown
2074658 AI382218 Unknown
2074661 AI382228 Unknown
2074663 AI382229 UnknownUG Hs.159058ESTs
2074736 AI384020 Unknown
2074739 AI384027 UnknownUG Hs.159130ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS B WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2074743 AI384029 UnknownUG Hs.2969v-ski avian sarcoma viral oncogene homolog
2074751 AI384033 Unknown
2074755 AI384044 UnknownUG Hs.31729ESTs, Weakly similar to retinal rod Na+/Ca+, K+ exchanger [H.sapiens]
2074777 AI381588 UnknownUG Hs.148479ESTs
2074798 AI381587 UnknownUG Hs.155364ESTs, Weakly similar to plenty-of-prolines-101 [M.musculus]
2074804 AI381601 UnknownUG Hs.159025EST
2074825 AI538427 UnknownUG Hs.6749ESTs
2074826 AI538419 Unknown
2074836 AI538423 Unknown
2074848 AI538435 Unknown
2074851 AI538445 UnknownUG Hs.171216EST
2074855 AI538447 Unknown
2074865 AI538449 UnknownUG Hs.179501ESTs
2074881 AI538460 Unknown
2074890 AI538455 UnknownUG Hs.206713UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 2
2074912 AI538469 UnknownUG Hs.26054ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4704739) [H.sapiens]
2074923 AI538484 UnknownUG Hs.80658uncoupling protein 2 (mitochondrial, proton carrier)
2074927 AI538485 UnknownUG Hs.157569ESTs
2074939 AI538490 Unknown
2074942 AI538482 UnknownUG Hs.99491RAS guanyl releasing protein 2 (calcium and DAG-regulated)
2074948 AI538492 LKLF=Lung Krueppel-like factor
2074966 AI538498 UnknownUG Hs.9960ESTs
2074972 AI538507 UnknownUG Hs.190154ESTs
2074977 AI538515 UnknownUG Hs.124391ESTs
2074978 AI538510 Unknown
2074984 AI538511 Unknown
2075006 AI538525 MEK kinase 1 (MEKK1)
2075011 AI538533 UnknownUG Hs.118722fucosyltransferase 8 (alpha (1,6) fucosyltransferase)
2075022 AI538535 Unknown
2075029 AI538546 UnknownUG Hs.165696ESTs
2075033 AI538548 Unknown
2075044 AI538550 Unknown
2075054 AI538554 UnknownUG Hs.192534ESTs
2075055 AI538561 Unknown
2075058 AI538555 UnknownUG Hs.136976ESTs
2075074 AI540044 UnknownUG Hs.171260EST
2075081 AI540055 Unknown
2075082 AI540048 UnknownUG Hs.48647Homo sapiens immunoglobulin-like transcript 7 mRNA, complete cds
2075095 AI540068 UnknownUG Hs.77202protein kinase C, beta 1
2075098 AI540060 Unknown
2075122 AI540077 Unknown
2075123 AI540086 Unknown
2075127 AI540087 UnknownUG Hs.120243ESTs
2075128 AI540079 Unknown
2075133 AI540088 Unknown
2075142 AI540093 UnknownUG Hs.125815ESTs
2075145 AI540102 Unknown
2075150 AI540096 UnknownUG Hs.170437ESTs
2075162 AI540108 UnknownUG Hs.156397ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4567181) [H.sapiens]
2075164 AI540109 Unknown
2075166 AI540110 UnknownUG Hs.100295ESTs
2075168 AI540111 UnknownUG Hs.171261ESTs
2075180 AI540115 UnknownUG Hs.171262ESTs
2075184 AI540123 UnknownUG Hs.134648ESTs, Highly similar to Unknown gene product [H.sapiens]
2075192 AI540125 UnknownUG Hs.171261ESTs
2075197 AI540136 Unknown
2075204 AI540130 Unknown
2075210 AI540140 UnknownUG Hs.103804heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (scaffold attachment factor A)
2075211 AI540149 Unknown
2075214 AI540142 UnknownUG Hs.141706ESTs
2075218 AI540144 UnknownUG Hs.122468ESTs
2075221 AI540153 UnknownUG Hs.231514ESTs
2075222 AI540146 Unknown
2075233 AI540163 UnknownUG Hs.213783ESTs
2075250 AI540161 UnknownUG Hs.171264ESTs
2075266 AI540176 UnknownUG Hs.169758ESTs
2075267 AI540183 Unknown
2075272 AI540178 UnknownUG Hs.189512EST, Weakly similar to proline-rich protein MP3 [M.musculus]
2075274 AI540179 Unknown
2075282 AI540188 Unknown
2075283 AI540197 UnknownUG Hs.52763ESTs
2075291 AI540199 UnknownUG Hs.188285EST
2075303 AI540204 UnknownUG Hs.170935ESTs
2075311 AI524619 UnknownUG Hs.194051Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp566B213 (from clone DKFZp566B213)
2075323 AI524624 UnknownUG Hs.133947ESTs
2075331 AI524637 Unknown
2075335 AI524639 UnknownUG Hs.171110ESTs
2075347 AI524643 Unknown
2075349 AI524644 Unknown
2075350 AI524635 UnknownUG Hs.160957ESTs, Weakly similar to KIAA0666 protein [H.sapiens]
2075351 AI524645 Unknown
2106894 AI380220 UnknownUG Hs.158965EST
2106896 AI380221 UnknownUG Hs.156338ESTs
2106903 AI380234 UnknownUG Hs.97199Human Clq/MBL/SPA receptor C1qR(p) mRNA, complete cds
2106904 AI380224 UnknownUG Hs.159366ESTs
2106907 AI380236 UnknownUG Hs.158966EST
2106910 AI380227 Unknown
2106912 AI380239 UnknownUG Hs.178784ESTs
2106913 AI380248 UnknownUG Hs.96757suppressor of Ty (S.cerevisiae) 3 homolog
2106919 AI380251 UnknownUG Hs.153954KIAA0057 gene product
2106921 AI380252 UnknownUG Hs.158967EST
2106931 AI380257 UnknownUG Hs.165339ESTs
2106938 AI380306 UnknownUG Hs.23978scaffold attachment factor B
2106945 AI380319 Unknown
2106948 AI380310 Unknown
2106953 AI380323 UnknownUG Hs.167191EST, Highly similar to the KIAA0196 gene is expressed ubiquitously. [H.sapiens]
2106956 AI380314 UnknownUG Hs.129702beaded filament structural protein 1, filensin
2106968 AI380329 UnknownUG Hs.158971EST
2106984 AI380470 UnknownUG Hs.212421ESTs
2106985 AI380482 UnknownUG Hs.192429ESTs
2106993 AI380486 UnknownUG Hs.157199ELKL motif kinase
2107000 AI380478 UnknownUG Hs.158978EST
2107002 AI380479 UnknownUG Hs.155086ESTs
2107003 AI380491 UnknownUG Hs.229374EST
2107012 AI380495 Unknown
2107023 AI380508 UnknownUG Hs.158981EST, Weakly similar to ORF2-like protein [H.sapiens]
2107025 AI380509 UnknownUG Hs.197033ESTs, Highly similar to sodium/glucose cotransporter-like protein [H.sapiens]
2107042 AI380562 UnknownUG Hs.220604ESTs
2107045 AI380573 UnknownUG Hs.105507ESTs
2107048 AI380564 UnknownUG Hs.149678ESTs
2107055 AI380578 UnknownUG Hs.41045ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 3882189) [H.sapiens]
2107059 AI380591 UnknownUG Hs.211024ESTs
2107061 AI380592 UnknownUG Hs.158985EST
2107062 AI380581 UnknownUG Hs.109748ESTs
2107064 AI380582 Unknown
2107068 AI380584 Unknown
2107073 AI380597 UnknownUG Hs.29759Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586L2123 (from clone DKFZp586L2123)
2107077 AI380599 Unknown
2107081 AI380397 UnknownUG Hs.159489ESTs, Moderately similar to HEXOKINASE, TYPE II [H.sapiens]
2107084 AI380388 UnknownUG Hs.158975EST
2107088 AI380390 UnknownUG Hs.158976EST
2107093 AI380403 UnknownUG Hs.149111ESTs, Weakly similar to plenty-of-prolines-101 [M.musculus]
2107095 AI380404 Unknown
2107097 AI380405 UnknownUG Hs.20065ESTs
2107100 AI380395 UnknownUG Hs.173043metastasis-associated 1-like 1
2107106 AI380409 Unknown
2107108 AI380410 UnknownUG Hs.194786Homo sapiens TTF-I interacting peptide 5 mRNA, partial cds
2107113 AI380424 UnknownUG Hs.125148ESTs
2107118 AI380415 Unknown
2107133 AI391451 UnknownUG Hs.160956EST
2107136 AI391442 UnknownUG Hs.156338ESTs
2107143 AI391455 UnknownUG Hs.160957ESTs, Weakly similar to KIAA0666 protein [H.sapiens]
2107144 AI391446 UnknownUG Hs.160955EST
2107153 AI391470 UnknownUG Hs.158618ESTs
2107169 AI391477 UnknownUG Hs.109748ESTs
2107174 AI391469 UnknownUG Hs.174207EST
2107179 AI380653 UnknownUG Hs.115094ESTs
2107182 AI380645 UnknownUG Hs.73452ESTs
2107185 AI380656 UnknownUG Hs.122755serine/threonine kinase 11 (Peutz-Jeghers syndrome)
2107190 AI380649 Unknown
2107198 AI380651 Unknown
2107214 AI380668 Unknown
2107218 AI380670 UnknownUG Hs.166686Homo sapiens 130 kD Golgi-localized phosphoprotein (GPP130) mRNA, complete cds
2107237 AI380744 Unknown
2107240 AI380735 UnknownUG Hs.203593ESTs
2107241 AI380746 Unknown
2107256 AI380754 UnknownUG Hs.211101ESTs
2107261 AI380766 Unknown
2107282 AI380106 Unknown
2107285 AI380117 UnknownUG Hs.158956EST
2107292 AI380111 UnknownUG Hs.158955ESTs
2107295 AI380121 Unknown
2107296 AI380122 UnknownUG Hs.64742Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0540 protein, partial cds
2107299 AI380130 UnknownUG Hs.820homeo box C6
2107301 AI380131 UnknownUG Hs.125255ESTs, Weakly similar to Unknown gene product [H.sapiens]
2107311 AI380136 UnknownUG Hs.35962ESTs
2107325 AI380190 UnknownUG Hs.175194EST
2107329 AI380192 UnknownUG Hs.79380PWP2 (periodic tryptophan protein, yeast) homolog
2107337 AI380194 UnknownUG Hs.159489ESTs, Moderately similar to HEXOKINASE, TYPE II [H.sapiens]
2107343 AI380197 UnknownUG Hs.158962EST
2107344 AI380198 Unknown
2107347 AI380207 UnknownUG Hs.125276ESTs
2107367 AI380216 Unknown
2107374 AI391630 UnknownUG Hs.820homeo box C6
2107375 AI391640 UnknownUG Hs.69298ESTs
2107378 AI391632 ICSBP=Interferon concensus sequence binding protein
2107393 AI391659 UnknownUG Hs.95867Homo sapiens EST00098 gene, last exon
2107399 AI391662 UnknownUG Hs.160963ESTs
2107429 AI380277 UnknownUG Hs.167189EST, Highly similar to There are three putative hydrophobic domains in the central region. [H.sapiens]
2107431 AI380278 UnknownUG Hs.167190EST
2107438 AI380270 Unknown
2107442 AI380283 UnknownUG Hs.158969EST
2107458 AI380291 UnknownUG Hs.159368EST
2107459 AI380302 UnknownUG Hs.155968zinc finger protein homologous to Zfp103 in mouse
2107464 AI380345 UnknownUG Hs.155364ESTs, Weakly similar to plenty-of-prolines-101 [M.musculus]
2107467 AI380356 UnknownUG Hs.155693protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 21
2107474 AI380349 UnknownUG Hs.158973EST
2107477 AI380361 Unknown
2107482 AI380353 Unknown
2107497 AI380379 UnknownUG Hs.143604kaiso
2107502 AI380372 Unknown
2107503 AI380381 UnknownUG Hs.158974EST
2107507 AI380383 UnknownUG Hs.69307ESTs
2107514 AI380514 Unknown
2107516 AI380515 Unknown
2107523 AI380529 UnknownUG Hs.44628ESTs
2107527 AI380531 UnknownUG Hs.22960spliceosome associated protein, amplified in breast cancer
2107528 AI380520 UnknownUG Hs.158983ESTs
2107531 AI380533 Unknown
2107532 AI380522 CD103 beta=Integrin beta 7
2107554 AI380543 UnknownUG Hs.11607ESTs
2107557 AI380555 UnknownUG Hs.183625ESTs
2107571 AI380616 UnknownUG Hs.233564ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 5106572) [H.sapiens]
2107584 AI380621 Unknown
2107588 AI380623 UnknownUG Hs.155693protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 21
2107592 AI380624 UnknownUG Hs.209119lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase beta
2107598 AI380627 UnknownUG Hs.188193ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 5052123) [H.sapiens]
2107603 AI380640 Unknown
2107607 AI380642 UnknownUG Hs.151334ESTs
2107608 AI380428 UnknownUG Hs.166575ESTs
2107611 AI380441 UnknownUG Hs.158977EST
2107640 AI380454 UnknownUG Hs.149111ESTs, Weakly similar to plenty-of-prolines-101 [M.musculus]
2107641 AI380462 Unknown
2107643 AI380463 UnknownUG Hs.201897ESTs
2107652 AI380457 Unknown
2107676 AI391487 UnknownUG Hs.231265ESTs
2107686 AI391500 UnknownUG Hs.160959EST
2107709 AI380698 UnknownUG Hs.27633Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0519 (from clone DKFZp586B0519)
2107710 AI380687 UnknownUG Hs.158987EST
2107716 AI380690 UnknownUG Hs.177045ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2107722 AI380693 UnknownUG Hs.27633Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp586B0519 (from clone DKFZp586B0519)
2107733 AI380719 UnknownUG Hs.158988EST
2107745 AI380724 Unknown
2107766 AI380777 UnknownUG Hs.189402ESTs
2107775 AI380791 Unknown
2107781 AI380801 Unknown
2107797 AI380807 UnknownUG Hs.232253ESTs
2107815 AI392788 UnknownUG Hs.160980EST
2107824 AI392793 UnknownUG Hs.160981EST
2107825 AI392803 UnknownUG Hs.32417ESTs
2107828 AI392795 UnknownUG Hs.125148ESTs
2107840 AI392799 UnknownUG Hs.160982EST
2107842 AI392800 UnknownUG Hs.88707ESTs
2107862 AI392863 UnknownUG Hs.159754EST
2107873 AI392887 UnknownUG Hs.143600ESTs, Highly similar to cis Golgi-localized calcium-binding protein [H.sapiens]
2107876 AI392877 UnknownUG Hs.197032ESTs
2107883 AI392892 Unknown
2107885 AI392893 UnknownUG Hs.159655EST
2107902 AI393891 UnknownUG Hs.187958solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, creatine), member 8
2107911 AI393906 UnknownUG Hs.160401EST
2107915 AI393908 UnknownUG Hs.203829ESTs
2107934 AI393917 Unknown
2107938 AI393918 UnknownUG Hs.160402EST
2107944 AI393967 UnknownUG Hs.160406ESTs
2107946 AI393968 Unknown
2107950 AI393970 UnknownUG Hs.189411ESTs
2107968 AI393988 UnknownUG Hs.57100ESTs
2107976 AI393992 UnknownUG Hs.160408EST
2107980 AI393993 UnknownUG Hs.149678ESTs
2108002 AI492016 UnknownUG Hs.170908EST, Moderately similar to TYROSINE-PROTEIN KINASE JAK1 [M.musculus]
2108015 AI492034 UnknownUG Hs.170909EST
2108017 AI492045 UnknownUG Hs.62675ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 5199316) [H.sapiens]
2108023 AI492048 UnknownUG Hs.208597ESTs
2108031 AI492051 UnknownUG Hs.162315ESTs
2108042 AI492096 UnknownUG Hs.146263ESTs, Weakly similar to Ydr372cp [S.cerevisiae]
2108066 AI492115 UnknownUG Hs.1579zinc finger protein 147 (estrogen-responsive finger protein)
2108067 AI492125 Unknown
2108071 AI492127 UnknownUG Hs.231284EST
2108075 AI492129 UnknownUG Hs.152379ESTs
2108079 AI492131 Unknown
2108081 AI492132 Unknown
2108089 AI492187 Unknown
2108097 AI492190 UnknownUG Hs.221354ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4263745) [H.sapiens]
2108098 AI492181 UnknownUG Hs.170913ESTs
2108118 AI492198 UnknownUG Hs.28691kinesin family member 3B
2108120 AI492199 Unknown
2108142 AI394552 Unknown
2108145 AI394560 UnknownUG Hs.160978ESTs
2108148 AI394554 UnknownUG Hs.160946ESTs
2108151 AI394562 Unknown
2108153 AI394563 UnknownUG Hs.5260ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4680655) [H.sapiens]
2108163 AI394575 UnknownUG Hs.194676tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 6b, decoy
2108181 AI394580 UnknownUG Hs.159673EST
2108183 AI394581 UnknownUG Hs.146428collagen, type V, alpha 1
2108191 AI394637 UnknownUG Hs.149055ESTs
2108210 AI394646 UnknownUG Hs.80975CD39-like 4
2108220 AI394650 UnknownUG Hs.142737ESTs
2108223 AI394662 Unknown
2108230 AI394655 Unknown
2108240 AI393237 UnknownUG Hs.175271ESTs
2108265 AI393264 Par-4=prostate apoptosis response protein
2108266 AI393254 UnknownUG Hs.152379ESTs
2108269 AI393266 UnknownUG Hs.159720ESTs
2108274 AI393257 UnknownUG Hs.199840ESTs
2108279 AI393271 UnknownUG Hs.106346novel centrosomal protein RanBPM
2108292 AI394281 Unknown
2108306 AI394297 UnknownUG Hs.160422ESTs
2108324 AI394303 UnknownUG Hs.160423EST
2108329 AI392823 UnknownUG Hs.222918ESTs, Highly similar to HOMEOBOX PROTEIN HOX-B4 [H.sapiens]
2108348 AI392822 UnknownUG Hs.110849estrogen-related receptor alpha
2108351 AI392832 Unknown
2108352 AI392833 Unknown
2108353 AI392845 Unknown
2108360 AI392837 UnknownUG Hs.160983EST
2108363 AI392850 Unknown
2108366 AI392840 UnknownUG Hs.171596EphA2
2108372 AI392843 UnknownUG Hs.143600ESTs, Highly similar to cis Golgi-localized calcium-binding protein [H.sapiens]
2108373 AI392854 UnknownUG Hs.164056ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2108387 AI392907 UnknownUG Hs.159656EST
2108415 AI392931 UnknownUG Hs.174209EST
2108425 AI393941 UnknownUG Hs.160403ESTs
2108428 AI393932 Unknown
2108436 AI393936 Unknown
2108439 AI393946 UnknownUG Hs.173043metastasis-associated 1-like 1
2108440 AI393938 UnknownUG Hs.17686ESTs
2108455 AI393960 Unknown
2108463 AI393962 UnknownUG Hs.160405EST
2108464 AI393954 UnknownUG Hs.111288ESTs, Weakly similar to K02B2.3 gene product [C.elegans]
2108466 AI393955 Unknown
2108470 AI393956 UnknownUG Hs.160404EST
2108472 AI394008 UnknownUG Hs.82837Human chromosome 3p21.1 gene sequence
2108474 AI394009 UnknownUG Hs.160410EST
2108476 AI394010 UnknownUG Hs.224344EST
2108482 AI394013 UnknownUG Hs.174215ESTs
2108490 AI394016 UnknownUG Hs.180479ESTs
2108499 AI394041 UnknownUG Hs.69298ESTs
2108502 AI394031 KIAA0265
2108520 AI492055 UnknownUG Hs.170910EST
2108536 AI492060 Unknown
2108540 AI492062 UnknownUG Hs.170911EST
2108543 AI492074 UnknownUG Hs.196164ESTs
2108573 AI492145 Unknown
2108577 AI492147 Unknown
2108582 AI492140 Unknown
2108593 AI492164 UnknownUG Hs.170912EST
2108602 AI492157 UnknownUG Hs.155079protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B (B56), alpha isoform
2108613 AI492174 UnknownUG Hs.143702ESTs, Weakly similar to SPLICEOSOME ASSOCIATED PROTEIN 49 [H.sapiens]
2108629 AI492226 UnknownUG Hs.180479ESTs
2108630 AI492221 UnknownUG Hs.169637ESTs
2108640 AI492229 UnknownUG Hs.160422ESTs
2108652 AI492234 UnknownUG Hs.136831ESTs
2108655 AI492244 Unknown
2108659 AI492246 Unknown
2108662 AI492238 Unknown
2108681 AI394597 Unknown
2108686 AI394591 UnknownUG Hs.174217EST
2108688 AI394601 Bloom's syndrome protein (BLM)
2108695 AI394616 Unknown
2108703 AI394619 Unknown
2108729 AI393206 Unknown
2108736 AI393209 UnknownUG Hs.209119lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase beta
2108739 AI393222 Unknown
2108746 AI393214 UnknownUG Hs.163629ESTs
2108752 AI393217 UnknownUG Hs.159718EST
2108769 AI393288 Unknown
2108770 AI393277 UnknownUG Hs.82837Human chromosome 3p21.1 gene sequence
2108800 AI393303 UnknownUG Hs.69307ESTs
2108806 AI393306 Unknown
2108817 AI394327 UnknownUG Hs.227124ESTs, Weakly similar to zinc finger protein C2H2-171 [H.sapiens]
2108826 AI394321 IL-18=IGIF=Interferon gamma inducing factor
2108830 AI394323 UnknownUG Hs.32417ESTs
2108834 AI394334 UnknownUG Hs.203594ESTs
2108846 AI394338 UnknownUG Hs.55235sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 2, neutral membrane (neutral sphingomyelinase)
2108847 AI394346 UnknownUG Hs.199542ESTs
2108855 AI394350 UnknownUG Hs.115094ESTs
2108857 AI391524 Unknown
2108882 AI391535 UnknownUG Hs.17686ESTs
2108884 AI391536 UnknownUG Hs.71941ESTs
2108889 AI391547 Unknown
2108891 AI391548 Unknown
2108899 AI391551 UnknownUG Hs.160413ESTs
2108916 AI391560 Par-4=prostate apoptosis response protein
2108921 AI391569 Unknown
2108936 AI391574 UnknownUG Hs.160961EST
2108938 AI391575 Unknown
2108942 AI391577 Unknown
2108961 AI380823 UnknownUG Hs.158993EST
2108963 AI380824 Unknown
2108965 AI380825 Unknown
2108972 AI380817 Unknown
2108985 AI380843 UnknownUG Hs.78684ESTs
2108988 AI380834 UnknownUG Hs.118282ESTs
2108989 AI380845 UnknownUG Hs.155364ESTs, Weakly similar to plenty-of-prolines-101 [M.musculus]
2108993 AI380847 UnknownUG Hs.127338Homo sapiens mRNA, chromosome 1 specific transcript KIAA0492
2109007 AI380862 UnknownUG Hs.195995ESTs
2109025 AI380879 UnknownUG Hs.152859ESTs
2109027 AI380880 UnknownUG Hs.152859ESTs
2109032 AI380873 Unknown
2109034 AI380874 UnknownUG Hs.158995EST
2109043 AI380888 UnknownUG Hs.122755serine/threonine kinase 11 (Peutz-Jeghers syndrome)
2109046 AI380878 Unknown
2109048 AI380890 Unknown
2109054 AI380892 Unknown
2109057 AI380902 UnknownUG Hs.107812ESTs, Weakly similar to weak similarity to collagens [C.elegans]
2109085 AI380921 UnknownUG Hs.108667ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4106368) [D.melanogaster]
2109087 AI380922 Unknown
2109102 AI380928 Unknown
2109103 AI380951 UnknownUG Hs.80988collagen, type VI, alpha 3
2109111 AI380955 UnknownUG Hs.176374EST
2109117 AI380957 UnknownUG Hs.16275calcium channel, voltage-dependent, beta 3 subunit
2109130 AI380941 UnknownUG Hs.110849estrogen-related receptor alpha
2109134 AI380942 UnknownUG Hs.158996EST
2109140 AI380945 UnknownUG Hs.170284ESTs, Weakly similar to ret finger protein [M.musculus]
2109141 AI380968 Unknown
2109143 AI380969 Unknown
2109154 AI379989 UnknownUG Hs.179003EST
2109169 AI380016 UnknownUG Hs.192427ESTs, Weakly similar to TETRASPAN MEMBRANE PROTEIN IL-TMP [H.sapiens]
2109171 AI380017 UnknownUG Hs.158946ESTs
2109174 AI380008 UnknownUG Hs.179419ESTs
2109180 AI380010 UnknownUG Hs.159629myosin IXB
2109183 AI380023 Unknown
2109193 AI424929 UnknownUG Hs.170315ESTs
2109197 AI424931 Unknown
2109198 AI424921 UnknownUG Hs.122487ESTs, Weakly similar to RAS GTPASE-ACTIVATING-LIKE PROTEIN IQGAP1 [H.sapiens]
2109206 AI424924 UnknownUG Hs.211203ESTs
2109225 AI424952 Unknown
2109226 AI424944 Unknown
2109228 AI424945 Unknown
2109247 AI380039 Unknown
2109270 AI380047 UnknownUG Hs.32539phospholipase C, beta 4
2109281 AI380061 UnknownUG Hs.160946ESTs
2109294 AI380972 Unknown
2109300 AI380975 UnknownUG Hs.78684ESTs
2109314 AI380987 Unknown
2109317 AI380999 UnknownUG Hs.192431EST
2109324 AI380992 UnknownUG Hs.95867Homo sapiens EST00098 gene, last exon
2109327 AI381003 Unknown
2109339 AI381018 UnknownUG Hs.158999ESTs
2109341 AI381019 Unknown
2109353 AI381023 UnknownUG Hs.208959ESTs, Moderately similar to neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP [H.sapiens]
2109361 AI381037 UnknownUG Hs.159000EST
2109366 AI381030 Unknown
2109371 AI381041 Unknown
2109392 AI394053 Unknown
2109408 AI394070 UnknownUG Hs.160411ESTs
2109450 AI394097 UnknownUG Hs.146428collagen, type V, alpha 1
2109473 AI394125 UnknownUG Hs.160413ESTs
2109474 AI394116 UnknownUG Hs.115789ESTs
2109482 AI392936 UnknownUG Hs.72172Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1115 protein, complete cds
2109491 AI392951 Unknown
2109495 AI392953 UnknownUG Hs.139144ESTs
2109501 AI392956 UnknownUG Hs.159659ESTs
2109513 AI392970 UnknownUG Hs.202796ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SB2 WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2109523 AI392974 Unknown
2109524 AI392964 UnknownUG Hs.159660EST
2109526 AI392965 UnknownUG Hs.146700ESTs
2109531 AI392990 UnknownUG Hs.176380EST
2109542 AI392984 UnknownUG Hs.165998Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564M2423 (from clone DKFZp564M2423)
2109549 AI392999 UnknownUG Hs.230848EST
2109560 AI393005 Unknown
2109562 AI393006 UnknownUG Hs.179008EST
2109569 AI393020 UnknownUG Hs.159704ESTs
2109581 AI392705 Unknown
2109594 AI392701 Unknown
2109599 AI392710 UnknownUG Hs.161565ESTs
2109604 AI392712 UnknownUG Hs.212415ESTs
2109617 AI392725 Unknown
2109618 AI392719 Unknown
2109627 AI392740 UnknownUG Hs.160977EST
2109629 AI392741 Unknown
2109631 AI392742 UnknownUG Hs.35962ESTs
2109636 AI392733 Unknown
2109637 AI392745 UnknownUG Hs.160978ESTs
2109640 AI392735 UnknownUG Hs.160976EST
2109641 AI392747 Unknown
2109642 AI392736 UnknownUG Hs.121370ESTs
2109643 AI392748 UnknownUG Hs.165998Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp564M2423 (from clone DKFZp564M2423)
2109646 AI392738 Unknown
2109653 AI392764 Unknown
2109654 AI392754 Unknown
2109672 AI394667 UnknownUG Hs.159677ESTs
2109676 AI394669 Unknown
2109677 AI394679 UnknownUG Hs.159679EST, Weakly similar to neuropsin [M.musculus]
2109684 AI394671 UnknownUG Hs.159678EST
2109688 AI394673 Unknown
2109706 AI394690 UnknownUG Hs.228337EST
2109717 AI394705 Unknown
2109733 AI394721 CASPASE-1=ICE=interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme beta isozyme
2109741 AI394725 UnknownUG Hs.159681EST
2109743 AI394726 UnknownUG Hs.228338EST
2109750 AI394730 UnknownUG Hs.159682EST
2109760 AI394733 UnknownUG Hs.159683EST
2109771 AI393033 UnknownUG Hs.159489ESTs, Moderately similar to HEXOKINASE, TYPE II [H.sapiens]
2109780 AI393028 UnknownUG Hs.163776ESTs
2109781 AI393038 UnknownUG Hs.159706EST
2109789 AI393042 Unknown
2109792 AI393043 UnknownUG Hs.36973guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), alpha transducing activity polypeptide 2
2109797 AI393053 UnknownUG Hs.125276ESTs
2109804 AI393048 UnknownUG Hs.196458leucine rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 1
2109826 AI393065 Unknown
2109829 AI393076 UnknownUG Hs.13501Homo sapiens pescadillo mRNA, complete cds
2109844 AI393083 Unknown
2109849 AI393096 Unknown
2109856 AI393089 UnknownUG Hs.102648ESTs
2109874 AI401109 UnknownUG Hs.174779EST
2109877 AI401120 UnknownUG Hs.210995ESTs
2109901 AI401142 Unknown
2109918 AI401151 UnknownUG Hs.176498EST
2109920 AI401152 Unknown
2109927 AI401165 UnknownUG Hs.176499ESTs
2109938 AI401171 UnknownUG Hs.223918ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4760778) [M.musculus]
2109945 AI401184 UnknownUG Hs.175336EST
2109950 AI401176 Unknown
2109955 AI401187 UnknownUG Hs.179092EST
2109958 AI401180 Unknown
2116106 AI493423 Unknown
2116116 AI493426 UnknownUG Hs.179490EST
2116121 AI493437 Unknown
2116177 AI401024 UnknownUG Hs.175893ESTs
2116197 AI401030 UnknownUG Hs.102991ESTs
2116220 AI401284 UnknownUG Hs.192563EST
2116223 AI401293 Unknown
2116225 AI401303 UnknownUG Hs.174780EST, Weakly similar to 60S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L13 [M.musculus]
2116234 AI401297 BCL-2
2116238 AI401299 UnknownUG Hs.212961ESTs, Weakly similar to ORF2 [M.musculus]
2116258 AI399977 UnknownUG Hs.177146EST
2116274 AI399991 Unknown
2116276 AI399992 UnknownUG Hs.182627ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2116344 AI400688 Unknown
2116372 AI400707 UnknownUG Hs.2134ESTs
2116377 AI400718 UnknownUG Hs.172690diacylglycerol kinase, alpha (80kD)
2116388 AI400713 UnknownUG Hs.183547ESTs
2116391 AI400725 UnknownUG Hs.224408EST
2116409 AI400783 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase=5-lipoxygenase=5-LO
2116427 AI400796 UnknownUG Hs.224409EST
2116432 AI400790 UnknownUG Hs.104285ESTs
2116436 AI400792 UnknownUG Hs.29189Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1021 protein, partial cds
2116441 AI523760 Unknown
2116445 AI523762 Unknown
2116458 AI523758 UnknownUG Hs.228368EST
2116465 AI523776 Unknown
2116481 AI523780 Unknown
2116492 AI523609 UnknownUG Hs.170915ESTs
2116493 AI523617 UnknownUG Hs.171098EST
2116497 AI523619 Unknown
2116506 AI523614 Unknown
2116508 AI523615 UnknownUG Hs.129695Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein interacting protein
2116513 AI523632 UnknownUG Hs.171100EST, Weakly similar to (defline not available 3983162) [M.musculus]
2116517 AI523634 Unknown
2116521 AI523635 UnknownUG Hs.170060ESTs
2116522 AI523627 Unknown
2116524 AI523628 Unknown
2116540 AI523640 UnknownUG Hs.11607ESTs
2116542 AI523641 UnknownUG Hs.183386ESTs
2116551 AI523651 UnknownUG Hs.109606coronin, actin-binding, 1A
2116563 AI523664 Unknown
2116566 AI523657 Unknown
2116567 AI523665 UnknownUG Hs.10037KIAA0274 gene product
2116574 AI523660 UnknownUG Hs.171101ESTs
2116576 AI523661 UnknownUG Hs.226755ESTs
2116585 AI523790 UnknownUG Hs.171108EST
2116586 AI523784 Unknown
2116590 AI523785 UnknownUG Hs.136993ESTs, Weakly similar to Bem46-like protein [D.melanogaster]
2116597 AI523796 Unknown
2116600 AI523788 Unknown
2116603 AI523799 Unknown
2116641 AI523826 UnknownUG Hs.181304putative gene product
2116643 AI523827 UnknownUG Hs.188275EST
2116649 AI523829 UnknownUG Hs.111288ESTs, Weakly similar to K02B2.3 gene product [C.elegans]
2116689 AI523857 UnknownUG Hs.232257ESTs
2116700 AI523851 Unknown
2116726 AI523873 UnknownUG Hs.228926EST, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2116743 AI523889 UnknownUG Hs.29189Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1021 protein, partial cds
2116750 AI523884 UnknownUG Hs.207993EST
2116753 AI523903 UnknownUG Hs.195742ESTs
2116757 AI523904 Unknown
2116759 AI523905 UnknownUG Hs.188276ESTs, Weakly similar to proline-rich protein MP3 [M.musculus]
2116765 AI523907 UnknownUG Hs.171113ESTs
2116773 AI523909 Unknown
2116786 AI523913 UnknownUG Hs.34504ESTs
2116787 AI523922 Unknown
2116793 AI523925 UnknownUG Hs.171110ESTs
2116839 AI523958 UnknownUG Hs.171111EST
2116847 AI523961 UnknownUG Hs.171112EST
2116851 AI523972 UnknownUG Hs.170915ESTs
2116852 AI523964 UnknownUG Hs.189497EST
2116853 AI523973 UnknownUG Hs.174716EST
2116858 AI523967 Unknown
2116881 AI523988 UnknownUG Hs.171113ESTs
2116883 AI523989 Unknown
2116888 AI523981 Unknown
2116897 AI524004 UnknownUG Hs.229405EST
2116905 AI524006 Unknown
2116906 AI523997 UnknownUG Hs.171114ESTs
2116922 AI524012 UnknownUG Hs.2969v-ski avian sarcoma viral oncogene homolog
2116925 AI524023 Unknown
2116928 AI524015 UnknownUG Hs.98306ESTs
2116931 AI524025 UnknownUG Hs.143507T brachyury (mouse) homolog
2116942 AI524020 UnknownUG Hs.174154ESTs, Weakly similar to alpha 1 [H.sapiens]
2116959 AI524043 Unknown
2116968 AI524046 Unknown
2116981 AI524056 UnknownUG Hs.171117ESTs
2116995 AI524068 UnknownUG Hs.176496ESTs
2117003 AI524071 Unknown
2117008 AI524064 UnknownUG Hs.994phospholipase C, beta 2
2117015 AI524077 UnknownUG Hs.205114ESTs
2117018 AI524079 Unknown
2117021 AI524090 Unknown
2117072 AI416956 UnknownUG Hs.228892EST
2117084 AI416960 UnknownUG Hs.221323ESTs
2117087 AI416969 Unknown
2117089 AI416981 Unknown
2117091 AI416982 Unknown
2117096 AI416974 UnknownUG Hs.170299ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2117105 AI416988 UnknownUG Hs.227032inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, type 2
2117115 AI417000 UnknownUG Hs.159693EST
2117662 AI523540 Unknown
2117663 AI523549 Unknown
2117664 AI523550 Unknown
2117693 AI523579 Unknown
2117706 AI523574 UnknownUG Hs.177107EST
2117710 AI523576 UnknownUG Hs.158920ESTs
2117711 AI523588 UnknownUG Hs.171629ESTs, Weakly similar to ubiquitous TPR motif, Y isoform [H.sapiens]
2117713 AI523599 UnknownUG Hs.171096ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4456988) [H.sapiens]
2117717 AI523601 UnknownUG Hs.170437ESTs
2117728 AI523596 UnknownUG Hs.171095EST
2117736 AI524091 UnknownUG Hs.158920ESTs
2117740 AI524093 UnknownUG Hs.170125ESTs, Highly similar to myosin [M.musculus]
2117744 AI524095 UnknownUG Hs.111339ESTs
2117749 AI524103 Unknown
2117754 AI524099 UnknownUG Hs.172711ESTs, Weakly similar to collagen alpha 1(I) chain precursor [H.sapiens]
2117755 AI524105 UnknownUG Hs.137319ESTs
2117771 AI524120 UnknownUG Hs.170299ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2117779 AI524124 UnknownUG Hs.194375ESTs
2117788 AI524128 Unknown
2117791 AI524139 UnknownUG Hs.171119EST
2117800 AI524133 Unknown
2117807 AI524144 Unknown
2117812 AI524146 UnknownUG Hs.120784ESTs
2117826 AI524153 Unknown
2117836 AI524166 Unknown
2117839 AI524178 Unknown
2117840 AI524168 UnknownUG Hs.171120EST
2117841 AI524179 UnknownUG Hs.189498EST
2117861 AI524195 Unknown
2117873 AI524200 Arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase=5-lipoxygenase=5-LO
2117877 AI524202 UnknownUG Hs.171122EST
2117882 AI400802 UnknownUG Hs.141284ESTs
2117893 AI400811 Unknown
2117896 AI400805 Unknown
2117903 AI400815 UnknownUG Hs.202018ESTs
2117908 AI400818 Unknown
2117913 AI400832 UnknownUG Hs.224114ESTs
2117924 AI400826 UnknownUG Hs.174778EST
2117935 AI524214 UnknownUG Hs.171123EST
2117937 AI524215 Unknown
2117945 AI524219 Unknown
2117954 AI524224 UnknownUG Hs.168763ESTs, Highly similar to 98K GTPase-activating protein ABR, brain [H.sapiens]
2117956 AI524225 UnknownUG Hs.208515ESTs
2117959 AI524233 UnknownUG Hs.171124EST
2117981 AI524254 47-kD autosomal chronic granulomatous disease protein
2117986 AI524246 UnknownUG Hs.171125EST
2117993 AI524256 Unknown
2117995 AI524257 Unknown
2117996 AI524250 UnknownUG Hs.136949ESTs
2118002 AI524259 Unknown
2118003 AI524268 UnknownUG Hs.225576EST
2118009 AI524271 Unknown
2118022 AI524266 UnknownUG Hs.230874EST
2118025 AI524692 UnknownUG Hs.173076ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU CLASS B WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2118027 AI524693 UnknownUG Hs.158008ESTs
2118032 AI524685 Unknown
2118038 AI524688 UnknownUG Hs.174154ESTs, Weakly similar to alpha 1 [H.sapiens]
2118042 AI524690 UnknownUG Hs.171101ESTs
2118046 AI524691 UnknownUG Hs.143407ESTs
2118051 AI524706 Unknown
2118055 AI524707 Unknown
2118059 AI524709 Unknown
2118067 AI524712 UnknownUG Hs.186295ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2118077 AI524724 UnknownUG Hs.171141EST
2118082 AI524716 Unknown
2118088 AI524719 UnknownUG Hs.210254EST
2118089 AI524727 UnknownUG Hs.184123ESTs
2118090 AI524720 UnknownUG Hs.171140EST
2118102 AI524733 Unknown
2118107 AI524743 UnknownUG Hs.169808ESTs
2118108 AI524735 UnknownUG Hs.6784ESTs
2118115 AI524746 Unknown
2118116 AI524738 UnknownUG Hs.159336ESTs, Highly similar to p116Rip [M.musculus]
2118138 AI568345 UnknownUG Hs.39850ESTs, Weakly similar to Fur1p: Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase [S.cerevisiae]
2118172 AI568374 UnknownUG Hs.175300EST
2118193 AI568401 UnknownUG Hs.176468ESTs
2118196 AI568394 Unknown
2118202 AI568396 UnknownUG Hs.183792ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4153862) [H.sapiens]
2118215 AI568410 UnknownUG Hs.179501ESTs
2118216 AI568656 Unknown
2118239 AI568671 UnknownUG Hs.193517ESTs
2118266 AI568687 UnknownUG Hs.88500Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA1066 protein, partial cds
2118267 AI568696 Unknown
2118278 AI568692 Unknown
2118284 AI568695 UnknownUG Hs.174740EST
2118312 AI568725 Unknown
2118316 AI568726 Unknown
2118317 AI568736 UnknownUG Hs.20395ESTs
2118336 AI568739 LKLF=Lung Krueppel-like factor
2118353 AI568751 UnknownUG Hs.159014ESTs
2118356 AI568745 UnknownUG Hs.34906ESTs
2118365 AI568755 UnknownUG Hs.157564ESTs
2118366 AI568753 UnknownUG Hs.174242EST
2118386 AI568760 Unknown
2118388 AI568761 Unknown
2118391 AI568771 UnknownUG Hs.229421EST, Weakly similar to 60S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN L13 [M.musculus]
2118399 AI568772 Unknown
2118401 AI568773 UnknownUG Hs.179070EST
2118402 AI568765 UnknownUG Hs.188300EST
2120728 AI431448 UnknownUG Hs.188215EST
2120758 AI431466 UnknownUG Hs.224890ESTs, Highly similar to epsilon tyrosine phosphatase [M.musculus]
2120815 AI433079 UnknownUG Hs.146322mast cell function-associated antigen (ITIM-containing)
2120837 AI433096 UnknownUG Hs.176396ESTs
2120908 AI432972 UnknownUG Hs.179573collagen, type I, alpha 2
2120949 AI433001 Unknown
2120953 AI433011 UnknownUG Hs.164103EST
2120967 AI433012 UnknownUG Hs.179443EST
2120977 AI433023 UnknownUG Hs.188218EST
2120987 AI433028 MHC Class II=DM alpha
2120990 AI433020 Unknown
2120991 AI433029 UnknownUG Hs.164104ESTs
2120992 AI433021 UnknownUG Hs.186237EST
2121016 AI432217 MHC Class II=DQ beta
2121019 AI432226 UnknownUG Hs.79530ESTs, Weakly similar to hypothetical 30K protein [D.melanogaster]
2121025 AI432237 UnknownUG Hs.186235EST
2121028 AI432229 UnknownUG Hs.185459EST
2121050 AI432713 UnknownUG Hs.194110kangai 1 (suppression of tumorigenicity 6, prostate; CD82 antigen (R2 leukocyte antigen, antigen detected by monoclonal and antibody IA4))
2121090 AI432736 UnknownUG Hs.175213EST
2121098 AI432906 Unknown
2121107 AI432917 UnknownUG Hs.164098EST
2121135 AI432935 UnknownUG Hs.175801EST
2121147 AI432798 Unknown
2121148 AI432790 UnknownUG Hs.175800EST
2121168 AI432805 UnknownUG Hs.164094EST
2121169 AI432814 UnknownUG Hs.174972ESTs
2121177 AI432817 UnknownUG Hs.164095EST
2121209 AI432693 UnknownUG Hs.179020EST
2121244 AI431505 Unknown
2121249 AI431514 UnknownUG Hs.166770ESTs
2121254 AI431507 Unknown
2121258 AI431508 Unknown
2121288 AI492714 UnknownUG Hs.170936EST
2121343 AI540258 UnknownUG Hs.230878EST
2121406 AI492752 UnknownUG Hs.188271EST
2121460 AI435633 Unknown
2121461 AI435641 UnknownUG Hs.188224EST
2121465 AI435643 LYSP100=SP140
2121469 AI435645 Unknown
2121471 AI435646 spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
2121477 AI435649 Unknown
2121479 AI435650 UnknownUG Hs.128778ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2129171 AI436366 Unknown
2129187 AI436385 Unknown
2129188 AI436374 Unknown
2129197 AI436389 UnknownUG Hs.212199ESTs
2129235 AI436418 UnknownUG Hs.170326ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4007380) [M.musculus]
2129239 AI436419 Similar to Wnt-6
2129243 AI436421 Unknown
2129250 AI436415 UnknownUG Hs.104640Homo sapiens HIV-1 inducer of short transcripts binding protein (FBI1) mRNA, complete cds
2129266 AI435238 Unknown
2129270 AI435240 Unknown
2129278 AI435244 Unknown
2129279 AI435253 UnknownUG Hs.175803EST
2129299 AI435268 UnknownUG Hs.185463EST
2129300 AI435262 UnknownUG Hs.20912adenomatous polyposis coli like
2129334 AI435290 Unknown
2129341 AI435303 UnknownUG Hs.164331EST
2129342 AI435294 Unknown
2129357 AI436561 UnknownUG Hs.165703ESTs
2129359 AI436562 Unknown
2129381 AI436580 Unknown
2129383 AI436581 UnknownUG Hs.169738ESTs
2129387 AI436583 Unknown
2129394 AI436576 UnknownUG Hs.186243EST, Weakly similar to proline-rich protein 15 [R.norvegicus]
2129400 AI436589 Unknown
2129410 AI436593 Unknown
2129413 AI436603 UnknownUG Hs.164365EST
2129430 AI436607 Unknown
2129431 AI436616 UnknownUG Hs.75922ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4008089) [H.sapiens]
2129434 AI436608 Unknown
2129439 AI436620 UnknownUG Hs.165681ESTs, Highly similar to UBIQUITIN-CONJUGATING ENZYME E2-17 KD [M.musculus]
2129440 AI436610 UnknownUG Hs.164367EST
2129456 AI521258 Unknown
2129457 AI521266 UnknownUG Hs.169917ESTs, Weakly similar to proline-rich protein MP2 [M.musculus]
2129476 AI521272 Unknown
2129477 AI521282 Unknown
2129485 AI521285 Unknown
2129493 AI521289 Unknown
2129509 AI521304 UnknownUG Hs.190287ESTs, Highly similar to unknown [H.sapiens]
2129522 AI521310 Unknown
2129531 AI521324 Unknown
2129533 AI521325 UnknownUG Hs.173346ESTs
2129536 AI521317 UnknownUG Hs.175271ESTs
2132232 AI434221 Unknown
2132233 AI434229 UnknownUG Hs.164286ESTs
2132238 AI434223 UnknownUG Hs.189427EST
2132254 AI434228 Unknown
2132257 AI434248 Unknown
2132259 AI434249 UnknownUG Hs.177057EST
2132264 AI434242 Unknown
2132273 AI434256 Unknown
2132274 AI434245 Unknown
2132307 AI433647 UnknownUG Hs.179022EST
2132328 AI434629 Unknown
2132386 AI434885 UnknownUG Hs.10031Homo sapiens mRNA for KIAA0955 protein, complete cds
2132407 AI434911 Unknown
2132415 AI434914 UnknownUG Hs.137030ESTs
2132426 AI439062 UnknownUG Hs.176405EST
2132435 AI439073 UnknownUG Hs.229880EST
2132438 AI439066 UnknownUG Hs.8217stromal antigen 2
2132461 AI439087 UnknownUG Hs.187151EST
2132469 AI439089 UnknownUG Hs.189434EST
2132476 AI434660 UnknownUG Hs.164287ESTs
2132487 AI434673 UnknownUG Hs.164298EST
2132491 AI434675 UnknownUG Hs.164299ESTs
2132520 AI434020 UnknownUG Hs.190851EST
2132543 AI434038 UnknownUG Hs.187146EST
2132558 AI434043 UnknownUG Hs.208650ESTs
2132588 AI434134 UnknownUG Hs.231269EST
2132604 AI434146 UnknownUG Hs.164284Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp570I0164 (from clone DKFZp570I0164)
2132616 AI434449 UnknownUG Hs.162963ESTs
2132620 AI434451 Unknown
2132626 AI434453 UnknownUG Hs.192452EST
2132633 AI434464 UnknownUG Hs.175216EST
2132642 AI434468 UnknownUG Hs.177058EST
2132647 AI434479 Unknown
2132648 AI434471 UnknownUG Hs.182186ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2132649 AI434480 Unknown
2132650 AI434472 UnknownUG Hs.186239EST
2132651 AI434481 UnknownUG Hs.164291ESTs
2132669 AI433206 UnknownUG Hs.187143EST
2132670 AI433190 UnknownUG Hs.120257ESTs
2132695 AI433233 Unknown
2132712 AI434918 UnknownUG Hs.163341ESTs, Weakly similar to (defline not available 4337110) [H.sapiens]
2132750 AI434932 UnknownUG Hs.164312EST
2132764 AI434261 UnknownUG Hs.164287ESTs
2132790 AI434274 UnknownUG Hs.189428EST
2132800 AI434279 UnknownUG Hs.187147EST
2132802 AI434280 Unknown
2132804 AI434281 UnknownUG Hs.189429EST
2132810 AI433359 UnknownUG Hs.164120EST
2132838 AI433375 UnknownUG Hs.230851EST
2132839 AI433384 UnknownUG Hs.190850EST
2132856 AI434693 UnknownUG Hs.228345EST
2132874 AI434699 Unknown
2132880 AI434709 UnknownUG Hs.126995ESTs
2132920 AI434731 UnknownUG Hs.186240EST
2132925 AI434741 UnknownUG Hs.189430EST
2133003 AI434302 Unknown
2133011 AI434306 UnknownUG Hs.222174ESTs
2133013 AI434307 Unknown
2133024 AI434312 Unknown
2133037 AI434327 UnknownUG Hs.164163ESTs
2133038 AI434317 UnknownUG Hs.173824thymine-DNA glycosylase
2133046 AI434321 MHC Class II=DR beta
2133056 AI434059 CD79A=BCR alpha chain=mb-1
2133094 AI434080 UnknownUG Hs.229383EST
2133107 AI468818 UnknownUG Hs.115931ESTs
2133123 AI468829 UnknownUG Hs.170665EST
2133127 AI468830 UnknownUG Hs.170668ESTs
2133142 AI468828 UnknownUG Hs.136232ESTs
2133144 AI468838 UnknownUG Hs.227032inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor, type 2
2133157 AI468849 UnknownUG Hs.170666EST
2133189 AI468959 Unknown
2133236 AI468872 UnknownUG Hs.192484EST
2133238 AI468873 UnknownUG Hs.177090EST
2133246 AI468884 UnknownUG Hs.170667EST
2133284 AI468970 Unknown
2133293 AI468909 Unknown
2133303 AI468913 Unknown
2133305 AI468914 Unknown
2133310 AI468906 UnknownUG Hs.179035ESTs
2133319 AI468925 UnknownUG Hs.170668ESTs
2133321 AI468926 UnknownUG Hs.76053DEAD/H (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp/His) box polypeptide 5 (RNA helicase, 68kD)
2133329 AI468930 UnknownUG Hs.176421EST
2133346 AI468936 UnknownUG Hs.127770ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SQ WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2133348 AI468937 Unknown
2133362 AI468979 Unknown
2133366 AI468981 AIM2=interferon-inducible protein=associated with chromosome 6-mediated suppression of melanoma tumorgenicity
2133371 AI468992 UnknownUG Hs.185486EST
2133376 AI468984 Unknown
2133393 AI434166 Unknown
2133412 AI434173 Unknown
2133415 AI434178 Unknown
2133428 AI434176 Unknown
2133429 AI434183 Unknown
2133431 AI434184 Unknown
2133441 AI434499 Unknown
2133450 AI434492 Unknown
2133482 AI433162 Unknown
2133489 AI433193 CD53
2133497 AI433204 Unknown
2133524 AI433230 UnknownUG Hs.164112EST
2133541 AI434957 Unknown
2133572 AI434969 UnknownUG Hs.177059EST
2133583 AI433562 Unknown
2133605 AI433579 UnknownUG Hs.164131EST
2133624 AI433584 Unknown
2133642 AI433590 UnknownUG Hs.175215EST
2133645 AI433600 UnknownUG Hs.179021EST
2133646 AI433592 Unknown
2133659 AI433616 Unknown
2133660 AI433607 UnknownUG Hs.192449EST
2133662 AI433608 UnknownUG Hs.209839EST
2133668 AI433611 Unknown
2133694 AI434340 Unknown
2133729 AI434379 Unknown
2133767 AI434402 Unknown
2133811 AI434550 UnknownUG Hs.164292EST
2133816 AI434553 UnknownUG Hs.211911ESTs
2133861 AI434586 Unknown
2133901 AI497732 Unknown
2133902 AI497725 UnknownUG Hs.197682ESTs
2133903 AI497733 UnknownUG Hs.188263EST
2133911 AI497736 UnknownUG Hs.192861Spi-B transcription factor (Spi-1/PU.1 related)
2133915 AI497745 UnknownUG Hs.170804EST, Weakly similar to unknown protein [R.norvegicus]
2133944 AI471875 UnknownUG Hs.93571ESTs
2133967 AI498544 UnknownUG Hs.175260EST
2134018 AI498570 UnknownUG Hs.170842EST
2134025 AI498579 UnknownUG Hs.186280EST
2134030 AI498574 Unknown
2134053 AI471905 UnknownUG Hs.190892EST
2134061 AI470742 Unknown
2134067 AI470745 UnknownUG Hs.153958ESTs
2134083 AI470757 Unknown
2134130 AI471908 Unknown
2134132 AI471909 UnknownUG Hs.187187EST
2134134 AI471910 UnknownUG Hs.174699EST, Weakly similar to salivary proline-rich protein precursor [H.sapiens]
2134145 AI471925 UnknownUG Hs.89257ESTs
2134164 AI433481 Unknown
2134182 AI433495 UnknownUG Hs.27264ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SX WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2134209 AI439223 UnknownUG Hs.227767zinc finger protein 41
2134211 AI439224 Unknown
2134221 AI439227 Unknown
2134222 AI439220 Unknown
2134241 AI439241 Unknown
2134257 AI439285 Unknown
2134281 AI439299 Unknown
2134301 AI439344 UnknownUG Hs.165722EST
2134317 AI439350 UnknownUG Hs.190859EST
2134318 AI439342 UnknownUG Hs.165721EST
2134322 AI439352 UnknownUG Hs.165724EST
2134383 AI439527 UnknownUG Hs.179027EST
2134392 AI439710 UnknownUG Hs.209842EST
2134400 AI439713 UnknownUG Hs.165295ESTs
2134403 AI439724 Unknown
2134408 AI439717 UnknownUG Hs.185474EST
2134429 AI439745 UnknownUG Hs.190861EST
2134431 AI439746 UnknownUG Hs.165735EST
2134432 AI439736 UnknownUG Hs.177066EST
2134438 AI439739 UnknownUG Hs.165734EST
2134439 AI439749 Unknown
2134444 AI439788 BRCA2=Mutated in breast and ovarian cancer
2134451 AI439801 UnknownUG Hs.175229EST
2134458 AI439793 UnknownUG Hs.228353EST
2134475 AI439814 UnknownUG Hs.174675EST
2134506 AI440086 UnknownUG Hs.165748EST
2134512 AI440097 UnknownUG Hs.165750EST
2134527 AI440110 spi-1=PU.1=ets family transcription factor
2134577 AI440174 UnknownUG Hs.228907EST, Weakly similar to GUANINE NUCLEOTIDE-BINDING PROTEIN BETA SUBUNIT-LIKE PROTEIN 12.3 [M.musculus]
2134590 AI439881 Unknown
2134616 AI439903 UnknownUG Hs.175814EST
2134622 AI439905 UnknownUG Hs.186245ESTs
2134631 AI439915 UnknownUG Hs.106845ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2134652 AI439955 UnknownUG Hs.106845ESTs, Moderately similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY SC WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2134656 AI439962 UnknownUG Hs.190862EST
2134667 AI439976 Unknown
2134671 AI439978 Unknown
2134694 AI439180 UnknownUG Hs.230396EST
2134704 AI439195 Unknown
2134705 AI439205 UnknownUG Hs.192068ESTs
2134749 AI439256 UnknownUG Hs.179454EST, Weakly similar to DIAPHANOUS PROTEIN [D.melanogaster]
2134777 AI439313 Unknown
2134794 AI439310 UnknownUG Hs.165718EST
2134816 AI439324 UnknownUG Hs.188231EST
2134823 AI439335 Unknown
2134825 AI439476 UnknownUG Hs.8217stromal antigen 2
2134831 AI439478 UnknownUG Hs.190860EST
2134838 AI439473 Unknown
2134869 AI439495 Unknown
2134874 AI439675 UnknownUG Hs.177065EST, Weakly similar to proline-rich protein precursor [R.norvegicus]
2134901 AI439704 UnknownUG Hs.96617ESTs
2134906 AI439698 UnknownUG Hs.49690ESTs, Moderately similar to KIAA0379 [H.sapiens]
2134923 AI439761 UnknownUG Hs.165736EST
2134991 AI440061 UnknownUG Hs.189435EST
2134999 AI440074 UnknownUG Hs.199434ESTs
2135006 AI440068 UnknownUG Hs.165153ESTs
2135015 AI440082 UnknownUG Hs.48647Homo sapiens immunoglobulin-like transcript 7 mRNA, complete cds
2135018 AI440114 Unknown
2135037 AI440126 UnknownUG Hs.179455EST
2135040 AI440128 Unknown
2135052 AI440134 Unknown
2135116 AI439918 Unknown
2135124 AI439920 UnknownUG Hs.186247EST
2135170 AI439986 Unknown
2135176 AI439988 Unknown
2135191 AI440008 UnknownUG Hs.165744EST
2135192 AI440002 Unknown
2135202 AI440005 Unknown
2135228 AI524534 UnknownUG Hs.171135EST
2157984 AI478980 UnknownUG Hs.209847EST
2157986 AI478981 UnknownUG Hs.9931ESTs
2158014 AI478995 Unknown
2158031 AI479006 Unknown
2158041 AI479016 Unknown
2158046 AI479010 Unknown
2158048 AI479011 UnknownUG Hs.170783ESTs
2158051 AI479018 Unknown
2158067 AI479029 UnknownUG Hs.187200EST
2158068 AI479024 Unknown
2158085 AI479041 Unknown
2158088 AI479034 Unknown
2158096 AI479037 Unknown
2158108 AI479049 UnknownUG Hs.183792ESTs, Highly similar to (defline not available 4153862) [H.sapiens]
2158115 AI479059 Unknown
2158122 AI479055 Unknown
2158130 AI479066 Unknown
2158135 AI479076 Unknown
2158140 AI479071 Unknown
2158155 AI479094 UnknownUG Hs.170786ESTs
2158162 AI479087 Unknown
2158165 AI479099 UnknownUG Hs.170786ESTs
2158171 AI479101 Unknown
2158204 AI479119 UnknownUG Hs.170274ESTs
2158208 AI479121 Unknown
2158220 AI479126 UnknownUG Hs.186274EST, Weakly similar to type VII collagen [M.musculus]
2158238 AI479139 Unknown
2158271 AI479617 UnknownUG Hs.202402ESTs
2158280 AI479620 Unknown
2158289 AI479630 pim-1 kinase
2158306 AI479637 Unknown
2158327 AI479659 UnknownUG Hs.185498EST
2158329 AI479660 Unknown
2158337 AI479663 Unknown
2158338 AI479654 Unknown
2158343 AI479666 UnknownUG Hs.210858ESTs, Weakly similar to !!!! ALU SUBFAMILY J WARNING ENTRY !!!! [H.sapiens]
2174092 AI476101 VRK1=vaccinia related kinase 1
2174097 AI476109 UnknownUG Hs.190887EST
2174100 AI476103 Unknown
2174111 AI476114 Unknown
2174137 AI476150 UnknownUG Hs.172568ESTs
2174152 AI476146 Unknown
2174158 AI476149 UnknownUG Hs.172568ESTs
2174175 AI476160 Unknown
2174281 AI572938 UnknownUG Hs.177729ESTs
2174352 AI572979 UnknownUG Hs.174767EST
2174371 AI572994 UnknownUG Hs.174768EST
2174419 AI573025 UnknownUG Hs.175889EST
2174421 AI573026 UnknownUG Hs.179085EST
2174462 AI573046 UnknownUG Hs.231299EST
2174583 AI568217 UnknownUG Hs.175299EST
2174593 AI568230 UnknownUG Hs.81226CD6 antigen
2174742 AI568329 UnknownUG Hs.176920ESTs
2174755 AI568338 UnknownUG Hs.230425EST
2174760 AI499966 Unknown
2174763 AI499977 UnknownUG Hs.174705EST
2174780 AI499974 UnknownUG Hs.189485EST
2174788 AI499986 UnknownUG Hs.187208EST
2174811 AI500006 UnknownUG Hs.121297ESTs
2174825 AI500007 Unknown
2174888 AI500029 UnknownUG Hs.231542ESTs, Weakly similar to 40S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S4, X ISOFORM [M.musculus]
2174890 AI500030 UnknownUG Hs.170880ESTs
2174896 AI500033 UnknownUG Hs.136645ESTs
2174903 AI500039 UnknownUG Hs.189486EST
2174913 AI500056 Unknown
2174926 AI500051 Unknown
2174932 AI500128 Unknown
2174945 AI500144 Unknown
2174948 AI500135 UnknownUG Hs.164207ESTs
2174951 AI500146 UnknownUG Hs.187210EST
2174954 AI500061 UnknownUG Hs.186283EST
2174966 AI500065 Unknown
2174969 AI500073 UnknownUG Hs.119122H.sapiens mRNA for 23 kD highly basic protein
2174977 AI500086 Unknown
2174978 AI500077 UnknownUG Hs.188267EST
2174998 AI500085 UnknownUG Hs.97383ESTs
2175004 AI500097 UnknownUG Hs.170881EST
2175006 AI500098 Unknown
2175071 AI540697 UnknownUG Hs.171277EST
2175118 AI540716 UnknownUG Hs.173345ESTs
2175229 AI524427 UnknownUG Hs.174717EST
2001   Unknown
2002   Unknown
2003   Unknown
2004   Unknown
2005   Unknown
2007   Unknown
2008   Unknown
2009   Unknown
2010   Unknown
2011   Unknown
2012   Unknown
2013   Unknown
2014   Unknown
2015   Unknown
2016   Unknown
2017   Unknown
2018   Unknown
2019   Unknown
2020   Unknown
2021   Unknown
2022   Unknown
2023   Unknown
2024   Unknown
2025   Unknown